t Th Praxyon Stat man. SaUm. Otfc. Sunday. July 1 For Sale. Miscellaneous For Sale Miscellaneous Wanted Miscellaneous Wanted to Rent For Sale Real Estate J. For Sale Real Estate) : Statesman Classified AdvertUlng Classified Ads Call 9101 Fee line Tnre lausertlons per line .... 25c St Insertions per line - 0e month per line SI. 5 Mlnlmaw charge 25c; J U. min. 4e: C-tL min. 50c. No refunds. Count S words, to line. CopV ISor this page cH1 un til I 30 U'e rrn'in before publics tion fo classification Copy re re vrd atr !hi time will be run under t? heading "Too Late to Clasif " The ?teman tnumri no finan cial reos)r.ibilitv for error mhich n.ai t:3r in advertisement pub Is;, ed it il column and in. cases mr.ere tris paper is at fault will reprint in at part of an advertise ment int which the t pographical rr.;te . occur TT.e Fta'.err.an reervea trie neht to rr'fd questionable advertising It furtrjer reserve the right to place a'l advertising under the proper r!aiIication A "Band" Ad-an ad cortalnlng a Statesrr.an box number for an address : for the protection of the tdvrTiiT and mut therefore be ar.swe-ed by letter The States man n rot at liberty to divulge inforri.ai.c.n at to the Identity of an advertiser using a "Blind" ad Liesto-k and Poultry 1 VEAltrC'a!ffor MlcPh 23042 ! 'FOR SALE" Registered f ennessee j wa:km irorse. Carter s Sliver Allen I 12t ;te stallion. foaled June : i.rt! Kannon Silver Allen 39(1190 ( arter. BsjtDer Rd Rt 2. Bx MCA Bea- verton Prione Beaverton 2&54 ! Y5US-T FRYER DUCKS for sale WHO Surivnen Phone 2-1208 WORK MORSES SADDLE HCjRSES Bar K Stock Ranch LARGE; ASSORTMENT on hand at lime at very attractive price Cre dit riven any one Discount for cash. Garar.:ed a represented Free de livery Harry Kuer.ne. Carlton. Ore Icated t j rr.iie west of New berg r"f)R SAl.r 1 fine Guernsey heifer fre-st. in April Vnur. ducks and getsr For Tr!e 1931 Cne . coup- for O.ev or : Model A coach or setlun or arge e"n puengrr car Home even ings afrer arid Sat afternoon., all sv Sr , nil N W of Prinrle. vh'-j! Jan e L Fenley Hi 4 lix 331 FOR SAJ-E lunn saddle mare wt l'W -ai odlc. brid.e and marim ba. Ir.cj: 65 Spnicf Salern 'i ARABIAN" Saddle horse $150 Har-a "4- Stewart St FOR iALF - Good -entle team worn hone Work any where 173 IW F'jTiers AiOrrn.in Rt 3 Box 761 Sa lem 2 rjturs wjutti Liberty on high- JFRSFY Cow fresh in atot 2 week Henry Bienner place. Rt 1. o 20. Turner FAY ffilderi $.1. A "good horse Rt 4 ho Ph 1AF3I FOR SALE Saddle horse well broke Right price i iht sie. right color Also ( iniiKikr Bay reti lever pupa. 2 months old Price right See R. A . te at Ramp 4 Whit Store. Brooks. Ore i CUSTOM dressing of chickens, any euiT.oer Pron.pt service Dressed poul try wnoiesale our specialty Phone 2-2861 Lees Hatchery WAN TED Fat and canner cows for beef Darr cows heifers bulls, veal Fat noes sows, stags, boars Market price EiC McC'andiUh. rt 1. bo r73 Ph 147 ti-rnti from ball park S 25th ' LIVESTOCK " Wanie Catt.e. all kinds. fos Port land Mi'krt C White. Turner. Ore STALLION SERVICE Napa Flash. Registered American SaddWbied Stallion Fee 123 or $50 for registered rr.are at time of service with return privileges within the year Napa Flash is one of the better bred ttaiiioris: on the coast there is no sub stitute for rood breeding Owners Mr and" Mrs Roy H Simmons. Rout 4. Box 2'Q Salem Ore Phone 9 leg or 2-1143 "BABY CHICKS weekly hatches new Harr.pthjre other varieties. Ph. 22861 I j-r 3 Hatchery WANTED All kinds of livestock Vaihejr Packin Co Phone S93t WANTED Heef and canner cows culls and veals Will call at farm E i Snethen 1550 Lancaster Drive Pt 21343 Morns or eves FOR" SALE Christie H SaBy chicks every Wed Boy ingtons. J710 ilate t Prone 4M0 or CSF4 "RABBTTS WANTED' All size 4 to lb While 27c lb. cojored 24c lb., live weight Rabbit skins, best prices. Wire ttretcher and other supplies. Rt. 4 Box CB V,il!.am Bosvert. Write, we pick id Rabbit Meat Co. 8x17 SE "Stark Sit "QUALITY SEWYlamps chicks Col lege tube te ted No reactors. Phone Hlack 1S3 Gehrhy Hatchery. Stlverton. Oregon. Hop Pickers Wanted HOP Pickers wanted for the Mis sion Bottom Hop Co 12 milesmorth 1 4 Salem Picking begins about Aug. !( Phone 22347 or write Gervais. Ore ron. Box 63 Ilflp vated WANTED Rluble cook to take cKa.ge alti;r.e shift, co Box 744, Statesman -PERIENCt Help : Silk finisher - per Mr Won I presser SI 10 per hr. Peacock Cleaners. 45 Center St "CHERRY PICKERS Ph. 7412; also Rt 5 Elox 310 Pn 81F11. McClav Rd.. and Rt 7. Box 44. Silverton Road. "PIN 5ETTERS wanted. Perfection Bi-iing Allrv "REGISTER Now" for bean picking. Early beans, less foliare. rood yard. Start p-ckin about July 21t Bus serv ice every hour. Phone 22168. E. A. Kartr ' WANTED 2000 HOP PICKERS Harvest starts the later part of Aug ust 537 acres of high trellis hops, cool shady camps with lights, wood, snower bath- aod day nursery for children furnished free to pickers. Grocer) store, meat market and rest aurant on grounds. Register In person at ranch office or write us for full pnic.lars E CLEMENT HORST CO. .INDEPENDENCE. ORE. $ For BETTER HEALTH ! Correct 4 HEMORRHOIDS rite.) a FIST! a Fl!l RE PBOL.4FM and other Rectal conditions No hos p:taiation. Free de scristlye booklet. Dr. R. Reynolds Clinic liill m rswiuLuuiai 119 . Libert . Salen. Ore. rlis-e 946 T. s .! We Have It CORII GLUTEI! FEED 23 PROTEIII Norihwesl Poullry c Dairy Pro. Co. 1595 Nartb Front Help Wanted BOOKKEEPER And office manager. Dallas Machine and Locomotive Worka. phone 1M Dallas, Orefoa. Help Wanted FemaJe WANTED; Exp office girl. Walter H. ZostlCo.,CbmclicU High jst. LADY To take care of 3 vr. old girl in my home days. Sun. off. 1190 Shipping St. GIRL to work in ice cream depart ment and grocery store. Seving Cen ter. Port lnd Road. WANTED Fniahe7 lor" linings lii fur roalx Experienced seamstress can be trained Lachelle s Furs. 134 Ferry St Ph. S 1 4 SOMEONE to""care for elderly Udy in their home. Ph. 2-238 BAKERY Sales clerk. Fred Meyers. ,nc L75 N. Liberty. Salem. GIRL Or woman general housework. Stay nights. 5N .lJberty GIRL Or "woman to help care for house and baby In vicinity of W. Sa lem Ph. was. , WANTED "Room, board and care for 2 daughters by permanently em rj loved rxgther. Ph. 7611. WANTED Experienced waitress". Good hours. Sundays off. Pades Coffee Shop. 1241 State St WAITRESS For banquet work. Mar lon Hotel. WANT Dependable young girl to care for baby, once or twice a week. E Olaon. S2''f N. Church. ALTERATION I-ady. City Cleaning Work. J243 State SL EXP. WAITRESS, night shlfTThe WOMEN NEEDED at Salem Laun dry Co 23 St High. Help Wanted Male WANTED EXPERIENCED Auto Mechanic ONE THAT KNOWS CHRYSLER PRODUCTS. MUST BE FAMILIAR WITH AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS W. L. ANDERSON INC. DeSOTO Distributor PLYMOUTH Ph. 7703, 360 Marion St. TiRAKE Mechanic, naurt be familiar with til types passenger car brakes, also light truck Good earnings. Good opportunity for advancement. Apply Mr Kingan. 395 N. Liberty. WANTED Middle aged man for permanent work. Doing yard work around home and part time store work. This is a good Job and will develop , into an Interesting proposi tion for rirht man. Inquire Hogg Bros.. 260 Slate St, MECHANKnor leading Auto and Truck dealer. Must be A-l and famil iar with Chrysler products. See Mr. Elliott, service manager Stan. Baker Motois. . Dodge-Plvmouth distributor. S23 Ch erne k eta Phone 41 It KITCHEN "Janitor, good wages, steady employment, Marlon Hotel. PAINTERS For Oregon stale fajr Overtime daily. See Don Macklin. R. L. Elfttrom Co. "TlEAL Estate salesman. Good deal for right man. 3035 Portland Rd. jobs for Veterans Yank Legion Service Office. 170 State St Jh. 5561. DODGE And Plymouth dealer needs two or three firrt-cLass body men. High wages, lots of work, time and half for over 40 hours, congenial working conditions, good fishing, hunting and moderate climate. Contact James Scott. Broadway Motors. Inc.. Coos Bay. Ore. ""YOUNG MANThlgh school graduate, to work in furniture store. Ambitious with desire to learn. Good opportunity for advancemenL Hogg Bros.. 260 State st ART YOD LOOKING for an auto mechanic lubrication body and metalwork lob S-day work week substantial extra earnings compe tent supervision ideal shop at work ing' conditions other advantages Loder Bros., Old mob Lie dealers, have opening for experienced, conscientious workmen interested In further devel opment and improvement. Apply In person If qualified. 465 Center St. Salesmen Wanted SEIX Colorful 1947 calendars. Ixw prices. ery business prospect. Big nMiiinluiuu advanced. Samples ready. Exp. unnecessary. Consolidated Modern Pre-. Inc.. 103 No. eUrk.Chcago2. SALESMAN To contact large buyers of water-proof ings. wood preservers and specialty lubricants. Well known firm, large line, highest commissions. Permanent position with unlimited earning po-1blllt Mrs for right man. Write box 392. Dallas.Jex. Situations Wanted CHILDREN Cared for in my home days or evenings. Ph. 21562. RELIABLE Would like job to care for children day or night. Ph. 89-4. ELVRUN and Cox general contrac tors Open for contracts, call 350 , Bel mont personallyafter 5 p.m. eve. WILL Care for children nights, your home or mine. Ph. 6MI. Brufh Painting, no delay. Free estimate. Ph. 24588. ARE You going to paint? For a first class job inside or outside call 2-5403. My pricrs are reasonable. WILL Do stenographic work In my home. Dictation, typing, copy work. ? Several yrs. experience. Ph. 24718. GENERAL Cement contractinf. Stan- 107-7 9Phone 23043 - PAPER HAN6TNO: Phone 4400 TRfE SPRAYING. Best work. Ph. 2;22. BA BV SffTTER. Any night after 9. Ph 7196 : WILL CARE for chiidren. Ph. 2-1-0 SPRAYING" trees, fields, lawns equipped for any Job. Ph. 2-2303. PAINTER AND DECORATOR Interior or Exterior. Brush or Spray. DICK 0REY Phone 23444 1148 Fir St. WILL P 1X3 W a. cover croo disc with crawler tractor. Phone 2-2127. VENETIAN BLINDS laundered.' re palred. retaped.. 48-hr. serv. Ph. 2-44H SPRAY painting your paint or ouri Phone 4249 Eyerly t Gottenberg PreSchoot PlaySchool, 1391 State Ares 2-a Part or all day Ph 9430 ALL WORK guaranteed! Windows, walla, woodwork cleaned. Floors wax ed. Insured workmen. Professional Cleaning Service. Phone 4497. Avt FLEA ifo tousi FOWDIR MT rhone 7997 I 3A m r l REG Female Seottie very reason able. 45 NH a RI red pullets U wis. old. Ph. 427. ; , i 4 BURNER Auto, gaa range. Ph. -lT7e. FOR sale or trade in on a city home. A beautiful room trailer house.- 1 double beds, oil heat, gas cook stove, full length mirrors on closet doors. Lots of cupboard space. Only one month old. will trade in as a down payment on a city home. Call at 2440 Cherry ave. TWO Professional tennis rackets, one casting reel. Zeiss Super Ikonta B. Camera, complete with case filters and bantum sise adapter. Please call 24375. j Wood ranges $1 to 983.00. Book Cases M 50 to 912 M. txlj rugs 94 50 to 922 50. Pictures 45c to 91t 50. STATE STREET FURNITURE 1900 State St. Ph. 7396 SAWDUST Convrror with . hp. motor 94Q. -437 N. llth St. i 25 FT. of solid oak and natural color office counter in sections with built in drawers compartments and money drawers in good cond. Metropolitan Life J nsu ranee Co., 311 Masonic Bldg. NEW ARMY Wall tent. 14x14 and 2 wheel trailer with 9 ft. box. 2463 Proapect Lane. "TJSEDumsce. ' Kelson 30" $15 00 490S. list. i 1 WHEElTTrailer. detachable rack. 4 tires. 2 new S83 00 2442 Lee. COMPLETE laster set. Ph -Q42. 2 BLUE "Tic C hounddogsTyr. oti. Ph. 9. Apt. t 14 FACTORY Built hse. trailer. Al tires, elec. brakes. 2 nice davenoe. butane range. Mill Creek Trailer Park. N C'ocn I , AUTOMATIC , elec. and side-arm water heaters for imm. delivery. NELSON BROTHERS FURNITURE 315 N. LIBERTY V' OO D .la n g e and large circulator heater, almost new. 553 Larsen ave. ALMOST New apt. size B elec tric range 99. A. W. SahU. Rt. S. Box 272 A. Salem at Macleay BED. 2 springs. 9"leather seat flln. chairs and buffet. 343 S. Winter. llCS71wo. light weight, boys and girls. Small sires. 171 N. 13th. f) A V EN PORT and chair. Good cond. 950 Ph. 7169. 743 Stewart. ACE V TLENE, welding and burning outfit. 14 tips, extensions, gauges, hose, torches, goggles, flux, hardwood case and tank cart, all for 930 9511 Center. CaWNT andTCARfiEN TOOLS i YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 K. LIBERTY SALVIA, asters, petunias.- i inn las. T begoniafi. fuchsias, geraniums, pep pers, cabbage.: Ph. 2-4351. Merrills Greenhouse, Bfooks. r Two-Way Talkie and intercommun ication telephone sets. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. LIBERTY Myrtle Wood I have several 1000' ft. of this very I precious wood. Located 9 miles west of Cheshire. Oregon, on 36 Florence Road. D E. Tsfpin CASH PAIlTfor old broken dis carded Jewelry, gold or gold-plated. 2361 State. KITCHEN and bathroom fixtures. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 233 N LIBERTY SlffFAST canvas paint will dress up your awnings and outdoor furniture YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 W. LIBERTY NIGHT CRAWLERS. 2493 State St. FARMERS Attention: Electric and battery fence controllers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 233 N. LIBERTY ELECTRIC desk and mantle clocks YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253iNJ LIBERTY PI A NOBe"nches Tallmsn's S 12th SINGLE and two-burner hotplates YEATER APPLIANCE CO 253 N. LIBERTY HEAT your" borne electrically. Its convenient, clean, economical See us for free estimates. YEATER APPLIANCE CO SSN JLIberty FIGURfR'ES and small giftTtema. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 25SN LIBERTY tNTilJlECT- floor lamps and torchiers YEATER APPLIANCE CO 235 N. LIBERTY ""pOWTRTUL1' 9-tube TropicHaster table model elec. radio built for over seas service. ideal for outdoors or coastal localities. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 259 N. Liberty COMMEftCIAC electric automatic four burner ranges. Ideal for restaur ant club or fsrm use. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 2.5 N. LIBERTY i00 ft" of"Tx6 No. E "rustic, new lumber. 997.30. Just what I paid. Pa cific Highway and Oak HiU Ave. Joe F. Larsen. OR TRADE; Console type radio and phonograph; Fhllco car radio: Wom an's bicycle; High Standard 22 short; Rem. Auto. It with Poly-Choke: May tag washer: Model B Ford; new ex tension 29 foot ladder: 30 gal insu lated water tank. 930 N. Winter. Phone 9383. l USED " Davenport A chair. " wood range with coils, reasonable. 190 Vista Ave ..next to Highway 99E South . HI. Standard Auto. Pistol 22-1 R. 4'," -Bbl. like new. Haster. 940 00. Allison. 1390 Shady Lane Ave. COlL Springs and mattress, good cond. Economy Jars. Hot water tank. Ph. 59211968 Center. 2 IRO"ET Beds complete $10 each. Small dresser 93 00. 1 9x12 linoleum MM) l ana Court. JCfTCHT'Ranr.e witfi Detroit oil burner and fan. coil and fuel supply drum. 19 gal. pressure tank. 1 hp. centrifugal deep well pump. John A. French. Rt. . Box 192A. Ph. 27r3. QUART and pint fruit jars, will fell cheap to get rid off. Small library table. Kitchen table. 1 80 N. 23rd. "T-ARVEST SACKS for sale. North west Poultry and Dairy. 1503 N. Front Salem. Phone 7O07. COAT HANGERS, steel or wood. Kligman'B. 885 N. Com'l. ALUMINUM sauce pang, well and tree platters, frying pans, cookie sheets. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 233 N. LIBERTY CAPS, vou Dick. 15i fb. Come Sunday. Harry Hem. Rt. 2. B-X 394. 1 ml. "N. W. of Chemawa. WOOD- ORCULATING stove. Ilk new. Also baby buggy, 475 S. 2th. "CEcTRIC' wafer heater: walnut bed room set. 4 piece: oak dining rm. set. buffet jround table and chairs: davenport and chair: misc furniture. 219 w. Lincoln or phone 6405 GOOD enamel Eureka wood range with copper coils, in good condition. Thear deluxe baby carriage. 1157 N. Com'l. IRIUGATtON system with pump, motor and 22O0 ft. of pipe. 2310 Cherry Ave. ; bRESSED Pork. or whole Elton L. Watts, 1 mi. S. of Central Howell school. . GENERAL Elec. apt. size ranee 990. I'.j ml. S. Pringle school, box 28-A. WOOD store building, must be torn down. Ph. 7511 or 362. BRiGlfT FURNITURX COI Pc walnut dining suite $79 00 A full spg constructed daven port (a dandy I ... A good day bed with coil springs it pad Antique solid Walnut bed Walnut Organ Oak table and 4 chairs Rebuilt walnut cabinet radio 29 00 23 00 iSoo 23.00 24.00 24.00 1475 14 00 10 00 Swincjrocker . ..... Table model radio ,. 9x12 and 9x15 rugs each Metal bed. sprine. and mattn 9 75 Twin bed. spring, and mattress 9.75 Twin size studio cot . 9 so Dresner 7.75 6x Rug 5 00 WE ARE CONTINUING TO MAINTAIN O P A PRICES" Bripht-Furniture Co. 433 Court Phone 7511 RADIO Phonograph combination. Stromberg Carlson, late model. Ex cellent condition. $230. Ph. 246 ICE Boxes, sewing machine, small gas range, elec. sweeper. 9 day mantle clock, wood rang. amall white enamel coal oil stove, ft piece breakfast set and many Items. Macs. 143 S. Church. PLAY Ground equipment, swings, slide, trapeze, teeters, sand boxes, lawn furniture and prefabricated play ground fence. 2u3 Market. Ph. 7138. dairy-Men we have coconut meal again. Northwest Poultry and Dairy. Ph. 7007. 1303 N. Front. River Silt MASON SAND CONCRETE MIX. AND FILL DIRT ALL KINDS OF GRAVEL Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. ?PH 2-169 - 8-3100 PLASTI-KOTE. the paint with the cellophane-hke finish. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 259 N. LIBERTY Unfinished Furniture Salem'a exclusive unfinished furnl ture large assortment or made to or der Pickctta Furniture 13th and Stat PLASTIC "CLOTHES LINE, ironing board pads and covers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. LIBERTY COrLEEfTRASH BURNERS. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY G H. 57 GALlON HolitTloS Cenler St COAL or BRIQUET CIRCULATOR YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY SMOOTHIES for perfect home made Ice cream. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. ?33 N. LIBERTY ELECi'lnCA- CHIMES" long and short tubes, mechanical chimes YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 233 N. LIBERTY ' DESK I table and pln-it-up lamps. YEA1ER APPLIANCE CO. 233 N LIBERTY REGISTERED" Cocker 'pups. R. 2. Box 29B 1-4 mile north Keizer school. BALED Clover hiy . Ph. 2-2783. YOUNG Berries, boysen berries now ready. Frigaards Fruit Stand moved to new location. Rt. 2. Box 30. Ph. 24282. rtUSR-ScTENT kitchen fixtures and single tube brackets for us near your mirror. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 233 N. LIBERTY FARMERS-Altention: Westing house automatic, electric milk cooler, capacity sixty gallons YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N. LIBERTY UPSTAIRS Antique Shop. 439 Court "ALWAYS a big sto.-.-Woodrv's Furniture Mkt Ph 9119 WILL BUY for cash. seU or trade, funs, pistols, ammunition, boats or trailers. Don Madison, 590 No. High GUARANTEED FOREVER flashlights requiring no batteries, two and three cell flishlights. railroad type lanterns. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 233 N. LIBERTY SUMMIT Berry Farm. Monmonth. Ore.. now harvesting raspberries. About July 8th Bo sen berries at their peak. We have efficient refrigeration. Call any time. We assure you quality and flavor good as ever. Bring your 12hallock flat. FARMERS Attention: Portable, elec tric mllklngx machines. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 233 N. LIBERTY TYPATUNES. music while you learn to type. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. LIBERTY WE buy and sell furniture tools stove, dishes, motors, radios. Electric appliances, household goods KI.IO MAN'S 283 N Commercial Ph saS nrA.TYPECANPlNERS YEATER" APPLIANCE CO 253 N. LIBERTY Decorative and ughted" numbers YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 233 N. LIBERTY ALL METAL TOOL-CHTStST YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 233 N LIBERTY FARMfTRjT Attention: Adjustable, electric butter churns. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N. LIBERTY EXPERT washing machine service and wringer rolls, all makes. See Ed Ellis at Nelson Bros rurnitur store 11$ N Liberty , " PGHT. tfP your yard or driveway with an outdoor, portable light. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 233 N. LIBERTY SPERTI and Sun Kraft sun lamps wttn timers: also heat lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 233 N LIBERTY AUTOMATIC, electric sidearm heaters YEATER APPLIANCE CO. i 253 N. LIBERTY ELtC - RJC pants pressers and curl lng Irons. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N LIBERTY SHrNG5rom Rosenberg mill at Tillamook. 2x4s, shiplap. flooring A other items Lumber kiln dried or green on HH priorities Ted Muller Trucks. Ph. Salem 21199. KITCHEN and bathroom lighting fix tures. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N.LIBERTY . COILElJ W7)OD RANGE. $25. Small desk St book-case comb . $8. violin. 922 50. 2263 N. 5th St. Sun, or eves. FTjClER Brushes 1743 Grant P 933"7 ELECTRIC ROOM HEATERS fan, steam and reflector types. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N LIBERTY STOVE repairing 8t parts Woodry's Mkt.. 1603 N Summer St KITCHEN and Industrial exhaust fans YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N. LIBERTY "', DRESSED VEAL. Will" butcher iri 1 or 3 days. J. G. Greenlee, ph. 2-311) Call early morning. 333 Hawthorne Ave WOODT.ATHE.new. "709 rfoyt. 5 FISH POLES 4 reels 2 boxes of tackles 36" Deldaley turning lathe with motor and attachments rubber tired lawnmower 1 transit level com plete console radio violin drop head sewing machine and miscellaneous. 1115 .Rural. LARGTmarble slab for candy mak-lng-.210S. Com'l J. C. Jones. BALED FESCUE and clover grass 920 per ton. Ph. 2-2730. Rt. 2. Salem. Box 233. C. A. Pctier. LA RG TPH fLCO radio, fireplace cur tain. door chimes, screen door. 2 oak thresholds. Encyclopedia Britannic. 1503 N. 21st St. ""LARGE view window. $13. Ph. 390 f PHONOGRAPH, good cond. Call 4843. HOUSJC TRAILER, factory built, nice finish Inside and out. Priced for quick sale. 33-0 Portland Road. RIVER SILT Fill dirt, mason sand and graveL, i-none -i n R. A. Cherries. Pick yourself. 6cT i . t - - - . f i sii. ana aunuay . iijw iriunsi BICYCLE. Good condition. $20 00. Rhodaback 870 Cade St., KetzerDist 50 GAL Drum trash burner with coils. Ph. 8767 Fj-OJU-NCE Oil stove "IPS. Shipping;. T CHERRlESand Royal Ann. You pick. west of Liberty. Rt. 3. Box 735. Ph. 2242S. ' "TiOSE Daveno. card and. end tables. Brk. sets, dressers, oval mir.. hi chrs.. strollers. , violin, small wagons, misc. 2442 Lee. ODD Dining room chairs 30c to 92.50. Rockers $2 75 to $12.50. 1 lot of photo equipment $10 00. State Furniture. 1900 State. FOR SALE: Trailer house 8xir. Looks nice on Inside and fair on out side. Price 9363. Call at 1694 N. Com'l. or Ph. 6631 CANNING APRICOTS Our TUton tree-ripe canning apri cots from The Dalle will be here about July 22nd. Place your order now. No obligation. Puritan Cider Wks West Salem. Ph 5-2 ACHES 120MM. miles out. Ph 9346 evenings. For Sale Good wood or coal range with coils. Will take good oil circulator as trade See at 290 W. Miller St.. Salem wOre NEW Doors. 3 6 "x7. 3 x7" glass. 2453 Trade SC. Phone SOSS. " CAST Iron all enamel sink. 5o"x30". 2433 Trade. Phone 503. ALL Enamel large oven Lang range. 80 00. 2455 TradeSOM. ALU" ectrlc-- Iron, cream separator, corn popper. 2433 Trade. 3085. BOX Kodak. " 2453 Trade?" Wanted Furniture WANTED: Used furn Mason's Furni ture. 244 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 8-4393. WANTED: PIANOS. WIH par cash Wills Music Store. 432 Stat St 13 YEAR old boy wants 7Jome on farm tar summer. Call R. Craven. Statesman Ph. 9J0I L WILL Pay cash for good used wash ing machine. 1940 Lewis. WANTED Burlap or cofton bags Any kind, quantity or condition. Very small lots not wanted Give good di rection to your place and number of bags you have. Schuepbach Bros.. P p. Box 381. Beaverton. Ore. USED -FURNITURE, Phone'5110 TilSHES over 25 yrs. uTUpstairs Antique p Shop 439 Court Ph 3-1443 WANT TO Buy. Used cameras J lenses McEwan Photo Shop ,433 State CASH for your used furnltuie Ph 1396 State St Furniture 190O' State CASH for used Piano sV other mu sical instruments Call 4641 days or 9537 evenings or send description lt Jaquith Music Co.. 191 S High AUTO" painting' ust a shade better by Ray CTTER CaU Shrock Motor Co 8-VJ3 USEt FURNITURE Ph 9193 IF YOU " nave furniture to sell see ftus Bright Ph. 7311. 433 Court. Loans Wanted WANTED: Loan of 83OO0 on apt house. 240' So. Com'l. Money lo Loan $ $ MONEY $ $ W make aO types of personal loans Including furniture, note and car loans, for any worth while cause We also make real estate loans and buy real estate contracts. For quick and effl clent service see or phone STATE FINANCE CO. Phone 4121. 153 S High. Salem IJc S 219-M 222 Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. ITH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING , .LICENSE N M 159 FARM and CITY LOANS 4s and 9 Your own terms or repayment with in reason. Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 207 Pioneer Trust Bldg Phone 7162 PR5MWrPR-VATE IOATT SERVICE 'Personal makes loans of $10 to $300 to men and women on signature, fur niture or autos 9500. XTo-signers seldom required. 930 for 2 weeks coat only 42c. Personal Finance Co . Salem, 519 State St . Rm. 123. Phone 3191. Lie. S-122. M-163 General Finance Corp. offers money at once on cars, trucks, furniture. trailer houses, livestock, farm marchinery: contracts refinanced and additional money advanced No co -signers General Finance Is locally owned and officered; was organlied in 1927 and therefore knows and can help throughout the repaying of a loan Ap plications for loans made by phone. 136 South Commercial Sta Salem Phone: 9168 Licenses S-13S 8c M-339 For Rent CEMENT Store room and 9 living room for rent to adults. Good loc. 9100 per mo. 2 story brick store building, rented In small town, south 96000 and cash for property in or near Salem, C. 3. JACKSON. 341 State St . Salem FLOOft SANDXR for rent Mont gomery Ward TRAILERS, tjK rent 90 per mr Woodry's Mkt . 103 N Summer TRUCKS for rent You drlv kc Cune r In veil Phone 9609 J-.RIVE TRUCKS FOR affNT Blankets fum. 197 S Liberty. Pt. 9062 . FLOOR Sander for rent ftiarshaiT Wells Store Phone 9977 GCD Ifsed Puino fl L iufl For Rent Rooms SLEEI'ING Room, cooking pr Iv ilexes A 1 o 1 room in bunt. Gentleman pre ferred 573 N. 2uth NtWLY Furnished bed room. Use of kitchen and dinette. 6 38 Center. 'Apt 4. Call evenings after 9. I HAV! a nice sleeping room for rent for gentleman 253 Center St. SLEEPING rooms for working girts Inquire Saturday 4c Sunday or any evening. 1775 Fir St. Ph. 2-1715 Permanently emp. ladies. Ph. 7884 For Rent Apartments SMAfaL Furn. apt . available July 27th 2 miles north on bus line. Box 745 Statesman. Miscellaneous INSTRUCTION. Male. Good pay lobs offered trained auto body-fender man in daily "want ads " Put In a few hours weekly learning welding, paint ing, metal work. etc. Chance for high wages or your own business. Write for free information. Auto-Crafts Training. Box 732. Statesman. SEPTIC TANK Service. 1067 Elm Salem, Ore. Jack Boening. t . Septic Tanks Cleaned K T Hamel. 1143 Sth. West Salem Phone 7404 "XL'S CLEARING AND GRADING PHONE 6305 Tree Surgery Trimming, topptng, removals. Ph 2-423 DRAWING house plans Phone".-21 Dental Plate Repair TWO HOUR SERVICE 04 MOST CASES Bring or Mall Your Plate for Repati DR HARRY SEMLER, DENTIST Adolph Bldg State & dim - Ph 3311 1 SCOOUTR "IK5IDE. That's your home this summer If yoi Install West wood Supreme Insulation now. Fur free estimate call Western Auto Supply Co. Ph. 7177 . MENS llAts cleaned and bkxked T5c LES S P R IN G ER tCou rt.St "BEKINS Nationwide mov serv 777S Contract hAultng: irai or long distance. R L Phillip.. Rt. 3. Box 5 6K SPRAY PAINTING, houses, barns. roofs or whst have you. Ph. 2-4348 Lawn Mowers Sharpened Seottie Smith Fix it Shop. Ovyacset ylene and electric welding. Tricycle, and Kiddie Cars repaired. Pick up and deliver. Rt. 7. Box 379. Hayesvillc dist Reiman's Gardens. Phone 3283. PAINTING inside andT out Cliff King. Phone 3070. WEATHER strips. Pullman Ph 595 c h a r i s " Foundations. " nylon brassieres c girdles 8c elastic control Also Masomte frocks. Ph. 9493. Mrs Frank L Turner. 26Q3 N. Sth. WHY Not sol your shoes with pre war leather. 1 to 3 day service. Short jobs while you wait. All kinds of good rebuilt shoes for sale at Gtpson s. 328 N Com'l- st Phone 3909. HEAVY Hauling. Excavation and Road Building. Land Clearing. Dozer Work Ditching. Basement Excavation Sand. Gravel, Crushed Rock. Mason Sand. Concrete Mix. Cement Salem Sand & Gravel Co. 1405 N Front St Salem. Orcion Phone 9409 or 21924 Wanted to Rent SMALL Furnished apartment or houae bv Sept. 1st. Phone United Aur Lines, 34 - COUPEE Wishes place where can keep cow and chtckenr. Ph. 5222. ""UNFURNISHED Apartment or small house by permanently employed lady. Call 7661 from 9 to $ week dajs Wanted! Wanted! Wanted! A famished house or apartment for a permanently employed veteran and expectant wife. Best of care guaran teed Please help us find a home. Ph 2-2926. Howard Harvey. MAN With wife and 10 month old child wants to rent fumiehed ar un furnished house or apartment. The situation la desperate. Call 4047 be tween 8 a.m. and 3 p m. H 6J S EK E EP I N T R oom or small apt by quiet middle aged lady. Write Box 741. Statesman. " WHEEL Chair Tor" inyaltd for I or 3 months Mr J. A. Allen. Rt. 1. Boa 45. Rickreall. 2 BED Rm. furn hse' No children or pets. Will pay up to 9150 per month. Write Box 742, Statesman. WOULD Like to rent either upstairs, haseroent or ground floor room large enough for gymnasium. 1260 Center St. Sam Duncan. Q LT I r non-drinking couple need house or apartment: have own bed ding and dishes No children or pets 3153 Portland Rd. Cabin Very Desperately Needed By Veteran with wife and small child, furnished house or apartment Permanent posi tion in Saletn Phone 467 or 2-2494. MARRIED couple need apt. on or before Sept. 1st Will rrnt Immediately or when available Husband is veteran and student at Willamette, wife em ployed, no children or pets. References. Call. 2-37. TRAILER House by month or week. Write box 739, Statesman. "Professional Man and ife want well furnished apartment. No chil dren. Hox 734. Statesman. HOUSE OR apartment furnished or unfurnished. Young married couple. Phone 9353. For Sale Real Estate WEST SALEM "Little Giant of Industry" $2525. Oarage houae. Neat Jk cute. Plana for complete home go with deaj. $2700. I's Acres near Lincoln. New 3 RM houae. mostly complete-, wrooa soil. some umber. $3500. Off Portland read. Unfinished 3 RM. house on large lot. $4000. Furnished 2 B home. Furniture In cludes large Duo-therm circulator, washing machine!, good kitchenette set. nearly - new BR. suite, Davenport Jr chalr. etc. A real buy. $5000. w Salem 1 i SR. home. Plastered. and in fine condition. $7600. Nice home, uplendid location. 1'. tasks.. 3 SR. wired for rsnge. elect water heater. 1 Blk to bus. $3000; Puaaesaion July IS Nice suburban home. Lot 90x217 House 1 Yr old. d'. floors. 2 BR. Venetian blmds Gas cooking, elect, water heater. $10,000. 3 two-story houses for spts Good ba location. 9 apts furnished. Rental llTt Me. Good investment. $13,600. Norway St. Cape Cod style 9 Yrs old. Insulated and weaUser stripped. Hdw. floors. Fireplace. LH, DR. Kit, Jt nook. Venetian Blinds. $14,000. Hollywood Deluxe. Corner lot. new house. 3 BR 1 fireplaces. Hdw. floors. Venetian blinds. Elect, furnace. $15,000. Super modern home. Would you like a really nice home, sparkling new 7 Finish ril next week Wonderful view pro pert-. You will sit In front of your peUo fireplace to enjoy the distant mountain.. You will play Indoors in s besutiful rumpus room with a bar and an unusually atttectn fireplace You will enjoy nice bedrooms, s large liv ing roeen. an extra smart kitchen ar nook. Located in fine district. Wet Salem Realty Co. 1293 Edgewster Street PHONE J09 $4725-2 BlfCS-RM llStr with "rental. Jarage. located north, bed rm. hse. nice location, range it heater Included 94000- 4', acies bice orchard, filberts, cherries prunes, just off Sil verton Rd $7900 Just reduced from $8450-nice 3 bed nn. hse. near grade St Jr. H S. SA600 4 bed rm. honte, concrete fnd . KtxKl roof, ela-c water heater. 93000 cash, balance on terms. $3500 - 2 bed rm. hse. 1 acre plus drilled well. elec. water hse. completely furnished including washing machine, refrigerator. liv 9t din. rm. sets bed rm. suites, floor coveting, coffee tables, floor lamps. A piano. Lawrence Real Estate, Loans & In.. Phone 75o6 8SA4 Evenings 520 Nor th H ifh $6500 S room house with utility room, wired for electric lanse and water i heater. Oil heat No basement Cor ner lot 5)1x125 ft Extra nice lawn and I eaiden. Bv owner. 13-7 S 13th .St FOR SALE by Owner : 5 bed room home, large living. -dining rms. Full batement. Auto oil furnace, fireplace, double plumbing. House In excellent condition. Lot 94 x 140 . Large oak. wal nut. 2 peach trees A raspberries. Near senior A grade schools. Ilua bv door. 875 N 3Qth St, "la I em. Ore Ph 6217. FINE LOT' 50x1.7" in En; le wood Dist. 2 blks. from -school Will sell or trade for trailer hse. Rt. 7. Box SO. Portland Rd. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION $735 3 r. mod. home. Partly furn. Call Omer Huff HUFF REAL ESTATE CO . REALTORS 1717 Center St. Phone 2-1549 Eve Ph. 2-1731 A HOME With 3 rentals. Make"oF fer 1370 fliemekrta $16,300 MODERN 2 Bedroom liiome South. Beautiful setting with 2 Acres ground. Sprinkling system in lawn. Greenhouse. outside fireplace. This home is in the best of condition. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co.-Realtors 153 S High Phone 4121 $9500 Open Iloue Sunday 2 to 5 P.M. Drive by and see this nice creek property at 2189 Ferry St. Liv. rin , din. rm.. kit . 2 bdrn.s down, unfin. up. Hdwd firs. Fireplace. Bsmt. Call Omer Huff. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO . REALTORS 1717 Center St. Phone 2-1549 Eve Ph.J-1731 IMMEDIATE"-POSSESSION ( room home South. Has fireplace. Basement furnace, elec. water htr . corner lot. 2 car garage. Price 8V5O0. WU1 also sell furniture Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co.-Realtors 153 S High ! Phone 41 21 Buy Now For Tle Future Dozens of Lots and Ruilding Spots 21 Lots on Silverton (toad 80x132. $550 7 Lots on N. 22nd ansl 23rd St. 63x108. sauo. 12 Lots Keizer Dist Lsrre $423 to 9630. I Lot on S. 18th St. 7oO 1 Lot Cor Breys aiyd Fredrick. $750 1 Comer kit on Lee. 5 oak trees. $850. 1 Corner lot Hovt and S Winter. $9u9 14 View lots Wcet Salem rMJO each. 2 lts Yew 4Tk Adj $1000 each. I Corner lot 15th St N 915O0. 1 lxt on N. I Sth St. Englewood. 8ISO0 5 Acre. South with view. 91O0O 4 Acres on Silver tort Road. $300. 13 Acres on Lancaster Drive. $13,000 Sullivan Realtv Co. 3363 Portland Rd Ph. 3233 Eves. 2-4479 NELSON The Portland premiere of "Canyon Passage" is being so widely and clev., erly advertised that it will bring thousands of people to Oregon. A great per centage of those who come to see the premiere will become impressed and will naturally look up Salem, the slat capital. ' - As a result ol our advertising covering two transcontinental railroad sys tem, we expect to have calls from a lot of people who wajit to see the valley and of course our share of purchasers. We arc now compiling a new list of farm properties which will again! ka Included in the railway bulletins. Owners who have properties they wish to sell this summer or fall Shouldn't lose any time in getting their listings int our office so that they can be available for the coming army of prospects. NELSON & NELSON CHET 1 NELSON TIIEO G. NELSON REALTORS ROOM 300-2 MASONIC BUILDING. 4BJ STATE ST. PHONE 4419 OH 4422. EVENINGS 2-1330 OR 8280 Modern All Electric Home $9750 THREE YEAR OLD HOME. WITH AUTOMATICFI.ECTRIC HEAT. ELEC TRIC HOT WIATFH HFA1FH. WIRED FOM RANGE. TWO BED ROOMS. LIVING ROOM. DINETTE. KITCHEN AND BATH, WITH AMPLE ROOM FOR FUTURE EXPANSION UPSTAIRS. HARDWOOD FLOORS THROUGHOUT. LARGE ATTACHED GARAGE IN EXTREMELY DESIRABLE NEIGHBOR HOOD OF NFW HOMES. PROTECTED BY BUILDING RESTRICTIONS. SEC OWNER. AFTERNOONS, PLEASE. 1850 NORTH 22nd STRKKT 969 30 LATE BUILT HOUSE. Nice location. Fulli of furniture. Reduced for quick site. Leon Lambert, Ieal Ehtate At lien 4 Corners Pjjone 2-l359 3 BDRM liOME. Myrtle Street.' full bsmt. flreplare. hdwd firs, immediate possession. See MR. GOODWIN with Hawking & Roberts, Inc. REALTORS FJhon 4108 ' After 6 $715 BY OWNEtR: Immediate poas Well arranged plaMcr four bed room Iiome In flood too art ton niirth with fireplace, oil floor furnace, electric water heater. traVs and dtmbtc plumbing. Close to school and bus. 1313 N.. Cottage. Th 2J438. j $4500 - lIAYESVlfX-f District. 1'2 acres. 4 rmt with baLh. garae, nice ok rrove. t down. (.'-OO 20 .srres. e miles south Small new cabin 82 aires of prunes, balance timber and atuie. with live stream Call Jess Thompson 17 17 Center St. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. REALTORS Phone 2-154 Eve Ph 2-3501 8750O Kri 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, large living loom with hardwood floor, dinette, krtrhen and full bath At tached garage. $20 Down Leon Lambert, Real Estate At Pen 4 Corners JMione M359 A REAL HOME $15,000 Ph. 48.T9 A NICE LITTLE HOME 2 Bd Rm. Coitase on a t lone In east Ul rm. garace Fruit a nut tiers Beautiful view -$5800 3 BEDROOM HOUSE -NORTH Close-in. Cofe. I. rr kit., baih St Tit. rm. m. a rm . lge. h St ut rm. All on I floor. Sm. lot with garden space. Lovely interior 8700 LOVELY HOME WITH CREEK ACCESS Huge Iv rm. A dm rm with wall-to-wall carpeL 3 bd rns . double plumb ing Exc. lot. $11,650 ( all Dale Fllppo (General Real Khtate Co. Rm. 10. Ladd a. Bush Bank Bldg Phone 777 Eves o7 $6300 NEARLY FINISHED 3 BED ROOM house, all material on th job Ieon Lambert, Real Folate At Pen 4 Corners Plione 24359 4 BEDROOM modern home cloae In N. tOttage St. Oil heat, fireplace. tec or cooking, fine location. 8600 Good terms. 2 Bedroom home N 4th St Elec hot water heater, wired for range, mostly furnished, garage, nice lot. $6300. Lar II & L Co. sen ome oan Exclusive Listings - Personal Service 164 So('om'l St Ph. : Eve,' 7440 $-73b-6 ROOMS. 4 bedroom, living. dining room ronibination. kitchen, ce ment foundation. 4 blocks from busi ness dist. Sullivan Realtv Co. 423 S 12th St Ph 4855; Eve 7829 $37502 BEDROOMS, living, dining room, kitchen, utility porch, base ment, furnace, gas range and water ' heater, on latge lot. Sullivan Realty (.. 423 S 12th St Ph 4653; r.vi 7S29 NORWAY STREET 2 bedrooms, living room, dining rnnm, bath with shower, full basrrr.ent Elec. heat, weather stripped and insulated. Wall to wall carpet in 1. R . DR. and hall. Patio in rear with lawn furni ture. Four yeairs old for $13,500. Sullivan Realty Co. 3363 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255:' Eves. 2-4479 IJ&ME StTES We have 8 excellent building tracts to offer for ondv 9625 each. Each tract is 121178. or about ' acre of land, lo cated Just Northeast of town on Liv ingston Ave. LEK 0IIMART & CO., REALTORS 437 Court St. Phone 9680 or 4035 MY Equity in (ood lot in Lone Oak addition Salem Ph. 344 $8750 NEW ' HOUSE, "with 4"bed" rooms. fireplace, plastered, cement foundation. grsfe, electric rooking, electric heatutg, house Is completely weather stripped and insulated. Utility room and anae attached to houe. $MXM 3 bedroom home very well built with Immediate possession, full basement, fireplace, hardwood floors. Earage, bus by the door, well located outh. $10,500 Nice 3 bedroom home, clean as a pin with basement, electric cook Inr. garase. completely furnished. Very well lorated South Salem $18,000 Beautiful 3 bedroom home, double plumbing, plastered, fireplace. Venetian blinds, electric rook Ing. auto matic oil furnace. I car garage, f'lllv Insulated. This is a beautiful home and is brand new. MrKillop Real Estate Ajzencv 189 South High St ' Phone S 1-3 1 Phon evenings 7I63-493760I Immediate. Possosion 3 bedroom home completely furnish ed including refrigerator, wafhing n.a chlne. gas range, vacuum cleaner. Very good shape. Call Mr. Pa'rer. Hurt Pit-ba Realtors Res ph. 2-4504 2543 Portland Rd Off ph 6472 $0 NEW 4-BDRM HOME in l-es-lle Sch. Dist. Elec. heat Hrdwd floors The 2 upstairs rms St attic have out side entrsnce. Would mske lovely 3 rm. apartment for couple desning In come. For particulais call Mr. Walteis Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 970 S COM'L Ph. 3793 Ph 2-S2H0 eve " $ RM. Houae wired for electric iaiie. automatic hot water tank, extra latre lot. immediate possesaion. 44 Abrauis Ave. NEWS 2 LOTS. Hollywood district by priv ate party. I'h. 3-31. LOTS for sale. 4 lots, on 2rd st . 650 each or 4 for $2200. 412 N.21t, rm sale or trade 10 rm. ! bath, fruit. 1 or 9 lota. Wired for range Will trade for countrv frotrve . near Salem 1 to 9 acres 412 N. lltt.- $U Ooo-NEW 4-BDRMS . liv rm, dm rm. kit. util rm. hrdwd floors fire- place Oil furnace, dbl plumbing, Cor ner lot A r pros 'j A on Park Av. Imm 1'oss. Call Ray Davis. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 979 S COM "L Ph 3793 Ph 9441 eves. . $40001 rfTORY FRAME house. S bedrooms, hath. Ilv:rg room, dining room, kitchen, wired fir range, elec. ' water neater. Sullivan Realtv Co. 3.165 Portland Rd Pii. 3233." Eves. 2-447f t iij'.i a ' nnou unur r , .. . ..' . ,,., 1 1 y j . c. . . , nil, din im. kit. Nr. Highland school. Call Omer Huff if HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. REALTORS 1717 Center St. Phone 2-1549 ?En,'l:i $14 HK Close In 'l orr.e South. Has 3 BHi Double pl.rribing. basement, auto, heat Beautiful shrubs, sprink ling system In lawn Call O. V. Hume with . State Finance Co.-Realtors 153 S High Phone 4121 ' $8500 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, base- ! merit, gas furnace, ga water heater. sas ans-e. davenport, chair, dinette set. 2 bedioom seta. rugs. lamp. This la a very nice looking place wltn, larg shade trees and lot 93x230. On pave ment. Sullivan Realtv Co. : 3363 Portland Rd Ph 3253 Eves. 2-447t AVAILABLE Sept. 13. our 9 rm. home 2 lge, bed ims . bath. hv. rsn. dinette, compact kitchen, hwd, f!r., ven bids, awnings, fenced yard, Ele hot water heater, large Int. Only $734 if sold this week. Don't call 12 to f p m 660 Edma Lane. SHACK" HOUSE and-TJ? Corner g Lee and Ford St. Price 97J. w. (;. krljeger REALTOR J47 N. Commercial Phone 472S $.VIot 1-4 "ACRE ' ' 2 led rooms, living room, din in rim kitchen. bath. utility room, laundry tuba, elec hot water heater, etc. Range, iotsi of custom built trm. Beautiful light fixtures. City, water. One car garage. Contact Sto FareU at Turner. ; . . 5 RMS . -ath,"Tase , furn.. freplec and furniafied. Only 9 blocks free court houae Good location. $83o. i Nwe ft rms. for owner 2 - renfaks, nil heat. All rented for 9173 mo. Prlc $!3.MM Better look this on over. Ph 8373 I OREGON REAL ESTATE EX CHANGS ENGLEWOOD " T 2 BFD ROOM HOME IN FXf TI.I.ENT 1XKATION 4 BI.KS FROM St HIM. HOUSE PARTIALLY FVR.NISHEU. SOME TERMS 973O0 f BARGAIN 2 BFD ROOM HOVE ON PAVTTJ STREET. GOOD LOCATION SOUTH. ONLY $.1730 COMPLETELY FURNISHED i GOOD LOCATION NORTH 2 PS-ry I ROOM HOME. WITH BASEMENT I A.-NU riiHNAi F ALL THE Fl'KNI TI RE YOlf NEED IN THE HOUSE, INCLUDING F.LFC RANGE . AND RFFR. TERMS $8500 3 BED ROOM i nTATTn Kl riPITnl T -- BASEMENT WITH SEVERAL RMS, f VFRY EASY CONVERTED 1!XTC5 I ;KD INCOME PROPERTY ELEC. I RANGE AND REFR INCftUDFD AM t EXCELLENT BUSINESS PROPERTY.' $I3.8M REVERIN REALTY CO J 213 N. HIGH ST. PH. 929 f EVES. PH 7677 ( NICE BUILDING LOT on Columbia Sweet. $1(JIK). See MR. GOODWIN wiU Haukins & Roberts, Inc. i REALTORS Phone 4108 After 8 8719 WWW-TWO BEDROOM, living, din ing comb., nice kitchen. 6 yrs. old. su burban, close to schools and bus. Sullivan Realty Co. S 12th St. Ph 48.3: rves 425 S 12th St. Ph 43..; rves . 7tf $&oo Goed home, Tivingrtn., d.riln rm . kitchen. 9 bed rms . -wired Sol ranre. t -at hi basement, furnace, f ire- ; piace. iompiri.lv turniwiwi MELVIN JOHNSON 1 349 N Cottage St. hMALL nous furn. or unfurn. rn. 3459 NEW 2 BDRM""H6ME."Visl"Av7.f flowd firs. Venetian blmds. fireplacej inruiaum ana wttir.tr stripped. MR. GOODWIN i with Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. REALTOR" Phon 4108 After m$v 1 Ortflon 0late5iaaa ADVERTISING ! Western Advertising ' Representative i Ward-Griffith Company, 4 ban rr an Cisco Eastern Advertising ; Representatives W.rd -Griffith Comianr, In. Chicago New York. Detroit. ' Boston, AtanU . Member Pacific Coast Division I Bureau of Advertising' 1 1 1 tt Fnfered f the Potfofflf-e ef JVrwC Orroon m$ Strand Class Mat fe Ps- lishrd et'eey snoealtio eremf 3foiiuk Business ofure 219 Souttt Com saerct-X , street. rifnrntnstAtf e. . i UUOv,UHilU.1 in 1 -3 I Mall RuljacrlrtUm Rates in Advstvret Within Orerost. Dally and auMsr Me. 60 rente: 6 moa $3 00; 1 rear. 9 ; Elsewhere 90 rm, s pee mo or 97 J9 for I rear In advsn. Per copy 8 sent. By City Carrier. T$ rente month. 19 oo a year In advance la Mar too adjacent counltea.