8 Thm Ofqon StaHtman. Sqlwn. Ow, gcrturaar JT nop Picker Wanted Situations Wanted For Sale -Miscellaneous Wanted Miscellaneous Wanted to Rent For Sale Real Estate New York Stock Quotations NEW YORK. July 1 2-P-Today'g Al Chem & Dye 200 American Can .... 894 Am Pow & Lt ... 19 Am Tel i Tel 834 Anaconda 4634 Atchison 118 Bendix Avia Beth Steel . 1094 Boeing Air 27' Car.adian Pac .... 19 Calif Patk 4334 Case J I 51'. Chrysler 12378 Ccmwlth Sou .... 4a4 Cons Edison 337 Cons Vultee 24 7 Cont Ins 54 3s Crown ,Zel 347s CurLss Wr 3s DouRla Air 852 Dupont De Ne ... 214'2 Gen Electric 46 U Gen Motors ... Goodyear Ti ... Gt North pfd . Int Harvest ... Int Paper pfd. J Manville Kcnnecott Long Bell A ... Maytag Mfami Copper Mont Ward ... Nash Kelvin . Nat Dairy NY Central North Am Co Northern Pac. Pac Am Fish . Pac Gas Elec. P T & T Pan American Pennev J C . . Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore . July 12 ( APt rfDA .Salable and total cattle 250 caive 125: market less active, mostly w:th ca:up Mies steady, lower; three ioads era? steers unsold under lower bid expected to be held over: odd head -tocker steers 16. 00-JO: Rood heifers up to 18 00 cutlers down to 10 00. good beef cow largelv 15.00; common-med-utti grades 12 00-14 00; canners and cut er 8 50-lliO: heavv Holstelns sold up to 14 on rood beef bulls 15 00-.50. sau sage fcas 12 00-13 00: vealers steady, tcp 2Ji. paid freely; culls down to t ne ' cab hos 325. total 600: market uneien. steady. 30 cents higher: top 30 cent fciglver at 19 00: odd lots down to IB 50 large lots good-choice 146 lb. feeders 1 "5 , Saiabie sheep 250. total 300: market stead: few. mostly wood 77 lb spring la-T.rri 1650; good-choice salable to 17 no. common -medium grade 13 00 15 5 few medium -good 65 lb. feed ..... i; 75 r,rdium-(ood yearlings 12 00 13 00 good ewes 7 00 to mostly 7.50: con.rr.on down to 4 50. Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore . July 12 - (API Buttetfat i tentative i first quality n.i ,tt. L.m of 6 of 1 per rent acidity, delivered In Portland. 7-7c lb. pre n.jum qvalitv. mixmium of 35 of 1 per cert acidity. 7S-B0c lb. second qual ity 77 1 j -7c. valley routes and country points 2 less than first or 76'j-77c. Cheese Selling price to Portland re ta.lers: Oregon single 43-44c lb. loaf. 44 -45c lb Tnpleti 42', -43', cents Butter AA prints 73-73'sC: cartons 73r: A grade pr.nU 73,-72,a. E4Tgs To retailers: AA grade, large. 4ac A larfe. 46c: medium. 43c .' small ipulleti. 3c Eggs Purchases from farmers: eur rer.t receipt. 3-3c; buyers pay 8-10C dor betow celling price on other Ijve chickens No 1 broilers. 40c: friers Oc roasters 4oc. colored hens SO cents- leghorn hens 25 cents, roos ter and stags 16-lfer No 2 grade spring. 15c under No. 1 fowl 1 be under No. 1 price Rabbits Average to retailers 44 SOr ih l:ve price to producers, color ed frvers 2c lb -white fryers 27c lb. Turkevs Basic buying price, dressed blur hens. J6c lb 4 lorn 30 lb net at farrr.s Dressed turkeys Packers' selling price to retailers: Breeder hens. 38 4Ge winter pack young hens. 42c lb Onions Wash . drv No. K 1 35- 1 50 per 50-Ib. sack: Calif, yellow; larpe 125 Onion Oregon dry. No. I. $3 01 50-lb sack California yellow, medium. 2 4O-2 50 3-;nch 12 50: red f 1.75-2.00. medium $2 40: jumbo S3 25 50-lb. sack. Potatoes Lxxrai Burbank. $3.00-3.73 cental Idaho 3 85 cental Deschutes. JOOs. No 1 3JJ0-4 25. cental: 5s. $105; 15 60c. Klamath Falls No. 1. 3.75. potatoes California Long White. S3 75 hundredweight No 1 commer cial 2 90 Wash. Red Garnet 3. cwt. Veal-!-Price not stable AA. 30 cents; A 28 cents: B 26 cents. C. 22-24 cents; ruK. 1S-20 cents H irv-fanrv Mock 20c lb Lambs AA 26zc: A 23", c: B 22',c: C. c . t Mu.i Fancy A 13 1-4C: M. Ue: S grade. $-!0c Beef AA. 30-33c: A. -32c: B. 2c C. 25c canner and cutter. 22c; eanner and cutter bulls. 20-24c. Ha Wholesale ih-smenU: Alfalfa. No 2 or better $31-32 50: oats and vetch mixed hav. valley growers' price $18 $22. clover hay, uncertified. $19-22: baled on farms. Wool Valley, course and medium grades. 45c lb "celling (government con trolled i Cascara bark Green 8-8'jC lb.; drv 20c Mft-air 40c lb. on 13 month growtn. Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore. July 12 AP) Wheat: No futures quoted. Cash wheat bid ) : Soft white 1.83'i: oft while (excluding Rex 183',; white Vlub 1 83',: western red 1 .83' . Hard red winter: Ordinary 183',; Salem Market Quotations Bl'TT ERF AT Prernum No 1 No 2 BITTER PRINTS Wholesale, pound fteta.l. quarter pounds .. Half pound . Pound rocs Extra large MmIiuth and itandards . roi I.TRV No 1. hers No 2. hens Fryers tlVESTOCK (By Valley Beef steers Beef cows Dairy cows Bulis . lTT.b. top , . Yearling lambs , Fwes Hogs top 16O-3O0 lbs . ... Oir 3o0 Sows ... n .78 .75 .73 11 42 .79 .45 .41 . J5 M Park) .15 to .10 to .08 to .18 .13 .11 .14 .14 .11 05 17 75 17.25 16 00 Stocks and Bonds Coextx'ed bv The Associated Pres Julv 12 ITOCI AVERAGES M II 1$ 64! Indus Ralls Utll Stks Friday 104 3 48 0 53 2 78.2 Previous dav 105 5 48 4 53 4 78 9 Week ago .105 6 48 7 53 7 79 2 ' Montn ago 108 6 50 9 54 7 Hi Year ago 84 6 43 4 47 2 66.7 BOND AVCRAGE9 20 10 10 10 Rail Indus Util rom Friday 102 6 103 9 108 0 77 J Previews day .102 8 103 9 107 9 77.4 Week ago 102 6 103 9 107 8 77 8 Month ago 103 1 104 0 107 8 77 6 Year ago 101.2 104 1 107.6 73 J DBS. CHAN . . . LAM Dr.T.T-Lam-N J Dr.G.ChsuN J. CmVESE HERBALISTS 241 North Uberty Ct stairs Portland General k3ectiic Co. Otfic open Saturday onry 16 am to 1 pjiu 6 to 7 p m. Con ultation. Blood pressure and unm tests are free of eharg. Practiced 1 sine 1917. closing quotations: .... 54 Radio Corp 14,4 .... 70 Rayonier 29 .... BSRayonier pfd ...... 38 .... 60 Reynolds Met 346 . .. 94 i Safeway '31 ...120 iSears Roeb 44Vi .146 'Sinclair Oil 18Vs .... 58 So Pacific 64i .... 29'Stan Brands 47ft .... 15VStan Oil Cal 55 .... 1 5 S'Stew-Warner 234 . .. 88 IStudebaker 35 ..... 22 Sun Mining 19 ... 424!Union Oil 27 Vs .... 25 jUn Pacific .151 .... 322Un Airlines 37 V4 .... 29.Un Aircraft 28i .... 16j!U S Steel 904 .... 44 iWarner Bros 45 West El Mfg...... 33 .... 1 7 Wool worth 57 . 51i! 10 per cent 1 85',; U Pr cent l.$7(: 12 per cent iiWV Hard white baart: Ordinary 183',; 10 per cent 1 85',; 11 per cent 1.87U; i2 per cent 1.89'. Today's car receipts; Wheat 6; bar ley 4, oats 1. millfeed 7. hay 2. corn 1. QUICKIES "You're answer ins; your owst Statesman mat Ad, Mr. Joi It's from you! Statesman J" ClasnirVsl AdvcrtlslRt Classified Ads : Call 9101 Per line.. .lte Tbre' Insertions per line.. Z5e Six insertions per line 4s Oo month per line IM Minimum charfe XSe: S U. mlru 4e; tl. min. 5oe. No refunds. Count words to line. Copy for this page accepted un til 6:30 the evening befors publica tion for classification Copy r ceived after this time will be run under the heading "Too Late to Classify." The Statesman assumes no finan cial responsibility for errors which may appear In advertisements pub lished In its columns and in cases where this paper Is at fault will reprint that part of an advertise ment In which the typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman reserves the right to reject questionable advertising. It further reserves the right to place all advertising under the proper classification A "Blind" Adan ad containing s Statesman box number ; for an address Is for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The: States man Is not at liberty to divulge Information as to the Identity of an advertiser using a "Blind" ad. Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE: Jersey heifer calf 2 mo. Ph. 22515. 310 Salem Heights Ave. FOR 'SALE: 1 fine Guernsey heifer fresh In April. Young ducks and geese. For Trade: 1931 Chev. coupe for Chev. or Model A coach or : sedan or large seven passenger car. Home even ings after 6 and Sat. afternoons, all day Sunday. ml. N. W. of Pr ingle school.James L. Fen ley, Rt. 4. Bx. 331. FOR SALE: 1 roan saddle mare wt. 1050. also saddle, brtdle and martin faleInq. 605 Spruce. Salem. 'j ARABIAN Saddle horse. jl5o. Harrs.745 Stewart St. FOR SALE Good gentle team work horses. Work any where. $75.00. Emerv Alderman. Rt. 3. Box 761. Sa lem. 2 miles south Liberty : on high way. : i J ERSSTV Cow fresh in about 2 weeks. Henry Benner place. Rt. 1, Box 20. Turner. BAY Gilden $35. A good horse. Rt. 4. Box 3S6. Ph. 16F31. FOR SALE: Saddle horse, well broke. Right price, right size, right color. Abo Chsfsapeake Bay retriever pups. 2 months old. Price right. See R. A. White at Ramp White Store, Brooks, Ore. ; CUSTOM dressing of chickens, any number Prompt service Dressed poul try wholesale our specialty. Phone r-2861 Lee's Hatchery : WANTED: Fat and cinnmr cows for beef. Dairy cows, heifers, bulls, veal Fat hogs, sows, stags, boars Market price C McCandlish. rt . box 373 Ph 9147 s cross from bsll park. S 25th L1VEST5C1? Wanted: Cattle, all kinds, for Port land Market. C. White. Turner. Ore. "STAlXlSN SERVICE Napa Tlash. Registered American Saddlebred Stallion Fee $29 or $50 for registered mares at time Of service with return privileges within the year Napa Flash is one of the better bred stallions on the coast there is no sub stitute for food breeding. Owners: Mr snd Mrs Roy H. Simmons. Route 4. Box 270. Salem. Ore Phono $16$ or 2-1143. ; BABY CHICKS: weekly hatches new Hampshire other varieties. Pit. 22861 Lee's Hatchery. "WANTED: All kinds of livestock Valley Packing Co Phone 593$ WANTED: Beef and canner cows bulls and veals. Will call at farm E 1 Snethen. 1950 Lancaster Drive Ph 21345 Morns or eves FOR SALE! Christlii JOT Baby chicks every Wed Boylngtons. 3710 State St Phone 4969 or 68F4. RABBITS WANTED: All sizes 4 to 4 lbs. White 27c lb., colored 24c lb., live weight. Rabbit skins, best prices. Wire stretcher and other supplies. Rt. 4, Box 66B. William Bossert Write, we pick up. Rabbit Meat Co. $917 SX Stark St. ; "QUALITY NEW-Hamps chicks. Col lege tube tested. No reactors. Phone Black 193 Gehrny Hatchery. Silverton. Oregon. Legal Notice BIDS WANTED The West Salem School District No. 32. Polk County will receive bids un til July 20. 1946 for contracts to paint the exterior of the gymnasium and both elementary school buildings. Bids will also be received for roof ing of the side decks and porch en trance of the gymnasium: and a sec tion of the north elementary school building. Specifications may be secured st the school office from Thomas Means. Principal, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 12 Noon. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. MRS. VERNE AXELSON. Clerk. Jly. 12-13 TRADEMARK NOTICE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: STAZK. INC.. City of New York. County of New York, State of New TVegUtiation of a certain trade-mark in the State of Oregon, nereoy puDlisnes a description of said trademark pur suant to the Laws of the State of Ore gon. The trade-mark consists of the word -STAZE." Jly. 6-13-20 HOP Pickers wanted for the Mis sion Bottom Hop Co. 12 miles north of Salem. -Picking be trios about Aug. IS. Phone 22347 or write Gervaia, Ore gon, Box ,65. Help Wanted EXPERIENCED Help: Silk finisher 80c per Itr. Wool presser $1.10 per hr. Peacock Cleaners. 485 Center St. OIERSy PICKERS: Ph. 7413; also Rt. 9. Box 310. Ph. S1F11. McClay Rd.. and Rt. t. Box 404. Silverton Road. PIN SETTERS wanted. Perfection Bowling I Alleys. "REG ISTER Now for bean picking. Early beans, less foliage, good yard. Start picking about July 21st. Bus serv ice every hour. Phone 22168. E. A. Kurtz. j , BOOKKEEPER And office manager. Dallas Machine and Locomotive Works, phone 196 Dallas, Oregon. Wanted 12000 HOP PICKERS Harvest starts the later part of Aug ust. 537 i acres" of high trellis hops, cool, shady camps with lights. : wood, shower baths and day nursery for children ! furnished free to pickers. Grocery j store, meat market and rest aurant on grounds. Register in person at ranch office or write us for full particulajrs. f E. sCLEMENT HORST CO., ' INDEPENDENCE. ORE. " c6JlJl'AGE PARENTS Man and wife to supervise boys cottage. Woman as housekeeper, man to supervise out sideBvork groups and cottage. High school graduate or equivalent. Perma nent position -Salary and full main tenance. Oregon State Training School. Wood burn. Help Wanted Male WANTED EXPERIENCED Auto Mechanic ' ONE THAT. KNOWS CHRYSLER PRODUCTS. MUST BE FAMILIAR WITH AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS W. Li ANDERSON, INC. DeSOTO Distributor PLYMOUTH Ph. 7703; 360 Marion St. WANTED: .Middle aged man for permanent work. Doing yard work around 'homo and part time store work. This is a good Job and will develop into an interesting proposi tion for Fight man. Inquire Hogg Bros., 260 Stale St. MEClfANlC for leading Auto and Truck dealer. : Must be A-l and famil iar with Chrysler products, See Mr. Elliott, service manager Stan.: Baker Motors.! Dodge-Plymouth distributor. $25 Chemeketa. Phone 4119. WANTED: Service station attendant, night work. Experience preferred. Har bison station,; 290 N. High. ; WANTED:"-Service station attendant night work. Experience preferred. Har bison station,; 290 N. High. "KfffiEjN Janitor, good wages, steady employment. .Marion Hotel. Two Men ' to work" on commission basis in good paying business Who can drive ruck. .Ph. 942T. AlWriRS ; Tor OTegon state fair. Overtime daily. See Don Macklln, R. L. Elfrjrom Co. ; "HEAL Estate salesman. Good deal for right man. 3035 Portland Rd. bsFor-Veterans Yank- Legion Service Office. $70 State St. Ph; 6561. : FRY 'Cook or dinner cook. Good pay. C--.flgr Jttlr 13. Silverton Cafe. DODGE And Plymouth dealer needs two or three first-class body men. High wages. lots of work, time and half for over 40 hours, congenial working conditions, good fishing, hunting and modertjte climate. Contact James Scott. Broadway Motors. Inc.. Coos Bay. Ore. 3 MEN For mill work. Call between 630 and 7:30. Spring Creek Lumber CO. 34Q N. tjiurch. APt. S MAN With experience for parts dept. Herralfc-Owens, Pontiac. 235 S. Com l. YOUfiG MAN, high school graduate." to work in furniture store. Ambitious with desire to learn. Good opportunity for advancement. Hogg Bros., 260 State St. ' -; , ARriYOU LOOKING for an auto mechanic lubrication body and metal Work Job 5 -day work week substantial extra earnings compe tent supervision ideal shop Ac work ing conditions" other advantages. Loder Bros, Oldmobile dealers, have opening for experienced, conscientious workmen Interested in further devel opment and1 improvement. Apply In person i if qualified. 465 Center St. Help Wanted FemaJe GIRIi to work In ice cream depart ment and grocery store. Saving Cen ter . Pot t la nd Road .. WANTED:.- Finished for linings in fur coat. Experienced seamstress can be trained. Lschelle's Furs, 134$ Ferry St.Ph. 6814.J SOMEONE to care for elderly lady In their home. Ph. 2-2936. BAKERY Sales clerk. Fred Meyers. inc., 170 N, j Liberty. Salem GIRL? Or woman- general housework. Stay nights. 698 N. Liberty, GIRL Or 'woman to help care for house and baby in vicinity of W. Sa lem. Ph. 6935. WAlSfS jJ Room, board and care for 2 daughters by permanently em ployed :mother. Ph. 7611. '0Un"G Man with two small chil dren needs . housekeeper. Please write Rt. 4. Box 366, saiem, ore. WANDrED ExDerlenced waitress. Good hours, Sundays off. Pades Coffee S ho p. 124 1 State St. : ""WATtRESS For banquet work. Mar ion Hotel. . "GENERAL .Office girl wanted. Ex perience not ' necessary but preferred. Wages $30 weekly. Write care of Ore gon Statesman. Box 740. WAITRESS And car hop. Nljht work. Top wages. The Homestead. Call 21422. WC(ANYCOOK. 1204" LESLIE ST. ' J)..: "WANT Dependable young girl io care for baby once or twice a week. E. Olson. 852;, N. Church. "ALft RATION Lady. City Cleaning Work. 1245 State St. ETRiETrCEDWATfResS wanted, day shift. COurt St. Dairy Lunch. EXP, WAITRESS, night shift. The Spa. ; ; TEACHER "WANTED : Second grade. Pref. one Who can Jielp with music. Salary; $2,000.00. Grade School Dist. No. 0.' Jefferson County. Madras. Ore- gon. Mary ft. Puling, clerk. WoMEN:f7aDEI at Saiem Laun dry CO. 26S S. High. Situations Wanted WILL Cars for children nights, your home or mine. Ph. 65yl Brush Painting, no delay. Free estimate, Ph. 24588. ARE You soins to paint? For a first class lob inaido or outside call 2-5405. My prices are reasonable D stenographic work in my home. ; Dictation, typing, copy work, etc.. Several ynr experience. Ph. 2471$. GENERAL Cement contracting. Stan ley Fagg. Phone 23043. PAPER HANCWG: Phone 4400. "TREE SPRAYING. " Best work. Ph" 2-2922. BABV SlTTElt. Any nihi after 6. Ph. 7196. WSX CARE for children. Ph. 2-1903. SPRAYING trees fields, lawns equipped tor any job. Ph. 3-2303. IpAinter and i decorator Interior or Exterior. Brush or Spray. I DICK OREY Phone 25444; 1143 Fir St. .WILL PLOW & cover crop disc with crawler tractor. Phone z-zizv. VENETIAN BLINDS laundered, re paired, JpShrpPh. 2-441$ SPRAY painting your paint or ours. Phono 42. Eyeily st Go tutu berg. PreSchool Play School, 13S1 State Ages 2-$ Part or all day Ph $430 ALL WORK guaranteed Windows, walls, woodwork cleaned. Floors wax ed. Insured workmen. Professional Cleaning Service. Phone 4457. For Sale Mincellaneous LAWN and GARDEN TOOLS. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. j 255 N. LIBERTY SALVIA, asters, petunias, zinnias, T begonias, fuchsias, geraniums, pep pers, cabbage. Ph 2-4351. Merrills Greenhouse, Brooks. Two-Way Talkie and intercommun ication telephone sets. VVEATER APPLIANCE CO. ' 253 N. LIBERTY River Silt MASON SAND. CONCRETE MIX AND FILL DIRT ALT KINDS OF GRAVEL ' Commercial Sand and 'Gravel Co. PH 3-196$ 2-3100 PLASTI-KOTE. the paint with the cellophane-like finish. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 1 255 N. UBERTY Unfinished Furniture Salem's exclusive unfinished furni ture large assortment or made to or der Picketts Furniture. 13th and State PLASTIC CLOTHES LINE, ironing board pads and covers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. LIBERTY ' COILED TRASH BURNERS YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY 0 H. 57 GALION Hoist. 505 Center St! COAL or BRIQUET CfRCUCATOR YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY Myrtle Wood 1 have several 1000 ft. of this very precious wood. Located 9 miles west of . Cheshire. Oregon, on 36 Florence Road. D. E. Terpin. CASH PAID for old broken dis carded Jewelry, gold or gold-plated. 2381 State, KITCHEN and bathroom fixtures. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY SETFAST canvas paint will dress up your awnings and outdoor furniture YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY NIGHT CRAWLERS. 2493 State St.. FARMERS Attention: Electric and battery fence controllers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY ELECTRIC desk and mantle clocks. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 5RS M LIBERTY PIANO Benches Tillman's 393 S 12th SINGLE and two-burner hotplates. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. LIBERTY HEAT your home electrically. TFs convenient, clean. economicaL See us fot free estimates. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 253 N. Liberty TlGURINES and small gift items. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 355 N. LIBERTY INDIRECT floor lamps and torchiers YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY POWErTFU ET$tu be Tropic Master table model elec. radio built for over seas service, ideal for outdoors or coastal localities. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. . : 25$ N. Liberty COMMERCIAL! elecUic automatic four burner ranges. Ideal for restaur ant, club or farm use. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY SMOOTHIES for perfect home made ice cream. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY ELECTRICAL CHIMES: long and short tubes, mechanical chimes. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N.j LIBERTY DESK, table and pln-it-up lamps YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 Hj LIBERTY "REGISTERED iCocker pups. Rt. 2. Box 2SB.l-4mile north Keizer school. BALED Cloverfhay,. Ph. 2-2785. VoUNG Berries, boy sen berries now ready. Frigaardss Fruit Stand moved to new locations Rt. 2, Box 30. Ph. 24262. "FLUORESCENT kitchen fixtures and single tube brackets for use near your mirror. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N, LIBERTY NS FARMERS Attention : Westinghouse automatic, electric milk cooler, capacity sixty gallons. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. ; - 255 l, LIBERTY UPSTAIRS Antique Shop. 430Court -ALWAYS a lg stotn -Woodry's Furniture Mkt Ph $110 WILL BUY for cash. seU or trade, guns, pistols, ammunition, boats or trailers. Don Madison, 590 No. High GUARANTEED FOREVER flashlights requiring no batteries, two and three cell fllshlights. iailroad type lanterns. YEATER iAPPLIANCE CO. 255 H. LIBERTY SUMMIT Berry Farm, Monmonth, Ore now hrvesting raspberries. About July 8th Boysenberries at their Sale We have 'efficient refrigeration, ill any time. We assure you quality and flavor good as ever. Bring your 12 hallock flat. 1 FARMERS Attention: Portable, elec tric milkings machines. YEATER iAPPLIANCE CO. j 255 H LIBERTY " TyPATUNES. Imuslc while you learn to type. i YEATER I APPLIANCE CO. 253 ff. LIBERTY " WE buy and! seU furniture, tools, stoves, dishes, motors, radios. Electric appliances, household goods KLIG MAN'S 285 N Commercial Ph 963 FOR SALE: 32-20 revolver. hUter, ammunition belt. $35. 922 N. ComT. " WALL T VP d ANO P EN t. YEATER iAPPLIANCE CO. 5S It LIBERTY DECORATIVEi and lighted hous numbers j YEATER i APPLIANCE CO. 255 BT. LIBERTY ATrnftETASTTOOL CHESTS." YEATER. APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LlBtHlt " FARMERS Attention : Adjustable, electric butter jchurns. YEATER? APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY , EXPERT washing machine service and wringer rolls, all makes. See Ed Ellis st Nelson a Bros. Furniture Store. 315 N Liberty r LIGHT UP your yard or driveway with an outdoor, portable light. YEATER? APPLIANCE CO. 255 f . LIBERTY , - SPERTI and s Sun Kraft sun lamps With timers: aavo heat lamps. YEATER APPUANCE CO. 253 N LIBERTY AUTOMATIC, electric sidearm heaters YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY ELECTRIC pants pressers and curl tne irons. s , YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. LIBERTY ? SHlNCLlSnfoTn-Rosenberg mill at Tillamook. 2x4s. shiplap. flooring other items Lumber kiln dried or green on HH priorities. Ted Muller Truck. Ph. Salem 21196. ; KITCHEN and bathroom lighting fix turesy ; YEATERi APPLIANCE CO. 255 9i. LIBERTY ' COILED-WQBd RANGE7"$25. Small desk c book-ease comb.. $8. violin. $22.50. 2263 Ni 5th St. Sun, or eves. FULLR Brushes 1743 Grant Pi357 ? ELECTRIC ROOM HEATERS fan. team and reflector types. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. !; 255 ;N. LIBERTY STOVE repairing & parts. Woodry's Mkt.. 1605 N Summer St CUSTOM MADE TRATLERSTPrompt attention. Martin Bros. Trailer Mfg Phone 82E2. j KITCHEN and1 Industrial exhaust fans YEATEt APPLIANCE CO. 255 IN. LXtsS.nl z TRAILER Aide complete with tire? and hitch. ' Also berry dice. 3 mile? west of Salem on Dallas highway. Box 469. RIVER SILT Fill dirt, mason sand and graveL Phone 3-1749 HARVEST SACKS for sate. North west Poultry and Dairy, 1505 N. Front Salem. Phone 1007 "COAT HANGERS, steel or wood" Kligman's. 283 N. Com l ALUMINUM sauce pans, well and tree platters, frying pans, cookie sheets YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N. LIBERTY TD9 CAT. with drum and blade. R. A. Moser. Tails City. Ore. Ph. 73. SPORTSMANS Enclosed trailer Sleeps two. Gas stove, sink In rear compartment. 1695 Lee St. . BLACK CAPS, you pick, lie 16 Come Sunday. Harry Heth, Rt: 2. Box 394. 1 mi. N. W. of Chemawa. 2500 ft. of 1x8 No. E rustic, new lumber. $97.50. Just what I paid. Pa cific Highway and Oak Hill Ave. Joe T. Larsen. , OR TRADE: Console type radio and phonograph: Philco car radio: Wom an's bicycle: High Standard 22 short: Rem. Auto. 12 with Poly-Choke: My tag washer: Model B Ford: new ex tension 28 foot ladder: 30 gal. Insu lated water tank. 830 N. Winter Phone 6583. USED Davenport chair, mood range with coils, reasonable. 190 Vista Aye.. next to Hig hway99E South. ' HI. Standard Auto. Putol 2i-l R. 4't" Bbl. like new. Haster. $40 00. Allison. 1390 Shad y La ne A e. COIL Springs and mattress, good cond. Economy jars. Hot water tank. Ph. 5921 1668 Center. 2 IROfJ Beds complete l0 each. Small dresser $3.00. 1 9x12 linoleum $6,001208 Court. KITCHEN Range ith Detroit oil burner and fan. coil and fuel supply drum. 1$ gal. pressure tank. ' h p. centrifugal deep well pump. John A French. Rt.3. Box192A. Ph.27F3. QUART andpint fruit Jars. wtU sell cheap to ret rid off. Small library table. Kitchen table. ISO N. 13rd. ELECTRIC water heater: walnut bed room set. 4 piece: oak dining rm. set. buffet .round table and 6 chairs: davenport and chair: rrusc furniture. 219 W. Uncol n or phone 6406 '39 DELUXE Chevrolet Just over hauled, good tires: 14x14 new army wall tent, and two wheel 2 ft. back. Roy H. Katterman. 2465 Prospect Lane. GOOD' enamel Eureka wood range with copper coils, in good, condition Thear deluxe baby carriage, llfi N. Coml. IRRIGATION system with pump, motor and 2200 ft. of pipe. 2510 Chtrry Ave. DRESSED HPork. or whole Elton L. Watts. 1 mi. S. of Central Howell school. GENERAL Elec.. apt. size range $90 1J ml. S. Pnngle school, box 28-A WOOD store building, must be toi n down. Ph. 7311 or 562. " BRIGHT FURNITURE'CO! 8 Pc walnut dining suite $79 00 A full spg constructed daven port (a dandy I 29 00 A good day bed with coil springs it pad Antique solid Walnut bed Walnut Organ 27 00 25 00 23 00 24 00 24 00 14 73 1400 10 110 Oak table and 4 chairs Rebuilt walnut cabinet radio Swing rocker Table model radio 9x12 and 9x1$ rugs each MetaJ bed. spring, and mattress 9 75 Twin bed. spring, and mattress 9 7S Twin size studio cot IM Dresser . 7 75 6x9 Rug 3 DO WE ARE CONTINUING TO MAINTAIN O P A PRICES" Bright-Furniture Co. 453 Court Phoe 7311 R. A. "Cherries. Pick yourself. Sc. Sat. and Sunday. 1065 Erivon st BICYCLE. Good "' condition. " $20 00 Rhodaback, $70 Cade St Keizer D is t ' 50 GAL. Drum trash burner with coils. Ph. 8767. 10"REN"CE Oil stove. 109aShipping. "PTE CHERRIES and RoyafAnn. You ?ick. west of Liberty. Rt. 3. Box 35 Ph 22426. -R O S Da v e no . card and end tables. Brk. sets, dressers, oval mir . hi chrs . strollers, violin, small wagons, misc. 2442 Lee. ODD Dining S-oom chairs 30c to $2.50. Rockers $2 75 to $12 SO. 1 lot of photo equipment $10.00. State Furniture. 19U0 State. FOR SALE: Trailer house $xl6'. Looks nice on Inside and fair on out side. Price $365. Call at 1694 N. Com 1. or Ph.821. FOR SALE: New ladies bicycle. 2255 N. Church CANNING APRICdTS Our Tilton tree-ripe canning apri cots from The Dalles will be here about July 22nd. Place your order now. No obligation. Puritan Cider Wki Wffl Salem. Ph 5426 9a ACRES $2000.00. 6 miles out. Ph. 8346 evenings. For Sale Good wood or coal range with coils. Will take good oil circulator as trade. See at 290 W. MillerSt Salem. Ore. NEWHboora. 36 "x7. 3-x7" glass. 2455 Trade St.. Phone 5005. CAST Iron all enamel sink. 2O"x30". 2455 Trade. Phone 5Q85. ALL Enamel large oven Lang range. $80 00. 2455 Trade. 5085. ALL ElectricIron, cream separator. corn popper. 245 Trade. 6085 . BOX Kodaji .bvcle. J2455 Trade. -PLAY Ground equipment, swings, slides, trapeze, teeters. aSrid boxes, lawn furniture and prefabricated play ground fence. 2023 Market.. Ph. 7138. TRAILER Houre. factory built. 18 ft. Butane gas, sleepsour. 1095 S. DAIRY Men we have coconut meal again. Northwest Poultry and Dairy. Ph. 7002- J.N. Fron T'W Rem auto. 12 gauge Sports man, Rem. 12 gauge pump, excellent. New 8mm Mauser, Mauser Sporter 8mm. New Lusters 9mm. 25-30 Win. L. R . new 12 gauge single bbl.. 30-40 Krag. Weaver scopes K4. K2 5. 330 and 440: G H. Stith. Weaver A Red field Jr. mounts. Redfield receiver sights. Nydar tights and Weaver chokes. Don Madison. bW No. High. H ED DON And Kalamazoo Automatic fly reels, salmon and single action reels, casting rods complete with level wind reels and line. 9 double tipped custom built fly pole. Tackle boxes, salmon eggs, baas plugs, flies, salmon, casting and fly lines. Sleeping bags. Don Madison. 390 No. High. NEW Factory built trailer and new 16" tires, small pickup trailer 21" tires only $20.00. Sportsman camping trailer, sleeps four. Only $65 00. 7'ix 14' - trailer heuse, new chassis with new 6 ply tires. One each new and used 7'xl2 platform truck bed. The new one has panel sides 3 to 13 ton hydraulic lacks. 7 00 and 7 5O-20. 10 ply rayon truck tires new and special discount. Auto heaters HaDees. Don Madison 590 NoHigh. GOLF Clubs. Men's R. H.. 3 woods. 3 irons, bag. $40.00. 50 gal. galv. steel drum with faucet. $5.00. 2 balloon bi cycle tires, prewar, new. $1.50 each. 2176 So. Summer St. "RADIO" Phonograph combination. Strom berg Carlson, late model. - Ex cellent conditton. $250. Ph 24526. ICE Boxes, sewing machine, small gas range, elec. sweeper. $ day mantle clock, wood range, small white enamel coal oil stove. 5 piece breakfast set and many items. Macs. 143 S. Church. CORNER CUpboard. STburner gas stove, white enamel cook stove, coils, oil circulating heating stove, wood heating stove. I pr. of boys Ice shoe skates and other miscellaneous. 1133 E. Rural. , SMALL CPlbs and waterproof mat tress $11.50. Davenport and chair $79 50. Unfinished chests $14 95 and $17 95 Corner cupboard $17 93 STATE FURNITURE 1900 State St. ""Reasonable shop tools and equipment. Phone 3465 or contact me at state fair grounds. Ask for Jack. 2 WHEEL Trailer. Evenings. H. R. Scholz. 2448 Trade St. BOSTON Bull puppies and SO lb. Ice box. 1110 N. Com l. Wanted Furniture WANTED: Used furn Mason's Furni ture. 2446 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 2-4593 .Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED: PIANOS Win pav cash Wills Music Store." 432 State SI 13 YEAR old boy wants home on farm for summer. Call R. Craven. Statesman.Ph9l 01 . WILL Pay cash for good useoTaah ing msrtilne. 1S40 Lewis. WANTED: Restaurant equipment Write C. Tucker. Bus 125. Y achats. Oregon. Quote prices WANTED Burlap or rot loo hags Any kind, quantity or condition. Very small lota not wanted Give good di rection to your place and number of bags you have. Kchuepbach Bros, P O Box 381, Beavertavt. Ore. USED FURNITURE Phone 5110 DtSH ESover 25 y rs Old . V psia ir s Antique Shop 439Court Ph 1-I44J ' WANf" TO Buy. Used cameras at tenses McEwan Photo Shop 438 State CASH foe your used furnltuie Ph S9S feUte St Furniture. 1900 Stele CASH for used oiano other my steal instruments Call 4641 days or 9537 evenings or send description ta faquith Music Co 191 S High AUTO oaintirig just a shade better by Ray ETTER CsU Shrock Motor Co 8502 US ED "'FjrRNTTTJR 1 Pli II 84 IF YOU nave furniture to sell 'see Ruse Bright Ph 7511 433 Court Money to Loan $ $i MONEY $ $ We make aB types of personal loans including furniture note and car loans, for anv worth while cause We also make real estate loans and buy real estate contracts For quack and effl cient service see or phone STATE FINANCE CO. Phone 4121. 153 8 High. Salem Lie S 218-M 2$i Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. ITR FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING j UCJENS$) N M ISO FARM and CITY LOANS 4'i land $ Your own terms or repayment with In reason. Cash tor Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortgages CAPITOL SBCV'RITIES CO 207 Pioneer Trust BMg Phone T163 PftOMPTrPRIVAtF. f-OAN SERVICE 'Personal' makes loans of $10 to $300 to men and women on signature, fur niture or autos $5fl0. Co-signers seldom required. $30 for 2 weeks cost onlv 42c Personal. Finance Co , ftalem, 918 State St. Rm. 125. Phone 3191. Lie. S-122. M-165. General Finance ('orp. offers money at once on cars, trucks, furniture. trailer houses. livestock, farm marrhinery: contracts refinanced and additional money advanced No co-signers. General Finance Is locally owned and officered: was organized In 1927 and therefore knows and can help throughout the repaying of a loan Ap plications for loans made by phone. 136 South Commercial Sis . Salens Phone: 9IS8 Licenses S-13S M-23 Loans Wanted WANTED: I-oen ?of $J0O8 house. 240li So Coml on apt Miscellaneous SEPTIC TANK Service I0S7 FJm St . Salem, Ore Jack .Hnenlng Septic Tank Cleaned K F llemel. 1143 8th. Wert ftalem Phone 7404 At.' CLEARING AND GRADING PHONE C30Y Tree Surjirry Trimming, topping, removals. Ph, 2-4263 . DRAWING house plans Phone 961 1 Dental Plate Repair TWO HOUR SERVICS IN MOST CASES Bring or Mall Your Plates for Repair DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adntoh BMg State Com - Ph $311 TR EE:SpR AY" Best work" Ph i -2923 15 COOLER INSIDE That's your home this summer If you Install West wood Supreme lnulatMm now For free estimate call Western Auto Supply Co Ph 7177. MEN'S HATS cleaned and " bkK-keO Tc LES SPRINGER 464 Court M BEKlNS" Nat Ion m ilf mov "serv 777J CONTRACT HAULING. " t-ocal r long distance. R L Phillips. Rt 3. Boa 588K " SPRAY P A I NTl N C houses! naTns . roofs or sthat have you Ph 2-4246 Lawn Mowers Sharened Scot tie Smith Fix It Shop Oxyacset ylene and electric welding. Tricycles and Kiddie Cars repaired Pick up and deliver. Rt. 7. Box 379. Havesvllle dist Reiman's Gardens Phone 3283. PAINTING inside and out. Cliff King. Phone 3070. " WEATHER strips Pu1rmanPfa. 5tS "CHAR IS FOUNDATIONS, nylon brassieres St girdles elastic cont roi Also Mason He frocks. Ph 9495 Mrs Frank LTumer26ti5 N 4th WHY Not sole your shoes with pre war leather. 1 to 3 dav service Short jobs while you wait. All kinds of good rebuilt shoes for sale at Gipson s. 328 N Com'l.st. Phone 39oS HEAVY Hauling. excavation and Road Building. Land Clearing. Dozer Work Ditching Basement Excavation Sand. Gravel. Crushed Rock. Mason Sand. Concrete Mix. Cement Salem Sand & Gravel Co. 1405 N Front St Salem. Oregon Phone 940$ or 21924 For Rent FLOOR SANDER for rent Mont gomery Ward TKaTLEKS rot rent toe per ar Woodrv's Mkt.. I SOS N Summer TRUCKS for rent You drive Me Cunr it Love 1 1 Phone 9oS U-DRfVE TRUCKS FOR stFNT Blankets fum. 197 S. Liberty PI. 9062 FLOOR Sander lor rent "Marslall- Wells Store Phone 68TT "GOOD Used" PuinorL L. Stlf For Rent Rooms Permanently emp ladies. Ph 78S4. FURNISHED loom. 292 N. Church. Prefer bualneas man. MASTERS Bed room completely rr finiahed with twin bed for two girls and one single sleeping porch No smoking, references. 266 No. Capitol. Wanted to Rent SLEEPING rooms for working girls Inquire Saturday St Sunday or any evenrng 1775 Fir St Ph2J7l$ Wantetl! Wanted'! Wanted ! A furnished house or apartment for a permanently employed veteran and expectant wife. Beat of care guaran teed. Please help us find a home. Ph. 2-2926. Howard Harvey. MAN With wife and 10 month old child wants to rent furnished or un furnished houae or apartment The situation la desperate. Call 4047 be tween 8 a m. and $ p nv HOUSEKEEPING" Room or small apt by quiet middle aged lady. Write Box 741. Statesman. WHEEL Chair for invalid for 2 or 3 months. Mrs. J. A. Alien, Rt. 1. Box 45. Rlckreall. 2" BED Rm. furn. Tise! No children or pets. Will pa v up to $150 per month. Write Box 74 Statesman , WoULbLike to rent either upstairs, basement or ground floor room large enough for gymnasium. 1260 Center St. Sam Duncan QUIET" non -drinking couple need house or apartment: nave own bed ding and dishes. No children or pets. 3153 Portland Rd. Cabin 6. Very Desperately Needed By Veteran with wife and small child, furnished house or apartment. Permanent post- la saiem. mono wi or s-sss. TRAILER House by month or week. Write box 739, Statesman PR6rES10NAL Man and wife 'want well furnished apartment No chil dren. Box 734. Statesman "tX-SIHVicr man with steady em ployment and wit desperately need lurnlahed house or apsvrtment Guar antee the best of fare Please make it possible for us In havst a home Ph 2-226 Howard Harvey, EX-SERVICE Man and wife de. perately need furnashed Iwhis or aitarl' men I. Guarantee the i best of rate Please make It pnoaihie for tis to have a home Ph 2-2928 Howard Harvey -" HOUSE OR apartment furnished nt unfurnished. Young married couple Phone 8553. For Sale Iteal Kstale NELSON NEWS 3 BDNM NORTH $VUM I. R . Kit . norm . bath, utility porrh on 1st fir . 2 bdinu up garage some fruit, paved st . 2 blks. from bus WIDE ir)T NFAR I F.SI.ir L R . I) H . Kit 3 Mrrni halh 1st fir . fplacet full himl with Mnn laundry, furnace, autrn gas watet heater, on bus. $10 MW COUNTRY ESTATE 6 ac. with yfrar around neek native timber setting; tree fruit. terrie. mils, garden, fine pandnraping. estra od 4 bdrm. horrle with nook A dining rm. dbl. plurfibtng. hrfw firs , fplare. full basement wih autm air condi tioning furnailr. dbl. garage, autrn elc water system small barn, chicken house, well hMie. lily pool, outdooi fplace. E. $191000. GENERAL FARM NEAR WOOOBI'RN 35 ac . filberts, hops. I hav A giain. autm. water sSstem. (mid 7 rm home, barn .garagei hop houe. rhtthMi house, well house, completely q u I p -ped. including tractor, 114 oon. PROFITABLE SMALL FARM 10'( ac . S Sc. cultivated, good S rm house, small jbarn, 2 rnirken h'tuses. fruit house, 'good garden, crops in clude potatoes, strawberries, black caps, red raspberries, youngberi les, hov sen berries filberts A walnuts $6$u0. Tractor! A equipment avail. If these do not meet your reciulre menta. tell lis what u want. We I probably have It. NKLS0N NKIaSON CHIT I. NFIlON - THF.O G. NFI.RON MKAI.7 lH"i Rm. 3O0-2 Mannic nidg ' ' Stale St Ph 4419 or 422 FveS 1-tXA r B2S0 3 BDRM HOME Myitle street, full bfit. fireplace, hdwd firs, immedlaie pwiruioii. ftee MR KdODWIN Willi Hawkins & Rolwrt, Inc. REALTORS Phone 4106 After 6 --- S7l $7000 8 rm Home on Chemeketa M wiili large hl, paved st A alley Abundance of fruit A nuts Walking distanre II. V. Grant. Realtor 437 Court PH 6714 - J rfi BY OWNER Imndlate pi V. tl arianged tlater four bed rom hi In good liK-ataon rwtfth with fuep'are oil floor furnace electric water healer, ttavs and dubl pltimWing Clow to x-hool and bus. till N. Cottage Ph 114.18 HOME' A INCOME $ rooms and a niimr rtm He rr.ent. furnace AIo 3 room houe ti rent I waled rinse Utate Price $7VMI See JOE HUTCHISON with Io N. (Jiiltlf, Inc. REALTORS 344 State St Phone 9241 $4SO0 HAVrsVILI.E Distritt. I' aciss. 4 rms walh bath, garage, nice oak grove. 1 6n $.1500 - 30 acres. 6 (rules smith n all new rabin 12 acres of prunes, balance timber and pasture, with live stirarn Call Jess Thompson 1717 Ontrr St. HUFF REAL ESTATE f'O . HFAI 7')MS Phone 2-1549 Pve Pn 7 $A0SA- I.ATE RI'lf T IIOI'.f .'i. e location Full of furnltuie Reduted for quick sale. Leon I.amlrt, Real rtale At IVn X Corner Phone 2-1339 S" A KFI7FR DitJt ivioo Y'all t mer" Amundsota Hurt I'iclia. RraItor PH 3210 M7 N Higi. It iM.INiO 4 BR . I rt DR. Kit S'.-.k Fireplace, full tasmt Aut heat Walk ing distance downtown A gMd clean home. Call ("rang Hurt I'icha. Realtors PH 3210 t 3.17 N High SI 2 Hdrm. $1730 Modern bath, large wood hnuw ga rage. j acre, fruit tiers, t all Jotmson 1 IMrm. $U(H) Front room, kitchen, hath, plaetersd walls, nice lot, garden Call Johnson t Hdrm. M)()() Furnished older tvpe hrrte In gfuxl condition, nice lot, cle n school ( a!l Johnson i 2 Rdrni. $6330 Plastered walls, full laement. cor ner lot. close to schools Sr bu Call Johnson 2 Hdrm. $7000 large front room, light kitchen, r.ire bath, concrete foiuVdatlon, near bus Call Christensen. 3 Hdrm. $JM00 Fireplace, hdwd fllxiif nice lot. base ment, furnace, wired for range. all Johnson 4 Bdrm. $8430 Close In, niake good room rental basement, furnace, nice lot, walking distance Call Johnson 3 Hdrm. $300 All on one floor. fueHace. nice lot plasteted. wiled fni lange Call Hut-erg $13,000 The newest and finet built vv home, unusual fiieplare in basement with bar A Ige mmpua room Call Christensen. 3 Hdrm. $10,300 All on one floor. rlne to schools A bus. hdwd floors, fireplace, nice Int Call Ruheig or ( hiiitrnxn MANY MORE All sixes tt price ranges Come In or call Reimann Real Klate 201 So. High Ph 3722 or 7" $6300 NEARLY riNlSHFD 2 HTT) ROOM house, all material on the )nh Leon Lamlirrl, Real Itate At Pen 4 ('tinier Phone 2-4339 Move Right in $4750 1 Year Old Living' room, kitchen, nook. $ bed rooms, bath, electric hot water, large lot. a good sized gsrden already go ing. This home is cleaner than a port Electric range goes with it. CHAS. HUDKINS A. SON 27$ Slots Phono 1-412$ $7VX NFWf 3 IIFDROOM HOf'SsL large livirg room with hardwood fiowe, dinette, kiarhen end fuU fetth. AV lathed garage. $50$ Dewn. Ieon Iimlert, Real Estate ' At IVn (!ornrm Phone 2-13.9 a rfa r TioMr ""$ i nijrx7'k; A NICE LITTLE HOME 2 Bd Rm. f oliage on ' a rUsa M rant ft rm garage Fruit A nut trees. Beautiful vlew-SVSOS i ) 3 hfDHOOM MOI'lE-NORTll 1 Oaise-in rteensi. I. rm at 4 in. tge. kil, bath A ut rm. All ew I flsw-e, nnt it with garden space. Lovely interior (7 son . 1 I LOVELY HOME WITH CREEK AC ES 1 Huge Iv. rm A din rm with watt-Is, wall raipet $ bd rms. deAibte funn ing Far M $11 sso call Dale Flippo. (senrral Real Ktate Co. Rm IS ladd A Rush Rark R16g Phone 7716 Fe T 4 BFIROOM mrdern rome Use iat N Cottage t Oil heat, firenlace eUe. or gas ranking, fin location. 64o. (innd terms i I Bedrnnen home N 4th tf EWe hot water heater, wired for rarge mostly furnished, garage, nice lot. ajns, Laren Home & Ixan Co. Fsrlusive listings - Per mat Servire S4 So Com 'I s.t pi I'M fve tQ SjTSJiTTTt 0J K44. 4 tds-.i... l.v.r. dining itm eombi nation, ki'rhes. re ment foundation. 4 biorks from bust ness dist : Sullivan Realty Co. 423 n 11th St Ph 41j' Eves 11750 3 nrDROOM. living, d r t room, kitchen, utility porrh. ra- nvent. furnace, gas targe an8 W,ie heater, on large lot Sullivan Realtv Co, 1 ?.13th ift Ph 4S$f. gv,7Jt $ 1.3(H) Down, I fliivs good 3 bedrm. heme In fw-4 residential dist , rUsse ts achl aod business distrwt. tasy terms est bai. Call Berglaad for appointrrent. Hurt Piclia, Realtors Phone 6473 Res. ph. 84J8) IM Poitland NORWAY fclREFf. ' 3 bedrooms, living tnnm'. dining room, hath with shower, full basement Flee, heat, weather stripned and insulaaed, Wall to wall rare I in LI, OR aM hail Patio in rear with lawn frru lure Mir years old f r 8U A0S,' Sulliari Realty Co. IMS Portland Rd fh 3211.' Eves, I 44 7 1 rm. 1 1 he fum. 1 A. $1300 3 ld rm. home $8300 New 4 ld rm. $2300 dn. View home 1 A. $13,300 $2393 I Irifin. h.e , A. f ail R E Oilmrsj j , Reimann Real Kstate l So Hlfl Ph 7?1 Fl IssdJ HOME ITF We lave 6 est-. I lent bulldieig tsie to offer for otily 621 each. Kn Srart is 12II7S nt alMvt 'a acre wf Und l rated )u.t Nnrtheaat at lews) en I l Ir.g.toti Ave LKK OHM ART I CO., RKALTORS 477 Court t phor S4S0 or 41M BY OWNFR" l"hr , i.nm i -stand furnace, hardwood floors. fhe place Newly redecorated and painted. I ( in Ph 440S ., MY Fjuitr 0'"M fo ai Condi Cab adft'tLon, lent Pn 4S4 mso-krw noer. ,tTrlii4l rooms. fueplacie. piaterel. rn-ntj foundation, garage, eier'rie eotfeir.g,; eleatric healing, house I fninpuii if weather strippe4 and lnu!sed. 1 1 f.'r limn and garaee attached It b-u ! t 3 redrnms home very w.l built with immediate po.aew.iory f 'l basement, fireptaee, hai4wwi1 ' fnm, garage, bu t the door, w4 )ucsia4 mi I h i j I $16,SMV- Nice $ bed r oof n hw, eleaO as a pin with haxnl, eleerae ro B Irg gaiage, rompleteSy furr.tahed. Veryi well lMatd south Salem . $11 (- Heautifwl 3 bedroom 1 kwj, dout te plurr.liing . laatejed, f repiaie Venetian Minds, eleetrie rwikirg. an'w rt. stir oil furnace, t car fa'i(.. ftf ry insulated 7 h is Is a beautiful h-wee and is brand new. ' - Mi Killop Real rotate Aprnry IM South High M PHona I I I Phor.e evenings 7l'a-4at1l-4)i j j Itw IxiU Ita View lot rVeutifu! I firs on acre ... t1r 6 arras of walnut . , $e1 aVisllS aota. eaat . $ i t aw-ies eaat. near M-lKMit $110 I'll on Lansing Ave. $ Se l, ef res on SVC. $5ks Wm. Hliven i1 Ijnm f. Ciwmer 434S Oregon P'tg' Phone Tiros ... aa$ Immediate Poession I bedrnnen horrie rorr pleejf frhiah. ed Including refrigerator, washing rra rhlne. gas range, vacuum (W after. Very grd ssiape Call, Mrs. Ps'aer. Hurt Pirha Realtor rt ph l-4"i4 IMJ Perrjn4) Off h S471 . j $6300 1 'room house with utility room, w iranl for eieetrtr range and Water htater nil aeat. No basement .Cor ner lot MislFS ft F.stra nice la an ard (aiden Ity tsnrr. l.tST S IVh4 8t MARRII.D eouo'le need apt.' nn'xr betnre Sept 11 Will rent tmAaswt.aiel or when arveilet'le Hushand as Vetera and student st Willameria wife em. plot ed, no children ar pets. Refer eneee, fall. J-32F7 , s ADvnTisrr;o j Wstern Adve rtlting " nrprrsanUtivr ; Ward-Oriffith Cnrr pn. bno. gas Franeiace ' . ' rstrm Advertlilng i Representative ! j War4-Orlffitli rmionv,: Ind. Caleogo Ness York Oetrwis. A t.anta , Member in Psrlfle Ooit Division nuroaw rf Advertising F,nered m the Poetofftre et at-i'.-a, Orronw mt geeowd ("leas Afertee, fx S. Ilshed erirev saoewtwe eriep Wlm4mu. Rusiaies ifice tit (owl CeeassevrMi. Street. SUBSCRIPTION" RATES Mall ubrlrtwa Rate tat Advaneet WiUiln Oregon. Oatly and atoatder w SO cents , 6 mo $4SO. yawr. $6 Claewhero SS reav aer ova ae 87 so for t year to odvaasso. Per ouss $ emtav By City Carrtaw, 78 rents a soo a year in adva adjacoat ssnaaiisss. atartas awd I 'I l'