! i 10 Tha Ore. Stat man. Salem. Ort, Wednesday' July 10 1M Willamette Volunteers Get Healthy Tans; Now Hopeful Of Home Leaves in August iFi mot Flka lac U Ik a rrt f lrl rt far Tfcr tulnmia kT Janr Burr MllWr, A. Mvaabrr f tka WlfUtt iiuairr' sfc. 11-tCrvac. 1114 la tfc savy aaa wrat fraa Sales tm In ur far tralajaf Ut aiaatb). By James Burr Miller "SAN plEOO NAVY TRAINING STATION. July 9.-(Special)-Th- J .ii 4 hohdav thi yrjr found most of the Willamette- volunteers v firm their hnmei frthe first time. Not even the echo of the m btmis could be heard to give them the effect of the home-town f::r '-rk' The Fourth being a holiday, the recruit were allowed a Sunday schedule and time was used in ( : r N.rv.r.jt seKree c.me sleeping. ! ' .... rh.t th- . or reaH.r.g letter; and others nakr'C ttiione dainty "elevens"' in vharm water after sighing grate fi!i at trie removal of the "tor- t er It's quite a curious test to see mf.ich iU bie.tk: down first ones Irr'. r,r the GI fhoex. Sanaa? Sometimes lonely Thire fiiys later marked anoth er Sunday in Camp Decatur, t .11 h :i the name of the camp at ti(h U.e recruits are receiving their "dentention period" indoc trir.ati'in Sunday can be rather lonely as the navy 'men' aren't put on marching or work detail and. thu almost have the day to tr.emsel r Time used almost alway in writing or reading on davs hike this. B rw ' Die volunteers are al most acrjTmated and have re ceded healthy tans or burns to show fjr it Another thing that they hv e becocne accustomed to is the tii Everyone is in hearty agter-mrrit that it is "nothing like Mom ue-J to make." though. Ab jt the las contact the fel lows had with Mom's cooking and generosity was on the eve of their depart u:e from Salem when the r.a y mothers donated cookies and rar ges for the filling of "that rerta.n spot" on the way to the training renter Every one of -the bo i" w ishes to thank you s:ru eref y Oeta New Nickname Ar.1 now for ayme .highlights: B f i fi a good housekeeper din t rem to be one of the m-r.v fine qualities in Jack C. I.i'.k' r.,kfup. At a recent in-;t-' . r. She thief was quoted as k.r.g "Avhat Jjr.x4rJ" At the fime humor w.i '.utk.Ti. bi.t later the recent cruit training has been reduced to six, weeks, pending any sud den emergency. This being the case, and all are praying it is, rnmninv forfeit!! htm hrtm ure bisnda" of unrelenting leath- . ometirn. ln August. We are try ing not to count on it too much because something might happen and - it would be a disappoint ment. All the "gobs" have requested that this column be used to say "Hi" to each and avery family, friend of relative. So, in keeping with their request we shall say "Hi." and add that "We miss you all and hope we shall see you soon." . Smith Family Holds Reunion Mr. and Mrs. Asa Smith were hosts at a family reunion July 4 in honor of his mother, Mrs. Mary Smith, who celebrated her 82nd birthday June 8. She has one daughter and six sons and all were present. Those present from out of town were Mrs. Ella Campbell and Mrs. Rosa Moore, Whittier, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Will E. Smith, Eu gene; Mrand Mrs. Harvey Smith, Jeanneen and Leland, Colbert, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. Dexter Smith, WiUamina, Ore.; Mr. and Mrs. George E. Smith, Marynette, Sarah Jane and Frank, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. McMorris, Mr. and Mrs. Arnel Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sullivan, Terry and Col lxui's len- na Mrs. ciniora :snuin. Doris and uene, ail or baiem. and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Asa Smith. i-A- C r . ' g: rr. ):: t A .. n. i,l Sacred Heait academy K..im'd ''Louie " r?.-r ; it tie ph.ise of the i n .,pptat ort the parade f vi h.t-n the company is in J Henry Kramer '. ;7r.,'..r. and then given WOODBURN t rght flank movements Valley Obituaries Hanch Rambling By the Rural Reporter r ' i.ii The 1948 bull sales from the Mj N. Tibbies herd at Indepen dence have moved right alcmg. Bulls have cone to Carroll KJrk- land of Bloomfield, Calif.; Simon Johnson of Turlock; W, E. Cross of Coquille; Glen Teel of Hookv. Ok la., and one to Dr. W. . BraOd ner of petaluma for the SonorAa- maun CUUI117 uuu Tins. 9 , - Very promising are at least three of the new varieties! of red raspberries established in nursery rows on the Harold Bushue place at Boring a year ago. Even an amateur can tell that the Cuth bert variety, on which the Wil-r lamette valley raspberry industry was established, is a variety of the past. Of particular interest are the Willamette and Washington van- eties planted sidt by side. The Willamette is larger (very large) nd earlier variety, but the Washington has a better flavor. Two unnamed ones crossed at the Oregon: Experiment station also show great promise. Samples from each of the ten varieties under trial will be canned and frozen for teat by the Gresham Berry Growers association. The rural reporter tried out . a half dozen of the Willamette va riety and reports the berries were larger than any seen before. Several measured an inch and a half across the cup. At Ljndow Jersey Farm, Inde pendence, two bull calves are be ing shapened-up for shipment to the south. A. 4-star calf is going to Charles D. Cook of Hayward, Calif., and a 5-star calf is tagged for Mr. and Mrs. Guy L. Mann of Bodega Bay, Calif. a a Bonniermoor Farm, Dayton, has sold la son of Brampton X. Piann- tle, a jersey bull, to R. L. Fryer of Carlton. a a i Linn'-Benton Dairy Herd Im provement association has added owner-sampler testing, says A. R. Forster, Tangent, president. Nr ria L. Winzler, a veteran from Woodburn, has been hired to as sist Van Zyl, original tester. Di rectors are Walter Shelby, Al bany; H. E. Owens, Lebanon; Rol- lie Davis, Blodgett, and Frank Richardson, Albany. Henry Kramer, 84. died in a Salem hosDital Julv : t ie many wh. run claim 6. A former resident of Wood- cr two left hand-, de- burn, came to Oregon from Iowa v.n wh.ch vide tht- n.m-'in 1913 Born at Dayton, Iowa, . ur t T i f )i . r . . ! . ( W Jnhn. a -' t , n t . . 1 . 1 1 1 ' f - i y-vptu ii, iogi. ouoivcu uj wic 1 A Xn lays- the iIame on .on Raymond Kramer: dauchter. Ue v of the b.n,ts he wears. 1 Lauretta, and two grandchildren. .'i t ..i one is so rnavy ne Funeral Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. m.i:r .,: cori.otlv fast from Rjngo chapel In Woodburn. m. ttiums an individual- ; The Rev E. Eichmann of Portland will be in charge. Burial in Belle Pa.ssi beside his wife who died in 1922. r Cur er.i 1.t Trainlag Period Cut At a r-cent lecture, the com- Hardware IVlade Easy AT ALLEII'S 1 Safely Porch Gales ir the t'h'. Iitrcn Extends 48" Kasv to Install and .Operate 2.65 GOOD PAINT SINCI U9 F1SHCR- THORSEN AN OI7TSIDE P A I II T With a RepaUtton Limited Supply $3.25 per gal. Aerowax A high quality liquid 4no-rubbing floor polish Ql. 45 c DUTCH BOY Kahomine in a wide variety of shades 10c lb. Talboi's "Waler Boy" Sprayer . . 89c T 18-oz. Stanley Hail Hammer S1.55 i" Stanley Socket Type Chisel e $1.25 8" Stanley Try Square with Rosewood handle $1.00 OUR POLICY REGARDING PRICES , l'nlri our suppliers raise their prices te as, oar prices will rtanaln as they are. We are following regulations and direct ive Instituted before July 1. Pedee Mr. and Mrs. Harry Vickers collided with a state highway truck near Wren Satur day. No one was injured but the car and truck were slightly dam aged. Silverton Harold Brendon has purchased the -E- Ryan store, 836 Chadwick st and will take possession at once. He Will con tinue operating ' a service station at Mt, Angel at least for the pres ent but living quarters will be ar ranged in the store. Aarors The annual Presbyter ian church and Sunday school picnic was held Sunday at Island park on Molalla river near Can by. The church sponsored a re ception for Mr. and" Mrs. J. A. Martin of Missouri who are con ducting services here during the summer. It was held in the Amer ican Legion hall. Pedee This community was without electricity for several hours Saturday when a tree fell across the line on the William Birchell farm where Elton Zuver is clearing some land with a bulldozer... Anrora - Mrs. Herman Pardy and son, Rodney, came by plane this week from South Carolina and will visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Vogt of Hub bard, and other relatives in Au rora and Canby. Ankney Grang meeting will be held August 3, the only meeting that month. Mar Jorgensen and Wayne Johnson, who attended the summer school at Corvallis, re ported at grange meeting Satur day. Home Ec club members were asked to can fruit for the canned fruit contest of the state grange. Pedee Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kearns and sons, Eugene and Mil ton of Springfield, spent the holi day with her mother, Mrs. M. La rey. It was the boys' first visit since their discharge from the ar my. The Kearns are former resi dents. Roberta The grange held its picnic Sunday, July 7, in the yard of the Chet Nelson place on Cro isan creek. Another picnic will be held at the Joe Ringwalds, Aug. 4. Pedee Oliver Trueax of Long view, Wash, preached here Sun day. Visitors present were Mrs. O. Trueax and daughter, Thelma, Arnold Bauman of Liberty, Mrs. L. Olsen and daughter of Yuma, Ariz., who are visiting relatives here; Mrs. A. Gibson of Forest Grove, who is visiting her daugh ter, Mrs. Arthur Clark; the Rev. and Mrs. Newton Kendall of To ledo, and Mrs. F. Winslow and children, Jimmy and Jolinn of Berkeley, Calif., who are visiting the Fain Simpsons. Roberts A weiner roast will be held Sunday night. July 14 at -the Glenn Bidgood place. Pedee Engle and Worth of Mc Minnville have purchased the Van Den Bosch mill. Also included in the deal were trucks and tim ber holdings and the Richard Van Den Bosch residence. Youth Group Entertained At Kihs Home JEFFERSON Mrs. George Kihs entertained the Evangelical Youth Fellowship Friday night at her home near Marion. Mrs. Al bert Meyers and Mrs. Don Davis assisted and 16 were present. Robert Grobe broke his left shoulder blade while working with lumber at the Jefferson Building and Supply lumber yard and will be unable to work for five weeks or longer. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Pye of Jef ferson will leave this week for Grass Valley, Calif., where they plan to live. They recently sold their place here to the C. R. Watts. Mrs. Don Davis will be hostess for the Evangelical Missionary so- CRC3S WflRTS ciety Thursday at 2 p.m. instead of Wednesday. Mrs. John Kihs will be program leader. The Christian Missionary soci ety met Friday at the church. Mrs Marvin Hutchings led the devotions. Mrs. Frank '. Chrisman was program leader. Mrs. Ernest Powell spoke on the Christian flag. Mrs. Virgil Bailes read a poem. Plans were made for the annual picnic in August. Mrs. I r- I vine Wright , and 1 Mr. Iran Chrisman were hostesses., "j t Mr. and Mrs. A. Wilson are vis; iting his son, Glen Wilson and. ' family at Klickatat, Wash. They; plan to visit another son. Ray ' Wilson, and family at Yakima. . j Mr. and Mrs. Z O. Christeni j sen aod children. William, Rcb-: ert. Ruth Ann and.. Kathryn. rf i Toledo visited at the home of MrU S land Mrs. George Vail. 111!' BOX CARS MOVING WASHINGTON. July -P)-Some relief for the box car short age in the nation's wheat harvest areas was in sight today as re ports showed empty box cars moving westward at a sharply ac celerated rate. CALLOUSES Acnul photograph Showing ! of muej cat- loutcs removed. Firn appticactoa tclirrcs aoceaeM. At aB druggists.. .price 50? VJEMETT'S SALVE RIGHT-NOW CLEANER BBf, ask all aaociat Conn m poefcoqf 1 Oc St. 00 MKJHNOSA PROOOCTS CO. 04 n.i mi BROWN'S Manufacturing Jewelers m j! - "Yes, It's True" You may visit our newly equipped shep employing expert Jewelry mariu facturers. A department ready to re pair jewelry of any description. No need to wait ' j! Diamond Setting by an expert cf many years experience. Select & mounting most , suitable for your dia mond. Lei us glorify the mcst precious of all gems ' S Your Diamond. Liberal Allowances for Your Old Mount ing. All Work Done in Oar Own Shop, We Now Employ Three Returned Veteran Ready to Serve You.: Salem's Leading Credit Jeweler : - i 4 I is STAR'S MOTHER ILL SANTA MONICA, Calif.. July JMPHMrs. Nell JPanky, mother of Film Star Mickey Rooney, in St. John's hospital following- a stroke suffered yesterday, was de scribed today as fairly good. FOR Wearers of : Glasses An 8 Point Complete i Optical Service OP A or no OPA, Brown's believe that every pres ent or potential wearer of eye glasses is right folly entitled to: I. ; Cheerful, prompt and ef ficient service. I : Competent c o nsultation and examination em, - ploying the most up-to-date scientific knowl- edge and equipment. i The highest d g r e of ) technical skill in the manufacture o f accur , ately prescribed lenses : from the finest optical -lass obtainable. LA choice from the widest range of frame styles, from the tried and true tiaditional types to ALL the newest, most mod ern eyewear fashions. ; Trained assistance in the careful selection of a I frame style to comple ment the individual face " and personality. The same smart and effi cient results ' when or dering sun glasses as with clear lenses plain or corrected to pre scrip-, tiqn. J : : The right to benefit from ' any new scientific de velopment in vision-aid, as it appears, such as the tri-focal lens that brings ALL distances into fo cus, and the new glare eliminating coated len ses, especially valuable with strong corrections. 8 A fair price for services received. Daia on a bud get plan if desired. iiiiH'wttitw Optical Service Since 192S t M v. . i ! ; I - . '" " - Ez FREE FULL-COLOR SCENIC VIEWS ... like the hssviinm photo- ' mmTW -a-rrTTr oar"i ItmrM g'! t Wslpi village froca which this illustratioa was draws... jj l j It's bandy-to have-these 'dong. li i' 1 . n II I J . A STANDARD f when you visit Pueblo land ,' : , In villages older than memory, aloof on Arizona's sun-swept mesas, the Hopis live as their father's fathers did. It's fun to visit them, but take along sun-glasses, and be sure to go on Chevron Supreme Gasoline to save your car from vapor-lodc To prevent fuel system "locking" in hoc or high areas, Chevron Supreme Gasoline is "tailored" to fit local driving conditions all over the West. This way, despite heat or altitude, you get reliable power, without sacrifice of fast starting and quick pick-up. STOP AT STANDARD OTATIONS, lElC.'AN Though you cross mountains and deserts to visit Pueblo land. Chevron Supreme gives you the sasna "premium performance it does at home. And a Chevron Credit Card gives you neighborly car expense credit wherever you go. HEVRON GAS STATIONS t x I 4 4 i 1 i t 1 f r