The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 30, 1946, Page 5, Image 5

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.. Election of officers and 10 dele-
News of the death of David
Seven mothers took their new
babies horne from Salem Dea
coness hospital, Saturday. They
are: Mrs. Milton Greenberg and
daughter. 2295 N. 4th St.. Mrs.
Earl Donner and son, 124 Biack
"fates and alternates to the state Hart, former Salem resident, in i ave., Mrs. Raymond Philips and
' convention will take place at the Berkeley. Calif., has been receiv- ' son, route 3; Mrs. Leroy Clinker
'Monday evening meeting of ed here by Mrs. Earl Strickland. ! and daughter. Portland; Mi s. Don-
American Legion Capital Post No. a sister-in-law. Surviving are aid Bi unson and son, route 3; Mrs.
W, at the legion hall. Rex Kim- the widow, Margaret, and two ! Edward Le Blanc and son, 386
- jraell is the only nominee for post daughters, Mrs. William Guest of Union t. and Mrs. Carl Fast and
commander. Lawrence Osterman J Santa Monica and Mrs. Myron daughter, 1360 Clcarvicw ave.
- and James Tumbull are candi- Parkinson of Denver, Colo.; a;
dates for first vice commander j son, Clifton of Berkeley and a I Venetiar blinds, laundered, repair-
- aud Charles Huggins and James t sister, Mrs. Charles Farrell, Port-j cd? retaped, 48 hr. serv. P-2-4418
Garvin are nominees for second j land. t
Vice commander. f I Claude and Clair Kilgore with the
i Liberal reward for leturn or in-1 Sullivan Realty Co. have opened
Jary Florist now in new location, formation leading to recovery of ; their new office at 425 S. 12th st.
movie film taken from 2390 Hav- ! rnnne bod.
Keith Brown Employes Trained in First Aid
363 Court. Ph. 7375.
Weaver K4 telescopes
'Moore's Bike Shop.
den and possibly discarded by j
are here. ; thief No quetionN asked. P-8495 j DOUG GIBSON AT BIKINI
"A pickup truck reported stolen
from the City Ice Works Wednes
day has been recovered by police T
, WerU West Salem. The truck was
1 aund abandoned at B and 15th
For re;il satisfaction and good
food, try the Colonial House, 4
miles south on Highway 99E.
ameo pin. gift from son in
service. Repaid. Ph 2-2942. Rt. 5.
Box 94.
, Dr. David B. Hills dental office
will be closed until Monday July
Cars driven by Louis A. Knap
ke, 1070 E. Rural tt.. and Loren ,
M. Lawrence. 1830 N. 17th st.,
were damaged in a collision Fri
day morning at Church and Rur-
al streets, according to the police
report which said that there were
so injuries. .
E. L. Nelson, an accountant in
Chicago for 20 years, has moved
to Salem with his wife and son
"because we liked it so well a
year ago during i.ur vacation in
the w-st." Nelson said Saturday
he had purchased a home at 1220
Fail view and would do account
ing in this area.
Free mothproofing for your fur
coat. Store your coat and get your
coat mothproofed. Price's, 135 N
Liberty St Phone 9121.
At his station aboard the U.S.S.
iShangii-la, Douglas Gibson. S 1 c.
; of Brooks will take part in the
atomic bomb test at Bikini to
i tlay. his family states. Gibson, son
of Mr. and Mis. Lester Gibson, is
a former Salem high school stu
dent. Tents, large and small. Moore's
Bicycle shop, 235 N. High st.
Furniture upholstered and re
paired by expert workmen. Mc
Aivin Top Shop, 545 N. Church St.
li n i
Wanted: White
ramje. Ph. 5862.
enamel wood
Now have a "fTimitcd supply of
electric v ater heatei s. C'nmulHi-
TWO GET TERMITS (installation. judson's - 279 N
City permits for minor house , Com 1 , Salem.
alterations were issued Saturday
to William B. Anderson, 1045
Hunt U and A. W. Boyle, 1880
X. Winter st.
Painting it decorating. Ph 7552.
Clarence Marshall has reported
to police the theft of two fog
lights from his car, while it was
; Condition of Da id C. Wahl-
berg. 2623 Brooks ave.. was re
I orted "fair" Saturday night at
: Salem General hospital, where he
i was taken after being hit by a
car on Portland road. Thursday
J night. He was previously report -;
ed in serious rondition. He has
Open house 2 to 4 p m. Sunday
at new home 1515 Jefferson st.
The price i right, Robei t Eyere.
Kwni K. Thomas. former
worker at the Salem Engraving !
company and now working for the j
Argus, weekly newspaper at Mt. ;
Vernon. Wash . is in Salem to
spend the weekend. Stee Merg- '
ler, former Statesman managing j
editor, is editor and nublMier tf
the Argus.
Their training in first aid recently completed, this class was the first this summer to take the American
Red Cross standard first aid course Classes were conducted by Mrs. M. E. Walters, first aid chairman
for Marion county chapter of the Red Cross, in the conference room of the Keith Brown plant In
Hollywood. Fifteen of 18 members who finished the training are Keith Brown employes. Pictured
are. left to right: Rear row E. F. Ruby. J. W. Woodcock. Herb Redden. Erwin Bahlburg. W. 11. Chap
man, Joseph W. Rierson. In the middle row, left to right Mrs. Walters, Instructor; Dorothy Jayes,
Fern Bradford. Florence Ruby, Margaret L. Johnson. Wills be lie Hiekam. Front row Norvel Emmons.
Arthur R. Sours. I. vie O. Graves, Gerald Beach. Richard G. Kelso, Darrel T. Bradford. Stearns
Cushing. jr. also completed the course but was unable to be present for the picture.
Tho Oroqon Stat man, Salom, Pro.. Sunday. Juno 30. II41-S
BATAVjrA, Java, Sunday, June
30-of). The republican radio at
Jogjakarta said last night that an
armed band had abducted Dr. Su
tan Sjahrjr, Indonesian republican
premier, and other prominent per
sons from a hotel at Soeiakarta
on Thursday night.
Member cf Joint cngretu t.I
committee constdeiing different ee
betwtn the house anf 7 senate In
the tiearury-poatoffice appif frU-
tions bill aid today no agrefment
has len jt ached al to. the true
of ftilwr. ''
Veto Creates
Raise in Oats
parked at
17th St.
his residence, 580 N.
j head and internal injuries.
j Flagstone for sale. Ph 21754.
j Mr. and Mrs. Dent Reed.
I Market st.. are the parents
! girl born Saturday at Salem Dea-
Visiting here from San Ber
nardino. Calif, are Mr and Mrs.
Wayne Harding, with their chil
dren. Lris and Keith: they are
fiuevts of Mr. and Mrs. E. E Bat
terman. The Hardines left Salem
in July, 1843. Harding had work
m ed with the county 4-H clubs for
11 years.
CHICAGO, June 29-f?n-Presl-dcntial
veto of the OPA exten
sion bill c-rewted an active and
higher oats futures market to
day, although extreme gains rang
ing to 3 cents a bushel weie
sharply reduced immediately be
fore the close.
"Shorts" ran for cover when
the veto announcement was made.
They pushed all deliveries to ceil
ings or within minor fractions of
that level. Commission houses had
heavy waiting orders to sell
around maximums and when
these where dumped on the mar
ket prices turned downward.
. While July oats remained un
changed .at the 88 cent maximum,
final prices on other deliveries
were 1 4-l' higher than yester
day's finish. 'Corn was bid at
$146', and i&rley at $1.35's, the
ceiling. At Winnipeg all rye op
tions jumped the 5 cent daily li
mit on buying which came partly
from American interests.
Gov. Earl Snell Saturday an
nounced the reappointment of
Dr. A. R. Hedges of Medford as a
member of the Naturopathic
Board of Examiners for a three
year term, effective July 2.
of a
- Wedding pictures taken at
church- 520 State, Ph. 5722.
A sedan driven by Cliffton E. ; ho!
. Phillips and a coupe operated by j
Mildred C. Goodwin. Monmouth. Latest type power floor sander
collided at 5th and Belmont j & polishers for rent. Woodrow 's.
streets Friday night. Both cars : 325 Center st.
. were considerably damaged but '
none was injured, police reported, j Reroof w ith Johns - Manville
nmie. Matnis Bros 104 conri.
Ph 4642.
j A rerort on the international
-onention of the Kiwanis club
i will be given by William Braun
at the luncheon of the Salem club.
TNohlgren'a Cafeteria" is as cool
a a cucumber during these hot
days? Fast service good feod
um to spare on your lunch hour!
Walton Brown Electric Co. and
Paul S, Cammack, route 4, re
ceived city permits Saturday au
thorizing thern to haul logs over
prescribed city routes.
Discharge service lapel buttons
now available at Brown's Jewel
ers . and Opticians. Bring dis- !
- charge certificates. j
. Townsend club No. 2 w ill meet
at S pm. Monday in Marion coun
ty courthouse.
Lutz Flower Shoppe. 1278 N. Lib
erty, phone 8592.
Insured Savings have always re
turned better than 2 annually
at Salem Federal. Inquiry wel
comed. 130 S. Liberty St. Phone
Lawnmowers. tools, sharpened at
your door. 966 Center. Ph. 9081.
River silt top soil it fill dirt.
Corn'l. Sand &. Gravel. Ph. 21968
A son was born Satin day to
Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Diet..
1175 Maiket st , at Salem Dea
coness hospital.
, Free mothproofing for your fur
Hcoat. Store your coat and get your
j coat mothproofed. Price's. 135 N.
1 Liberty St. Phone 9121.
The Rev. Ferdinand K.nhler. 1
recently ordained Jesuits priest. 1
will sing his first mass at St. Jos- !
eph's Catholic church at 1 1 o'clock ! CI'MMINGS BABY. GIRL
this morning. He is a son of Hen- j Mr. and Mrs. William Cum
ry B. Koehkr. 817 N. Libettv st . i mings. 1555 N. 5th t . are the
and the late, Rose Becker Koeh ler. ' parents of a daughter born Sat
and attended Sacred Heart acad-i uiriay at Slem Deaconess hos
emy 111 Salem. i pital.
i We have Pabco outside house ; GIRL TO MAHANS
: paint and pine linseed oil. Phone j A daughter was born to Mr. 'and
; 3646, Housei s Rent-A-Tool. j Mrs. Marcel Mhan. 1310 S 13th
1 McKAY IS JC SPEAKER j &'ltrm hospital.
State Senator Dt.uKlas Mc Kay I Claude and Clair Kilgore with the
j will speak on the Willamette Val- Sullivan Realty Co. have opened
: ley project at the Tuesday lun- j their new office at 425 S. 12th st
cheon of the Junior Chamber of Phone 4855.
Commerce. j
i j Claude and Clair Kilgore with the
Reroof w ith Johns - Manville ! Sullivan Realty Co. have opened
shingles. Mathis Bros . 164 S. , their new office at 425 S. 12th st
I Com'!. Ph. 4K42. i Phone 4855.
ATLANTA. June 29-(A) Sup
; erior Judge Frank Hooper today
(granted the Ku Klux Klan a 10
j day extension of the July I dad
j line he had set for the Klafi to
1 answer a uit in whic h the state
1 of Georgia seeks to revoke the
charter of the hooded organization.
Needed by
with wife & small child;
furnished house at rea
sonable rent. Have per
manent position in Sa
lem. . Phone 22494 or
l iberty at Stat
Even though you purchase
your Towle Sterling but a
few pieces at a time . . . it's
well worth waiting for your
complete set. Towle
Sterling is solid silver
...Its beauty increases
with use. Yet this
most important
investment your
Towle service
not expensive.
Candlelight Place Service?
Kamhlrr Rom? Place Service
Jewelers cf Salem
Charlies Chicken Inn. CO Liberty
I Rd. closed for i t modeling. Open
July 8th. Chicken, steak dinners.
Private dining room.
Carnebus Grant DriskeU.'at Buffalo.
K.Y, June 24 at trie axe of 21 tis
SwrrWed'by feci kow. Mm. Dorren
DroJceli of Great Neek. N Y : and pr
us. Mr. and Mm. Charles Or iskrll of
aica.- Body bein tranfrrrrd to
lillfW br Mir rrjmiMrt a nri annntinr..
aneit of services ill b later ; i,vi,i. c- t. , ,
by ItoweH.iaward. chapel. I Nohlgren s C afeteria is as ronl
I as a cucumber during these hot
r" ' : . . . ', days! Fatt service; good food
r JU"r "uri Jane , ti. ,r t.,., i,
late resident of s:io w. 7th " j wui .
Aianr- Wife of O J. Flesner; Al- i
rr- r af Mrs TAttm UrfarUnrf i Free mnlhiirnnf in for vnnr fur i
Je. and John and Jim Harrw. a!l of
iw hiwm. riumii wn win re
annaumd later by U W. T K.fdon
coat. Store your coat and get your
coat mothproofed. Price's, 133 N.
f.ihertv St Phnr
Dr. Chas. S. Price
Main Speaker at Statewide f
Assembly of God
Camp Meeting
July 2-14 j)
'. Three Services, Daily. 10 a.m. Z 7;C p.m.
At Brooks, Oregon
9 Miles North or Salem on Highway ME
Served Hourly by Greyhound Bus
Everyone Invited
Cyn" Cronise Photographs and
Frames 1st Nafl - Bank Bldg.
-T Laovd V., Foreman at the rrstdenre.
v IMS SaaTinaw ae June 29 Stj r-ivrrf
Ijr tu widow. Nora Foreman, a rJiuh- I
E5h7t.wNedand.. Dt-n1- t Sa I Tne jury for the July term of
'SoT'. M Frank ! th" M'ion cx.unty circuit court
Saleea: brother. T. R Foreman. Atchi- ' '11 rfport next Tue.dav morning
r i"- 7iJ lJI hw Tu- I at 9:30 instead of Monday morn-
previously reported.
-- nat3a. Interment in Btlnnl Me- '
ark. ' latest type power iioor ?anciert
" & poliher?. Woodiows 325 Center
Blaeknwr in Ihw nlv Jim. M
- . I-' f'niuitt at 4d W ftuial t '
e f Mr. Helen M Thomas and Krn- ; MARRIAGE LICENSE
r vr . 7. -. . . . . ' m ' " jk 1 1 la 1 1 M&r as iuru
bShaSSS-Ti j ZTmrr ' j" Ported to Albert I. Needham.
Mt Vernon. Iowa: sister of Mrs. Thorn- ' Salem and Doris G. Zoe'ch, Port
r mm Loder. A nam a. Iowa. Also nine land
atrsndctnadrea and one treat :and- :
r rrisMX. Ae of years Announcement ' t-, , , , , . . . , . , ,.. .
. -errata later by w. T. Risdon com- Tents, laige and small. Moore
it. . 1 Bicycle shop. N. High st.
may g;e
In order thnf vie
in Service both In Salem arid
from Salem we :r.air.ta:n ccr.r.ect;
liaticnaily :r.rr.fcers cf the i
Associated Funeral Directors
National Funeral Directors Asm -lation
National Selected Morticians
All State Funeral Directors AK-iatnn
Lest on Charles
Funeral Home
The White Chapel on Capitol Stiect
(Walker-Howell &
Terwilliger-Edwards )
Hi N. Capital - Phone 3672
a W c v
jr If tbere one word lliat
fleacrtltes what you ant in
a Pharmacy, that vord i
RriialJe. We're proud of t lie
jicilrpe of dplatng lite
'"ReliaMe" emLlem pit lurrd
lielow. It's a mark resertrd
fr selected Prescription
Iliarmartes and it means
just what it a! Irt ua
inmpnuml lour Debtor's
preriftkns ... RetUtUy.
Capital Drug Slore
Cor. State Libert? - Pbono Silt
tr 1 I
AM If?
DO A ROOM : y.
$6.57 WITH . ; ;
-'- i
Sco how cMty it b to do
your own docorating . . . quickly,
inexpensively without tools, pasto
or previous oxporionco.
JULY 123
340 Court Street