I I TVs taw-nlsa are last la flelalac Mil U last la alUlac. ae- earsUa to taa UUtl VTIL. arer jres the "re leaalac the Walca WW Mm pUehlna stair ku eer- - Ulalr a Ilng Its snare aaa1 t a hasUe la stillest la the clik r Skipper . E4warls to still ' there ander tail Tea Gallta . . . .;iaeMaUUy. the - . Salens art plaa salar twa saera J ehaag-es Whrt Dick Whitman ikir eaaatdfcr Ufiflm art far tha mt af ha seaaaa. Wr beea aaaest aet ta ' et)raJce thesa aattl they are aaaele. r taera la a paealbUlty Um tws tals any not tares a . , . We at tata4 takta Gearge VIee yet.' saaadea' Blr Ban Bill Klep- KwhlU TftslUa last wk, bt afraU wall hare ta before ta acaaaa la avar. Vlea la sabject ta aaajar leataa draft this year. assst kail be warCk aaara tU Caast 1 "kuw trait taaa aa weahl b If " t left alas km far easne dak ta pick htm aff at tka cUm B r-xaxa." . . walca la gaa4 Ugl. : Bt at kaaa Mr. K. waat taa aalstase af aabbtnx Bhr befare Aa-as at least... fanner Oregaa V amaa aaaklBff fd la tka snajers this ' aaa Dick Whitntaa af tka leagae- laaeUaa DaeUrera aa4 ka'a aalag ' It taa bar way. Wkltaiaa araa kit tta J last Uaae w Uekaa. aa4 aaat af tkat aeeepUble avarara aaa beea eaaapUe4 Yi the Uk teak af ataca klttla. WaManaa . always 4 M carry taa' tar K4 ' bitter wbem plait- at Oregea. - lariaeaUUy. ka'a aaatker aaaUk fraen tka atala far tka Braaklya aaaia aaa 4a by Taaa Dewney. At aa rata Dawaey. baa beea gela few years. Braacb Blckey rtra aAa a ralaa ... Schuble Should Help AeUUiaa af Bin Sellable ta tka f slsa BJMB4 staff ikaali be eaa U arable kelp. Bi. Parable aad ' axperteare. Sckabte a aiaa r arm atari aa4 be kaa eaeash kap aa kla kara" aaa ta be taraa4 -wick. aT by tka kallraaaera aba kit at klaa eaa!4 aaalat tka tawalea U Ckat peaaaat taeyra after far tka bta rrtoea E4war4a. rrWca waa tka aaa wba taika4 Bill late easa tac aff tka rUre4 llat. far tka .epart4 aklpper kaew acbable : ka4 wtaala ataff. Teat lac Sha bla la witb Carl Gaaaareea. E4 Kawalaki. Stera Gerkia aa4 Lea iraUka. If Laac Lee eaa keep aa 'peraOax aa ka 414 Sataraay aickt. gir tka laeala a Baaa-alse4 .mama 4 cerpa. (a4y. (a4y . . . Tkra wacks at kaaaa CZ2 famea ta all) aa4 taa SaUaa kava 4rawa 3UN paWL That tatal waakl fcavc beea aaa ar twa tkaaaa4 mare fca4 8aa4ay a weather beea mere lavUlac-. kat caaaUerlnc that the fiaJeaaa kavaa't last a alatla raaa 1 ta taa waatkeraaaa thla acaaaa (a miracle aa lees), tka acraae, to reach ltt.Ml far tka acaaaa la ' still aa tka rUht a!4a. There are aeaaa aaara actiea at kaaa aa4 far tka flrat three tka team kaa aecrara4 1LSX far each. Taa eaa fUara tka reat. la eaaa yea eaaX (tka II-week total at 11.111 per 'araak la 1154M pJ4 . . . IIomer Hitting Heavy T Back ta 14. tka WIL'i blxt est ''year far kemer pradartlea. 4C eir " calt amaakea were made at Waters 'park 'far tka acaaaa. Bat 414 yea kaW that at tka preacat rata the - athletes ar (alar th 44 total will "k aarpaaae4? Tkra weeks at r kaaaa kaea aeea It kamcra kit la : taa' par It arer the feaeea aa4 aaa a las ta park. AaMf the ; Isrsla Waa4y Bslmsa kaa three. : Cearya Vlea aa4 Dick Weaaer twa 'each aa4 Daaaa CrawferC Vera Xayaalaa aa4 Te4 Kerr aac. Vaa . eaasei'a Bi Lea Eatea eaaa acred ; the 41ataat left wall f ear times Uat weak to lea4 tka pack to date. J Others ar Bab James. Spakaae. aUU' Garaa. Takftma a laalaa f aaaf aaa aeerl aa4 BUI Breaaer. ; Yaacaa-rcr. Tie a r4 thlaf th Taller Tack Uat 41sklac ap th !a4ar kin thla year aa It 414 ta : . . . Ne Al Slmpeaa fer RHS ?bt4 aaa r blag after all. aa4 that aaa ka takea aa pretty mack af fl alal. Tkcr skal4 ka a reaaaa 'far tka aUto bar4 af e4acattoa ' aa aJLa Als matr to Seathera Ore ; aaa a si iaalbc baar4 la th aaiy uuaf leri ta Aia way. catlaa kaaraa jaat 4aat Impede ralaa pre rem af repaiable they ara aeservlaa' f IIbm.. c114 aa tbe athcr alfht to tell aa af the ' pliaae4 mar. He 414a t want It 1 -r IT - pabMe yast yet. bat It leaked i 'aat Jaat aa thlaaa af that aatare MhaTS -a ka4 habit af delnr. The j Tarma4a aua la semeahat 41sap ;'p4ate4 em Mt ramlac to ear tows, bat caat be blamed fer Uk V kmc a aaUec Jab la prefereaea la t a. prep past. After all. At ftUnpsn t aaaat toak aat far Al Simpson. . -Aa4 ckaacea are that ear VUla. i-with tU ret lea backxraaa4 af e eeet aacleUea. weald hare wreckr4 ' AJ's repatatlaa aa a caach Jast aa ft kaa 4aa with ethers. Cendltlan -af th 8S pUybey at Salem hlh i kaa beea responsible far mack af th achaara awkwardaem la ath- Ictlea. aad that aa klddlag . I . Senalor Swal: Aft H Pet 7S .414 AftH trt Wyatt S I 223 Cunninn M 4 2oa Bartolom 114 21 IM Kerr as 12 lis Kowalakl 24 4 147 Cerkta t MM ralttn 17 S 117 odertur II 1 HI Uaa 1 00 V m f44 M jnm tWytMtda SS M J4 1 Mcchaat 7S M J3 huolaft 113 3S .3MS Crawford 3 It -54 : rsuie ! St S .ITS iJotuaw St I .2-t W Miner JJS SS ?S1 Summer 7 J5ll , Pltcfterw: C W . Camrmi S S S-edereurg T HM S 1 Oerkis) ' , ' IT S Kowaiaki IS 4 PaJUn t Wyatt - 1 L Pet a .ion S .1M a .lara SO W A f H 11 II 1 IS 13 3 S . SSI IS 13, 4 4 Ka 37 xa 39 S3 I . 2M U IA4m I -a out LET T7ahos Zi Green TAKE CARE OF YOUR LAWN & GARDEN This summer. Work guaranteed CALL 2-U19 . a- Strengthened Senators 14 Games; Series Divide Sunday With Cap Nine Crrkin Cops Eighth; Schuble Signed On WI UACl'I STANDING W L Pet I W t. Prt. SAXXM M U 25 Bremrta M 1 13 Spekah Mil M Yakima IS IS .474 Wvnatch S 17 aS Varwreue IS M 4O0 Tecoma St U ' Victoria fl U 414 Sunday raaultt: At Salem -!, Van couver At Tecoma 19-7. Yakinia 1-4 At Spakane l-S. Victoria 4-J. At WanatcKaa i4. Bramarton 1-IS . Bri tartaic Tuaadav nlht: Salam at Victoria. YaaturS at Wonatchee. Ta roma at Spokane. Bremerton at Van couver. Salem's strengthened Senators headed for Victoria yesterday fol lowing their (-2 scries win from Vancouver and will open a seven game series with the lowly Ath letics in the Canadian city tonight. Following this week's skein the two clubs com to Salem for seven more battles, making 14 straight between them. Manager Ted Gullic's gang picked up Pitcher Bill Schuble YICrqU.4 - (Special) -Bas-iaesa Manager Gearga Cmlgh aaaeaaeed frem here Mea4ay alght that Catcher Tarn Eat whistle kaa beea eptleaed to Bats la tka rieaeer leagae aad that rite her Andy Adams kaa beea epUeaed te VlctaHa af the WIL. OatflcMcr Bab Caviaeas araa kaa4cd kla aatrlgkt releaa faOawlag Saaday's 4ablekea4 r at Salem. Sunday after the former New York Yankee farfaand and Portland Beaver righthander had come off th voluntary retired list. Schuble Is expected to give th club, added strength In pitching. He la now re siding In Salem. Th big side armer. who has looked good in working out with the club the past few weeks, .will likely break into th lineup this week. The late Skipper Frisco Edwards started the move to get Schuble back in ac tion. ; The Solons. retaining their firt place hold In the loop, split Sun day's till with the Caps by swap ping 6-2 games. Saiem copped the first on Fireman Steve Gerkin's eighth win of .the season, a neat 7 -hitter. Gerk made only one bad pitch, that a home run serve to Larraupin' Lou Estes with one aboard in th sixth inning. But th townies made merry at the expense of -Ray Orteig. Cap ace. and banged out a dozen hits. Catcher Ted Kerr, back in the line up since Woody Salmon's bad leg is acting up again, led the assault on Orteig with a towering homer over the left wall and a 2-run single. George Vico'e triple, dou ble and tingle In four tries were also a big boost Thin Man Steve, soft-tossing all the way' and keep ing the Cap batsmen off balance, walked nary a on and whiffed as many. Th rubber-armed tallie ram right back at Manager Syl vester Johnson's clan after appear ing in a relief role against 'em Saturday night. Estes' homer was his fourth pf the week. .Game No. 2 was almost identi cally the opposite as Vancouver banged Lefty Ken Wyatt and Re liefer Lee Tallin for a dozen hits while Hunk Anderson was holding Salem to six. It was Anderson's ?econd win of the week the only two games th Caps took and Wyatt's second loss. Salem Jumped on Anderson in the first for two runs when, with th bases loaded. Manager Gullic smote a mighty 390-foot double against th center boards. : From then on Anderson was tough In th clutches aa he and his mates swatted merrily ev ery inning. Anderson whacked out three hits and scored three- runs himself. Th morning rainstorm and threatening weather th rest of rhe day cut Sunday's crowd to 1821 paid. Gpodall Meet Windup Today NEW YORK. June 3 hAV Hav ing siphoned the standing water off the ninth and a few other fair ways, they will wind up the 110,000 Goodall round-robin golf tourney at Winged Foot tomor row with "Who will be second to Hogan?" as probably the most per tinent question. , Little Ben. with 36 points to his credit and a 10 point lead Over the present runner-up. Lloyd Mangrum, was ex pected by one and all. Including his rivals, to take down first money of $2000. STOREY FATHER TWICE! PORTLAND. Ore.. June 3 .-) -Twin sons were born tonight to Mrs. Harvey Storey, wife of Port land Beaver Outfielder Harey Storey, while their father was L preparing to play with his club at San Diego. SILVERTO.V LOSES SILVERTON The Red Sox lost at St. Paul' Sunday 8 to 7 in a Willamette Valley league game Silverton . . 7 8 0 St. Paul 8 11 0 Hagedorn and Moe; Hanau&ka and Hawkins. A Wr IS THE TIME FOR FIRST SPRAY I XG OR DUSTISG OF YOUR CHERRIES KELLYTABQUHAR BUYING CHERRIES ' Royal Anns ' Binqs v" Lambe rts Gat Lugs at Front 4V Norway Plant 0kM.tc Avtftcco oven ' 'Mfj' A OCCAOC Of l ytJ TUf HUSTLIMC MCA0Y OLO VeArtHORSC DOWN fROM 5CAVCR5 TO MArsiAOC CXJr? aCNATORS Sunday Poxes; rint Game: Taacoawar Al) Salam (4) a M O A! B H OA Claksn.m 4 S SKubiak t 1 2 t Krchmrj I 3Crafil.r 1 S S S Hearth J 4 2 ReynkUJ KatM.3 4 t 2 IVico.l Mulien.r 4 aWenner.l Bonnell.2 4 S S 2 Gullc.m SDreeon.c 4 S 1 Kerr.c s 1 a ( 4 2 12 lit illl ease Eatrada I 1 Bartolo J 4 3 1 4 Orteic p - 1 1 2 Cerkm p 2 I 2 Total 34 T34ia Total 33 12 27 IS Vancourer Salem - 000 out 0Oi 2 T 1 , 030 112 0On 12 t Id B H Er So Bb Orteig ft 23 12 S S Oerkin S 34 7 2 S S Errors: Kubiak. Bonnell. MP. Rey nolds. Ptsard balls. Spurceon. Len on baaea: Vancouver a. Salem 11. Sacri fice: Cerkm 2. Crawford. Home runs Kerr. Eatea. Three-baso hits: Vlco, two-base hits: Vice, aunt batted In: Kubiak 1. Kerr 2. Kates S. Reynolds. Double play: Kubiak to Reynolds to Vtco. Vcnptrea: Hanka & Day. Time: 1:47. ?, Second Game: V saxes var (4) BMOAl Slvth.m-1 4 1 a OKublaka Salens (2) B H O A a a a a a a i Krchmrj S 2 I 4 Crawfd.r Gulan J 4 2 1 OeynldsJ 4 12 1 Estea.l 2 11 SVico.l 2 S 1 Bresvner.C 1 tjwenner.l 2 110 Mulkuui 112 OGutttc.m IIS BoruMllJ 1 t 1 Kerr.c 2 a I Katrada.t 4 I 4 a Ra.rtolo.3 303 And ran. 4 3 1 Wyatt.p I 0 S. 1 CULaon.ra is a Eallin p 1 Cavina.x 1 S Total . SS 13 21 Total 27 21 8 a Batted for ylltn In 7th. Vancouver : 020 102 1-4 II Salem . 200 ooo a 2 4 I Ip B H I b So Bb Anderson f 27 a 2 2 4 wyatt it ii i a a a rautn a a a i l a a Errors: Kubiak. Kerr. WP Wyatt. Loatng pitcher Wyatt. Left on base: Vancouver '13. Salem t. Sacrifice: Mul lens. Silverthorn. . Two-base hits: ku biak. Gallic. Silverthorn. Gulan. Buna batted in: Gullic 2. Silverthorn 2. Gu lan 2. Mullen. Stolen baaes: Kretch mar. Double plays: Bartoiomei to Rey nolds to Wo. Crawford to Kerr. Um pires : Day a Hanae. Time; 2:03. At tendance: 1S3S. American League a m Chicago aoe one 001 1 10 2 Boston . . ..., 100 31 ! S S! Lee. Caldwell (71 and Dickey; For- i rias and McGah. Chtcago- t "- SOO.SIOOOI 2 S 0 Lopat. Persne S) end Dickey: Dob son and Partee. St. Louis .020 000 000- a I New York . . t00 101 03 -12 IS 2 Potter. Milfler (II. Ferrrns S. Mun crief 7 and a4ejsruao. Schulta (; MarshaO and Dsckey. CleveUod i. 002 200 SI I S 12 T Philadelphia, 000 010 004- 14 S Embree. Grotnak (th and Iollar. March lid on. Harra (S and Roaar. Deaautela t). CleveUnd L. 000 100 0IO-2 t 2 Phtladesphia . . 100 2ue 0O i 8 0 LemoaN Black 14) K hem an (1) ond Hayea; Foler and Deaavtels. Detroit . . .,,100210 000 4 S 0 Washington St 3 04O SO 7 11 3 Oeerrnue. While iSl Caster S) and TebbeUi; Leonard,. Kennedy 3 and Evans. NEW ROM RELEASED PHILADELPHIA. June 3 Baseball Tourist Bo bo Newsom got ItcKy feet again today and maneuvered an unconditional re lease from the Philadelphia Ath letics. The A's- top pitcher fig ured he hadn't had mm h luck with (Jonnie Mack's eighth-place outfit this season and that fields might be greener, elsewhere. CANBY DEFEATED SUBLIMITY .Sublimity edged Can by 4 to 3 here Sunday In a Willamette Valley league fracas. Canby - 3 7 2 Sublimity : ; . 4 8 3 Kendall and Miles; Russell and NeaL T INDIANS SIGN YOUTH SPOKANE. June 3-ipy-Owner am W. Collins of the Spokane In dians announced tonight that Richard W. Doran. 19-year old outfield prospect, has signed a Spokane contract. CCSlrH, &mffij&W as- Vies ! Tonight :wi AT il.OTNJ 15 VCAfLS QuAitrelO KC Sof tbaUers NearPennarit Upsetting the highly favored Rock Woolen. 2 to 0. the Knights of Columbus softball outfit prac tically cinched the spring league title of the mush-ball circuit at Leslie field last night. The KCs made their two hits off Dinwheel- er Percy Crofoot count; for esji many runs in the first two inning and then breezed in behind the superlative 2-hit, B-s t r 1 k e out chucking of Jim Rawlins. To win the crown; last night's victors have only to beat the celltirite: VFW crew in a replay of a tie on June 10. , KalghU of C. t t 1 Rock Weal t t Rawlins and Meyer; Crofoot and MeCaffery. t Vernon Ahead, Sox Trio High CHICAGO. June S-CflPMickey Vernon of the Washington Sena tors slipped out of the gilt-edged '.400 batting cla.s last week, drop ping 20 percentage points to .385. but he still led the American league pack by 40 points. .Second -spot Ted Williams of the Boston Red Sox also lost ground, receding six points to .34. Williams' Red Sox team-mate. Dom DiMaggio. picking up three points, vaulted from fifth to third place with .336. Another Boston lan, Johnny Pesky, held fourth placer -at .333. Pesky maintained his specializ ed superiority, leading In most runs with 41; most hits with 17; and most two-baggers with 14. Williams kept ahead in runs bat ted; in with 37, while Hank Green berg of Detroit tied Joe DiMag gio of the Yankees in the homer department With 11 each. Boston's Dave (Boo) Ferriss kept his record unsullied with his eighth straight win during the week to top the pitching rjepart ment. Cleveland's Bobby Feller heads the strikeout department with 104. WOODBURN WINNER WOODBURN Wood burn won its first Portland Valley league tilt of the season here Sunday, polish ing off Stayton 3-0. Stayton 0 4 1 Wood burn . '5 6 1 Hannebeck and Butler; Leighty and Ewert. MT. ANGEL LOSER MT. ANGEL Mt. Angel lost a hard - fought Willamette Valley league game to .Willamette here Sunday 4 .to 3. - Willamette 4 8 3 Mt. Angel . 3 8 4 Fox, Swope (7) and Buetetichen; Bourbonnais and Reed. DALLAS TOPS TIGARD DALLAS. Jun 3 (Special ) Dalliis copped its first Portland Valley league win Sunday, besting Tigard 6 to 3. Tigard 3 7 t Dallas 6 8 L Gibson and Sorenson; Patterson and Pate. HEWER'S AU IVerk Guaranteed 428 Caart St. Call 7522 yi ' .J" 7 ri ( On All Hakes") Piluso, Angello Mix for World Mat Title Here Tonight The Ferry Street Garden dons Its finest spans les tonight aa Matchmaker Elton Owen pre sents his weekly blcepplng bee, for the evening's rendition offers aa less than a world llghtheavy scrap between Tltllst Ernie laaa and Bruising Bruno Angel la, the super aaaty. Plloao, who recently won the recognized title frem Danny MeShala In Holly waed. will have his $5000 belt an exhibition thla afternoon at Ma ple fc Keene's sports shop - - Angel Slugger Still in Front Christopher's .373 Bat Mark PCL's Best LOS ANGELES, June S -(JP)-Lloyd Christopher, slugging Los Angeies Angel, held his grip on the Pacific Coast League batting lead with an average of .373 through games of last Friday, statistics showed today. Ferris (Cocky) Fain, San Fran cisco first baseman, moved Into second place with .338. Oakland's Les Scar sella continued the top slugger with 15 homers and 48 runs batted in. The Hollywood Stars paced the league in team batting with a modest mark of .23, reflecting the pitching dominance. Portland was last in hitting with .232. AB H RBI Ave Christopher. LA Fain. San T ... .. KaUn. Hollr .. Rlkard. Holly Sauer. LA . Storey. LA -Port Ramsey, Seat Holder. Oak 220 S2 4S .373 307 70 42 SS 137 44 21 334 1S2 SO 27 333 233 70 22 , J2S 10C 24 II 331 234 SO 22 SIS 13S 43 14 31J 100 34 13 .313 210 04 IS SOS 343 74 SS 402 103 21 4 .301 220 SS 43 300 17 69 33 S9S 1S2 17 . 21 Ml Masner.flSac ... Sueme, Seat . Scaraetla. Oak Garms. S D Retch. Port Evers, Mayo Collidca Hurt WASHINGTON. June S -VP) -Hard-luck "Hoof Evers sustain ed a broken Jaw tonight and two Detroit teammates, Eddie Mayo and "Stubby" Overmire also were injured as the Tigers dropped a game to Washington's Senators. Evers. Tigers centerfielder, and Mayo, second baserrtan, smashed into each other in the third inn ing attempting to field a fly hit to short center by Pitcher "Dutch" Leonard of the Senators. Doctors said both will be out of the game "possibly two to three weeks." Briton Sure To Win This'n LONDON. June 3.-;p-Bruce Woodcock and Freddie Mills. Great Britain's best pugilists who wre soundly whipped by Ameri cans in their last ring outings, tangle in a 12-round heavyweight consolation contest tomorrow night. Most remarkable thing about hte bout is the drawing po;er of two losers. The last of the: ringside seats - - at $84 a copy - - was sold 10 days ago. Kill en and Mozel Qualify for Open SEATTLE, June 3 VP-D a v e Killen of Olympia and Chuck Congdon of Tacoma paced the U.S. Cprt golf tournament's Pacific northwest qualifying trials today with even par 46's over the Se attle golf club links, but Congdon passed up his opportunity to enter and Joe Mozel of Portland, Ore., who had 147, will take the spot. Ail three leaders were pros. National League RHE Philadelphia 000 104 030 S IS 1 Prttaburtfh .. 100 J to 100 4 II 1 SchanzJ Karl (7 1 and Seminick: Al boata. Lannlng (St. Hallvtt (7). Wilki ill ind LApvz. Baker (71. New York . O00 3O10O2-S S I St. Louis OOO 001 030 4 T 3 Kennedy. Trinkle ill. Budnlck 11 nd Cooper: Brszle, Barrett (7), Krlrt (t. Dickson it) and KJullz. "QUEEN for a DAY Originating in Portland This Wed.-Thurs.-rri. Get a Rose Festival Button from any Salem Cherrian or Salem Chamber of Commerce and see Mutual's Cinderella Show. t LISTEN EVERY Monday Through Friday 10:30 P. M. .'' tCI Tf ndlsi'l 5C l lMl that Is. If he still has It after his mix with Paavo Katonen In Portland last night. , ' The title brawl, made possible because Owen guaranteed Pilu so practically everything but the armory Itself, will be limited to one hour and will be best two of three falls to win. Piluso is the Portiaader who went south .as only a so-so matador but im proved to sach an extent that he copped the title after becoming one af the sharpest performers Oregon itatefiman ai uiuner Edltac IFfisDnnim9 nzTKrifii : Oregon's legion af anglers, or that local batch wba went forth daring the Memorial Day and weekend holidays, came back with varied success, according to reports turned in to spar tine goods stares. Neither Valsets pond. Alsea. Luckiamute and SUets rivers to the west er San tlam river to the east yielded tea much according to the re ports. Those who ventured south to the Drapqaa. McKeniie and Rogue had mostly good luck for their journeys. Suttle lake to the east gave up gome fine catches, aa did moat of the ether lakes In the state now open ' Two loads of trout, weighing 500 pounds, were released re cently In Anthony lake in Bak er county by the game commis sion after the North Powder Sportsmen's club had plowed out the road and made a way through the snow for the fish truck. There still was snow to the depth of three er four feet at the lake's edce. How It's done in Yakima. Wash., for the kiddies: In Sportsmen's park there is a pond In which the waters are reserved for children's fishing only. The other day after the pond had been freshly stocked, a four-year-old. girl caught a 16' inch rainbow, and two of her cousins, neither 10 years old. bagged 14-inch beau tie! All three caught the fish by merely running from the pond, poles In hand. They were using sal -man eggs .... Nat much ta this fishing, eh? At least not In Yakima for the kiddies . . . . Metlford Winner SGCJCoU Outing Ted Medford and his 12 hand icap heated up to the best 18-hole round he's ever carded Sunday at Salem golf course and won the Mens club sweepstakes tourna ment with a net 65 tally. Med ford had a 40-3777 gross. Bill Phillips, jr., was second at 68 aft er grossing a 39-41 80 and using a 12 handicap. Third among the 30 participants was Bill Good win. He carded a 39-3675 and used a six handicap for a net 69. IS ft :? . i 30 en Your Dial u r i-ff " "y a e iiiiii In the lightheavy game. In An-, gello he meets a character who knowa something of these titles also. Bruising Bruno, much as the crunch customers hate ad mitting It. now holds both the coast lightheavy and Junior hea vy belts after flattening both Katonen and AI Szass.i former champs. A meanle of the first degree. Bruno should give Pilu so as good an argument as any one now operating In the northwest. Ferris Cops 9th Slrhiglit Red Sox. Dodgers Win, 1 Increase League Leads BOSTON, June 3-D-The Boston Red Sox. went lata a sevea game lead over the second-place New York Yankees by taking bath ends of the double headers today from the Chicago White Sax, C ta 1 and 5 to Z. Dave Ferris won his ninth In a row in the opener, ; i Rookie righthander Clarence Marshall coasted to his first complete game victory of the season as the New York Yankees hammered seten runs home In the first Inning to trounce the St. Lauis Brawns. 12-2-' Cleveland, and Philadelphia divided a twin bill, the Indians taking the first, ?5. and the Athletics the second I-J. I The Washington Senators beat the Detroit Tigers. 7 ta 4. la a alght game that saw Eddie Maya aad "Hoot" Ever. Detroit players, rajafed in a collision aa they both ran for a fly. It' - WilUrd Marshall hammered his third homer of the year ta the . ninth Inning with two oat and Baddy Blattner on baae ta provide the New York Giants with a 5-4 triumph aver the St. Louis Cardinals. The victory: dropped the Red Birds four games back af the Idle,' f rent- running Brooklyn Dodgers. i I The Philadelphia Phillies cat lease with a IC-hrt attack, featarlag a 400-foot homer by Andy Seminick, ta dawn the Pittsburgh Pirates ' ' : I ' ' .. J!' nrr i fcM.Jti:wf.l PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE W U Pet i W .L. Pt Oakland 43 23 S62 Sarramen 33 35 4S5 Saa Fran 41 34 .413 Hollvwd 30 33 .44V3 Um Ana 34 30 343 Seattle 33 40 3S3 San Dies 33 33 .433 Portland 33 41 J Monday's score: At San Diego 1. Portland IS. AMEBIC AN I.EAGltK Boston 34 .71 St. Louis New Yrk 2S 17 S32 Cleve Washing , 22 II .530 Chicago Detroit 23 21 .523 iPhlladel 18 24 42S IS 23 4IS 13 23 ..HIS 1 1 32 256 Monday's scores: At Boston S-5. Chi cago 1-2: at New York 12. Bt. Louis 2: at Philadelphia 3-3. Cleveland 2-4. at Washington 7. Detroit 4. Sunday's srore: At Washington 2. Detroit 10, A II other games postponed. NATIONAL LEAGUE Brooklyn 27 13 .675 New York 20 21 4SS St. Louis 23 17 .575 Boston Chicago IB 19 .5U0 PitUbrgh Cincinn IS IS 500 Phlladet- 18 21 .402 18 30 444 13 35 J42 Monday's scores: At Pittsburgh 4. Philadelphia : at St. Louis 4. New York 5. Only games scheduled. Sunday scores: At St. luis 0-6. New York 1-7; at Cincinnati 1-0. Brooklyn 2-1; at Pittsburgh 5-3. Phila delphia 1)0; at Chicago 3-8, Boston e-i. s Oregonians In the majorswhat they did Monday : AB H OA X RBI Gordon. Yankee! 6.1 4 4 0 1 Whitman. Ddgrs (No game scheduled) Pesky. Red Sox 3 3 12 3 1 Doerr, Bed Sox S 4 S ll 1 Dixie Walker Pacing Hitters NEV YOFfbc, June 3. -UP)-Dixie Walker added only hve points to his batting average during the past week but regained first place in the National league's batting race 'with a .374 average. Whitey Kurowskl of the Cardinal ho led the parade last week.Jfropped to eighth place. Johnny Hopp. Braves, grabbed second spot with .345, whije an other Card, Stan Mutual, hojds third with .342. Walker and Enos Slaughter of the Cards are tied for runs bat ted in honors with 31 apiece. Mu sial paces the , circuit in number of hits, 53 and doubles, 13. Big Johnny Mize. first baseman of the New s York Giants, is tops in ho mers with 10. Joe Beggs of Cincinnati is the senior circuit's leading huiler. with a five won and none lost record. Art Herring of the Dod gers has four triumphs and no defeats. I i j aS K 1 V-' x It . ? f iA Although the main event ts far ine Digest prise ar em au in lightheavy gladlallng. there ..will be no hike la admission prices far tH n. rl v tuurM Cisves. The two prelims, first one, starting at S:30 o'clock, pit Ea Sgt. Jim Kenaston. the Gold Illl I . roughlan. against Jack (Tiger) . Kiser. and Joe Lynam. the Red mond fireball against Muscle- -man Georgea Duse tte. -Beth will aa doubt be tops 1st tempo for. the gilt-edged mala event. , - ! . i i Bevos Smother Padres, 15-1 SAN i DIEGO, Calif., June 1.4 (-Exploding for eight runs in the sixth inning, the Portland Beavers went on to defeat the San Diego Padres. 15 to 1, in a Pa- cine Coast league game tonigr.t. The two teams with two tsims each broae even In their abbrevi ated four-game series.- ! . Portland 4 13) Sa Dtegof.ll ab h po a' ab h a Smith.m 2 13 OCriscolo.m 4 S ,8 Dbbns.s 3 1 8 2GyslmalSJ 4 1S S Facbar.r 4 13 0 Lanifero.3 I Store .1 8 I 1 OMcDonld.t 4 ISO Reich.l S 3 7 0 Girnuj 8 1 1 a Crfd.3 S 3 1 liVselich.r I 0 Turner.c 8 2 8 1 KonopkaJ 4 t 8 C Wheelr.3 8 0 0 4 Rice.c 4 1 ;S O Helser.p 9 3 0 0 Beard . 4 S 3 S Anglc.2 2 2 3 Etaenmn.p 1 8 0 a Bghman.p 0 0 8 0 ChappU.p S S;8 Brillhrt.p t 0 0 a Dumler.p t ill I T.nnH 1 S t S a Total 41 15 27 S Total' 3l' 37 1 x Batted for ChaDDelle In 5th Portland 100 0OS 00013 San .Diego 010 000 000 J Losing pitcher Eisenman Pitcher. IP HO RR SO Eisenmann 3s 3 8 1 Baughmann . 3 BS 1 1 Chappelle 1 ?s 3 . - Brillheart .. Helser a Hit by pitcher Garms by Helser. Wild pitches Dumler. Left on bases Portland II. San Diego 7. Home rui.s Crawford. Two-base hits Smith. Hel Rice. Runs batted In Rice. Reich 2, Crawford 3. Escobar 3, Helser 3. Dob bin. Turner. Errors 'Angle. Beard. Dobbins. Stolen bases Turner. ' Dou ble plays Gyselman. Angle and Mc Donald. Timer 3:33. L'mpiree Hood. Doran and Kober. i 'fi G AB R ; H Pel. 34 130 2S 54 jwl 33 131 23 4S J74 31 ISO 34 SS XS 40 150 3S 44 .348 43 131 38.51 J.S 43 ITS 42 SO .3- Vernon, Senators . Walker. Dodgers . Hopp. Braves " Musial. Cardinals Williams. - -Red Sox Pesky. Red Sox Runs halted in National leaguel Walker, Dodgers 3!: Slaughter. Carat nats 31; Holmes. Braves ; Aaaetteaas Iraaue: Willtanta. Hwti Saa 37: Dsns, Red Sox-34; DiMaggto, Yankees 33. Home run National league: Mie. Giants tO: Kiner. Pirates 7: Blattner, Giants 4: Kurowskl. Cardinals S: Amer ican league: OiMsitm. ' Yankees i II: Oreenberg. Tigers 11; Keller, Tanks lO. At Boring Optical Co; Tim -FINEST : FATHER'S DAY GIFT. . . AN 0 EXTRA1 PAIR GLASSES Smartly styled, they will enhance his appearance as well as serve him faithfully. ! Consult Dr. E. E. Borlrtf, Dr. S. A. 'Wheatley or Dr. Sam Hughes. This consultation and examination will provide the correct information regarding your eyes. Phone 6508 for an appointment. BORING OPTICAL S83 Court Phone