The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 29, 1946, Page 5, Image 5

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    Cntty News DBirneffs;
aMarUan court Friday signed a
property claim deed t. I). U Hill
' and Maine Hill for one-half acre
of Land fur $100.
Sleude and Clair Kilgore with the
ullivan Realtv Co have opened
their new office at 425 S 12th st
Phone 4853.
visits juke
Mrs. Helen Wray. Klamath
Falls. U Mtitmi here and plan
ning to live in Salem
Beroof with Johns - Manville
shingles Mathis Bioa, 164 S
Coro'X. Ph. 4542
Carlton Greider, veterans coun
selor at the U. S employment
wrrvK-e. who ha been at the Sari
Diego naval hospital the past
several weeks, will be at hu desk
Monday at the local USES office
He snd Urt. Greider also isi ted
in Arizona.
Claude snd Clair Kilgore with the
Sullivan Realty Co have opened
their new office at 423 S 12th t
Phone 4553
mat lay nrt
J. L. Smith, Silverton. was
(ranted a permit by the Mai -.on
count court Friday to lay a !'
Inch pipe aero county road 655
tor domestic purposes
LuU Flower Shoppe. 1276 N. Lib
rty. phone 9592.
Manon county court Friday
(ranted Harry P Gleaon. Meha
ma. a permit to haul iog over
county road 960.
Insured Savings have always re
turned better than 2 annually
t Salem Federal. Inquiry wel
comed. 130 S. Liberty SU Phone
The department of the inter
ior has informed the Marion coun
ty court of the sale of lands from
the O St C grant lands in this
county to Edwin Kee h. 15 acre
for $-427; Wiliard Benson. Silver
ton, three acres in the Santiam
area for 5l. and to S P. Math
ny. Sublimity, part of a section
In the same area for $2,14 4.
La wn mowers, tool, sharpened at
your1 door. Center Ph. Wil
A 13-year-old boy from Rut he
Harbor. Wih. was found sleeping
In the bus depot early Friday by
Salem Police. He told them he had
hitchhiked to Portland Tuesday
and had remained there that night
before coming to Salem He a
taken to county Juvenile officers '
X you have a house or apt to
rent by July 1st to rei table busi
BeM family of four Will lease
Call immedately. 706
Eight new case of measles, tw,.
of rhsckenpoa. two of eiy:pW.
one each of "diptbena. prfeumonia
and tuberculosis, two of syphilis
and one of gonorrhea weie report
ed in Mar hot county during the
week ending June 22. with 45 pt
rent of the county s phyiian
River Hit top 41 U nil dirt
Owl Sand & GraveL Ph. 11968
ornn alterations
Alterations to an off it e at 37 2
Court st for an estimated ttno
were covered by a building per
nit issued to Bron E Siuon bv
the city engineer's offne Fnday
( mriiat Crtnt Dr...! at R .iflo
HI. June i at tt-e ag .f 11 wait
hj m k Sta widow Mrs 0)ie-
Vmwll mt Great .Her. N V . and pat
mmtm. Mr MOT Mrs Oarie Onsaril of
SaMpast, Sadf la kwtng trnjletied tu
linw my air fcrrtam and announcv
snwtst 4 aarvtc wiH be mad iatei
hy Hwrll-E4l wards rhaawl.
Heeded by
with wife & ssnjll child;
f rUhed hou at rea
wtsabW rent. Have per
sasiesit ion in Sa
lem, nieflc 22191 or
HI -
I '
V i-
I A.
Deceased taxpayers, bankrupt,
judgment and execution proof, in
volvement, out of business or un
i able to locate are causes for the
county court cancelling 119 assess
ments of delinquent personal prop
erty taxes.
Charlies Chicken Inn. 60 Liberty
, Rd cl(sed for remodeling Open
j Jily 8th. Chicken, steak dinners.
jPuvatr dining room.
Deputy sheriff Bert Smith iy
tliat out of 1,500 warrants issued
by the tax collection department
for collection -of delinquent per
sonal property taxes about two- ,
third of the taxpayers on which'
iter v u ha been tried to be ob
tained, have either moved away or ,
are dead. These people have left no
property behind which could be
' i eslr ained ior -collection.
"Nohlgren's Cafeteria" is as cool
as a cucumber during these hot
days' Fast service good food
time to spate on your lunch hour!
On Sunday. July 21. the Salem
board of realtors, including fami
lies and friends of members, will
hold their annual picnic at Tay
lor's Ci o e. neiai Mehama. it was
announced at Friday's board
Free mothproofing fur your fur
coat Store your coat and get your
coat mothproofed. Price's, 135 N.
Uberty St Phone 9121.
Mr and Mrs. Karl Fat. 1360
Clear-view ave . are the parents of
a daughter born Friday at Salem
Deaconess hospital.
"Cyn" Cronise Photographs and
Frames. 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg.
A son was born Friday to Mr.
and Mu lister Christensen. 2485
Prospect lane, at Salem Deacon
ess hospital.
Furniture upholstered snd re
paired by expert wotkmen. Mc
Alvin Top Shop, 545 N. Church St.
MT snd Mrs. Floyd W Brown.
88 Abtams ave. are the parents
of a daughter born Friday at Sa
lem Genera ! hospital
Free mothproofing for your fur
coat. Store your coat and get your
coat mothproofed. Price's, 135 N
Uberty St. Phone 12l.
A son was born Friday at Sa
' I em (leneta! hospital to Mr. and
Mrs H F Sawatky. 460 Union
Free mothproofing fo your fur
coat. Store your cost snd get your
coat mothproofed. Pi ices. 135 N
' Uberty St Phone 9121.
Mr and Mis James R Ztgler.
625 N 20tti st are the parents of
a daughter Lx.iri Friday at Salem
(eneral h.npilal
Ijitet type power fl.i sanders
.V polishei fi.i lent Winnlfow's.
3i5 t'en'ei st
True- mothers toik their In
fants home fiom Salem Cieneral
hospital Fi day They were Mr
Allison K K! ig and son. 735 I)
t : ' M i H a r e v I ) ( ; 1 1 lei tson
and daughter Brook, and Mrs.
Kenneth Hvris and daughter. In
dependetu e
flaude and C'jir Kilgoie with tlie
Sullivan H-'aliv Co have opened
their new off., e at 425 S I2th st
IhMi 4K55
A bu vele r-pited st.ilen from
the YMC'A by Warren stjorne.
1537 N Wuitei st . a recovered
I at a West Salem second-hand
! store Friday A juvenile who was
said by pAlice to have admitted
the theft, a held in the county
Discharge service lapel buttons
now available at Brown's Jewel
lers arid Opticians. Bring dis
charge certificates
Dr J C. Harrison, Everett,
Wash., former pastor of the Sa
lem First Methodist church and
former piesident of the Willam-,
ette university boa i d of trustees,
is in Salem for the apnng meet
ing of tire board. Saturday. Dr.
and Mrs Harrison are stsying st
i the Marion hotel
Man's 16-inch hi -cut boots
. . Waal far fishing. hunt
In, er hiking. Od tanned
. leathers. C e in
tertable, long
1)41 Stale St.
Three men were fined $10 each
Friday after their arrest by local
police on a charge of molesting
public property. The report al
leged that Clarence Collier. Tur
ner, was placing two "No Park
ing Bus Zone" signs in the mid
dle of the Front and Center st.
intersection 'about 1:20 a.m. El
vin Foster, route 1, box 294. and
Keith Wilkinson. Turner, were
allegedly waiting in a parked car
which contained another of the
signs and a firepot. police said.
Attention girls who need extra
money for winter needs. This mon
ey can be earned selling refresh-:
menti at George E. Waters Field. :
Applv either at Ball Park or phone
Jerry Wickman. Silverton. was
arrested by Salem police Friday
morning on a Silverton justice
court warrant charging larceny.
Available now. Electric water
heaters Completely installed Jud-sons-Plumbing
and Heating. 279
N. Com'l. Phone 4141.
"Nohlgren's Cafeteria" is as cool
as a cucumber during these hot
days! Fast service good food
time to spare on your lunch hour!
A car belonging to George H.
Davis, route 4. was recovered by
police at 3:42 pm Thursday in
the llOO block of Court street af
ter it had been leported stolen at
2.20 pm from the 500 block of
the same street.
Wedding pictures taken st the
church. 520 State. Ph. 5722.
Mrs. Orland Stall cope of Sa
lem received word that her sis
ter. Mrs. Matilda Price, of Wil
listun, NC, died Monday. Mrs.
lttie Marey. another sister, left
by plane to attend the funeral.
Wanted: White
lange. Ph. 5862.
enamel wood
Jary Florist now in
365 Court. Ph. 7375.
new location.
t No injuries were reported to
police in auto accidents Thursday
night and Friday morning. Cars
driven by Ruby Bunnell. 1997
State st , and J. F. Bielmeier. Mt
Angel, linked bumpers in front of
the pst office Friday morning,
with little car damage reported.
A car driven by Jack U Biennan.
303 S Winter St.. was towed away
from 14th and Center streets after
a collision with a car driven by
Edwin V. Gwaltney, 935 Imperial
Saturday Silverton Arm-
Victor H Hogle, Miiwaukie.
and Ruth A. Reed, Salem, and
James I.. Bourbonnais. Mt. An
gel, and Thelma C Hanken. Mii
waukie. received marriage licens
es in Poitland Friday.
Old time dance toiute 259 Court.
George. H Graves Ig being
treated for a skin ailment at the
Salem fieneral hospital, where he
has b-een for three weeks.
Foi ietl sa Olfaction and good
fod. try the Colonial House, 4
miles south mi Highway 99E.
Mrs Oilando Stalleope has re
ceived word of the death of her
sister. Mrs. Mathilda Price, Mon- ;
day in Williston. N D. Another
sisier. Mrs Ixjttie Morey. flew
e. for the serv ices, which were
held Thursday
Air-Steamship tickets. Anywhere
Kugel 7694
Halts Sentence
SEATTLE. June 28-iP)-Super-lor
Judge Matthew W. Hill's sent
encing of Richard C. Hntton to
death was halted when defense
cvurisel Juhn M. Sohermer chal
lenged Hill's right to sit on the
Hill was appointed by es-Gov-ei
nor Arthur B Ianglie to fill In
for Judge Milrnm Iouglas, who
was absent on military leave.
Judge Douglas was re-elected In
absentia Schermer argued that
the Langlie appointment was in
valid for a term of office which
did not begin until after the gov
ernor's tenure of office expired.
Brit ton was condemned to death
by a jury which convicted him of
participating in a store robbery In
which s cashier was killed.
Banking Croup
Elects Miss Taylor
Lorraine Taylor has been elec
ted president of the Marion coun
ty chapter of the American Insti
tute of Banking, which annually
holds classes for bank employe,
with college prof essoi s or senior
bank employes as instructors.
Edward H Farrington has been
named vice president; Pauline Tu- '
rin. secretary; Ieonard Da vies, I
tieasurer; Earl Daue, Bessie Smith, '
Orval C. Kennen. Walter McCune. j
Rex Oibson, Floyd King and Law
rence Morgan, directors.
- - -i. .. i in i .
On All Hakes j i
All Werk Gnaranteed
4lt Cmri St. Call 7 at
tonvale, Kansas will sing st the
Mill st. Sunday. Jane St. Lee G. Cox, teacher In the theological
department ef the school Is traveling with the quartet and will
speak at the 11 a.m. service. The quartet
right. Holland Fletcher. Renald Brannon,
Marian Winterberg.
Federal Controls, Limitations
Worry State9 s Real Estate Men
The real estate business, fast becoming the largest single business
in volume of sale in Oregon, is currently w orried over the federal debt
and federal bureaucrats, according to Claude Murphy, state real estate
commissioner from Portland.
Speaking at the Salem board of Realtors" luncheon Friday noon
at the Marion hotel. Murphy said that "we ate ruled by a bunch of
Service To Be
By the Associated Press
i Two troopships with 1225 ser
vicemen are scheduled to arrive
at New York today, and a hand
ful of men aboard four vessels
are due on the west coast. Nearly
500 war brides and babies also
are due at New York.
Ships arriving:
At New York-
The Zanesville Victory from Le
Havif. and the Claymont Victory
from Southampton.
The John Ericsson from South
ampton with 494 brides and chil
dren. At Sn Francisco
ARD (floating diydock No. 9.
At San Diego-
Submarine Cabezon from Pearl
Harlxr with eight navy men:
APA Grimes from Assedo. Ja
pan, with 16 navy hospital cases.
At Seattle -
The Alaska, from Alaska.
NEW YORK. June 28 p. With
the redeployment program of
wartime units vutually complet
ed, the Associated Press will ter
minate tomorrow Its daily listing
of service personnel returning
from the European and Pacific
Since the service was started
last July 20. more than 2.000.000
names weie sent by commercial
telegraph facilities and by mail to
more than 400 newspapers and
radio stations the greatest mass
distribution of names ever under
taken by a press association.
When a city extends its boun
daries, the added territory auto
matically is included In the city's
school district. Attorney General
Geotge Neuner ruled today for
District Attoi ney William W.
Bartle of Lane county.
BATHE R Ocean water and
rain water are twe different
things, se Aim actress Margweette
Cava eanan arses an umbrella te
prelect her stylish new swim
sninr suit
1 I
IB '
r l.
I alT" j '
M D IT n CD IE 2
to inrraMl operating cost over which
have no control, effective Julv 1st
reiilciitial garhae rates will he
215 So. High St.
- i -t r j ,v i
Wrsleysn Methodist college st Mil-
Wesleyan Methodist church, I5th at
members are. left to
Robert Hughes, and
- , new dealers and bureaucrats
i Washington who never made a
success of private business."
Branding the OPA aa '"no good"
; and federal subsidies as "class
! legislation." Murphy remarked
j that '"controls' on prices should be
! lifted to allow the old law of sup
I ply and demand to function."
"If this nation does not produce
a George Washington, a Benja- ,
i min Franklin or a Thomas Jef
ferson soon, then private enter
pnse will become a thing of the
past and democracy willriot sur-
vive. Murphy stated.
Against Federal Housing
Communism in politics and la
, bor can only be combaHed by
I private ownership, he said. "The
i present building of federal hous
ing crackerboxes to take the place
of privately owned homes is
: wrecking our economy," he de
clared. In Oregon, he said, only
about half the property is pri
vately owned and in x -bea ring.
On the bright side of the pic
ture. Murphy stressed the pros
perity, business opportunities and
natural resources of the west
coast, and particularly in' Oregon
and the Willamette valley.
386 Real Estate Men
Murphy also reported to the Sa-
lem board that at" present in Ore
gon there was a total of 3806 li
censed real estate operators, in
cluding ' brokers, partnerships,
corporations and salesmen The
; current average number of ap
plication received for licenses by
: his office is about eight per day.
' At present, he said, the number
of licenses granted to brokers and
salesmen during the first six
j months of this year has been 2li :
times the total for the entire year
of 19407
The Friday meeting was the
last meeting the Salem board will
i hold until the first meeting in i
September, William Bliven, sec
retary, announced. i
Third Party
There will be a third political
party It the democrats continue
on "the road to reaction." C. B.
Baldwin, executive vice chairman
of the National Citizens' Political
Actum committee, said today.
ofr-amna; i siuueriis at an
NCPAC School of Politics here, Dobbs will play ' Adagio'" by Co
Baldwin, former farm oecunty ! relli and "Westminster de Ciril-
administrator, said such a party
may arise whether Mr. Truman
likes It, whether Mr. Hanncgan
likes It or whether Mr. Wallace
likes it."
Baldwin took issue with speech
es previously made to the school
by Secretary of Commerce Wal
lace and Siator Morse (R-Ore),
each declaring his party was the
i. .
i my- ui pi igi cti e lortes.
A party that contains Secre
tary Wallace and Bilbo." Baldwin
said, "or a party that . contains
Senator Taft and Senator Moise,
seems to me to be faced with al
most insuperable obstacles."
Cattle Rating
Schedule Set
The schedule for classification
of Jersey cattle has been set by
the Marion County Jersey Cat
tle club. Prof. Harry King. Uni
versity of British Columbia, will
in ,
judge the cattle according to their ,
conformation with the national:
dards set for the breed. Class-
ion will be held at the foi- !
lowing farms: June 28, A. Malar.
C. W. Sherman, E. Harris. Kate I
Thorup and V. D. Walker; June j
29, D, A. Messenger, Astoria;!
Jamea A. Elliott, H. O. McEntire,
and T. A. Parcher; June JO, V. D.
Footer. Fred Knox, Ralph Knox j
and W. E. Uttnun; July 1, T. T. ;
Jacobs, L. S. Lorenzen, A. L. !
Tangen and O C. Welsh; July 2, !
C. L. Bush and Mai I in Fox; July j
3, C. E. Eastman and Henry Zorn. ,
A Danish postmaster, Einar
llolboll, conceived the idea of the
Christmas tuberculosis seal.
per month
Service Co., Inc.
Phone 8390
Workers Ask
Soviet Break
With Franco
MOSCOW. June 28 CPi-Calling
for a diplomatic break with the
present Spanish legime. the ex
! ecutive commitUf nf (he Woi Id
Federation of Trade unions today
'asked the United Nations to de-
dare Generalissimo Franco an
o'law and to recognize the Giral
sjovei nmerit-jn-exi!e as the real
government of Spain.-
Sir Walter Citiine of Britain,
chairman of the committee, also
. announced the organisation would
; press it claims for a stronger
j voice in the councils of the L'nit
l ed : Nations.
j Speaking at a press conference
7at the end of the 11 -day Moscow
meeting. Sir Walter said the-conr-mittee
recommended organization
demonstrations beginning July
: 18 anniversary of Franco ''ag
gression" and lasting until Aug
ust 15 in various countries.
Fred Neal to
Tell African
The Rev Fred W. Neal, who
has spent more than 30 years as
a Presbyterian missionary at
Camerpun. Africa, will speak at
boh services of the First Presby-
terian church Sunday. Dr. Neal
' was born at Turner, Ore., and at
tended Willamette university: was
graduated from Albany college,
which is now Lewis and Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Neal were first
given charge of the Edea district
; and station. After the first World
war the German -Swiss members
of the Basle mission were not al
lowed to return to West Africa,
and the work was taken over by
the Presbyterian mission and put
under Neat's charge. At the be
Sinning of the second Worfd war, ;
Dr. Neal returned alone to Africa
after a leaive here Mr. Neal
stayed in Oregon because of dif-
lMuli travel conditions and to be ;
near one of their three children
She died shortly after he arrived
at their mission station.
Most of Neal's time , has been
and still is spent on the road, vis
iting about 150 outposts, journey
ing mostly on foot. At each out
post he stays for several days.
Triiii wiui ine ui uereiu ses-
sion,, preaching and holding con-
ferences with elders and teachers I
The central schools are inspected i
and the children not only exam-
ined scholastically, but their pro- j
giess in me t. nrisiian lite noted,
n.M.s .
in is.i3 ine tiseka work was
added to that of Edea and Dr.
and Mrs. Neal removed to the
former station, residing four miles
outside of Eseka at Ilanga. where
a small school had been started
in 1931. When Dr. Neal has a few
days at home he is busy translat
; uig Sunday school lesions to be
j used througliiKit the field.
I Dining the years he has been
in Afiica. he has helped to build
.chapels in many different centers,
native people providing funds
, and labor, and he has seen thou
sands of people turn to Chris
' tianity.
The Rev Chester W Hamblin.
pastor, will conduct the worship
at totn services
.Mrs Ralph
Ion" by V'ierne. The
sing ' Holy Art Thou"
The evening ser ice
choir will
by Handel
will be a
youth night
set vice wnn speXiiai
" I
O'llteilllial Mesxave j
To Be C iven Sunday
t Turner Oouvention
TURNER - Sunday morning the
message of the centennial conven
tion of Christian churches on the
tabernacle grounds will be deliv
ered by'Delbert W. Daniels, who
will speak on the subject "It Is
Possible to Know Him " A com
munion service will follow, di
rected by W. H Lyman of the
Court Street Christian church,
Salem. .-
Sunday school will begin at
8:45 a.m. Ralph L. Putnam is su
perintendent. Program Serves
ermi if i: i
HtUIUH dllllttl :
The stata vocational cehahiiiia.
tion proeram has served 3SOO I
ohvsicallv hinHiraniwH HrAon !
residents in the past three years.
the vocational rehabilitation Hivi. l
sion announced today.
It has found jobs for 890 of those
persons. The division provides
counseling, medical, training and
job placement service. '
Wilmer N. Brown. Director
The Orsxyon Startman, Salem, Pro.. Srittfdrf. Junm 29. 191 5
IPaaMfia? tHIeeaDirdls
Joe T. Piener v Fave BuUi and oth
ers: Motion to strike bv plaintiff.
Archie R Mattison and Pearl Matti-
son vs J . Beijrbeder: Suit dismissed
Alice Watws Lehman vs John W.
Leiunan: Order strike previous motion
filed by defendant and application
made for place on trial docket Default,
order entered
loni Johnson vs Enule Johnson -Application
made for place on trial
docket for July 1. and default order
entei ed.
A i Ka v Elvira Dehut vs Gilbert Rich
ard Dehut: Application made for piare
on trial docket and amended and iup-
plemental complaint filed
Katherine Fiance Wright v Cilfoid
Allan Wright Application foi place on
trial docket for July I filed
The separate damage suits aKainst
the Mt Angel loopetative t reaniery
Co and William Basil. Agnes Janrrn
asks for SSckmi damages: Helen Petri s.
by her guardian ad litem. Jacob Pe
ters, for $O0O: Zelma Janrrn. bv her
guardian fel litem. John H. Janren. for
S6O00: Clarence Peters, by his guardian
ad litem. Jacob Peters, for SSOO0. and
Ella Janzen. by her guardian ad litem.
John H. Janzen. for SoOOO Plaintiffs
allege they received injuries in colli
sion of trucks driven by the two de
fendants Julv 1. 1944. near Sublimity
Paul A Porter, administrator of
OPA. vs Coos Bav Farmers Coopera
tive and Ovster Growers Service Association-
Defendants Oyster Orowers
Service Association file answer admit
ting and denying.
June Martin vs Jamea K Martin -
Suit for divorce charging cruel and
inhuman treatment asks for cu?tdy
of unborn child. Married Dec M. 1944
at Corpus Oiristf. Tex.
Ed (jar Rray: charged with laiceny.
dismissed for lack of evidence
Jack Wayman Baker: charged with
no tail light, fined SI and costs
Walter Adolph Brackhann: charged
with no tail litfht. fined $2 50 and costs
Bob La Chapelle: charged with vio
lation of Oregon Liquor control com- ,
mission regulations. finedJ50 and costs .
commitment usued: charged with dis- '
orderly conduct, sentenced to 15 days
in jail
Raymond I-ewfs: charred with driv
ing while intoxicated, fined $260 and
Stricter Rides
Laid Down for
Housing Units
PORTLAND. Ore., June 23-iPi
Stricter rules on occupancy of
Portland. Clackamas county, and
Vancouver, Wash., housing proj
ects were laid down today by the
regional federal public housing
The Poitland housing authority
was advised by letter that only
veterans, and' servicemen's fami
lies, or persons "essential to the
prosecution of the veterans' hous
ing program" could be accepted
as new tenants.
The letter also said that no fur-
,. . "
! ther PPcation could be taken
.. v. r"..;i j'. t -L- - ;
which is being slowly vacated
for use as an industrial site.
Reason for permitting only.cer-
taia groups to enter the projects
is to make available as many tin- i
its as possible for transfer to oth
er areas.
t " b.-- ...
1ST i'-S malr aa. aa wn ns a.-
Church DZriefc
! The First Evangelical church
choir, under the direction of Rev.
Wilmer N. Brown, will present a
concert of sarred music Sunday,
June 30. at 7:45 p m. This concert
will conclude the choir season,
and will include favorite anthems
and gospel selections as well as
vocal combinations and instru
mental selections. The minister
will sneak at 11 am
jwt "What Is Apostacy?"
WOODBURN Dr. John Knight
of Willamette university will be
speaker at the Methodist church
Sunday at 11 a m. Dr. Knight is
in charge of Youth FellowshiD in
the Mefh.idit r-hur.-h fY.r th. Cj
: lem district.
The Rev. O. A. Jewel, newly
appointed pastor of the Wood-
ourn cnurcn, win re nere July 7.
He succeeds the Rev. D. Lester
Fields, who is being sent to
Neha lem-Wheeler pastorate.
Brazil was named after the dye
wood which was the early settler's
chief export.
The pull earthward
The way of least resistance.
Going down, down.
Drawtsta: Fewer
"And I if I be lifted up
from the earth will draw all
men unto me." John 12:32
"I will lift up mine eyes."
Psalms 121:1
a? J V t
1 1 : , - I r
Sunday, June 30, 7:45 P. M.
What Is Apostasy?" 11:00 A.M. Worship Service
Mariea Creases Snmmer
iifir. c-on'.miuiienr mueo.
Monty Thompson: chined wiiii f.
orderly conduct, fined S24 and costs.
B-s S Cochrane 152
parking warrant. $10 ball.
Clarence Collier. Turner,
public property. $10 fine.
Keith Wilkinson. Turner,
public property. $10 fine
Court sf,
Elvin R Foster, route 1 bow 2S
leslmg pub he property, SIS fm.
Annie Wolfe guardianship estate:
Oi-der authorises Maude B Hicka.
Suardian. to sell bond and slock
i James T. Smith estate. Estate ta.
. P'aised at $l5s.?n0 and order permits
, peraonai property
sale of all
Elizabeth I Hok-omb ealat: Order
approves amended final account mt
Jessie May Hall, executrix.
John H. Klene estate: Order author -ize
Pioneer Trust Co.. executor, tm
sell certain personat property.
yiorman L. Poland estate: Decree (
final settlement rntered.
Bennr Bass. 17. railroad, and Mabel
T.. link. 2o. housewife, both Scro.
"Flovd T. Michael. 2S. electrician. West
Salem and Margaret June Lundvf IS.
Gervais "
William r Neptune, retired mew
chant. 785 Capitol st . and Emma "Wood,
domestic. S90 N. lSih st . both Salem.
Knox Petitions
Circidated f or
Law Chaiiges
Next week's deadline for the
filing of signatures rn six' initia
tive petitions mar otrnaynot
: many of them ready for certi (1-
; cation (24,000 gnaturesV but
I work on separate Knox Tasr
j amendment petitions apparently
I will jjfo forward regardless..
The Knox (liquor) law initia
! tives. for which signatures are
being sought in several commun-
ities, need not be turned inf.r
'certification until 60 days prior
to the November election. And btt
10 per cent of the voters at th
last general election are requir
ed in whatever cities or count leg
would be affected.
The other six petitions call for
a basic school support fund, a J
per cent gross income tax for old
age benefits, lowering the voting
age to 18. compulsory car insur
ance, elimination of horse anj
dog racing, and $50 minimum
w c; o s e
MarlOI! StlllllaV ScIlOOl
" -OH VPIlllOU Scfiriulrl
1 t? l
Y wr xOI!llHr SUIItlaVS
first of the summer dis
trict sundar school conventions
was held at Gervais June IS with
President Terapleton presiding
, Ruth Ha tie is secretary. Thit
is the North Marion county dis
trict and includes Oervais. Wood
burn. Hubbard. Aurora and Don
ald The second convention will be
, held at the Four Corners Sunday
school, the most southerly Sunday
i school in the Hayesville district,
Sunday. June SO. J. A. Rickard Is
president and Miss Grace Klampe
; secretary.
The third convention will be
held Sunday. July 1st at Stajr-
I ton Baptist church Leland Keith--"
1 ley is president and Mary Loj
Keithley secretary.
The fourth of the summer con
ventions will be held at the Sil
verton Christian Missionary Al
liance church July 14 where RoM
, Marquam is president and Mrs.
! William Magee is secretary of th
Silverton district.
TYie la.t summer convention of
. Marion county will be held at
Conner in Linn county. July U.
This is part of the Jefferson dis-
i trict where J. H Turnidge is pres-
i ident and Mrs. Cothurston in
Chemeketa at Winter St
Cheater W. Hamblin. pastor
Virginia Ward Elliott,
music director
1:45 A. M. Chares Scheel
It:5S A. M. "AaeOier Terns
i Service la Africa"
7:3 T. M. 3enae Africa
Maiuiers A Cmtaassi
Sermons by Dr. Fred NeaL
Presbyterian Missionary,
Cameroun. Africa
at-' JLTa
rusts and sentenced to 30 days.
William Fawk, Orjraniat