Oregon Slatetmca. Salam. TIM fcuttell fan. bless hU it self, is ma Mid character. Give im hot dog. a sack af peanats. a bottle of pop and a chance to -oaaot Toeally mow sad then and h'a happy that i. if alone with all Jtta pet teas Is w Inning. Bat PETE JONAS frightful sJasap. made two errors, . 4 5 sv 'a I mmt of tbe park with his bat and failed to get a nit in lour up. Cesrtt la the looso-Jointed lad who. at last look, was so far ahead la Use Bishop Studio popular player contest they may as well con eede Use ptise to him now. But Freddie Fan forgot all about George s capabilities with wood and glove that night and could be heard bUstinf the likes of, "G'waa bark to Portland, ya bum . . . Boo! You loos yea! . . . Hey. Vico. why'n' cha give up?" . . . Yea. verily, the .,n.n fM an odd character. But on top of it all. last what sjromld the baJlgamers do tet alone their owners if It weren't for the fickle folk?. Another tale of tragedy la the eaUher sad alula victim to die as result of the plunge, had Just 4ad the Usjh a aeaat week be for ft happened. He was signed mm by" the Indians to help an ail lag catching staff and had played la tbo asajors with Brooklyn In his baseball career . . . Fortanate fellow: George (Dake) Windsor. Ike WUUasette. W1L and PC'L pitcher of days gone by. had just Earned dow a aa attractive offer fYosa tho Spokes to Join the club a few days before the wreck. Had he accepted. Dake might have We a aa the bao with some of his prewar Saokaae baddies . . . Sil vertoa's Joha Day. tho big lefty ptUher Jwat oat Of the army who win ooe day surely ' be grabbed p by a pro ball elab, the other sight aimed aa offer made to him by a big league scout. Day says a waata to spend one year at the IT of Oregosa before he Ukes to pro baseballiag ... And Bud (Cocky ) Brewer, the 2-game w tauter of Kalem's 194 nine, has Wa Uklar asorc than a casual look at tho 949 per month sal- I arte aoaao of the current WI slab mmm are aboorbiag . . . guessing the MIL play- lag schedaU has been one of the pet pastimes of tho year. Bat brothor. It's ao woes than the SMMpsrteg slate foe the seasester. For Instance. "Doc" Regele. the for aif 8 t a y t o a school sua. dsesal eoaae back to Salem for s aertea the rest of the season. SUII Doe has M gaases at Bremerton and S2 at YlrUrja! Incidentally. La the opinions of many of the ! haHgaaaers around the circuit. Doc ft tho best balls and strikes caller La Presy Abel's bandit brigade. . It pays to be popular, men. VThea Yaacoaver ball bugs heard (hat Pete Jonas was reiotnlng the Capa, three parties railed Bob Brown Co offer living accemmeda tisas to the wee pitcher-outfielder and his family. And if you think the hoasiag situation is tough here Jvst take-a whirl at it in Vancou ver., friend!, . . . Speaking of the Capa.- tho, raen for Ray Orteig mst Iaeffectivenes a a piuhrr eaa be blamed on a large lump fomad near his elbow. Medico a -rayed the thing and found a water--sac there big enough to pinch hit as spare tank fr a rl u . . Bciid Ace 2 in I In AAU Vault SAN ANTONIO T.'x . J .' -H (jfV-Bdl Mack. Drake u'n ci fresh mian. tunied m a 3 "6 7 1 M"i i meter run in )r competition of Vie national AAU track and f eid meet here tonight. M-ckt-iK-t Don Woid. Washington A t' . Seattle, at the start of The i.n.A stretch and had 2yards to .: e at the finish. "Trod T" Winter. Li" An geles A C. w a only one- fourth -f an inch short of the )i i.ir sult record in winn.ng tbe e ent t l J-feet 10S inches Kobe, t ftart L Angeies A C . arid George Rimu-n. Bend hign l Mhool. Bend. Ore, tied rot ec eetd at 13 feet 6 inches. Miami Beach Nine Slatea Benefit Ulim ftr Arll St Jaine II ' 7 Baker 1 l.oir. pitcher Conger MIAMI BlAl II. ia Jane is . fft on ba., PoitUnd 10. Lo. An ! Tke Mlasal Beach Flamingoes , riet s to b.e int oteto. Mal- , . , ,, j or. chuter. Three base hits -Tread- mi the narida International lea-i ,v c.',c.p Home run-H.mv Sac- ISf will iaaiu their share af the ! '- ', Mallow, l-ka hor.e m. . . . . . ... Blown Stolen bases W nee ler. Souza. gate raeeipts la their game wlthfUKh baited in Harn. Souu. tkt I afcrlaad rtlats here Tsetdar 1 Lukt. Brown Martin. Tifd bjfct t famUiea af Raahane ball j c.u,.P. Re.ch 2 T-r,e i w i'niP.e- r..t. mi . , ... ISoiiieis. Ford and Sean. Attendance flayers killesl tla a hits crash thts;4III sseeh. I i Senalor Swal: B H FVt I B H Pet I M JM Summers 115 33 244 T 11 JMUwiiMKii 42 10 238 ; SO SS J325 Scnubie 3 1 20O a 13 Xti Kewalskl 34 7 14 ' 1S4 S2 Jit Bartobm ill U in tJ 72 301 OerkiM 33 4 121 144 41 3sUWatl 17 3 Hi. 22 Si -2S4 Fallin 1 2 !05 I urn SS 2S3 Sooerbur I Tii 2 Hw 12S 33 2SS Sallys 5 0 f I!iMO 4.UUM VceNea4 F Crawtrw ft iveiT Ftctars: ff-MSsraurg C; imaari Seoaiakl Wvait . . tmiiut . . G W L Pet SO W A SH 11 S 0 1 WW 34 U I 1 1 MJ t 12 14 t I S V I 24 il : e 14 S Mm 51 I 14 1 J XW VI S3 u 14 2 S im 42 .V2 1 i i 2 ii ; o Of.. Saturday. Juns 13. 194S 7, At tfi1xr when his alne is taking one on the chin, he's an unpredictable cuss. And whe n his No. 1 hero of a bad nrght he i venomous as a j is in the throes raa become as rattlesnake Take the other night at the village ball yard for instance. The townies were get ting themselves knocked from the lead by the bams from Taroma and mot of the 1272 present, and shivvering. didn't like It. Ts but the ninth time in 31 outing that the locals finished second best in the home park., but the guy who bounced his eighty cents or four bits to get In still didn't like it. He let the tiullic gang know It. too. via vocalised rassberrles. Also. It was the same night that George Vice, the usually do-no -wrong first baser, lately In a twice tried to knock all the air Spokane bu wreck Chris Hartjc. a ; f m - ft r MuJ T f I I Vv7 v II . - -t !! " J ' - ft --f r f, , . SALEM'S SENATORS are this -summer attracting a number of Ivory -hunting major league scouts to town. Here two are shown during a visit to the Statesman office this week. At left is Bernle de Vivieros of the Detroit Tigers talking It over with Ken Penner of the St. Ioais Cardinals. Both de Vivieros and Penner are former major and Coast league players and managers of WIL clubs. Penner was once a top Coast league pitcher with the Portland Beavers. (States man sports photo) Rain Dunks Salem-Silverton rmyW TTSTT S S J tit ll ltf f k if jm. a,a.aa ww Mr a. The Salem-Silvei ton scrap for Junior' baseball b;iuble was halted vv i."-hed m,t the scheduled game at Silverton. The contest VtrH not be ll.ied at a iter date if not necessary to rietermirie the champion ship Siiicm has a Sunday afternoon date at Woodburn. and if the (i'ap;t!al Postrts (imp that or.e they aie eliminated frcim title conten jHini A v i tory o er WiKniburn will ne essitate a Saiem-Si'lv erton ij.itjie . in p4.Mtty tw. to dec-ide the champ. Si I v erton holds a 13-7 S-'jf oiei S.il-ni and is undefeated m the toiunament Wood burn has tn th : in. nil ted liv losing to both Sil erton and Coach Ha rold Hank's i.jt'e Lefty Hob Kut.k be lliiuk's pitching choice tir tic C-P K. th.e '2 o'clo. kt-i Si,i..l...v. I iska Finally C,)s Hall Came I ii.e 28 -Vi yt-! for foul t I '4 bat- (' '1 d if.n.. tort;iv ll-d ' UN ',,.1.. - u i,' in to a C-;? 'cti.iii Ad I.ika kept j, I I ds ucd -i .: d. A ! . 1 1 ! it- tun t ilth r.l.n ..k in ,l:e Portland Vhi 'M in Hi o r Ri - 1 Hai 1 1 k 1 rfrav Id J H i ! , r rrlti I Sou c Li-aj P I Vnir lo B H O A B H OA 4 0 2 u Tmnavin 4 1 1 0 5 I U 4 Mail"' t I 2 1111 4 I 13 i sai.rr i 4 10 0 4 2 1 0("r.rtp!,r 1 2 0 0 0 ' 1 0 0 3 A i cm 3 4 0 1 3 5 2 7 0 Otn a l 4 1111 9 12 1 lifter. 4 2 3 2 2 17 1 Stephnmi.c 4 0 8 2; C 0 3 Conner. p 0 0 1 1 i T -k 1 0 0 0 : Dobrnic p 1 0 0 1 I OUer. I 110 0, Mai tin 110 0; i;isti.i: liio. Hako p o e o ! cvuiiiii 1 0 0 fl ' Tut.ii 34 8 7 U Total S3 2111 H.i 1 1 it foi Conner in 2nd Hatted for Dorermr in 7 th. Barted fer Mailory in 7lh. : Batted for Baker in 9th. Pi.rtLar.d Lia Antki 040 000 0O2 S 000 OOO 300 - 3 I:tit Brsr 1. Schuster 1. Steph , rn.r 1 Hits off Liska in 9. C'onei . l .n J rv.bmir 3 in J Baker 2 in 2 ! famed runs -l.ka 3. Comr 4. Baker 7 Base on bail c oner I. uooernic j i 1 3 Mi ilnaJi l.i,ka 3. Dobermr LA AC Spears Cinder Tide 8AS ANTONIO. Tex.. June 2 PV The I At Angeles Ath letic elab easily tapped the field lni ht in the National Junior AAU track and field meet, al though winning enly one first plsee. piling up "t't paints ta 3'j for runner-up Baylor. One record fell, that being contri buted bv IJovd IaRearh of the l'nivrritr af ivconsia. who printed 200 meters around a turn in 21.1. Senators Win, Draw With Tacoma, Regain League Lead by Half Game Four-hour, 23-Miinite Evening Sees Soderburg Top Greenlaw, Lights Take Dive, 2nd Tilt Called in 4th; One Game Tonight Four-hours and 23-minutes of mostly hectic evening at the ball yard last night amounted to the wackiest W1L session the natives have braved' th3r semester. But all told no one, except those fearing frostbite, will probably mind today after scanning developments following the attempted double rassle between Tacoma's Timers and the town Senators. Hastily, here's what happened: The Solons speared the Tl 1" 1 ()aSt IVIOgUlS Convene July 9 LOS ANGELES. June 28-(p-A special meeting of the directors of the Pacific Coast Baseball league will be held here July 9 at ', 10 am. it was announced today , by Clarence Row land, president , cn. irtereri will include the ques- tion of an annual all-star game I; : National Aaa ! of Professional Baseball ' here l A L 3 ,nd t L , ti i ir im ui di j-iw nation leagues The directors also probably will discuss the proposal for mak ing the Pacific Coast league a major circuit. i Davi? (tipers Halted j SOUTH ORAN'jdE. N.J , June i 28-tP) A heavy thunderstorm ; washed out the opening matches ' today of the North American zone Davis cup tennis competi- , tion between Mexico and the United States. ft . i C 1 1 rf Nllllf f A' i I) m m mm aa. m. a. a. the county American Ixgion momentarily yesterday when rain Stahrs Outing 0f QoU Menu It's to be 18 holes of sweep stakes tournament for the Men's club clan at Salem golf course this w eekend. announced f'ourseman John Varlrv yester day. Play may be checked in either Saturday or Sunday, or both, and contestants will bene fit by three-fourths of their handicaps. The return team en gagement with the Oregon City golfers has been tentatively set for the weekend of June 15-16. according to V a r I e y . Salem trounced the OC's In the home-and-home series opener at Ore con City. AMVKTS Prolest Player Payments af WASHINGTON, June 28 iP A formal protest again-t the re- lease of bail playing veterans I without payment of a- full year's salary was made today by the DLs- trict of C olumbia department of ! the American Veterans of World War ti SATIRDAT: r li.ri,i.iiinnyi a.V I .r'.vt. I Golf Men's cluS Sweepstakes, Salem course, all Swimming linger ana Leslie playground pools. SUNDAY Baseball- -Senators vs. Taroma. sloublebeader. I :M p.m. Salem legion Juniors at Stooabnrn. 2:30 p.m. (elf Men's rlub Sweepstakes, Salem rourse. all Say. Snlmmlng dinger ana Leslie play groans pools. Floyd and Lloyd Garage ami. mmm Box 78 Iansin; Ave. i first game, an elongated seven- i inning job, 5 to 3, with Paul So ! derburg pocketing the win and I Lefty Cyrus Greenlaw, one of the i league's most winningest artists. , absorbing the loss. The second game, starting at nigh on to 11 o'clock, thanks to a bank oT lights j which went blooey in left field in the otener to cause an hour-and-i ten-minute delay, wound up no w ,, st NllNf:s w I. Hri siem 41 23 .641 Spokane W I. Pet 32 26 552 24 37 3S3 Tact. ma 35 23 603 Vancouver IS 41 .305 ! rn;.ln 32 24 571 Victor la IB 45 .297 ! COn,e, .h ,h' uld jet i . ... . . '2 . - Iour comp,ele nea,s' Hul X ""l I J " voi ii : somebody beat those guys), shoved ! the Senators back Jo the top of the ! league standing by half a game. So all in all. it wasn't such a bad evetiing. There will be but a single game tonight at 8:15 and a Sunday twin bill at 1:30 to button up what will now be an abbreviated series with the Har.vel mob. Next time the Tiges come to town they will have last nights postponement to play off. A sniveling. and certainly faithful throng of 1226 stretched through last night s attempts and. surprisingly enough, had to duck for shelter from the rain only nce. A hiah wind and the faulty lights kept them looking for the ' coffee vendor, however. The arcs went out in Salem's half of the sixth with the count 4-3 for the home side, but despite what looked like plenty of lights to keep on i playing, the umps called the 1:10 blow. I Lffty Cyrus, a prewar great in j the loop, had himself a ball game in the fifth. 1-0. but then had his control backfire on him for four Salem runs and the ball game. Three singles, all hit as if with a ! banana stalk, cost Soderburg the tally in the Tacoma second. , Greenlaw, showing brilliant stuff up to then, wobbled by walk- ' ing Bartolomei and Soderburg to ! start off the Salem fifth. Craw ford I laid down a perfect bunt along the third base line and all hands were safe when Sutak hesitated to field the near-foul ball. Then Wally Placer vt rt W hnMnraH a liahtlv- tapped roller toward short and it i sions of next fal, a 'tball ched went for a hit when it was too ; u soft to handle. Bartolomei scoring, j Vern Reynolds fouled out to j Catcher Kuper and George Vico, I . " '""'. "! pop-out at first. Thing looked bad j as Greenlaw worked on Dick Wenner but suddenlv Richard enner. dui suciaeniy nicnaioi rapped a terrific w allop to deep j left center it came a mere six inches from clean ne the wall ffl ', ! tirely and three more runs were Tacoma jumped on Soderburg SVk sw iftly in the sixth, his lone bad inning, and three walks, a single ( 'by Bobby Joratz and a double by Peterson amounted to a pair of runs. Soderburg helped notch his fifth straight win by whiffing Molitor with two men ready to score, this ending the frame Two more walks by Greenlaw, one to Kerr and the other to Bar tolomei. the two separated by the 1'10 delay, and Crawford's line single to left Rave Salem her oth er run in the sixth. Bill Schuble came in to work the final heal for the locals and retired the Tige? 1 -2-3. Kong Iee Fallin and a fast balling Warren Martin squared off for the second try. and de spite walking eitjht in another of his sessions at trying to find the plate. Iee was only 1-0 down when the end tome. That one run c;:rr.e on no hits and was the re- suit of fw of Fallm's free tick ets. Tacoma had but two hits off I.ee iiriil a double play in the fn-t heat after he had walked the sacks full hauled him out of a jam. In fact. Tacoma left eihl men stranded in the four innings. Salem had but one hit off Martin. Tonight's single offers Eddie Kowalski for our side against an other Tiger lefty, this one Fred j Gay, recently turned loose by Se- attle and taken on by the Tiges. I He is a veteran Coast leaguer Ohio Critic In for Had Time; Hunt Oitent GRAND RAPIDS, O , June 28 -(JPi Ohio crows big bunches of 1 black feathers stuffed with rau cous voices and evil minds pre- oared todav to duck as the na- tional crow hunting championship opened in nearby woods. More than 100 guys with guns and crow calls w ill compete in the two-day hunt,, the first since war nilenced ihntsuns 5" oy. Kahut Kayoes Hughes in 3rd Woodburner Notches 23rI I'ro Knockout PORTLAND. Ore , June 2 (&)- Joe Kahut, 182 pounds, Woodburn, Ln.u l,.,l .,.., Tio.. t....ir r.. "':". v . "v"' tliigne?, lUZ, 1ms Angeles, in one i miriirte 40 seconds of the third round of their scheduled 10-round main event 'here tonight, The knockout punfh. an over- nana ngnt to tne nead, came in iess than six minutes of the bout, The Woodburn farmer had it easy B0ine the first rounds, hanrtin out lots of body punishment. It was 4 V . I . . . 1 l - ranuis xjru proiessionai xayo. In the semi-windup, Roy Haw lins. 188, Portland, kayoed Bob Nestell, 188 '2, Los AngeleA with a plexus punch in 1:35 of the first round. A capacity crowd hardly knew the bout had started before Hawkins unleashed the telling vi cious left hook. Eery bout on the card ended with a knockout. Dick Wagner, 147, Oregon City, stopped Don Crowe, 144, Tacoma, in the second round: Joe Bon. 184, Clervais. fin ished Bomber Daniels, 178, Port- 'and. in the second, and Chuck Brown, IJ5, Portland, kayoed Frankie Perry, 137, Portland, in the third. Montana Left Off Hoop Sked SPOKANE, June 28 P) The northern diision. Pacific Coast conference, today adopted a 1946 47 basketball schedule which ex cluded Montana Slate university from conference competition. Division coaches and graduate managers today adopted next sea son's schedules for baseball, track, tenuis, swimming and golf, and expected to end their meeting to morrow wun preliminary discus- " " f Tniicnii VJl V il Ho JtillSOIl " m. -a i VI aw.- t a-k I itli I !' - Avfl illlt ' TACOMA. June 28 7P Harry ; Givan tame from behind this af- : tartikirt 1 r riofo'il D , -a v. S ,n Par fic Northwest aniateu'r golf ' . - ciimiiifl i, aiiu lii.-uicil all ail- Seattle championship round to- morrow Givan's opponent w ill be : Ernie Jonson. a 5 to 4 w inner over Al Mengert. Spokane, in the other : semifinal match today. Women's championship matches tomorrow will find Spokane's Bet- ty Jean Rucker, also a defending titlist, pitted against Barbara Smith. Miss Smith eliminated , CIracie Ee Moss, Corvallis, 2 and 1, I todav PCL Scores: Seattle 000 011 OOCV 2 6 1 Oakland 107 5O0 20' 15 18 0 Soriano. Dii,orari 3 . Williams (41 and Beard: Bearden and Krars. San Francisco 0OO t 0i 1 0 San Ii K' ooo WK1 IKK) 0 4 1 Jansen and I . Dumk-r, Bowman 9i and B.-.!lintr Hollywood 000 CXK) OCWv S 1 0 Sacramento (KH) mil lMi2 -3 8 4 1 Per7. and t'n-r Smith NVlson ifil 'and Mairucci. ', " . . First game 7 inninfis: Taroma J Salem (5) Moi,tor.l 4 "a oo.wfrdr 4 I 0 0 Sutak :t 3012 r'lat-er. 3102 Clifford. I 3 0 4 0 Reynold .2 3 111 Valine. in 4 1 Kuper. c 2 2 Jorta.r 3 I Peterson. 3 1 Marsh. 2 3 1 Grnlaw.p 2 0 Kemper 1 0 1 0 Vico.l 3 0 12 8 1 Wenrxr.m 3 1 4 0 0 Summers. 1 2 0 1 0 1 Kerr.c 2 1 1 2 0Bartomlj.3 0 0 2 0 OSodrbrR.p 10 0 0 OKubiak.s 1 0 0 Gullic 1 0 0 Schuble. p 0 0 0 2 2 1 0 Totals 28 6 18 4 Totals 23 6 21 - Batted for Sutak in 7lh. Batted or Sodeibuig In 6th. Tacoma . 010 002 0 3 Hits . . . 030 102 O 6 Salem 000 041 " - 5 Hits 110 031 C Ip B H R Er So Bb Greenlaw 6 23 6 5 S S Soorrburr S S3 S 3 1 1 3 schuble 1 300000 stolz in the 13th round of a 15- bJrriea' on oTeT 3!n ounder in Madison Square Gar 6 Two-base hits: Wenner. Peterson, i den but only after the curly Runs batted in: Joratz 2. Flasr. Wen-1 haired Jerseyan had put up one ner 3. Peterson. Crawford. Double I .u ,- .cn in plays: Kuper to Marsh. Umpires: Har- ris and Rice. Time: 3 00. BY FLAKE At 5 cents a pound for anything over 40 acres, 14 cents a i pound for commercial fertiliser. Experienced crop dusting pilots. Flying ships capable of carrying 1000 pounds. per j load. ORCHARD. HOPS. FIELD CROPS, COVER CROPS FASTER MORE EFFICIENT MEANS OF PEST CONTROL. ACE FLYING SERVICE BOX 109, SALEM AIRPORT PHONE 6176 OR 3739 Stanford Champs; Robinson PRINCETON. N. J., June 28 -(-Stanford's pay as you play golfers, participating In the na tional collegiate A. A. golf tourn ament for the first time since 1943, eame in between thunder-showers today to win the team champion ship with an aggregate score of 19. Meanwhile Charles Llnd. Den ver university's sole representa tive, took the lead in the indi vidual contest at the. halfway mark of the 72-hoIe medal play test with 143. one stroke ahead of Oklahoma's Charles Coe. NEW YORK. June 28 -(Ar)-Champion Marty Servo and chal- Phil Rampage Continues; Sevens Beats A's; Williams Crashes 20th COAST LEAGl'E STANDINGS WLPd W L Pet Oakland M 33 S3" San Diego 47 44 .JOS sn Frn SI 34 .628 Sacramnto 42 31 .452 Los Angta 4 41 .544 Portland 32 5 .364 Hoiij wod 46 44 .311 'Seattle 31 57.352 national LEAGIE Brooklyn 41 23 .641 CincinnaU 26 31 .475 chicato'1 33 27 .550 New York 26 36 .406 34 .477 Pittsburgh 24 37 .393 uosion Jl AMERICAN LEAGl'E K",on. . T 12 Ifl S.V ,uli 2, V7 Detroit 34 30 .531 Chicago 25 37 .403 Watnngtn 32 31 .503 Philadelph 18 48.281 Ortisalui In the major what they dl- Friday: cordon. Yankees 3 14 10 0 whitman. Ddgrs 4 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 3 Pesky. Red Sox 4 Doerr, Red Sox B Tacoma, Fresno In lee Circuit LOS ANGELES. June 28 (P- Two new clubs Tacoma, Wash.. and Fresno. Calif .--were admitted to the Pacific Coast Ice Hockey league at a meeting of club own- ers todav. The addition of Tacoma and Fresno expanded the league to 11 clubs. The northern division will include Vancouver and New Westminster. BC. Seattle. Port- land ancf T; coma. The southern Hivivion eomorises San Francisco. 0 Oakland, Hollywood. Los Ange 0 les, San Diego and Fresno. 0 : Wildcat Bob' ' ! Retains Title NEW YORK. June 28-(4)-Bob-ct Bob Montgomery held on to his world lightweight champion- hip tonight by flattening AUie "l a-"" "C"'J any ring. eager Bay Robinson were signed tussle In Yankee stadium Aagast 21. HOLLYWOOD. June U-(JP)-A1 Msthes. Hollywood sportsman and cafe owner w bo says he- repr sents a syndicate of motion pic ture executives, announced to night he had wired President Wil liam Be nsw anger of the Pitts burgh Pirates a bid for the na tional league franchise. MONTREAL. Jane 28 -OP) -Ellsworth Vines, the former tennis star from Chicago, blasted the back nine of the Beacons field golf club course today with a Babe Ousted; Berg Advances nTr wntvr: T,,r,- vs Fmudeipuu woo 300 020 2- 7 is a DES MOINES. June 2S-(P - Kennedy. Tnnklt 5. Kraua iS acd A rebounding "Georgia peach," Lombirdi. Cooper c; Miunrr, Rip- 22-year-old Louise Suggs of near '. p ' Krt " sI7""MCk Atlanta, blasted the bid of muscu- oucao oio 101 ooo a-a I . , ' . , . Cincinnati . 000 010 200 1 4 12 1 lar Babe Didrikson Zahanas for a Borowy. Wyse 7 and McCuUough; third Straight title with a brilliant j Vandernieer and Mueller. 1 up victory today In the semi- : Boston . ooi ooo ooo 1 0 finals of the women's western J0'5" , .tfTii . . Sain, white ill and Misi. Padgett open golf tournament. tflj. Lombardi and Edwards. Patty Berg of Minneapolis, who ' st Louu ooo ocs ooo a 11 1 had shared medal honors with i Pittsburgh ooo ooo oio l I Mi Siipm .iir-c iverf the other I Pottett and Kluttz; Roe. Gerheauaer semi-final clash, also in an 18 hole finish battle as she outlasted Dot Kirby of Atlanta, 1 up. Patty, winner of the event in 1941 and 1943. and Miss Suggs will square off in a 36-hole cham pionship tussle tomorrow. """""111111, 'j (llllin. j ; n, G AB R H Pet 57 230 32 87 37S .. 63 254 48 92 .M-2 57 227 40 81 .357 . 68 239 66 85 .356 .55 196-39 68 .347 . 64 255 35 87 .341 National league: Musial. Cardinals .. Vernon. Senators .. William. Red Sox Hopp. Braves Bernardino. Browns Runs batted ln- Walker. DcxlKers. 51: Slaughter. Car dinals. 48: Musial. Cardinals. 48. Amer ican league: Williams. Red Sox. 62: ! Doerr. Red Sox. 61: York. Red Sox 54. ! Home runs National league: Mize. Giants. 13; Blattner. Giants. 9: Kiner. j Pirates. 9. American league: Williams. ' Red Sox. 20: Greenberg. Tigers, 19. I Keller, Yankees. 17. TROUT PLANTING BEGUN PORTLAND, Ore., June 28-c7P) The state game commission an nounced today it had begun planting 1,200.000 rainbow trout in Cascade mountain lakes. The first batch was taken to the Mar ion Forks area. II V? V1 W to Meet Servo seven -under-par 29 for a tS ajsd a new coarse record. Bat at the end of the day's play, he could claim only a Mo for second place after the first 38 holes of the Canadian open golf t ebatnpionshf p. Leader at the halfway mark was the - lean for mer sergeant from Little Sock. Ark., E. J. (Dutch) Harrison. Har rison posted a C9. three.-aader standard figures, this afternoon to add U his initial S for of 137. SEATTLE. Jane ZS-i.-TVDon O War wen the feature seventh raee at Longacres today, cove ring the distance In 1:13. Quakers Near 1st Division PHILADELPHIA. June 2&HJP) The amazing Philadelphia Phillies were one step nearer the National league's first divisicn here tonight as they downed the New York Giants in ten innings 7 to 5, with Catcher Andy Seminick's pair of homers leading the way. Other NationalTesults saw the loop-lead- -ing Brooklyn Dodgers retain their margin over the second-place St. Louis Cardinals with a 3 to 1 de- cisiorung oi me Boston Brave while the Cardinals were measur ing last-place Pittsburgh, 5 to 1. Cincinnati's Reds beat Chicago 4 to 3 in ten frames. " In the American league Bill Bevens showed why he is ranked No. 2 on the New York Yankee mound staff, the lanky Oregonian hurling the McPhailmen to a 4 to 1 triumph over the hapless Phil adelphia Athletics. Ted Williams walloped his 20th homer of the season, giving him . the major . league lead, as he paced the King- -pin Boston Red Sox in. a 12 to 1 lacing of the Washington Senators. St. Louis shut out the Detroit Tig ers 9 to 0 on Dermy Gatehouse's twirling w h iTe Cleveland un- leashed five runs in the fifth in- ning to down Chicago T te J. Aaserlcaa Leacae Philadelphia 000 001 0001 T New York 000 010 03 4 t 1 MarchUdon. Savage til and Rosary -Bevens and Robinson. Detroit 000 000 0000 1 St. Louis 000 010 0 II 1 Trout. Caster iliJnton and Swift; Gaiehouce and Scfaultx. Helf ill. . Washington 000 000 010 1 11 Boston . 003 024 30 11 12 1 Wolff. Scarborough (St. Ptererti tS and Guerra. Harris and H. Wagner. j Cleveland 101 050 607 11 1 Chicago . 200 OO0 00 2 I i Gromek and Hegan; Uamner, Hayneo ! (3 and Tresh. I Natieaal Leaue New York . 000 103 10S S- 3 10 f (Bp, Albosta (I) and Lxpex. Carnett Hired SEATTLE. June 28 op Ed Carr.ctt. Seattle outfielder, will be the new playing manager cf Van couver's Western International league baseball team. Carnett will play first base. 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