tTh Oregon Statesman. Sgjem. Ore.. TuoadoT' Jym 23, 1348 Bride-Elect Is Honor Guest - alias Mary Jane Simmon, wbow marriage to Charles Bar clay wui oe an event oj w ria-y U&X, will be the honor guest at one o'clock luflcheon this after- nova when Mrs. Margaret Cal- lasbmn and her sister, Mrs. Wil ImBI ScaiKfiing, , entertaining at lb formers heme on North 17th street. - ' ' ' j t Covers will be placed for twelve guests at small tables cen tered with pastel summer bou cjueta. Contract bridge willHe in yUy during the afternoon. After lh wedding rehearsal Thursday night the groonv-elecfs Lest man. J. Henry Helser, will er.tertain with a bachelor's party fur Mr. Barclay. Miss Simmons and the feminine members of the bridal party will be honored at dinner for which her mother. Mrs. Roy H. Simmons, will be tMMtetJL , - CLOT CALENDAR TtfT t If"7 Molhr t,ub- YwrAjjhow awaiUng their port orders. uLc?wrs of SC CXUabnti. St. Pou! JMr. Mitchell and her daughter f i' rapal rbsrett. eovra dift P'ci.k 1 foi. I m ntA Mrs. Umf C !-. UO 0tnaata at. svai BPW i.niwr Un Noil-C-n a. S 3m p.m. T tivrm tmt Social DT club. M r. Ttnpi. la tJ. luAt:fton at rvtSDT fit arxi y Chib stith Mrs Al Nwdr aluUrr K I ho.t I fct i rita Mrs. Clara MiOtri. I " ... Wanr mtine. North SKUon. Worn- I i-mld. ruM Con(ruoL church. ' Ipn .imlr Woman's club pxnic. yti i tl bland. JO p m. ywr1tso4T . uTMrs. rldf tea. SWm Wore- mm ettib. 1 st m.. sunt dv Ooata chapter, uar. no- ht liMMU'i. fc M. Oturrh t , 1 pm Of course, you know hat that now. you can havt riht training foe whicb many girU OPPORTUNITY! So take advantage of it ml onm! CLASSES NOW FORMING in ind have a talk, about your future in one of th richest ouMt pro,reve indari in the so, .... . . tt 0MI tOUay QZaEGOI! SCHOOL OF X3S Keetk Liberty Salem. - 'i 1 H ,1 1 2 - r To Mr. and Mrs. George McLeod go congratulations on the birth of t a tun on June 20 in Berkeley. Calif. The little boy. who weighed even pounds and three ounces, , has an older brother, Mark Gard ner. Mrs. McLeod is the former j Winifred Gardner. The baby's ; grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. L. C. McLeod of Salem and Mrs. H. S. Gardner of Berkeley. Mr. ( MtLKMl is niw fctudying for his j degree in law at Leland Stanford Mra. Halter L- Spaulding will go to Albany today to attend an executi meeting of the Giil Scouts at the home of Mrs. Frank Za rones. Au Revoir Dinner Mrs Malcolm Mitchell was hos tess fur an au revotr buffet rup- per party Sunday night at the Normandy Manor at 7 o'clock for a group of her friends. Mrs. Mitchell, with her daugh ter. Susan, plans to leave shortly for Kitzengen. Germany to join Lt. Mitchell. They hae received their "ockine" 01 den and are h bern in Salem since Jan- u'ary at the Frank Earnest home. They resided here before he en tered the service.. Mrs. Mitchell's guests were Mr. and Mrs. Edward. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Earnest. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mpe. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Shay. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Kleir ke. Mr and Mis EM he I Ben- . r . , . . rer. Mr. and Mrs Donald Arm- priest, Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Ferris. j,r .,nd Mrjl- Wavi Smith, all , - , mi ' i i t of Sjlcm. Mr and Mrs Lorcn Rhisler. Mr. Fay Room. Dr. and Mi. -Sidney Hanson and Mr ind u.-. land. all of Port- WORLD-FAMOUS MARIHELLO BEAUTY TRAINING now given in S A I. KM this means for you It means here, the same authoritative travfl thousands of rrulcv It tne Deaury mouiry: mu It has to oflet )ou. Come in today ot wsita (or complete information without any obli gation. But don't put it o0l BEAUTY CULTURE rttene ! Oregon Fool Locker OaJy .5 down Metal lock, brace, trim a -mm una cor- gt ner with 1 1 lift -out sJJj 95 iry Mas U Us 484 STATE ST. ; i, ' Dan Graves, j iLisie uoins To Marry i From Deihver. Colorado comes news of the? wedding of Miss Elsie M. Dollif , rlauRhter of Mr. . and Mr s. Frank p. Dolhs of Denver, to Dan W. Graves of Salem, son of E. P. Graves of Wichita. Kansas and Mrs. N iA. Johnson of Haskell. Oklahoma, Which will take place this morning at St. Martin's chapel of St. John's Episcopal church at 11:30 o'clock. The altar will be decorated with all white ClowersT where Canon Harry Watt will officiate. Sam Cutright will be the oigani.M. The bride, who will be given in marriage by her father, has chosen a pink shantung gown with em broidered cap sleeves and pock ets. Small self-covered buttons extend down the bodice in front and the neckline is square. Her matching rjat is trimmed with veiling ancf her "flowers will be gardenias and stephanotis. Miss Marguerite Rtshel will be the maid of hondr and w ill wear a shantung gown with embroidery trim and a white hat and acces sories. Hertcorsage will be of red rote. Miss Carolyn Green will be bridesmaid ;and dress is of char treuse shantung with cap leeve and tie neik. Her flo-.seis will also be red -roses. David F4 Harlow. U.S. navy, will stand with the groom a bet man. Ustiers are Frank Dollis and Richard Crijbbs. The bride's mother will wear a navy blue; gown ti immeil with pastel blue lace and pe;irl but tons. The ' gloom's parent will be unable to be present for the nuptial.. ; Immetliab'ly after the cere mjmy the ctiple will he honored atj a wedfing breakfast at the I,akewojd fi'oinitry cluh. When th r:cwlv eis l-.',c On their honeH moon to Hi inv ool lA1iie. ftes Puik Coloiado the bride will ci.n a paMel blue cmdi-f gun suit MSith white blouse and accesorie4i Mr. Gra . and his bride will ie at home in Kalcm at 495 N Siummer t.. i. Mer . Aiu-: ut 1 Tht-y both attended t!ie! Lniei-ity t'f Denier ami Univer sity ttl DeijX t r School fit L.hiiiii anhip. Snp is a nun.U r of Al ph.i Zl Ih.11.1. Mr. (il.i-s i the Willamette ;ui-etity l:bi at tan. Mr. and .Mrs. Clarence J. Mr- I'u.-ki-r tfli.ite Hailev) aie ic ceivii: fo.i atti.ations on the birth of a d.iughtei . jn F.liia-' Iveth. on Jiine ;.t Use Salem General Tl'.e, whr we.ghed si en pounds and four teen o-jtrtei. i the ciiind-oti of' Mr and Mr Fret k K By ley of; Salem and; Mis. C' .J. McCuker: of Portland; leaving today for their home j in FuHci toh. Calif are Mr. and; Mrs. C. W i) Fhnf. lui ha c been; v ixitini! he(e foi severat weeks; with lelitivt-s While in the nortii' they alo veiled in Turoma. 'Tbla r-eal mrdlctn. te fmmout to reli pain, nervous ai trra kfld snk. drssrd out' frriiuva. of ortin a.t.' wnra out io irntnmi I ui.t -Clonal monthly aiaturb- ' Wort 1 trying t ITDIA E. PIMKHAWS vicnaau crta m unsEsn Matched Jjuggage Practical il-lnch OVERNIGHT CASE Convenient 26-Inch PULLMAN CASE t 95 Choice of Smarf Patterns Wide Leather Bindings Rich Rayon Uniaqt yraaylist caated canvat ovtr Strang, re inforced wood frames. Extra wida rawhida and Uathtr bindings. ; All brats hardware with 2 set-in locks, 2 st$yopen hinges. Clear lattte handles. Thrcjo body pockets and roomy lid pocket. 20Tb TAX ON ALL LUGGAGE (W) yP' ssssl" dssAtlXA-R ithiit mum' adVasdMr Society Music .... MAXINE BUREN Women' Editor Luncheon at Spaulding's Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding pre sided at a one o'clock luncheon Monday afternoon at: her Court street home for the pleasure of members of her club and a group of additional guests. The affair was arranged in compliment to Mrs. J. H., Lauterman a member of the club, w ho his returned to Salem after a two years stay in the south. The luncheon table Was centered with a bouquet of sweet peas flanked by pink tapers. The in dividual tables w e r e centered with sweet pea and blue forget-me-not nosegays. Mr. James Bennison assisted her imother in formally. Additional guests were Mes dames F.. J. Scellars. Fied Stump. Edgar Linden, jr. L.J O. Arens, J N. Chambers. Homer Goulet, sr . Ru H. Mills and Percy R Kelly. Lt. Pillette Weds Nurse Of interest tdTfTe grtKm's many Salem friends is announcement of the marriage of Lt Mary Elea nor Hergiri. t'SN. laughter of Mr. anil Mis. Flwaid Hi Berlin of Derby. Conn, to Lt t'hailes Vin cent Pillette. IISNH, son of Mrs. F.a Pillette of Salem. which Uk place at Ihe Floyd BtSnnett naval air station chapel, Brooklyn, N. Y, on June 15 at a high noon ceremony. Lt Comm. loseph Con way. nay chaplain, of f iciatcd. For her weddiriK th bride wore an afternoon fnxk of blue crepe fasliione'l with weetl'icart nck lirie. fitted IxkIhc and short !(i'i'. v. ith lins wliite r'io cs. Her h.t was white .straw with white rose, and she carried a whit prayer book tped with a .hite orchid and streamers of begonia--. Lt Betlve Schwartz. 1"SNT. of Detroit. Muh, was mtud of hon or, and Lt C'mdr. John Morrissey. USNR of Bell Harbor i N. Y. was best man. The maid of honor wore a white and blue print dress with a white Juliet cap and a corsage of gar denias A reception was held following the wedding at the Officers,' club at the air station The new ly weds left by car on a wedding trip to be spent touring the east; coast, after which they w ill stop t Alliance, Ohio, to take delivery on a new light plane in which they will fly to )i i-Kon, to te at home in Salem after August 1. The bnde, a graduate of the Dei by high school unit St Francis hospital school of nursing in Hart ford. Conn , is serving as navy flight nurse, attached to VR-3. US naval air station fct Patuxent Rier. Md. She has teen in the serv ice since February 1943. serv ing as flight nurse evacuating wounded in the Pacific theater. She has served in Guam. Okin awa. Manes Island and Kwajelein and expects her discharge short ly Lt Pillette--graduated from Sa lem high school and the Oregon Institute of Te hnoloy and has been in the navy sirue January. 1943. He is based at Floyd Ben nett air station. He expects his discharge In Julv and; will be as sociated heie with th4f Salem Air Ser ice. Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Allen' K. Gordon and son. Douglas Allisn. have re turned to, their home In Santa Monica. Calif, after a fuitnight' tay here at the home1 of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh C. Craig. Mrs. Raymond Walsh, her son. Raymond, and daughter, Jane, have returned from San Mateo. Cahf. Mrs. Walsh and her son wei.t south to attend jane's grad uation at San Mateo: Junior col lege, where she received her jun ior certificate. She will complete her college woik at the University of Oregon this fall. They returned home by way of Lake Tahoejand Reno. - s Eyoa choaoo. ClooOM doa'l Uoioaa yow hod yowf or oaonBit tocootly. oy ko thai luxthor conoctMO la iadt cosod. Omlj way to saako auto la to vam io toe ckock-uo Modota oyowoof m aO PoMoftao; Ikat mtrm aJoM. OjOodod. will pay yow 9000 ov dirW -o wall mm cot rci HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED BROWN'S OPTICAL SERVICE Since 1926 Liberty and Court St. i Clubs The Home JERYME ENGLISH Societr Editor From Phoenix. Arlsona comes news of the birth of a son to Lt. and Mrs. George Brooks Sperry on June 21. Mri. Sperry is the former Adele Hayes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Hayes of Portland, formerly of Lake La bis h. Sojourners will meet for s bridge tea and guest day on Thursday at the Salem Woman's club at one o'clock. Plans will be made for the annual picnic to be held on July 14. Couple .Wed In Kansas Now at home at 100 Hansen ive. in Salem are Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Palmer. , mart ied Friday, June 7. at the Presbyterian church in Gamett. Kans. Mrs. Palmer, the former Miss Margaret Pollock, wore a formal gown of brocade and silver, mate rial which was given her by graduating class In the girls' col lege at Cairo, Egypt, when she was a teacher there. She wore a fingertip veil and carried a colon ial bouquet of Joanna Hill roses. Baskets of Madonna lilies and white snapdragons were used In the sanctuary, where organ mu sic was played throughout the ceremony and only members of the two families were wedding guests-. Mrs R F Kurick of Porth Platte. Neb, tiaveled to Garnctt by pri- ! vale plafie to serve as her sister's attendant, and her three-year-old daughter was flower girl. The bride's brother, Robert Pollock, was best m-an. Mrs. Kurick wore ! white taffeta figured in gold and silv er and can led a colonial bou quet of r oses and sweet peas. Mis. L. C. Palmer of Lyndon, formerly of Salem, mother of the bridegroom, and Mrs. C. A. Pol- J Io k. mother of the bride, had ' cordages of Jo;,iina Hill roses. Mrs. PaJmer. who holds a mas- ! ter's de gree in English literature from Colorado university, is a li- : brai fan as well as a teacher. Mr. Palmer is a linotype operator on j The Statesman. ; Donaldson-Roop Vows Read SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs Harold Roop, Silverton, are an nouncing the marriage' of their daughter. Q'ive J. Roop, on Fri day night, June 21 at 7 o'clock to Bernard M. Donaldson, Salem, at the First Christian church par sonage in Salem. Only members of the immediate family were present. The Rev. Dudley Strain officiated. Mrs. Donaldson recently sold her Baby land shop at Silverton. and Mr. Donaldson is manager of Blake, MoXTett and Towne paper company at Salem, where the couple will live. .9 Af GLAD y0( WW ME ABOUT CLOKOX. 7$ WMDEXFUl fOK MAMVG C077VVS AND UN GVS SYOW-MnAVD SAW7AR Miss Grant Now Mrs. Krueger Miss Elizabeth Mae Grant- be- j came Gordon A. Krueger's bride at a beautiful ceremony Monday night at the First Methodist church. The bride is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Grant and her husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold A. Krueger. Dr. Joseph N. Adams officiated at 8:30 rites. The altar was banked with bou quets of blue dephinium, pink snapdragons and white gladiol uses flanked by white tapers. The pews -were marked with white satin ribbon bows and the aisle was lighted with candles. Miss Charlotte Reeves, wearing pink, and Miss Ruth HughJett, in blue, lighted the tapers. Mrs. Gene Cooksey was the soloist and Mrs. James Smart the organist. Of white satin and marquisette was the bridal gown. The satin bodice was designed with a scal loped peplum and long sleeves with points over the wrists. But tons extended down the back and the high rounded neckline was fashioned with a marquisette yoke edged in ruffle of handmade lace. The full marquisette skirt over satin terminated in train. Her fingertip length tulle veil cascaded from a braided satin cor onet and was caught at the sides with clusters of stephanotis. Her only ornament was a single strand of pearls, a gift of the groom. She carried a white Bible marked with white orchids and streamers of Cecile brunner roses. Mr. Grant gave his daughter In marriage. Precede the Bride Immediately preceding the bride walked the matron of honor, Mrs. James Overlook of Seattle, and before her the two brides maids. Miss Amanda Hargis and Miss Betty Ann Dutton. The hon or matron wore a white marquis ette frock with lace basque bo dice, short sleeves and a full skirt. She wore long blue jersey gloves and carried a nosegay of sweet peas centered with pink roses. The bridesmaids' dresses were of white marquisette with short sleeves and full skirts. They had elbow length pink jersey gloves and carried nosegays of sweet peas centered with blue delphin ium and tied with pink stream ers. The girls all wore matching satin bands. In their hair caught with clusters of sweet peas at the side. t James S. Smart stood with the ; groom as best man. Seating the guests were Victor J. Collins, James Newcomb, Robert Victor and Malcolm Leo Page. For her daughter's nuptials Mrs. Grant selected an aqua blue crepe gown fashioned with a CASTLE FEBII. WAVERS SOS 1st National Bank Bldg. Phone 3863 Machine Wavea and Rilling Kooler Waves OPERATORS ZANA AND BLANCHE Phone Your Appointments Now CLOROX s concentrated for J B " pa. )tcoArouy, a urne eoes a iom myJk YES, "The white line is the Clorox lino." For CJorox bleaches white cottons and linens snowy-white . . . makes laundry fresh and sanitary, too. In addition,' Clorox also lessens rubbing, thus conserving fabrics, time, effort. And Clorox is free from caustic . . . this means it's extra-gentle on linens. In daily housecleaning, Ciorox disinfects, deodor izes, removes stains from tile, enamel, porcelain, linoleum, glass, wood surfaces. It's a wise precau tion to include Clorox in routine kitchen and bath room cleaning ... it provides hygienic cleanliness, so important in protecting health in the home. Sim ply follow directions on the label. TEAKS OF UNSUIPASSED QUALITY AND FZ1F OKMANCI HAVE OF MILLIONS... IT'S draped skirt. She wore long American Beauty Jersey gloves and her flowers were American Beauty roses. Mrs. Krueger at tended her son's marriage In an ice blue satin gown designed with, a draped skirt on each side, where it was caught with matching satin bows. She wore long black gloves and pink roses in her hair. Greet the Guests The newlyweds greeted their guests at a reception in the Car rier Room. Mrs. Victor Collins of Corvallis was in charge of the dining room. Presiding at the punch bowls were Mrs. William H. Krueger and Mrs. Arthur Sel ander. Mrs. Robert A. Forkner cut the bride's cake. Serving were Miss Evelyn Collins, Miss Carol Cain, Mrs. Donald J. Callahan and Mrs. Robert Howe. The bride's cake centered the table and was encircled with a wreath of roses and flanked by white tapers In silver candelabras. Mrs. Margaret Millard was at the gift table and Mrs. H. Gordon Carl T Passed the guest book. After a wedding trip to Victor ia, B. C, the - couple will be at home In Salem at 1873 North Capitol st. For travelling the bride wore a grey dressmaker suit with dolman sleeves and a matching beret. Her shoes and purse were lizard and she wore Kolinsky furs, to which were pinned white orchids. Mr. Krue ger is now in business here with his father. The couple received their diplomas from the Universe ity of Oregon on June 15. Airs. Jaoenh Felton and too. Billy, have left for Pacific City to spend the summer months. Its ".. Seeing Info Wise are the ouths of today regularly ifor eyes cannot be for the future. Consult Dr. X. or' Dr. Sam Hughes. This consu provide the correct lnformati Phono & For BORING 383 Court 1 w . - ' '-iff :y md aoxoxsso&sy TO iS. r iESSVS I.I AMD COVS&WVG MBMCS EH Mlt ALWAYS UNITOIM . . . IT'S ALWAYS Betrothal of " Couple Told Miss Marcella Gardner, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs, M. C. Gard ner, Salem, is announcing her en gagement to John F. Curtis, son of Mrs. J. F. Curtis, also of Sa lem. He was recently discharged from the navy and is at present employed by Keith Brown , com pany. Miss Gardner, a graduate of Salem high school, has since graduation been employed at state industrial accident commies ion of fices, j - No date has been set for the wedding. HEIBERfS 428 Cort St Call 75Xt The Future who have their vision checked! replaced and they'll need them E. Boring, Dr. S. A. Wheaey ltation and examination will f oh regarding your eyes. An Appointment OPTICAL Phono 5 1 " CODE PtOM CAUSTIC CL0I0X THE CH01CS DEMNDAILII I Q(h0 ( On All Ilaltcs i )