The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 19, 1946, Page 6, Image 6

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    f Ta Qwyi gtoWmaa. faJam,
County Series Set. 2t30 at
Salem, Woodburn Legion Nines Vie Today;
Taa tattle fee Aaaerlcaa Leg
lea Julir WacbaJl premier
to UiriM eaaaty m4 Um right
ta keep eat play tag tew art Um
state caajnpleashlp la Pectlaad
meat BMatJi aaaaa today wfta a
tat , a'cteck ium , ktiwtn
WiWtan astd Salaam. It will
a Um epcaing ium af a dea
i; raund rehla aetween We4
fcara. SUeertea aad Salem far
thm aaaala capped a year aga
ar Um lease. Tlse aocead ium
af Um aertee falle Saturday waaa
P.leertasi aad) Waadaura vet to
gether. a a 4 a t afteruaea at
! 31 Um Ulvtrrtoa'a mm U e
leaa. Last Saaaa "a acaedaled
a pence fcetsreaa Um SUcertea
aa4 Salaam dine waa wuhta
aat aad poetpeaed aaUl iaaa
aaJesa's atecau a a a a 4. al
taauga crippled safflcieatly iKla
Cnlly Falls Short, Senators Drop
3.0 to 9 Series Opener at Spokane
TVr-ckaxacter I key eaU I' acta Mike Jacaba still b a happy maa
tM'xht tadead waila eaaatlac hJa rsbalaaa fl.O.0t Laate-Caan
rU (H prabably Uka him a a amber af albta U caaat that mach
dastb). and aa daabt hall cbaekla sssrs tha a aaca whea ihsmblnf
tKrh Um f IN dacata aaad by a few aaadred earefrea aaals. Jast
U.!nk f It aaa-bsmdred backs
for asM aaat at Um blx tUbt. aad
Um UOa mUkt aat Ut a mlaata.
lka aa feci ttka srv'ra askder
paSI. Far UmI kvadrad yaa cwald
bay 41 baa aaata at baaeka.ll fames.
XI claabsaaa aaata at Um baas
raaa ar ta baa aaata at prafea-a-il
faaCbaJI gamaa. Dtdat thlak
mmm S 1 Maat at Um Jacaba UUala
araaid da all that la stktr aparta
aatertslamaat. did yaa?
aria? We're abaat aa mach a
fUita ax part aa Um rhUadelphia
tV..Uaa ara a pissafaat aaaieadcr.
bat sraH vaaaara ta raeaa right
W wHh Um rest af Um bntag
aaratlaasd here Inst
ik. sra stick with aba wtavaara.
It's am af aar few .yaad baJm,
Aad Laaaa baa baaa a wiaaar area
UMsib tsey aay ha a aaw aaly a
l-paamd aasvaaw af his farmer
figkUac asif. Uka Um basaa-raa
hiur ta baaabalL Laala aaa wia
hiUaad-raa type af playar wba
aeUaaa hila fsr dtotaaca. Sa wa'vc
tUkad a flsar aaly Uwt Laaia U
sa waat feal a bit ailly If ha mat. (laeldaatally. wa gat even mastey
am Um fla. Yea waat his aaaaa aad address?) . . .
YsaTea by sea aaUead tha haadaama feat whose face adaraa
taday'b effart. Ia aaaa yaa'ra a lata earner, he's Eaa Grmawll. tha very
rapabla mister wba flllad thia dally space aa well befara It waa
risked wish aa. ftaa la saw tarsuh with hss FBI 'wark ha resid
la back ta aparta. Nat wrttta
vsjUftUsa bsMdasaa la caajaactlasi wiUt haea race tracks.
rarkad at Bar Maadewa. laea back fraaa a abart racatiosi bare
labar at Taaiaraa aad ha pas is retara far awrt af sum whea
TTtUmd Msadswe apaaa ts. Althaswh Um wear aad taar at belc
.0-aaa baa das bad aamsptcaaaa bat beramlaar gray araaad Um
C smmiU Ismplsa. Um gar la atUI Um baadasms Dan ha alwaya
waa ... apaaaiaaT af Um LeJe Casta scrap, wa read where between
P aad 7 M wrtsara are ta cwrar Um mix, Gaadla. gdle. It's abast
tlma Um aawstaa gat aa aa aaaaa af tha pamea Uey'ra aevally Wanded
br at:iy ta g1a aat. Twaald ha ah eh tea If rramaUr Jacaba ware
aakad ia dish aat six ar 'e-rea band red mare dacaU ta Um aewaiaa.
tw aUa waaid ha aaaat Uat Urea smUlaai If tha Kemingisa rat tiers
da't bally baa Um blaaaa aat af Um brawl? ...
A paw Maaa far faatball talk, bat Um Is what Willamette waat
baea waaw Baaa Walt Ertckai baakaaa Um bays aat la September,
la Bearcats will kava aaacUy 14 days m which ta prepare far
their September 2S apeacr at Saa Jaaev CaL It will be lit tie bettar
at SIIS wbaa K. Haak gaea ta wark aa tha Viking machine far
l4f . . . Spaaklag af Haak. aa Leglaa taaas caach ha taak a aaaty aa
Um whisker this waek wbaa Bad rravlacc. the prsenising pitcher
wba daaaa't aaaaa U knaw What ha waata ta da. decided ha d head far
VaJ-eat far tha ssumaser. Na Trvrimtm mm tha Ocftea aiaa oanld very
, easily, maaa aa trip ta rertlaad far Um. kids this lime . . . Tea Late
ta classify: Havtag aa Meetday adlUaa gave as aa chsnce ta cLariaa
the? Saaday faat af VUUger rUl Bercna. that af beating tha St.
Laaia Bcawaa t ta 1. It waa BeVs f earth w la af Um season agalnat
fia I aaa is aad fas It ha did saaarth lag hell penhablr da aeane chlrpinc
ahont whaa ha gem bam a aaat fail sUle a baaa! We're aa details
af Um deed, bat kanwing Breed -shaaide red Bin as we da. wbca be
ataaia a baaa It's aaaaaUiag te chirp abaat. IJgbt-faatcdacss simply
bmt aaa af lit paaad WUiie's aaaets . Fawr wins aasinat five
at a spina tmgllng rsssrd
trtng that thraa af thaae setbacks were 1-4. 2-1 and 1-S utl
tacindiag a aahiUar ta Babbp. Feller, we'd say Bev is doing ok eh.
At that rata has earned raa a scrag e a HI be bard U beat. Aad EKA's
mpsnaat sa paicawra. xaa way
h so be tasaai at relier wire
aa wnmn gbrea weeks,
pitcher . . . -
Papeniien Tipped
By Brass Ducks
An upset was thrown into the
TwUight aortball league Last
night at Leslia when tha Golden
rttaasant team upset tha strong
Fapermaker. 4-2, after clouting
sir hita off Henry Singer. " In
another game the Salem Navi
gations ou traced Barb's Sports
ter. 17-10.
GaUtea peasant - 4 t
Papai makers 3 I S
Careae aaa Swank. H Singer and I.
Novikof f Eyes
Mexican Loop
nilLADELPIIIA, June 18 Y4n
Lou Novikoff. surprised the Phil
lies acid him to Seattle of the
Pacific Coast league. Isn't fure
lsa'a going there arid has an eye
corked for Mexico. "No I haven't
lad an offer frwen the Meican
league," 'the big outfielder said
today n reply to a question. "In
fact I haven't even been ap
pr tithtd. But I'm Interested.
Trjere'g1 money in Mexico and I'll
go anywhese the money is. I've
git a' family to consider."
The Los Angeles Angels bought
catcher Hal Sptndel today frtm
the Philadelphia Phillies President
lxn Stewart of the Angels an
Ruunced. Splndel. 31. played ith
Seattie from 1933 through 1938
aod in 1944.
Qrau Vf&i4'rr . frr Ift r
Watert Park
Ta pitch far Sale
week wImi Arc Pitcher Ea4
Province uit the t a a at and
rl to work at Valaeta. will be
slightly favored aver Um Wead
karaa ta their Waters mix. Pete
'aaa. bewever. Ha baa apaated his
far Um New York Yankee, bat
wa leak at It. If Bill Is gaad
aad Tea Hacfaaon af lb a-d
be s good eaaaah as
w a
Junior League
LeJaders Win
Salem Sand and Gravel and R.
L. Elfstrom'l remained in a dead
lock, for first place in the Salem
Junior baseball B' league yes
terday by downing Yeater Appli
ance and West Salem I Jons, re
spectively. The Salem S St G crew
tripped Ycaters d-3 on the three
hit hurling of Amen. F.lfstrom's
nosed out Wrst Salem 8-7 when
Ensminger balkerl in the winning
Today's "A" round finds Valley
Motor playing Shrock's at Leslie
and Curly's Dairy against May
flower Milk at t'apitola, both at
6 p m.
Salem Sand 421 02J t S 3 j
Yeater'a 1 00 Ho - 3 3 2
Amen and Taylor; Drn and Wil
son, t j'
i Elftrom (0 004 S 3 2
W-Salem (Hit) 02S 7 3 2'
R IveiMin arwj - Irsn. Ci:n uitr j
' and A km. i
v & Service
t . "I
! a It. ?
.: , :. .i ,;.;
; - r -
baaa Tbarsday maraina. Aad I
Service for Other
260 State Salem 1 Phone 9149
DeGalre. rata Weadbarp coach
far a uamber af years, 1 said
ta have a capable aatfit.;lMw
ever. It ta made op meetly of
Weedburn high playcri aaf
lines ap with Gay eatehlni. Aa
draws pitching; Krteger first,
Sargent .second N'esack abort
Yaranek third and Erwert Tra
mala and Lipperi, eutfleld.
Caach Harold Ilauk haslioml
aatcd Lafty Bob rank ta hurl
Um opener far tha Capital; rast
ers. NW that Province baa de
parted, aseet af tha tT pitch
tag aselgnmentg. fall aa Faak
and Bad Craig, the Utter the
r a g a I a r Ulr4 baseman, Tbe
balaaea af tba 'Salem tinea p
will likely be Carlos Hoack,
catch: . Del Klcrn. first; Dick
Hendrie. ! accaad: Raer Daach.
sbart: Cralr. third; Dick Flem
lact T r a a k Oabora and Ray
Camming a. autflrtd. J
In 5th Frame
W , I. FVt.' W' I. Pd
Wrnl y IS SSTPpakan 29 23 SM
SAIJ1M 3 l H) Vtkunt I 31 .404
Toroma 2 20 Sttl Vac-ouN r 17 3S .331
Brcmatt 2S II iSO Victor U 14 44 J41
Last night's resutta:-At Spokane 19.
Salem t. At Tacatas Z. n tehee 4
At Victoria 3. Vancouver S At Yakirna
10. Bromcitan It.
SPOKANE, Juntl8 -.t- The
Spokane Iftdiani tonight splurged
across seven rung in the fifth in4
ning mrut barely nailed a mntn
Innmg Salem rally tfi time tJ hand
the Sanatots thclf c .it Vsteiti
Internatioru.1 lesgMe defeat jln 12
gsmes 10 to 9.
Tha fifth-plac Induns i were
trailing 5-t lefore Uieir big rally,1
but a last minute - Salem Come- '
bark almost turned the tidev i
A serie of sing tea and Salem
errors enabled Spokane to take
command in tha fifth in a drive
which knocked Steve Geikirv from
the box. i
The Senators roared bark into
. . . t
Flager and Vico scored Tad Culhc
and Lo'i, Kubiak. TlageiV scored
when he beat in a throw; from
center field and Woody Salmon
doubled deep into right field to
score Vico. The rails- halted there. 1
just on run short pt a tic, after 1
Spokane changed hurler.
Saleaa (t) Saahaae 7)
Kubiak S 3 0S I P.lrrin m 41 20
Crawfrd I tGetafht) .2 11 4
r lager 4 S,-S 9 Risk a 41 11
Vko.l 4. If 7 McCrntck.l 4 12 1
Wenmer in Sill 3 I Pioelti 1 4 2 14
Salmon e S 1 S StxiSrkeS 1 S3
Summr 1 S SI S Martinez r 4 ,1 S a
Banoirrii.a s : a I iptUunc
Cerkin D 11 I I Kirm
MlWt p Ileal HaUb
ndrtx ( p aaaa
Guiiia , a a
!Kerr III I I -
ToUla n ) S4 U - Tta!a 4 t 27 13
Batted for Sodatkurg in Sth.
t H . n fnr tilmM ka Sth
Krrera: Crawford . PUger Vkco, Wan- HarrWge. presiaenl or Uie Ameri
ner. Bartolotnei. pMefti. 1 ran league, tonight said "there is
Paulaen. -- j a deai wi" by Bill Veeck. Jr . and
S.Win . .. fa ana or4 10 larry cirabiner. who retired last
Spokane Jl - W-18 Jl 8j f , yice prMidlt of ,he Chi.
k"Pa!"MeVinri So. P"rcha. the
Marunez. Kinnemaan x; picetn. rsee. Cleveland Indians. "There is a
Vie. Wenner. SalBion. To baa hits
r Mgvr. ruTTii, eiiswvi. .iwrn "
Vico. PicetU, SacrtlkwS: Geraghty. Pla
cer. Paulaen. PicetU.- Double plavar
Wanner to flager. Left on basea- Saf
lem g. Spokane S. Base on balls: Kia
naman S. HaUbourg lGerkin 3. Miles
3 Slrikeout: Kiruuntan i. Hatlbourg
I. Milas 1. Soderburg . Hita off Kln
ntmtn S. for t rw -m l'i itnin:
off Hallbourg 1 M run in i Inn
ing: off Gerhln S for runs in -4 tnn
inga: off Miles 3 ft I run in Mi Inn
ing: off Rosier burg i tor no runs IP
Sa tnninai Winnmf . ailchcr Kmna-
man: loemg pitcher GWkln l'nnprea ,
Smith and Tuna
Tlraa 2 23. Paul at-
tendance 3o4S
Bitsy Grant of Atlanta ran into
unexpected trouble In the south
ern tennis championship play to
day before eliminating ; Paul
sT j a a . m ' . :i aa aea a as a
annul va ggaeuga v tasar-fc ja-iy, tu
a first round matrn.
Ring Post Snaps, Puts Halt
On Wild Scuffle at Armory
The tag team tussle between
cleaales Ualt Achia and Jae Ly
nam and meanies Paavo Katanen
and Bob Kennastoa was a dinger
at the artaary last night white
It lasted. After same hot and
heavy 20 minutes af touch and
ga grappling warm eneugh that
It took a roepte af gendarmes ta
sjuiet dawn a few averaaxlaaa
rsataaitr the brawl came te a
sudden cad when, Achlu. clever
geaf that he ttsaallyvla. lest a
sjairk faO U ' the bleep bln'a
seatheast ringpost.
Walter wak gaing after Fan
Ishlng Paave la the mix when
he bounced against the ropes for
more leverage. The strain waa
toe -much aad ; the peat snapped
In twa. The pieces plopped Into
the ring.vall right, but' Walter
wound up kayocd outvidc the
bin. Referee tiearge Poppett-
on Easy
Illini Strong
In NCAA Meet
Aliiineapolis Scene
Of Weekend Classic
. CHAMPAIGN. 111., June 18-0P
Co-fpvored Illinois' 12 -man squad
Is si threat in at least a half
dozen events in the national col
legiate track and field meet at
Minneapolis Friday and Saturday,
but fine form sheet cases only
brilliant Quarter-milcr Herb Mc
Kenley as s cinch winner.
The Illini were easy victors In
the Jiig Ten and Central Col
legiate Conference championships,
yet they move into the national
shoWdown almost in the shadow
of tfaditionally-powerful South
ern California, which won nine
straight NCAA crowns taking
wartime leave of the meet in
Illinois copped in 1944 and
Navy, which is not entered this
year triumphed last year. Now
tha Trojani, loaded for bear with
a 1 3-man squad, are primed to
take; up where they left off.
I New Yakima Skipper.
Harris Quits
As Yak Boss
YAKIMA. June 18 -JP)- Har
IondCUf. fomner major league
infielder. was named today man-
w estcrn International league to
till O tflLBiaj " J
voluntary resignation of Spencer
Harrls. 9 i
"Li resigned because tha fani,"tP't to match ttrokes in th
wanted a change. Hariis Mid
He said ha made the decision
Sunday after the Stars dropped
a rtoinjlenearter "Yakima, i sun
feel. 1 has a good ball club, and
I with them all success," Harris
added. The veteran of 28 years
in ofganized baseball Intends to
stay in the game but said he had
not decided his next move.
nnez.r ;!;
SSBp:i i IDal for Tribe
haid to Be On
CHICAGO, June 18
iy v ill
deal kt." Said liarridge. "but de
KUils must be worked out. Veeck j
and fJrabiner are hopeful of com- '
plctiflg the deal within a week."
IlitHkies to Kim
In NCAA Classic
SEATTLE. June 18 (A- Two
University of Washington track
stars will head east with Coach
H e e5 tdmundson tomorrow c to
compete in the national collegiate
tract and field meet at Minne
apolis. They are Lyle Clark, hurd
ler who has turned in marks of
14 6 "seconds in the highs and
23 8 Jn the lows, and Don Wood,
who jwon the northern divisiann
Pacific Coast Conference mile in
heimer tailed him aat which
the cllenia didn't like at all aad
when It waa apparent aa mere
r lasting ceuld be done. Commis
sioner Harry Levy called the
whale thing "no contest.' Even
the; waits with the ring post.
Purses were held up and a re
match was ardered for next
Ia the prelims Jack Klser and
Billy McEula went to a whistling
draw la 28 minute, neither one
able te gala a fall. George Du
settc's big saueese full nelson
waa tee mach far Jae Ssabo In
their mix
a nnuitr: id
Post Office Building
Salem, Oregon
Lonois-Coiniini Fickle
Muncrief Hurls
1-0 for Browns
Sox Lead Cut to 7;
. Bums Bow to Bticcog
ST. LOUIS. Juna 18-fiiFV-Bob
Muncrief pitched the St. Louis
Browns to a 1 to 0 victory over
'the slumping first-place Boston
Red Sox tonight, besting lOi-game
winner Dave (Boo) Ferris in a
duel. It was Ferris' second
straight setback. The win cut tha
Bosox' leading margin over the
New York Yankees to seven
games. The Yanks were idle to
day, as were the rest of the Ame
rican League clubs because of
In the National league play
tha Brooklyn Dodgers bowed 0 to
S to the Pittsburgh Pirates and
saw their lead cut to 1 li games
over the idle St. Louis Cardinals.
Ken Heintzelman pitched the win
for Pittsburgh. Rex Barney was
the loser. The Chicago Cubs
spoiled the Philadelphia Phillies'
bid to scramble out of the Na
tional cellar by blanking the Phils
7 to 0 on Kmil Kush's four-hitter.
Buiky Walters tosied a seven
hitter at New York and it was
enough to b)rtnk the Giants 10 to
0 for the Cincinnati Reds. It was
Ernie Ixtmhurdi Night for the
GTants. but Uie RedleRs spoiled it.
Six runs in' the fit inning did
It for Cincy.
Boston 000 000 0OO 0 4 0
St Louis 001 000 O0-l t 1
Perns and Wagner, Muncilef and
Pittsburgh 003 001 020- 6 0
Brooklyn 002 001 00U 3 t 1
HeiiiUlnin and Lopez: Barney,
Beh I man (Ji. Heiring (7) and Ander
aoti. Chlrnio OOO 0O0 03 7 Jl 0
PhlLadelptua K0 Ouo Olio- 0 4 3
Kuh and Mcfoloiigli ; Juairh. Rip
pla iTI. Humthtte ill. Kail IS) and
Clncinnfl . SOS MM) 101- 10 10 0
New Vol R , ' Odd 0WI in - 0 1 0
Walter and Umaiino. Schumacher.
Budnirk ill. Joyce 3), K;aus (6).
Plsher 8 and t'onper.
Yank Netters
Still Winning -
LONDON. June 18 iP) Lanky
Jack Kramer of Los Angeles and
Dinny Pails, Australia s - sensa-
tional young nctman, who are
? !
finals. came through their second
round tests easily in the London
grass courts tennis tournament
In the women's matches, the
American Wightman cup team
advanced in unbroken ranks al
though Doris Hart of Miami be
came the first of the U.S. gals to
drop a ?et since arriving in Eng
Ralph Hepbuin. Van Nuys. Calif.,
I auto racer whyArt new quali-
fylng mark for the Indianapolis
nm-mnr name- - iij iiisu
drove v,ithmit brakes part of the
way In the main race,
compression and prayers
I used
on the
turns," he told his Jiiteners
W L. Pvt. i W L. Pet
Oakland 31 2 S3S Sacramto 40 43 .482
tan Fran 31 31 022 Holly od 3S 42 .473
Loa Ang 44 36 .530 Portland 29 50 .361
San Dto 42 41 .SOS Seattle 2S 31 .364
W I. Pet . I W L Pet
Boaton 42 13 .737 Cleveland 23 32 .43
New York 'J 23 S10 St. Louis 23 32 .43S
Detroit SO 23 43 Chicago 21 31 .404
Waal.ngtn 29 23 .337 PllU-delph 13 40 .273
Yeaterday's reaulta: At St. loun 1.
Boston 0. tOther gamea rained out )
W L Pet I WLPct.
Brooklyn 33 21- 411 Boston 23 29 .43
St. Loula 3S 2:1 2Kt Pittaburgh 23 2S.451
Cnicao 27 23 540-NeW York 23 32.418
Cincinnati M 24 .520 Phitadelph 21 30 .412
Yesterdav'a reaulta: At Brookjljrn 3.
Pittsburgh S. At Newr York 0. Cincin
nati 10 At Philadelphia 0. Chicago 7.
(Only games.)
Orefeaiaaa ta the aaaer what they
al4 Tuesday:
Doeie. Red Sox 4 , 1
Peaky. Red Sox 4 1 2 2 t
Whitman. Dodgers Did not play.
Gordon, Yankees -Game rained out
Player. Club
Vernon, Senators ...
Walker. Dodgers .
Williams, Red Sox
Hopp. Biaives
Musial. Cardinal ..
DiMaggio. Red Sox
Runs tatted In:
G AB R H Pet.
.. 48 188 35 70 .372
. . 47 193 2 7S JR3
. .. 58 207 54 74 .358
. 44 160 31 57 .356
55 218 42 76 .349
.. 49 176 38 60 .341
National Jeagu
Slaughter, Cardinals, 46: Walker.
Dodgers. 41: Musial. Cardinal. 38
American league- Doetr. Red Sox. 85:
Williams. Red Sox. 49; York. Red Sox.
46. Home ium: National league Mlze.
Giants. 11: Hlattner. Giants. 7: Kiner.
Pirates. 7; Met ormack. Phillies. 7.
American league William. Red "Sox.
15; Greenbeig. Tigers. J4; Keller, Yan
kees. 14
Splendid education and training
In mora than 200 skills and trades
are oHared by tha paw Regular
Army. Good pay and opportunities
lor advancement. Oeer three
quarters of a million have enlisted
already; MAKE IT A MILLION! Gat
all the (acts at your nearest U. S.
Army Camp or Post or U. S. Army
Recruiting Station.
(Lose Again; Cards NeairB
' ;
Q U Sfpitf ll ICONN
i v": "i V ' f v ; t , r rr a17f?TT
3 ; ll"' '" r. ''; f -' 'r
IJ : ! ALf ' '"1? .
. - $ (mm - - '-r'v-l
af al iiaaasjaiita laiina m ill asaTV ni n ir'si aani-ri--Taiari-af at m.4mgt'&&mJmmm4mmmJ.m 1 -B"!asi M si mmjkm
READY: Th! Is how Champ Joe
compare for their title scrap In
neuiav nleht IAP U'lrrnhntal
Facts, Figures
BY tha Aasoclated Piotl
The Ulle World heavyweight
championship. The principals
Champion Joe Iouls, Detroit, vs.
Challenger Billy Conn. Pitts
burgh. The place Yankee stadi
um. New York City. Length of
bout 15 rounds to a decision.
The time First preliminary bout
8:30 p.m. (EDT); main bout 10
p.m. (EDT). Approximate
weights Ioui 208; Conn 182.
Promoter Twentieth Century
Sporting rlub, Mike Jacobs, pres.
Estimated attendance land gate
Beavers Take
14-Frame Tilt
PORTLAND, June 18-01V-Tlie
Portland Beavers got a run in the
14th inning tonight to squeak oUt
a i-l victory over me l-os Angeies
Angel. The win evened the se
l ies at one game each.
Dick Barrett. in a relief role
in the 14lh after Jack Salveson
had went the distance, got the
win. Uiik Conger went the route
for the loss. Glen Crawford's sin-
g!e behind a double by Danny
Escobur won the game.
ls Aageie roriuni
TreadW.m 7
1 4 Ctl Smith m 7 14 0
w ;
0 S 3 Dobbin 2 5 11)
1 3 OEarubar.r 7 4 3 0
0 3 ll Store .1 8 17 0
2 fiCiiiw fold 3 5 3 1 1
2 M 1 Relrh.l 5 0 13 1
2 1 3 Turner .e S 0 4 1
0 3 0 Bim n.i S 3 3 3
2 1 4 Salveson p 3 t 1 3
0 0 0 iWheelr.2 2 0 1 1
1 2 0 Hariis 1 0 B 0
L hrlphr.l 8
Qumn 1 S
Schunter.a S
WiUiaio.c 1
Conarr.p S
Tatk 1
SI ph nunc 3
EMallry.s 0 6 0 1 Barrett. p 0 0 0 0:
Totals 31 10 41 18 Totals 53 13 42 15
Two out when winning run cored.
' - Batted for Williams in 7th. !
t Batted for Salveson In 13th.
t - Ran for Dobbins in Sth.
Los Attaches 010 000 100 000 OO 2 ,
Portland . OOO 010 100 000 013
Errors Ouuop. Archie. Crawford.
Turner, Brown. Runs batted In Schus
ter. Dobbins. Conger. M. Smith. Craw
ford. Two base hits Quinn. Crawford.
Treadway. Schuster. : Escobar. Stolen
base Qumn. Sacrifices Crawford.
Salveson. Reich. Glossop (Schuster!.
Double plays Brown to Dobbin to
Reich. Left on bases Los Angeles 14: ;
Portland 15. Bases on balls Salveson j
4. Conger 3. Barrett 1. Strikeouts Sal- I
veson 3. Conger 5. Barrett 1. Earned ;
runs-Salveson 2: Conger 2. Hits off
Salveson 10 runs 2 in 13: Barrett 0 and
0 in 1. Passed ball Stepheson. Win
ning pitcher Barre'tt. Umpires Bor- 1
ski. Mazzio and Engeln. Time 2:30. i
Attendance 3190. '
Adds Enjoyment to Uvtng
Sicks' Select is the idaol campanioN ta t4 food. Oaa
af America's esceptioaal seers. Sicks' Select has a seat
aad a sparkle that sets it apart aad agave ia a class
II its awn. LJokt. delicate, aad smaoHi it adds seat ta
foods aad sparkle ta ceaaoeaienships. Sicks' Sal act is
t preferred choice af those who dessead tha atsaast.
Sgamitilc deadly;
Louis and Challenger Billy Conn
Yankee Stadium. New York, Vt'ed-
on Big Fighi:
65,000 persons and 82.600.000
The pursea Louis 40 per rent of
net (estimated $780,000); Conn
20 per cent (estimated $390,000).
Weather forecast Rain tomor
row morning; cloudy shd cooler
at night. Emergency I arrange
ments If postponement Is neces
sary, fight will be held Thurs
day, same time. The seconds
For Louis: Manny Scamon, Lar-
ry Amadee. George Nicholson;
for Conn: Johnny Ray, Freddie
Flero. Bill Joos.
Wenatchee Win
Good for Lead
Wenatchee topped Tacjoma 4 to
2 last night at Tacomaj to take
over the Western International
league lead. .Salem's lo4 at Spo-
! L-an shm-ad the Chifd in front
by naU a g a m e . Wens
bunched five hits in the fifth in
ning for all w i n n i n g f runs. At
Yakima the Bnemerton bluejack
ets spoiled Harlond Cliffs debut
as a manager by takingan 11-10
nod over the stars in a slugfest.
Victoria's lowly Athletics made it
; two straight over Vancouver with
ia 3-2 win at Victoria. Bob Car-
penter besting wJ 1 m Jledgecix k.
although the latter allowed only
five hits.
Wenatchee 001 030 OOO 4 1
Tact. ma 100 001 0U0 2 12 3
Vivalda and E FiUaerald; Colombo.
Sostre )9l and Kemper.
Vancouver OOO O02 OiKV 2 9 2
Victoria OOO OVl OJ 1 - 3 3 2
HedKecock and Spurgeon ,j Carpenter
ana uifioia.
Bremerton .. 120 040 220 11 16 3
Yakima . 242 001 loo 10 13 2
Lowman.eLoguc (2). Medeginl 161.
For Particulars Contact
! INC..
Private. Commercial. Instructor,
Instrument and Multl Engine Courses
McXary Field John Hughes. Wally Tower
Phone 7231 Glen Fravel, Paul Harrison
Salaaa, Oroaoa
4 SUM Sstlty Prdc
. tl '
Gate Expected
To Miss Mark :
-" Otitis on Louis Shared
Down; Now
By Sid Fcder ! . " .
NEW YORK. June' B.(JP-ln .
what Is easily the most bally- .
hooed event in sports history-.,
and possibly the richest o Joe .
Louis collides with Billy Conn Jn
Yankee stadium -tomorrow night.
In the. toughest test pf his nine-,
year reign as king of the ring.
Five years and one day i after,
they met the first time, the great-"
est fighter of his generation takes ;
on the Pittsburgh boxing ace at
10 p. m. (EDT over the 15-round"
"derby route" in the 22nd defense
of his all-time record run as heat
man of the noe smashing Indus-4
try. . . .- h ,
And promoter Mike Jacobs w-as
still hopeful tonight that all prev- I
lous gtte receipt "highs' would,
be wiped out by the gold rush
accompanyiiig this first heavy-;
weight title tussle since 1942, for 1
which he is demanding a record
$100 for each ringside feat.
Despite the onrush of fistic faith- t
fuL from irtually all over tha
world In such numbers they have
New York jammed tothe rafters.'
it appeared tonight, however, that -the
gate would jut miss the rec-:
ord $2,653,660 lured into Soldier I
Field, Chicago, by Jack Dempsey
and Gene Tunney. for their re--turn
match exactly -19 years ago,
come Saturday. i
Jacobs pointed out .that It is
impossible to tell the size of the
pot for this one until the returns
from all precincts: are in. since ;
ihe tii ket sale covers a wide area.
But the best estimate wcre that '
165.000 fans would-bulge" the huge
Bronx -ballyard and would make
Mike's cush registers jingle a $2,
500 000 tune.' ' t
They tangled for the first time
five yeWrs ago tonight and Sweet
William amazed all of bash boule
vard by carrying the fight jo Louis
and piling up a lead on points -through
the 12th round.
Then, with the end in sight.
i he got his "Irish" up in the 13th
and suddenly elected to try for a'
. Wo i-,;., r;c
7'""w . "r-r"-" .JV.:'"
1 behind it. In one flalshin ouf-
burst, the Bomber leaped for the
opening and beat Billy down with
a barrage of 20 or more crushing
punches to save his crown j by a
The opening odds of 1 to 3 have ,
been shaved steadily in the past,
few weeks because of the lot
showing of Billy in training, and
now you can get only 111-5 to
five if you like Conn and j must
take only 12 1-5 to 5 if you pi k ,
Joe. Louis is 8 to 5 to score - a
knockout and Conn is the! same,
price to get the decision If it g6es r
15 rounds.
PCL Scores:
Sacramcnlxj . . .. 000 200 Ml 2 T t
Hollvwood . OOO 100 100 t IS 0
Stale)'. Healey i and Conrov; Cue
cuiullo and t'naer.
San FranciK-o 000 061 000 1 t
Seattle 100 DUO 21 4
Melton. Mathewon i and Spiln. Og
riKlovki; Soi lano, Touin (tl gnd N"e- 1
Sail Diego . 300 100 Ktt- 4 i
Oakland ;' . 303 401 01-lt 16 Is 1
Vitalich. Brillhart '3i. Chappie 4i. ."
Durtiler " and Ballingrr, Patlca. --
; Speer
ill and Raimondl.
- , 1
Federmeyer (8 and Paglia; Chapetta
Otraight 1") and Gtbb.
1 - .