The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 07, 1946, Page 7, Image 7

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    n M M u r I I I U N U
Heaelrtcaasa. W. aaea war
HOLLtWOOI U you were
lookiog for place to bill and coo,
rta sure jrovi'd never pick an arc
lit arenaj Lke the movie sound
tag where I ound Joan Craw
ford and I John Garfield enjoying
the ancleat oaculatory art '
FUia requirements of lighting,
"erope an4 camera angles reduce
the tender passion to a painfully
exact science. A lensed love
cen Is major operation super
Vised by surgeons-of-the-celluloid
before a gaping gallery of dewy
eyed and! probably envious ama
teurs. I
Joan and John, anesthetized to
embarrassment by long experi
ence in -the semi-public pitching
f picture woo. Lay on the alfalfa
atop a bluff. Behind them in .the
distance crashed the surf.
la rHuihoresque. the two have i
gone horseback riding only to be
come sidetracked, horses dismiss
ed, down Hovers' lane.
-Joau rises on one elbow and
nuzzles her big, handsome face
against John's. "What are you
thinking about?
CarCeldr. "Nothlngr Joan: -See
th moon!' John: .Where?" Joan:
Up there." They kiss.
All this whispered dialogue and
tender action probably will come
out pretty romantically on the
screen. Well w
At least 100 Workers and visit
ors stood around intently wstch
' lr.g. Just a few were unimpressed.
The cameraman sipped a glass of
" milk. Two or three aids puffed ci
gars. Another sat reading a bok,
Two arcs on ropes bung square
ly four feet over the lovers' heads,
Lke Damocles swords. Joan asked
nervously whether the ropes were
strong enough; they did look pret
, ty thin.
-John's head Is too high." she
complained. Somebody, pulled a
tuft of alfalfa oCtt from under Gar
field's shaggy dome.
. A recess In the tedious prepara
tions was called. In her dressing
room Joani asked a passing make
up man to powder John s face: its
natural oi was rubbing off on her
own nose, making it shine. I asked
the Academy award winner whe
ther it i bothered her to have so
tnany people watching.:
. "Tieavena, no Of course I don't
Lke to have spectators during the
first rehearsals, when you're still
working out the action. They're
liable to say then that you re a
lousy actress. j
I cornered Garfield and put an
other question bluntly. The movie
tough-guy guffawed. "Handsaker ,
asks what Us like to make love
to Joan Crawford. Quote. It ain't
bad. man, it ain't bad. Unquote.
You may quote me."
folk if you look in your 1938,!
an 1929 Sears. Roebuck and
saomgomery wara caiaiogues ,
youll find the gal modeling the '
Junior miss hats, coats and shoes!
is beautiful Joan Caulfield. '
- I elicited this cozy detail from!
Joan, one of Paramount's bright- !
long cross-examination within
the hallowed walls off her three '
room studio 'dressing 'apartment, i
Qn an.IIahesl)
M - t
i w i i i m mm
! AU Work Guaranteed
i 4Tt Cmrnrt fit. CaU JS2t
- , ! i t :
'. I h , i
f ' -'.Mi .. i ' i.H -
-: . --j. . " " 1 1 i y-t.
' 1 '
A N O M t-l'axble U eatala ur
aa4 aav aam altii aexes U eU4
Hallowed" Well, practically, by
Hollywood standards. IU two
walls of solid mirror have re
flected, in their day. the cele
brated forms oT such previous
occupants as Marlene Dietrich
(who had them installed) and
Olivia de Hatlland.
Joan's first movie, "Miss
Slagle's," starring her as the be
loved of Sonny Tufts, was re
cently released; her jyx. two,
"Blue Skies" (with CfoSay) and
Hope), await distribution, and
she's toiling now in ""A'elcome,
This wfeirlwind of stardom,
wherein Pi r mount has confi
dently tossed her into four suc
cessive stellar roles without wait
ing for public reaction, snatched
Joan ftom the Broadway stage.
For 14 months she wac the origi
nal jorli5s Archer in '"Kiss and
Born in Orange, N. J.. this ex
model is . 23, blue-eyed, honey
blonde, and exquisite xf face and
Joan attributes her glowing
cheeks and generally bounding
health to long childhood after
noons in the surf st "Spring Lake.
N. J., and her present almost
daily tennis and long walks.
She had just come from a daily
hour-long session with the studio
voice coach. What had he taught
herr Oh, for example, to say
"wahzn't." not "wzzn't." A and
"frahm." not "frum." She had to
leave then, she said, for the Los
Angeles Tennis club where she
plays with 'most any partner
handy. Remind me, please, to
take up tennis.
FLAGSTAFF. Ariz.. June 6-.P)
A second fire brtike out this af
ternoon in the Ckiconino national
forest and has already burned
over about 50 acres. Early to-
j night the fire ws put of control
and men who hat fought for three
days and nights a fire further to
the j north weri being brought
back to batUe the new blaze.
Milk and its products comprise
more than 25 per cent of the foods
estimated consumed annually by
("the average American.
No residential
or office service next week (Jupe
Due to acute shortage of laundry workers we
are forced to cease taking more work into the
plant until we ccm get caught up. Laundry and
dry cleaning now in the plant will be delivered
as fast as completed. ;
Regular pick-up service will be resumed Mon
day, June 17. v
u t
I 4 j
ether luker rr i ktw, Carl
a kes aear St. Fa at. Mima. '
Speed'Hungry Boys Rope Off
Seattle Highway to Hold Race
SEATTLE. June 6.-0"P)-The state patrol said tonight a crowd of
ten-age, speed-hangry boys had staged their own after-dark version
of the Indianapolis speedway rlassio, blocking off a highway north of
the city and getting their souped up jaloppies up to 105 miles an hour.
Several hundred young spectators were on hand for the trials, in
which the cars ran one at a time, against time.
Some of the 25 Jo 3t) cars didn't
even have lights, said Sgt. W. H
Campbell of Jhe patrol, although
most had special caiburetion to
make them travel at astonishing
speeds. He said there were some
1946 models in the collection, and
some of the gears' were 13 years
old. Young timers rode in the
machines with stop-watches.
The sergeant laid he, with oth-
er patrolmen, arrived it the scene
of the unpublkized trials and were
met by shouts f "luin out your
lights." The youngsters "scattered
Uike jackrahbits" when the offi
j irers identified themi-elves, said
I Campbell.
" just couUIntt resist
eighty taints apiece!"
y .
laundry or dry cleaning pick-up
Indian Moslems
Plan, But Keep
NEW DELHI, June 6--Thr
Moslem league' council accepted
tonight the British cabinet mis
sion's plan for an independent
federated union of India, but re
iterated that establishment of a
separate Moslem state (Pakistan)
remained the Moslem's "unalter
able objective."
The council for the league.
IWhich claims to be the spokes
man tor su.uuu.uuu Moslems in
India, said in action was "prompt
ed by its earnest desire for a
peaceful solution, ,if possible, of
the Indian problem."
In a resolution the council de
clared that "the basi and founda
tion of Pakistan are inherent' in
the British plan, by virtue of the
plan's reference to "compulsory
retrouping" pf six provinces in
which the Moslems claim they
are the dominant majority.
The council said the league "is
willing to cooperate with the constitution-making
machinery pro
posed in the hope that it would
ultimately result in establishment
of complete sovereign Pakistan
and in the consummation of the
goal of Independence for the maj
or nations, Moslems and Hindus
and all the other people inhabit
ing this vast suocontinent."
Originally, a cartridge was a
round of powder wrapped In pa
per for use in a flintlock musket.
! : ; '
The boys had blocked the route
by parking cars at access roads
and at each end of their 20-block
long speedway, he added. Nine
cars were impounded for a safety
Ten arrests were made, he said.
and justice court charges included
l-eimg. operating 'cars with tier
festive equipment, and disorderly
Milk is the U. S. farmer's larg
est single source of cash Income,
outranking cattle, cotton, ! wheat,
eggs and tobacco.
them, they used to be
10 - 15).
CO! IP All Y
Accept British
'Pakistan9 Goal
By James D. White
(Associated Preis Staff WtlWr)
Indian Moslems appear to have
withdrawn the key log from the
political jam which has been
blocking the current trend to
ward Independence.
When the Moslem league coun
cil in New Delhi voted over
whelmingly to approve the Bri
tish unity plan, they removed the
chief "kiternal opposition them
selves to a step which Is- He-,
signed to steer India away from
possible civil war.
Only the day before, the
league's fiery president. Mohamed
Ali Jinnah, had continued his
insistence upon "Pakistan," the
pet Moslem project of a separate
Moslem state.
As this involved ' two distinct
Moslem areas, one in the north
east and another farther west, all
other elements in India had held
out against it.
To Appease Hindus
4innah said yesterday the Bri
tish plan was an effort to appease
the Hindus, whose leader. Mohan
das K. Gandfck approve of it.
Perhaps significantly, Jin,nah
also said that the quickest way
to agreement on Indian independ
ence was for both the British and
the HindUs to "accept PaKistan,"
and that Moslem India "will not
rest" until it is achieved.
Superficially i this looks like
Jinnah held out to the lat and
then was outvoted by his own
league council. But only time w ill
tell the realj meaning of' what
It may be helpful to remember
that there ale rich Moslems as
well as po'' ones in India, and
that they would loe as much
personally in a civil war as any
one else.
Future Claim
By putting its okay now on
the British plans for tiansition
to Indian independence, the Mos
lem league apparently does not
abandon future claims for Pakis-
-fill it- tuv
t.l Jilt fltT; ZlSZt
Tost Office Building,
Salem, Ore.
1 "v i ' s v
(Hlnrn v
7h. Kernel Corn H&I) 2's tin 180
C. H. B. Carrots Sho's,rins r 130
Tomato Sauce H&D ... . Buff tin 60
Peanut Butter '.llZZ'SZ? 380
Ficgo 280
Black Tea UJT 980
i's Tin
zi's Tin
45 Floats jiri
Rose Festival
Parade Today
PORTLAND. Ore., June 6 -7P)
The Rose Festival parade high
light of Portland's biggest week
of the year will wind through i
city streets tomorrow morning
starting at 10:30 with its music,'
marching and multi-colored 0031$.'
Officials, eyeing a forecast of
"partly; cloudy with a few ' light
showers," hoped the . stTn would
i appear at least for the parade.
More than 100 units will take
part 45 glittering floats, 53
marching groups and cars bearing j
dignitaries. The San Diego ma- i
rine band practiced today for its ,
part in the procession.
Queen Lloyde I and her court
were whirled from one event to
another today. The Rose show ;
opened with more . than 5000 j
choice blooms. Queen and prin- !
cesses visited the Shrine hospital '
and, atynight, made merry at the j
royal hall.
Tonight's stadium show featur-
ed bright-garbed Oregon's sher- '
iffs posses, wheeling their mounts
In impressive formations.
tan. The league's retreat may be
only apparent.
tit may be tactical rather than
a .change in strategic aim. And
it may reinforce suspicions which
some quarters have held all along
that the Pakistan idea was as
much of a talking point for bar
gaining "purposes as it was a
reachable goal in the minds of
Indian Moslems.
Watson fir Green
This summer. Work guaranteed
CALL 2-1619
Army veterans wke held certain
Military Occupational Specialties
may r enlist in a arade commensu
rate with their akill and experience.
preTided they were honorably dis
charged on er alter. May 12. 1145
and provided they re enlist before
July 1, 1946. Over three-quarters
ei a million men have feiaed the
new Reaulor Amy already. MAKE
IT A MILLION! Full facta ore at any
Army Camp. Poet, or Recruiting
Granulated Soap
Soap Flakes
fl ! Vl fl i" row
I, r. r ecun
Jar Lids Rernardin
Luncheon Meal
r i , it
wwe mtwwmm
Top Grade A Beef
For Ileal lo Eat We Can't Be Deal!
3 North Capilcl
The Orocjon Statesman. Solem,
i r
1 ! " "
XNr Gelling Ready
ff for that A
I Vacation? I j
1 i Shop Keith Brown's . - I
! For Those Outing V'
. ' Needs!
Palmentto Umbrella Tents with fioori sip- iC0 CI O
per and windows. H'x9' 6'' ; - OsSaBV
Navy Hammocks '"6aQ0
8x10 12.29-o: lhu k Wall Tenls 2445
ft-mp-stovr.;...-. 11.25 and 18.95
; '' l .,-!-;
Folding Army ("ots " 5a95
! ; ! "; i
32x77100 all wool '
8" with ripper .
34x77 100 all wool
with ripper
36x80100 ill woel
11" with tipper
36x78100 all woel
1Z" with xlpper
30x80100 'all wool
13" with tipper .
"y SI I
Front & Court St.
'7.U 490
12z. tin
1 9 (Cheese
1 Ha 7Z
rk'"tl2 100 "1. KC
Liquid Vax 690
Flapjack Flour Ahm lit
Grapefruit; Juice """""'k 140
H&D Spinach . L.v,v, 'iL 190
Cream Style Corn D,,.!!onr. 150
Sugar Peas Yamhill Ts tin
1 f ' - !
al Ilailrel L
Oregon. Friday. Juno 7. 1946 7
; 26.50
Phono 91 S3
Mb. Kl (GC