14 Tfcf Oregon Skrt mqn, Child Born While Wife in Coma J, AIXEVTOWN. raw Jm I Mrs. Rhoda Weager (right), daughter f Mr. and Jin. David Marble tone of San Francisco, gave birth to Mrsaai. healthy-daughter la Allen town. Taw while still In a coma froaw head Injuries received 1st an automobile accident six months earlier. Her aasatad, CpL LeUnd VTenger (left). Is la Walter Reed hoop It si. WaaaJngtoa. D.C. with Injuries received la the same aeci deaU A1 WIXZrilOTO) j Now York Stock ! Quotations NEW YORK. Juno 0.-CflP-Today's closing quotations: AI Chern ir Dye 207 4 Gen Foods k 48V Radio Coip .... American Can 101VGen Motors ; 73 IRayonier Am Ppw it IA .. MSI Goody ear ,AxflTel it Tel .IMS Gt North Anaconda 47lv Int Harvest . Atchison . 114 ilnt Paper pfd Betsdix Avia 50 V' J Manville- Beth Steel . Boeing Air . Canadian Pac Calif 'Pack Case J I Chrysler Corn with Sou . Const Edison Cona Vultee ... ..108;Kennecott .. 29 Long Bell 19 V Maytag .. 434 Miami Copper 17H Stew-Warner 52 ! Mont Ward 131 (Nash Kelvin . 54 Nat Dairy 34 I NY Central . 251! North Am Co Cont Ins .1 554 i North Par Crown Zel 364 Pac Am Curtis Wr IPac Gas F,lec Douglas Air 684IP TAT Dupont Dvl No -221 Pan American Gen Electric 4VPenney J C ... Portland Crmiia PORTLAND. Ore . !Jun IAPI y1SKet futurva imqimlUd. Cat wheal: (Bad I SjoCI While neaclwding Real llSi: hiw tluk HIS: wesfvrn red UlV . I Hartf red wteter Ordinary I Sl: IS . prr rent 1 3,: 11 per cent 1 5a: 13 perevnt Ig7. Hard vklU baart : Ordinary 1 Sl.i t awe cent 1 S3,; It Pr cent i a; U awr ml !! -; . I flats, JUS. Taday's ear recetpU- Wheat 11, bar ley 1. flow 8. mUlte t rtrtUnd Prbdure PORTLAND. Ore . June S ( AP) Bwtterfat farst ajualli v. xarnmum of I tl I pmr eel acidity, delivered in . Pwetlawd. S2-S Vk . aremlum quality ' Mitmum af Jt of I swr rent acidity ta-Al'acr valley imIm and country aana. is tee than first mr sa-se's Butiee AA rutta. SI -SI 've carton. ia-U'tc. A gradrruta. io-Sle. rar tana. i4-SJe. B grade pt-tnta. SO-SIc Qaa tii litem prlc Is Portland te silwt' Orveoa triplets. 11 13c: loaf 34 3te K baa ai acie trtpleta to ahoM- toai - za c. r retailers: AA arade. larse. air; A fcrge. 43 4r: medium. 40-4lc. snail fu41el, 3-3ac. incgs Pwrrnaaea troea farmers: cur - rent reeetpta. J7-JSc: buyers pay S-tOr dna baaaa1 eetluta price on (hr . Ire rhtckena No 1 broiler I it (ha. Mr: broilers S-3's Iba. 33c Roast ' era anrae J'a Iba. 33. Colored hena all weurhta. 3Se. Lerborn hena all weights He ters and stags lie. No J Irade: springs. 13c under No. 1. fowl imp under. No. 1 price, staaotta Cafirsmewt eellmg: aver lilM so retailers. 4o price to prvdw rw Basts buy m luevra. 23-34C lb ay maT artce dnmd 3c lb4 toma. 30c lb oet turkeys j Packers' selling sarae s retailers: Breeder bens. 39-4or- artnaer park young bens. 4Se lb Onions-Oregon green. No. 1, to-75c aVaa Mwclm. . Onisas Oreftisi dry. Na. I. 13 01 -tb. sack : Texas, yellow, mrdiunt 8 Ml J-tneh 3 00. red. medium 3 30. Jwrnba 3 white wax S3 M 5-lb sack Pwtatoes Laral Burtoauik, SJ Sb-3 73 wartni: Idaho. 3 SS cental. Oearbutea. IQB, Nl I. 4 aS4 1H. rental: 35a 1 1 OS 13m. SO: Klamath Falls No. 1. 4 no Poaasoea Call torn U Long White. 3 33-3 M. hundredweight Veal AA. 33'c: A !: B !.: C ll-17: evil. 14-lSe lb. B.s Fancy btock SOc lb- Brides and Bdnds-a Great June Gombination for a Better U.S. ajSsO" m ST A sw s ,, - t - .jy ) , - a . i" an 1 in' 11 a' litMt StsJjgsi aUvtecs atssaWbs tMck U fcsalal b ketter Mtm fssr aJ qlemL Qrygog, TlHT' 7 rr 4.. Y. Y .1 V 4 Si 154 30 38 38 4 Tire 67 IRayonier pfd pfd , 63 ! Reynolds Met 99 Safeway .117 Sears Roeb ... ,.161 Sinclair Oil .. 56 S' So-Pacific 34 4 SUn Brands . NJVStan Oil C-l . 33 4 194 664 474. 57 4 ..... A ... 98 Studebaker 23 4 Sun Mining . 43 Union Oil 26 VUn Pacifijr .... . 34 4 Un AnVncs 324JUn Aircraft . 17 4 u S Steel . 44 4 'Warner Bros 154 4iWest FJ rrfg .19 iWoolwerth . 55'i' Fish 35 . 60 Lambs AA M'.aC; A J4',c; B 22aC: C. 2 MuWn Fancy A. 13 1-4 Is. Uc ft grace. S-lnc Beef - AA c: A lie: B It-: C. 1S4; raiiner and cutter. 13-I4ci. canner and cotter bulla 15c Cavara bark Dry- stork. 20c lb Mohair-144 12-month. 45c U May Wholesale shmntenta: Alfalfa, No 1 or better. t3t 33: oats and vetch. mixed ha v. valley growers' price aj l aa .123: clover hay. 331 baled on farms. Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore. June -IAP-IU5DAI- Salable arxf tofal rattle 100. raivea 25: ir.arket active: fully stead . ",,KI.'V.!:'".. " .""r' V-! 14 25. (omi-rhom 523-7 is lb. weights i s so-is 75. cutter common , 19 SO-13 0. snedium-good grades 14 00. IS 00. earner and cutter rows SoO-1800: hells 7 50, down: fat dairy type rows lSn-ll 5a. ntedium-good beef cows 1Z SO-14 25. grMMt beef bulls. 13 40-14 00. Medlum-gtxitf uuurt bulla II 15-13 00: good-choHe veaiers 17IIO-I8SO. odd head IS 50. culls down to 00 and be low : . Salable bogs 100. total 300: market active, steady, supply mostly barrow and gilts at 15 S: few sows IS 05: large lot feeder pig unsold; good-choice grades Quoted 15 50-14 25 Salable and total sheep 300: market active: spring lambs 35 rents higher for two days, good ewes around SO rents higher; gnud-chdM-e spring lambs largely 13 25, extreme top 15 50. rom-mnn-medium grades 13 00-14 00. good choice shorn rM crop lambs up to 13,00.. medium grades II 00: ;good and choice cwea 0O- SO;-rsinntufli down to 4 00, Stocks and Bonds ' Complied bv The Aneoctated freea June STOCK AVERAGES g II IS SS Indus Ralls Utll Rtks Thursday 1 luS 7 4S t 54 S SI 0 Previous day 11 S 4S S 54 1 SI 0 Week ago i 110 4 50 4 5S 4 33 4 Month a0 . 109 1 4 54 4 71 3 Year ago S7 I 41 3 45 1 MO ON D AVERAGES V 20 IS 10 IS Rail Indus Ctil Forn Thursday Previous day Week ago Month ago Year ago . 1033 103 ( 102 S l3t 103 1 103 1 103 0 103 S 101 0 104 S 107 107 5 107 3 107 S 107 73 3 7S3 78 4 7S 7 73 S w.aa 1 k jiimj Has (piw f aaewlyweds k.t their waMrsj Is self rrtajema, 4 Sales Steady Stock Market NEW YORK. June 6-,P)-Buy- , 1 ing of selected rail?, industrials and utilities steadied the stock market today; although many leaders were neglected in lower territory. 11 ! Carrier ram fn 1H fr ftr midday, with bidding tyere attrib uted to the belief this group had been oversold. A number of in creased and extra dividends fail ed to spur most issues concerned. Numerous customers continued to -hold aloof because of the labor situation, including the walkout of 62,000 AFL feamen. Bids were reinstated heire' and there on the theory hat four successive de clining sessions had acted as a partial corrective of the lengthy climb to 15-jetir peaks. Dealings were slack from the start. Forenoorv losses of fractions to 2 or more ptfinjs were reduced or converted irjto plus signs after midday without any pickup in activity. Clewing trend were rm worse than moiieratelv , irregular. Transfers of S8G.0OO shares com pared with 1,170.000 Wednesday and were the smallest since May 20. The Associated .Press 60-stork composite was unchanged at 81. Oats Develops Active Trading CHICAGO. Jpne 6-P)-A irly active trade developed in the oats pit today with! final prices mix ed The market advanced dxiring the early part of the session, gains extending to more than a cent at their best, but heavy profit tak ing by local traders toward the close more than cancelled the ad vance. Transactions were mado in I T 1 1 1 v tentmriar nH n-mKr j i - - - sented profit ; taking by traders who had obtained "windfall" profits with the ceiling advance on these contract. Bids were 24i4 : raied 5 cents on July and Sep 36'i lember corn, bringing these de 214 liveries within 5 cents of their 28 maximums, without attracting of 152 ferings. 394 At'the close oats were lower . 294 to 4 higher. July -88. Corn was 89 4 urn-hanged to 5 cents higher, July 47 4, $1,414. AH other grains were I unchanged. Radar Landing Device Tested DAYTON, O.. Jiune 6 -(-Converted war-time radar apparatus uraa iimavt in rtid nin HlinH-flv- ; i. , t,i,. iub a a aai a aaj a aa a t a j - 4 vaea j by a method which army air of ficials said promised to relieve the problem oftraffic congestion A-ar lartf airmic w . . . ... . f--- - - if At intervals f about one and one-half minutes, the planes were "talked to runway. - Without Pial equipment of any kind aboard; they hd been kept in view for 35 miles on a radar screen on th lield and their movements controlled by instruc tions radioed to the pilot. Salem Market Qiiotqtions TTke prices below supplied by lo cal grocer are indicative or ue. ?any market prices paid to growers by Sa lens buyers but are aot guaranteed by The Statesman BETTER. EGGS AND POIXTRY Sabject to cbaaga wSUioal pottce! Bl'-rTERFAT Premium , j -34 No I : . 3 No 3 , JO BITTER PRINT . A B 45 .4 n J3 Jl 34 M Quarters EGGS Lars Mediums . Standards Pullets Cracks LIVESTOCK (By VaUey Pack) Beet steers , -i . 10 to Jl Beef rows i OS to Jl Dairy cows , M to J wifc- . ., M to It Veai - SM to 14 M Lamba. top .... 13 00 ta 14 OS Yearling , , 7M to 11 00 Ewes , 3M to M Burks 3M to 4 M Hoes. top. 140 270 Iba 13 2)0-300 lbs 14M Sows .., ,-. 14 M to 14 M POULTRY No. 1 colored hens No 8 colored hens J4 Lrgal Notice ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTK I NOTICE HEREBY GIVEN that J Ray Rhoten has been, by order o the Circuit Court of fii. State of Oregon for Marion County, appointed admin istrator of the estate of FANNIE MAE RAE, deceased. Any persons having claims against said estate are request ed to present them, with proper vouch ers. So said aduriln isl rator at 310 Pioneer Trust Buiklmg. Salem. Oregon, sithia sis months from the date of thai notice. Dated this 17th day of May. 1S4S. J. RAY RMtrTEN , Admlntstatar of the Estate of Fannie Mae Rae. Deceased. Rhoten 4V Rhoten Sam F. Speerstra 310 Pioneer 'trust Building Salem Oregon, Attorneys for Estsle. My 17-24-31-J 7-14 NOTICE OP HEARING ON ADOPTION Or LADDERS AND SCAFFOLD CODE AND GAS AND FX.ECTRIC WELDING CODS. The State Industrial Accident Corn m aInn hereby gives notice that a hearing on the adoption of a rode to be known as - the Ladders and Scaffold Cdbe and a code to be known as the Gas and Electric Welding Cede will be held at the Green Room. Port land Hotel. Portland Ores-on. at 10 30 m. on Thursday. June 37. 1S-4S Slate Industrial Arrsdent Commission ? by Paul E. Gurske. Chairman. My 31 -J T REQUEST FOR BIDS The City of Sliver ton will receive at the City Hall. JuS S. Water Street. Silverton. Oregon, sealed bide until I N P.M.. June loth. 1944, for scarify ing, reshaping and placing approxi mately T300 sa yd. Oil Mat wearing surface, type O-ll, on South Third Street. between Mam and Koons Streets and on East Main Street, be tween Third and Broadway Streets, la the City of. Silverton. The construc tion will be required to furnish all material, equipment and labor neces sary to complete the work The right as reserved to reject anv and all bids CITY OF SILVERTON 3t. E. Borland. Cite Manager. J. 7-0 Statesman Classified Advertising Clastijiod Ad Call 9101 Per line loe Three Insertions per line 25c Six Insertions per line- .. 40c One month per line .. $1.5 Minimum charge 25c; 5 tl. min. 40c; 6 tl. min. 50c. No refunds. Count 5 words to. line. Copy for this page accepted un til 6 30 the evening before publica tion for claf llication Copy re cetved after this time will be run under the heading "Too Late, to Clarify " The Statesman assumes no finan cial responsibility for errors which may appear in advertisements pub lished in its columns and In cases where this paper to at fault will reprint that part of an advertise ment in which the typographical mistake occur. The Statesman reserves the right to reject questionable advertising it further reervcs the right to place al) advertising under the proper classification ' Livestock and Poultry GOOD IIOK.SK and hrnr Lootc lier over and make an olit-r. V. H. Carruw, Monmouth. Ore Kt 2 IC ANGORA goats or sale cheap. C E. C'obiUe. Turner. Oregon FOR SAtE: One 5-yr.-old Jersey family cow. Sound At gentle. Emery Alderman. Rt 3. Bo 161. '2 mi S. of Liberty on hw LIVESTOCK 10 choice feeder pig. $160 Ph B.189 VERY GENTLE Welch Shetland pony, wiln beautiful mac n-mo -01a colt. Also attractive saddle with Mar tingale Bridle Phon 3"42 WANTED- Live" or 8resed tVrkeys and poultry. Any sixe .Fryer now higher. Need your fresh eggs badly ! Bui lots of rabbits, live or dressed, old or young, fresh or frozen. Be sure to contact us before selling. Square deal with smiles. We'll pick up poultry within 2t)0-mile radius from Portland Your poultry weighed and paid for at your farm. We furnish you coops, truck or trailers to haul poultry in yourself if desired. We are in our own 3-story. 100x100 bldg. Largest independent deal ers in the city. Estab. since -B3S When you write give us phone no. Call or wire. PORTLAND EGG POULTRY CO. 22S NE Tth ave . Portland 14. Ore VE 3I9S . RABBITS W ANTED All sizes 4 to S lbs. White 34c lb . colored 23c' lb . live wight. Rabbit skins, best prices. Wire stretcher and other supplies. Rt. 4. Box 63 William Bossert. Write, we pick up Rabbit Meat Co. 1 BAY excellent work horse, cheap. Phone 1S-F-31. Rt 4. Box 3M. COMB. HORSE, weight 1200, yrs old. very gentle. Ph. 2-2880. Rt.. 4. Box II3B. FOR SAI.I". 3-year-old mare about lOOO lbs S40 Phone 3-2133 HTOVK(l rabbits-'4 doea. 3 nice rabbit hutches, for sale. 70 Libert yRd BABV "CHICK'S: Weekly" hatches new Hampshire other varieties Ph 23M1. Lee's Hatchery. WANTED: All Binds of livestock Valley Packing Co Phone 5033 STALLION SERV fCE Napa Flash. Registered American Saddle bred Stallion Fee 123 or 350 for registered mares at tuna of service with return privileges within the year Napa riash to one of the better bred stallions on the roast there Is no sub stitute for good breeding. Owngrs: Mr and Mrs Roy H. Simmons. Route 4. Box 370. Salem. Ore- Phone 01M or 3-1143 , T5ITlALH ChTuitie K ft. biby chicks every Wed Boytngtons. 3710 State M Phone SMS or 03F4. STanTEO: Beef and canner cows bulls and veals. Will call at farm E I Snethen. 1550 Lancaster Drive Ph SI 345 Morns or eves CUSTOM dressing of chickens, any number Prompt service Dressed poul try wholesale our specialty. Phone t-lMI Lee's Hstchery . WANTXD. Fat and canner rows fur beef Dairy cows, heifers, bulls, veal Fat hoes, sows, stags, boars Market price t C McCandliah. rt 3. box 373. Ph 3147 across from bsll park, f 35th "QUALITY New Hamp. chicks, college tube tested no reactors. 1123 per 1000 Gebrtng Hatchery. StXerton. Lrregon Auctions FURNITURE AUCTION Friday. June 7. at 30 p m. sharp at the J. A. Moore home. mile north of overhead on Portland Road. 8-ft eier refrigerator. Console model 4- burner electric stove: Norge mangle: elec. washing machine I white); 35 cu tX. Kelvuiator refrigerator; 8 pc. Break fast set. dishes and pans; 3-pc. Daven port and chair set: S way lamp, cur tains, drapes; 3 corner what-nots. 3 Alexander Smith Rugs, 10 by 14 and I by 10; 3 Alexander Smith scatter Rusts! two bv 13 wool Rues and Pads: -pc. oak dining rm. set; 8-pc. walnut Bedroom set; I pc. Birds-eye maple bedroom set. 3 beds with Inner spring mattress arid coil springs; Several chests of drawers: 1 Coleman oil cir culator: 1OU0 gal. gasoline storage tank: 250 sal. oil tank: Floor sander with la horse elect, motor: Shop tools of all kinds electric grinder drill: sev eral boxes of pipe stock; Restaurant counter with stools Coffee Urn. Restaurant pots and pans ; Fluor escent lighting fixtures; Lots of Misc. articles too numerous to mention. Tlie about furniture and equipment is in first class cond. Oren E Sudtell. auc tioneer. Lane Sudtell. manager. Help Wanted BEAN PICKERS wanted July 30. 4 mi. northeast of Suverton on the Powers Creek rd- Camping equipment will be turn. Transportation provided if necessary. W. W. WinsteaT GOOSEBERRY pickers. J. V. Lehr- man, 1 ml. E. Brooks. Phone 2-3974 eve WANTED: A presser. man or woman. II an hour. New Method Cleaners Call Main 74. Silverton. 14 AIL CLERK needed Permanent position. 3-day week, young man or girl. See Mr. Cross land. Portland Gen eral Electric Co. 237 N Libert v St CHERRY PICKING starts June 25. Brunks Corners. Salem -Da lias High way. Rt 4. Box 445. E C. Brunk. WANTED VIOLIN player for imme diate radio and dance work. Write Box 51 Statesman. TRAINED BOOKKEEPER Stenogra pher for general office work in grain warehouse. Experience preferred, fer manent position for right party. Refer ences required. Write or apply Mon mouth Cooperative Warehouse. , Mon mouUv Oregon. . WANTED Young man and woman, full time. Madsen's Ice Cream Jitore. WANTED: E pert penman to copy poems In longhand; will furnish paper and Ink. Answer In own sample of hand writing. P.O. Box 224. Valsetz. Oregon. Help Wanted Male WE WOULD LIKE to interview an experienced insurance salesman who Is interested in permanent employment. Ph. 3793. ask for Mrs Hutf BRAKfcifAN. I experienced, not over 43 years of ageL Southern Pacific Co.. L P. Hopkins.' Supt . Union Station. Portland, or C A. Larson. Ticket Agt . Salem ' " eJcPerienced Mechanic wanted to operate garage or lease or work on percentage baaia. Shop St equipment new. M. A. Bradley. Aumsville, Oregon. MEN for established local Home 4c Auto Supply Store, service station or garage exp. helpful. Good pay good chance for advancement. Do not apply unless you can be permanent. See Mr. Kingan. Firestone Stoie, Center At Liberty. FULL TIME doorman, good oppor- tunity for right person. Apply at Grand Theatre POND MAN or mill hand. BurkUnd Lumber Co, Turner. Oregon. Ph. 225 ' KITCHEN. JANITOR. Good Wgcs. steady position. Marwn Hotrl. WANTED' Bjf The Long-Beirtum-ber Company. Ryderwood Logging Op eration, Ryderwood. Washing ton Help Wanted Hale RIGGING MEN and BUCKERS Good wages. Good living conditions Cheap house rent Can be home every night Recreational, church and school facilities. Apply Clair Vaughan. Em ployment Mr. at Ryder wood. Wash. Phone Ryderwood 1. GROCERY CLERK Saving Center. Portland Kd BUS Boy wanted. The Spa. Help Wanted Female Kxperienretl sfamslre, steady :,work. jrootl pay. Bernardtv. Tailor, First j Nat l. Bank Bid-. E3(P. hofiemender. . Fred Myem Drug ! Store WAITRESS on night shift. 162 N. ! Cora l Chinese j Garden. I WANTED: Girl for general office work. Eire, exp desirable, some typ ing. Prm. position, good iaUry. co Box 6$7 itatmrnan. WAITED Experienced waitress. Sundays off Top pay. Fade's Coffte Shop 4241 State St RELIABLE housekeeper want e d room tc boaid Ai $100 per month. Ph 9XHI WANTED Woman grocery clerk ;.mm! pv. Call 61V1 daytime: even 2- 18.M1 WANTED: Exp typist for wot k" In tHHk keeping department. Good pros pects for advancement. Ex-service women preferred. Ph. 8273 during busi ness hours ; WANTED At Euuene. Oregon, by September 6lh. experienced coik for ororlt hmiw GMd wages 1.1'ing quarters if lt'cesary. Phone 1150 col lect, or wnte House Manager. IV i ' Eat 15th EXP. Waitress wanted day shift. Court St Dairy Lunch.347 Court. YOUNG WOMAN or girl, general housework. 3 adults, 2 children. S60 mo . roocn and board Phone 0432 . WAITRESS wanted. 8 am. to 4:30 pm Sat. afternoon. Sundays and all holidays off. Apply Mrs. Frank Krau- fer. Stat. Office Bldg. Coffee Shop. 2 and Court. W ANTEDtr Rel ia ble housekeeper, must lik children. Room, board and excellent salary. Phone 9339. EXTERieNCi:D WijtrW TfcSpi WfiMfcN NEEDED" at Salem Laun dry Co 23 S High YOUNG WOTTAN for general house work: stay nights. Phone 749 8atltrmen Wanted SALESWOMAN wanted: Age 20 to 35, I15 Jewrjry store Must be able to do some! taping. Permanent position. Top salajry References required. Box 457 Statesman. Situations Wanted VETERAN wants job of driving priv ate fat BeM of references. 240 S Coni l Phone 25570 SPRAY painting your paint or ours. Phone434 Everly ar Gotten berg FOR HIRE rf Ma'ck"3 uinp truck with or wlfhout driver Phone 3943. ""UvANT fSrm or dairy wort. I have a good truck: will use or sell Exper ienced with tractor and cat. 353 Leslie, J. C. Bowman. LIGHT HAULING. 33 a load. A yard work. Call after 5. 1. Robinson, fit. 4. Box 145 TUTORING. GRADES 1 through I Ph 3W0 P"AlNTflS"S bv the hour or bv torT tract Free estimates 171 N. 13th. Mr Dodd " SPRAYING "Salem Spraying Service. Ph 22922 or 8427. Good work. Ft-OQR waxing by professionals t75? Lilit Hauling My Specialty Free Estimates. Also cleanup attic, basements, yards and tree topping. Leo's Cleanup Service. Rhone 2-4443 ; ltOOFIN'G ' Repairs Shingles color coated it preserved Home Service Co . 165 S. 12th St Ph 5991. " PAINTING, decorating. Phone 43265 before 8 30 AM ROOr SPRAYING, satisfaction guar anteed Phone 3751. CKKt for children . Phohe 2-1003 OUTSIDE PAINTING. Reliable party Estimate fj ven Box 412 Statesman. DRAFTINrJ and designing house plana Phone 2-1530 SPRAY a biush painting, ffee esti mate Phone 2-2148 WINDOW Cleaning, walls, woodwork cleaned. Rugs, carpets cleaned on your floor, fcalem window serv. rn 1-1342 PreSchooi PiaySchooC 134T Stale A era 2-8 Part or all day Ph 8430 CTJSTOM" plowing, cover aiscing, cul ic. cul Ri 4 tlvatlng. etc. Ford Ferguson. Box 158 Phone 6A59 ALL WORK guaranteed- Windows walls, woodwork cleaned. Floors wax ed. Insured workmen. Professional Cleaning Service. Phone 4457 PAINT, paper, kafsomfn. Pk, 3523 For Sale Miscellaneous 120-GALLON automatic electric wat er heaters. Ideal for large rooming house or small apartment house. YXATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty UPSTAIRS Antique Shop. 439 Court PIANO Senches Tallman's 395 S 13th Jf TO 7E repairing & parts Woodry's Mkt . 1605 N Summer 8t MEATCASE: Triple glass, complete with compressor call 4687 after s p m FARMERS ATTENTION . Portable, electric milking machines YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 358 N. Liberty WHTEL CHAIRfoV sale. "iolo-?4 Cottage , River Silt MASON SAND CONCRETE MIX AND FILL DIRT ALL KINDS OF GRAVEL Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. PH t-lBM 2-3100 GARDEN AND LAWN TOOLS Yeater Appliance Co. 253 N Liberty IX' S . . - . ...4 tl stoves, dishes, motors, radios. Electric appliances, household goods. KLIG- MAN'S 285 N Commercial Ph 9883 LEATTlCR covered coucTT 1 cow fresh in two week, second calf John Wolf. 1 mile south of Drift Creek. Rt I Sublimity COMMERCIAL, automatic electric griddle. 18x34 inches. Ideal for small restaurant YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty FULLER Brushes 1745 Grant P 3357 TfllPLAJ?. JxT's snd other lumber. Delivered on H H priority orders. Ted Muller Trucks Ph Salem 2-1196 electr ic ? e5?ce coT?TROTXtRS" 110 volt. 1175. Yeater Appliance Co. 353 N Liberty St. Unfinished Furniture Salem's exclusive unfinished furni ture 'large assortment or made to or der Picketts Furniture. 13th and State POWERFUL S-tuhe Tropic" Master table model elec. radio built for over seas service, ideal for outdoors or coastal localities. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N l.ilxrty RED COCKER puppies. Registered. Best of breed ing. 3035 Portland Rd HOTPLATES. sinrle and double burners, one and three speed. Yeater Appliance Co. 355 N I-iberty St. MISCELLANEOUS Articles of anti ques glassware and furniture. Hand braided and hooked rug's. Book col lections and etc CalllSlJL "ALWAYS a big stocx." Woodry's Furniture Mkt Ph 3116 " UAWNMOWER. 3lS54S Norway. FARMERS ATTENTION" Westing bouse automatic electric milk cooler capacity six 10-gal Ion cans. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. . 253 N.JLiberty StRAWBEJUUXS. you pick".-l-227a. For Sale MTsceflaneoas Paul F. Parker SERVICE AND REPAIRS Save time and fuel by Installing a Beall Solaray oil-burner In your range. See at lisg 6th. West Salem .Ph . 5231 . Good used lathe and other huilding material. 452 N. Church. 4 ROOMS GOOD PRE-WAR FURNITURE! BEAUTIFUL 8-pc. walnut dining rm. set Good davenport and chair. 8-way indirect floor lamp. 2 good occasional chairs. 4-pc. walnut bedroom suite complete with spring and inner spring mattress. Full tize Simmons bed, spring, mat tress. White enamel trash burner. BRIGHT FURNITURE 453 Court Phone 7511 4 WINDOW sashes. 28x36. 9 light each. 1 sash 20x36. light. Phone 6037. LAWNMOWER. f IS. Phone 2-1936. HAWTHORN man's bicycle. Phone 9093. 260S Portland Rd. MYRTLE WOOD: Nrw selection of gifts Pernbertoni. rt80 S. 12th. . BEDDING PLANTS: Good assort ment Pemberton's, IJMI0 S. 12lh - HATE CABBAGE. caiiUflowVir "and kale. Hc111helt1.il , IMMI 12th. Ix24-Ff . ' MEAf CASE. "Hoffman's Market 150 N ('ornmerciaT " NEW youth bed and bov's bicvele". Call Sunday morning. 1117 N. 14tri. GARAGE for sale. Top dirt free. In quire 1516 6th st . W. Salem, after 7 p m. week days or on Sunday morn ing. NIGHT CRA wrER4 OO5" 5 H P SEA KING motor, and" U-ft", boat 2265 Shelton Phone 8282. INNER TUBE vulcamzcr orgrease pump. Phone 2-1917. 12-FOOT plywood boat with old mot or. 1335 N. Summer St. Phone 8073. ALT. HARDWOOD play pen. All leather baby harness. Nursery chair. 1326 6th St., W. Salem. PO'ft SALE: One set left-handed golf clubs, 3 woods, 7 irons, 340. One Coca Cola bottle cooler. 1125. 1 Pepsi-Cola blower type refrigerator, 3125. Phone 5068 or 9004. INDTJSTR IAL JANITOR SUPPLIES Disinfectants, cleaners, mops, brooms, floor tax and other sanitary supplies. Laundry and dry cleaning chemicals. WE DELIVER J. R. BOONE CHEMICAL CO. Phone 2-1492 2058 N Capitol -CTOSftfC OUT flower & vegetable plants, tomatoes. 20c dot. Cabbage. Silkejs Greenhouse. Rt. 6. Box 249. NEW UNFINISHED 4-drawer" chest. 18 95. New unfinished kitchen stools, 33 25. New andirons. 15 50. Used white enamel range, 347.50. Used gas range. 342 50. Used gas plate. 36 50. Used dressers. 312 30. Used davenport 3c I chair. 387.50. Used floor lamp. 38.50. We have many mare bargains than we can list. See us to save money. Woodry Auction aV Furniture Market. 1603 N. Summer St. STRAW, slightly damaged. $ per ton. Phone 6380. RIVER SILT Phone 2-1749 SHlNGLlt; delivered from Rosen berg Shingle Co . Tillamook. Lumber trucking. Ted Muller. Plujjalem 2-1196. ftBUlLif Pianos, like new Shop Tallnan's and save 395 S 12th, near S P Depot FISHING TACKLE boxes, all metal; flashlights requiring no batteries; flashlights with batteries: Intercom munication systems; silent butlers; wall type can openers; typatunes. music while you learn to type. Y EATER APPLIANCE', CO. 235 N. Liberty ROTARY SCOOPS Move large quantities of soil quickly, easily,, economically with a rotary scoop. Sturdily built. Fool proof oper ation. Priced at 3133 93. MONTGOMERY WARD FARM STORE Corner Trade ' 8c High. Phone 7948 VERY GOOD cheat hav. $25 per ton. Phone 6380. 1 AT NICE HAY fescue and English rye gross. Buyer cut It. M. C. Black mail 33 Lansing Ave. - FEW PRE-WAR alarm clocks, re built Phone 3-1957. 2381 State. FOR SaLE: 2-wheei trailer. 4x7. well built. 2 new tires, spare wheel and used tire. 3115. Phone 6380. HAMMER MILLS For more dependable performance at greater economy get Wards electric hammer mill Choice cf two sizes -as low as 3137 95 MONTGOMERY WARD FARM STORE Corner Trade V High Phone 7948 CLOVER HAY. Phone 3-3552. 4-pce. bedroom set with mattress it spring. 9145. Maple dinette set. 330 Call 2060 N. 18th. WOOD. COAL or oil stove. Mealmas ter. all white porcelain, like new. 2595 Hazel ave. PLASTl KOTE paints, the cellopha ne like finish, durable, glossy. Easy to apply. Avaiable in pints, quarts and gallons in a vriety of colors. Yeater Appliance Co. 255 N. Liberty PART pfcRSIAN KITTENS. Phone 7079. 1760 N. 20th st " 16-TUBE PHILCO console radio, ex cellent condition. Can be seen at Mike and Will's Service Station. 7167 WOOD RANGE: Excellent cond. Call at 642 Edcewater it , Cabin 9. LARGE rirculateing heater, wood or coal. 340. 497 S. 18th. eve. ELECTRIC heating pads, room heat ers, many types: table fans: door chimes, long and short tubes: outdoor porch fixtures: -desk snd table lamps; fluorescent kitchen fixtures and bath room brackets. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N. Liberty F"OR SALE or trade: New 4 -piece bedroom set. maple, fox good bench saw. Phone 6459 AUTOMATIC record player. Phone 2-1957. 2381 State St. VAUGHN model D crawler garden tractor, good cond. Phone 8318 WHITE cnameFtrash Burner, roooer coils At stove pipe, good as new. 145 Beech ave.. first st. north of under pass. WILL "BUY for cash, ""sell or trade guns, pistols, ammunition, boats or trailers. Don Madison. 590 No. High ALUMINUM frying pans, sauce pans coo k ie sheets, well and tree platters. small pressure cookers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty RABBIT-HUTCHES 125 Nr 23rd. SAWDUST burner, thermostat con trol and conveyor, 147 . 2045' N. 4th st Phone 6337. ALL MAKES" clocks repaired Clocks. watches and alarm clocks for sale Clock Doctor, !M S. 14th RIVER SILT Gravel. Phone 5204 CIRCUXSTInQ room heater coal or briquet YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty OAS YARDER 32800 as is Can be seen at 3455 D St. Salem Truck and Equipment Co. NIGHT CRAWLERS, Call after 5:30. Phone 2-5240. EUREKA vacuum cleaner and at tachments. Call between 11 and 3. 1645 Pearl. DRESS UP your awnings and lawn furniture with Set Fast Canvas Paint. YEATFR APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty NO 4i HOLLAND wood, coal or oil atr conditioning furnace. See H. M. Boeach at Ralph Johnson Appliances. River Silt, Phone 2-1496- SAEVIA. petunias, astemf" peppers. lias. astersV 35c a dos. Elec. washing machine. Mer rills Greenhouse. Phone 2-4351. 3 PR. DRESS trousers, cleaned and pressed. 46-32, 7.50 each. 995 N. 9th St. HEAT your home electrically. Its convenient, clean, economical. See us for free estimates. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty CHARIS trie foundation garment. Home appointments. Phone 9495. Es- ner i urner. mm re. sin. EXPERT . washing machine service and wringer rolls, sll makes. See Ed Ellis at Nelson Bros. Furniture Store. 319 N. Liberty. Wanted-4-!Iieenaneou WANTED All Kinds of Poultry and Eggs Highest Cah Prices CALL US Ac WE WILL PICK UP Washington Creamery Co. Murlack tc Arlington. West Salem Phone 2-1810 WANTEB: Late model-elec. range. apt. . size preferred. Also good frigi- daireJCall 2-4829. WANTED: One large popcorn ma chine. Must be In good condition. Write L. M. Starnes. 233 S. C Street. Spring field. Ore USED FURNITURE. Phone 5110 DISHES over 25 yrs. old Upstairs Antique Shop 439 Cou rt Ph 2-1443 WANT TO Buy. Used cameras lenses MrEwan Photo Shop 435 State CASH for your used furnltuie Ph 7596 State Kt Furniture J900 State CASH for used piano Ac other mu" steal instruments Call 4641 days or 9537 evenings or send description to JaquitfT Music Co . IB1 SHlh Lawn Mowers Sharpened Scottie Smith Fixit Shop Oxyacset ylene and electric welding. Tricycles and Kiddie Cars repaired Pick up and deliver. Rt. 7. Box 379. Hayenville dmt. Retman's Gardens Phone 3233 " WANTED PIANO. "W ilTfaV" ciih Wills MuslcStore 433 SUt St "AUTO painting.' iint a shade bettef' bv Rav ETTER Call Shrock Motor Co 8503 IF YOU nave furniture to sell Russ Bright Ph 7511 453 Court USED FURNITURE Ph 9185 " Wanted Furniture WANTED: Used furniture. Mason's Furniture. 2446 Fairgrounds Rd Ph. 24595. Miscellaneous AL'S CLEARING AND GRADING. PHONE 6305. " AVON PftOtUcTSPrione 6210 WEATHER strips. PuTlman. Ph. 59SJ WHY Not sole your shoes with pre war leather. 1 to 3 day service. Short lobs while you wait. All kinds of good rebuilt shoes for sale at Gipson's. 328 N. Com'l. St. Phone 3908. ' PAINTING Inside" and out cliff Kin Phrjme 3070. " IS COOLER INSIDE. That's your home this summer if you install WeStwood Supreme Insulation now. For 'free estimate call Western Auto Supply Co. Ph. 7177. PAINTER AND decorator, equipped, for any iob Dick Orey. Ph 6265.1 fflrMTsi-swrp i R. E Ndrthness Phone 6450 ftOOFINtfc Repairs. Shingles oolo roated St preserved. Home Service Co 1695 S. 12th St. Ph. 3991. . Septic Tank Service. Jack Boening 1067 Elm St. Phone 9633 , i HEAVY 'Hauling. Excavation and Road Building. Land Clearing. Dozer Work Ditching Basement Excavation Sand. Gravel. Crushed Rock. Mason Sand. Concrete Mix. Cement Salem Sand & Gravel Co. 1405 N Front St Salem. Oregon Phone 9408 or 31924 MUSIC LESSONS: Spanish. Hawaiian ly',ai banjo, etc. 1333 Court. Ph. 7Vi9 CONTRACT HAULING : R. L. PhiT lips, Rt. 3, Box 588K. Phone 2-3172 Dental Plate Repair TWO -HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mall Your Pistes for Repair DR HARRY SBTMLEK, UtNTISI Adolph Bldg State a Com-Ph 3311 MEN'S HAT'S" cleaned and" blocked 75c LE3 SPRINGER 464 Court St WELL drilling. ParLyman. Ph. 9608 DRAWING house plans." Phone 9621 CAPfTAXCjTYTRANSFER CO . Lo cal and Long Distance Hauling, Stor age. Crating and Packing, Fuel Oil and Briquets. Phone7773 BF.K1NS Nationwide mpv. serv )1H Septic Tankn Cleaned K. r Hsmel. 1143 8th. West Salem Phone 7404 Money to Loan You Get CASH PLUS with a 1xan from us Don't borrow unnnecesfcarlly . . but If a loan will solve s problem, consider these 4 cxtrs advantages of borrowing from 'Personal': 1. Loans made on livestock, farm ma chinery, auto or furniture. X Loans made In just one visit. 3 .All 'Personal- errployees trained In courtesy and efficiency to give prompt, friendly service. 4. Complete privacy always. Loans are made to farmers, factory workers, office employees, etc. Come In, phone or write today Loans $25 to $500 j Personal Finance Coj. License S-122-M-163 518 State, Room 125 Phone :3191 $ $ MONEY $ $ j We mske sll types of personal kbanf Including furniture, note and car leans, for sny worth while cause. We jalso make real estste losns and buy (real estate contracts. . For quick and arffl dent service see or phone j STATE FINANCE CQ. 1. 153 S Hlfr Lie 3 216-M 323 Auto Loans Willamette Credit Col STH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE N M 159 J General Finance Corp. offers money at once on cars, trucks furniture, i trailer houses, livestock, (arm marcfiineryr contracts refinanced and additional money advanced No co signers ! Cenersl Finance is locally owned and, officered: was organized in 1927 and therefore knows and can help throughout the repaying of a loan Ap plications for loans made by phone. 136 South Commercial Sts.. Salem I Phone: 9168 Licenses S-138 6c M-338 g FARJm and ClTTTOANS and 8 Your own terms of repayment with in reason. : Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and' Second Mortgages CAPITOL SECURITIES CO 307 Pioneer Trust Bldg Phone 7162 For Rent Rooms ROOM with 2 beds for employed people. 565 N. Cottage. YOUNG mother or elderly lady with some income to ih't home with work ing maVffier. Protestant, no drinking or smoking. Box 656, Statesman. For Kent Apartment 2 SMALL ROOMS with bath. 1440 Waller. For Rent SLEEPING ROOM. Ph. 6524. 324 N. Capitol. WAREHOUSE for rent, downtown. clean, dry. Ph. 4404. 7 to 8:30. CABINS. Neskowin Beach. Ph. 4422-. DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT Blankets furn. 197 S. Liberty. Ph. 9062 FLOOR Sander for rent Marsha 11- Wells Store Phone 6377. GOOD ' Used Piano L Stiff ' FLOOR SANDER tor rent afont- aTomerv Ward TKAlLJUtS for rent 30e per air Woodry's adat, 1606 N. Summer. For Rent TRUCKS for rent. Yci drive. Mo Cune. 61 Love 11 Phone 9600. ' - Wanted to Rent NEED 2 bedroom hse. by July L Perm, employed in Salem, wife cV 1-yr-qld child. References. Phone 4T;. WANTED: Smalr furnished hou-Wor apt. -Young couple with S-yr.-old child. Phone 4673: ask for Lee. ! BV" COLONEL, repufar army, small house or apartment, preferably par tially furnishedSalem or vicinity, hc quired for family, wife and 12-year-ol(J son. while officer is overseas, co Box 659 State roan. FACULTY- family desires 2 barm, hse . on or before June 1. Write Box 561. co Statesman. VETERAN and wife, botnVernplojed. would like furnished ayfh. 2-409 ON OR BEFORE July 15th. 2 bedroom modern unfurnished house, good dis trict, by middle age business executive and wife. Will be permanent. Guaran tee cood care house anit vint Fvwl lent references. Phone 4113 days. S1T evenings. UNFURNISHED houx wanted E : reliable middle aged couple. No ehi dren or .pets. Ph. 2-1757 j NEED unfurnished house or ap.irt ment In or near Salem. Permanently employed railroad man No children or pets. Best reference. Forced to move account place sold Phone- 3MS5I. " 3 ADULTS need unfurn 'apt. or" houie. Write Box 653. co Statesman. VET ."WIFE urgent!yTn need of furn. 3 rm. apt. or house in or near Salem. Can furnish references. Perma nently employed. Box 649. co States man. EX -SERVICE man audi We. & employed need furn. or unfurn. hou4 or apt. Room 331. Marion Hotel, be tween 8-2 30 ASSISTANT7upt. at National Bat tery needs 2 bedroom house by July 1 Have 2 boys, ages 3 and ?. Phone) 9246 between 8 a m. and 4:30 p m, anf weekday Ask for HowSird. VETERAN: and wife need furn. or unfurn. apt. or furn. house, no chil dren, no pets, no drinking. Will lease) or make substantial advance payment. Phone 8419. VETERAN, wife and 2 children re quire unfurn. house or apt. , We have been looking since Jan. Please calL MfV'bfnrri KTiA WANTED: 2 or 3 bed room unfurn, home. Permanent business man. $ adults. Best of references,- Box-373 e3 Statesman. For Sale Real Estate BEAUTIFUL new 6 rm. home in Englewood Dlst. large lot 4nxlt. rtawo. rirs. fireplace. Tiled kitchen, Air conditioned gas furnace. Attached dble. garage. Call Mr. Walters ' Huff Real Estate; Co. REALTORS 970 s! COML. rnnnt j?u h 2-52s eves GOOD CORNER lot N E. $1373. 25 36500" 3 bed rms.. living room, fireplace, dining room, nice kitchen, wired for range, bath, biunt., wood furnace, very good location. Hurt Picha, Realtors I 2jS Portland Road j Ph 64?a (5 A. FRUIT and nuts, good southerly slope. 1 A. cleared for building site) or berries. This Is good soil and close) to school. Turn right 1st road) N. Sun nyside school, 2nd hse. on left. . $5000 ; , 3 bed rm. ' home, plastered and pap-' ered liv. rm.; din. rm:. kitchen, bath, wired for range. b!k. te j bus, lol cated at Silverton. I Burt Picha, Realtors 2543 Portland Road Ph. 6473 NICE new "4 bdrm. home.' double plumbed, auto oil heat, hdwd. firs., full bmt . fireplace. See MR, GOOD WIN with i Hawkins & Roberta, Inc., REALTORS i Phone 4106 After 6-8718 3i950. Nice ' new lbd"rm. suburjban home. On large Int. City water, gas 4 elec. Plenty shade. Call Mr.; Walters Huff Real Estate Co. 1 REALTORS 970 S- CONTX- Phone 3793 Eve. Ph 1 3-S2SO w HAVE Several good building lols 87'tx22S (nearly acre. City water available, surrounded by good homes. 8AO0 and $50. , SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS ! 149 N High St. Plione T66fJ BY OWNER: lively 3 pedroord house, 6 years old. fireplace., hard wood floors, basement, furnace, lovely fenced back yard, garage. In lovely dls- ; trict of new homes, en pavement Price 812.000 with terms or 311.300 cash. Car be seen any evening after 6 p.m. 1324 NorwaySt. ' I 6a A. FRUIT and nuts. 3 bdrm. hsei double garage, utility hse. dandy work shop, fine elec. water syst., auto elec. water heater hse., wired for elec. rartget Building only : 3 yrs. old. Turn right 1st road N. Sunnyside school. 2nd hse. ' on left I . 'BY OWNERTa'-bdrm house, wired fo? range, full basement. Will sell furn. eg unfurn. See at 650 S. 18th 3t r5fi SALE by owner: Modern 4-r. house Phone 4581. SMALL Modern house, full set of plumbing. Laundry trsvf and utility room. Small tract of land on highway. Some fruit and good ' garden. Price S4SO. F. H. Weir REALTOR 1247 S fom'l Ph 94l STODeRN 3 bed room home Tloca ted on excellent acre. Pen 4-corners Dit nct. Full basement with furnace, wired for ranee, hardwood floors. Chicken house with brooder, barn Lots oi fruit snd berries. Price- 995O0. i Immediate poswesiilon . Exceptionally clean 6 room house with about 4 acres, located 3', miles South. Wired fo range, electric water system. Old barn, new machine., shed, chicken houre. About 2 acres In variety of full bear ing fruit and nuts. Nice spring Price, 36500. Rostein & Adolph, tnc. 1 10', N. Commercial St Eves. 6314) I'hone 3030 3 BED ROOM house in South 8a lem, large lot 7xl50. All neat and clean. One can move! right in Price 663o.. F. II. Weir REALTOR 1247 S Com'l i Phone 9411 36775 1, A East Near ly " hew t rrri. hou.oe. ('lore to sch. a bus. Call Omr Huff ' ' HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. REALTOR Hi 7 Center St. Plione 2-IB49 Eve. tt. 31731 0rton0latt5iaaa ADVERTlSrNO . I i i i Western Advertlsinj: Representatives ! Ward-Griffith Company, Ban Francisco Eastern Adveriislngt Represents ti ves . a 1 Ward-Griffith Company, Inaj vnicago. new Tors, uetrois, Boston, Atlanta Member . ' ! I Pacific Coast Division 1 Bureau of Advertising ',1 1 1 Entered at the Pottoffie at Ma1n Oregon as Second jClaas Matter. Pub lished every morntna except Mmaav. Buvntti office MIS Strut Commercial. Street. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mall Subscription Rates In Advances Within Oregon; Dally and Sunday. Mov 60 cents. 6 mos 33 90: 1 year. 96 0O; Elsewhere 60 cerx per ms or 87 M for 1 year tn advance. Per eowy 6 cents. Bv City Carrier. 75 cents a month, ft 00 a year In advance la Mb floss and adjacent counftea.