TV id-llampe-Wlleys;: From The StatemanM Community Carres jHtnIents - i - Amity Holds Graduation AMITY (Spcia )-Commenrf- frvrnt exercise fof Amity high ornocl were held May 29, with Gertrude Boyd of pacific univer- aity as speaker. De-nald Whitney - was salutorian, Henrietta Richter. ' vaJidirtprian and Superintendent Re Men ex at presented awards. ' Henrietta Richter sfron a scholar. hip to University Wf Oregon for - Kuti scholarship. Cnh awards riven by the. Amity bank went to. Betty Carson and Leslie Doujt Las. . Two rash awards for out tapdin FT A pupils went to Frank Satalick and Donald Whit wr. Phil Meeker was donor. Members of the clas are: Ewart Calander, Betty Carson, Jesaie Coljb, Doris Culp, Marguerite De reave. Leslie DouKlan, Beaulah Kimeey. Catherine Pitta. Henrietta Richter, Prank J. Satalivk and Donald Whitney. Eighth, trade graduation was held. May 31. Salutatory was riv en by Ceorr Jtpsenbalm. validie tory by Clarice Michelle and Roy al Cochran, a returned veteran avo an address. Albert Yoder. principal, made awards. A $100 sh award -was divided between Clarice Michelle, George Rosen balm, . Doris Newman. Norman McKee and Pauline Jensen, for excellence In scholarship. P. E. Meeker presented the diplomas. Member of the claw are Char line Aldridte. Dennis Bins. Doro thy Brutke.. Ann Bruczynski. Jer ry Case, Flora Davis. Lor sine and Hannah Darlene GerLach, Gerald ine HoWird, Pauline Johnson, Ralph Johnson. Joyce. Kracerm. Norman McKee. Clarice Michelle, Orah. Miller. Avery Nelson. Doris Newman, Gtorft Rosenbalin. Clinton Shoemaker, Alan Wan less. James Weldnn. Jack Wjllcex. Leii Wolfer. Erdene Webster and Edward Yoder. ! Valley Births Ancient Ruilding In Aurora Sold AURORA Mr. and Mrs Ar thur Mills have bought the lanxe building on Main street whj-h was erected by Dr. Morton Gie&r T5 years ato and where he liMrd and oprateH a druc store urt'il his death. This building has been owbwI bv members of the faan I!y. Dr. B. F. Giesy is a son. Twentv-four years ago N. ;E. Ma nock bought the business whifch be operated until the preneint time. He Is prescrintion drufjrM In Canbv. The buddings Is rw unoccupied. IttiAtic Station Being Erected MILL. CTTY - Special) 4 Cecil Lake and Leo Cain have chased a rrove of scod ipwth Hr est town from Frank) Bass and.! are building a modern aervlr station. Ler. tv buiM tourist cabins and estab lish trailer camp. TW 20-acre tract 'has 1000 feet ef MHmm fte Dur ing nln Births A salty Vacation Bible school opened Monday at the Christian church. The Rev. Bruce Cald well is superintendent Bethel Mr. and Mrs. Fred Creech of Forest Hill, Mich., and son Ward Creech and his 10 year old son. Torrence. of Benzonia, Mich., arrived by car on Monday at the home of the former's bro ther, W. L. Creech and family. This is their first trip to the west. Swef le-rVeekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F E. Brandt were Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Gaddis of Portland. Sunday evening the Brandts entertained with a buffet supper for the fol lowing guests: Mr. and Mrs. Sam Stichler, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Riggs: Mr. and Mrs. John Wood burn all of Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Boone of Silverton. Maeleay Because of the state w grange convention, wiacieay grange meeting has been post poned from June 7 to Friday June 14. Attending the state session at Baker from Macleay grange are Master Harry Marton, r, and Mrs. Martin, lecturer, Mrs. Edith Wilson, chaplain, Mrs. W. A. Jones, secretary, and Mr. Jones. Labia Center The Sunday school will hold Its annual pic nic on June 18 at Silverton park. On the committees and Mr. and Mrs. Arlo Pugh, Mrs. Harry Boehm. Mrs. Kathryn Daugherty, and Mr. and Mrs. Willard Aaer. c Aarara Wednesday t afternoon the Woman's club met at the home of Mrs. Rebecca Thames and Mrs. Ed Miller. The next meeting will be the first Wednes day in October. Mill Cltv Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Faust and Vai are on a motor trip to Newmarket. Tenn.. to visit friends and relatives and expect to attend a family reunion with his four brothers present. This is Faust's first trip back since com ing west in 10. Their son-in-law and daughter. Mr and Mrs. Lee S Rons, wiil run the store until the Fausts return. .ilrerten Earl Spencer will be local farm labor coord mator at Silverton this season. Offices were opened in the Spencer Floral shop Thursday. Chamber of Com merce assisted in setting up the local offices. Melalla -( Special ) - R a y Zielin- :ski. who Friday was graduated from Molalla high schor and re ceived a scholarship to Oregon State college, and the school cup , for the most outstanding boy of ! 1946. ts a grandson of Peter Zier inski and a nephew of Miss verat Zielinski of Salem. He was select ed as outstanding boy and Jean Shreiber as outstanding girl by the school's faculty. Both are from the Yoder community. Oak Grove The Oak Grove Gardeners will meet with Mrs. Ray FaWk on Tuesday, June 11, at i p m. S IX.VT.RTON Bom at the Sil verton .hrwpitaT to Mr. and Mr' JTaroM Brenden of ML Angel, a girL Jun t. AMITY Born to . Mr. and Mrs. TynM Cronk. May 30. a son. Ty ru Eocene, in Salem. The father 1 la the army. Grsndoarents are Mr. and Mrs.' Earl Cronk of Am y. -,, ; . - N. St-SS mt Annuil t a t m n t. e TV r"tWii'l Fire Inswranre r -. r rMuaiphta. m sf mt Dtwl)f. tS4S. vie In the iiwmnem rwwmwmr f th Blat Orvcon. fMirmaftt law: INCOME . Kef printutrm rerelv. M etS ?S1.4S Ttt tntervat ttiHia anil real aat knem-nm. SSSSSTSa. Imwm Sf it Uer aourrea, $99.- SM. ' TetaJ bteve MSISTMM i Di.Btrii5tMrrTn Wet B'mtm eaid aoUc holders for Si Me ms rt -adJtuunent tianuM, SIM.- A-"fa eetnmJbwiena or brokerage. tltua. ,i Saiax .tea end fae offleeea. Hrecfor. Tun, Ueeneea and fees. SJ13.S?S So rw4wa aot4l tm atrklMer I I'uh. fAVasnase: aurk. NU. S4M0O0AS DeklMa pt4 r credited to policy -aWktera. KO. All acher exoetdiure S'S tn 3. TUU e-xMjrvMM. MW1JI4 R AOMITTID ASSITS aiue e real oatate owned (market Hwl. Ntl. Laona aa SMrtfafes and collateral. e. NO. VaH mt kaada owned (antarliaed). ;ea1.TSt . . Vaiua w aenrke avnttf (market val wel. SSS3S01 O. raaa M banks and en hand. I1.M4.- IMS.; Premiuma eaurae af eollerflnn turn September 90. 1945. S949.. j Ia4rt and; rents due and accrued, tsastiae, OtSter aeaets fnet). 1134 444 iS Total aofmttted aw StS.ItS707 UAUJTIT. Sl'ftPt.trS AND OTHM rU.NIX Tea wiaai claima. S1.03SJIS SO Eafiitnatad laaa adjustment eapenae fwe Maaeid cUim. ria.sosoa. Tetal wneorwed premium on all un vatred riaka. 9SJOS.T70 2S. Seknrtea. rents. .esDenaea. bills, ae fo"H foes, etc due ar accrued. SM. as.. .. j t tuna ted atmaunt due or accrued tse Uses. gnsOSSd CwnmMMnX braberace. or ether Kar in and aeerued. S3 SOS M. Ail atHee haailittea. SITl.SOSe. Tn'l uabilioaa. smeeet .capital, SS. dt4 B2SS TS, C ap.tal paid' UP 11 MO an M. "Tlis aver ail UabUtttea. 99 SJ1. Tia. uriSie aa . regards policyholders. i ji nars. Teal. SiStMTSdri BUINI IN OSJFCOM rom Til YEAH Wot premiujna reaeleed ttl.lM M. v,t Wm aatd. S3 l S JO ttvtdeda paad ar credited to policy (MMftetra. None. Kauna of Company. The Pnn Ivanla ie tnowranea Campany. Name al preatdent. . George M. Dui- Ne. ZC-SC Ctnopsi of annual atatement of the Nortriweatern National Lule Inaurance Company of Minneapolis. In the Stale of Minnesota on the thlrty-firat day of December. 145. made to the In surance CemmlmwMr of the State of Orefon. pursuant to law: CAPITAL Amount of capital atock pad up. tl.SSS.MO 00. rscoMr Total premium Income for the year, f IS M 233 S Interest, dividends and rents re crivrd dutme th ear. $3,814 SS3 SS Income from other mirrn received donna- the year. 5 481 109 99. ToUl lnrome. J5 J4I T hi. DIBt'HSlEMEN'rS Pawl for lea. endowments, an nuities and aurrender value. S5.S1S.- !' ,j Uividendv paid to poliryholdera durlnf the car. 11.131. 118 SO. Dividends on capital stock dur ins the veaiv 81M.0O0 00, 5 ( ommiMiont and Milariea paid our ln the year. S2.9dS.S27 .91. Taxes, flcenws and paid dur ing; the year. $423.007 98. Amount of all other expenditures. t3 M ?S5 J Total expenditure II 2 872.42 48. Assrrs i Value of real estate' owned (book value). tl.OM30S9.1 loanj on tnorta(ea and collateral, etc. gls.fMa.181 37. Value of bonds owned (book). $99. SSO.757 80 Value of sloe hi owned (book value). $442,923 SO. Premium rotes and policy loans. $8,092,327 87 ah In banks and on hand. $1,310. 43a as. Interest and renta due and accrued, $812.773 31 Net uncollected and deferred pre iriiumi $ 29. Other asseta met). $141.788 78 Total admitted aiweta. $138,982,833 04. LIABILITIES Net reserves. $104.082.190 93. Grnn claima for toases unpaid. $31S.7S1$ ' L, ' All other liabilities. $12,878 8S3 29. Total liabilltiea. except capital. $117. 244 89 39. Capital paid up. $1,890.000 00 Surplus ever liabUitiea, $8,083,- 982 83. Surplus aa regards policyholders. $9 711 sea 83 Total. SI2S.PS3 833 04. BUSINESS IN OREGON" TOR THE YEAR Net premiums and annuities re ceived during the year. $149,980 $1. Dividends paid durinf the year. $9 147 sa Net loaaes and claima. endowments, aurrendera. and annuities paid during tne year. $71,133.77. Name of Company. Northwestern National Life Insurance Company. Name of President. OJ. Arnold. Name of Secretary, Arnold Hobbs. Statutory reatdent attorney for eery-tee. Commlaalonv of Inaurance. Kama af Secretary. R P. Stork ham 4 Statutory resident. Uocne for serv ice, f raak T. ftaoineoa. How To Hold FALSE TEETH Mora Firmly la Placa Do your faltte teeth annoy and em rarrksa by abpping. dropping or wab bnna' when you eat. laugh or talkr Just sprinkle a little FASTEETH on your plateai. This alkallae non-acid) powder holda faloe teeth more fjrmly and more ! comfortably. No lumnfy. gooey, paety ! late or feeling. Does not aour. Cheeks i "plate odor (denture breath). Cet I EASTIETH today at any drug store. I Women to Aid Polish Family - The Women' Society of Chris tian Service intends to adopt a family in Poland for whom they will pack and mall food and other items. . ? ' The first box: will be paced at a meeting June 12 They will dis continue serving refreshments at their meetings. Minneapolis Choir ? Sings at Silverton Sunday Afternoon SILVERTON - (Special) - Augs burg choir from Minneapolis will give a sacred concert Sunday at 2 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran church with the Calvary Lutheran church at sponsors. The choir will also sing at Calvary church Sunday morning during the regular serv ices. Calvary Luther league has also arranged a program for Sunday night at 7 pjn. Calvary Naomi society will meet Tuesday at the church social rooms at 7:30. ATTEND GRADUATION SWEGLE - (Special) - Several from this district attended the graduating exercises at Sacred Heart academy In Salem Tuesday night. Betty Jane Brennan, daugh ter ot Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bren nan, was in the class. HAVE ANNIVERSARY AMITY-(Special)- Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Reisinger celebrated their 53rd wedding anniversary June 1. They spent the weekend with their son in Portland. Earlier in the week 'Mrs. Reisinger's Sunday school class, surprised her with a party. HAVING PICNIC AMITY-(Special)-Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Lehman will accompany his class of Baptist young people to the Dallas city park for a picnic dinner next Sunday and in the afternoon will conduct a religious service at- Airlie. Trio Co by Plane On Extended Visit BETHEL (Special) -Mrs. 'e. E. Matten, her daughter, Mrs. M. J. Crabtree of McMinnville, and her great granddaughter, C h e r y 1 e Crabtree of Portland, went by plane from Portland to Oakland on Tuesday. Cheryle, 4 years old, will visit her other grandmother there. Mrs. Forest Rycraft will meet her mother antf sister and take them to her home in Gilroy. Mrs. Matten will make an extend ed visit with her daughter and her son. George Matten and fami ly at Covena, and with sisters in other California cities, Mrs. Crab tree plans to return in ten days. PCRCELJLS AT BEACH SWEQLE-( Special ) -Spending a few days this past week at the coaat ware Mr. and Mrs. Louis Purcell and Mrs. Joseph Breman accompanied by her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. George Dawson from Monitor. MOVE TO COAST ! MILL CITY Mr. and Mrs. Marion Huston and family moved Saturday to Netarts. SHORT VACATION MILL CITY Mr.! and Mrs. J. C. Kerber and Rose, accompanied by Luella Mason, had a four-day vacation lasr,week with relatives in Monmouth; and near Pedee. UNDER SURGERY MILL CITY Frank Smith un derwent an emergency appendec tomy Tuesday at the Deaconess hospital. Tired Kidneys Often Bring Sleepless Nights Doctors Bay pear kidney aoatela 1$ I of tiny tubea or Sites whlra kwl a to awrtfr taa blood aad keep yea keeKhr. 1 aaa taes eS. tired aad om t work Hht la tfce eartiaMt many people kae to ret ap atekta. Pnsewaa or acanty paaaaeea witk amartiae and earaiaat sometimes shows there is anaaathiae; anaie . with your kidneys or bladder. Dea't aeciat tkia condition aad loeeeakwklav laarfai aiaea. When (Uaorderof kidney fawcUoa paraute Polaonoaa natter to raoaaiw ta year Wood, is Mruwraiat aaysiaa; nacraraa. rwawanatta r Mlna mm Mima Inn if ewelMna-. potfiaaaa aadac ta ad dtsssnen. Doa t waiU Aak rear era far Daaa'a Pill, a ititukWat diaretie. ed - 1 1 - f It j by ulueae for oeer 48 ywanv Doaa'a viva bappy reUaf aad win aalp aba U BMaey tube flaea eat pot year Uoed. Uat lioaa'a fiiav nasi jp BALAHCE TE3A1T FOOD BPJDGEY IGA EVERY DAY LOW PRICES l Visit Our Fresh Fruit and regetable Department SH AFTER WHITE THE DALLES Excellent Quality coachella valley utah! type, green fTaTcaTf TZ? Z-lbs. 3 for Size 80 New brides will find it "easy sailing.' their food buying the IGA way. when they do all Fruii Juices kjy7 CHUN KINO Chop Suey Vegetables CHUN KING Bean Sprouts Sauce DERBY Chop Suey LYNDEN'S Delicious Ravioli DENNfSONS Chili Con Carne k;a fresh Prune Plums ... STARR FANCY Purple Plums WILAMET CUT Green Beans EIIINORE FANCY Shoestring Beets IGA RRAND Diced Carrots . PICTSWEET Cream Style Corn TAYLOR'S Sweet Potatoes TRU-SWEET Seedless Raisins BURBANK Tomato Sauzette : Lb. 1 1 if l - iwr 2 can 23 Ti- uauu afl afa ' . AUC , Drann 16-oz. Jar 190 Hood River Apple Juice 32-oz. bottle Texas ValleyGrapefruit Juice. No. 2 can Tiexaa Valley Grapefruit Juice. 46-oz. can Elsinora Orange Juice No. 2 can IGA Orange Juice 46-oz. can Old South Tangerine Juice. No. 2 can Libby'a Tomato Juice No. 2 can - GERBER'S STRAINED OR CHOPPED 7 41'i-ot. ' ran Assorted or Straight Varieties Dozen 80c IGA SPICED A Cooling: Satisfying Drink ROYAL GUEST Delightfully, flavored, stimulat ing:, refreshing tea for a quick pickup Vi-lb. pkg- 15 a 330 Luncheon Meal -"C AUNT JEMIMA 470 ra3Mf.alVn 1F1 U aalUUi. U Aw 111 Economy Size ELSINORE CUT (Sreen Beans DENNISON'S IPeanut SuiSier Save on the 2-pound jar 1 2-oi. can 20-oz. Pkg. 2iC 100 .40-oz. pkg. 25c No. 2 canx lib. tLh1 CO) .Only 57e ...No. 5-oz. bottle No. 1 can No. 2'i can 210 190 No. 303 glass 160 120 JL JL (p 110 170 190 i 2-lb. pk. 250 No. 2 can No. 2 can .No. 2 can .No. 2 can .No. S can ... 2 cans The (Tease-dissolving Cleanser No. 1 can Drain Pipe Opener Bon Ami Powder. .Can IGA r7elaa1a.ea Strika anywhere l'laicnes e-box carton AMAIZO Corn Starch AMAIZO Gloss Starch CALUMET Baking Powder u. Cream o! 7heai 28-oz. pkg. Shred. Ralsion ue. QUAKER h.i. Quick or Regular UdlS 48-oz. pkg. QUAKER 210 210 120 .2 l ib. pkgs. l ib. pkg i-oz. can 150 80 240 EE Everyday of the week more and more people are buying IGA Coffee. Its fine flavor makes it the favor ite among discriminating coffee drinkers. 1-lb. jar HUNT'S TOMATO SAUCE Hunt s Tomato Sauce adds flavor to Spaghetti and Macaroni dishes that you will remember for a long time. Get Hunt's and get the finest! 8-oz. can Derby Barbecue Sauce . Porter's Soy Sauce Derby Cbop Suey Sauce .5- battle 5-es. bottle 5 -as. battle lOc 19c 10c r- Oats QUAKER Quick or Regular 20-oz. pkg. Rice Sparlues . QUAKER Wheat Sparlues FRENCH'S 4-OZ. pkg. 4-oz. pkg. 120 270 130 120 100 .No. 2 can 330 Cream Mustard 6-oz.jar 90 WHITS OTITIS BOSE' Quart J Vi -Gallon Gallon Use the one washday Job - - White Rose! aid that does a three-war Just add machine. White Rose to jowr tab or wasbiaa; White Rose Whitens Clothes White Rose Brightens Clothes White Rose Softens Hard Water White Rose Needs No Separate Bleaching- PRICES EFFECTIVE AT THE FOLLOWING IGA STORES Knieger'sKash & Karry Berg's Grocery Stale Street Market "s I aW. . ... si . .uu n.u, j C m l , j 123o state strt uroatlway Grocery E8t Center .t 40h Street 1701 Center .treet plenty of Parking Space Corner of 17th "In the Heart of the City Complete Food More Lemmon's Market Carter's Market Model Food Market independence Ample Parking Space " 17th and Market Streets 275 N. High Street FOOll. I'larket 598 N. Commercial Street It's Easy to Park at Carter's " Free Parking Lot Independence Oregon J.