I The Or: Statesman. Salmn. Or., Vmdbadaj. July 10. 1948 V ' ) : Brrndk later, little Billy Severn fran Toe Enchanted f orest." weodland fanUay, filmed la natural rlr and starting tomorrow at the Graad. New York Stock Quotations NE'.V" YORK. July , -Today's closing quotations: Al Chem L Dye 205 Cert Foods . 54 'j Radio Corp 144 Amera .?$ Can 100s. Gen Motors '71 Rayonier 29 Hi Am Pm 1 Li. 19 Goodyear Ti 654 Rayonier PFD .... 374 Am Tel & Tel 199 Gt North pfd 61 T Reynolds Met .... 35 Ar.-tt.f.d 48'2 Int Harvest - 96 Safeway - 32 Atch M r. 116 Int Par pfd 1224 Sears Roeb 4434 rWci.x Asn 49 .! Mn ille 15C'4 Sinclair Oil 19 Bei.n S'.rt-l 1 '. 2 r- Kennecott : 574 So. Pacific 664 B. Air 27'.- l.,,n Bell A 30'. Stan Brands 467k Orj, J T.. , 194 Mayt- 15 Stan Oil Cal 55 Cm'.M V:f k 4 4 1 Miami C(.rier 16' i Stew-Warner .. 234 fa.-e. J I M.-nt Ward 927 Stude.baker 38i e.r..;r. 123 Nash Kelvin . 224 Sun. Mining 53 4 ....:" S..ii 5 N..t D.iry 42 Union Oil .-. 274 l or - K:.-. rt 33:k NY Central 25 -S Un. Pacific 153 l-,,t.s Yu.'.e? 24-, North Am Co . 32S Un. Airlines 38 i (-,), Ir s ; V" Noith.-iti Par . . 29s4 Un. Aircraft , 29 Or S 35'B Par Am Fish . . 16'2 U. S. Steel 92 CM: Wr Par Gas F.lec 44 1 4 Warner bros 45 V !...;., A:ti 86 v P T. At T. 1574 West El mfg 34 P'-pvT IV Ne 218'.. Pan American . 18S. Wool worth 57T Gn Elect i.x 46 Penny J C . 511 Portland Grain Ki(1t AMI :Ore J 1 1 v 9 'AIM H'ufc So 'ii'.J'fl q,.illea . .! .b. Soil white 1111, . vi . r!.ij n Hex I 1 8.V -.Me .:.! 1 At: fimn red 13'. t '.a;". rt firr Ordinary 1SJ' . err I 1S .. 1". (.! cent 1 7 1 , . 1: - eft : w !. iia-d ataart Ord.narv 1 S3 1 a 1 pr : err 1 a '.'i . 11 t r irr.t 1 81'. )?; . : r.. , ar. iw-eipi W l.rat 23 bar , ' .-.' rr I'trrd I'orllaml l.irtKk VCiKTlASD (ie Jui' 'API K'iA U.t 'r r: U,tl r1tle ) un lltf' ?! a i k f t .fcl.v ftlrrinK lltl ii'r,e ruv 1 .... frrtu l,it.rt teer in ii r.! few (cKid 7?0-9) It, -f-k. -. :.7-lt iHid cn.rtwn irr'i I 4 - " niori (Jmm1 ).e.e' 12 t !!' ( t nr' c jttel f nit!v 51 1 : m ta' I f-. I U'liO. t r k t. 1 1 W Ud and few lot. L-xi tref ft 1S iKld hefcd 15 2ft (kkI ure' h.'li Hot1 'juvicf bull Umi ono'ce e!er trortg :ijci in - 2i i around "5 head a' 2" H e ti- 11 50: n.ar ket irlur e1 tat 2ft a rut r.iafier rol- (-.a.ar b ra .iti 170-2N lb. ,a -v 'ai.''1 rrw irirnl leri I lot crx.ir IU I l i'."; mk1 Miva.li 14 50 ,;. i.) 17 wi freOer plus in k: rir-K-.d u:hl to IS i and atvi r S e' r !.! tra.tal ! rep 3011, it.arket t'ean: v .: . ce 9 ,t i li t lamb. 17 n ' r -c ar-i -eoaxr) (radn IS (Kl-25: trxir ".i.r, jon to 12 5at fevt feeders 12 ai cj: e rr.ovti . 7 VI culls down lo 2 I'orllaml Produce PORTLAND Ore July 9 (API E.I'rMi' li'n'jiut i fiTt q.iality rr .r:: :. - f H of 1 per cent acidity. Oe.i t !ei i uftlat.it 7H-7X- lb. pre- u. c,.- v n,a rr 'ii'i af I5 of 1 per it:: t ,dit v. 7-8lK lb. t-vond qual it T7 .-7:i . i rv iii.i'rs nd ciintry pi r ;. if thn fir-t a i r 7 - 77c ffc Sr .r prue 1i l"artiand i e tj if ot -. :'. 43 -44c Id. loaf. 4-4 -4 jc But.te- A A print Tic cartons ??'. A y:a 1 p-.i.t 73 ,-7S-. F.taf- ' i- ' V r- AA :.ta. lariir 4- A .j:.'i k-. r ed:u:t:. 43c. .mail rr- ct .. fro-n farners- cur- r-".: 'nt-.pt. .;t)-.Si . tu-ts pav -llc 0 r e w ceiiirijE D'tae np nrficr I l. r ' (rkr.s - Nn 1 hrolUry aUlc f - - r 4 v- i tester 4i.c rni( ifil hens ; v i.rrom Irri 5 un t- raxjs- tr .: 16- 1 i- 2 u pi r.t: 1 ' '. i : 1 d r No 1 ' v. ; k .. r lit : N i . 1 p ,i v h' t ' Atrjit to rt'i.i'tm 44- ' , ice io pi 'xi'.ic. r v color ed: ' : a . 7. U . t- v. m'e f r r r a 27c lb 7..: "aa- r...n. tj.:! pr.tr. (frr.-ied ta- . it. J6c lb . : s 3Cc lb net ai r"'.t D' tl lurkfvi Packer, .elllnf p- ve -rta n Breedei henja. 39- 4K :r t r p.i! k oun frni 40 lb t ,:,- . - W ar. . dry No 1 135 1 t-r 5'i-:rj Mtck. Calif,, ellow. U:.' : 2H On,. r -O'rson dry No 1, $3 01 Ir-'.i -.k: a. a ilornia ' el Low triecllum. ! ? -.: ' :;-rcfi 12 iA) red 11.5-2 00. r e2 .? Z 4fr luii. u S3 LI) 50-ib sack C:.:.iTiat-Luiai U irtunK S3 00-3 71 rera Itana 3W cri.tl rschai te fan-, n,. ! ;-0c-4 23 ctntal- s3 $1.05. 13 '.in K.a.rr at!. Kali No 1. 3 75 P -.jiae - ariiori ia l)iie White DRS. CHAN . . LAM Or 1 T Xin. D Dr ti . baa .H U CHINESE HERBALISTS Z 1 North Liberty l':-. -f Portland General Klectrtc Cj Off.ce open Saturday only li a m to 1 p m : $ to 1 em Con n:::u.r. H.ocmJ pie.sure and urim t-'.s fr tree of rharra Practiced .:n lis 7 mm mm few? We Have It ! CORII GLUTEI! FEED 23 FROTEIII Horihwesi Ponllry Zl Dairy Pro. Co. 15S North Front Phone 7007 and E4mand Uwc ta ft $3 73 hundredweight. No. 1 eommer- rial 3 M Wash. Ked liarnet 3. cwt Kt ! Veal Pnceii not (table. AA. 34) cent.; ! A 2 rent. B. 26 cent. C. 22-24 rent.: ! cull. 11-20 cent. M . fanrv block 20c lb Umbi AA H,c. A 25'. c; B 22' iC; I c. at Mukton-rancy A. 13 l-4c: M. 12c: S trade. -10c. I Beef AA. 30-J.Tc: A. -32; B. 21V C, 25c: canner and cutter. 22c; canner a ltd cutter bulla. 20-24C Htv-Whailtul ih'smtnU: Alfalfa No 2 or better $31-33.50: oat and vetch mined nay. valley grower.' Drtce tlft- 127 ekiver hay, uncertified. $19-22: I baled on farm. Viool Valley, course and medium ! rlr. 45c lb celling (government coi- trolled ) I CtKtra bark Green $-$'3c lb.; i drv 2c Mohair 40c lb. on 13 month growth. Stocks and Bonds Coermned be Te A octattM Preea July t STOCK AVIRAGII 34) IS 1$ M Indua Klla Uttl Stk. Tuesday 102 S 104 0 107 9 7$ 2 Prevlou. day 107 7 103 1 107 74 1 Week ao 102 103$ 107 7 7$ 0 Month to . 102$ 103 107 7 77.7 Year ago 101 3 104 1 107 $ 73.3 BOND AVERAGES 20 10 10 10 Rail Indus UtU font TueMlav 100 0 48 6 33 5 72 Previous day 105 i 44 5 33 5 79 0 Week ago 105 6 48 $ 33$ 79 J Month ago . 108 2 49 3 34 7 SO 8 Year ago 86 7 43 $ 47 1 86 9 Salem Market Quotations BITTERFAT Premium .79 No. t .78 No 2 . .73 HITTER PRINTS Wholesale, pound .73 Retail, quarter pounds . .21 Half pound 42 Pound ' .79 K.;s Uirpe .44 Medium 40 Me!iuins and standards 40 POII.1RY t. 1. hens .. .2$ - 30 So. 2. hens . i.. . 23 Trver . .38 I IVESTOCK (By Valley Pack) Beef steer. & 15 to .! B-ef cows 10 to . Dairy cow. 08 to .1 1$ 13 11 Bulls Lambs, top Yearling lambs Ewes Mors. top. 160-300 lbs. Over 30 Sow s ... . . .14 .14 .11 05 17 73 17 25 16.00 Tl'SCALOOSA INACTIVATED j PHILADELPHIA. July 9-(P)-! The heavy cruiser Tuscaloosa to- j day joined 'the inactive 16th fleet j at the Philadelphia naval base, i Her captain. Cmdr, M. B. O'Con- ' nor of Baker. Ore., turned over ! the 12-year-old warship, the 12th cruiser inactivated here BETTER HEALTH! Heiarrfcex'ets 4Mf-f aaaaf Cefea AilmmH tfri Uker Tratalxl witho'it Ho pi 11 C'pirattion Write or call la-.r FfEE ucTptiva bookit j Mtmdi $km,tk FrUrt ! 10 A. M. S T. M. ttrminst. Mtuday. WmdwnJMj, TndJ 7 9 Dr. C. J. DEAN CLDilC PfcysicJaaat aae) Swrg eea N. I. Comer E. P'jrnlda and Grsnd Avenue 7aleplto LAat 3918. PbrUand 14, Oreajoa White-King Reunion Held At Sil verton UNION HItX White-King clan held its .reunion at $ilverton park Sunday; iohn King of Cut ler C?ty wa elected president; Mrs. Henry Xate, vice president; Mrs. W. M. Tafte, secreUry: W. M Tate, treasurer; Mrs. Julius Krenz. Silverton, histGnian; Mrs. May Lgerwbod 'ol Salem, honorary presiderft. v Present for the day were Mr. and Mrs. Thionias Myers. Dennis, Donald. Silverton; Mrs. Adda De lore, McCloud. Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Undbeclt, Mr. and Mrs. Argus Pearson, Mavis and Carol Pearspn Willamina; Mrs. May Ledgerwood, Mrs. Nona White, Mr. and Mrs. Loren White. Robert, Loren nd Gloria; Frank lin, Eleanor fend Ruth White, Sa lem. Eddie Kin. Laurel Krenz, Johnrjie Doerfler, Myra Fischer, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Jones. Mrs. Carl Jones. Ronnie and David, Sil vertoh; Mr. nd Mrs. M. M. Gil mour; Sublimity; Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Humphreys, Robert Humph reys, George .Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Verny Scotti Guy and Keith, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Tate, Warjorie Tate. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tate, Miss I Elizabeth Tate. Sublimity; Bryan Nealj West Fir; Ed Tate. Terry Tate Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Alexander, Kathrine, Corvallis; Mrs. Dell Alexander, Albanv; Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie King, " Cutlet City. Produce Scales To Be Checked Scales over which produce is harvested'on weight-payment ba sis will be! checked in this area frr,m July ' id to 20 bT deputy state sealers of weights and meas ure?,1 state agriculture department officials staled Tuesday. CheckinaT, in Salem will be con-s ducted at department headquar-i ters all day Friday, July 19. and the morning of July 20. Other scheduled checks are: July 10-iEdgene, at McCracken Brothers Truck company office for hop growers and California Packing company producers. I July 12 Stayton Canning com pany's plant. Jilly 15St Paul, 9:30 to 11:30 a m, at bank of St. Paul; Donald, 1:15 to 3 p.m., at Peterson's store, and! at Wtodburn city hall, 3:30 to 5 p.m. Jaly 16-4.Mt Angel, 9 to 11 a.m., at Schwab" warehouse; Silverton, 1 to 3 p.m., at Valley seed store. July 184-Independence, at In dependence bop growers head quarters. i i i i . ... i Steels, Motors Lead Market NEW YORK. July 9HfP-Steels and motors led the stock market on a selective comeback today al though bidding was far from ur gent and many pivotals were un able to shake off declines. Brokers said that accounts were reinstated on a restricted basis because of the thought thut liquidation h'ad drid up to a min imum and that any really con structive news might bring a re sumption. ' ' Transfer ol 790.000 shares com pared with 680,000 Monday. The Associated Press 60-stock composite was up .2 of a point at 79.2; It was olf as much the day before. In further reflection of the Ca nadian dollar revaluation. Distill ers Corp., was up 14 at $26,25, a 1946 high;-International Paper 14 at $48.75 and Hiram Walker 3 at $140. McGraw Electric, on a boosted dividend, added 234 at $44.25. Schehley was up 2Vj at $90.25. Table of Coastal Tides Times computed for Taft. Ore., by the. U S. Coast and Geodetic Survey for the Oregon Statesman- July 11 j 14 i 15 i Time : 10 37 a.m. 9:31 p.m. 11:47 10:2 p.ni 1 j 19 1 20 : 21 22 23 ' i 24 ! 23 ! i 26! 27 j 2$ t i 29 f f3o! I i O'.IO am. 1:32 p m. 0:38 am. 2:32 p snj 1:43 a in; 3:11 p.mi 31; HEMORRHOIDS FISTl'LA, rillCBK rsv la r II AND OTHRK TxlPES OP RECTAL DISORDERS) TREATED WITHOUT HOftPlTALEBATIOM. ; tV-B BLB.l.IZ.r'. CaS m FaJitias at writs It tW Fast Dwuwfcn Um. t. Dr. R. Reynolds Clinic M .42 t Bq-fROCTOI.OO 1ST 218 Netjtk Liberty Street ' Pkaiw 946 Sale aa. Ore. High " Low Water Time Water 4.2 4:31 a.m. 0 0 . 6.3 3 39 p.m. 2.3 4.4 3:09 a.m. -04 6.4 4:34 p.m. 2 7 1 9 'Sat n m 4 H S 43 a.m. -OBI 11:01 p.m. 6.5 3:05 p.m. 2 8 1:03 p.m. 4.6 6 21 a.m. 0 1 11:34 p.m. 6 5 5 41 p m. 2 9 1:39 p.m. 4.7 6 34 a.m. .0.9 6:17 p.m. 2 9. 0.09 a.m.. 66 7:2S am. .1.0 2:13 pjn,- 4 7 6 52 p.m. 2 9 0:48 a7rX 5 $":06 a.m. -0.9 2:32 p.m. 4 3 73 p.m. 2 9 1:30 a.m. 6 3 X a m -0 7 3:29 p m. 4 9 $25 p ro 2.7 2:11 a.m.: 6 0 9:18 a rm. -0 4 4:03 P m. 50 923 p m 2 6 I 3 04 am. 55 9:37 am 00; 4 44 p m. 5 3 1029 p m 2 2 4 04 am. 50 10:40 am 0.5 3 23 p m. 3 6 11:44 p m 13 5:1$ a.m. 4 5 11:26 am 1.0 6:12 p.m. 60 6 4A ajnj 41 0:59 a m 12 7 00 p m. 6 3 12:20 p.m. 16 8 16 a.m. 40 2:09 a m 05 732 pmj 6 7 1:18 p.m. 2 0 9:36 a m.i 4 2 3:10 a m. r0 3 8 44 p nriJ- 7 0 2:21 p m. 2 3 10:46 a m.t 4 5 4 07 a m. -0 9 929 p mi 7.3 323 pm 2 5 11 (8 a mJ 4 7 4 57 a m -14; 10 Jl p m 7 3 4 17 p.m. 2 5 i 1223 pm 36 $ 46 a m -17 1121 p ltil 7 3 9 :12 p m. 2 4 1 ill pmj 32 $30 a m rl.8 $ 03 D m. 2 3 7 4 ?M5 a.m. 5 3 $:34 p m. 2 2 7 0 :33 a.m. -13 3 4 7 47 p rn 2 1 6 6 $ 36 a.m.- -0 8 $ 3 3 43 p m. 2 0 n Grain Futures Finish High CHICAGO, July 9-P)-Grain futures; were nervous in today.' trading, fluctuating rapidly with little apparent rea-son, but finish ing above yesterday's close. Corn was higher at the opening and then ran into selling which at one time carried it as much as 4 cents under the day's high. Oats were .steadier in a heavier trade but at the low spots managed to hold even with the previous close. Shorts and professionals bought heavily enough to run the puce up as much as 2 cenb a bushel mia-iursv Ihra-iiitrh th SaPSMnn. but ! sharp declines and advance came without anything in the news to account for the quick changes. At the close corn was to higher f than yesterday's cloe. January $1.584- Oats were 3 to Hi higher, July 85" i and bar ley was 4 to 1 cent higher, No vember $1.40i. The cash market held about steady with bookings for wheat 293,000, corn 65,000 and oats 235, 000. Statesman CUsslftesI Advertising ClaMiified Ada Call 9101 Per line 1 Three Insertions per line 25e Six Insertions per line 40e One month per line $1.59 Minimum charge 25c. S tL min. 40c: C tL min. 50c. No refunds. Count 5 words to line. Copy for this page accepted un til 6 30 the evening before publica Uon for classification. Copy re ceived after this Ume will be run under the heading "Too l-ate to Classify " The Statesman assumes no finan cial responsibility for errors which may appear in advertisements pub lished in its columns and In cases where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an advertise ment in which the typographical mistake occur. The Statesman reserves the light to reject questionable advertising It further reserves the right to place all advertising' under the proper classification A "Blind" Ad an ad containing a Statesman box number for an address Is for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The States man is not at liberty to divulge Information as to the identity of an advertiser using a "Blind" ad. Livestock and Poultry TOR SALE: Saddle horse, well broke. Right price, right size, right color. Also Chesapeake Bay retriever pups. 3 months old. Price right. See R. A. White at Ramp h White Store, Brooks. Ore; - RABBITS?! NVw Zealand white. 2 good buck, several young does. Call after S P nv 320 Vjata .jAve. 'CUSTOM dressing of chickens, any number Prompt service Dressed poul try wholesale our specialty. Phone 3-3861 Lee's Hatchery WANTED: Eat and canirver raws la beet Dairy cows, heifers, bulla, veal Eat bogs. sows, stags, boars Market price t C McCandlish. rt f . box 373 Ph 8147 scroti, from ball park S tsth Y6lf!vfG CAJTMmift-fKMlLV-JtR COW. ERF"- HEN SOON. V.'L.. O&TKANDER, RT. $, BOX 337 BEA'OTlrUL yr. ol4 spotted "gekT ing. Well broke, gentle for Ladies. i-ot of style. Vfk Kelly. Rt. 2. Box 22B. Turner. J miles south of Pringle school. FOfifSALE : CenUe kids saddle, pony. $63. Rt. 3. Box 761. 2 mi. south Liberty on highway. "' LIVESTOCK Wanted: Cattle, all kinds, for Port Und Market. C. White, Turner. Ore - " STALXlON SERVICE Napa Elah. Regl.tcred American SaddWbred Stallion Eee $23 or $50 for registered mares at time of service with return privileges within the year Napa riash is one of the better bred stalltons on the coast there is no sub stitute for good breeding Owners: Mr and Mrs Roy H Simmons. Route 4. Box 270. Salem. Ore Phone - 916S or 2-1143. x "BABY CHICKS: weekly hatches new Hampshire other varieties. Ph. 22861 Lee s Hatchery. WANTED: All kinds of livestock Valley Packing Co Phone 593$ WANTED: Beef and canner cows bulls and veals Will call at farm E 1 Snrthen. 1350 Lancaster Drive Ph 11 343 Morns or e vea FOB SALE: ChrisUe WS Baby chicks every Wed. Boy in Rt on. 3710 State St Phone 4969 or 68F4. RABBITS WANTED: All sizes 4 to $ lbs. White 27c lb., colored 24c Ib, live weight. Rabbit skins, best prices. Wire stretcher and other supplies. Rt. 4. Box 66B. William Bossert. Write, we pick up. Rabbit Meat Co. 8917 SE Stark, St. . QUXQTY NEW Hamps chicks. Col lege tube tested. No reactors. Phone Black 193 Gehray Hatchery. Silverton. Oregon. Help Wanted WANTED r Cherry Pickers 10 miles north on Wallace Road. Take gravel road at Y. Second house. Ed Lenstrom, Rt. 1, Box 285. WANTED 2000 HOP PICKERS ; Harvest starts the later part of Aug ust. 537 acres of high trellis hops, cool, shady camps with lights, wood. snower Dains ana aay nursery xor ; children furnished free to pickers, j Grocery store, meat market and rest- ' aurant on grounds. Register In person at ranch office or write us for full particulars. E. CLEMENT HORST CO.. . ' INDEPENDENCE. ORE. ROUTEMAN To take over Silverton exclusively. Living quarters available there. Car essential. Good opportuni ty for somaaone. Contact Distributor. R. Watkin- Co products, 175 So. High St. Salem. Ph 3,39?. DtS WASHER for night shift. 162. N. Com'l. Chinese Tea Garden. !CHERRY PICKERS: Ph. 74l2:aT5o Rt. 5. Box 310. Ph. 81F11. McClay Rd . and Rt. 7. Box 404. Silverton Road. COTTAGE PARENTS Man and wife to supervise boys cottage. Woman as housekeeper, man to supervise out side work group and cottage.. High school graduate or equivalent. Perma nent position .Salary and full main tenance. Oregon State Training School. Woodburn. CHERRY PICKERS: Ph 7412:" also Rt. 5. Box 310. Ph. 81F11. McClay Rd . and H 7. Box 404. Silverton Road. Hop Pickers Wanted HOP Pickers wanted for the Mis sion Bottom Hop Co. 12 miles north of Salem. Picking begins about Aug. 18. Phone 22347 or write Gervais, Ore gon, Box 63. Help Wanted Male Experienced Mechanic aPor general repair work on all makes Of cars. Guaranteed salary and bonus plan. Ask for Van. shop supt. TEAGUE MOTOR CO. 253 N Liberty Phone 7001 RELIABLE Neat appearing man wanted. Steady work. Average $30 Weekly and up at start. References and car necessary. Write Box 736, Statesman. JOBS FOR VETERANS Yank Legion Service Office. 370' State SL Ph. 3361. Help Wauled Male MAN Puller Bru.h Co. dealership in Lincoln county. Good pay. Write 1745 Grant St.. Salem. Oregon. SALESMEN: To sell rock wool in sulation alo complete line of other irisutatinir, materials, and weather strip ping. Must have car. Herbert Vereets. Ph. 7591 "SALESMAN Wanted' to eli roofin and building materials. Must be clean cmt. ambitious, married and have own cyH;. Protected territories. Exp not nrr a. We will train von Apply in person he ween 7 OO - 8 30 pm W1IXAMET1E VALLEY ROOF CO. Inc 30 Una Ave Ph. Wi4 Real Opportunity Exp. Lub Vian in Salem's mott mod -err. shop. Ask, for Van. shop supt. TEAGOE MOTOR ClO. 255 N Litetly K Phone 700 1 MAN Wanted f-or feel wtirhnuv wruk G M. Slcnl. Co. 30 Un. ave Ph R533 " i WANTED p:PEKIENCEn, Auto Mechanic ONE S H A T KNOWS CHRYSLER PRODUCTS MUST BE FAMILIAR WITH AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS W. L. ANDERSON. INC. DeSOTO Distributor PLYMOUTH Ph. 7703, 360 Marion St. "YOONG MAN. high school graduate, to work in furniture store. Ambitious with desire to learn. Good opportunity for advancement. Hogg Bros., 260 State St AST YOU LOOKING for an auto mechanic lubrication body and metal work lob S-day work week substantial extra earnings compe tent supervision ideal shop A work ing conditions other- advantages. Loder Bros , Oldmoblle dealers, have opening for experienced, conscientious workmen interested in further devel opment and improvement. Apply in person if qualified. 463 Center St. Help Wanted Female EXP. WOMAN for Cooking and light housework, care of baby and boy 6 when necersary, cleaning woman em ployed, private room, board and $150 per montn. in. aae. WANT Dependable youns si'rl to care for babv once or twice a week. E. Olson. 552 ' N. Church. Experienced waitress, over 23. night shift, best wages, transportation furnished one way. Eola Inn, Ph. 9003 after 3 p. m. : "WOMAN OR girl, lor housework, modern home of invalid. Box 731. Statesman. "ALTERATION Lady. City-" Clean. n Work, 1243 State. St. ELDERLY LAl5Yto care for chil dren. Room, board and wages. Ph. 4201. HELP WANTED FEMALE Expel tciu-ed seamstress or alteration woman. Must have reference. Good wages. Steady work, Bernardty. Tall qr 1st Natl Bank Bdg. EXP. Waitress, good; hours. Salem Coffee Shop J59 1 SHijKh. GIRL For general housework. Murt be 16 or older. Good Wages. Ph. 8931 WAITRESS Wanteds Top wages. Bill's Con YOUNG Girl to' assist Private boarding hotise Evening shift. 'ectionrry. II n dining room. 301 N. Winter ELDERLY Lady Tfoij housekeeping and care for ronv.lnrrnl Ph 8480 EXPERIENCED WAITRESS wanted. lay hft. Court St. Hairy Lunch. EXP. WAITRESS! nfght shift. The ?P-... ... TEACHER WANTED: Second grade ' Pref. one who can help with music, i Salary $2.000 00 Grade School Dtst. 1 No, 9. Jefferson County. Madras. Ore- j gon Mary R Dull rut. clerk I WANTED: Experienced young lady bookkeeper with knowledge of typ ing, by rapidly expanding concern. Ph. 3443 for appointment. WOMEN NEEDED at Salem Laun dry Co. 263 S. High. Situational Wanted Bruh Painting No tlelay. Free estimate. Ph. 24588 LADY. 2 Small children wants work in motherless horn or for genUeman. Cre Statesman. Box 733. WILL Do stenographic work in my home. Dictation, typing, copy . work, etc. Several yra. experience. Ph. 24716 GENERAL Cemerjt contracting. Stan ley Fagg. Phone2p043. BABY SITTER. Any night after 6 Phone 7196. EX-SERVICE MAM Desires radio repair and installation work. Appren ticeship training on Job. Box 729. Statesman. ; PAPER HANG f N5TPhone 3067 TREE SPRAYINGl Best work. Ph. 2-2922. : WILL CARE for children. Ph 2-1903" SPRAYING trees, fields, lawns equipped for ny Job. Ph. 2-2303. WILL PLOW aSc cover crop disc witlv crawler tractor. Phone 2-2127. VENETIAN BLINDS laundered, re paired, retaped. 48-.hr. serv. Ph. 2-4418. PAINTER AND DECORATOR Interior or Exterior. Brush or Spray. DICK OREY Phone 25444 ; 1148 Fir St SPRAY painting your paint or ours Phone 4246. Eyerly Gottenberg. PreSchool PlaySchool. 1381 Stata" Ages 2-8 Part or all day Ph $430 ALL WORK guaranteed. Windows, walla, woodwork cleaned. Floors wax ed. Insured workmen. Professional Cleaning Service. Phone 4437. For Sale Miscellaneous LAWN and GARDEN TOOLS. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N. LIBERTY ! SALVIA, asters, petunias, zinnias,! T. begonias, fuchsias, geraniums, pep-: pers. cabbage. Hli 2-4351. Merrills Greenhouse. Brooks. Two-Way Talkie and intercornmun-; ication telephone nets. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY River Silt MASONv SAND CONCRETE MIX AND FILL DIRT ALL KINDS; OF GRAVEL Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. PH 2-19S - 2-3100 PLASTI-KOTE. the paint with the cellophane-like finish YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. j LIBERTY Unfinished Furniture I Salem's exclusive unfinished furnl : ture large assortaient or made to or der Picketts Furniture T3th and Stat I " PLASTIC 'CLOtHES LINE. Honing; board pads and covers i YEATER APPLIANCE CO. j 255 N.j LIBERTY I COILED TRASH BURNERS. YEATER APPLIANCE CO i 233N. I LIBERTY ' G H. H GllXlOifHoist. 505 Center St j wall i rrt! i an urritits YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N.j LIBERTY DECORATIVE "tand" " Ugh ted house nutfebers ! YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 235 NJ LIBERTY "COAL or BRIQUET CIRCULATOR YEATER APPLIANCE CO 253 N.i LIBERTY KITCHEN"and"Tb"athrobm fixtures yeater Appliance co. 253 n. liberty -Miscellaneous or SETFAST canvas paint will dress up your awnings- and outdoor furnituie Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N L1B.FHTY NJGHT CJtA W .J. RS 2493 S ta te J?t FARMERS Attention: Electric and battery tejnre controller. YEATKH APPLIANCE CO . 1 253 N LIBKK T Y ELECT filC de.k and n antle clotks Y EATER Al'II.IANCE CO. V 235 N. I.IiBERTY PI A NO ftenche. Tail Iriianj. 395 S 12t h felNClirf and two-burner hotplates . YEA! ER APPLIANCE CO 255 N. LIBERTY HEAT frour home: elcctricjlly. ItJs conveniens, clean, economical. See us for free estutiate. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N Liberty riCl'RlKKS anal mall gift Itrtu. YIIATER APPLIANCE CO J 25 N LIBERTY INDIRECT floor lamps and t.nh!cr Y HATER APPLIANCE CO s 2i5 N LIBERTY POWEHSFUL 8-tulx- Tropic Master table moarlel eslec radio built for over- ea sertfice. ideal for outdoor, or . caastal le-al'tM-i , YEATER APPLIANCE CO . I 25 N. Liberty I .COMMERCIAL, electric automatic four burner ranne. Ideal for restaur ant club, or farm ue. YEATER APPLIANCE CO j 255 N. J;.IBERTY SMOOTllIES for perfect home made ioe crraro V EATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N LIBERTY ELECTRICAL CHIMES. long and sort tuhe-s. mechanical chimes. YEATER APPLIANCE CO X 255 N. LIBERTY DESK, table and pln-it-up lamps ' YEA I ER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N LIBERTY REGISTERED Cocker pups ' Rt 2. Box 29B. 1-4 mile north Keizer school. T BALED Clover hay." Ph. 2-2785.' CAULIFLOWER. Broccoli and curtv kale plants. R. R. Pa me N. of Lan caster. Rt. 3. Junction Citv. BOATS For sale 14 ft. DlllabauKh. New 12 ft. molded plywood. Also Fold craft, canvas boat and 2 old rowboats. cheap Salem Boathouse. 100 Chemek- ea. Ph 9303. i USED Floor fuinace. wood or brick eJtte. W. W. Mee. Phbne 2-4381. 420 Lancaster JJrive. ! BUFFET. Radio, twin rize metal beds and springs, automatic gas hot water heater, cook stoves Mason Fur niture. 2446 Fairgorunds Road, i TABLE Saw and motor $50 00 Weld ing torch and tips $10 00 Hand tool Srindcr $2 00. After 6 p.m. only. Ph. 754. 1052 Saginaw. DAVENPORT In good condition. 2125 Mvttle Ave PEASY Washer $35 00 12 x13", '"rug and pad. Nearlv new $100.00. Enamel Trah burner S45 OO. Daveno and chair $40 00. JWi and 160 meter band portabl? IranKimtter and receiver, made hv ('rotley for U S armv. Phone and (V W. with power supply. $100.00 Phone 2-1125. ' BEAUTIFUL Tuberous begonias. "hel iotrope, etc. at D. ViMa Gardens, 3225 D St. VIOLIN Portable Sonora phono graph, records. 22 rifle, cooper wash boiler, tub. tools, lugfrage carrier, fruit jars, camp stove. 1640 Nebraska, f PORTABLE "Phonograph $13. fair Cond 50 record, and case' $20 1 et of sockets and some tools $12 3ft 1934 Ford V-$ motor, good cond $35 2HA0 Cfiin'l. Cabin 12 SHALIXJW Well "elec pump 'Ruth Miller. Rt. 1. Independence. Ore. YOUNG Berriey. boysen berries now ready. FYlgaards Fruit Stand moved o new location. Rt. 2. Box 30. Ph. 24262. WOOD. coal. Move viand baker. Sac rifice $IO0 1215 S 12thSt..; SAWDUST Burner with automatic motor controls and lunmber for ban. 1165 So. High. Phone 5196 ! SPRING Scale $3 50 RCArecord Iplaver $6 00. Small ma ho an v writing desk $272 51. 2 wheel trailer $35 OO Phone 3928 lt5 N Winter. ROYAL Anne and Lambert cherrien. M K. Rice. 450 llolijwood Dr. Pli 272758 12 WHEEL Trailer. giMHl tubber. $65 00 443 S !Ath LARGE Babv" ied and wardrobe Excel rauial Ph 8123 COMPLETE Walnut -firih bed im suite perfect condition Box springs 3225 Silverton Rd REFRIGERATOR. 30 cu;" ft Good cond. Rt. 1. Box 246 Ph 23249 WOMAN "FRY CTK5K. " 1204 " LESLIE ST ELECT.RK Range, radio-phonograph, rug and ovei stuffed furniture. Mut m-II this week. leaving tow it. 2S6 S 16th WOOD Cwculator; 2557 l-e Call after 6pm FOR SALE : 4 love "birds and cage Ph. 2-1246 140 S. Inca-ter Dr GOOD 4-wheel trailer needs hitch. $33 Also clean wood range with good grates, at jour own price. 230 Libel ty Rd. 6 FT. Case combme. Good running order. Henry G. Kuper. Ph. 8782 after 6 p. m. 2 WHEELED Trailer. 17" wheels, good tires. itdO N. 15th. FLUORESCENT kitchen fixturesand single tube -brackets for use near your mlxror. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N LIBERTY FARMERS "Attention: WestirTghouse automatic, electrrc milk cooler, capacity sixty gallons YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N LIBERTY UPSTAIRS Antique Shop. 439 Court "ROYAL ANNE chcrrte?. 8c lb. U pick Erneit Roth, Rt. 6. Box 403. Ph 2-2788. REGISTERED Collie dogs. 1635 State St. -ALWAYS a big sloe. Woodrv'. Furniture Mkt pups excel Ph 3110 WILL BUY for cash, sell or trade, guns, pistols, ammunition, boats or tiiri Don Madison . 590 No. III g h GUARANTEED FOREVER flashlights requiring no batteries, twp and three cell Highlights, railroad tvpe lanterns YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N LIBERTY SUMMIT Berrv Farm. Monmonth. Ore., now harvesting raspberries About July 8th Boysenberries at their peak. We have efficient refrigeration Call any time. We assure you quality and flavor good as ever. Bring your 11 hallotk flat. , FARMERS Attention: Portable. , elec tric milking machines. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N LIBERTY TYPATUNES. music while you learn to tj pe. YEATER ASPPI.IANCE CO. 255 N LIBERTY WE buy and sell lurniture. tools stoves, dishes, motors, radios. Electric appliances; household good K1.1G MAN'S 285 N Commercial Ph 985 ALL METAL TOOL CHESTS. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 2S5N LIBERTY FARMERS Attention: Adjustable, electric butter cliUrns YEATER APPLIANCE CO 25: N LIBERTY EXPEHT wa-ihing m.ti-hihe" service and wringer ruir- all makes See Ed Ellis al Nrl'im Braas Ftuniture S'ore 315 N l.ltwrtv LIGHT UP your aid or (iiiveway with an outdoor, paartatile light YEATER APPLIANCE CO J-.5 N LIBERTY SPERTI and Sun Kraft uh lamps with timers: also heat lamps YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N LIBt:RTY AUTOMATIC, electric sKiearm heaUr. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N LIBERTY "RED t'fX'KKR tmppiri Re'gittred Best of breeding 3034 Portland Rd ELECTRIC pants pressers and curF ing Irons. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 5N LIBERTY STITN"G"LES frotn Rosenberg mill at Tillamook. 2x4s. shiplap. flooring other items Lumber kiln dried or green on HH priorities Ted Muller Trucks. Ph.Saicfh 21 l'J y "NEW 1946 Schult trailer house. Ian dum wheel. Kimball dollys. oil circu lating heater and gas range. Can be seen at 365 Taylor Sr off end of North 4th street. " KITCHEN and bathroom lighting fix tures. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N LIBERTY OLYMPIC wood circulator. Ph. 7138 2025 MarkeL Sul For Sale f MiruteUancou COILED WOOp RANGE. $23. Small desk att book-cae comb , $8. " violin. 2250. 2265 N. th St Sun. or; eves USED Elec. lauige: 100 lb. ic pax: prewar daveno: jrt pr. dinlnx room set: wood ranse with reservjoir: drmp leaf table and 4chairi Mac.l45 S Jlniirh. rUi-LEH Brusies i74lCrant P 833i ELECTRIC ROOM HEATERS - fan steam and reflet-tor t ries YEATER jAPPI-l AjNCE CO 253 M LIBERTY ; "SlOVE repairing A plarts ; Woodrv. Mkt 1603 N Summef Si " CUSTOM "MADE TRAILERS. Piompt attention. Martm Bros. Trailer Mfg Phone 8282 KITCHEN and Industrial exhauvt fans YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N LIBERTY RlVfCR SILT '-, Fill dirt. tia-4n anat and giavel Ptiaine 2-1749 2 WHEEL Toiler F.lf-ttrir wa-fMiTu machine, elect ri Hot I'aiint tin. Hrxl icMim .uite anI other i furniture. 196 N 24th t i BOYSEN Berties. baiain prlcn-. 2930 N Front Ph 442.7 WOOD Circulating l-.cter corl cr.n dition. rncdumi nrr $.'ii, 554- S 19th. AP t 1 PIE Ctierrfhs find 1 jr)iiei tv 241'." " CROSLEY vTale model radio $20 571 Union Ph. ,7235 i FOR SALE: New-', h"p. G E. 'motoi . $30 Ph. 2-1102. 4090 Eat I A,ye HARVEST SACKS fcjr sale. North west Poultry and Dairy 1505 N. Front Salem Phone 7007. J COAT HANGERS, stfel or ' wood Kligman's. 285 N. CoifM ALUMINUM sauce bins, well and tree platters, frying pan4, cookie sheets YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N. , LIBEjRTY CARLOAD EASTERN Oil. lOflri Para fin Base. $ gal. $2KMelrritt Truax Co N Front alt Columbia pts ' NEW Ei.ECTRIC'taoh CafTr. Em mons at 4133 during butnets hours NEW OrL heater. Call Mr7"Eiiit"iiiois. 4133 during bulneshfMtrs. j .. ' FRAME GARAGE 16ii$" ft . Ca lrfoi nia siding. Call 6034 after 3 p. m. ELECTRIC "WASHERi $40. Ph. 50S2. 116 N. Fousth. f ; - ELECTRIC CABINEt sewing ma chine tWhite Rotaryl. 'rocking chairs, miscellaneous furnitureL 1 Corker pup. 1113 E. Rural. j MAKE YOUR OWfJ CONCRETE BLOCKS. Perfect block made quu-V-Iv Fastest and cheapest wav: no pal lets required. Price $3 Mack Steel Products. Richmond, Tlo Wantetl Furniture WANTED- Used furn ture. 2446 Fairgrounds Mason's Furnl Rd. Phi 2-4595 Wanted Miscellaneous i WANTED: Ijite model gas or elec tric range Ask for Mr. Hum ma" Davs Ph. 3141 Eve 2-I509. USED Fireplace mantel Ph 2-3430. WANTED: Reftaurint " equipment Write C. Tucker. Box 123. Yachats. Oregon. CJOote prices ; "Wanted fiee .uriieon. wmv no 311 Statesman Will Dirk up July 6. WANTED Burlap or cotton his Any kind, quantity r condition Very small lots not wanted; Gie good di rection to your place i and number of hags ou have Schupbach Bnw . P O Box 381. Ilea verton. Ore : USED FURNITURE. jPhone 110 DISHES over 23 ts "old Up-."t4iri Antique Shop 439 C'4urt Ph 2-1443 " WANT tO Buy. Used" cameras 3, lenses McEwan Photo, Shop 435 State CASH for vour used furnituie pn 7.9S State St Furniture 1900 State CASH for used Diafto A olhri mu slral instruments call 4641 davs or 9537 evenings or send description to Jaquith Music Co 191 S High AUTO painting. ut a shade better, by Rav ETTER. Call Shrock Motor Co 8503 : USED FtjRNlTftREp Ph fclg.-. IF YOU nave furniture to sril see Rum Bright Ph 75ll 433 Coutt WANTED. PIANOS! Will "pav cash" Wills Music Store. 432 State St Money l lxan $ $ MONEY $ $ We make aO types of personal loans Including furniture note and car loans, for anv worth while cause We a !o make real estate loans and buv real estate contracts Foil quick and eft! ctent service see ar : phone STATE FINANCE CO. Phone 4121. 153 Si High. Salem 1.1c 8. 21S- M 22 Auto Loans , Willamette Crelit Co. 3TH rt-OOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE N M 159 PROMPTT PRIVATE LOAN" SERVICE 'Personal' makes loins of $111 to $300 to men and women in signature fur niture or auto s-SOO Co-siKners sr-!dam required. $.'10 for 2 weeks cost or'v 2v Personal Finance Co j Salem. 518 State St. Rm. 125. Phone 3191. Lie. S-122. M-165 (General Finance Corp. offers money at onrj on cars, tr ucks furniture. trailer rtouse. l!vc4trck farm mirrhuwry. cufitracts refinanced and additional monfv advarceJ No co-signer General Finance is locally owned and officered:! was organi.-ed in 1927 and therefore kniows arid can help throughout the repaying of;a loan Ap plications for loans made by p'iin 136 South Commercial Sts . Salem Phone 9168 Licenses S-13j St M-3.8 FARM and CITY LOANS 4'ii and 5". Your own terms of repayment with in reason Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortgages CAPITOL SECURITIES CO 207 Pioneer Trut Bl1 : Phone 71S2 MONEY TO LON WANTED. REAL ESTATE mortvage loans, city or farm ! pi ope; i tie, loan made as Miiall ' a SJtHl S-e us atiout refinancing your prjftsent conn. n't or mortgage Approved city lnari 4't.. Le N. ('lililds.' Inc. 344 State St. j Phone 921 . i i Miscellaneous i I ai I COMMEfitCI AL IIA H LINC t.. 4'JaHO evt. r sitppl v nf hi ick -ly Trail fer irutler f'n bio. ling a Phone 7711 dayi ORDER Yamr w .nt lis nuw Capital ( CAPITAL City Ti charcoal. SEPTIC TANK Srviar Itih U i . r-.-l. r. . Salem, (ire. Jack Bitf-limf Septic Tanlis (3!eanel K F Haigel 1143 Stn. Wet Salem Pliairw j 74114 AIS CLEARING ! AND GRADING PHONE ti.'Hli j Tree Surgery Ti unfiling, topplni-. reilnya! P:: 2-4213 DRAWING house plan I'hor.e itf.z:. SINGER Sewimv Cj in our new c Sas- coniplcte course $10j rnti-r F.r.raili nuu n dirsmaking A Rent a Singer ir one lepaired. 142 S have vou' old High, Ph X',12 Dental IMatc Repair TWO HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Stall Your Plates for RepaU DR HARRY SEMLER, DENTIST Adnlph Bldg State Aj Caim - Ph 1311 GLASS and glazing service. Phone 9221. Don Brown, j TREE SPRAY Be4l work" Pn 2-2?22 "COMPLETE nrakje and shock ab sorber service Salenii Brake. 241 Center " 15' COOLFSt INSIDE That's vour home this summer If vou install Westwood Huprrmf Insulation now For free estiknate call Western Auto Supplv CoPh. 717T MEN'S HATS cieisned and blocked JSC LES SPRINGEjR 4MCqurtSt BEKINS Nationwice tivov serv 7771 HEAVY all LIGHT! hauling, any time, any place, anywhere, phone 3422. Lan genfeid Bownen CO. Mi&cellaneoua CONTRACT HAULING a or long distance. R L. Phillips, Rt 1 tarns. 588K. SPRAY PAINTtNG. houses. roofs or what have vou. Ph. . j - Lawn Mowers, Sharpeinetl Soot tie Smith Flxlt Shop. hx a-rset. ylene and electric welding- ITriryclee and Kiddie Cars repaired. Pjrjk ub and deliver. Rt 7. Box 379 HaveWitlaf dist. Reiman's Gardens. Phone 32S3. l PAINTING inside and "outTl TaTfl King Phone3O70 I II WEATHER strTpVPuliinan.j PilriSS. CH ARIS FOUNDATIONS. Irtylori brassieres aV girdles it elastic eio'rol. Also Masonite frocks. Ph. 9493ij I Mrs. Frank I. Turner. 2605 N. 4thj I . WHY Not sole your shoes iwita: pre war leather. I to 3 dar serv ca f Short lohs while you wait All kinds of good rebuilt aihoes for sale at Gipton.s.' 32$ N lom'l il. Phone 3tK)8 HEAVY Hauling Excavation? i an3 Head Building. I -and Clearing. Dozer Work Ditching Batement Ejsca Sand. Gravel. Crushed RorJt. Sand. Concrete Mix. Cement Salem Santl & Crave! 1403 N Front St . Salem Ore run Phone 940$ or 21924 atlon. 1 Co.! For Rent f titig lr DO IT Yourself bv rentftta alne of : these time savers. Skill Saw.) elee. I floor edger. Disc sander and po'isher,; elec. neflge trimmers, weed aurneT, plumbing tools and manv fotiiera at Hawer-Rent-A-Tool. 11372 Edgwater. Dial 3646 i i " FOR R EN rr T) p7wTite7PrTit72"ir" rtbOR SXliBER for rentMoot- gomerv Ward I rHAlLERS tor rent Soc oeflit 1 Woodm'i Mkt.. 1603 N Summef I TRUCKS for rent You drive $ Oine ar Lovell Phone 9V0 i t u-drive tnucKS rGh RENT. Blankets furn 197 S Libert Ptk 0062. " FlXOR" Sander lor reri IllUriliaiC1 WeUs Store Phone 6877 j I COO"D Used Puiiio H Stilfi, For Rent -Rooms) ROOM No drlnkers. 4J0 S". Ct-urchJ " SLEEPING " Room for 2"Tmployel people preierreo. mvis Liperry. I SLEEPING"ROOMS for- w rjrkihgTTrTsj j Inquire eves. 1775 Fir St Phone 2-1 71 Si 2 SLEEPING' Rms for tenti 2424 Slmpon Men preferred ! j SI.EEPINOROOMS-5r.3j:riioA ! " CLOSE In furnished rootr.s. s,nT and twin lieds. Ladies only ! No mk int. References requ.red, tTior.jr $"$t after 6 p m j j . SLEEP, room. Cal) ev. ljflS Broadway, Wanted lo Rent ( Very Desperately INeitletl By 1pterari j j with wife and sn-al! child. furytishaMl houfe or apartme'tt Permanent pos4 tir.n in Salem. Phone 4667- or g-24a. . U"ANTED:3 or 4 room apa-tment. Murt be modern. Clo ri. local busi. ness man and wUe. Call 31993 before 6 p.m ' i j j : W A NTFD ' Futnilied" ! a par tment. State enitlaved muple- Rrt ofs care. Phone 4171 Ext. 439 bef re 3 STEADILY Eiriploed Vet" will! wife and 2 vr old child' depcai'.vj need 3 i m. furn. apt. or small lhom4 W'tU take excellent care ef prlopertr. Ph. 27412 J ' ; ' j , ' "YOUN5 Coupfe wants small furn ished apartment rr light j hous seep inr rooms Ph. 3463 " PROFESSIONAL fan and wife wail I well furnished aulirtrrent!. N'oj. chil dren Box 734'. S'atestran ; ; I . EX G I badlv 4n need; of ai large ; hou-e immediately Pti 9121 J j .2 I AOIES "Wa"nlun"prn "mod ; 2 bei , rm hraie by August p. References. CalJ 8oM : i EX-SERVICE man with i .earfy em pla ment and Ife depelrate!si need fu-nl-ied house or apartmertt. iGuar ntre the best of caret P!eae Hake If Pci'M for lis to li a h on ar. Ph. 2-?1?6 Howard Jlarvey ! EX-SERVICE Man a0.fw.f4ee- perately need furnished house or tpntt. ment. Guarantee the best of car. Pleae make it nossih'e for ti to hatfc a home. Ph 2-2924 Horward Hariey. ( PF.RMAKENTT.V'-MPI OvFreer. an and wife need furnJ apt. No chfl dren or pets. Can furr. gnoi reffrmsts, Pleaaie call collect Albanv :353-Lij' HOUSE OR aoartrnent furlsf.ed rt unfair nibel Young married Couplaw l'tie a.V3 . S 2 OR 3 rooen" f!i-riir.-i apattir.eriL No children. Boa 710 Sraesmah. HOUSE or apattmin" in' tn or home in the country Will pay 2 fc.ontha in advance. Young cotiole wita very .nw.ll baby Will take the best ef car of your propertv. Leave mesre at Phi 151 Independence . Call colect FURNISHED HSF-. Or ap AdlHts. Jetm Sovboda. Montgomery W'ard. Ph. 31 1194 ) ; ' MODERN "TfOX" S ft or aot. wa fed D luSt. reliable adult PhJ t-iljl. ' YOUNG Veteran and wife b'rAtx em plovrl urgently naed furnrshedi aort edi i T ment nr mall house. - N ctildxen. Pirate call 2-4262 For Sale- Real Estate HOME & INCOME I J room and a mus:c room . rratr.t furnace. Also 3 room h - rrt ' 'rated clove to Sate Price See JOE HUTCHISON with ; i I Leo N. Chilli. In fc ' REALTORS r44 State St. Phof i-;MK) HAYESVILLE Dist a tr 4 rms with bath, gara ' oast erove down. $?4)O-20 acres. 6 mtles soutM n!w cabin 12 acre of prunes, tiit.ber and rature. with live i Call Jea Thompson 1717 Center StJ 1 lll'FF REAL rSTATSiCO RFT.TftH utl td $7500, 1 ' ! J C. I e rn rlcL 1 4s Bc"i - I I I Smalt palancl jrtrcarnw : -1 1 IMii.re 2-I54S. Eve Ph 2-35CI J B&RM h6mE. Myrtte Street, fuj ' h;nit. fireplace, hdwd- firs. - irr rrediatajL j pision See MffT GOODWIN witft.'; Iliawkins & tiVfhert.! Inc.! I REALTORS i Phone 4108 Altr 6 $71j rf rr rv c orr-i a 1 Owner's flat plus apt. rented at $504 r. mfm. uio-nrii. cawa. i i fir. n'ar No 3 raiiMai rnn. i floors. 4 bia. 'I lioni city center. Price $12,004 I (.rahenhorj-t Bros. 1 ! REALTORS 134 S Liberty St. PhiJne!41SJ ADvnTTsrs'r; I f i Western Advertising t Representatives Ward-Griffith Company, San . Francisco Eastern Advertisin Representatives Ward-Griffith Comvany. frk. Chwam New York Detroit. Boston. AUanta I Mrmber Pacific Coast Dtvtsictl Bureau nf Advertising 11 Fnfered f PotfoffW Oreoon as fitrond . ClaM Hit ti Pol lulled even mnrmtut erreoe Morula u. Butanes, office iti South Cork r eroaU. Strtrt. SUDSCRIPTION RATES Mail Subscript ton Rate In Agva-rvcat Within Oregon. Dally and auniday Mo. 60 cento $ moa $3 00: I yegr. $6 so; Elsewhere SO cerv per. anojer $7 36) for I year In Mviih. Pee cocf 3 cast. By City CaaTTlec. 7$ cents $9 00 a year in advance in ttagtoa adjacent count tea. ! - 4 4 i -5 . j