Nuptials in Portland i Of interest to th bride's many Salem friends Is nnouncdnmt of the marriaxe of Miss iCathryn Dorothy Cnwer, daughter I of Mr. and Mr. Thomas T. Croiler. for mer SaJem residents, to Ilarlie L. Stott which took place on Sunday at 4 o'clock at the Rose City Park Methodist church in Portland with the Rev. Ray S. Dunn officiating. Attending the couple were the bride's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph P. Pykeman rf Castle Rock, Wash. The bride . wore a twio-piece navy blue en semble with white lace insets over the shoulders and white acces- soriea. IXer corsage was of gar 4eniaa and Cecils B runner roses. Mrs Dykeman wore navy blue and wlute and her flowers were pink rosebuds. . Mrs. Stott has been o n the teacfaiag staff for number of year of the Hillsboro High school in the besnemaking department. Her husband, a resident of Port land, ia working with the secre tary of the stat board of exam iners of 'watchmakers. A wedding reception was held st the htm of the bride's brother-in-law aad sister. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bernard Morse, in ML Tsbor. The couple spent their honeymoon at Oceania and(Delske beaches. Miss Hill Weds Mr. Parker At the Seventh Day Adventiat church to Lebanon Sunday night at t o'clock Miss Msrjorie Msy Hill, daughter of Mrs. Hester E. Hill of Salem, became the bride of Glenn Howard Parker, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Parker of Tangent. The Rev. Patterson of Albany officiated. The bride wore a white nylon gown made with abort sleeves, a pleated yoke on the bodice and a fuir floor length skirt Her fingertip length tulle veil fell from a gathered coronet of the mater ial. She carried a bouquet of white , gardenias and carnations center ad with a lavender orchid. Miss Josephine Hill wss her I sister's only attendant. She wore a yellow marquisette gown trim med In lace and carried lavender earns tin and snapdragons. Woedrvw Parker was hla bro ther's best maii and ushers were Denton Hill and George Parker. A wedding reception was held fat the Masonic Temple. The couple will live on the groom's farm at.Plalnview near Tangent. Mr. aa4 Mrs. Adrian Daffy (La dle Pettyjohn) of New York City. jests here the past two weeks of Lrs.wWtanie Pettyjohn, left Mon day Bight for Burlingsme. Calif., to visit Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fo ley (Helen Pettyjohn) and daugh ters. Both families plan to return to Salem in July for an extension of their vacation visit. M. aad Mrs. K. A. Taeskl ef Los Angeles have been visiting here with her sister. Mrs. Msne Thompson. The Tueskis have de rided to remain la Salem and he Will open a jewelry store here. Mr. and Mrs, Harris Liets spent the weekend In Portland as guets of his brother and sister-inlsw, 1ST. and Mrs. Roy Lietx. . amous tor Brewing for this Jiqht "It's the Vifitorfl 9:30 to OlYMPIA BREWING COMPANY OLYMPIA. WASHINGTON. U. S. A. vr-H turn BEEk THE REFRESHMENT BEVERAGE Mr. and Mrs. C W. Parker had ajther guests Saturday friends from North Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Kruse and sons. Fred erick. )r George and Keith. The Parkers entertained at dinner at the Marion hotel for the K ruses with Dr. and Mrs. William Parker and Miss Mary Parker bidden as guests. Later in the evening they attended the wedding of Freder ick Kruse, jr., and Miss Una Lee at the Lutheran church in Silver ton. Lt. Andrews and Family Visit Lt. tee H. Andrews, son of Mr. snd Mrs. C. W. Andrews of Wood burn, has arrived from Orlando, Florida, where he attended a spe cial course in statistical control and is on s 21-day leave en route to an Alaskan air base His wife (Gertrude Dalk) and two-year old son, Johnny, have been visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Dalk. Salem, the past month. They will join Lt. Andrews in Alaska as soon as possible. He has been sta tioned at Augusta and Atlanta. Gi. air bases as assistant opera tions officer for the past three years. Couple Return From Trip Mr. and Mrs. Cldon G McDer melt (Chary el Hayes) have re turned from an extended wed ding trip following their mar riage on March 30 at the Maple Leaf Evangelical church in Seat tle. The Rev. John, Pike, pastor, formerly of Salem, officiated. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse T. Hayes of Salem and her husband is the wm of Mr. and Mrs. L. G Mc Dermeit of San Diego. Calif. The newly weds went to Canada and then motored down the Pa cific coast and into Mexico. After visiting with his parents in San Diego for six weeks they came north to Salem. The new Mrs. McDermeit is a graduate of Salem schools and was employed st the state indus trial accident commission. Her husband returned in" March from Germany. He took his training at Camp Adair. He attended schools in Kansas City. Kansas. A garden party will be held this afternoon in honor of the second birthday of Michael Ray Genna at the North 'Summer street resi dence of his grandparents. Mr. snd Mrs. Ed R. Gregson. The aft ernoon will be sp"nt in play. Guests bidden sre Mrs. Elliot L. Nichols and Janice l."a. Mrs. Lawrence Monner and Linda and Judy. Mrs. Dsle Bials and Rich ard. Mrs. Clinton Lammers and Dean, and Mrs. E. ft. Bryan Mrs. Ed R. Greason. Michael's grand mother, and Mrs. Vince M. Gen na, his mother, will serve. Woman's Mlssieaary society ef the Firt Presbyterian church will meet Wednesday st 2 o'clock st the church. The worship service will be conducted by Mrs. D. B. Kleihege with the theme "Chris tian Education. The Rev. Fran cis Chambers is in charge of the program and a group of young people, Pat Pearson, Lois Kearns and Bonnie Ha r ton. will explain the organization of Westminster Fellowship and Missionary work of the Youth of the 'Church All women interented in work of young people are invited to at tend. f B r i is an ancient craft with processed developed throughout the ages... reason, Olympia perfected hy three generations liold pride or Water" welcome 4:3(),erreiy Jar. Steed Goes East Mrs. -J.; Lyman jSteed has trained for the eakt coast wner she will be met be her daughter, Elizabeth, who has been releaa from the SPARS ih Norfolk, Va and son, Herbert, 4-ho will be re leased from the artny in the nea eai ton future in Maryland The three will iisit in Bos and other eastern points with reH stives and friends J before driving, ihjiiic in iwu munini. Mrs. Steed's other daughter. Mrs. Wallace Witter (Virginia teed), who has San Francisco, is expected to ar-j rive in Salem Jun 19 for a few days visit before returning to theJ oay city to await for Korea to join Lt Wittwer. She will visit at the home of her hus bands parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. Wittwer. and with her brother. Wallace, who is at the family home. Mrs. m mm uera To work in Chen-ire- and Utrr Fruits. Work I ieg ins June 18. Register now at the plant for work with this crew. Time one-half over 40 hours No Sunday Work. Oregon Frail Products Co. 909 Viral Street - - West Salem i Radio's Great est Crooner Bing Crosby Listen Everjr 10:15 loci, Sing Sings" Presented by Hamilton Furniture Co. and stay Umed for "Queen For A Day" 10:30 .M. Mataal-Uo Lee en Year Dial rewini will always place. mm OF MIlllONSj OF TEMPERATE PEOPLE Mrs. Eleanor Irons mt Seattle, who often visits in Salem, return ed to her home Monday after a several days stay io the capital as the house guest of Mrs. George E. Allen. ( On, AH Hakes J HEIDER'S AU Work Gaaraateed 41 Ceart St. Call 7522 Weekday AJIa 3 "THE YOUNG IDEA" By Mossier 'I'm Just a sueker for handsome boys with large allowances! Exclusive in The Oregon Statesman It Seams to Ma Paul Mallon A.P. Sunday Comics Sportsllghmer Tide Table True Enough Animal Crackers Grin and Bear It Annla Rooney The Lona Ranger POP TVCPF5 A MAN AT THE DOOR TO SEE MDU-- HES SELLING REAL ESTATE BLONDE MICKEY MOUSE SHE'S ABOVE K r r-i THTM1LE THEATRE ilriij VE RECKON MfU"LEHSTWIS f WARSH VORESE'F OfP - "-u-jrrr TH. CRITTERS IT'S BETTER N D GOOD. BLUE BLhZES Y BOUGHT I XJ WHV SHORE . TOOKEN UP FOOLISH IN' HIS TI(V I CRftVE VE TO B SPICK 7 C BORRV YORE Y RAZORBACK S6WIN . PAW ? I AVsWV ON THAT BUG AN SPAN PER TH RACE I ll BARNEY GOOGLE ' 'Isi'''''!'1' , i i. JUV I I JUST hK&HE A I C ...K SOGT OP SH ANSgi L 1 ffTi ftr. -ArX (...A.HJPPEN J ( rT . UNTOUCHED CY V J-V Q SlXAr. ALMOST KT THAT VAU.CV... yj T fr, SiX 7 phjze. j, ) ffi ji ZAJON- (do ya see 1 rHE. OSCAR ??J PJ) SEE- MEPE COMES THE PRIVATE ' PLANE MRS ME ANY MlOEO TO FLY OVER MY ESTATE EVERY OAY TO MAKE SURE ANNIE ROOKIE V IS STILL MERC - LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY THE WEATHER'S CLEARED, TONTO WE SHOULD BE ABLE TO FOLLOW TRANCES TRAIL EASILY NOW. r UOH THE LONE RANGER rs Blondle Barney Google Mickey Mouse Popaya i The Young Idea 'I I VOU TALK TO HIM. ALEXAMDFR AT 1 HANDLE IT IT WILL Be GOOD BUSINESS FOR MjU UP THE irvc 50 THATS HOW THE CUNNING OLDSME WOLP DISCOVERED ALL WOLVES ARE" ANNIE WAS UEGE- STUPI0 IM SPiTEOP YOUR cceatuqes GUARDS AND HIGH WALLS 7 J Ks I 1 GOOPY PAME !( ) I V HOPE SHEV in DONIT TRY COME ON.) rGlTTUrA UP, ) LVER Tha Oragon Statoaman. Salem. DAILY CROSSAAT6RD ' ACROSS 1. Resorts 5. Betsy r made first American v 9 Balsam aubstance 10. Indian of Peru 11. Evergreen tree 12 Kind of Jelly 14 Iafw term l.V Mix 16 UtUexlri 17. Girl's nama 20. TMjrlt 21 Exclama tion 22 Ireland . (poet.) 23. Blttr vetch 24. Fused mat. ter in a furnace 24 Residue of burned malarial 25 Diminutive of Helen 1 29 Samarium (sym.) 8 1 Tiny 32. Before 33. French coin 34. Blunders 36 Howie 3 County. SW England 40. Pointed arch 41 River (Afr.) 42 Not any 43 Otherwise 44. Ova DOWN 1. A kind of rangA finder 2. Minute openings 3. Genus of the lily 4. Underwater boat 5. Equip 9. Burden T. Spread about 8 One who saves 11. Ready money OH. MY AJS5 AND - It I tyA f UNPOTU4aTE.'.' MALL WiTHJHER SHOES AS A MATTER YM HER SPY WORKING FOG YOU? I DOW'T MEANY5 PILOT IS WORKING FOQ ME UNOCRSTANO I TOLD YUH THAT SHERIFF J HE'LL WASNT GONNA SHOW SHOW UP WITH THE GRUB rf UP-HET) 'RANCH'. ' BETTER IK MEANWHILE! Caf taa. Kng r ci "J f r4 fcjj , f ft t tmT-. Ora.. Tuaadary. June H. H8 8 13 God of war - (Gr.) IS. A. dining car 19. The talus (hyphen.) 22. Elevated train 24. An herb of the parsley family 25. Any power ful deity 26 Filled with solemn wonder 27 Calm and peaceful 29 Explains Saleraajr'a Aasvse 30. Ponder 3V Sway .35. Coins (Peru I 37. Eager 39. Bom TTTT POP WAKE1 UP I JUST BOUGHT A HOUSE A NO LQT OYLS SKIRT BLOUSE -I PUT TMEM 1. AN INNOCENT LITTLE LAMB IS THE TRADITIONAL BAIT USED TO CAPTURE WOLVES - - S-S-SM- HERE COMES - 1 ANNIE i::::fc::: tr rpnw' xz? n r ipf;-nf-pi T ti vAt w w I 'l W v.. 7 yjjjp ir"l HOW MUCH FURTHER JnOT FAR JEFF, DO WE GO. pTMT0 MEET SHERIFF ? J ( THOSE SKUNKS r VJPTHEaWjDK - i I t i 4 4