lO-Ths Ofjon Starts) iman, Salem. Or., Thursday. Juno 27. 1946 New York Stock Quotations NEW YORK June 26-tP) Today's ( lorn Al Cbem & Dye American Can Am Pow ic Lt ... Am Tel & Tel . Anaconda Atchison Bendix A via Beth Steel ......... Boeing Air ...... Canadian Pac .. Calif Pack - Case J I .. Chrysler . Comwlth Sou ... Cons Edim Cons. Vultee Cort Ins Cnm n Zel Curtiss Wr Douglas Air Dupont De Ne Gen Electric .... 201 Grn Fiaatl.M ... . .51 100 2 Gen Motors . 694 19 Goodyear Ti 65 196 Gt North pffi .61'? . 454 Int Harvest 954 . 132 int Paper pit! 1 1 6 3 46' 4 J Manville H0'2 .107' 4 Kennecott 56 . 25Ta Lon Bell A 30 19 1 4 Miiytag 14 '4 r 41 Miami Ci.i-r .. I 5 1 1 49 - Mont Ward K8 123s. Nash Kelvin . . 22' 5 Nat Dairy .41 333 NY Central 2f . 24 '3 North Am Co 34 . 55'-Northern Pac . . 297 . 3334 Pac Am Ft'h . 16 . 73, Pac Gas Elec 46 84 ' , P T & T 155 213'- Pan American 184 4m Penney J C 50', Salem Market Quotations The prices below supplied by 10 eal grocer are indicative of the oil market prices paid to growers by Sa mm buyer- but are not guaranteed tr Tbe SUtaaroan: CTTEB. ICGt NO POCI.TUT lik)wt a cftaaga srUaeei aetace) arjTTSJIEAT Prtainun NO. I - Me. 1 -SO CTTU rmtfT 45 46i J7 JJ Jl 3 J VXaarter . CCCI Large Meiiumi . standards Pallets , Cracks IJYESTOC. Beef steers Beef cows (By Valley rack) ' JO ta 08 to Jl JO IX Oairy to to to . goo .1300 . TOO . 2 00 . s 00 14 SO 1 amha top ta 14.00 to 11 00 to 00 4 Of rltng Bucks Hoes, too, , 160-270 lbs. lbs IS 45 1485 14 00 to 14 SO rocLTStT No. 1 colored bens No 1 colored Hans 11 Stocks and Bonds Qwiprted txr The Aswoe-tated Prasa June M STOCK A TCP. AG KS 10 1 OS Rails UtU Stks 44 S3 1 78 0 40 S S3 I 7S 2 SO 4 S3S 00 0 SO 4 55 4 S3 4 45 6 47 1 00 1 Indus . .. 163 7 14 0 106g 110 4 aoo Wednesday Prrrwta day Wo it ago Monta ago .. Yea ago SOKD AVMAGII XO 10 10 10 Rail Indus UUI Eorn Wedneadar 103 4 103 0 107 0 77 7 PYrrioua day .. 1033 103 1 107.7 77 S Week ago 1030 104 0 1M 0 77 Mootta ago 103.1 103 1 I07J 71 4 Tear ago 1013 104 J io 0 73 Grains Break From Ceilings CHICAGO. June 26 -iP- A selling movement led by commis sion houses broke all oats futures escept July from their ceilings today. Iaoese ranged to more than 2 cents In the widest decline in several weeks. Trading was more active than in any recent session, although it was still well below normal. An expansion of offerings of cash oats continued good pros pects for both the oats and corn crops, and indications the senate would vote for the OPA bill main taining ceilings on livestock and dairy products combined to create the liquidating move. Final prices on deferred oats were off lV-2Me cents, Asguft tt4. July traded at its 88 cent ceiling. Bids for corn and barley remained at ceilings of $1,46 4 and fUS1 without attracting effer- Purchase of cash oats for fu ture delivery were reported by cash dealers as in excels of 300, 000 bushels, which was well above the amounts offered daily for the part several weeks. Crop news, was generally fav orable. Francis X. Bushman starred in 424 motion pictures. 1 E'lelaliLaun Chain Green & white enamel, red & white enamel SEE OUR LARGE ASSORTMENT OF MIRRORS 16x24 Heavy Plate Glass Mirror -ff-Other sizes in proportion m m m 3 METAL BED LAMP Brown or ifory enameled 3-way mogul base Floor Iamp y With 3 candles & silk hade. Complete JLCmm Platform Rocker. Rom & blue stripe tapestry. Spring: const r. Unf. Extension Gate to keep baby in. 4-foot ext. S-foot extension We Give S Green Stamp SALEII H0I1E FURIJ. CO. 137 So. Commercial iK quotations: Radio f'oip .... Rayonier -Rayonier pfd Reynold Met Safeway Sears Rk Sinclair (111 .... So Pa il it Stan Brands Stan Oil Cal Stew-Wat tier Studehaker . Sun MiniiiK Union Oil Un Pacific U11 Airlines L'n Aircraft U S Steel Warner Bro .. West El mfg Woolwoith . 14' . 27'-.. 37H . 33 '4 30 ' . 4P, . 184 . 64'K . 47 53 23 353, 20 26' 153' 38'4 27s . 8fi3i 43'. 33 56 INirlluntl I'rtxliice PORTLAND. ORE . June 26 lAP) Butterfat. firt quality, maximum of S of 1 per cent acidity, deliveied in Portland 62-82'iC lb : premium quality, maximum ol .15 of 1 per cent acidity 3-3'c lb . wcond quality SO-OO'nC; "Valley route and country points 2c lea than fir or SO-SO'jc Butter - A A print l-l',c car ton S3-S3'c: A Kiade pi int il61',c. carton Sl'-2c. B arade print So-Slc. C hert - Selling pi ice to Portland le tailer: Orreori triplet. 30 13c: loaf, 3S21c lb: basic price tnpleta to whole salers. 333c. loaf. 33Sc Frss to retailers: AA grade 47c. A laire 44-46c: medium 41 -42c: small t pullet! 3S-31c tKgs Purchases from farmers: cur rent receipts. 37-3Sc: buyers pay S-lOc dox below ceiling price on others. Uvt chickens No. 1 broilers. Mi-3 lbs. 29-32 6c; fr" 2-3'i lb. 32-33.Sc; roasters over 3', lbs. 32c: colored bens all weights J3-27c: leehorn hens all weight 23c: roosters and stags 13-16c: No. 2 grade springs. 15c tinder No. 1: fowl 10c under No. 1 price. Rabbitf Average to retailers 44 SOc lb.: live price to pioducers. color ed fr-ver 24c lh ; white fryers 27c lb. Turkejs Bai buyin prlca. dressed basis: hens. 3c lb terns. 30c lb net at farms Dressed turkeys Packers selling price to retailers: Breeder hens, 39 40c; winter pack young hens. 2e lb Onions Oregon green. No 1. SO-7 5c doz bunche. Obwiu Oregon dry. No. 1. S3 01 SO-)t sack: California yellow, medium. 2 40-2 50 3-inch 2 50: red $1.75-2 00. medium $2 40; Jumbo $3 25 50-lb. sack. Potatoes Local B'irbank, $3 00-3.75 cental: Idaho. 3 05 cental. Deschutes. tOOa. No I. 4 00-4 25. cental: 25. $105 15. 00: Klamath Tails No. I. 3 75: Ya kima red carnet. 1 S3 per 50 lb. sack Potatoes California Ung White. $3 75 hundredweisht. No. 1 commer cial 2 00. Fresno astrachan. 40 lb. bag $4 20. Veal A A, t2c: A 21i: B lS'.ie: C. 17-174: cull. 14-lSc lb. Ks Fancy block 20c lb. Ljimbs A A 2 'c: A 24c: B 22 'be: C. 2ic. Mutton-Fancy A. 13 I -4c: M. 12c: R grace. $-10c. Beef - AA. 22c: A lie: B. !: C lSi: canner and cutter. 13,-14c: canner and cutter bulla 15c Hay Wholesale sn'menta: Alfalfa. No. 2 or better $31-32 50: oats and vetch mixed hatr. valley growers' price. $19 $22: clover hay $19-22; baled on farms. Wool Valley, course and medium grades. 45c lb. ceiling (government con Uolled). Caocara bark Creen 0'c lb.: dry 25e Mohair 40c lb. on 12 month growth. Portland Livestock PORTLAND. ORE . June M ( API 1 US DA Salable cat tle 100. total 135: calves 25; market active, fully steady; scattered Iota gra steers 15 00-10 25: most to stocker buyers; a few medium heifers 14 OO-IS 50: cutter down to 0 00: canner-cutter cows 0 00-10 SO; shells 7 00 end below: fat dairy type cows up to 1150; heavy Hoteteins to 12 00; medium-good beef cows 12 00-14 00; good beef bulls 13 50-14 00; sausage bulls 1100-13 00: good-choice vealers larcely 18 00; few up to IS SO. Salable and total ho SO: market ac tive, steady: barrow's and gilts 150-250 lb 15.80. good tows 15 05: feeder pig lacking: choice around 100 lbs. quoted to 16 50 and above. Salable sheep 1250: total 5JO0: mar ket slow, unevenly steady to 50 cents lower: lower grade lambs off most; good-choice spring lambs 14 50-15 00; common-medium grades 11 50-13.00; few shorn springers 1300: common-medium shorn old crop lanro 8 00-1100; good ewes 50-7 00 1 lot mostly choice 7 25; culls and common ewes 3 00-5 00. 1 Portland Grain PORTLAND. ORE . June 2 IAP) Cash grain. No. 1 Flax 3 35 j Wheat futures unquoted. Cash wheat: Bid) Soft white (excluding Rex) 181: white club 191: western red : I 81V Hard red winter: Ordinary I 81 H: 10 per cent 1 .li: U per cent 185: 13 percent 1 87.. Hard white baart: Ordinary I 01 . IO per cent 1 83: U Per cent I 85: 12. per cent 1.87 No I flax. 3 35 Today car receipts: Wheat 23: bar ley 2. flour 3. oats I: millfeed 10. lWiili15- 'I::: 6f" Arvin Brand g ftf .65 .RNk'r Gr"n 6.95 2.98 39.50 1.98 2.39 Statetman Classified Advertising Classified Ails Coll 9101 Per line 10c Three Insertions per line 25c Six Insertions per line 40c One month per line $1.50 Minimum charge 25c; 3 ti. min. 40c; 6 ti. min. 50c. No refunds. Count 5 words to line. Cnpv for this page accepted un til 6 'M the evening befoic publica tion (or classification Cupy re reived after thia time will be run under the heading "Too Late to Classify " The Statesman muiw no finan cial responsibility for rrri.n which may appear in advertisements pub lished in its columns and in rases where this paper is at fault will reo int that part of an advertise nent in which the ty pographlcal mistake occurs. Livestock and Poultry YOt'NC; hav addte pony with bridle and saddle $150 Ph 3742. FRFSII Jersev cow for sale. Rt. 7. Box 147. Ph. 2-252. BABY CHICKS : weekly hatches" new llainpthiie other varieties. Ph. 228SI Lee Hatchery WANTED All Kinds of livestock VaUev Parting Co Phona 593$ WANTf.D Beef and canner cows Pull and veals Will call at farm C I Snetnen 1550 Lancaster Drive Ph 31345 Morns or eve FOR SALE Christie N M baby chirks every Wed Boylnrlona. 3710 State St Phone 4S60 or 68F4. RABBITS WANTED: All ie 4 to 0 lb While 27c lb . colored 24c lb . live weight Rabbit kin. best prices. Wire stretcher and other supplies. Rt. 4. Box 66B William Bossert. Write, we pick up. Rabbit Meat Co. 8917 SE Star k St OUACltTKlW-liamps chicks Col lece tube tested No reactor. Phone Black 183 Gehrny Hatchery. Silverton. Ore go n CUSTOM dressing of chickens, any number Prompt service Dressed poul try wholesale our specialty Phone 2- 261 Lee's Hatchery STALLION SERVICE Napa Flash. Registered American Saddle bred Stallion Fee S25 or $50 for registered mares at time of service with return privileges within the year Napa riash is one of the better bred stallions on the coast there Is no sub stitute for good breeding Owners: Mr and Mrs Roy H. Simmons. Route 4. Box 270. Salem. Ore Phone 100 or 3- 1143. . WANTED: Fat and canner cows foi beet. Dairy cows, heifers, bulls, veal Fat hogs, sows, stacs. boars Market price t C McCandlith. rt $. box 373 Ph 0147 across from ball park S sSth "WANTED: Uvt or dressed turkeys and poultry, highest cash prices paid Anv slae frvers now higher Need your fresh eggs badly I Big lots of rabbits live or dressed, old or young, fresh or frozen. Be sura to contact us before selling. Square deal with smiles Will pick up poultry within 200 mile radius of Portland. Your poultry weighed and paid for at your farm. Protect your self. We bring scale unless you have one. Or we can furnish you coops, trucks or trailers free, to haul poultry in yourself if desired and get top Port land prices. Receiving poultry all day Sat Plenty new coop for sale. We are in our own 2-story 100x100 ft. modern bldg. Largest Indep. dealer in city. Es tab -since 1926. When you write, give us phone No. If you sell poultry to us. then we will repay you for L. D. phone call you made us. Call, wire or write. Portland Egg Ac Poultry Co. 228 NE 7th Ave.. Portland 14. Oregon. For evening phone, call CAR 0077 from S 30 to 10 p.m. only. Help Wanted CHERRY Pickers wanted Guv Wil liam Rt. 3. Box 75S. 2 ml So. of Libert v Ph. 2-2096. COTTAGE PARENTS Man and "Wife to supervise bos cottage Woman as housekeeper, man to supervise out side work group and cottage High school graduate or equivalent Perma nent position Salary and full main tenance. Oregon State Training School. Wood burn CHERRY Pickers wanted. Good pick ing. 1 ml. W. of Liberty. Ph. 2242S Box 735 MAN 4 WIFE to care for elderly lady in her home. Write or call on Mrs. George Hurst. Ill Coolidge St. Silverton. Ore "CHERRY PICKERS wanted. Small trees, bumper crop, inspection of or chard invited Can accommodate a few campers. 3 miles west on Orchard Heights road from intersection of Or chard HetghU a Wallace Rd. Watch for Sign at fork in road. 3 miles out. Wil liams Fruit Farm. Rt. 4 Box 415D. Ph. 17F3 SOMEONE TO pick cherries 4581. CHERRY Pickers. Excellent picking. Close in on Moody Ave. Box 85. off Park Ave CHERRY Pickers wanted near West Salem. Phone 47F3. 30 CHERRY Pickers now 21, mile northwest of Brush College. Wallace i Hd. intersection, o. J. watts. Ht I. Box 400 EXPERIENCED'Crocerv cfeik. Good pav and working conditions Walt White, West Salem. Kingwood Market CHERRY Pickers wanted 3" ml S of Salem tin Browning Ave at Jone Ave 30 A . good crop, start June 20. Ph 2-110 EXPERIENCED 'optical technician Rigg Optical Co. Guardian Building WANTE6: Cherry picker Ph 81F1 1 or 7412. Rt 7. Box 404. Silverton Rd CHERRY PICKERS wanted immed iately. Transportation furnished if nec essary. W. Frank Crawford Phone 2-3241 8 mile north on Wallace road norm on Wallace road ean PJrker Register 3 ml out of Salem on 2-13S3. Herr it Rien- and 2 mile west WANTED: Bea" now- Yard onlv Sllvelton Rd Ph sche. Rt 7. Box 409 WANTF.D: Cherry picker Rt 4 Box 255 7. mile south old Pacific highway to Sunnyside, l' miles weM and south L Sherwood. CHERRY PICKERS wanted Register early Picking starts M011 . 24th Good orchard, low tree, level ground Trans portation fum. Ph. 8355 eve. S A Wheatley. Help Wanted Male C A RP ENTERS wantedPh 4820 WEATHER-STRIPPER all around mechanic. Meadv work. Reinholdt and Lewis Phone 3148 HELP WANTED: Man expenenced with farm equipment to set up and deliver farm equipment JAMES A MA DEN CO 2S5 Sjilyerton Rd Salem. Ore MAN TO operate irrigation svtm night at the Oak Knoll Golf Course. Salem -Dal la Highway. ARE YOU LOOKING for an auto mechanic lubrication body and metal work job 5-day work week substantial extra earnings compe tent supervision ideal shop At work ing conditions other advantages Loder Bros. Oldmobiie dealers, have opening for experienced, conscientious workmen interested in further devel opment and improvement. Applv In person If qualified. 465 Center St. DRS. CHAN . . . LAM Dr.Y.TLaaBNI. Or G Caaa.M If CHINESE HERBALISTS X41 Nartk Liberty U stairs Portland General Klectrtc Co Office open Saturday only -18 a m to 1 p.m.: I to 7 p m. Con u I ta lion. Blood pressure and urin since ISI7 fli)) Mai c WANTED KxrERi i;m:i;d Auto Mechanic ONE THAT KNOWS CIIRYS1.EH PRODUCTS MUST BK FAMILIAR WITH AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS W. I,. ANDERSON. INC. DeSOTO Distributor PLYMOUTH Ph. 7703, 360 Marion St. FRt'IT- vegetable cleik. exp tupt-r pay for a good man Saving CVnter Wnl Salem. EXPERIENCED "BRUSH painters and laborers, out of town work. 9 hr riav Ti asportation furnihed to Job F O Repine Co.. 255 Portland Rd GROCERY CLERK, honorably dis charged veteran preferred Saving Cen ter. Portland Road. WANTED: By The Long-Bell Lum ber Company. Ryder wod Tagging Op eration. Rvderwood Washington RIGGING MEN AND CHOCK ER I SETTER Good wages. Good living conditions Cheap houxe rent. Can be home every night Recreational, church and school facilities. Apply Clair Vaughan. Em ployment Mgr. at Ryderwood. Wash. Phone Ryderwood 1. Help Wanted Female J FXI'F.Hir.NCKD stenographer -1 vpi1 Willi ottie knowledge of filing pioce duie Educational fuiplu property diviklon. fourth floor. State Library Bldg ATTENTION Gill who need extra monev for winter need: TniS money ran be earned at George E Water Field Applv either at Ball Park 01 call 9455 WOMAN for general housework. Room ' and board Ph 74S8 TEACHER WANTED Second" giale pref. one who can help with music Salary S2 000 00. Grade School DlM. No. B. "Jefferson County. Madras. Ore gon Mary R. Duling. clerk. EXPERIENCED ALTERATION Wrt MAN NO HOME TALENT HIGHEST WAGF.S. STEADY WORK MUST HAVE REFERENCE BERNARDTY TAILORS. RM. 2 DOWNSTAIRS. 1st NATL. BANK BLDG "GIRL FOR housework full time Ap ply 1420 Market Street "2 WOMEN helper needed gt Meth odist Old People" Home Call in person at Home or Phone 6813. P M. POSITIONS are open at HAlcrest school for one registered nurse, house mother, secretary, secondary teacher. Call 23022 for mterview. WOMAN for housewoik for semi invalid. Mod home. Box 708 Statesman WAITRESSES wanted at Cupboard Cafe HOTEL Maid, steady position, good wage. Marion Hotel. ONE of Salem's oldert plants will shortly be in need of a permanent payroll clerk, good pay. If you have satisfactory foundational experience and a practical knowledge of typing the Company will provide coaching in its own methods while you are earning, ing. Reply in your own handwriting, stating age. whether single or mar ried, dependents, education and prep aration, and any other Information you may consider helpful. Box CSS) Statesman SALESLADY with sales ability for exclusive store, good position. Apply. giving particulars. Box 701 Stalcsroaji. DISHWASHER ac waitress, night shift 162' N. Commercial. Chinese Tea Garden. 1 SILK FINISHER and 1 alteration Udjr. City Cleaning Work. 1245 StaU st. WANTED: Experienced young lady bookkeeper with knowledge of typ ing, by rapidly expanding concern. Ph. 3445 for a ppointment. WOMEN NEEDED at Salem Laun dry Co. 3a3 S. High. Salesmen Wanted MUST BE 23 or over. Pay day every day. Fain as you learn. Call before 10:30 403 Oregon Building. SALESMAN WANTED: An opening is offered to the right man to sell new International Motor Trucks: must be acquainted with territory around Salem. Nobody but live wire salesman need applv. ! JAMES H. MADEN CO 2955 Silverton Rd. Salem. Ore Situations Wanted WILL Care for elderly lady or bed patient in mv modern home. Near Hillsboro. Ph. 8713 Salem. EXP HOUR work SI 00. Not less than 6hrs. Ph. 22978eve HOUSEWORK WANTED by" the hour. Ph. 21384 W'ILL take care of children evenings in their home. D. L. Goodwin, 432 Mar ion. . EX Navv man wants painting, brush orspra. hour or contract. 171 N. 13th. WILL PLOW it cover" crop d"isc with crawler tractor. Phone2-2127. VENETIAN BLINDS laundered, re paired, retaped. 48-hr. serv. Ph 2-4418 PAINTER AND DECORATOR Inter lor or Exterior Brush or Spray DICK ORE Y Phone S265 1M8 Fir St SPRAY Painting our specialty. Free estimate E. G. Van Buren. Ph. 21524 SPRAY painting your paint or ours Phone 424. Eyerly AtGottenberg. PAINTING by-the hour or by con tract. Free estimates. 171 N. 13th. Mr Dodd PreSchool" PfaySchool. 1381 State Are 2-8 Parl or all day Ph 8430 "ALL "WORK guaranteed Window, walls, woodwork cleaned Floors wax ed Insured workmen Professional Cleaning Service Phone4457. PAINT." paptr. kalsornin Ph. 5522 For Sale .Miscellaneous KITCHEN and Industrial exhaust fans YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N LIBERTY STOVE repairing & parts Woodry's Mat . 1605 N Summer St WALL TYPE CAN OPENERS YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N LIBERTY CUSTOM MADE TRAILERS Prompt attention Martin Bros. Trailer Mfg Phone 8282 Unfinished Furniture Salem's exclusive unfinished furni ture large aortmrnl or made to or der Pickett Furniture 13th and State PLASTIC CLOTHES" LINE, ironing board pads and cover YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY Ri Silt ver Phone 2-1496 COILED TRASH BURNERS"? YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY GH 57 G AJLIOlHoiit505 Center St R"ED COCKER puppies. "Registered Best of breeding. 3035 Portland Rd. ELECTRIC pants presseis and curl ing iron YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N LIBERTY N1G1IT CRAWLERS. 2493Statc St. WILL B"UY for cash, sell or trade, guns, pi'tols, ammunition, boats or trailers. Don Madison. 590 No. High. "ALWAYS a big stova.." Woodry's Furniture Mkt Ph 8110 GUARANTEED FOREVER flahlight reauiring no batteries, two and three cell flihlight. railroad type lantern YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 S. LIBERTY FARMERS Attention We t inghoue automatic, electric milk cooler, capacity sixty gallon YEATER APPLIANCE CO I5S N LIBERTY IN Excellent coitditioo. inele led springs. new guitar. man bicvcle ivory drerver. nutr lad clothe Ph 3249 alter I'M "OIL Cuctilalor. 840 1 ancater "Drive ELECTRIC desk and mantle clocks. EATER APPLIAN'E CO. 255 N. LIBERTY Help Wauled !Uicclluncoti They're Here! Nrw rlec hot plate and cord $350 Nt w t U-- Him .iiul rfiict $t r.5 Nrw flU- ldn, till 15 Nrw t-lniMiir i-lilve luuniifs $37 HO Nrw chrome aim ctiairs $1S95 New chrome smoker $3 85. Nrw srmn (riled riavrno $H9 .SO. We have almost rfin Hunt: and will save ui rm.rif "Sliop jlid Siie al WfMHfry All lir Kui ml 111 r iftOb NV Summri 3 MFN S Suitv hiriMii. navy. (rrr nt 42. grxxi c)iid , $15 each. Ph. 533 745 N Capitol DESK, tahle and pin-it up lamp YF.A1EH APPLIANCE l 2.'.5 N LIBERTY HID MIAMI' St 1 a w lri r le. v r.u puk 1H- lt mile iioilhwrst nf I'lunyvta -hl lrtven S I S Oregon Fl-ctli-roilr iii Cro VV ( .rtm-r Ph 2404 ALL KINKS of omI usrd fuirnluie 2442 l-e SMOOTHIES for perlect home made ice cream YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N LIBEHTY BREAK I AST table 4 chair extra leaf lui table 1155 N 17lh Ph SoMi POWERFUL 8-tute Tropic Master table model elec radio built for over sea service. Ideal for outdoors or coastal Incalitie V EAT EH APPLIANCE CO 255 N Liberty HOME FREEZERS for ale Small shipment Just arrived A froen Ikk1 locker light in jour home 249 D St Ph B02.T FLUORESCENT kitchen fixture and single tube brackets for use near )our mil i or YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N LIBERTY BLACK Cher i lev 9 cent Adult puk 241M N Front IRRIGATION svlem 1 2(MI ft of pipe motor, pomp romp 2MII Cherry Axe PRF!-WAR davenport and chair, fin :t Jars arid an outside door Ph S745 KITCHEN and batluoom fialiiie YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N LIBERTY SMALL garden ti actor, l' horse power, motor nearly new Ph 22253 MARSHALL Strawberrie 15o lb" Gool lc You puk A &-hwengel Rt 7 Box 356. l' mi E. ml. south Chemawa 4 Comer HANDMADE violin. many vears old fionno Ph 3804 ALUMINUM sauce pan, well and tree platter, frying pan, cookie sheets YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N LIBERTY carEoaTj Easter sr OnT7Too pira- fln Base. 5 gal. 82 Merritt Truax Co N Front St Columbla St. PLASTI-KTr.rtha paint with the cellophane-Ifke finish YEAtER APPLIANCE CO, 255 N. LIBERTY FUlJ-ERBrushesl74S Grant, P 8357 SALVIA, aster, petunia, zinnia. T. begonia, fuchsias, geraniums, pep pers, cabbage. Ph. 1-4351. Mei rills Greenhouse. Brooks Two-W'av Talkie and Intercommun ication telephone set YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N LIBERTY S RM. AMERICAN furnace boiler, sawdust burner, large sawdust water heater, and thermostats, water tank, gase mangle and on daveno. Ph. ft 294 STRAWBERRIES, you pick Good patch Andresen Farm, Rt 7. Box 175, 'j mi. east Hayesville school. iSTRAWBERRIES-lT5c lb. you pick. Bring containers ready Thursday, i mi. E. of Brooks. Joseph Henny. Box 116. BROWN DOUBLE breasted suit, tize 42 w a it38 335 S 24th . 2 S15C weeks old Co file. German shepherd pup Registered German shepherd, trained cattic dog A proven brood matron. S. River Rd. to Hall's Terry Sta . turn left. Rt. J, Box 111. H Collier COCKER SPANIEL puppies males females, registered litter. Salem Veter marv Hospital AXMINSTER RUGlx l6iT Ph 8649 after S except Sat Sun STRAWBERRIES. V0U pick. I2clb J. P. Ziehnski. ph 22736, SEWING MACDfNE. cabinet, electric. 70 1475 N. Com I. OIL CTRCX'LATOR heater, new last year Small enamel wood Move, prac tically new Ph. 73F31 BELCH EST LOTS Several Blocks of 6 lots, one of 2 lots and one of 4 lota In Belcrest to sell at cost by out-of-town owner. Mr. Wm. Sell. AJiwahnee. Calif COMMERCIAL, electric" automatic four burner ranges. Ideal for restaur ant, club or farm use YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY RIVER SILT Gravel. Phone 5204 "TftRld ATiON System 2200 ft." pipe. motor, pump, comp. 2510 Cherry Ave. "FARMERS Attention: Adjustable, electric butter churn. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY LAWN and GARDEN TOOLS. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N LIBERTY ELECTRICAL CHIMES, long and short tubes, mechanical chimes. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N LIBERTY UPSTAIRS Antique Shop. 439 Court River Silt MASON SAND CONCRETE MIX AND FILL DIRT ALL KINDS OF GRAVEL Commercial Saml and Gravel Co. PH 2 1866 - 1 3100 INOIRECT floor lamp and torchiers YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N LIBERTY MANS bicycle, Hawaiian guitar, both good a new 528S.24th ALMOST New. well built, two wheel trailer, good tires, $62 Ph 24426 ALL METAL TOOL "CllESTS. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 2S5 N LIBERTY SUMMIT Benv Farm", MonmoriYn. Ore. now liar vesting taspheiiirs About July 81h Bo srnher r ics at llit-ir peak We hae efficient r efrtger at ion Call aim time We as.-uic on qtialitv and flaoi good as ever Bi ing our 12 hallock flat COAL or BRIQUET CIRCULATOR ! YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N UBERTY ' FARMERS Attention Portable, elec- ! trie milking mtcrnne ' YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N LIBERTY 6 FT FIELD DISC Good condition i TTiomas at Slcntz Fred Store. 30 Luna. ; Salcm 4-WHEEL trailer 1 US ' ft . hydTau lie rlet-tric brake new bed and good : tires C, P. Younger. 136l, rear N. Liber tj s after 6 00 P M j PIE Clierries and Lamberts lh ' 2-4256 Rt 2. Box 5SF 14 FOOT flat bed with stock rack and cover bows, excellent condition Capital City Transfer. Ph 7773 TY PA TUNES, music while you learn to tpe YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N LIBEHTY DAY BED mice endsi. Mirror 39x17 j with oak frame. Gate-leg ta ble Clothes wringer and wash tub igood condition i. Very nice medium size wood circulator neater 20" fire box Kitchen chairs 345 Academy jback of 2010 N Com I St SETF AST canvas paint Will "dress up your awning and outdoor furniture YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N LIBEHTY FARMERS Attention . Electric and batter fence controller. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N LIBERTY SPECIAL Tuberous Begonias, fuch sias and sultana. 15. 25 At 35c. Pembcr- tons, 1980 SJ2!h St PIA N A rrichTaliiin;i 35 S T2th SlNGi.C and two-burner hotplates. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N LIBERTY ELECTRIC WELDER at M8 N Coriil Trailer one call after 5 p m or Satur day and Sunday FIGURINES ami .mall gift Items. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 2S N LIBEHTY W t Otiv and sell luiniture. touis stoes. dishes, motors, radios. Electric appliances household goods KLIti MAN'S 285 N Commercial Ph 8fl5 SPFRT1 and Sun Kraft run lamps with t inters, a I ho heat lamp. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. LIBERTY Ft Sulc For Sale Miscellaneous! 12 FT row boat with 4 ft lieam. oars and low locks good condition. S5 -1030 N W.lti St NEW S I2' Ll.lv- uililr for off i r etc Nt, 2II Si SPLENDID p.Kkil maps of llir 'ilv of Ka Iriii only 25 unli at 467 Ferry Street BLACK Chert if lh von pick 24HA N 41 h AT STUD Hln(ir (-H'krr spaniel on of ('liamoion tlilf- S lassir X r re ,1.1 no M2 N IHih Coivallis. Oie .-liorie 137T.-H MODI HN Monlag wood range, white rntiiu l. run IU ril orilitioii SAI) 841 N I il.r.lv STH A WIIKK M I F.S ou pick Um- a ImiuikI Nice patch tine mile north west of I'hriiitna Don't come Sat Ed Spi.xlr Hi 2. Ho 4S.1H I . A Hr; E IKiinlaln k'lcli.n sink High ta-k aruj li am Iniard Phone 5S54. Salrrn MONARCH steel lange. good rrmr I kitchen table Aladin lamp VMI h ', 12th Ph 52.16 j ROYAL ANNE Yier r ie Rt 2 Box I 397. j mile due north of (hemawa I'll 43 i USED MattresM. hat huggie. un finished bitakfast ti-l. end tables and stool STATE STREET FURNITURE 19)10 State Ph 7596 STRAW MFRRIFS mu ph k Mr lb Bi ing contain is I'll onlv SAM to I 6 P M V D Hill Agate Shop 3 mi i N of noon pass on 99E. Marshall 'hr isioffcrson INCH ten h saw 2o25 Market St " REGISTERED female Scot lie 8 months old Phone 4278 30 "CATERPILLAR liaclor tfniversal power aw ran he run (inglv or to gether Llo.d Ewlng. Ph 462. Dav lon . (llf REDS Ci.il s'p 4 maltres. 7 ih lining set 5 p- breakfast set Mai die lop roiiimurlf Wairtiohe truck Phnno grapii with 641 lecoid (a range Elec plale Elec lion Ice box Floor lamp. Table larnp Cimking utensils & lot of dlhe MACS 145 S Church Si 2 PREWAR deluxe youth bed and spring wnh built-in bed lamp Ph 2212 32 SAVAGE automatic and holster $35 Ph 22062 SWING Rocker." , bed "complete with spring and niattre. 540 Mill St Ph 3233 SOPRANI accordion 3 switch 120 base Ph 6650 ELECTRIC ROOM HEATERS - fan. steam and reflector tvpe YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N LIBEHTY " DECORATIVE and lighted house number YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 153 N LIBERTY EXPERT washing machine service and wringer rolls, all makes See Ed Ellis at Nelaon Bros Furnltura 8or 313 N Liberty LIGHT UP your yard or driveway with an outdoor, portable light YEATER APPLIANCE CO 253 N. LIBERTY HI VER SILT Fill dirt, mason sand and gravel. Phone 2-1749 AUTOMATICfeleetrlc sidearm heaters YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY ""SHINGLES from Rosenberg mill at Tillamook. 2x4. shiplap. flooring A other items Lumber kiln dried or green on HH piioritie. Ted Muller Trucks. Ph. Salem 2119. GOOD-Wetinghoiie radio for sate cheap 1875 S Cottage HEAT your home electrically It's convenient, clean, economical See us for free estimates YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. Liberty Wanted Furniture WANTED: Used turn Mason's Furni ture. 2446 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 2-4SSS Wanted Miscellaneous ! BLACKCAPS Call 6392 WANTED WASHING macnina and refrigerator. Ph. 21217 TRANSIT LEVEL. Ph 24326 WANTEf) to Buy : STuriio coucnTn good condition 1660 S High WANTED: Board and room In a country home for a boy ten. for two months. Write Box 707 Statesman WANTED " Electric range W ill pay rash or exchange gas range. 547 Judson. Ph 3097 "WANTED i, gal. "honey palls, fric tion top. must be clean. 10c each. Wood row s. 345 Center St WILL PAY 10c per pound for clean cotton rags. Mike Panek. 273 S. ComT USED FURNITURE. Phoneji 10 DISHES over 2 vrs. old Upstairs Antique Shop 438Court Ph 2-1443 WANT TO Buy.'Osed cameras Si lenses McEwan Photo Shop 433 State CASH for your used furnltuie Ph 7596 SUlSl ruroiturt. J9O0 State CASH for used tiTano St other mu tcal instruments Call 4641 days or 9537 evenings or send description to Jaquith Music Co.. 181 S High AUTO painting, lust a shade better, by Ray ETTEit Call Shrock Motor Co 8503 USED FURNITURE Ph 8185 IT YOU nave furniture to sell see Run BrghtPn T51 1 483 Court WANTED. PIANOS " Will pay "cash Wills Music Store. 432 Stat a St Miscellaneous PAINTING mide and out. Cliff King Phone 3O70 HYDROTHERAPY. Swedish massage In jour home by appt Ph 6324 WEATHER strips Pullman Ph. 5965 C H A R I S FOUNDATIONS, nylon brassieres sV girdle A elastic control Also Masofflte frock Ph $495. Mrs Frank L Turner 2605 N 4th. HEAVY Hauling. Excavation and Road Building. Land Clearing. Dozer Work Ditching Basement Excavation Sand. Gravel. Crushed Rock. Mason Sand. Concrete Mix. Cement Salem Santl & Gravel Co. 1405 N Front St Salem Oregon Phone 9408 or 21924 WHY Not sole your hies with pre war leather 1 to 3 dav ser ice Short lobs while you wait All kind of good rebuilt shoe for sale at Gipsnn i. 328 N Com'l. st Phone 39o8 AL'S CLEARING AND GRADING PHONE 6305 Septic TanlvH Cleaned K r Hamel 1143 8th. West Salem Phone 7404 TREE SPRAY. Best work Ph 2-2922 COMPLETE Brake and shock ab sorber service Salem Brake. 241 Center SIfviGER Sew;ing Center. Enroll now in our new classes in dressmaking. A complete course $10. Rent a Singer or have vour old one repaired. 142 S High. Ph. 3512. Dental Plate Repair TWO -HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mall Your Plates for Repair DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg State A Com Ph 8311 15 COOLER INSIDE That's your- home this summer If you install West wood Supreme Insulation now. For free estimate call Western Auto Supply Co. Ph. 7177. CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO . I-o-cal and Long Distance Hauling, Storage.--Crating and Packing. Fuel Oil and Briquet. Phone 7773 MUSlCTTESSOKS SpanishTHawaiTan guitar, banio, etc 1533 Court.Ph756g MEN'S HATS' cleaned and blocked TSc LES SPRINGER 464Cpurl-St WELL drilling. Pal Lyman PFT 9608 DRAWING house plan. Phone JB621. BEKINS ""Nation wide mov. serv. Wl Money to Loan General Finance Corp. offers money at once on cars, trucks furniture. trailer house. livestock, farm marchlnery: contracts refinanced and additional miiiirv advanced No co-signer. General Finance is locally owned and officered, was organized in 1927 and therefore knows and ran help throughout the repaying of a loan Ap plications for loan made by phone 136 South Commercial Sts . Salem Phone: 9168 Licenses K-13S as M-3M Money to Iian You Get CASH PUIS with a loan from-u Don't hoi row uiiiir-rf-essaf-lly 'but if a loan will solve a problem, consider these 4 extra advanlages of borrowing from 'Personal' : I lians made on livestock, laem ma chmrry, auto or furniture 2 l.nan made In )usl one visit 3 All TVrwinil' employee trained In courtesy and efficiency to give prompt, friendly fccivice 4 Complete privacy always Loans are made to farmer, far tor y worker, office employee, etc Coma In. phone or w i tie today Loan S2.', to IftOO Personal Finance Co. License 122 M 165 SIS Stale. Room 173 Phone SI9I Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. JTII F LOO It GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE N M IM FARM and "I TV LOANS 4'. and i'l Your own terms! of repayment with in reason Cash for Real Estate Cen tarts and Second Mortgages CAPITOL SECURITIES CO $07 Pioneer Trust Bldg Phone 1162 $ S MO INKY S S We make all types nf personal loan including furniture note and rsr loans for any worth while cau We also matt real ettale loans and buy real estate contracts For quirk and ef ft clenl service see or phone STATK FINANCE CO. Phone 4121. IS1 1 High. Salem Lie tis-M lis For Kent Rooms NICE front sleeping room. fully furn 758 Union ROOM for rent st 190 E Owens Ph 24427 LARGE SLEEPING room7 eccommo data 2 people Ph 4581. For Rent SIMONIZE vour car ) out self Rent an electric disc polisher. Phone SMS TRAILER 50c per hour Phone 364 IF You are building or remodeling rent one of these tools: Skill aw, electric di Ills floor edger. dic Sand er Howser's Rent -A -Tool, 1133 Edge water Phone 3646. TRAILER Spar reasonable rata 35SO South Commercial u-drive Trucks for " rent Blankets furn 197S. Liberty. PI. So62 Fl-OOR Sanger for" rent Marshal) Wells Store Phone 6877 COOD Used Piano fl L SfiM FLOOR SANDER for rent Mont gomery Ward TRAILERS for rent SOc per kr Woodry's Mkt 1006 N Rummer TRUCKS for rent You drive. Mo Cune S Love II Phono 8600 Wanted to Rent VETERAN and wife want furnished or unfurnished apartment or house. Phone 4463 , "WfLTTpay good "FenT" for I or 3 bed room furn or unfutn. house. Phone Newland at 1-3342 FAMILY OF 3 permanently employ ed in Salem need 2 or 3 hdrm. unfurn ished house by July 1. References. Ph 4786. IIEPRKILVTATIVE FOR Interna tional concern would like to rent J bed room home. References If necessary P O Box 81, Salem i OR 3 room furnished apartment No children. Box 710 Statesman ialALL HOUSE or apartment Furn ished or uofurnished. No children 1937 N ComH. ff REWARD for Information on furn. or unfurn. house or apt. If ac re ft ed Family of 4. good refer, V ill leae Ph 7066 this week MOD. Use or apt wanted by quiet reliable adults Ph 2-1757. Warehoiihe Space Wantetl Immediately, to rent or I.cahc. Ground floor preferred but not nec essary. Please notify A E. fak Bus Ph 2-456. Res Ph. 3358 104 Victory Circle, W. Salern j VETERAN 'and wife desperately need apartment No children Both emplov ed Good references. Call 3100 after 8 PM j 2 BED Rm bouae. adults. No smok ing or drinking. E J Fordyre. Tur ner, Ore COUPLE with children need 3 bed room house to rent at once Children ara well trained and respeeful of oth ers, (an furnish the best of leferences No drink Ing or smoking Phone 4ttl j yVANTED: i or a bed" room unfurn home. Permanent business man. 3 adults. Best of references Bos B79 co i Statesman , , " VETERA an"d wife need 7uinishrd apartment or small house Call Mr Cvimmlng. Buick Garage. WANTED to rent or lease ware house space immediately. Ground floor preferred but not necessary Please notify A E Isaak Bit Ph 2456 Re. Ph 3558 104 Victory Circle, W Salern STORE Ku!lding about SOxluO " In rting a ftalvat good location. ion Army Stoie l'h 9.146 BY GENTI.EM AN Small furnished apartment or a couple of housekeeping rooms. permanent Iocal reference furnwhed Call Hammond. Vibbert Electric Co. For Sale Real En tale i $10.600 CLEAN 3 BR home located on State Street Hardwood flrxrr Fne- Klace, furnacy auto water heater aaement T Call tanley Hi own with Slale Finance Co., Realtor 133 S High Phone 4121 Eve 2-5561 " ATTRACTIVE NEW HOME Ranch style 2 bedroom with oil lu-at. hardwood floor in part, plenty built in: attached garage 1 .ft t loOxlliO with view Priced for immediate sale and occupancy Price $9250 See A E Dan lelson with Leo N. Cliihls, Inc. REALTORS 344 State St Phone 926I S5250 Full Price 2 bed rm plastered home, large lot. paved street, inside city limits, north M. O. Humphreys Realtor 3035 Portland Road ' Ph. 7620 2266 Fairgrounds Road Ph ' 2-4")K $;l.r0 3's A N good district and soil some lumber included $1,050 down, bal. of 6'. . See u for acreage and lota HAROLD W. HEERS 3065 Portland Rd. 629 Mill St Ph. 21874 Salem Ph 361 W Dallas $14,500 44 A and 4 rm. hse N E I ml fi asm city limit, highly Improved. Use I in A-l cond. and clean HAROLD W. HEERS 3nss Portland Rd. Ph. 21874 Salern 629 Mill St. Ph 361W Dallas $7950-LOCATED CLOSE to HikIi school. This home Is in good condi tion. Has 4 bedrooms, basement, fur nace, corner lot Garage Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., Realtors 183 S High Phone 4121 4 RM. house, bath, dinette, garage, elec W. Mr , paved st . West Salem $4800 Harder" Real Folate 865 Edgewater West Salem PH 9t0 84OO0 CASH WILL" BUY new $ bed room home, north. The lot la SOalll fl Balance of $44lrO at $42 50 per month in lodes interest, taxes and insurance Must sell. Possession in S weeks. Call Bergland at 6472 Hurt Picha Realtor 8843 Portland Road For Sale- Real Falale KFISFR MSTnCT $S 4(i0 t i m home un r six Vr r1f. 60k2Mi lot Oil heal ISKII ()nr Huff HUF REAL FMATEVo. RrALIOKS 1717 ('enter Slrtct Phone 2 1549 Eva Pti I r;Mi !,,t. Wgmut f'sik. S. MU, GOODWIN with I la v kins A Rohertu, Inc. REALTORS h After 4 gTf $4iai0 UNNISIIII)tOIr .....t.,, ntarlv rnough material to fr i- H Ida Ing on hark to live in wi i: iuu I n. ish One Ilk from bus. OImhi & Reeve, I. railing 94 tom'l ph eve 1$ SJ.1VI S ROOM IIIOMF N H. vena, tiao hliruls Auto water htr, Garage. Laundry im.m , Ivrial30 all O V. Hum w I'h Slale Finance ('o Realtor 153 S i(h 41 NICE 3 bdim home lrh F.r. ru.hed Only 86 0O0 OS. lUo MR. GOOD WIN with HaukiriN A Roherts Inc. REALTORS , h 4108 Afar 6 - tTf IOT BARGAIN Jlim frt located on r.Mne eiriat VAICE AN fXIHV GOOD (ralenhorf t Hro. " REALTOR 134 R LJliert St P,o.e VH Ji sf outside, tiry $7lKiO 2 BR home, oil ftiin tl,tf . aige . garage and fruit roe ( all ciaig Hurt Pit ha Realtom "1 33T N lfih g. 8S3.VI NEW ROOM gol,ali .i.U home, full basement, hard ,. I rx.r throughout A home ou ran ae proud of. Sullivan Realtv Co. 423 12th St Ph. illi Eve Jipg SMALL OLDFR type homa on IsHc large lot. Highland District, gab. Call "Harold MrMllt.n with Stale Finance ('oM Reallom 1.13 n High rt, 4111 , MJ WILL BUY good t bedrr rn homa Italanre of 48O0 at 4 per month. ' Call Bergland at 64 f I Hurt Picha Realtor 2543 Portland Rs gwsgi.' New I Mim bona witirunfirv upstairs Hdwd firs FirarrUt'e Oil floor fumace Van. blind . Large lot. Call Mr Wallers Huff Real Kktate Co. REALTORS. 9791 COM I Ph J793 Ph J32arta. MODERN HOME WiUi auto, oil furnace, fireplace, hardwood flra , 8 bedroom I. a , din ing r , bath St kitchen rteaentent all ceiled, , garage. a small green nnust, etra good Itxatlon. Price $1100 $3550 down, ha I terms. Gralenhorfvt Rro REALTORS 134 S Libeitv St , Phone 4ISI MOD 1 rmi . WmOii.pT: ha.dwd. fla , ven blinds, gopd tapsir. clean. 528 S I4th, LOT Mx 108 "wHh 'aJir u an J tr ees'. off Market St Phone TI2 or ak at 641 N Litretty after 6PM NEW 1-hfMtOOvt ALL ON ONE riKIS Ft rLT. BASE MENT. AIR CONplTIOVEO nn: 1RIC fURNACE. ! RUMPU RX1M. I-CAR GARAGE. llOUSE INSULAT ED a HEATHER STRIPPE-1 fys. FILBERTS IS ACRES FAST-J AC PLOW f ANT). 14 ACRFR 'b YR OLD EILHtHft. VIEW BLDG RITE. O'H.V- Sl GCXD SUBURBAN. NOR THC AS P BRAND NEW t-BFDROOM HOME. EXCELLENT IiOCAHO- TJI4J FT. IX3T OIL FURN . MODrPV FX( PT BASEMENT. THIS HOME IS WLLL BUILT- $gg IK)WN. i SEVEftlN REALTY CO i 313 N. HIGH ST. PHONE SW8 Evs. Phone -7STT IjOT 63100 on Korth SJ insoe Oai Dlatrirl Owner al 1178 MsrVer M40O 3 p.rDROOM liC Wt! ""nrth"- east, large living room. D ,Rn, large lot, priced for g usr k saaf. ()lon i Reeve, Realtors 4S 9 ComT ft Ph IW eve l-l HOMES fOR ftALZ $ 6.SO0 E ogle wood Dls'rtct. New t hdrm. rsnme. elec. ho water healer, garage et'actted I 7,900 Eriglewfrod. 1 rrr , bemert, furnace, corner iTt, Urge ga rage $ $.500 -McKinley Schon District, g rm basement, furnace, flra- rlare, dbre. garage I eslta school Dis'rict, I rum. unfin. atlkr. Eler'rtti Meat I $11 000 F.ng la wood District. I ; .trr.1, bungalow tvne. Neat turne. 614.500 Englewond District T rrr. fireplace. auto-tawdut heat. 6 yrs. old. I I ; Grahenhoi-htl Hro. REALTORS' 134 S Libertva phone 4131 4475 00 Here isa' ivery g-wd lot lo cated In KouUi kaUm. SOxIM fare Wet . We have a number of lots located North fast in Glenn Oak Addition priced from 8649 00 and up M Killop Real Kstale Agency I6 ft High M Phone $-1-3-1 Ph eve 9140-TI41 4n 3 RR llouss, We I Salexi. tla.' '!, I. Tia full hmt . furnace, gatage. , nice nara yarn, gaono. I Harder' Real Ktatr 945 Edgewsler Weft Salem Pll '.sf LATE t VT. I Nririm bouse wiMi bath, utility rrxim: garage. I lots eveal fruit and nut tree Price $5250. Call K N 1oorhee with. I Leo N. Child, Inc. 1 REALTORS , :i44 State SI Phona 9? $sMio ruiL fwrci; I Be lii-l to live In this new rtuul. 'em 2 drrn house located Notth. I No 333 ( all or ask for Al Isaak with ! M. (). Humphrey Realtor 27R6 Fairgrounds Rd Phone S-tVaJ 3305 Portland Rd, Phrm TS? GOOD BUII DING T.01ori Cohprbia. $1000 See MR (JOODWI.V wit I Havskins & 'Roherts, Inc. REALTORS J Phone 4108 Afjfer 871 rt AonQiSlaleamaa ADVERTISLNQ Welern Advertising Representatives Ward-Griffith Company, tasew San Franc lace Eastern Advertising Representatives Ward-Griffith Compane, trva. Chicago New York. Detrelt. Boaton. AtianU Member Pacific Coast Division S Bureau ol Advertising, Entered at the Poefaffice at gi'esn. Oreoora a Secowd Clma Hitter r.ry Irshed ecery ntoewl erren Mosr-tau. Rusitiett oftea tit a oi Commercial. - T 4js SUUSCRIPTION RATE3 Mall SubacrlgtWMt Rales In Advance! Within Oregon, bally and BVundar Mo, 60 cents mos 3 00, I yaae, $4 ooj Elsewhere 80 eery peg ma ae $7 24 for 1 year In advante Peg rey $ aenta. Be City Carrier, 7$ rents a moo'.h. IS 00 a year in advaatca ha MaxSea aaai adiacaat counlaasv, - r