i t Special Children's Play Shoes Values to $.5.98. Special while they lat 1.99 - 2.98 White, red, brown or black in Ties or Straps Arbuckle's Inc. 4S1 State St. Luncheon to Fete Miss Elgin Mrs. James' F. Taylor, Mr. George Kellogg and Mjss Mary Wright of Portland will ibe host esses for a smartly arranged salad luncheon at one o'clock Saturday afternoon at the Normandy Manor for the pleasure of Miss! Bernice Elgin, July bride-elect of Robert H. Anderson. Small tables will be arranged in the Blue room with bouquets of pastel summer flowers! provid ing the decorative note. Contract I bridge will be in play during the afternoon. I Covers will be placed for Miss j Elgin, Mis Enid Nelson, Miss I Ruth Skinner, Miss Addyse Lane, i Mis Donna Shafer, Miss Beth Siewert, Mrs. Malcolm L. Page, Mrs. Alan Siewert, Mrs. Herbert j Stiff, jr., Mrs. Clayton Foreman, ! Mrs. Vernon Perry, Mrs.' Ralph j Wade, Mrs. Leon Perry, Mrs. llarriron Elgin, Jr., Mrs. Kenneth Hanson, Mrs. Roy Ostrin, Mrs. William Gilliam. Mrs. Carl Hul tenberg, jr., and the hostesses. i . Tea to Honor Newcomer; Mrs. Wilmer C. Smith will be a telr hostess Thursday afternoon at her home on Tillman avenue for the pleasure of a newcomer, Mrs. Douglas Cooper, formerly of Port land. Dr. and Mrs. Cooper came here two months ago when he accept ed the position of medical, exam iner with the state industrial aecuL dent commission. Twpnty-five friends have been invited to call between 3 and 5 o'clock. Pouring will be Mrs. Vir gil Sexton and Mrs. Richard G. Severin. Assisting will be Mrs. Tom Dunham and Mrs. ! Roscoe Wilson. The hostess will use bou quets of roses and other summer flowers for decorating. Miss Geisler Is Engaged Miss Margaret Geisler, daugh ter of John F. Geisler of Hope well, is announcing her engage ment to Delbert Charles Shipman of Salem. The wedding will be an event of July 21 at the Hope well United Brethren church. Society Clubs SIC MAXINE BUREN Women's Editor The Home JERYME ENGLISH Society Editor Read ' In Carrier Room The marriage of Mis Lois Cunningham, daughter of Mrs: Ethel Cunningham, to Wesley Wilson of Washougal, Wash., was solemnized Saturday night, July 6 in ' the Carrier Room of the First Methodist church at 8 o'clock. The Rev. John L. Knight offi ciated. Miss Donna Unruh -sang "O Promise Me" and "Because" and Miss Joan Twedt was the accompanist. Lighting the tapers were Miss ; Helen Jean Gilbert and Miss Maxine Smalley. For her wedding the bride wore a white silk crepe afternoon dress with matching accessories and a corsage of red roses. Miss Velma Wichman was the maid of honor and Forrest Luthy of Washougal was the best man. Miss Wichman wore an aqua crepe dress and corsage of roses. A reception followed the nup tials. Mrs. C. H. McCullah pre sided at the. punch bowl and Mrs. Alex Cameron cut the bride's cake. Serving were Misses Edna Schofield, Shirley Holman, Helen Jean Gilbert and Maxine Smalley. The newlyweds left by car for a wedding trip to Yellowstone National park. They will return to Salem to live for the remainder of the summer and in the fall will go to Corvallis where. they will attend Oregon State college. Financial committee of the Bus iness and professional Women's club will hold a meeting' on Thurs day at the YWCA at 7:30 o'clock. Mrs. Anna Morgan is chairman. Mr. and "Sin. Lloyd Arnold and daughter, Mary, and Mrs. E. ;B. Perrine visited the latter's son Frank Martin and family in Eu gene over the Fourth. The Mar tin drove them home on' Sunday. CLUB CALENDAR WEDNESDAY Ladies of th GAR. YWCA I p m. Meadowlark auxiliary No. 120. p.m. at hall, election and Initiation. Catholic Daughters. no-hot cupper with Mrs C. P. McCormick. 2183 Myr tle ave., 6:30 p.m. THIKSDAY Pioneer Pot, No. 149. American Legion meet at Legion hall. p.m. MONDAY United Spanish War Veterana and auxiliary at VFW hall. :3 covered dish supper, meeting at 8 p.m. Mrs. Stump A Dinner Hostess Additional Society On Page Seven Mrs. Fred N. Stump is enter taining with a series of informal dinner parties this week at her home on D street in compliment to a group of her friends. Mrs. Stump will preside at din ner tonight with several hours of contract bridge following. Bou quets of pastel flowers will pro vide the decorative note. Covers will be placed for Mrs. William Busick, Mrs. James Hum phrey, Mrs.' Charles Clarke, Mrs. E. M. Page, Mrs. Merrill Ohling. Mrs. William McGilchrist, Jr., Mrs. George Alexander, Mrs. Herbert L. Stiff, sr., and Mrs. Stump. Monday night Mrs. Stump was hostess for a similar affair with bridge following the dinner hour. Winning prizes were frs. Frank W. Lehmer and Mrs. Wheeler Rilea. Covers were placed for Mrs. Arthur A. Rogers, Mrs. F. W. Leh mer, Mrs. Walter Cline, Mrs. Ed win Viesko, Mrs. Wheeler Rilea, Mrs. G. Frederick Chambers, Miss Dqrathea Steuslof f and Mrs. Stump. The hostess is planning the third In her series of parties for Lthe near future. Circle No. 2 of Knight Memorial church will meet today with Mrs. Maud Tallman on State street for , a covered dish luncheon. FORD V-8 CARBURETORS Efficient, "like-new performance! Every part ! that shows wear has been replaced. Tested and inspected in accordance with latest manufacturing methods. Carries SEAKS guarantee of service as dependable as original equipment. Chev 3I, 35, 37, 38, 41, 42. 8.39. FUEL PUMPS Ford, Chev., Plvm., Dodge '33-42 Replace that leaky. old punfl save gas! Factory tests insure dependable service. New diaphragms,: ale seats, and valves. Expert workmanship. Exchanre Ford V-8 '34-42 Mercury 3942 GENERATORS a-55 & up Exchange? Non Air-Coold For Chev., 1929-32, Ford V-8, 33-36 Ready for immediate operation. Delivers plenty of power, will not overheat. Top-quality for this low "price! AIR COOLED GENERATORS FOR: Ford V-K 19133-39. Chev. 1937-38-39, Chev. Std. 1 929-3 f I'lym., Dodge '35-36, Chev. Master '34 36, Ford, Chev., 1'lym., '29-39 Plymouth Deluxe 1937-39 Exchange 8.75 i YOUR OLD PART IN EXCHANGE 1 & up Exchange 7 .45 $ up Exchanre: EXACT REPLACEMENT FORD WATER PUMP 1937-42, all models EXACT REPLACEMENT Wafer Pnmp . Plynoulh-1935-42 Dodge-1935-42 . . . 6.49 Chrysler-1936-42 DeSoio-193S-42 484 Stale - Salen A Birthday Party Douelas Ha milton. ton of the X Oa IV llfllllll IVSI IB, Will I VIC bra te his fifth birthday at an in formal garden party Thunuiay afternoon at the Hamilton home on Glen Creek drive. After several hours of games a birthday cake and refreshments will be served. Bidden to honor Douglas are Tommy Dunham, Shannon and Steven Loaiza, Ricky Wood. Bucky Schmidt. Frederick Cole. Caroline. Eleanor and Laurel Jones, Linda Birsher, Gregory Stadter, Larrjf McCargar. Kerry and Jimmy Burke and D id Hamilton. Mrs. Mary C Seektna. returned India missionary, will apeak to day at 7:30 p.m. at the Weleyan Methodist church, 13th at Mill st. Mrs. Seek ins spent several 'tosszS'iiotrittar muiEl'MIWESS? Tbl rrt medicine la foment $ to rll pain, nrrtoua ditixni and wk. cranky. 'drafgad out' frellnaa. of surh daya bo due to ImtM functional monthly dlaturnancwa. itdia pi amirs wxzi years In India and iivr a color- i the people .and tifO , i.f!unr ful deaniptton of the rviolom aiul I On ltianily upon thf A f, ti.f unr iJt ' HtlK I: Three Experienced Walchnalrcrs Wo Spocialixo In Ropalriiuj Fln Watchoa Matoriol in stock for most all makes 1 0-DAY SEnVICE Wo haro a low good, now wakhoa lor oat Th elimination ml O.r.A. will not rhanso or rtc R. G. WARREII 141 H. Ubertr Hrtl Poor float first Kail Bank m S. . (SkfisSdl SFiassiato - T II i i i -ow u . i w ; j ji . : j ! 4-PIECE SET: SV7IIIG, SETTEE AIID TWO CHAIRS . 29.95 3-PIECE SET: SETTEE AIID TWO CHAIRS 17.95 .-' - . . -; . 1 , 1 mM.. mm " " "f j -W'.if -1 Vf 1 . t I ; i. ' -.? .. .... i : ' ! . JUST ARRIVED A Few More All-Steel T f Playground Seis ABIZOIIA "CHUCK V7AG0H" Qioicc of everal motlels. With one of thee fine grills you can enjoy outdoor rooking at its best. FOLDING CHAIRS Hteel frame w ith heavy ranas heat and hark. Special i 2 vX f . 5PTV f HAMILTON FURNITURE CO. 230 CHE ME K E T A t SALEM. OREGON 9 iv