The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 04, 1946, Page 3, Image 3

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    Misfe Lois
Hariimer a
. The Tint Congregation al
church ns th setting for the
wedding ipf Mis Lois Hammer,
daughter bf Mr. and Mr. H, C.
Hammer. ! to Edward Neufcldt.
on of Xlt. and Mrs. J. K. Neu
fetdt, on ' June 1 at 4 o'clock. .
. The Ber. Sam P. Neofeldt. cou
sin of the groom, performed the
double ring ceremony. Miss Ar
Vrve HilCUcker. accompanied 1 by
Jean Hobajon Rich, sang "Because"
and "I Ift Thee." Miss Anna
Neufeldt, iiter of the groom, and
Miss ZZaore Francisco lighted the
tapers. I .
The bride, given in marr4Ke
by her father, wore an Ivory
satin gown fashioned with a
gathered bodice. long sleeves
which ended in points over the
wrists and a court train. Her
tulle veil! was fingertip length
and she . carried an- orchid with
satin streamers marked with
orange blossom.
" Mrs. Eric Prebilsky. sister of
the groom and Miss .Dorothy Mol
lis were the attendants. They wore
- blue fowm tnd corsages of gar
denias and sweet peas.
Mr. Prebilsky was best man
and ushers were Roy Hammer,
uncle of the bride and Clarence
A- reception was held in the
fireplace room- after the nuptials.
Mrs. Jack McNeil cut the cake
and Mrs. Xarl- Hammer presided
at the punch bowl. Mrs: Roy Ham
mer presided at the coffee urn.
; Serving were Misses Beverly Mc-(
JTabe.T Vonna Martin and Shirley
, Uvely".
' For her daughter's wedding
Mrs. Hammer wore an aqua crepe
gown and Mrs. Neufeldt wore a
black dress.
For travelling the bride chose
a check suit with black ccessories
. and an orchid corsage. The couple
will live in Coquille where he
Is manager of a Safeway store.
- The bride is a graduate of Sa
lem schools and her husband was
released from the marines a year
M3ea FUreaee Wallace Is leav
ing ! by ' plane today for Fresno,
Calif-, for visit with her sister-tn-Uw,
Mrs. Charles Wallace. She
will; be away ten days.
ijrade and Mrs. Claede McCel-
lach of Portland were visitors in'
Salem- Sunday as guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank H. Spears, sr.
Ladies ef the Keiser Sew ins
ib will meet all Bay Thursday
t the home of Mrs.! Ben Claggett.
A no-host, luncheon will be served
at noon to be followed by quilting
and a white elephant sale.
t." Service on
Udell Repairing
Diamond Setting
7 Jetcelry
Stere Hears: tJt te C FJML
f Corner Church and Hood
mm fa? in
. ' ' "I " ' ' .' : . ;
This fotxl market formerly liiiowii as Wilbur's Grocery lias been
closed for teveral lay to pet installed in our new building. We
' ' 4 i
thank all our patrons for thrir patience in waiting for our open
ing and for the interest eJmnn in our new undertaking.
Society Clubs
Music . . . . The Home
Women's Editor Society Editor
Ralph Schlesinger Takes
Bride at Sunday Rites
One of the largest weddings of the season took place in Portland
Sunday afternoon when Miss Be mire Weiner, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Joshua Weiner. became the bride of Ralph D. Schleinger, son
Of Mr. and Mrs.. Max D. Schlesinger ; of Salem, in the grand ballroom
of the Multnomah hotel at 4 o'clock. 1
Five hundred guests attended the nuptials with over a hundred
going from Salem for the rites.
Dr. sjenry Berkowitz officiated
at the ceremony and F. W. Good
rich was the pianist.
All while flowers decorated the
ited tne
improvised altar at one
the ballroom. The coupl
changed their vows beneath a
canopy of White peonies, delphin
ium, iris, snapdragons and gladi
oluses flanked by tall white tapers
in wrought iron candelabras, cy
press trees and fern resembling
a garden scene. Large bouquets of
the same flowers were arranged j
in the corners. On either wall in
the large windows were green
panels decorated with white flow
ered scrolls of white peonies. The
bridal party entered through a
bower of the same flowers and
walked! down the aisle marked
with white roping and single white
tapers in tall wrought iron candle
sticks. ,
The petite, brunette bride, who
entered, on the arm of her father,
wore an exquisite white satin Vic
torian gown fashioned with a fit
ted bodice -embellished with crys
tal and pearl embroidery. The
petal Shaped neckline was
edged ; in the embroidery,
sleeves were long and the
skirt ended in a court train.
Her flowing veil of illusion was
ornaments ted with tiny circles of
seed pearls. The veil cascaded
from a high peaked, coronet of
illusion and petal embroidered in
.seed pearls. She carried a white
Bible showered with white phae
lanopsis orchids.
The Bridal Party
Preceding the bride to the altar
was the groom's sister, Mrs. Saul
Bloomberg, as matron of honor.
Her gown was of mist rose chif-.
I ion designed w nn ,a urecian do
I dice and full skirt. The girdle was
i beaded in lavender and silver and.
' . . , . , i
sne wore long purpie gioves am
carried geranium blossoms am
stock in shades of orchid and pink
with a hair ornament to match.
The bridesmaids were Miss
Shirley Rotstein of Chicago, Miss
Bess Weiner of Montreal, Canada,
Miss Gloria Taub and Mrs. Eric
Goldenberg of Portland, who wore
identical frocks of moon blue with
taffeta bodices and full net skirts.
The gowns were made with sweet
heart necklines and three-quarter
length sleeves. They all carried
bouquets of geranium blossoms
and stock in shades of magenta
with matching hair ornaments.
Theodora Schlesinger, niece of
the grOom. was flower girl. She
wore a pink sheer frocks and car
ried a small bouquet of lavender
stock with a cluster of the same
flowers in her hair. Alan Sey
mour Weiner. the bride's nephew,
was ring bearer.
Sol Schlesinger stood with his
brother as best man. Ushers were
Sidney Schlesiriger. also a broth
er of the groom, Saul Bloomberg,
Abe M. Weiner and Mel Silver
man, who came by plane from
Atlanta, Ga for the wedding.
For her daughter's nuptials Mrs.
Miss Bates
m -s r
lo Marry
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd E. Bates are
announcing the engagement of
their daughter, Bargara Ellen, to
Joseph W. Ridgeway, jr., of Band
ville. Va.
The wedding will take place
Thursday night, June 6 at the
home of the bride's parents with
the Rev. Oscar N. Brown of Rose-
dale Friends church reading the
Following a 'wedding trip the
couple will be at home in Port
land where Mr. Ridgeway is to be
employed. He just recently re
ceived his discharge from the
Weiner selected an ice blue crepe
dinner gow,n slightly entrain
which was ornamented with sil-
I ver sequin flowered sprays out
lined in silver neaos. in long
sleeves were enhanced w i th the
sequin flowers at' the wrist. She
wore pink phaelanopsis orchids in
her hair. Mrs. Schlesinger attenti
ed her son's marriage in a silver
blue crepe dinner gown printed
with flowers in shades of fuchsia,
grey and purple. The skirt was
draped and ornamented at the
waistline with sequins. She also
wore pink phaelanopsis orchids in
her hair. Mrs. C. Weiner of Bal
timore, Md., who came by plane
for her granddaughter's wedding,
wore a black gown to which was
pinned a purple orchird.
Dinner Dance Fellows
The wedding dinner for the
newlyweds and guests was held
in jlhe assembly room after the
ceremony. The all white color
scheme was further carried out
j in the table decorations. The long
tables were centered with small
bowls of white gladioluses, snap
dragons and stock and white ta
pers. The tiered wedding cake
centered the bride's table where
members of the bridal party and
immediate family were seated.
Large bouquets, of white flowers
and' white tapers in silver candela
bras flanked the cake. A string
ensemble played during the din
ner hour. Dancing followed in the
grand ballroom to Ron Salt and
his orchestra.
The. couple flew to Vancouver
and Victoria, B.C. on their wed
ding trip. For travelling the bride
donned a f chic wool tailleur of
navy blue with, lime jacket lined
in white with hand painted roses
to match the blouse of her suit
Her accessories were navy and
she wore a scarf of natural Russian-
sables. Her corsage was of1
white phaelanopsis orchids.
Mr. Schesinger and his bride
will be at home in Salem at the
Devereaux apartments after June
- X -
) I Lu u
m . k a a r. g a
f. .. V! ,1 A 11
Mark and Marian Wilbur
Are Honor
June brides-elect are the incen
tive for much entertaining these
Miss Lorraine Murdock and
Miss Clarice Busselle will enter
tain Wednesday night at the lat
ter's home on Stewart street for
the pleasure of Miss Elizabeth
B ruck man. bride-elect of Leigh
ton Fairham. USNR.
Bridge will be in play during
the evening with a late supper
following. A miscellaneous show
er will fete the bride-to-be. Bou
quets of spring flowers will be
used about the rooms.
Honoring MLss Bruckman will
be the Misses Marilyn Nelson,
Leona Tingelstad, Mary Bruck
man, Edith Fairham. Thelma Wil
cox. Donna Shafer. Bemice Bow
ersox. Mrs. Lawrence Feldschau,
Mrs. Douglas Baker and the host
esses. -
Far Nancy Wallace
Mrs. Browtn E. Sisson and her
daughter. Miss Mary Elizabeth
Sisson, were hostesses for a smart
ly arranged bridal party Monday
night at their Center, street home
in honor of Miss Nancy Wallace,
June bride-elect of Lt. (Jg) Rob
ert Gormsen.
A dessert supper was. served
with guests seated at individual
tables centered with bouquets of
pastel spring flowers. The eve
ning hours w,ere spent informally
and a kitchen shower feted the
Honoring Miss Wallace were
Mesdames Paul B. Wallace,
Charles A. Sprjague, Stuart Mc
Elhinny, Robeift Bums, Misses
Mabel P. Robertson, Kit Feuille
of Seattle. Joan Remington, Donna
Unruh, Delphine Riney, Florence
Duffy. Sarah Ain Ohling, Roberta
Jean Yocom and Marianne Low
and the hostesses.
Seniors to
Be Feted
Mrs. Daniel Schulze will open
her country place on Hanson ave
nue Wednesday night to the Del
ta Gamma alumnae when -they
entertain in honor of the gradua
ting seniors of Delta G)mma on
the Willamette university cam-
: pus.
j An outdoor supper will be serv
; ed in the garden by the fire
; place at 5:30 o'clock.
I The hmor guests will be the
j Miriam Day, Virginia
Case. Ruth Farmer, Lovicy Jones,
Mary Nim, Janice Patterson, Bet-
ty Randall, and Ann Strother.
I Mrs. Edwin L. McEwen is in
charge -of arrangements for the
A. Supper
Mrs. Kenneth Hanson ha In
vited a group of her friends to
' an informal supper party Wed
nesday night at 6:30 o'clock at
; her new home on Saginaw street.
1 After the supper hour contract
bridge will be in play. Arrange
ments of late spring flowers will
provide the decorative note.
Covers will be placed for Mes
dames Melvin T, Hurley, of Rich
mond, Calif., Norman Nelson of
Lexington, Manfred Olson,
W h e el e r R. English, Roswell
Beach, Harold Shogren, Misses
Julia Johnson of - Chicago, Elea
nor Trindle and the hostess.
Picnic to Honor
High Point Women
This afternoon a picnic honor
ing sophomore women of Willam
ette university, who have the
highest qualifying grade point
averages of their class, will be
held at Silver Cteek Falls by Cap
and Gown, senior women's scho
lastic honorary.
Women to be honored are Kay
Karnopp, Joyce Furman, Evelyn
Jory, Lora Ellen Bates, Frances
Sopp, Roberta Besul. Ruth Bain,
Winona Dillard and Maxine Mey
ers. Faculty guests will be Dr. Hel
en Pearce, who will speak. Dean
Olive M. Dahl, advisor of the
group, and M isa Lois E. Latimer.
Cap and Gown members are
Delvon Long, president; Dorothy
Hoar, Jane Fitzsimmons, Ann
Strother and Miriam Day.
Misa Carmen Campbell.; daagh-
.ler of Mrs. Van Wieder, who has
completed her junior year at
Mills college, is expected home on
June 11. She is now visiting in
I San Diega with one of her class-
! s-ta ", a- Hfiec Ctarlintf T nftin
iimi t aa A.a i . s uiift aa un.
Mrs. M. P. Adams w III be a
hostess this afternoon at her coun
try place for the first meeting of
her summer bridge club. A salad
luncheon will precede several
hours of cards.
Trils great medtctn la smout to
rtiltev pain, nervous distress and
weak, 'dragiied out restless feeltOKS,
of 'certain days' when due to func
tional monthly disturbances;
SOS 1st National Bank Blag.
Phone 3663
Machine Haves and
Rilling Kooler
Phone Year Appointments New
Missouri club auxiliary, with Mrs.
Wad Weekly. 7BO South d . 2 p m.
Chadwirk chapter. OES, Masonic
Temple, S p.m.
Pythian Sifters, 24S North Commer
cial at.. S p.m.
Presbyterian church circle meetings.
Women's guild. First Congregational
church, Eric Butler home. Halsey Road.
1 p.m. covered dish picnic luncheon.
Woman's auxiliary and- St. Paul's
guild. St Paul's Episcopal parish house,
12 30 luncheon and meeting.
WSCS of Leslie Methodist church,
with Mrs. J. S. Murray. 390 East Wash
ington St., 2 p.m.
Woman's council groups. First Chris
tian church. 11-30.
Degree of Honor covered dish din
ner. Salem Woman's club. S:30 p.m.
Raphaterians with Mrs. Ray Smith.'
1899 Center st . 2 JO p m.
Ladies of Keizer Sewing . club, all
day. with Mrs. Ben Claggett, no-host
Sojourners, dessert bridge. Salem
Woman's club. 1 p ni.
Neighbors of Woodcraft Thimble
club with Mrs O. L Scott. 1360 S
Liberty St., no-hot luncheon, noon.-
Nuptials in
Portland of
Of interest to the many Sa
lem friends of the bride is news
of the marriage of Miss Ruby
Eastman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Elbert Eastman of Portland, for
mer Salem residents, to Robert A.
Clark, jr. of Pelham Manor. New
York, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
A. Clark, also of Pelham Manor.
The ceremony took place Saturday
night, June 1 at, the Englewood
Christian church in Portland with
the Rev. C. Alton Brostrom offi
ciating. Harvey Adams sang and Miss
Eleanpr Brostrom played the wed
ding march. The ceremony fol
lowed the return of the bride and
bridegroom from Cairo, Egypt,
where they i were serving with the
American diplomatic corps.
The bride, given in marrige by
her father, wore a traditional
white satin dress with full tulle
veil edged with Madagascar lace
falling from a tiara of seed pearls.
Her bouquet was a cascade of
stephanotis, roses and white or
chids. Mrs. Olin Attendant
Mrs. Daniel D. Olin of Salem,
matron of honor, wore a blue mar
quisette dress with short veil of
matching tulle. Bridesmaids were
Miss Ethel Schumann and Miss
Clare Combs, who wore dusty pink
faille frocks with matching veils.
They all carried bouquets of roses
and delphinium.
Daniel D. Olin was best man
and ushers were Gideon Rudberg.
O. L. Withrow. Kenneth Jones,
and Fred Schafer.
A Wedding reception followed
in the church parlors.
The newlyweds have gone to the
east coast and Niagara Falls on
their honeymoon. They will live
in Arlington, Virginia for a year
while he' is in Washington, D. C
and then will be sent to Paris. He
is continuing his work with the
diplomatic corps.
A Dessert
Mrs. U. Scott Page will pre
side at a smartly arranged des
sert luncheon Thursday afternoon
at her North Summer street home
for the pleasure of Mrs. Ray A.
Yocom, who has come west from
her new home in Chicago for the
wedding of her daughter. Miss
Roberta Jean Yocom, on June 8.
After the luncheon- hour, con
tract bridge will be in play. The
hostess will use early summer
garden flowers for decorating.
Sixteen of Mrs. Yocom's intimate
friends Ivive been invited to the
Contest Winners
Winners of the annual Iva F.
Turner Memorial contest held
Saturday night at Waller hall
were Donna Jane Macklin, violin,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald
M. Macklin, and JewelL Gueffroy,
piano, daughter of Dr. and Mrs.
H. A. Gueffroy.
' Miss Macklin is the pupil of
Mary Schultz Duncan and Miss
Gueffroy is the pupil of Mrs
David Eason.
The girls receive a cash award
and will play at the State Music
Teachers convention at the past
president's concert in Portland on
June 1.0 and' 11. The contest is
administered by the Oregon State
Music Teachers association.
1 4 v f V y lir He,sl,t
Will Be
Dr. and Mrs. Stuart Lancefield
will be honored at an at home
Wednesday night at the Center
street residence of Dr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Power. Assisting the
Powers as hosts will be Dr. and
Mrs. A. Terrence King. Dr. and
Mrs. Vern W. Miller and Mrs.
Wolcott E. Buren.
Over a hundred guests have
been invited to call between 7 and
10 o'clock to welcome home the
Lancefields, who recently returned
from a two years stay in San
Diego, while he was stationed
there with the navy.
Assisting the hosts informally
will be Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. George
Weller. The buffet table in the
dining room will be centered with
an all white arrangement of roses
and delphinium'.
Mrs. William Earl SneU arrived
in Salem last Thursday from tftie
east coast where she has beSen
with Lt. (jg) SneU in Maryland
and Washington, D. C. for the
past month. Lt. SneU is now sta
tioned at Cherry Point, North
Carolina. Mrs. SneU and their
twun children are at the Fair
mount Tl ill home of his parents,
Gov. and Mrs. Earl.Snell.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Chambers
and son, David, and Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Chambers have returned
from a several days stay at Paci
fic City.
This kandsoma Pyrex Caka Dish is grand for baking layer
cakes. Can ba used for cooking, serving, and storing. Washes
easily because food won t stick
Better give her at least a pair!
Trie Pyrex Utility Dish above should be in every bride s ki-tchen.
Cooks grand roasts, chops, hot breads, cakes and a m fm
dozen other luscious things. 2 sizes. Larger, size, only Qj'
Ks-wfKnnl 484 State SL
e w . - w Tl
The Oraejon Stataaman. Salem.
Rites Read
At Church
Miss Audrey Vaughan, daugh
ter of Mrs. D. C. Vaughan j and
the late Dr. Vaughan, became
the bride of Emery E. Hendrick
son, son of Mr. and Mrs. Emery
E. Hendrickson, sr., at an after
noon ceremony on June 2 at the
First Presbyterian church at 1:30
o'clock. The Rev. Chester W.
Hamblin officiated and David
Copeland was the organist.
The bride, who was given in
marriage by her brother, Ellis
Vaughan, wore a pastel blue
gabardine suit with white hat
and accessories. Her flowers were
red rosebuds.
MisstCherie Raines was the
'KriH' rtv attnHiinf iL'iirinff
. " " r r . , . J ............ ,
a suit of aqua with white acces
sories and a corsage of pink rose
buds and gardenias.
Henry Hendriekson, uncle of
the bridegroom, was his best man.
A reception for close friends
was held at the Royal Court
apartment of the bride's , mother.
Mrs. Vaughan wore a pastel blue
gown with white accessories and
pink carnations, and : Mrs. Hen
drickson wore an ivory gown,
wjhite accessories and pink carna
tions. The "young coliple both attend
ed Salem schools. The bride at
tended Oregon State college and
her husband served in Europe
with the army for three years.
Following a trip to Ontario, Cana
da, they will live in Salem.
to satin-smooth glass.
bach only !
" I e i
Enameled All Metal
Ore- Tudaj. una 4. 194S 3
The Iligblicbt greop ef the Jam-
i rvr- fathofi r)attffhtf rilff a Kan.
quet Tuesday, May 28 at the Sa
lem hotel. After the banquet the
girls presented a going away gift
to Mrs. John E. Man the. who was
leaving for. Lebanon. Mrs. Ray D.
Whelan was welcomed as the new
Additional Society ea rage It .
VOrtY F0R6ET, we
povrtp I
v,..t. I
A comfortable and convenient all
metal kitchen a tea I foe use
throughout the house. Re ml -tubular
legs are flared at' bottom ta'
guard against tipping. Bright,
baked-on enamel finish. Seat Is 12
Inches In diameter. All edges are
smoothly rounded. Assembled.
Support the YWCA
Building Campaign
Give Generously
48 1 STATE ST.