lme Missionary serUtr ef tke Call ed LngUwood Brethren church will be held Thursday afternoon at 2:15 o'clock at the home of Mrti. William Pero, 1460 D street. Annual covered dish picnic will be held and Mrs. Otia Bradbury will b the leader. Mr. ssd Mrs. Terry Rssdall are reteivifij congratulation on the birth of a daughter on Tuesday morning at the Salem General hospital. The little girl has an older brother, Terry. Grandpar ent are Mr. and Mrs. G. A. No ack and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Randall of Elkhorn. Travelers Are Many $ifr,roT traveler and vacation ist iki.iw'u to highlight the so cial !?. Mt-.t.. t.tTK Thursday frtn New Y -ill AiJi t Mrs. C. S Hamilton w n. f fc wn in Scardal with hr tn ar,d daughter-in-law, Mr. t.4 I.' Arthur Hamilton, for .rii! ip.i nth. Mr. and Mi. ( i ewf Hamilton will motor to P ifm.r.r "Thursday night to meet r r m r er . ho is returning west b.v iM . Nli inr Mrs. Willanl Marshall a- f r-i. nr.i-: s. Martha ari'l Julia, a: J :. i y Walter T. Stolz have T-'lJ!rd ? .m a frtrujih?'s stay installed noble grand of Salem lr Sr F : .riciw-o, whre they Rebekah lodge, announced her vt .:ii;ei at the Muk Hup- standing committees for the ensu k p- r .": Mr Marshall went i fng year at the regular meeting ' it. 'Ai attend th Amr i am ' Monday night. The program in h'. i 1 association mating. dudes team practice, first Mon V. .n tr.e southern city the Sa- I day of the month; degree work, I'-rf .;ted other points in ; second Monday; good of the or- tr ej bt.y itf on. . , der. third Monday; and social, it'. r1 Mrv Mwird O Stad-J fourth Monday, t-ij i eft Tuesday mining for Mrs. Ralph Hornday was pre a i!iT.l,niJ!np to British Colurn- sen ted her past noble grand's pin Committees Are Appointed Mrs, "Albert Beckman. newly Short Season M L"uie and Banff Sojourners to ;ve Picnic by her officers and the presenta tion was mad by Mrs. Gus Erics son Th rosnmittee appointments In clude finance, Mrs. Vern Kromm, Mrs. Laura Wood, Mrs. Jo Mad dison; jewel, Mrs. Blanch Hull. ...re. f will hold a pKmc st , Payn.. of th' order. Mrs. George Naderman; press, Mrs. Howard Hunsaker; refreshments for fourth Monday, Jul 22, Miss l-aura t'alleson. Mrs. Marjoiie Da view, Mrs Charles Newbauer, Mrs Ruth Versteeg. Miss Mary Dunn; entertainment. Mrs. Joe Cunntngham, Mrs. Glenn Adams and Mrs. John Wiles. In charge of reception are Mrs J. S. Mills, Mis William Gardner and Mrs. Glenn Adams. Apricots on the Way for Canning, But Housewife Should Watch for Best Buys 1 jj By Max in Baren Apricots are coming up and according to th grocer, w should be sure thy ar canned by at least next week. They are just beginning to come in for canning now. ' Raspberries arc just about gone, youngberries are coming on and logarts ar in the market in very small quantities. Let's take berries first Mast of the berries, that is, all except strawberries, are treated alike. For freezing, recommended way is to put down, without sugar if to be used for pies or. puddings. Sugar at the rate of oe cup for each two quarts, is suggested for berries to be eaten for sauce. Drain as much as possible after washing, pack loosely in the con tainers and put in the locker as soon as possible. It is not neces sary to leave space in top of the container !when packing berries dry, as thiey settle plenty before frozen. s Golfers Play-Tuesday A large group of women golf enthusiasts turned out for ladled day on Tuesday at the Salem Golf club. Luncheon was served in the lounge at the clubhouse following the day s play. Winning honors were Mrs James B Haley, class A; Mrs f-i I j'r,a on ."vuirny in !), 1 regular Thursday rrHrtif-f T' piceuc is for rveni-h- t im! f r fimitlm, and is net f '? ,t .-. k f'- iMr.m ttr irM'lu'lfs Mrs. S. . 'jrr.f ti!. Mrs I. A Ball nV' Mi Marts C'rothers. Mrs ( - ar.ier St. . Mrs C K Wilson 1 Mn V H Mi-h-U TW eraas recently , Installed at ttr .'w.feM n Memorial Seerith Iy Arnti t.? church will be rled I aied yU.rrfay afternoon at a it ..m ' sacred rsuiu- at the c r o' Hess gsiests f Mr. anal Mrs. Brown E. Siason over th week end were their son and wife. Mr. . h IV am Kawk. oiganistjand Mrs. William A. Sisson and r rvangeli-al rtiurch. Billy of Iebanon. Mr. and Mrs. ! r n l M S. . . V . I u-' tlrd tiy (if ii. ir e i lorncMi nenneu oi uoseourg. miss J.'fr n soprano of P i ' Und. Mary Klizabeth Sisson and her '!' iurh ,r at Marion and Hood fiance, Enaign Charlea N. Flitton a' eu j of Seattle. K KSIjS luilN KGW KEX KAblO (ISM k) 5 ) ( ks) (1IM kc) Nw IDava Waat Bugler "X" ' Vtjc a- Paul Rodao Din Wtil N W rarnt IXom Klixt IWws. KnriM To can the berries, make a syr- Tommy Thompson, class B: Mrs up to th proportion of 1 cup sugar to every 2 quarts berries, and add water to the proportion of cup Sugar to two of water. Let boil up and pour over fruit packed in the jars. Set into hot water bath, bring as quickly to a boil as possible and count 20 minutes for cooking. If packed hot,' experts advise less cooking. The stirred raspberry jam which has proved as popular this year as in the past, will work nicely with these berries. Apricots seem small this year, but: th grocer says the Til ton will all be small. The apricot sea son lasts only a very short while, so it is suggested that women con tact their fruit dealers fend deter mine the best day to buy from him. Tiltorts are the most popular canning variety but there are oth ers too including Blenheim and Moorpark. S If the apricots are to be skinned, they can be scalded, like peaches. Some halve and pit them, others prefer the stronger flavor of the whole fruit Many women do not remove the skins. Personally I prefer all larger fruits' to be hot packed, that Is to be boiled a few minutes In the syrup' before packing, as I be lieve the flavor Is better and syr up Dnetrates.and produces .bet-t( herhome in Seattle today af ler proauct prepare me iruu as j ,er . ,tay nere wjth hw brotner. wi wish, (muni or BtTcviina; or Robert Burns, das C. and Mrs Ivan Marble, the special prize. Playing were Mesdamn Wil liam H. Hammond. Steve Kraus Reynolds Allen, Richard Chase, Frank Burllngham, George Schwarz, Ivan C. Marble. R. I MacLaughlin, Robert Burns, Leon Perry. Edwajrd Roth. Fred Ber nard!. Claude M. Johns, sr.. Har ry Schenk, Carl Porter. Conrad Paulson. John R. Wood. Harry L. Mc Burnett, Steve Fouchek, W. T. Waterman, -Brazier Small, Ralph Hamilton, Sephus Starr, Ros Coppock. Robin Day, James L. Sears. Glenn Stevens. J. N. BUh- op. Max Flannery. Robert Joseph Umrry Wiedmer., Elmore Hill. Er cel Kay. James B. Haley, Tommy Thompson. M. A. Pekar, J. A. Al bnch. Kate B. Bell. Judd Davis. Howard Eismann, L. G. Hicks, ClaybtHjrn Dyer. Al Feitelson. Miss ! Barbara Viesko and Miss Sharon Hamilton. Mrai Emery Ilebb will enter tain members of her club at bridge, tonight at her home on Jefferon street Mrs. Russell Saunders of San Francisco, who Is visiting at the Hobos home with her daughter, Barbara, will be an additional guest. Mrs. Das-id Bttker wUI retarn s s OI Son T as t it f SB 1 4S Sim Farm Tint Rim mm Bln Had)rva Niwi I (.arrr sSam HayM ri triuaa Pr'- Nkon frinfU Saundup iRwundup Bys M Agronsky I Jamas Abb I Buslar X s as S IS S M 4S Xr Talbt Lr Talbot. Take It CSa frrhelr l.'r N 'Aunt Jnl,r lHrln Tiant Trad Wanna IB'fast Club lOra Caravan I Kenny Baker I- s a t IS t M 4S Notaa at irastors rau .Ma Priif. il)r Mal-n (Road of l.ila llmfi A M Mews. KnriH Ijone Journey ' CJ Kllcher Cilafnour Breakfast is m is is M IS all Bnf X)a W Tla 1 Ki'f VmM, iCulding Llghl l"rrt VlVuin IChlldifn ISirig Alnhf In Whlla Trna an Vim 'Masquer ala Home Rditlon Tel Ma lona True Story li as It i ii r Ea Maia-rll W alU Tliw Iy lareama (.a vnealra IWirinrr Ajit ll.tfa Beautiful !Ma JVrklns IB Wh-iwr lYounc ramlly IRsch (1,1. Id ran Hppnn Baukhas Ethel St Albert Listening Post Melody l IS I r la lr sa Hvmns Nw Newa IG1 It erenaMla 'K "VA lutein Snrork'a Rttttw Rohiiiiv Nws. Kneaas I Rrsnady lella Dallas I Ktars itirrn Jonri I toadies W1ler Brown 1 I IS I ta I 4S News iHouve I'sl ty Oirl Marries IT' TfKtu v Portia Viraw anf Mrrt the Mimiii Plain Bill Marine eVarx! i , Front Pa ' Berch (rind Me I Mui Memories IHvmna t M t l I J t 8 7eke Manners J J AnthtMi F.ll Gwlan - Valiant ifartv I ll t W.I Id I Air Nr uipr Aunt Mary iDi Paul Ro.rl of l.lfc I What's Doing DuvM Harum Kit West 1 S 1 S M 1 U S ri A:t Kirk. am Woman's Secret Bride. Groom M Mr ft ur toil New I -in.dr: Harkst Wife tAl Pearce r F,n(tr H. Kaltenborn fAI Pearce 4 4 1 iA. Wai thr M W a i rtec 1 tTI. Piairr Tdar M flannery B (iji r. Anderson I Holly w'd News I Airlane Trio Northwest I Stars of Today Mr Motorist 'SJO Matinee I Hop Harrlga1 neither. Drop into a medium syr up, ) cup sugar, 2 cups Water, and bring to a boil. Dip fruit into clean Jars, add syrup a desired and put on the lids. Add, more fruit to the syrup left in the pan, adding more syrup if necessary and repeat process. Set the hot jar into the hot bath and bring to the boil. i Allow IS minutes for boiling. In case the fruit Is packed ih the Jars, without precooking, allow 25 mjnutes. If to be frozen, dip In boiling water V minute to prevent dis coloration and pack in th con tainers with sugar. VFW Auxiliary Aurora lirl Marries Marion auxiliary 681 to the i ji - r i Veterans of Foreign Wars met,"1 Aloerta, Canada Monday with the president, Mrs Genevieve Olson, presiding. in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs Paul B Wallace, at their country home.; Wallace Orchard. Being welened isat front their wedding trip ar Mr. and Mrs. Robert Warren Gormsen (Nantty Lou Wallace), who have returned from Seattle and Victo ria. B-JfJ., where they were regis tered at the Empress hotel. They ar now at home at I ITS Hi new street. VlsJUrs la Ih eaplUI ar Mr. and Mrs. Charlea L. lee (Jean Doeg) who ar guests at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. R..D Doege The Lee live in North Hollywood, Calif, and flew north. They wilt return south by plane in a fortnight AURORA Geraldine Beach. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. J". Committee report were given Bef,cn f Aurora and Roaa G. rranasen. son of Mr. and Mrs. Royal Frandsen of Price, Utah, were married June 5 in the Cards ton temple at Cardston, Al berta, Canada. Miss Beach is a graduate of Wood burn high school and is em ployed as operator at the Aurora telephone office. Frandsen was recently discharged from the na vy after three years duty, 19 m.ontris overseas and in five ma j - i or campaigns. s s s i 4 ii- apermaa 4pt SAidnito Sjd SarW i Pirates I I Nrwl ITcnn Jed ' Rib i ISttK. America Dick Tracy - Peteraon U. Armstrong 4 a 4 i s M 4 C tlesMer 'Aa.l Theatre PHvtnan -Maker nodichl eian.l. M i. Hnliiday i Kay Kyaer ISporta IMporta irtankte Carle Ti ankle Carle r a T U 1 M T News H i-.-r, Supoer Club 1 Ixwie Ranser fews 'B A ixif-ed Fleet l-awton Lone Ranger t aco Kid Ur ( nnttian iHlldegard I We Guilty ' I iWe Guilty S la S M S aS Main li4a Main -tane Meet Meet ;r-.eta ' Kllei y Queer i The Norths I Lum It Abner 1 ll.ayman'a News M-Ceery. Mu Fish. Hunt I t it S M t 4S ews Rea Mtttor Mi sr-erlock Dtst. Attorney 'Missing Heirs I- ysUI Garden. N W Neighbors Qui af Cities IN I Ne wa Dramas la s is is IS M JS 4S Jrcetra Five Sfar Final: News IVetnana . I Sports 'V.ue of Army Toy Orchestra Tf Rangers I Tress Salute Music at Teat Rhythm Concert Hour II 11 IS II M II 4S II M It 4 Vk illia W elk's ews Sews .gn Off Or Orcn Mn i v Ot rri. Met r Orcr.. . Air-TIo Or fan Ifcilrrt News 1 Biltntor Orch iSait Orch. News Sign Off News (Club Orch. tra Row lC SMi ks AM 10 00 News 14 3 ru H,rrn M Coacr Hall It 1 News II li rarwt Hour I 00 R:ie TL- 0K' 1 IS Vawtety Time 1 45 T. t.e future. 10 Tirjur B S3 M xwjr SViok al Mum. S ."w-. .3 Mimic uf Hie Mm-t- .4m bil tleaxwter: 4 II Lift Up Thy Vote: 4:30 Trad Winds: 5 00 On Upbeat: S:35 Sports; IM News". 15 American Pageant: SJO Songs of South: T OS farmers Union: 7:13 Eve nun Farm Hour; I M Band Concert: S M Muasc That Cod urea. S :30 News; S 45 Meditations. WonriGin. Cannery Workers Med low m nipht shift commencing at 7:00 p.m. Trans jHrt4ilKtn furnihel from Salem and vicinity of imnrx. Telephone 22036. UNITED GROWERS, IIIC. t Mile South of Salem at Liberty by Mrs. Ralph Harlan. ; hospiul, and Mrs. I veil Haley, finance, and encampment retxrt by Mrs. Leon Hansen, delegate. Refreshment committee ap pointed wasi Mrs. Douglas Parks, chairman. Mrs. Chris Free. Mrs. Clifford Mason and Mrs. Minor Lewis. There will be a regular business and social meeting July 22. Missionary society ef the First Baptist church will meet Thurs day at 2 p rrt. wift Mrs. Will Mor ley. 3790 Center st. Mrs. Uoyd Anderson will be guest speaker. Hostesses will be Mrs.! Morley, Mrs. Arthur Gpf frier, Mrs. A. Stowell. and Mrsj. Olive 7h. Cam will be at the church at 1:30 fur those who wish transportation. C. S. Whiicoab Co. has materials again for Lawn Sprinkling: Systems Free estimates Call 2-Mil I II st 0W pem FRIDAY WARNER'S ELSINORE Etoinnie Gamiinieirs ' I l : ' Home Can Apricots Without Using Extra I SUGAR J TREE RIPENED AND PITTED QUICK FROZEN CALIFORNIA BLENHEIM FANCY I APRICOTS PACKED IN SUFFICIENT . SUGAR FOR HOME CANNING NO WASTE e- NO FUSS NO MUSS OR HARD WORK i Juat thcrw and can Quantttr limitsxl Scheduled Shipment July 15 Plac Your Order Now Cash with Order 30 lh. tin $6.00 ROIIESTEELE'S LOCKERS 3080 Portland Road Phoney 4 4 4 4 ; Salem. Orogon "THE YOUNG IDEA" By Muggier. StaW Wwdwiar. July hl iuiUj 1 Caa. IWt t IMi V DAILY CROSSWORD "YWre any aneal trsut worthy friestst. HksS. Will yaj helsl hee UII I get barkr Exclusive in The Oregon Statesman It Seema to Me Paul Mall on AJP. Sunday Comics SportaJlghavsr Tide Table True Enowgh Animal Crackers Grin and Bsxir It Annie Rooney Th Lone Ranar Elondie Barney Google) Mickey Mouse) Popeye The Young Ideas ACROSS 1. Feline 4. Shore recess 7. 8tern (Soot) 5. At a dis tance. , to. Bocry 11. Slow-mov-lng lemur ll.rioat 14. Short &n4 thlck-aet 15. rather of Babylonian Coda It. A pin for meat IT. OYercharg;e fabbr.) IS. Vapor 20. Part of no be st. Vardaat 23. rat 25. PVee 26. Weeds 2S. Actinium (sym.) -29. Coins (It.) 20. Child's fame 23. Contract 29. Buckeye state SS. plural of pea 27. Turn aatds . Part of a window it. Permits 40. Man's nickname 41. Before DOWN 1. Bef taddled 2. A rsUUve 3. Attempt 4. aty (Uaryland) R. On foot 5. Measure of length 7. Unlreratty oflVcer . Severities 10. FrWa title 12. Silver la Ingots (China) 14. Resort 14. Sentries 19. Tellurium (syra.) 20. One who ! Idolizes beauty 21. Seise 22. Wealth 24. Exist 27. Cheat 29. Kind of thread 31. Affected manners 32. Obtained 34. Scold i TX 4It .a.lQ4ii Ha fit I A ta )4 pa. r T dgM.5t7rrL- Sartsweajrs i 29. Across 37. Malt beverage 26 V4 1" n III TS aV POP I'D UKE TO GET A JOB WOPKIMC5 DUPING TMC SCHCXX VACAT ION c - J V 1 IT WOUU3 8 WOiDtPUL exppwsjnce FCff MXI DO VOU suppose I COULD VOOPKJ AT OUQ oenrp BLOND IT my at take vcu l IP MP CITHERS! i FTurD, r-hi: r. S V Atl I UlCf: II I ""- J I . VCU I (I V - T . I I aw - -i SVJ HI- taOJUF f K k V- I 7 ITS NOT RE ACL V TVJO' IT3 JUSTOHS AND A HALF ri -j i T I tai i --. 1..,., ,-.-.. HCV SHORT V 1 HOW'S DE BOOMLVN 8ETLE C1AKIN OUT IN D HOOTIN' HOLLER OOI8V ? TH CRITTER WUZ TWO FINGERS IN TH' LEAD TILL HE CRAWLED; ONDER ft JlfAPSONWCCD N DOZED OFF ayr BARNEY GOOGLE I SWOW!! DID VE COME DOWN TO F IDOL 6 A CHUNE AT TH' HOOTIN' HOLLER BUG DWOV 7 , SURE TING, CHUM aBess IF DE BROOKLYN BEETLE DONT WIN D13 CLA(v- BAKE. I'M PLAVIN' OE .eXTOIMINATIN' BLUES 1 A asSBSSSSSBS-- . IF OU V04T USTE.N CEASON lBON EACS- KNOWS VMMAT TO J MO AT. VaS MICKEY MOUSE ve jest Sf KtP5OuY HECE Tll-L. fl AFTER Pft s AMD VELL AS LOOP A) AS "TOO WANT I J iw r- v kin r aO CAS how let's see HOW 1U fy WHY OVT I PLY UHB 7 ouve?? r' aaV 1 S-ja a' SrtcTI THIMBLE THEATRE STOP . SOCXA C500SK B&tN'J 0 I r vvtn a' A 1 XL I NEEDS IS A WAY "TO (SET ORPA TH' EAST' WHEKH'5 TMeTT ( SWfMMJMO POOL.njf PONT 7 ( C3EESei PLY) ,4 .-a IIVl. r4l S, Sla-SIfS. SWS.H j SF St HONEST. TW$ IS A TERRIBLE PKYTf COUMTBY. 8UT IIS AWfUL STRANGE -NO CI HES. WO HOUSES. NO PEOPLE - LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY JUSr FLOWERS AN" TREES AN' 8IP0S -1 r LOOkTS LIKE A BRAND NEW VWORlO JUST MADE POR COUSH4 CAQC(E. MRS WHIMPER AN' ME - I .Saw 1 J -TBS Jjp&sSX" I S . .av. YOU DONt HAVE ro BUV ANY- 4 THING -OUR G0AT6IVES MiLkfAN' CHEESE FPEE-OiMi CHICKENS GIVE EG6S FREE -THE BUSHES AM' TREES GIVE NICE FRESH FRUIT. FREE-ssr ; ' a III ' I , I wmmm i i fill FtRE IS FREE -WATER IS FREE EVERYTHING IS FREE- NOW KNOW WHAT FOLKS MEAN WUKJ THEY TALK ABOUT f A FREE COUNTRY- I ' '"f- ta-e-ssn. las .i'mU eSs- WELL JU BE- A MASKED OUTLAW JU 5I01N' WITH ME AGAMSf THE REDSKINS .1 THE LONE RANGER N0VJONT0 --CLOSE IN I I LX3H ! ME 0O II ) . PH I THAT'S ENOUGH Or V---Saar- lk.W UV-aaV f I WM "V m ,M ssiSITail"i laTli Til I II j'T .