(Ciitv DBirSeffs TWO ROMCll : PERMITTED Buildin Mrnuli for two home i wr imwd by the city enMiieer'a riffle Tuesday. Mr. and Mr L Snyder. 1470 S 13th t . were granted a permit for $4,500 and Earl Seamster. 2265 N Liberty LOO PERMITS TO TWO ! he Htjr engineer's office Is I aued log hauling peimitn to two jeioiu Tuexi.tv K W. D'igger, j 12M N Church at., rrlvl fer- misaion l haul over rtty atteels from t 'ornmerri a! arid Trade streets to the Wfl Sdli-m brrdae. If. A Iyer. Turner, receivedra permit to haul from Miller and Commertial street to the city 'Dentist Elected P - 1 4, St, lor 9 4.000. James A. Harris iirrutjl Un Cherry street and from received permission for $1,000 the West Salem bridge to the alterations to a g.rage at 1230 dty ,imiU Cherry street. H, 18th at. Repairs of $500 u. Perry Trug Store. 129 S Com- Red raspberries. Rt 4 Box 106. rnercial aC. were covered by an- 4 miles soith. cor. Boone Rd. and other permit. Alteration , permit Old Highway. were Issued to C. D. Baker for Kit 1S9I4 S. Capitol a t : F. W. Sbepard. 750 if. Summer St.; John P Mil ler, 2485, N. 4th st: Maud S park. 1871 N. Cipitol st and IL G. Johnson, 2310 Trade at. FARMERS IMOV SUBJECT The Oregon Farmers Union Cooperative association will be the subject of a talk by Lyle D. Thomas, field representative, at the Thursday luncheon of the Crn Frames i t-)t.-. , Capitol Lions club. Thomas CTt? ,fhf ,n. taught . in Dallas and Salem e. 1st Natl Bank Bldg. 5chooU fr many year, ,nd is now a Polk county representa tive in the legislature. T r r ( v ! ' r; ... ': J . S TU'B TO PICNIC The Industrial Supervisors' club. Inrmei ly the Foremen's luh. it to oik tii- Soiidiy at Sil ver Creek lajl., I -airy I Kigg if the Paulus Bros. plant. club t resident, said Tuesday. All mem -ers have been invited to lake j Jjrrulies and friends to the event, pinner is to t served at 2 p m., jliners , providing their own table - jtet ice- and lunrheona. Coffee and ice crearp are to be provided ' by the cmmtitt-e Ki lwanis PI tins Lawnmowers: for hour. Dial 3646. rent. 10c 13?. Lee Wood, 402 Guardian Build ing; Is attending the American .Board of Ophthalmology in San Discharge service lapel buttons Francisco and will be out of hi now available at Brown's Jewel office June 19 to 26 inclusive, 'era and Opticians. Bring dis- Dr. Frank V Prtawe. baa been named tbe Orrgan SUte riatien. ' "Saleasv: who presides t of Dental a.NM- CIRL. IS M1SSIXO The sheriffs ofice received an Inquiry Tuesday from the San DiegO Chief of . police on the arheeea bouts of Joyce Fern Smith lho ha been missing since May 5. 1948, when she left a San Diego State college dormitory to ari-A-er telephone. I charge certificates. SEVEN DOORS DAMAGED Seven doors on lunch room at the state fairgrounds were kj ked in Monrijv night, according to Harold See. caret.'iker. Police who investigated said it was probably vandalism liecnuse the room con tained nothing of valiie Free mothproor.ng for yotir fur Asparagu for canning and fie-- Coat. Store your coat and get yot;r roat mothproofed. Price't, 135 N Liberty St. Phone B121. Fireworks for sale. Lamli Nov elty Shop, 485 Evergreen Ave. HATERS WANTED The farm labor office Tues- day reported that It had received ing riala Ranch. 3 miles north in Polk tourity. Hnng container Phone 2-3072. j Bonni. the idl,mino mare. $23') -255 N. Liberty or 1490 Chemel efa ' r Oh if miry lh first oS the ordersVfrom hn-iil farmers wanting men to woi k in the hay fields. The office reported fmnwy Trnin.ai f'.inev Jjr.f 14 !le rl- dent if S I ih nV rrndfth-t of Mm- B ............ . C . . .. u .11 V. ronsiderable hay down and hay wedwd. Jun it 't 10 n m tn hackers are needed. ,w t k.().. iv.api iitcia.rut i st Bihara t-n .-te; . Keroof with juhns-Maoville shin- glea. Mathis Bros. 164 S. Com l rh,ur a maI Albert Shrrr. 1st resident ol!,l s -aJlt t at a kx.l lnpiil Friday ' , June 1. at trie ae of 80 ear Sur- FurnJture Upholstered and re- vived b a nept-.w. Harr Schaefer of paired by expert workmen. Mi-.'",tfrt- brother,, h o - , , . ... , , Schaefer. Bruokfield. W ic . and Tin- AiVta TOP Shop, 545 N. Church St. odoie S-nafer. roretil!e. Wic Serv- .ces will b tield Thurdj. June 10 at 1 30 p m at the l Uu h-Ba.rick cfiapel Willi Rrv Wilmrr 61011 of ficiating ln'ernrnt in Belcient Me morial Mil It Blaiaua hj-ntina Bmgrnan at tha reidence. 4aS W. Maui l . Mo'.uu(h. Saiurdav Jur.a 13 S-jiVived, lv hei tsusbartd. Harcr B.r.r.. (altner. I M Pnn;e. bt oilier, loltx-tt Hfrme a'l of Uun ftiOih. arid brofler ( harlea Priir-.e. SaCrartieHU. Calif . fctsier. Adeleine Pume artd Mr Greta Mevnett. hotn of Salem Announcement of ervu.-e later lT" tne .Srniih - Bju:n funeral home. MonmuutfY e(era j Haiold iftmr.itl T Peter.n. late resident of route 3 Saie.-it. at Meriarr.a Sundii. J irie Id. at t'-.e ace of 32 year Son of Mr and Mrs F.d Peterson of Saleni brutr.rr of Mr Beatrice Ev--ana. Mil Stella Hudson. Mr Alice Naule. Mr1. Mildred K-;nple and rd ward and Ji'-n Petern.vall of Sa!m. and Mr. In Valentine of Sra ton. and Mrs Ii!a Bi ant-h of Sweet Home ServH'e will be field Wrjm.(jy. June IS at 10 an at 11, e I loutr h - Kar: 11 k chpel wttl Kv M A (elrndii'T of ficiai in4 Inirtmrnt in Helciet Mr mortal (mi It ITZNCES COMINO UL Norman Hinges, son of Mrs K. C. Benson, ia en route home frwm Manila, he has notified his nufJLgx. Young Hinges wjent over- aeaA a tnr in Pcilry Flies and i IIolHi : CONE FOR GOOD! Ob Spray af Korfonane rids yaW Iseane ef these pesta far the entire aeaaan! For Estimates Call MiJ-CiMitinent I bora t orient rilONE Msg GODWIN RF.Of)VERLG I I.loyJ A GxWin, Salem, is re rtverir.g in theI.ainnfiack lapi tal. Stfeet Itorne. fromiinjune- m cunH ill ah ayto aiv'ident thtif Friday night. lArrii Moe; Ku gene. member I of the Saritiam m 14 hi 11 team anrl driver of th otlief tar. alw wi bad'y injined Ieliert L. Alsop. Ekigene w.a driver of the car, in hi h GuH a iii was tilling. Hjite ieprted. Free mothproofing fot your fur at. Store your out and get your coat mothproofed. Prtce'a, 135 N : Liberty St Phooa 9121. i Lutz Flower Shoppe. 1?7 N. :Libr erty. phone 9591. lINtl) ssa i Wil!lm S, VfelU. Salem, w a. fined $500 ort a tlui ge jof drufikcit diiviriaf. Morld.iy in I'afiby jitt-tne coin t. Chare taa the result of in auto accident Stuiiy nunri 'irtif near Cmby n whui Em.tt.ue-I Schutt and hit th.r-yeaf-old daughter of Oie-gon CitV vv ei e ir, jiuied. authoritit" said.j Welli al legedly reft tle serte of the accident and was found Sunday wandering along the highway. Riker silt top soil U fill dirt Coim'l. Sand St Gravel. ph-2l966 4 i I-itet; type power flor sartders arid polisher. Woodrow, 325 Cen terj St j HEATER TAKEN An electis heater Was taken frm Denison and Stine.' e!e. trijal contractor's nffie. 230 S Hjgh st.. Frtdjy night, police wtjre infotmed The thjef appar ently entered through ia tra:aom and left the Banif way, they said. "' f'igtit returiiji at 40 8 meeting ; STOCKTON FOLK VISIT ; Mr. and Mrs. . E. Peffer of Stockton. Calif. weie visitors here early this week. They ate Owners of radio station KGDM of ftockton and of the Peffer Parma, famous for Belgian horses. Jer sey cattle and Romney sheep. In a hurry at noon? East at '"Nphl gren's Cafeteria" and have time to shop in your lunch hour. Open il a m. to 2 p.m. Injured Savings hae always re turned better than 2 annually $t Salem Fderal. Inquiry wej Pomed. 130 S. Liberty Si. PlySire 301. Work on BRiixiKs Fills m four tiev.lv timplet;d nlges on county ro.nl 914 south Of Mat ion ate leing to-ked by eounty mad crews County Com nniShirr K oy Hue ruirted Tu-d.iy I'iKht ictuiti.-. .( 40 8 m-etiig BKTI RNS UtOM IOWA '- I (itlbert M.tdiMin. Mai ion hotel tipriaUir. i-turfieri to Salem on "tuesday following a In i-f Mbit in 3 mux City. Id. tawnmower. tixil.s. sliarpened at jour dKr . 9 Centei. Pli SH8 1 . RETI'RNS FROM VACATION ; Katharvn Iinia. Mifwrinten-tl-nt of Hillcrest scho'l for girls, returned o tiie .hi-ol early this week after a In u l vacation in St-attle Fight i etui ns at 40 meeting. Paulus Bros Pkg Co will start their -day ihit on cherries at 9 a m. on Thur. 'one 20th MOTHERS. BABIES HOME ;Mrs. F W. Ramp. Bnxiks. took her ulfartt son home and Mrs AJteit Koehler. route 7. box 193. toiok her- daughter home Tuesday from Salem General hospital. ; Paiilu Bio Pkg Co. will start1 their day shift on cherried at 8 a m. on Thur. June 20th. . Pic'iiic July 16 j Plans for the aniiu.d picnic on July 15 and a hobby display at ; the'regular meeting July 23 were, detaileJ at the Kiwanis club meet ing Tue-Mlay. Ttie hobby show was outlined by Or. Will Thomp- SIHl f j Tuesday's program included a motion pictuie on the production' of Ftreture tU es. iown by ; Cieorge Kingan of the Salem Fire- j '.-tone stote who was introduced, by Barney V'anC)nienoord. A collection for famine relief i totalled $25 50. Ne rFRMIT GRANTED Mai ion county r-ajirt Tuejiday granted M Homer Davi a per mit to move combines over any market or county road. Fight returns at 40 8 meeting. TO PATZERS aoii was born SON A soil, was born Tuesday to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Patter. 50 Abrams ave.. at Salem Deaconess hospital. Painting and decorating. Ph. 1 The Oregon Start man, Salem, Ore.. Wednesday. June It. IStl SROPTIMISTS MKFT Salem Soroptimists will hold a .7 o'clfK-k dinner meeting ouldoois at Hillcrest school tonight. A tour of the school, a musical pro gram by a group of the girl stu dents and installation of officers will feature the evening. Two carloads of Portland Soroptimists are coming to Salem for the oc casion, and several Salem wom en have been bidden as guests. ' rhla croat madloifna la fa to r !! palo. narvoua atatraaa anil weak, tired faellnsa. m4 'rartaln dr' when due t fainala f uoctlonal anaatalf duturHaaoM. Alao- mrt au Otaehtc too let Wort trying ' IYDM af. PffJCHAtTS tfscusu uateaaaa i 9 ' I OERVAIS GIRL, BORN j Mr and Mrs. Orville Thomp sm. Gervais. are the parents of a daughter born Tuesday at Sa- ' lem Deaconess -'hospital. 5 i i Fr-e motliprooflng for your fur I coat. Store your coat and get your j coat '.mothproofed. Price's, 135 N. Liberty St. Phone 9121. j i TESTS OF Jl'DDS j I.t Col and Mi Gleason M Himt are Ki:ts at the home of Marion County ('Ink Harlan .Tudd Col C I lf.t-.on. ret -ently re- j turned from two years in Europe j and now jun terminal leave, hail j served with Judd in the same, army ordnance unit. j Trim your hed- arid shrubbery the easy wnv. rent an !. hedice -.hc.,v Dial 34n m a v hah. i.o;s Charles Follort. 2440 Cherry av e . was gr arit-d a permit by the Mat ion count v couit Tuesday to haul logs over ret tain county and j mm ket roads Kultit retuins at 40 8 meeting. TO MOVE Bl ILDINO C F Duni.-an. Turner, was granted a permit by the Marion county ourt Tuesday to move a building over (iiui'.l v load 944 and market loads 35 and 8T. Wedding pictures taken at the church. 520 State. Ph. 5722. CHII.DERS SON BORN Mr. and Mrs. John Childers. route 7, are the parents of a son bom Tuesday at Salem Deaconess hospital. LEWIS RELEASED Raymohd Lewis, arrested by state police Monday night on a chaige of drunken di iv ing. was released Tuesday' il $250 bail to appear in justice court. WE'KJL KliMgMLIE E3T2 . i i i Whatever your shipment, Great : J l i 1 Northern can handle It. The right kind ! I of equipment for any transportation i lob, plus fast, dependable service aro ( traditional Great Northern assurances to shippers I j : C A. GERKEN, Asst. Gen. Frt. Agt. 530 American Bank Bldg. Portland 5, Oregon Paula their 8 a m. Bros. Pkg. Co. ! will t. day shift on cherries or. Thur. June 30th. .rt at RIGHT VHEEL$ TAKEN right front wheels weie from lii (ii parked fcear k st., Monday mkht. police - TWO The taken 336 (.. learned Tuesday. Car belonged to M. M Huggirts and A. P. Kil h.in. iK-th of that adiiess New Morizonts Aa tt x pa acUd market area 100,000,000 off lasirraifrc la ftMt 73 lmrmam la naw baslaasj Friends and Policyholders of the Standard Insurance Com pany (the new name chosen" by the policyholders of Oregon Mutual Life Insurance Coj)ilI be glad to learn that business has increased 73 over the same period last year and that our business in force is now over $100,000,000. This company writes all forms of life insurance including famous Mdo!den Years Plan" of Retirement Income. Inquiries are invited for literature on this attractive policy which enables ' e its users to plan and realire their own Social Security. m (Faea rty mmmmd OfM Mwraal Uf Usweamc. Offlca, f-Hmnd, Oro n EsNiMUIiad f0S CHARLES S. McELHINN Y LYDIA jWOOTTEN It KREYMAN lUIII.DINR ' ! SAI.KM. ORKf.ON I N i ii ill ma IT y - mm? UAL OCT AMI QUALITY 4IA01I4I Soom of your finest pleasure trips will take you through desert and mountain country, where vapor-lock is most likely to strike. Vapor-lock occurs when "wild" gaseous fractions in gasoline vaporize in the furl I me. Back pressure is created which blocks the flow of gasoline to the carburetor. The en gine stalls and cannot be re-started until the vapor cools and becomes liquid again. The overly volatile elements that cause vapor-lock are not pre stmt ia AtoT.iNB. Associated's record-size fluid cata lytic crackiat unit make possible volume production of high your Grip ; octane: gasoline components with correcr 'volatility character istics. It makeasunnecessary the inclusion of elements ettber too heavy or too light for perfect performance under all driving conditions. , AkoTane'S Dual Octane Quality and controlled rotattlitr eliminate vapor-lock, and give you; instant starting, full and uniform power, smooth, fast acceleration at all sp eds, and surprisingly long mileage. Yet AkoTanb cost you no mora than other premium j gasolines iat Friendly AjjocUted Dealers throughout the West. j Don't Take a Chance Dripe Safely r