Wanted to Rent Fer Sal Real EsUte For Sal Real Estate For Sale Real Etate f For Sale Real Efttale For Sale r Farm Thm Qnqon 8lqi4)mrtii. Sxlm. Or- Thursday. Junm IX Hg It ":-' VETERAN an wtl need (urn. apt. nrtmancrvt. quiet pawpls. children. S51 Caxast. f .. APAKTMrarr wawtko by ChnMm eouole. Watting to young leas urn. e Mfvre. Na pets or children , yft ay ct-- ana t t 4 COCUECl WOMEN Md 1 rm. apt. wMh a mag; taeUiUaa. Call 7858. Mary tilni Wilcox. ; ly bJBwi S4 Statesman. KJXeH!1QV' ar safisra, f" bedroom hs. Wi pay year's raot ta advance. Fn 3812. -CHRBTiAK " C6tPLt desiring Tn unfurnished hows ac apctnrrit. No rr-"kna; c drinking, Pfrone 713-.. . 5MA1X ACRXA6K er t or bed ria. lnyuse an Salem. Ptt. 8327 1 MAN AHlTWitK a chUdren. want fumijthed apt. Phono tTM "EX-SERVICEMAN now business bere wants S or t Mm. unfurn. bouse an good district. Gaarantee bast of car tor heus AY yard. Former Sa Irrn resideoL Coo fenstsfa. references. TXSEkALL 'fUa an- wifi"r5 mall house or opt. Pteaae call Marlon iioteL Room ?. . ; WANTED: 1 or 1 bod room unfurn bam, fermanowt toaatness man. 8 dutaav Bent of rotor encea. Box $73 co - For Sale Real Estate excluwv: Cloe in Korth. t room plastered feouae with to as meal Lot M x 1X1 in en t. 874)09. Dott in tea Urn one. ED BYRaUT. REALTOR tm N HIGH ' PHONE 5981 TMJHSriOSSrrew, 2 bdrms . LK. DR, Ki, D Large AOs, very n - Coil Mr. GABON Don. Bsnit.. Oil furn. nice borne, $10,500. - ER. Bart Picha, Realtors PH. 324 - - 1 ' 33f N ! High St. EXaLlStve " Cloae tn on Broadway. Excellent o ld oe typo nome. B.Rjs, L R . D R . kit chen At bath.1 plastered. On a large . btnnwai lot MOM - , ED BYRKIT. REALTOR . M N tMCH PHONE MW1 l-JSfiTTJew S'bdrm hoiSiroll Tuf . PacT. Hdwd. fir. Pared St. Call Mr. Walters, - Huff Real Estate Co. REAJLTOHSV " , 178 S COMX. : f5ono na Eve. Ph. 2-5280 FIXE SUB HOME East an l acre of (round, large L.R.. X3.R-. kitchen Ac nook, newly redecor ated. UnOrushed . Upstairs, full baae anent, onto, air conditioned furnace, fruit A jmiU. Tbla ta as excellent bom a a fwr Drt ED BYRKIT, REALTOR SM N. HIGH .PHONE SMI $10,500. 1 ntce houaas oa 1 lot. cloae la. Nice homo with good Income. Call Ray Davia. Huff Real Estate Go. KEALTORS 9f S COMX. r Pv 37S3 j ' M! " 2 EftUt ! hse. aodTuirol "lurniture. Itt lot. water system, located at 4 Camcn. Priced to aett. Powruion in IS day. See MA. LARSEN wtth ' Hawkins & Roberts. Jncl Fhone 4108 REALTORS -S2-:-Korth. New J'4tof - boue. Zaree lot, Ji bdrav Auto, oil heat. V. btaads. Ldry. ram. Call CRAIG. Burt Pi clia Realtors rn. 33i9 tn tt. High st. Houses $1850 up We have aevarat houaaa for sale In tt low price raacev iao new oaea being eompiet. . Ct E. Coville, Real Estate Tamer,' Orefon . --V '"l Phono 23 OLDER - bOMaa as boautlful let. aVmih. outs too at eJfcjr tianrta. Needs awe work 'don oa . t&MO. So Xke Bacon wivk Ed Byrkit, Realtor : to -Nf. Hi S Phone 541 !' AC&Scloao la Fino wlllamett gait loam. 1 A fuoerta. walnuts A 4Jiee tea 4 M." R. hoano newly deoa reteeU. wired far rang. Elec. water water water ays. Double carafe. poultry bouo. good ' barn. See this! ' tl3 7i 17 ACRES oa Roaadals Hlhway 200. wmiauta. baL pranoa. This is food aoti. ssys auca on 1 roods. Extra good tWig; ewe Only ESotL - a ACRE A lata B R home by rhaot. Largo LR. A D R. Venetian auaai, gaa water beatar. Quito attrac tsve ourrrfundirtrs. . Eaey terms tC400. 1H 'ACRES FilbartB. Late Colonial S B. R. Mod. Horn,. Suburban. North. Hai stwaod Coora. fareplac. Venetian kinds, tut. oookinc A water heater, wrape. fine poultry houaea Acreage vsiuable .foe , bMg. aitea. Don't pass ttois opt 113 B00 t ACRE A Dutch Colonial Mod. Boane. A A 1 flraplacoa. ndwd. fls. Ven. bttadav; doubla plumb, auto, oil beat. Large lovely miuic room with tareavtaco A light aaahogany furT ina Home in its ruaf of large fine tree has all the paai af gracious trvteg. Sea it to- C. L KfECTIAL Just completed 4 is. bungaiow 00 largo cor. lot, wabsuta vw. Auto gas fur aa water heater Immed. Poaa. flaw awwsv at9T3, Iirxen Home & Loan Co. fvchadv Listings personal Service 4 A Com L St. Ph. aaaa Eve. 7440 asaaa "-lli riaiT in. I'Mrm. EL aaxat. lata of buot-la A closets. A iras Aaane. Oatt CRAIG Burt Picha, Realtors PH 3214 29T M. High St. lOT fcglewmoo dastnet. paved tree, farms already ta fur concrete, anna asnter, pnortty for tha balance. iXw-prants af houao furnished. All for HTML See Ike Bacon wtln Ed Bvrkit, Realtor tt. High 'St, Phone 5941 3 bd rm Modern Home Chaajta buaiaaaacentor. auto, ail ViewiHome West Salem . 4 adrana lg- Ire. A dmlog rm . party rn, J fires la coa. auto, ou beat, nxt had trees A shrub, gpod garden, 1 1 a. ayawd flf.atw. Call E. E. Orimm Reimann Real Estate ! R HSrh Ph. 9TX. Eve. '7809 " HOMJfc beekersl"lloms buyers if" you t caaav tar heme bylag expenses for aay bean listed ia this paper phono 2 11 sad aak far Mr. Gelllner. Ixans ap t sVao an fumUure, up to $500 on au. PEKRONAL FINANCE CO- Lie BVIZ3 M-i45 Asia's 1 bedroom pljayiored house 1:0 run 8425a I bedroom bouse on n.a lot 9 m 12S gifigaa runutlwd 8 bedroom house. 4 pears sat. 4 blocks from Highland prrtonl r- $75C S fciedrooaa nous. S years old. JUstered. Lardwood flours, wired for sr-ge, electric water heater, floor fur asre. ea Ken Doerfler with ED BYBKiT. REALTOR r N HIGH PHONE Sv$t i"TJTS - ToUl sis laaltTTPaTaa SC Oa bud lino. $2008. Call CRAIG. Burt Picha, Realtors PH 2210 23T f . High St. LOOK" AT TltESr A THREE bedroom bungalow in good ondrtjon. 2 lots. 847SO A TWO bedroom aa a large lot with tin tree Close nv $5500 ANOTHER mall oa bedroom hem wtos batb far $275. SEE Leo N. Chi Id s, Inc. REALTORS 4 ate ft. Ph. 8241 ST'BURBAS iota EaaT Restricted duet. Lots are ICOxiao. priced $375 $a AM. ' All new homes. Call O. V. Ham with , State Finance CoJ, Realtors U3 & High Ph. 4121 Essiaess Dircdory -rV-- Well Prttlinr Trrtratloft Ac dome well Write Bover Vaav DrUats. iiaft Krtgewalrc. W Salem. RAMBLING TYPE HOME t7Sa Uv rm.. din. rm.. kit., t B R., hwd. fin.. Oil pipe furnace. lOOxlU lut. Call Omer Huff. 1717 Center St. HUrr REAL ESTATE CO . REALTORS Phone IS4 Eve, -1731 New 4 Bdrm. Home $3500 Cash Will Handle E. Heat Insulated c weather t ripped, roll Pne only tS.SOu. Calif E. E. Grimm , Reimann Beal Estate 1 S. High Phi rm Eve. 78031 2900 New 1 bdrm. home, partly fur nished. X Wu. ready to move! into and finish in your spare tSSOO Z bdrm. plastered home, sleep ing porch, nice shade tree, ahrubbery and lawn, conven iently located: 17500 S bdrm. home, fruit rm, utility rm.. lite, kitchen, grdn apace, lawn, fruit treea. good residen tial district. ttOOO New lee. 2 bdrm. house, un finished upstairs, to be com pleted apon. Ige. fr. rm.. dining rm.. kitchen. enclosed front porch, utility rm, Wry. trays, grge.. Ige. corner lot. 1 11.000 Spacious modernistic 2 bdrm. home. 6 years old. hardwood floors throughout, full base ment, autoair conditioned fur nace, fireplace, a wonderful borne p sn excellent location. Abrams and Ellis, Inc. 411 Masonic Bldg. Phono (US lnaurance Mortgages IS ACRES of good land in Keteer section Cat! "Elmer" AMtNDSON. Burt Picha, Realtors PH. 3210 137 N. High St. SSTM. Large plastered house. X BR LR. DR Kitchen Bath. Nook. Apt. upstairs rents for 932 AO per mo. Large lot. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., Realtors 153 S. High Ph.4111 FINE INCOME property. Cloae In. newly remodeled throughout. Immed iate poaaession. Terms in reason. An exceptional bargain. Just remod eled . J-bodroom home near Parachlal and Grade School. On bus line. A good buy. $50o. i To our many friends we wish to in form you that both business and, resi dential property are at a sales peak. We are faced with more cash buyers that really mean business than over in the past. If you want to sell gve us your listings now. Call tn or phone. McFarlane & Rawlings REALTORS Loans A Insurance Phono a7 2119 Stab? St S5O0 2 bed rm. home In Englewood Dis trict, Flrepl. hardwood fls. Venetian blinds, bsmt. beautiful back yard. Im mediate possession. Olson & Reeve, Realtors ptt S Coml. St. Pb. 4590 Eve'. 9SM " WEST lALEM We have two 2 bdrm. home. Nr Sch. a Bus. S4U0 and 2M. Call CRAIG Burt Picha, Realtors PH. 3210 ,337 N. High St. "TURNtSHftD I rooni home north edife of town. Elec. range and refng . beds, etc. A real buy at $4,000. Sullivan Rcaltv Co. 3345 Portland Road Ph. S25S Evea.lim a5.00CT7or this neat t bedroom house. Venetian bund, living room and kit chen, utility porch, garage, deep lot. Thy place wim go fast. Sullivan Realty Co. S3S3 Portland Road Ph. 2255 Eves. 21171 BtAUTIFCrVlEr"frofrI thia"'i acre .with very neat little S room house South of town, furnished. Elec. range, oteOv boat. $7,000. - Sullivan -Realty Co. 1345 Portland Road Ph. 2255 Eves. 21173 w;"LOVEL YARD, "OUTsTBE FIREPLACE. Two large bedrooma, ex tra largo lot, iota or rruit. Dernes ana nuts Located on edge of city. Mortti, and a real buy Sullivan Realtv Co. 1343 Portland Road Ph. 3235 Eves. 31411 CHICKEN FRY A RESTAURANT A goad location on hiway. Has had a good business for years. Includes all equiprneut and lease. A busy season cominjg up. $5,750 Sullivan Realtv Co. 33f Portland Road Ph. 1253 Eves. 21 173 4 "iTNlT "eOURf . partly furnished with elect, ranges and oil or grossing $180 per month. A nice investment for $14,000.00. $4,000 down will handle It. Sullivan Realtv Co. 3348 Portland Road Ph. 3255 Eves. 21173 , gp E(fAL a ACRE NORTH. 2 bedroom plas tered home. Lovely yard with outdoor fireplace. Lots of fruit and berries. See it today. $8,400. Sullivan Realtv Co. 3344 Portland Road Ph. 3255 Eves. 21413 "AiesjEstt5et r mtXAiri acre of walnuts Nice $ room bouse, bam. machine shed, brooder house. chicken house, double garage, seoae equipment with piaoe. Price is reaiiy right. $8Jotl. Sullivan Realtv Co. 2343 Portland Road Ph. 3255 Eves.. 21413 li'.k acres o? hops" at Cmtral How U. Small hooa. garag and barn. 32 acre m alt. Tractor and equipment g. Price ta really right. $13,500. -Sullivan' Realtv Co. 3348 Portland Road Ph. 2258 Eves. 24478 fs)Q Brand new 2 bed room plastered boose, olo ta town, north, garage, utility room, small lot. See Mrs. Patter Burt Picha, Realtors 2543 ortland Road Ph. 8472 iilObO. toimrml room' homo close to Hollywood. Has oil furnace. 2 ear garage. Nice lot with shrub. Call O. V. Hum wtth State Finance Co., Realtors 153 S Hath Ph 4131 l ROOM modern, bouse. Salem Heights d tat net. large lot Will take in good car Full mice $4758. See Ike With Ed Byrkit, Realtor 208 N. High St. Phone 8981 Today's House Bargains 1 bed room house with extra lot $4800 3 bod room bouse with new roof 88308. M. O. Humphreys Realtor 2288 Fairgrounds Road 3033 Portland Road Ph. 24598 J Pli 7830 $7.00000.$ mo old platered house" I. R-DR-K -BdRm Down Stairs L Bd Rm upstairs - HtJ wood Firs Aut. Hi. Wtr. HIr.Flr. Furn -Cove Ceilings Wued for Elect or Gas Rang. Ph. 3950 or See at 1433 So. 13th St G60?dRNER lot Choice focatif m Rosedal annex. Call up to 1 P.M. Ph 2442. FOR SALE by owner 4 rm. house Full basement. For $12 000. See at 2OS0 MyrUo va,4w eal! .7081 . Price reduced mod. 8 rm. house to $fi0S8.OO for quick sale. 813 Jefferson St. Dallas 1 PARK AVENUE $9008. t bdrms. Liv. rm . kit., nook bath, util rm., ldry. trays, hdwd. firs., fireplace, oil furnace, elec. water heater. Venetian blinds. Lot 80x180. Call Ray Davis. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 970 S COMX. Ph. 3793 Ph. 9441 ev $11,500 rm. home on one floor, plus base ment apt. Weil located South. Large lot. Call torn 1 style stucco. Fireplace. Very clean. Pleasant yard with grape arbor. No. lit. M. O. Humphreys Sl Co. REALTORS 3035 Portland Ko. Pb. 7820 NELSON NEWS CITY HOMES REDUCED FROM $10 3O0 TO 3S0 LR, DR. Kit., bdrm At bald on 1st fir.. 2 bdrnu. upstairs, fplace. full bsmt. with laundry, autm sawdust furn . eic. watef heater, single garage. Englewood disl.j REDUCED FROM 114,000 TO 12.600 L.R.. D R . Kit., nook. 3 bdrms A bath, .fplace. with hdw. mantel, full bsmt., autm air conditioning sawdust heat. L. trays, elc. water heater, dbl. garage. Englewood dist. SUBURBAN CROISAN CREEK ROAD S ac. t in native timber wtth ex cellent .spring, pal open land A fam ily orchard, modern i bdrm. plastered home. $8900.' , ACRE OR ACRE ON GARDEN RD. yr. old home With extra large LR, D R.. Kit., nook, 2 bdrms. Ac bath on 1st fir . hdw. firs, throughout, par tially finished attic for 2 large bdrms.. wrd. for elc. range, has elc. water heater, garage, chicken house, autm. elc. water system, 'j ac. $7800. Addi tional ' ac. with variety of young fruit tree. $500, FARMS FRUIT FARM RUDUCEO FORM $5000 TO $4750 20 ac, 'i ac. strawberries. 3 ac. Cher ries. Sis ac. walnuts. 13 ac. pasture A hay crop, spring Sc well. 2 rm. cabin witn elc. lights So ton hay barn. S' ml. so. GOOD PART TIME FARM New buildings, on 11 ac, 55 ac walnuts, 25 filberts, apples, pears, peaches, prunes, bane berries A straw berries, II, ac. cleared for new straw berry planting, autm. elc. water sys tem, excellent modern S rm. home, good as new, barn. dbl. garage, utility house, .shop. -water piped to both, just off W. $7850. If these do hot meet your rcouire- monta. tell us what yxu want. We prob ably have It. NELSON & NELSON CHET L NELSON - THEO G. NELSON REALTORS Rm. 300-2 Masonic Bldg. 495 Stats St. Ph. 44 1 or 4422 Eve. 2-1350 or 280 4 Bd Rm Home $6850 3 btks. from ' City center. Income $500 mo. Call E E Grimm. Reimann Real Estate 201 S. High J Ph. 3722; Eves. 7805 2 STORY DUPLEX, large living rm bedrm.. kitchen.- bath, up. Large liv. rm. dining rm , kitchen. 2 bedrma,. hardwd, firs . liv. rm.. fircpl. down. Full bsmt.. elec. water heater, wired for range both units. Well located tn Hollywood dist. ; Immediate possession. Price $ 10.900. . Nearly new t bedrm. home, auto matic gas furnace, flrepl.. large lot, north - $10,000. . Exceptionally nice large suburban lots. Be ready to build when restric tions are eased CAotc locations yet available. Rawlins Realty & Ins. Fred Rawlins. Otis Rawlins, Realtor 2083 N. Capitol. Ph. 7818; eves. 7983 $150O Corner" lot, Englewood Dtst. Excellent home site. Call CRAIG Burt Picha, Realtors PH. 2210 y 337 N. High St. , , BARGAIN! 2-SEDROOM HOME EAST. LARGE LIVING ROOM AND KITCHEN. BATH. FULL BASEMENT. WOOD FURNACE. ON CREEK-$2258 DOWN. FULL PRICB-$$2SO. GOOD LOCATION SOUTH BLOCK FROM SCHOOL A BUS: 2 BEDROOMS. LARGE LIVINO AND DINING ROOM. KITCHEN V BATH. FULL BASEMENT WITH EXTRA RM. FURNACE. 2 LOTS $7850. 10 ACRES CLOSE IN NORTHEAST. ALL IN CULT. NEW 1-YEAR OLD HOME. GOOD DEEP PURE WELL WITH S4 HORSE PRESSURE SYSTEM. ELEC TRICITY. OR WILL TRADE FOR 1 B ED ROOM HOME IN TOWN $8400. 100 ACRES 3$ A. IN CULTIVATION AND IN HAY; LIVE STREAM AND SEVERAL SPRINGS. 4 BED ROOM HOUSE. 2 BARNS. CHICKEN HOUSE. FAMILY ORCHARD, 308 M FT. OF SAW TIM BER. PRICE INCLUDES 7 COWS. 4 HEIFERS. 5 CALVES. 1 HORSE AND SOME FARM EQUIP. A GOOD BUY AT $10,000 SEVER AN REALTY CO 312 N. HIGH PHONE 62t EVES. PHONE 7677 f750tiLCHi -4jnVt djin. rm, kit.. 2 Is. Pipe furnace. Lge. bsmt. can umer Huff HUFF REAL ESTATE CO REALTORS 1717 Center St. Ph 11549 Eve. 21711 $6990. Nice new 2 bdrm. suburban home. On Urge lot City water, gaa A elec. Plenty shade Call Mr. Walters Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 970 S. COM L. Phone 3793 ; Eve. Ph 2-3340 Completely Furnished 3 Bed km. Modern home. cor. lot 10OK1O8 All pro prar furniture. Oil heat nice yard, outside fireplace. Call E. E Grimm Reimanrr Real Estate 301 S High .Ph.. 3722 Eyes 7805 Possession now. Nice living R . D. rm.. beautiful hdwd firs., fireplace, kt wired for range, bit. ina. nook. 2 B. rms- bath. 1 B. rm up. can be 1. Full base., turn., nice corner lot. 8 wal., 1 cherry tree, garage, choice location. You better hurry. $11,000 Oregon Real Estate 837$ Anytime $3500 00Well located small bouae, 1 bedroom; bath. LR, DA. Kit chen. With a little repair this eatsid be made into a very at tractive hame. $4250 00-1 bedroom home with I acre of land, located tn Aumsville. House completely redecorated. 400a 00 2 bedroom home located tn West Salem. Oil heat Gas cook stove goes with place. $97MOO We have two homes at this price One in South Salem with 3 pedrooms-needs clean ing up, : Also anotner one North wtth 2 bedrooma. New gas ra'rfxe and Oil circulator goes w 111! sale. $4000003 bedroom, bath, living room. dining room, kitchen, garage, nice lawn, shrubs and garden $4308 00 Brand new 1 bedroom home located North, plastered, fire place, electric cooking, oil heat. This is a good buy. nwv w r ororvoin tionie locaieo in j west saiem. 011 nea rUTJ?e"Zi.Jr I ed. o.r-Virculator ( Ut 'to j school and bus , $7000 00 3 bedroom home FURNISHED f j This Is a Mew home, electric , l aoe. j. orq. oavrnu, ! chairs, electric hot water heateii goes. I McKillop Real Estate Agencv 188 South High St.! Phone $-1-3-1 Phone evenings 7J43 or 4937 4 BEDROOM HOME- Excellent location north. Ready now Price 812,000 Let me sell your old home. OLAF THONSTAD. REALTOR 841 N. Capitol Si, ! Phone 3228 EXCLtiSIVE 2 Bedrooms. L, R. D R . kitchen, utility, oil cue. heatef. fine wood range, dining room set A davenport Included, ta block to bus on paved st. 4 blocks to school. A good buv at $4300. ED BYRKtT. REALTOR 208 N. HIGH j . , PHONE 5981 BEAX'TTFUC new''' 3 rrn home In Englewood Dist Large lot 80x130. Hdwd. fir. Fireplace. Tiled kitchen. Air conditioned gas furnace. Attached dble, garage. Call Mr. Walters Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS Phone ,1793 970 S COML. Ph. 2-5260 eves LEE OHMART & $5300. FURNISHED Small home, furnished, new kitchen range and new floor coverings, large corner lot 5xlll. partially re-decorated Complete for $5300 VERY NEAT AND CLEAN Here is a 4 room home, older style but in verv good condition inside and out Has living room, dining room, kitchen and bath down. 3 bed rooms iupf wired for range. Priced at $A350 including new elec. water heater and oil circ. for outside drums. MODERN COUNTRY HOME 3 acres of land with a modern 5 room home for only $9500. This home is only years old. has 1 1 vine room. dinette. 2 bed rooms, kitchen and bath, unfinished upstairs, full basement with furnace and elec. water heater, part hardwood floors, fireplace, V. blinds. 3 acres of assorted fruits, located near the Fruitland school, east of town. SMALL BERRY FARM : 5 acres and 5 room home, lights, electric water system, garage. Barn with 2 stanchions, poultry house. 4 acres of berries. logans, blackberries and boy;enberries. ' acre In orchard, i Tills home is very nice Inside and is Willamette soil, priced at $9SO In- j priced at $10,500. with immediate eluding all equipment and some stock, j poaiteasion. LEE OHMART CO., REALTORS 477 Court SL Phono $480 or 4035 LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US SELLING REAL ESTATE IS OUR BUSINESS. DOCTOR 7OR BUSINESSMAN rms. Has a Ige. den that could be used for office. Oil pipe furnace. Verv modern A nice. N. just off Capitol. $12,000 for quick sale. Call Jess Thompson HUrr REAL ESTATE CO . REALTORS 1717 Center St. Phone -154 Eve. Ph. 2-3501 $6300 Full Price l Small new house Fireplace plaster ed Auto, oil heat Lovely garden Located North on bus line. No. 292. M. O. Humphreys & Co. REALTORS 3033 Portland Ro. Ph. 7820 . 2284 fairground Rd. Ph. 14594 VALUABLE INVESTMENT PROPERTY TWO LARGE llomrs on a large lot Both have full basements, larse rooms Sod located close to State House. Ex cellent rental properties. Price $20,000. SEE Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 9241 Englewood $0x103 $800, two for 1500 HIGHLAND DISTRICT 2 lots 50x120. $1000. each. Pavedj street. All utilities available. f Harold W. Heer loos Portland Road Ph. 2-1874 829 Mill St. Dallas. Oreg. PH. 341 W LATE BUILT. English type 1 home. two blocks from Leslie Junior High. 3 pedrooms and play room, hatdwood floors, fireplace, furnace heat piped to ill rooms. Exceptionally well feuilt, s teal buy at $8950. CaU Mr. Hudson LAWRENCE REALTY Ph. 7508 , Evejt Ph 8087 n TWO NEW HOMES ( READY S0ON for occupancy. Well located In a 'suburban district. About 4i acre of fin productive soil. Each has two bed rooms, plumbing, plenty Of built-lna. closets, garages, drilled well and water system One for $7500. the other $8500. Reasonable term. SEE Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 244 Stale St. Ph. $241 $4500 5 rm. house, modern, garag. garden, fruit, nuts, north part af town on paved Stieet. Harold W. Heers 3UAS Portland Road Ph. 1-1874 82 Mill St Dallas. Oreg Ph. 341 W LARGE KINGWOOD lot. Unobstruct ed view. $1500 Ph.87K $6500 Furnished 4 Bdrm. Fntt. rm.. din. rm , kitchen, electric stove, washing machine. 2 bdrms. up. 2 down, half bsmt.. piped furnace, corner tot. on bus line, double gsrage. Call Johnson . Reimann Real Estate 201 So High Ph. 3722 or 7834 LET YOUR HOME PAY FOR ITSELF Down payment is all you need. In come from these homes will meet your pay menu. r 8 ROOM HOUSE. North Side. Hardl wood floors, full basement, 4 bedrooms, double plumbing, almost new, bus by door. Upstairs rooms rent $100 00. This M a really fine home. $12. son 00 7 ROOM HOUSE, bath, good eondU tlon Many fine shade trees. 1 lots; Spartment In back, private entrance and bath $7350 00 TERMS Let u at 94 rata wsa Iht i 8 ROOM HOUSE. South Sid, newly,"" swps pes rodecorated. double plumbing, ahada ion. Call 888 Mill for information trees, nice 2 bed room apartment up-.! GROCERY Stock and fixtures, good stairs with private entrance, large lot1 $9360 00. Harder's ' REAL ESTATE f 985 Edgewater. West Salem Ph 9580j liT OWtift desirable business "lotf with ten room house and three baths 1 Corner lot opposite City Library. Price; $30.000. Pb. 3931 during office Hours $7850 Nob Hill home with double lots. 1 roams, full bsmt., furnace, close-: to school Harold W. Heers 30 Portland Road Ph. 1-1874: 82 Mill St Dallas. Oreg Ph. 341 W $2950. New unf Intslked 2 bedroom home In Keller district $000.00 28 acres with 2 bed room home. barn, chicken house, ga rage, II acres berries, mostly roond ; boysenberries yesr stream titrated South. $11500 00 49 Acres, best of soil, good ndl 3 bed room house, year rou creek, nice stand of wheat and corn. I acre cucumbers. II acres pasture and timber, electric wa ter system, barn with 10 atan , chiona and good alio. See us for more details. This m truly a good buy. MrKJHop Real Entate Agencv gg SVmj th High St Phone 5-1-3-1 ui.... .4 vis, an -i43i-. Mi-im Bath l.R. Kit:- Zf'L..ritLl..S2i - Jt .b'- AMUNDsON Burt Picha, Realtors Plf 3210 337 N High SI HOMES IN WEST SALEM $4725 to $14 800 00 No 12 bedroom, hardwood floors, gas range and water heater No. 2 2 bedroom, unfinished attic, oil circulator, electric hot water heater. No 34 bedroom. 2 fire places, hardwood floors, double plumb ing, 1 acre. We also have modern Homes with choice locations In all parts of Salem and Suburban property. Call or see P. H. Bell, Realtor PHIL BELL H. A LAMMERS 510 -Guardian Bldg Ph 4404 New Ready Now North 2 bedrooms, garage, etc. Price $7150. $3450 cash. bat. mortgage OLAF THONSTAD Real Estate 941 N. Capitol Phone 3220 $4000 West Salem House r IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 3 Rms. 12 Bd. Rms. I Large lot. $1000 to $1300 down. Willamette Real Estate 173 S. Liberty Phone 7113 1 CO., REALTORS KEIZER DISTRICT Modern home, located right on the Norm Kiver Road with nearly acre of eood soil This g year old home ha living room, dining room. 2 bnd rooms, verv modern kitchen with nook and full bath, basement with sawdust fur nace, hardwood floors, fireplace. V. blinds, wired for range A lovely home, bus service at door. $11,230. KINGWOOD HEIGHTS .Beautiful Dutch Colonial home, love ly large living room with fireplace, music room also hai fireplace. 1 bed room, kitchen and part bath down. upstairs has 3 nice bed rooms and i complete bath, good deep basement with oil furnace and auto water heat er. V. blinds Nearly 1 acre of land, grounds are very well landscaped, has setting of giant fir trees. $14,800 MODERN 4 BED ROOM HOME This good modern home is located close in has a nice living room with fireplace, dining room. den. 1 bed room, kitchen with nook and full bath down 1 bed rooms and full bath up. complete basement and furnace, auto water heater, wired for ranV, V. blinds, and part hardwood floors FOR SALE Good 4 bed r. home with nice large lot. shade tree and attractive yard, garage, part basement, wood furnace Englewood school district. Price $790O cash. Grahenhorst Bros. REALTORS 134 S.Uberty St. Ph 4131 ENGLEWOOD SPECIAL Very neat. 9 rooms, hdwd. floors thruout. fireplace, air conditioned fur nace, beautiful grounds. Price $12,000. Call Cob urn L. Grabenhorst with Grahenhorst Bros. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Ph 4131 Eves 7772 NEAR LESLIE SCHOOL Electrically heated home. 7 rooms hdwd floors thruout Vi v neat home K'rare attached Price $9100 Call Coburn L. Grabeniioi st with Grahenhorst Bros. REALTORS 134 S Liberty Sl Ph 4131 Eves 1772 NEW-HOME FOR SALE Several nice new 2 bdrm homeo lo cated Eat on paved road, with .42 of an acre of good land, elec heal. elec. water htrs . hnuxes art- all insulated Good drilled well with elec svstem Will soon be ready to occupy. Price $7200 Call Coburn L Grahenhorst with Grahenhorst Bros. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Ph. 4131 Eves 7772 CANDALARIA HEIGHTS SUNRISE HEIGHTS ADDITION BEN VISTA PARK MOUNTAIN VIEW TRACTS VIEW PROPERTY OF THE HIGH EST OUALITY. EAST A WEST VIEWS LARGE SCENIC LOTS IXK ATED IN THE McKINLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT WEST OF S COMMERCIAL ST YOUR future homesite. an ideal in vestment. Grahenhorst Bro-., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Ph 4131 4 UNIT COURT APARTMENT ciec. not water neaters. elec ranges ofl circulators furnished. Income $140 per mo Price $14.000 00. down balance terms. Grahenhorst Bros., REALTORS 134 S Liberty St Ph 4131 BUSINESS 7 LOT No. 3 business zone. Lot 50x140 Located on S 12th St Price $2000 ft Call Richard E. Grabenhorst with Grahenhorst Bros. REALTORS 134 S Liberty St Ph. 4131 ACREAGE SPECIAL ll'i acres. 4 rm. home. elec. water system, garage, work shop Some prune A nut orchard. Price $7950 Call Richard E Grabenhorst with Grahenhorst Bros., REALTORS 134 S Liberty St Ph 4131 WEST SALEM HOMES $4900 will buy this 2 bdrm home $4300 will buy this 2 bdrm honv recently remodeled For information Call Richard K Grabenhorst with Grahenhorst 4$ros. REALTORS 134 S Liberty St Ph 4131 3 R ALL FURNISHED S R. house N Salem. 2 large lots, garage, elec . out bldgs. Near school A stores Immed iate poss. For quick sale $5250, some terms. 7 A. tract 12 M from Salem near small town 4 R. house, barn, henhouse. elec 4 A. In cult, some timber. Only $2750 s. n i-errine, vauey isna iu. iu-t Stale st. BY OWNER 3 R hse. t lota St Salem James A Seat on, Rt I. Box 7 BY OWNER I rm. bouse, some fur niture, fruit house, lots of hrubteiv nice yard A garden spot l-ot 72x150 Irving quarters $anO0 44 A 3 ml Salem, tirade A dairy barn. 4 rm hse . nice outbuildings. 10 cows, full Irrigation rights, stream entire length of place, paved rd. $2300. R. A. Forkner, Realtor 1883 N. Capitol Ph 3031 For Sale Farm DAIRY FARM 283 acre: 300 A. in cultivation.' bal ance pasture. Haa good 4-bedroom house, barn A other bldg. Not far out Pne 122. SOD See Mr Needham or Fred Champagne, 341 State at , room 4 New Ustings If you are looking for a farm come In and look over our latest lutings. Real Buys. C. E. Coville, Real Estate Tu,nr Oregon Phone Xf rami Kuvers FOR INFORMATION about farms for sale in th Willamette valley, see descriptions in "Nelson News' pub lished In another column or get our special farm list NELSON Sl NELSON CHET 1 NELSON. THEO. G NELSON REALTORS Rm 300-2 Masonic Bldg 495 State St Pb-tm or 4422 Eves 21350 or 820 WRfTl! to RlfHARDSON AND GEARIN. REALTORS, for pictures and descriptions of Willamette Vallry farm bargaina. 704 1st St. Newbeig THE FINEST FARM IN THE WIL t.AMKTTK VAIJ.lt 145 ACHr.S ALL BUILDINGS BUILT SINCE 1937 A f VER V MODERN 8 ROOM HOUSE. LARGE DAIRY BARN 30x72 WITH 28 STANCHIONS. LARGE CHICKEN HOUSE AND BROOOEH HOUSE. LAISO MOD. 22 CAT WITH ALL IM PLEMENTS ONE COW. fOl'H HKlr ERS. 400 CHICKS SOIL I-S MOSTLY W ILL A M ETT E AND CH EH A LIS SILT LOAM. THIS FARM IS LOCATED IN NORTH HOWELL, THE HEART OF THE BEST FARM LAND IN OREGON PRICE $50,000 AND CAN BE HAN DLED ON EASY TERMS. Sullivan Realtv Co. 3385 Portland Road Ph 3255 Eves 24479 ' POULTRY RANCH 13'z acj-rs about 9, acres in cultiva tion. 4- acres in timber, 7 room house. 4 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kilplien. bath, breakfast nook. . full basement, furnace. House is all plater- ed and in very good repair. Built, in 1938 One brooder house 3tixll0. all tile and cement Other building 20x40: 12 gas brooder and 2 elec. battery brood ers Scales, feather picker. 11 germicide lights. This set up will handle 70(10 fryers and has been netting between $200 00 and $250 00 a week. All chickens on hand go with place. Sullivan Realty Co. 3365 Portland Road Pli. 3255 Eves. 24479 1 BY OWNER: Immediate poaseaaion. Good 10', A. berry ranch in full pro duction. Estimate $2500 to $3000 crop this year. A. atrawberries. 3 A. blackcaps, improved red raspberries, youngberries. ttoysenberrles 1 A. In sweet corn and potatoes, very good garden, balance pasture A timber. Live cteek through place, spilng water piped Into $ room house, elect ricttyi small bain. 2 chicken houses, fruit house, excellent soil, money maker Tractor and arm equipment 'go. 4 miles from Salem on Vita Springs RoadO B. Bennett. Rt. 3. Box 724, BV OWNER: 130-acrelarm. 0" acres in crop, balance timber and pasture, valley land. 7 ml. from Salem on paved road. 40x80 dairy bain with drinking fountains. Elec. water system, ware house, hog pen. milk house. Almost enough lumber to build house. Rea sonably priced Phone 7983. HOPS - About 85 A. Mostly 4 yr. old hops. New 7 rm. home, all modern. Good barn. A beautiful place. Paved road. Priced right for quick aalc. Call Jess Thompson. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO.. REALTORS 1717 ('enter St. Phone 2-1548 Eva. Ph. 2-2401 Acreage IMMEDIATE RETURNS on your in vestment from this 30 acre peach or chard, heavy crop. 4 acres boy sen A youngberrles. chick, hse . barn, fruit shed, equipment. 5 rm. hse.. good con dition. FACTORY BII.T trailer hse. sleeps 4, very nice - $1573. NICE ACRE- Cherry Ave. 3 rm. un finished hse, 432SO Lawrence Real Estate, Loans & Ins. Phone 7504 Evenings 8904 520 North High $2650 3 rm. hse. Elec. press, water. A. on stream. Mr. Best. Ph. 3184 H. P. Grant, Realtor 457 Court St Phone 4744 $I5.AX) J'. Acres with clean modern 2 HR home (lone in on Garden Road House weather stripped A insulated Basement Furnace. Wired for range. Garsue 2', acres bearing filberts, graps. fruit. Chicken house. Beautiful grounds. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., Realtors .153 S High Ph 4121 5 ACRES not far out. East of Salem. 2'a acres cultivated. 2', acres pasture. See Ike Bacon' with Ed Bvrkit, Realtor 208JN High St. F-hone 5981 5 AC. ' place with good -buildings. Big 4 rm. hre with hath. elec. water heater, wired for elec range and fine water system. Has dble. garage, small barn and chicken hse. Only IS min utes from Salem. For quick sale. Only $AHO0 00 Some terms. See MR. LAR SEN .with Hawkins & Roberts. Inc. Phone 4108 REALTORS income Property 15 Acres wtth 12 A. strawberries now bearing, balance In pasture. No buildings. Terms. P. II . Bell, Realtor 510 Guardian Bldg Ph 4804 $14,500 It, "acres' with "clesn 3 BR home. Cloae in on Sunnvview Ave. 40 large bearing filberts Berries, wal nuts, fruit trees Bam with concrete floor. Large chicken house. Beautiful grounds. Bus at door. City milk de livery. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. Realtors 153 S High Ph 4121 $2tod RirthT-T" aci es. good- bldi site or can be subdivided. Call CRAIG Burt Picha, Realtors PH3210 337 N. Hlght. i ACRES rich soli N E One of the best locations, bus. phone, gas, elect . paved road. $ room house, chick, house, greenhouse 24x32. C H. SANDERS 231 N High $83$ 7 Acres $ A. culti. Cloae to town on paved road Smkfl house and several out buildings. $2750 00. Liberal terms. C. E. Coville, Real Estate Turner, Oregon Phorte 22 $12,650 New 2 story Colonial house. 3' acres on highway 2 A. filberts, beauti ful home with hardwood floors, fire place, and 4 bedrooms. North. Harold W. Heers 3055 Portland Road Ph 2-1874 429 Mill Rt Dallsa. Oreg Ph 381W GOOD LOT in CaDltola Addition. Price $460. W. G. KRUEGER REALTOR 147 N Commeicial Ph 4728 $20,000 Meant I fill home on Garden road 10 acies land, filberts walnuts, fiull Garage ham. workshop Ti actor A equipment This Is cloae in and can be subdivided Englewood school. Call O. V, Hum with State Finance (Jo., Realtors 153 S High Ph 4121 II ACRES al! under plow, fruit. I loom house 2 yrs old, $7950. , . acres, filberts, walnuts, cherries $ room house. $7250 5 acres South 1 room house. $2004 C. H SANDERS 231 N High 5838 Edge of Citv 2 A. 5 rm. hse . fruit A garden, barn A chic hse . on pavement $14JMH , cash E. E Grimm. Reimann Real Estate 201 8 High st Ph. 3721. Evas. 7808 5 A., 10 A., 14 A., 24 AJ Five A $4500. Good build in rs lares modern house, garage, barn. etc. Plus A $5000. Plus 14 A. 84288. AH In crop. Or 14 A $1500 Water, elect . shed, fenced A croaa fenced 1 sal. M. of Brooks, second house W. Boa 47. FOR SALE Th is Tl Acrf View property has S-scres under ctlit.. asms fruit, bal nice fir; grove with creek. Fair 3 bdrin houjs with bass merit, laundry trays, water piped In th house and haa a good electric water system Only 4 miles from Satom. Vacant Posaeaalon at once Priced at 84-VIOOO Some tei ma. Be MR. LAR- SEN with Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. Phone 4100 REALTORS ' i ACRE '- I Bdrm.. DR.. L.R.. Kit . Bath, unfinished upstairs. Wired for range Hot wtr htr. Garage, rhlut. house. $4250 Call Mr GARDNER. Burt Picha, Realtors PH 3210 337 N High SI $7900-0 A All hearing orchard" A beirtes Modem 3 B R. hse Good batti About IIikk) crop goes. Call Jess Ttiompon 1717 Center St. HUFF REAL ESTATE tO. REALTORS Phone 2-1549 Eve Ph 1-301 7 8 ACRES 6', A cherries, apples. Eng walnuts A filberts Close In $450. Call MR. GARDNER Burt Picha Realtors PH 3210 137 N. High St $8000 Full Price 73 acres bottom land. All good soil. Nice 4 rm. house. At large barn. No. 300. M. O. Humph revs & Co. REALTORS 3035 Portland Ro. Ph. 7820 2284 Fan ground Rd. Ph. 345M Suburban Lateliuilt Home, V2 A. 5 Rms. il story I. Excellent condi tion Fine ard. fireplace Trees, nuts A fruit Edge of town. City schools A city bus Willamette Real Estate 172 S. Liberty Phone 7113 Automobile STEAM CAR and Also complete automotive repairing and welding Prompt Service We pick up and deliver BIRD and ZYSSETi 871 Wallace Road Suburban $8900 3 bdrm. home In very good eond Well located In Englewood district. No. 175 M. O.Iumphreys & Co. REALTORS 3038 Portland Ro. Ph. 7R20 2284 Fairground Rd. Ph. 245M4 $1250 1 acre on wooded kaoll, located an highway north of Keiter. Harold W. Heers 3u55 Portland Road Ph. 1-1374 829 Mill St! Dallas, Oreg. Ph 34IW SPECIAL 18 A., modem 2 bedroom plastered house. Built 8 yrs. Hardwood floors, liv. rm. and din. im. Inlaid linoleum in one bedroom, closets, kit. and bath. Venetian blinds. Full bsmt Elec. water system. Large chicken house, barn and machine sited. 8 A. filberts, A. wal nuts. A. boysenberries. 13 cherry tiees, 8 peach trees. Lots of shrubs, flowers and rockery. mi. from school. $11,500. L. D. Rains. Route 1. Box 779-R. Salem, Oregon, on Skyline Rd. BY OWNER : 4 acres, modern 1 bdrm. home. Lovely yard, fin bam, filberts, walnuts All kinds of fruit. Englewood distilct. Bus line. 3451 aun ny view ave. Wanted Real Eatale T WANTED TO BUY from owner- 1 bedroom house priced sround $50UU. Sreferably located North of Cherneketa t. and east of Cottage St. Box 474 Statesman. ' LET Us sell your property. We have cash buyers waiting. Harder Real Eat ate 988 Edgewater, Wast Salem. Ph 9880 WE Ar urgently in need of listings on city homes If your house ia for sal call us. Prompt, eouttoou aerv Ica "Four salesmen ta Serva you" SALEM REALTY CO. REALTOR 14$ N High St Phpn T888 WANTED t buy: I bedroom homo In Rosedal or Englewood District Box 428 Statesmen NOTICE: If your property la for sal rent or exchange, list tt wlta s W have all kuioi cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO, REALTORS 111 High St Ilusiiie Opportunitie Machine Sho l rlilr witli a down town location. This place is fully equipped A haa been a. going business for many years. So us for more details. LEE OHMART 4 CO., REALTORS 477 Court St Phone 9480 or 4038 $11000 Furnished apt. house Nice spl foi owner Basement sawdust heat Bringing in good Income large lot, 2 car garage Call O. V. Hum with State Finance Co., Realtors 153 S High Pht til FOUNTAIN and'TtsncfTlnislneaa with all the fixtuies A two year lease Full price $4500 Bee Ike Bacon with 1 Ed Bvrkit, Realtor 208 N. High SI Phone 841 INCOME" PROPERTY Modern 8 room home with garag apartment Doubla plumbing, haldwoud (loots, basement, ail burner, air con ditionod. See Phil Bell. P. H. Bell, Realtor SIS Ousrdun YBId- BEAUTY PARLOR 83400 Stocta. fixtures as waent Good hoc. Wnag gaad I for ex pane Mm. Call "Elmer" SON MIUIP auae AMUND- Burt Picha, Realtor PH 8318 337 M 4K.8O0 -Apt-K.i- cl ment. Oil heat. Goad sneai High In Call O. V. Huns wtth State Finance Co., Realtors 13 Hsyh . Ph. 4I1I "A GOOD buatnsns ounrtinU Property ronataSs of tw lota with Gra. tar, amall teed bulldirvg, liv. ,sr tera in back af stsee In aaditi'm la Use oidinary run of ftatures. there's a nwter aaa pump, new Dayton Counter Scale, new meat alieer. re-rrajreraiiun meat ease, a refrigeration soft drmk baa AU go for 88.8O0 80 See Mrs Needham or Fred Champagn, $41 State St. Ph. 883 . $4000 'Grocery tor. stock and fixture in good diet . liv. quarters la unit ildg . $-yr. leas. Call CRAIG Burt Picha, Realtor PH 3218 137 N High SI " WILL" 8WJwillequlpiwd cafe In Wlliawiina. doing good - business ar trade for dump truck Phone 877 $120 per Mo. for $9250 1 l-bdim. Apt, kit. din rm , full bath In ea . Ige lot. fruit trees, near bus A school. Call Johnson Reimann Real Estate 301 Sa High Ph. 3722 or 7834 SPEC CIAL! High gallnag service station and fuel oil business, on of th best I'K-a- tions on the Pacific Hiway In Oregon Lease from m J tor Oil Company He- ouires about 4 men to operate Priced at $8500 plus Inventory of stork. Iee Ohmart t (o.. Realtors 477 Court St Office phones 940 or 4035 BUSINESS LOCATION $7500 -At edge of - downtown busi ness diet IjoX 44 x 73' With good home. 2 bdrms.. bath, LK. DR. Kit. Hath. SI porch, full bsmt. Autb oil fir furn Garage. Call 'Elmer" AMUNDSON "Burt Picha, Realtors PH 3210 337 N Hije,h SI FOR SALE Service station, stock A ( luipment House goes 3 yr lease s I i 0 per month Pr ice SIHiKI. Hancm k ation, Pcnn 4 Corners. I eq $40 St Automobile CLEANING ! r WASHING LUBRICATION West Salem Ph. 666fl Huainc Op port un! lie Auto Court ', 18 ' units plus plenty of additl space to build. Will show better Uien 20 on total prlc $11,000 No, $. M. (). Humphreys & Gj. , REALTOR ' u ! Portland Ro ! Ph. 720 22S fairground Kd. Ph, t44 For Sale Uetl Car 1934 CjHEV. COUPE, good eondiUM generally, excellent tires. Prlc ftgrtL. Ilia Jefterson st TRAILER IIOUSEr-,4lSl,u(tl': Gumwood A mahog. tntr. 3 rm. ese. rood. 39)8 N. Front, Fir Ciest Trailer t'aia. " M4 CHFV" 'SEDANT runs" "good".1tlnlr OI'A ceiling 11$ Kwald av. balens Heights district 1 935 FORD 'M'.. ton Wi "Mvft iw'Hl See al Bill's Aulo Paint . Shop. North of Krueger's btore. t COMPLETE body for 1139 Fot4 3-d" sedan Perfect cond. Includes hood A frame. Ph. 4119. Mr. Elliot, servic nta , agrr, Stan Baker Motors , l'ti CHEV. pltkup, escel cono. WlU trade for later model ear. 841 8 list al. TOP PRICES PAID for 3j; "'34. '34 and '37 cars. Estra bonus for clean cars Will pay as high as $2a4 for a good model A Ford Celling paid for late models. Drive In or dial ilOS gnd we will be right out ; McCALL' USED CAR4 I Dial 8104 1291 Hist f. 1930 MODEL A cswpeTlleiralUOweti Co 133 Comm. 1928 CHEV. SedanT'gooa "ru'r.I rood. Isrry's Service Station, . ml. N, of Pen 4 coiner. , i 1935 GRAHAM 4dr aedan, G shape. 4 Liberty Road CHEV. CONV.-Runa fin. 208. $4 M. Capitol after 1pm. Wsntrcl Ifgcil Cars Wantetl Listing Prompt and courteous service given on all listing Mr. Needham or Free) Champagn. Phane 843. 341 tat at Room 4 1838-'4iiar In ge.'nPFSniea. from private party. Ph. Issa " CA81 FOR LATE'MOIELleta need depenaabla tranaportatlon. Call 4ITI Ext. 343. WElPAY TOPSIi . Oet every asm yaw ear ts sseesa Cash on the Darrcl IIcad -CT SHR0CK ! 4ALEM' aid ast mm aa4 aat as aa Nl Curssl ChurcO A Chans Pa For rSiale WkhI 18" LARGE BLOCK and slab wood, mixed. $8 per cord. Immediate , Del. Phone 448. "' I4" AND i'-rf. aacond' growth, "14" O O. 14" green mill wood. 14' dry mlllwood. 4' green alab knot for fur nace wood Ph. 8704. Ray E. Cross. GOOD It" small aleb Dble load iC Froaii cut sawdust. 2 unit $4. Immed. late delivery. Oregon Fuel (' Ph 8531. MAPtJK. ash A fit. Vera Vert. Rt. i. Uayton, )re on Unas laland SCREENED Sawdust Phone Dalle I04-R roilact or Wrila Wgltar. fern , Tri-Citv F J B. ' aWIGART Clean fresh rut fir sawdust Dry IS" slab wood A edgings. I -unit load of 14" gieen sis wend and ed sings, Im, del until 1$ p m. Phone Wet Salem Fuel (lo. 18-IN RED FIR SLAB WOOD SCREENED PAWDUHT RURAL DaU.IVFRir' I SPaXOAI. PRICE VUANT1Iv! LOAD -.ehorye.LjIalem l-4Qlli.S4, Vln,as Il:a 1 . s j .1 WOOD " i ! . ,. 14T 'mill block and heavy slab wand. Can be burned new. N sawdust, dirt ar edfings Gaod clean wood. Pliona 851 Ash South Urn ft , Batem, r, P LYWOOD Cor ea, old fi r Ph . "tmuuxn price on wood anO - 1AWDUIT, PHON8T T7fl OR AHA SPECIAI-4 eord load of good slak) ' woad and sdglnga $19. Iminadiat Mvoey Ph 881 ' J. " i m.'7)wgi'g-i'noadii, Imsnsd. delivery. Oregon Fue4 t a. ttm. oi.D-ORowtH.-ll-ln-wo4 Ai"nl4 Phiilm. Bo 21, Jurner fRAMT-O-CtV'M manuraciuiad " aoai by Capital Lumber Co, North. ; Cwerry Ava. awawrtar fuel for fwrnsc, rlrewlatar. ranee and ftreplee Pfcaa aaat ImweW delivery i ( CHOICE auW'woawl, I"" umf Is) 1188 Ph 8444 Highway Ful , , Wtxxlaatw iriK WIIJU GO ta rural areas. Ph. 2108. Io8t and Found KI1T Plaid, hand-woven nerk atarf. '' 794 N Mummer hi Ph 44J I EITHER BORROWED or stolen .- a complet aet of pip rutets Pleas r. turn al am, am in bad need af them. " 1179 Elm. J. J Veefc IflfMoreyt-le '10 It ARLEY-Davldson 14 or will ttadr on rai or sell 153 S I.tlert. ii arlev DAvrDsoff n'myto..,. ii. good as new. 811 Blown St ., Daliea. H.' Personal lyONELY Descriptions A details free, j Many Northwestern members. Cotfl i dential. ACMEjl H192 FAIoha Or MRS GRAY, gifted psychic'. Vives' all i problems Names, dates, farts, and all affairs Unites the separated, Portland. Ore. 1323 W. Ilth. Phone AT 04S1. Pacific Lodge NO 50, L AM MM Degree, llX June 14tb. 1 p.m. 'w A F . a. Friday, 8.1 onus $7 M ue I