The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 19, 1946, Page 3, Image 3

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    Miss Bentley,
Mr. jBahlburg
: I- ' - -
Today's exciting newi is an
nouncement of th betrothal of
Mis Barbara Bentley. daughter
of Mr. and Mr. E. Bentley of
Tule Lake, Calif., to Crwin C.
Bahlburg. son of Mr. and Mrs.
Carl CJ Bahlburg of Salem.
-V The engagement was made
known at a smartly arranged
luncheon Tuesday afternoon at
the Meier and Frank Tea room in
Portland for which Mis ; Bentley
was hostess for a group of her
Alpha Delta Pi sorority sisters.
Ho date has been set for the wed
ding, but it is planned for later
in the aummer. Mrs. 1 Bentley
came north for her daughter's an
nouncement party..
The bride-elect is a graduate of
the University of Oregon, where
he was prominent in music ac
tivities. The last year she has
been teaching music at Parrish
Junior high school. - Miss Bentley
Sa a niece of Mr. and Mrs. L. O.
Arena of Salem.
- Mr.; Bahlburg. a graduate of
Salem schools, attended the. Uni
versity of Oegon 'and Oregon
State college His fraternity is
Sigma Nu. tie' returned this -&
ter from 29 months of duty with
the navy. He is "now with Keith
Brown Building Supply Co.
Visitors Are
Honored .
1 Mrs. G.' Frederick Chambers
entertained informally at lunch
eon Tuesday' afternoon at her
North 13th street home In honor
of Mrs. Fay Hoffman Church,
who was here for 'the opening of
the display of her portrait paint
ings at the Elfstrom Galleries.
- Covers were placed for Mrs.
Church, Mrs: Curtis Stewart, Mrs.
John Carter. Mrs. Andrew Mc
Casn, all of Lake Oswego, Miss
Dorothea Steusloff and Mrs.
I Later in the afternoon the Os
wego matrons were entertained
at a picnic supper at the country,
borne of Mrs. Stewart's sister,
Mrs. James Mott. Mr. Church.
Mr Stewartsnd son. Jack, Joined
the group for supper.
Hostesses Fete
MtsKuper j
Miss Marjorie Mumm and Mr.
Tom Burton were hostesses Sat
urday night at the home of Mrs.
2L K. Strausbaugh. sr. for the
pleasure of Mrs, C. P. Kuper. Sej
donia , Burton opened the 4oor. A
. pink and blue color scheme was
Used and nosegays: and candles
centered the tables- and mantle.
At the supper hour a nosegay
marked places for each guest. As
sisting the hostesses .were Mrs.
; Xarl Strausbaugh, ,Jr.. Mrs. Max
Graves and Miss Patricia Powell.
The evening was spent Informal
ly and a shower honored Mrs.
'Those .honoring Mrs. Kuper
were Mesdames John Beck ley.
Henry Kuper. Elton : Kuper, C. F.
Mumm, Max Graves. W. H. Gra
benhorst. f E. R. Strausbaugh, Jr...
If, Stewart. Wiley Weathers, O.
R. Strausbaugh, Ji C. Adams,
John Cruchow, Tom 'Harmon,
Rue Drager, Russet McLpughlin,
George Grabenhorst, jr., George
Grabenhorst. sr., Tom Ashcraft,
H R. Strausbaugh. sr.. Misses
Velma Kuper, Patricia -Powell.
Tlorence ,. Shirley Stewart, Nan
k Mishler. Sedonia Burton, Joyce
Gruchow and the hostesses.
' Wsooio's OooeU. First Chrw
tlan church will meet Thursday
at noon at the church. A welfare
salad luncheon will be serv ed and
a "business session held. Mrs. Roy
If. Lockenour will speak on "Chil
dren as an Investment to the Fu
ture' at 2 o'clock. A nursery will
be available for children during
the program.
Society .
Music .... The! Home
MAXTNE buren
Women's Editor
Society Editor
Hostesses to
Fete Miss
Miss Irene Beming. popular
July bride-elect of Hillary Etzel.
will be the honor guest at a bridal
shower Thursday night when
Miix Lorraine Taylor and Miss
Ruth Skinner entertain at the
Robert Bowman home on South
Cottage street.
Guests have been invited to a
dessert supper and the small ta
bles will be centered with pastel
bouquets. Contract bridge will be
in play during the evening and a
miscellaneous shower will fete
the bride-to-be.
Honoring Miss Beming will be
Mesdames Roy Ostrin, William
Townsend, Richard-Grabenhorst,
George LaVatta, Millard Henny.
Gene Morrison William White,
Robert Loom is, Howard Kaffun,
James McNulty, Talbot Bennett,
Robert Bowman, Misses Marcella
Schwartz, Beth Siewert, Pauline
and Cleo Turin. Helen Myers,
Nancy Stricklin, Patricia Cannon.
Eileen Stanton, Ardell Scott and
the hostesses.
Large Turnout
For Golfers
A warm summers day on
Tuesday brought out a large turn
out at the Salem Golf club on la
dies' day. Prizes were awarded
for the score on odd holes with
Mrs. Ivan Marble winning in
class A: Mrs. Glenn Stevens, class
B; and Mrs. William H. Ham
mond, class C. Luncheon was
served at the clubhouse after
Playing, were Mesdames Robert
Joseph, Conrad Paulson, John
Wood, Ralph Hamilton. Sephus
Starr, Robert Burns. Steve Kraus,
Reynolds Allen., Edward Roth.
Leon Perry, Max Flannery, Fred
Bernard i, Robin Day, Clay bourne
Dyer, R. I. MacLaughlin, James
Sears, Elmore Hill. Tommy
Thompson. J. N. Bishop, M. A.
Pekar. Ross, Coppocsr. Glenn Ste
vens, Ivan Marble. W. T. Water
man, Glenn O. Stevenson, Whee
ler Rilea, Ercel Kay, Harry
Wiedmer, Brazier Small, Frank
Burlingham. H. K. Stockwell.
Fred Bernier, George Sen wan,
Howard Eismann. J. E. Albrich,
William H. Hammond, Miss Bar
bara Viesko and Miss Margaret
Belog welcomed back te Salens
ire Colonel and Mrs. Phillip Alli
son (Sally Lansing), who are
house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam L. Phillips, sr. until they
are able to occupy their home at
Reservoir and Rock streets. Col
onel Allison has retired from the
army after serving in both wars.
They have Seen away from Sa
lem for over twelve years. Re
cently they have been living in
Washington, D C. -
Soothers Pacific Employes club
will hold its next dance in the
hall at 246 North Commercial
next Saturday night, June 22.
Good music will be provided and
a large attendance is expected.
Mr. and Mrs. Silas Gaiser and
daughter, Janet, were the week
end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J
Howard Shubert at their beach
home at Road's End. .
Members of Salore elab will
hold their next meeting at Smith
Creek camp on July 4. They had
a bicycle ride followed by a wie
ner roast in the YWCA yard Hon
day night.
Pythian Sifters, 24 N. Comnrcil
it , covrrrd 61'h supper. SJO am
First Mtho4ut WSCS. Carrier Room,
all da jr. i
Woman's rlloshlp of Knight Me
morial church, covered dih luncheon
a church. 1334 p m . business; uneet
uv follows, i
Grand Arret of the Republic) auxil
iary. I p m ., VWCA.
THl-RSDAY j' : t
Women's Onuticil. First Christian
church, meet at church 12 p an.
Fide I is cUntS. First Baptixt church
With Mrs. Edna Conn, Brouks. ,2 p m
! Put Matrutia. OES. Golden Plieanant.
i :!0 dinner..
I Pioneer Past. American Legion 148.
p m. at Legion hail.
Keirer sewing club, afternoon of
j quilting at horn of Miss Lois Keefer
I Lions auxiJiar, picnic lunchenn, A.
C Haag country home. 1 p m.
A Birthday
Margaret Newton was hostess
for an informal luncheon Satur
day afternoon at the Royal Court
apartment of her mother.; Mrs.
Luella Newton, on the .occasion of
her birthday.
The table centerpiece Was of
sweet peas flanked by blue tapers.
The afternoon hours were spent
.Cover jtirefe placed for the
Misses Margaret Newton. Gloria
and Barbara McClintock. Miriam
Shellenberger, Mariann Croisan,
Joan Randall, Joan Lochead, Jane
Carson. Suianne Small, Dorothy
Bergsvik, Avis Steimer, Made
leine Keene. Barbara Sundet,
Peeer Parson. Pessv Sears. Ca
thy Morah, Patsy Nickens.i Glor
ia Myers, Dolores Clemen , Do
lores Hamilton, Pat Agee,
Mass France Asm Kelts
rived in the capital from!
Haven. Conn, -to spend thet
mer at the; country home
parents, Mr. and Mrs. CI
Kelis. Miss Kens is a sera
sculpturing in the school
Arts at Yale university. Her
arship has , been renewed
senior year, and she will
eat in September.
Mrs. Carlton J. Me Lead will be
a dessert bridge hostess this after
noon at her country home en the
South River road for the pleasure
of her club. Mrs. Gordon Wilson
will be an additional guest
Miss Naney Stricklia Is visiting
at the home- of her parents, Mr
and Mrs. Charles E. Stricklin, for
several weeks. She has been at
Dibble General hospital, IMenlo
Park. Calif, is an occupational
therapist. She expects he new
assignment some time this jnonth.
pt her
e A.
or in
Phyllis Taw,
Mr. Nelson
Of interest to the groom's many
Salem friends is the marriage of
George William Nelson, jr., son
of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Nelson of
Salem, to Mi Phyllis Jean Taw.
daughter of Mrs. Helen E. Taw
of Portland, which took 'place on
June 'IS at St. Michael and All
Angels church in Portland,
The . Rev. Arthur Vall-Spinosa
officiated at the afternoon rites at
4 o'clock. The groom's sister. Miss
Elizabeth Nelson, sang and Mrs.
A. Stone was the organist,
Henry Scott of Walla Walla.
Wash., gave his niece in marriage.
For her wedding she chose a
white satin gown fashioned with
a train, long sleeves and a iweet
heart neckline. Her only; orna-
irit-ni was a peaii nnnum gin
ijof the groom. Her train I length
tulle veil with lace insets cas
caded from a tiara of orange
blossoms. She carried a bouquet
of white roses and orchids, 1
Mrs. William Caldwell Was the
.matron of honor and wore aqua
taffeta. Bridesmaids were Mi.
Bertie Lee Farnham and Mrs.
Arthur Trebwasser, who wore
frocks of dusty rose taffeta.
Their dresses were made identi
cal with gathered skirts fashion
ed with bustles and elbow length
sleeves. They carried pastel nose-
Lgays and wore matching pleated
taffeta headdresses.
Robert Packham stood with
the groom as best man and ush
ers were Richard Hickmani. Wil
liam Caldwell. David Craig and
Robert Johnson.
, For her daughter's nuptials
:Mrs. Taw wore a flowered jersey
gown with an orchid In her hrir.
Mrs. Nelson attended her sofi's
marriage in a gown of black and
white with sequin trim and an
orchid corsage.
The newly weds received he
felicitations of their guests at: a
reception in the church parish
hall. i
The couple went by plane Jon
their wedding trip to Canada.
,lor travelling the bride dined a
black white check suit wth r
fchid corsage. They will; mke
their home in Portland.
The country home ef Mrs. Ejrle
Butler was the setting for a ifo
host picnic luncheon on Tuesdjay
afternoon when members f the
Book-of-the-Month club gathered
'for the last meeting of the year.
Luncheon was served in the gar
den, i
Mrs. Charles Hoover headed the
Jaycettes as president today as a
result of an election in the organ
ization's clu brooms on Maple
street Monday night. Mrs. H. Q.
Walker 'was named vice presi
dent. Mrs. Don Cooper secretary
and Mrs. Wesley Goodrich treas
urer. Plans were dist-ussed for a
picnic and for a joint Jaycette
Junior C. of C, dance in July.
Co-ed Tells
The traditional box of candy
was passed: at the Alpha Chi
Omega house on the Willamette
; university campus Monday night
revealing the engagement of Miss
1 Maxine Wagner and Phillip Or
j ange. The bride-elect is the
; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. R.
j Wagner of Kullerton, Calif , who
UnovH from Salem a year ago,
land h-r fiance' is the son of Mrs.
j Adelaide Orange of Pilot Rock,
i Oregon No date has been set for
the wedding.
Miss Wagner is a graduate of
Salem schools and is a senior at
Willamette university. Her fi
ance is a sophomore at Willam
ette and a member of Alpha Psi
Delta fraternity. He served in the
navy for three years. In the fall
Miss Wagner plans to take her
laboratory technician training in
The betrothal news was made
known at the formal Alpha Chi
Omega banquet 'in honor of the
graduating seniors Monday night
at the chapter house. Miss Elaine
Cloudy, toastmistress, received
the candy telling the news.
Seniors honored were the
Misses Wagner, Dorothy, Hoar,
Dorothy Kenney, Delvon Long,
Pat Carter, Ttiyra Jean Currey,
Ia Verne Harnhberger, June Eg
german and Mrs. Don Fox. Each
senior was presented with a
charm bracelet bearing the Alpha
Chi Omega crest. '
MIm Mary Elisabeth Sisaen left
last weekend for Seattle to take
part in the commencement week
activities at the University of
Washington. Miss Si son will
graduate on Saturday and her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Brown E.
Sissson, Are leaving Friday for
Seattle to attend their daughter's
graduation. They will all return
on Sunday.
MIm Mabel Gausea Urtaibed
the officers of chapter G, PEO at
a luncheon at her beach house at
Roads End.
Tkret Exptricnced T7alclm&ktrs
We FpaclaNie la
Repairing Fine Watckea
Material ia stock for snost all asakee
We kare a few rood, aew watekea for aale
n g. uahheii
141 1. Liberty j First Deer Sooth First Natl.
- '- I 'AT
3:45 1
i J
Coma Along 340 Court St
wwl JI Hill
- f l- v
Dramatize vour windows
for Kummer. with these
lovely panels! Ivory or
cream color with cushion
dots. 38x78-inch size.
A, sheer, tailored rov- fl Tj
eminent net in soft o) BvCl
ecru color. 46 x 78- aa
inch size
484 Stale St.
Salem, t)ri'cnn
Miss Janet
Rogers Is
Adding her name to the ever
growing list of brides-elect is Miss
Janet Rogers, popular daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson S. Hogers.
Her engagement to Hat rlson" Wil
der, son of Mrs. Mmc Wilder, was
revealed Tuesday night : at a
martly arranged party at the
Rogers home on Oxford street for
which the bride-elect whs hostess.
No plans have been made for the
Small nosegays of tea roses.
with cards bearing the names of I
the couple, were passed to the
guests before the dessert supper.
Bouquets of roses were arranged I
about the rooms. Contract bridge j
was in play during the evening.
Bidden to the announcement '
party were the mothers of the en
gaged coupI, Mrs. Nelson S.
Rogers and Mrs. Mae Wilder, Mrs.
John Copenhaver, Mrs. Ralph
Smither. Mrs. Richard French,
Misses Lois Barrick, Shirley Par
ker, Mary East, Jean Rowland,
Jean Driggs, Alice Dahlen, Alice
Wilder and Roberta Rogers.
Miss Rogers is a graduate of
Salem high school and attended
Oregon State college where she
was a member of Sigma Kappa.
She is now taking her senior year
at Willamette university.
Mr. Wilder, also a Salem high
school graduate, attended Univer
sity of Illinois and Syracuse uni
versity. He recently was dis
charged from the army after serv
ing as a first lieutenant with the
third frmy in Europe. Miss Rog
ers and her fiance plan to attend
Oregon State college in the fall.
The Rev. and Mrs. C. M. Strang
of Chehalis. Wash, are arriving
today for the wedding of their
son, Charles, to Betty Randall,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Randall, which will be an event
of Thursday night. Monday noon
Miss Randall entertained her
bridesmaids at a luncheon at the
Golden Pheasant.
Tho Oregon Statesman. Salem, Ore- Wodnoaday. Juno I8.114H
The Lions auslllary will hold
its last meeting of the season
Thursday afternoon at a picnic
luaiheon at the country home of
Mts. A. C. Haag on Croisan Creek
Road. Assisting hostesses are Mes
dames Floyd Scamster, Loren
Wise, Carroll Ford and Denver
f Os sal Mian Cssaalaa ' i I
HatIs latanr ,J ,-, 7
( ALL uofsas fj
ASS ALL uorni
Comas in poefcoga I 1 1 '
iiBdDrwETr nno)iiD
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Oiiltlreii never mi I grow the need
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Mayflower milk not only satis
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Inexpensively r-hnt more than
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Serve your youngster a tall glass
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Phone 9233