TImP Or. Statesman, Salem. Pro.. Wednesday. Joly 10. 1946 i ; 1 'Early-Game Outburst; Flager Hits Homer I " ' ' in . ii I. mii ii hiimmi w ssssssas. Senators Trip Caps, 5 to 4; Gerkin Notches 14th Victory VANCOUVER. B . -C. July 9 ar.d !..;: hutl.ng m the tight spots Viri.it: Capilanus in the opening 14-h icUiry. M-h-.e rni.-ters who look with K-m : id layout can now pop another button. The visiting pros M -. r .-iiv oohed and ahhed all over 'the place while playing their ra r .r.i v a eep; one way of saying they thought it was one of the ilr.e't co.res on-tne coast. ryme Pr A! Z rr.snerman was especially borate v. llh the nice words.. And - k.. h eovertismg as that will snrelyf ,. ' tt".-o'l 'nthn laiger tournaments to j?"--t-.e . .;.fct- . . What's happened ; to Iai Kubik''- At f.rst he balked J s? K 'is-g To :Spokane. after all. he l J rw a ijmny to Mippot i ann nop- piT'p i:'..ufMl the country isri't easy .n trie -avings account - but he has regi-'.es ed with the Spokes and is p',i-.ng regular shortstop for them. r.:. hi is god for Kubiak. He would iaf 4-en iaught but utility man .t ".he S!iem. . . . Second guess .! Ni question but wrut the Sa- iem-'AVr.atchee series ju.-t past was THE CRUCIAL week s brawl of the ."is. r to dale So what1 So Prexy ar i:tf i assigned Oene Hansen as ! "'. 'he i.Fipires. a:-,d Hansen ad rr, v.e!iv r.ad never umpned a game t; -e .n ' r I ft-' He looked the j-. t .v..- jh. .' ex-T..c.m.i T.ti her LOU Kl'BLAK liioen wa.ri't !?yini. Out tie appeared badly out of place during his ft M- behind the ri.-h F'.'i the life of us we can't figure why Prexy Act! had an :i;exi ;eticed man laboring beie that week. Mebbe he t:ctes ; :r. U?eak:f:g em in the hard way . . . Floyd (Lefty) Isekite, T.c. rr..i wh;.-ba;itr. was oifered the Spokane manager f p -a :;g the pie- t i i, leleuse of GJenn Wright., but nixed it it ''.): : ri,v Taenia -hipv ard job. I tty is a superintendent in one i' e h:g ara- ar.d t y now could p:ob;.b!y buy the Spokes for qash Ii rr.:;geiial br.iif! ;.i ni.mber mean anything, watch out for i'-p.!T.i. - 'lain for th W I pennant Harland 1iff is the top skipper and .;4.v.r .por. both Kx-Mki Spence Harris and former Salem Boss :-)e Pe-trset. for help if need be . . . Speaking of managers, Merv ;S"e.. o: e ' tP.oe who ame and ;er. i. r.tri rriin at t'oitland. t.-A sr;L -e: ris V.ai.t in tr.e Calt :Ic 'r: a fStj'.e league and scouts for jtne Ch; afco Cubs on the side. jSrie-p;i. s w tti PortU.nd still J .e; h.-rr;. for the Waiias are Hntrhall Otting Fin' tb R-s i lie of 'he v. ff k is the !.. .:t: a h:ch the Spkai e benefit r . g-o Aiirig Kaebail in K'"i'.- J""C K'-rd job m jjomg t t f r.r-.2.y,for 'he families the t.-'-foftui-ates killed in the i'-tj -e k A goal of V'O 000 was 9'. oy a Sps kar.e omrr.it tee. but tfi! i.g i e a as mm e, thn tiaif -re:.-f.e ;n tr.e SeafJe- ak!and gnve jr. S;nK;.e Mcir.fl.iv right. Oir: ?() 1mt," cn.t: l bp ted neaily . ,'tJKl.OOoi ,n tftat u.gle ' g..me. The Ka- rrl-! : .-a-A tm' f ce o n - lii KJn e drew 1.S00 fid. when ttje 'Avtr e- . obi.gir g et'oiigh to t Sk.tm -..t rt V..IM .-i . -r (!tct!:ci -.ti arl V ' 1or . iii'd T.- -ma and 4 4. -rr.p get -tofcethei in then tv-- ' ' i t-eitefn. the f-iird will 'Xk- 't ! " 4 i'sK I' 'iin;icrf' to f I . r 1" ft e Kirr.e r, Ho;.! 1 1 h a i ' rn . '. p,.i' of lt,- . ,t ' -r ' o i .ti r i " ' w . I Jrv i.'re-ri as .Jfl A ' w i . id In- : iV k:iKl' V ! r 1 i et' v T mn.y . r . .j. i . . i of , i i ,ef T !'.:- ''e .'' ,i 'he p. .'ni 4 t i- n ; M Ii , $ :ii'in ( i.jic ) ,. i ' I : ' . ' i t 'in' v r .. V ai-f- . ' f . : er...-.xh 1 . a t-1 id. i r : I ' od "tie I. .1 1 c w ho h. e : t',e d,. v .'.': lie , ! - . ie' .1 i'. .i k .il . i - !inm iow : trtte d ' :s 1 1 - '. ii t th.it (".Meed", of 1 he n.ijht i Mr edui .. t of... I ! I li vt foi S !pp! Ff IM'I. . foor e j. 1 ket. X, t a bin k i -.-i r "! -a -h. f a head. V i s.t .. ..rr,- r ! fV ..' ' kl.e :.-Jk ' . ! '1 e d - -V n :i ta. 4 r i If t j; d at . .'i -l ' i : V gmul i. n ,: nr.y rtv- e m..y ic with tne winless Mayflower Milk f fioon'.c.ts ti the ei . in another si x o'clocker at Les '. ir a 1 0 Site rr... k V ' I ' f ' o immint.ilf But d v. , i I tin ode . I K ' v f ' he ed to bid ate onto t he Report Tells A-Control Plan Nf W i' 'HK .Tui v "I,e! TK : ; F ..:t of 9 i, i, A i.-tial a. e ' i.p t -it v a 1 1 port . immsi -r g :r.e w : k ' ' li e I'ti.ted N'a t.f.r. a..-r-... ..n-corrmittee No. 1 . v h c n ha.' corhpleted i's tak' of ' I-ei af . g e a on how 1- ?,'.! atomic et.ciKy 'i e A. -'.....ri. a' Mii p'epaicd 1 ii. : '. : n,"'i-,i g of the "i o ! - i. r i' V oti ! II 1 I t. rv ' ' -1 p m KDT A: that 5 rr.e - ! i : t-f i . ' a t iia:rman ' . : tr.e '.it Nat:o!:s a'mc fii ; f. . r M. j--'! . t h p;o i-ional - .. tr i.'iri; by 'he i oir.rr.i -on r-' e-t.:a e t u r i t y . . r-. (i.!'i' e ",.',-e r'.ie. 'Yank Legion Planninirta v C A : - :.:.' i e:, 'f . '.o f .rnt 1 1 1 ,f nrr.m:ttee tk-mpf ismg V. H. Mej; j i ,tii Cm tv Bruisttr ts plan I .rg a pait for Sj lent out- .-;t 10;0. Yank Ie-uiori. in place ' :.exr ' reg:! !y .'bed a led ! I ' r g : ..y -3 o.Ttr. 'tee a;-. r.'.ei at L'. -;-i.r. c.'-etir.g aie. P..b!icity i I.. : ';r arid '..r ': a '. ! t . ) . . Ml.SICl Ii! ! 1 .... . v meniot 'a : c ii.i - 1-. ,,i,k . et - S-.lT t: (CP-On 4the strength of four runs in the! first and one in the fifth by Steve fJerkin, Salem Senators tonight ifode to a. 5-4 victory over game of thgir Western International league series. It was Gerkin's i pride upon their picturesque South : j H tL ' I 4!" . o Chief sv Vies, Tars in Wins By rr.r Aociated Pre4 Wenatchee's Chiefs didn't nar- 1 row their two and-a-half game 1.1.1.. 1 O C I i(.m sftlljr,14f Hst night but they j,k0 didn't 1r anv sroimH m it iiiiiu nir ii lie. irai ii 1 1 j( z they overw helmed the Spokane Indians 14 to 6 in a WIL tilt at Wenatchee. In other WIL contests the Bremerton Tars took a 12 to 11 win over the Yakima Stars r I a ..... and the Victoria Athletics outlast- of u S' tennis iStars began a se ed the Tacoma Tigers for an 18 i rie of invitatiipn contents before to 1 1 ti uimph i crowd that included King Gus- Spokarr SOI 000 030 11 2 wn.tine J.V) ow 7f 14 IS 2 ii-r,g HiiiKiiidi Hi and Vrlrinn: i'ltri m aid t ilftrj aid . T. . ..rt, 20001 401311 II 1 V, :..! .a 2 I 2 I U 12 0 01 11 l 2 JuiiKhlt.tft. dy 13'. Jirriiriinn..fc Sl. Rai .ru ( " i and Cooper . Jtnwn, B'an- fcion.p i6i ai.d I'aulxoT) " . k m a v.3 ooi jm ii u i 050 104 (ill 12 11 3 i iv hin ' omnn i4. Chappetta 7i K h I', i il . t .Hi and MrConne!!. Moil I ii'n-i i.u 'J' Mriinl, :in ill and Volpi Sli rock-Eagle Tilt Tops A's A IMf.l I sTMISiS W 1. IM W I Pi t o,, s n i oo V Motois 1 2 33: k , II 1 Ihm f'r.lK 0 3 0O0 F.i ; 1 1 6"i Mlfliifr 0 3 0I0 1 'ikIi feat-fl jhio k Motor!, re. rr!l n-.li eiiKtheried tv the addii tun! of bob Funk, ace of the Amer ican Iruion junior nine. kim afain.'-t the capable F.aglen Lodgers in torught s ft ature game in Junior H.i'-cball league, "A" division play. The iiiiine i. booked f(r six o'clock at ( .loittla. Meanwhile, the Val 1 vi- lev Motors, in fourth place, tangle ! lie, luriys. iJairy. snaring the l ijioie leuft with Shrock's. plays loniiniim' night again.ot the Police. A!J tatrii have leen strength ened by additions of Junior Le JO on plyeis. ft Bl RGI.ARS TAKE ASPIRIN PHILADELPHIA. July (? Po! ie disclosed that buig !sr hae stolen 288 fountain pens i.and 2592 aspirin tablets over the w eek end. 19-Y ear-Old Jack Pinto Top Man in Grapple Tournament Branny and Blond Jack Pinto, at 19 Years old one of the most promising gladiators In the grap pling game, last night emerged as (1) a new favorite with the folks and (2) winner of the single-night elimination tourna- Cjrrient at the Ferry Street Garden. -'oarhed by - his once- famous lather. Stanley Pinto, who cer tainly must have known all the u resiling and rasslin ropes. Jack outmaneuvcred no less than Bruising Bruno Angello In the final brawl. The Owen party, loaded with matches of every kind, opened t with Clownish Iron Mike Nsscr ian flopping Ditto Bulldog Jack son with a half crab hold. Brui sing Bruno then tricked Jack Kiser into a full crab to beat him in No. 2. . Power man Georges Dusette' was too much strongie for Billy McEuin. and when Milium, gave with the rough stuff Georges quickly applied his all-conquering full nelson for the win in No. 3. Pinto sat out the first round with a bye. In semifinals, Bruno and Iron Mike gave with the most ferrious as well as hilarious argument of the evening. Angello gaining r The Seniitors never were behind after thir Xirst inning. Wally Fla- PORTLAND, July -7P)-Port-ger accounted for two of the four land's; Beavers dropped the series j - opener to the Sacramento Sen- 1 WH ITANDINGI t WLPrt? wiPrt. Salem I 49 28 .KM Spokane 83 32 ..SO Wenachee 4 3J 600! Ya k tma SI 40 .437 Rrmrt 4 57 M7 Vinmiivrr M 47 347 iTacoma 40 an 57lJvirtortar3M 299 4 runs in ithat frame, hitting a ho- mer with Duane Crawford on base. Ted Gullic and Hal Sum- kx - ti,- 4. D lie singled 'to score George Vico and Summers ringing double sent Gullic scampering home. Third Basemah Gullic also drove in the Senators' fourth run in . the fifth with a qouble that sent Dick Wen- ner across the plate with the win- nine run A three-run third inning w.O tne caps nig irame. ai nreicn- mar drove the first run over the plate arid Playing Manager Eddie Carnett hit a homer with Kretch mer onl to account for the other two. Their; other run in the sev enth came on Reg Clarkson's four bagger. jThe win was Salem's fifth straight! Salcrn .1 - 400 Old 000 5 S 2 Vancouver ... 003 000 1004 S 0 Gerkut and Salmon; Marshall and Spurgeon. , City All-Out For 'Tommy' Prospect for a record-smash ing crowd of perhaps COOt at the Monday night Tommy Ed wards benefit game between Salem's Senators and the par ent Portland Beaver were bet ter than ever today as the tick et sale for the contest was re ported In high gear. Handling the ticket are Maple-Keene. the Elks crab. Stevens and Son Jewelers. Bligh Billiards. No ble's tavern. Cliff Parker and his Booster, and ' the ball park office. For persons who ; have delayed buying ducat It is .em phasised there are still seats to be had. But get 'em quick for they're going fast! t ""VT ' U .S. IN Gttl8l Defeat Swedes STOCKHOLM. July 9-iiP-Budge Patty and Pauline Betz. both of Los Angeles, won their opning matches today as a group wv. iffis nru, winner ui inr women's singles title at Wimble don last week, beat Mary Leger borg. 6-4, 9-0, while Patty turned back Torsten Johannnon, Swedish Davis cup Star. 7-9, 8-6, 62, 9-7. N'avy Organize ('oast J . - Service Critl Ieague i SAN FRANCISCO, July 9-iJP) Lt. Comdf. Sax Elliott. Pacific coast athletic director for navy fleet atr. today announced forma tion of a 'six -team Pacific coast service football league. Teams re presenting , S a n Diego. Seattle, Moffett field, tl Torro rriarines. j Miiamur marines, and the Ala- meda naval air station crnprie the league, All teams will begin practice Aug. 20. McNeill Heats Foe SPRING . LAKE, N J . July 9 -iP)-Third-)tceded Don McNeill of Orange, who had a bye in the fint round, defeated Hugh Lynch of Washington. DC, in the only sec- i i , . v. . .w . crn: "i" .ou "u 1" , j sn av r iiauviNii via; wvs , nis matches today. The scores : were fl-3, 36, S-0. PCL Scores: ! Tuesday results: San Dieo i . 1 00 000 020 - 3 S S San rrancinco . 401 004 01 10 10 S I . raU." Chappie 3. Bowman iSI. i B'illheart 8 and Kice: Werle and Ogrodowskl. Ofckland 100 100 1012 14' 2 Seattle . - 001 010 0OO -1 10 1 Fhea and Raimondl; Pulford and Sue- a surprisingly popular decision after 15 minute. Pinto then de buted' by eutgrappling Dusette in another surprise and getting the hod. This was the most wrestlngest offering on the bill. The finale w as another popular decision by Referee George Pop penheimer when he awarded the verdict to class-laden Pinto over Angello. If his bouncing around last ( night is any Indication, the 19- lulu late this week aboard the year-old adonis will soon become Matson freighter Sea Skimmer, one of the '.most popular grapp- Fifty-fix others were shipped re fers to show In the northwest "cently. 1 g & Service sy aw Hi i Service for Oilier Hakes IHIOGG - APPLIANCE & 2fi0 State Salem Hapless Bevos Lose to Sacs Smith Tops Ilelser III Pitching Duel rnttt I rir.rr iTivnivr.i j . .. WLPrt! wLPct k,"nd 22J'?:fan Die f22 115 ! w 4 !s4S Portund0 as3 aso : Holly uod 13 4 5ii SeatUe 34 M 340 aiors nere lonigni to z. wnn Al Smith nosing out Koy Helser tieht hurlin? duel The Sacs ! ,n a Wgnt.nuriirig auei. ine cats sct5red a Dair of runs in the sec- ! ond innine and followed with I aUi 4" ixth a"d "ei?hth frames- The SaYert?US,h; I ?r !. k . ! eighth. Smith allowed but four ! Hits aainst Helser's nine, H 0 A prtUn- Ramicy m 5 l t oshone.m j ciorbeit.i s i u l Escobar, t ! 0 J Marty.l 4 3 3 o Roch.r 1 Marcuei.ei 4 1 s o Harris ! Oalveyja 4 1 J 3 rurner.e a Smith p s o o i Hiwr pv B H O A 3 0 4 0 3 0 7 1 S 1 3 1 4 10 0 4 0 0 0 4 10 0 S S 4 4 0 4 3 Sill Qmhvi,i o o o o suvwon 10 0 MiUmon 1 0 0 , Totals 33 S 27 131 Totals 33 4 27 10 i-Batted for Helser In th. "Batted for Escobar in Sth. i Sacramento 020 001 010 4 Portland . 000 100 0102 ! Errors Corbett. LilUrd. Calvey. Storev. Runs batted m Ramsey 2. Turner. Marcuccl. A. Smith. Harris. Two base hits-Harris. Marty. Calvey. Storey. Sacrifices Escobar. Marcuccl. teit on bases Sacramento 11. Port land 9. Bases on balls Heiser S. A. Smith 4. Strikeouts Helser 7. A. Smitn 4. Earned runs Helser 4. A. Smitn t3nipire Powell. Fioresi and Wameke. Time 1 52. Attendance 2424. Angott Cleared hv Jack Bout WASHINGTON. July JWD Sammy Angott got S4.9S7.39 and a clean bill of health from the district boxing commission today. ;'The commission order ed bis purse held up Last night after he failed to come out for the se Tenth round of a wild brawl with Beau Jack, who was awarded a technical knockout, and held an Inquiry. FRANK BROWN 'for good' this time. J Frank Brown Quits Parrish Frank Brown. phyieal edura- jion dire tor at Pari xsh junior hiiih school and known in the Ka lem vicinity as an ouUtariding developer of baxkelball players. has severed his connections with the local School system it was an nounced Tuesday at the school administration office. Brown lhad ! tendered his resignation over a 1 year ago but because of the scar- I city of teachers at that time con- j sented to serve another year. He will now stay with a Job with j the state highway department. Brown began his Salem teach ing and coaching career 23 years ago at the old McKinley junior high school. He moved to Parrish after one year and had been there ever? since, save for two yenrs during the war when he handled the Salem high school hoop team. Parrish maple squads compiled a j great record under his direction, j Senator Swal: (Throufh July 7) B H Pet B H Pet 1 Salmon IIS 4S .412 Kecr 14 37 253 .Schuble 13 S .35 Sum'ers 1S3 43 .235 riaser 72 2S Mi Cun'non 52 12 111 Oullir 107 37 .346 Kowalskl 43 S 209 CrawTd 21 72 .333 Bart 1 ml 201 38 .ISA Lucchesi SO 26 J2S Wyatt 25 4 .ISO Vlca 2H S7 Mi Falhn JO 3 ISO Wenner 277 7 .24 Gerkin 3 4 .111 I Reya ds 1M 54 284 Souerb'g 23 2 .067 : Pitchers G W I. Pel W a S O 5h Sodeiburg . 12 5 1 857 28 3 0 , Guiinarson 17 10 4 .114 41 6 1 ' Gikin 27 13 .64 31 2 0 Watt ... 17 6 3 .667 SI 70 2 ! 17 7 7 J00 62 70 1 ! 0 2 2 .500 16 16 I 16 2 5 286 55 46 1 ! Kcwalski Sellable lallln , CATTLE OFF TO HAWAII SEATTLE. July 9 ii-A scc- j ond shipment of Washington state ! dairy cattle 76 Holsteins is scheduled to leave here for Hono- i on Easy & . BKOS. FURNITURE Phone 9149 i "a. Uiir senators: statistics Br AI Us ht ner Spetta Editor. The Statesman With an assist Crm the "Sesui Ur Swat" tabulated dally en this page, following j are statistics, thumbnail style. On the ball boys who have been snaking for those pleasant evenings and Sunday afternoons at Waiters park since the late Frisco Edwards brought 'em to town last April (all tabu lations through Sunday's double header with Weria tehee): Games won at kome 29: lost at home 1 1 ; won on road 19; lost on road 17 which a fine won wori by shut- lost record. Gam' outs, S: lost via lutouts. 3. Dts- trl button of games won and lost Wcna tehee. wo) 8, lost S; Spo kane, won 11. list 7;. Yakima, 2 Million Hunters Aiming for Duck WASHINGTON. July sWPV A record number of duck bunt era la In prospect for next sea son. Albert M. Day. director of the fish and wildlife service, predicted today the sale of duck stamps will reach 2.SSS.SSS In the current fiscal year. The stamp, w hlch must be pur chased by all duck hunters over IS years of age, went on sale July 1. Freese Moves, To 2nd Round COLUMBUS. O. July 9 jJT) A darkhorse hopped into the nation al women's collegiate golf tour nament muddle today in the per son of Rosann Shaffer of Toledo. O . the Rollins college sophomore The 18-year-old Oh loan hacked out a three-imder-par 37 on thr out-going nine today to trim win some Dorothy Pas on of Beaver college, 7 arid 5, and go into the second round. Tomoi row Rann faces Carol "Babe" Freese of H eei college, Portland. Ore.. a fiery little slasher who qtialified vsith a 76 and then buried Therese Claw sort of Highland Park. Mich . .Junior college, S and 4, in tla s fust round. Stars Advance In 'Hills' Meet FOREST HILLS. N Y . July 9 fyfp)-The field in the national pro fessional grass court champion ship was trimmed to 16 at the west side tennis club today. Fif teen of the survivors were seeded players. The only "stranger" in the group was Frank Goletz of Wash ington. D. C. who put out Wal ter Senior of Seattle. Wash., seed ed No. 13. in the second round. Don Budge of Oakland Cal.. ranked No. 2 behind Bobby Riggs, gained his bracket without hav ing to extend himself by downing George Scrwiiset, New Yoik, 6-4. 7-5. Nl'T GROWER GROUPS MERGE PORTLAND. July 9 - P) - The Northwest Nut Growers will be formally set up tomorrow by merger of the North Pacific Nut Growers Cooperative. Dundee, and the Etieene Fruit Growers Nut Marketing association. ! BsmvafJssssffJsB i Vj -srsn vv?o t if j ' i "Wu TL, .V JSi : f'VVWiV aWT.CIVK THE ' NEVER A WEEK GOES BY! But one or two persons come into our office with a letter from the State Financial Responsibility Department saying they will lose their drivers license and auto platirs. unless they file Autn Liability Insurance right now. They; have been involved In an auto accident without Auto Liability Insurnce. Don't drive a car In Oregon without Auto Liability Insurance. SALEM'S GENERAL CHUCK R I '-l n n - s ni 11 IfllOfrt)! LiJ ilLl insurance Pr J "Oregon s Largest Upstate Agency" Solum and Coos Bay 129 N. Commercial Salem 4400 i won . lost S. Taeoma. won f. lost 2 r Bremerton, won S. lost 4 ; Vancouver, won . loot X; Vic toria, won 11. lost 3. Extra-Inning games won, 5. Extra-Inning games lost, none. Extra-inning tame tied, one. Double plays ex ecuted. 52 (one of highest marks in league). Errors committed. 111 (an averagr of 2.3 per game for poorest in league). Pitching: (Cj-mes won. lost fnd participated in by moundsmen. plus their respective shutouts, strikeouts and bases on balls are listed In "Senator Swat.") HUtinc: Following are distri bution of doubles, triples, hom ers, stolen bases, sacrifice hits and runs batted In for each reg ular, and toot Intruding pitchers. Seeded Netters Win in Indiana INDIANAPOLIS, July - Seeded favorites in th western tennis championships had little trouble in sm iving the early rounds today. Billy Talbert of Wilmington, Del , seeded No I, defeaU-d 14-year-old Johnny Hau lier of WeMlxiry, Lam Ialand. 6-1 and 6-3. and then achniiml to the third tound by defeating Olen Parks of Mishawaka. Ipd - Seymour Greenbiitg of Chica go, seeded No. 2. advanced to the uuaiter finals after drawing a ! first-touiid bye, and Robert Fal- kenhuig of I Angeles. No. 3. went into the thud round with victories over Martin Silverman of Cle eland, 6-3 urid 6-4, and Harry Men of ("ai buiirlle. Ill . 6-1. 6-3. F.dkenbuig Is national collegiate champion Boom, Boom! N a liana I I rat Me Amelia an I . H I M I A H II II A J y 0 7 11 MiNJt iii 2 I I 1 I I nc m I ! 26 I '.ipir.n m 2 o I 2 0 0 i I'rkHi a 1 I) I 2 1 0 II strpben a 3 2 u 4 ' 2 13 0 Williams. I 4 4 10) 1 0 Keller r 4 110; 1 o 0 0 t)oerr.2 2 0 1 1 3 t 2 1 Gordon 2 2 10 1 I o 0 n Vernon. 1 2 0 2 1 1 o 7 i Yoi 11 1 2 I S O 10 11 Keltner 3 00 1 0 I OStnnwss.3 3 10 0 1 1 0 0Haesr 10 3 0 2 S 4 I Rosar.c 2 1 t 0 3 0 4 6 Wagner. c 10 4 0 I O II I r el ler p 0 0 S 0 I jS e OlAppliiiS I O O 6 0 0 u New list p I I I O loo" Uiekev 1 a 0 0 0 0 oKlimri p I I 6 0, Srlindl 2 Gualine 1 Muiiil I r.jirtp.l Hopp.m l.ovi ie .m Walker r NUughli r Km uski.3 Verbsn Mur.l MC'rmk.l la tetta 1 W ('oopr ,c Mi c Mrion i I m w Uk . . r I Hibv p : Hlkwell p laoiianno Scwrll p ToUli 31 3 24 13' Totals 3 14 27 7 -rUtled "r niarkvirll in 8th. Baltrd tr Kuxiwskl In Slh. t- Hjllro Inr rrller In 3rd 1 Hailed It Ncntiouaer in Slh National 0t 000 Otlrt. 0 Ameiiraris ?1 130 14' 12 r.i lull Prtky Runs batted in Kel lei 2. Williams 5. Stepliens 2. (inrdon 2. Chaprran To bane lilts Stepiirnt. Gordon. Hort-e runs Keller. Williams 2. Double (jla Minim to Mie. Scl.oenOienst. Marion and Mi, fiat ti ed runs Anie-r leans 12. Ieft on bases Nationals S. Amei I rians 4 Ham on ball oft T'aaaeau 2. ! off lltte off Hlaekwrll I off j Kiamer 1 Sttiikeonls bv rrller 3. by . Nrhouer 4. by Hile 2. 1 Klatk ; vwell 1. bv' K i attier 3 I PiU-hmir silmioai I Off Tellei 2 lots 0 inns in 3 mnino Off Newhouaer : I lot. 0 I una. in 3 inninKi Off Kramer 0 nils. 0 rubs in 3 innin- Off Pas I eau 2 hits, i 2 runs in 3 inning's. Off MiKbe 3 hits 4 i urn in 1 1-3 innings ' Off Black4ll 3 lots 2 runs in 2 2-3 i tnmno. Off, Sewell 4 hits 4 runs In i 1 inninf Wiririin pitelier Keller. l'H. ' in pitelier I'awnu. Attndanee -1 3-i 90S. Monefl' StW.701. AMERICA AGENT CHCT m - et -m ww i w at snow How Lluu Vico 72 RBI. 21 double. 7 triples, 7 homers. S KB and S sacrifices. Wen ner 62 KBI. IS double. 2 triples. IS homers. S SB and 2 sacrifices. Salmon J RBIs, IS double. S triple. S homers, S SB and S sacrifice. Gullic 21 RBIs S double. triple. 3 homer., 2 SB and 2 sacrifices. Crawford JS RBIs. 12 doubles. 1 triple. 4 homers, S KBs. 6 sacrifice. Reynolds 2S RBIs. S doubles. triples. 2 ho mers, 2 SBs, 6 sacrifices. Sum mers 33 RBIs. 9 doubles, 4 triples. S homers. 2 SBs. 3 sacri fices. Flager S RBIs. 7 doubles. triples. homers. 1 KB. ft sac rifice. Kerr 21 RBIs. 4 doubles. S triple. 5 homer. 2 SB. S sac rifices. Bartolomei 22 RBIs, S AL Clout Routs 'rIVr IIomeH IVire; IVickincii I IaiiIciifiVl Iiy Junior Hurling BOSTON, July 9 !) Ted W the American league administered al league at Fenway paik today, window as they hammered their mission by 12 to 0, the most one all-star baseball tussle. Just as they figured to do, league rivals with such pitching as and they rattled their teeth with eluded three home tuns, two of them by Williams and one iTy Charle Major Squads Play Thursday Hoari Trips Slated As Het Fiiiinlied NEW YORK, July 9 mPi The 16 major league baseball clubs will be idle for the third micisinc day tomorrow. On Thursday, the eastern clubs of the National league begin their third invasion ! of the west with the front -running Brooklyn Dodgers invading the lair of the third place Chicago Cubs while the tunner-up St. Ihi- is Cardinal, play host to the New York 1. 1 an its under tne arcs at Sportsman's Park. The western team of the Amer ican circuit Journey east with the Detroit Tigers clashing with the pace-setting Red Sox in Boston and the Cleveland Indians meeting the second place Yanks under the lights in New Yoik. Cooper Paces Pros at K. C. KANSAS CITY. July 9 A') Veteran Pete Cooper. Gaui itle, Fla . pio. Iiad a sharp practice round of 5-under par 68 today as the nation's top golfeis poured into town for Kansas City's 4-ii.iy 120.000 im itatinnal tournament staiting Tlmnsdsy. Coopei 's score was the best posted by the eaily annal at the Mill, re. i Counti v lub riiise Four plaers toured the eighteen could have called the game rigt holes in 69 s. Iniiuding Ha i Old there. In addition to his mighjty Jug Mi -Spaden. Sanfoid. Me . round-trippetts -- the first one im (ieorge Faio I Angeles, the , he fourth trifling landed high Cana.iiad ..pen ihampion. Hatrv:"' centei f.el.l bleathersf Todd, Dallas. Matron, White Ten , and Hci man Plain. N Y sels -Mark fir I)) Play The second - di iKn Ycateis outfit smote down the loop-leading Salem Sand and Giavel iluh 7 to 6 last night in a Junior "H ' league contest praye1 on the Capi tol grounds. The winners capi talized on nine walk given out by Amend and four enois to score six unearned inns. Wilson belled two for three for Yeateis while IjUigent collet ted thiee for three for the Sand and Ct axels At Ieslie another "II" ciH'uit upset rM-curred when t lie second place Elf strums' bowed to West Salem, was a Kenny were: Miller: 4 to 3. Feature of the game homer by West Salem's IjMwrence. The batteries West Sa lem - Ph 1 1 ips and El'fstroms-Blanc and Find- ley. Yealers Sand-Grai el Sleek ley and Ta lor. 0.V1.1I 7 ii:i2 s Amend I 3 4 and Wilson, The cash income from milk in 1944 361,000. in was Amei tea $2,969,- Elsmieir Foiioir (So, Announce OPKNIN; OF COMPLETK i General Repair Service for All Hakes, All Models of Cars and Truclcs 4 N For Prompt Service by Well-Train od Stall of Mechanic See Elsirueir Moiioir (So, 352 No. High SL Phone 7802 Willy Sal & Sorvic CARS TRUCKS JEEPS sr Wx Is Uoinc double. 1 trlpl. S b rs. 2 SRs. 7 sacrifice. I-cbsi-(-11 RBIs. 2 doubles. I j triple, 1 SB. 1 sacrifice. Homer bit locally: bowrt Salmon It S. Crawford 3.! Vico 2, Henher s. Reynolds 1. Kerr 1. Mtc iVn rouver) 4. James (Spokane) j 1. Hughe (Victoria) 2. (Jar be (We natchee) 2 (on Inside park), Brenner (Vancouver) I and, Stet- . . w - - . - k. i k 1 1 tendance by scries: Spokane Salem (7 games) 13.394. Yakima Salem (7 games) 11.233. Van-router-Kalrm (S game) 9913. VictoriaKalea (7 games) S4S. Tacoma-Saletm (6 game, onel tie) 729S. Wenatchee-Salcin (6 games) 9944. ToUl to, 49,927. I dale Circus Nats 12- 0 I hams and the other young men a humiliating defeat to tne jvatlort following the sciipt right out hapless opponents into abject - nided licking if) the history o the Americans dazzled their iftet-j they had not keen in a coon sf agfi a tremendous H-hit attack thajt trt Keller. Fmm the moment that Boi FeJ ler fired th first "ball across it wis never a b a 1:1 game. I n ttio stn test s n s (. Yet 34 90S fpayv ing customers -m p a r e n 1 1 yj Red Sox root 4rs j rx ked the placn with their yell all through) the long s I u g hter and gave every TI0 WU.1IAMI indlnt Inn loving It. ' I 1 The shout thai must have te-n heard out around Hunker Hill was saved for the eighth inning. When Rip Sewell the fourth National league chuck er. made the mistake of Ussin one of his b!ooter balls to) Wil I hams with two on base. The las I time anybody saw the sphere It ' was bouneirx around in the Na i tional league bullpen in right I field. j' j f I With Feller; Hal Newhmiser and I finally Jack . Kramer cracking the , ball past them in three inning I stints, the Nationals never had a chance of getting an attack startf 1 ed. Two ft tlteir three hits were infield scratches off FeUer. Their jonly solid bl)w was delivered by i Peanuts Ixmery of the Chicago) ('ubs lin the sjxth Inning, when he I slapped a i H an single to renter j off Newhotiser w ith two iut, 'Af er the first Ihnlrtg they never gl a man past first. They were hog j tied and shackled loth. T i 1 he Amrrtcun. on the othef ( hand, ttuiel: on their opponents chucking right from the start. It vsas no later than the first Inning: when Keller laid into one rt Claude Passeau's pitches with William on base and sailed-it injto the tightfield bullpen. In the light of w hat happened later, they im Hints Aeigrieo in wnn a orao f of singles anil walked Iff his fiio tups to the plate. It was a great day for the limljer Red Ko atat. All Star Dope: HOSTON.: July W TV Facts and figiuis on imtay's all-star baeball gaitie at Fenway park): Result - - American league 12l' National league 0 Standings i ' Ameucari league won nine, Na4 tion-l league four. Winning pitcher Bobby Feller. Cleve-j land Indians. Ising pitcher! Claude Passcatl. Chicago Cubs Attendance s - 34.906 paid. Ref eipts - S1 11.338 (gross). S89.I 07 1 (net) Total receipts for li! games - - SHOai.936 (gliss). lota attendance for 13 games 528. Bij'H Pioceeris of today's game to ba.-eball welfare fund, inc with poitiorl to families of Spo kane. Wash, baseball: player! killed in bus accident. POWER I.(()ANS OKFHED WASHINGTON. July 9Ai The ruial elertrificition sdmini tration approved loans total in $130,000 to five rural power, co operatives id five states, incluT i riac $25 000 for Malheur Coopeir- ative Kleitric association. Vale, the. ! 0Zf HI 4s! if J