The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 14, 1946, Page 8, Image 8

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! I
: h
t -Tha Oreqoai E
Concert Is
Tonight at
Waller Hall
Da rid Smith, concert pianist
will appear in recital tonight at
IS at Waller halL A farmer Sa
lem boy. Uv 22 year old ptanist
has been concerning; in eastern
, music centers fur the past two
years. He has received the plau
dits of revieweis and musicians
in all dUea where he has made
tv appearance.
The prccratn here ia being epon-
. sored by the Salens Federated
Vioste club. Tic fcets will be on
sale at the door. Children 12
year and under are admit ted free
If accompanied by adult.
The following program wilt be
'given: .
'1! areata. Aria and
i fiKM s C Berfc-BuMni
AmmwmU in r Mam tlMni
I Alir Alul
Alar. Ma Smn Trsate
Pratt km K Flat . .. Rjchmimnoff
ST. m D TUt Rachmaninoff
T'ww .. - Coc4w&Ji y
aT-ucsa la K Flat .. - t'hopin
iiarrarolla Chopn
mumm Jk A Flat Chopin
New Officer
From Salem
XI nr. K. W. Petersen of Salem
baa been elected the new grand
warder of the grand chapter of
the Order of Eastern Star of Ore
tKi. Mr, petetauw was installed
Thursday ftifM at formal cere
monies at the Masonic -Temple
in Portland where the grand chap
tw has been held this week.
TtUs It the first grand officer
from Chad wick ehapjer in many
year. Mrs. Peterson Is peat wor
thy matron of Chedrefc chapter:
She was appointed by the new
worthy grand matron. Mis. Lot
. ena McNair of Ashland. .
Chairmen Are
The lHt-4.7 rnmsnillee chair
men In the Salens' TUmta rUsta,
wwanoaa ctaasiOed' a a r e I c e or
. gaatzatien. hare been appointed
by Mrs. Theodore Madaen, jr,
club president. The list includes
tie foUowinx;
Attendance and augg est ions.
Mrs. ft. W. Land; felhwntp and
fater-cUy. Kas Helen Yorkey;
finance, Mrs. Herbert Winkler;
nembership. Miss Nettie Schwab;
program, Mrs. Harry W. Scott;
pubitdty. Mrs. Robert M. rischer,
Jr.; service, Miae Genevieve Mor
gan; status of women. Mrs. Rob
ert JIutrneon; scholarship, MUs
Bertha Kohihagen; bulletin. Mrs.
C. W. Stacey and public affairs.
IliM Dorothy Pearce.
Freshmen WomeniAc,ivi,ies
1 fcJlfcfVj CJl I t-fCl
More than a Hundred Willam
ette university ffwshsnan women
were honored at a tea given by
beta Alpha Gamma, aophomore
women honorary. Tuesday at
Lausanne hail rumpus mom. Re-
reiving were Miss Olrve M. Da hi. j
sn of women, and Mum Esther
2! liter, voice instructor.
Chairman of the tea was Lois
Messing Todd, president. Greeting
g-jest were Eileen 1 Lytle. Betty
Dutton. Barbara Cutler, Kay Kar
nopo, Evelyn Jory. Shirley Crib
acvw and Doris BartholiMTty.
Mr. aa4 Mrs. Ralph Matthews
cf Kansas City. Mo . are: visiting
here at the home of his Irrother-io-law
and sister. Dr. and Mrs.
if. I L OUager. They will be here
duriag J one and will spent part
of the Uane at Neskowua with the '.
Qtirtgers at their beach huuae.
.,. i
They say
I look as I did
15 years
ago . . .
of m'sUU egad women over the last
9 jesus hasw reported to ue
the abova how wwderf ully
! the ti of Xaoa and throat to become firmer,
; ' fisat as. sofler. mar ndisntly youthful looking.
The) ACTTTOC- ia kwpocem effective
replacement for woman's own natural, ekin
bsmutii'yinf aubatance . . . ia absorbed by U
mkln to help isnprove the akin itaelf not junt its
ssiperflcial apvearance. It thus aids in bringing
improvement to fading skin to a degree hitherto
thought imrwaaaiTiU with cosmetics. Ask for and
Luisi upon mttuocMMMK. Many report maxkad
beaeta m only 30 days. 30 days
AU. tryti- KSPOCRE.Ur lUnd 350
at assssssMssesswef?! rfu14
Sal in, Qfyw. Friday. 1uallL 1U3
Society .... Clubs
Music .... The Home
Womta'i Editor
Mrs. Holboke
Heads CDA
New officers of Catholic Daugh
ters of America were installed,
committee for the new year an
nou ry rd and plans for the sum
mer made at the meeting Wed
nesday night.
Mrs. Ileiman L. Holboke was
installed a grand regent by Mrs.
J. D. .While, district deputy, as
sisted by Mrs. N. Rocque. state
treasurer. Other officers are Mrs.
M. F. Yates. Miss Caroline Jacku
bec. Miss Irraine Meusey, Mrs.
E. A. Gunther. Mrs. J Harry Fee,
Mi as Pearl Rairer, Mrs. A. L.
Uvtik. Mrs. K. E. LaBranch. Mrs.
James I Mullen and Mrs. B. M.
Members of St. Agnes troop.
Junior Daughters. Joanne Wiiidi
shar, harpist, fcileen Suabauer and
Shirley Fee. panits, played.
Members of Salem court plan
ta attend institution of the new
court at Lebanon June 23 in char
tered bus. The Salem degree team
will officiate.
'"The July meeting will be a no
hostess affair at the home of Mrs.
C. P. McCormick. and the August
meeting a Sunday family picnic
in Dallas patk.
Committee members arer Pro
gram. Mrs. T. t Kenyon. Mrs.
Yates and Mrs. Frederick Bren
nan; refreshments. Mrs. John A.
Richie. Mrs. George L. Grur holla,
MUs Bernice Doerfler; year book.
Mrs. John Cetger, Mrs. Jack A.
Hayes. Mrs. A. L Lovcik; publi
city. Miss Marguerite Gleeson.
Miss Ma sine Bach; Red Cron,
Mrs. Ray D. Whelan. Mrs. James
L. Mahula;
Catholic charities. Mm. D. J.
McLellan. Mrs. 'Adam Engle, Mrs.
T. II. Winduihar; civic activities,
Mrs. Harry E. Corey. Mrs. J. Har
ry Fee. Mrs. B. C Zielimki; sick.
Mrs. Wills M Ramsey; T. B.
hospital. Mrs. John M. Gallagher.
Mrs.' B. F. Dimeler and Mrs. J.
Albert Barry; study clubs. Miss
Pearl Bairey.
Parish activities, Mrs. F redo in
A. Rupp. St. Joseph's; Mrs. C. P.
McCormirk, SL Vincent de Paul;
Juniors. Mrs. J. D. White. Mrs.
Harry E. Corey. Mrs. Ray D.
Whetan. Miss Pearl - Bairey and
Mjss Dora Grimes.
Auxiliary Plans
!1 on It meet the aerand Wed.
nesday of fhe month during the
summer months It was voted on
at tha regular meeting Wednes
day. The nest meeting will be
July 10.
Comrade Don Goode of the
Meadow lark post announced the
VFW pimir fur June g at Para-
dise Island Plans for the en
rampment at Corvsllts June 21
July 3 were diacuased. Elise Caton
is heading the membership drive,
which is divided in two teams.
Guests at the meeting were Mrs.
Gladys Applegate. Mrs. Amelia
Bolt mi and Mrs. Msy Sabrowski
of Marion, auxiliary, SSI.
A e-betNfret supper will be
held st Nohlgren's for David
Smith, pianist, wlio will play to
night at Waller hall. Mrs. Frank
Buriingham and Mrs. Kenneth
Rich are in chaise. Anyone in-
teres ted U invited.
in language like
xirDOCSxats help
- :,!'l,Na)SM-
Society Editor
Uatled Seaniah War : Veterans ana
auxiliary. VrW hall. I pm.
Chaearlrk chapter. Na 17. Order aa
Easier o Star. Masonic Temple, S p'm.
Mrs. Geist
Is Honor
Mrs. Melvin Geist, who is leav
ing the end of the month with
Dean Geist fvf New York City to
spend the vimmer, is the incen
tive for sy-al informal au revoir
parties. Dean Geist will study
while In the eastern city.
Mrs.- Howard Maple will pre
side at a luncheon this afternoon
at her Fairmount hill home in
honor of Mrs. Geist. Bouquets of
pastel garden flowers will pro
vide the decorative note. The aft
ernoon hours will be spent in
formally. Covers will be placed for Mrs.
Melvin Geist. Mrs. Roy S. Krene,
Mrs. Maurice Hrennen. Mrs. P.
D. Quisen berry, Mrs. Bruce Spaul
ding, Mrs. William L. Phillips, sr,
Mrs. Urlm S. Page. Mrs. Robert
L. Elf strom. Mrs. R, Ivsn Lovell
and Mrs. Msple.
Wednesday night Mrs. Geist
was honored at a surprise hand
kerchief showef by members of
her club when they were enter
tained at the home of Mrs Maple.
Rainbow Girls
In Session
JoAnn Tweedle, worthy ad ior
and Mrs. Wayne Henry, mother
advisor, presided at a meeting on
Tuesday night ot the Chad wick
chapter. Order of the Rainbow
for Girls. It was the regular meet
ing and reports of the grand
assembly held In Portland were
made by Lois Btirris. Joan Duo
little and Mii Tweedie.
The girls will go to Stsyton on
June 19 to present a Bible to
Acacia chapter. Sixteen girl
were Initiated. on Tuesday night.
Plans were made fur the year's
final meeting cm June 25, when
a :30 o'clock picnic lunch will
be served and a regular meeting
Mrs. A. L ' Hsrsder returned
to Salem this week from" Chicago
where she visited her son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. T. D.
FitzJohn and their infant daugh
ter. Diane.
Remember whit a Help J used to be
on bsJcing days? Well, I'm now under
government orders to help feed people
in foreign lands. As soon as their needs
are taken care of as soon as this old
world gets back to normal I'll be on
the job to help you again. The more
that we of the Gown family can do
to bring our neighbors back to health,
the sooner we can be bacjc serving you.
While I'm overseas, ask your grocer
fof Down Family Flour.
Rites to Be
In Carrier
-The Carrier room of the First
Methodist church will be the set
ting today for the 3 o'clock wed
ding of Miss Regania Andrews.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arivn
Andrews of Geneva, III., and Rob
ert Larson, son of Mr. and Mrs.
D A. Larson of Salem. The Rev
John II Knight will officiate.
Miss Andrews, in traditional
white satin, made with long bodice
and bouffant skirt with train,
will carry pink roses and white
eweetpeas. Her veil will cascade
fjfom a coronet of stephanotis.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Swan
of Vallejo. Calif., will be the
couple's attendants. Mrs. Swan,
wearing a pink frock, will carry
a. pastel nosegay. Carl Larson,
uncle of the bridegroom, will give
the bride in marriage.
The bridegroom's mother will
wear a brown sheer afternoon
dress and a. corsage of white gar
denias. Mr. John Reafsnider, his
grandmother, in blue and white
sheer, wilj have a corage of
pink carnation.
f Miss Esther Miller will sing 1
'Love you."
5 A reception at the Larson home
will follow the ceremony. The
young couple will reside thsre
following a brief wedding trip.
Mr. Iarson, who returned to Sa
lem wi March following his dis
charge from the navy air corps,
is employed in the Southern Pa
cific freight office.
Will Attend
Miss Marian Erikson. senior at
Willamette university, has been
elected the delegate of Phi Lamb
da chapter of Mu Phi Epsilon,
national music honorary, to at
tend the national convention in
New Yoik City July 1-4. Con
vention headquarters will be at
the Pennsylvania hotel.
Mm Erikson, president of the
Willamette chapter of Mu Phi Ep
stlon, will go east by plans on
June 28. She plans to spend the
sutnmer. in New York City and
come home in the fall in time
fot tiie opening of school.
Bowens Feted on
Golden Wedding
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil L. Bo wen
entertained at their home June 9
for Mr. Bowen's parents. Mr. and
Ms. F. J. Bo wen of Portland on
their golden wedding anniversary.
Jnvited to the reception were
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence St h rack,
Judith and Harland. Mr. and Mrs.
Walter McCune. Mr. and Mrs.
Ri J. O'Brien, Mr. and Mrs. W.
W. Mooney. all of Portland, Mr.
and Mis. Howard Walker, Mr.
aifd Mrs. Harry Fowler. Mr. and
Mrs. F. Bowen -and the hosts.
Mi . and Mrs. F. J. Bowen have
moved to Salem and will live
at 1470 North 17th street.
seer you
jod'g dons
; oiihO-
i k ;J
,i' it
Six-year-old Joan Frichll.
who will appear on 'the
program qiven by th Hol
lywood Danes studio to
night at 8 o'clock at Les
lie auditorium. Over SO
young pw former are to
be on the program. (lea
ten Millet).
- -
fV5V '
e a,
T -,e
. rf
9& 0eodt
if ever a product spoke for itself, it is Darigold
Evaporated Milk. The minute you puncture the
can and pour the milk you recognize its quality.
Darigold is rich and smooth and it has such a fresh,
pleasing fragrance that you know at once that here
is a truly superior evaporated milk. As you use it
in dozens of ways to whip, in coffee, and in cook
ery, your regard for Darigold grows until no other
milk can take its place. As for baby's formula,
Darigold is a long established' success and for
sound scientific reasons as your doctor can tell
you." When you buy Evaporated Milk, say Dari
gold. Discover for yourself how unfailingly and
delightfully good it is!
U DarigoU Evaoaratad Mile tka VicaaaaB D
cam t kaa bam mcrtaaad' by tha addition ef 2)
I JSP units mt Uiuitu nuoua D, par fluid aunc.
Thi rvndat aoc Uas cKaa 400 USP sutits par
quart whan aqual volumas af Darigold Milk and
water ara atixad. Vitoan D.
vaiua far infants, childrea and adults. Darigold
Milk is (Masagtnisad far ssaitr dissadbtlity ami
safesuardad by atarilisatiam aad air-aislu saalins
ist tba ran. Ask eoor physician far bis farmula far
preparing Vttaaaaa D Increased Darigold Milk far
four I
avftafOksv Tha aatriliaaal
I I . liMiniil aaua ara
' 1 1 f atcaprsats ta tta
f( KJ C-a-rJ a. Faaa. a.4
1,1 SjTp Matritiaa a tka
PV " Aomkm 4ii.r.l
I 400 U N ITS fciyj Li THEV
Dance Review
Tonight at Leslie
First dance review to be given
by young performers in Salem
this season is "Invitation to the
Dance" being presented tonight
at Leslie auditorium at 8 o'clock
by pupils of Betty Pierce Kuen
stler of the Hollywood dance
studio. Mrs. Kuenstler will be
assisted by Mrs. Floyd M. Sea ro
ster. Mrs. Zelpha W". Guittard
and Mrs. Henry Dick.
The program consists of en
sembles, solo work, and musical
Participating in the program
will be Judy Searruter, Mary Jane
Wait, Gary and Jerry Neal, Bob
Estes, Joan and Bruce Frichtl,
Diana Pearry, Molly Allen, Judy
Graen, Rose Marie Freres. Sara
Allen, Dale Rock, Jean Rawlins,
Ronnie Kenner,' Fred Rossner,
Dawn Fairley, Janiee Roberts,
Marilyn Reaney. Duicia Bankston,
Jsnie Baker, Buster McConnell,
Nancy Miller, Mary Thomas.
Elaine Town send. Sally Grieg.
Trudy Bramlett, Betty Andresen,
Sharon Heider, Shirley Booster,
Judith Shrock, Lorita Garrett,
Marilyn Hart, Nadine Woodroffe,
Janet McDonald, Connie Hawke,
Marion and Janice Coffel, Bon
nie Bailey. Janice Rowells, Ksy
Sherier, Sandra Allison. Diane
Kenner, Ronny Thiesen, Pat and
Ronrue Hall. Sandra Allison,
Diane Kelly. Patricia Whelan,
Sandra, Mark and Adrian Bliven.
Betty Pierce Kuenstler and Bob
Shwarz will give exhibition nf
i hum ba and ballroom dancing as
a conclusion to the program.
4 W
l -try iA'YMs
Tbs Vkaana D saa.
taat s Oarifal4
Eraaariw Milk is
m U
ndicauy taM4 T
tmmm Alm.
d Faaasa-
i, ,
4 AW
lip. il tm I
Au Revoir
Party for
Mrs. Arn
Mrs. Robert Edward Arn will
be the honor guest ai an informal
at home Sunday night when Mr.
and Mrs. Elbert W. Roberts enter
tain at their South Commercial
street home, Mrs. Arn and her
daughter, Martha Ann, are leaving
Salem the end of June for New
Vork City, from where they will
sail for Germany to : join Major
Twenty-five guests have been
invited to call between 6 and 8
o'clock. Assisting the hosts infor
mally will be Mr. and Mrs. Clar
ence Hamilton and Mrs. George
Dorothy Ceoaey. a student at
Reed college is at the home of
her parents, Mr. arid Mrs. Leon
C. Cooney. 390 South 14th street.
She will remain here this week,
spend next at the beach and will
later visit in Seattle.
Dr. and Mrs. Charles O. Nel
son of Centralis. Wash., are the
houseguests of Mrs. H. K. Stock
well for the weekend. They have
visited In Salem before, and have
many frienda here.
GeaO onuatoirft I-
Romeo Stylo Slippers j
For Dad This Year
t. i
The Perfect Gift
- i
"Where're my Romeo Slippers? Dad'lf say as he heads
for his easy chair with his pipe and newspaper. Of .
soft kidskin; elastic side-gore and built-up back for a
comfortable snug fit. Fully lined with smooth leather.
Just what your Dad wants. Sizes 6 to 1 1 .
Hen's Feli
Win color, sod sole, padded insole for
comfort. Sizes 6 io 1 1
Leather Opera Slipper
Hard sole. Sizes 6 to 11.
Abo Vi sizes
Hen's Wool Slipper
Soft leather sole in grey or
Sizes 6 to 1 1
Hen's Leather Wedgies
Hard leather sole.
Sizes 6o 11
Hen's Wine
Haid leather sole.
Sizes 6 to 11
Hease gwests ef Mr. and Mrs.
Oscar I Paulson, sr., are her
brother-in-law and sister, ; Mr.
and Mrs. Oris Dearborn and chil
dren of Ontario. The Dearborns
are in Portland attending - the
grand chapter of Order of .East
ern Star this week.
The Salem Grange Heme Eco
nomics club will meet Tuesday,
June 18, for a no-host luncheon'
at the home of Mrs. Blanche Mc
Cleery. 1499 State sU
Friday and Salarday
One Group Of j
All Season Suils
Smarl Shop
115 N. Liberty
Home Slippers
wine, or plaid.
S 1.791
Felt Slipper . j
. $2.39
ak AssfW CsVasVasV