2 The Oreeosa Salem, Ore Tuesday. June 4L 194S Eagles to Install Officers Tonight . Installation of efficers" will fea 4. ture tamlfr.t's meeting of the Sa- leva of Eale t Eagles' hall. The aneetln to scheduled for t 'clock. lJ A. Hamiltea 1 toquht wiU munenrt' hla sixth year at aerie secretary.- Other to be installed arc Lewis T Wallace, junior past worthy president; Emory Sanders, worthy president; Jim Sim. vice president; Dr. Floyd Utter, chap lain; James ' Jarrett, treasurer: ' Roger McVey. conductor; Willard t imnii, uuuiir KUI, EllHl II liarmon, Arnold Overman and E. C. Linstrand as trustees for three-, two-, and one-year terms, respectively. MAT. DAH.T ITtOM IF. M. i NOV SHOWING! '"! Darryl T. Zaeuck GEI1E TIERNEY Dragonwyck taw Navel by Aay tttoa With Walter Hiaay. VUeeat WHttea far the Sereea . Drete4 br t Jeawpfc L. MaaklrwiM CAT CO-HIT! mfflW W.'MVrdl.Vi' Latest Fox News! Dorena Dam Bids Approved PORTLAND. June 3-fT- Pre- limner j worn - mi now nver S Dorena dam In Lane county will be done by two firms: Leonard and Slate and E C. Hall, of Port- ! land They were awarded the con tract on a joint bid of SI. 248.249 -50. the only offer received. Army encineers also reported Halveraon Construction company. Salem, wan low bidder at $55.57(5 for a citntract to move 30 housing units from McLoughlin Heights. Vancouver. Wash., to the Dorena dam site. Carry! Eaato Today! (Taea.) i cmosBT norm , nioAD to urorxA- " . BJehard Dtx MnimoPI OTTKLDER- urn rra'TiTTS - oitns c.-A r. m. - "TOMORROW'! AT KTCULAB PRICES! rtnt cxkutt! Xaatey aVfl "DOU2LC aPOSUSE" SLAVS SAID MOBILIZING LONDON. Tuesday. June 4 -The Rome correspondent of the London Daily Mail said, today that reports reaching the Italian capital through "reliable sources' state that Belgrade newspapers have published an announcement of a general mobilization in Yugoslavia. miSONESS VOTED MONET - WASHINGTON. June ' l-i&t-Retroactive promotions and sub sistence pay for all navy, marine corps and coast guard personnel held prisoners during the war would be permitted under a bill passed today by the house and sent to the president. ENDS TODAT! (TUES.) CUodetU Colbert "I'NDEK S FLAGS' Tas Bitter "THE.EE IN A SADDLE UMdsJirV, Or ENS :4S f. M. TOMORROW ! I ' TO md M wk I ward O. KaMiaaa Margarrt OUriea "OUR VINES HAVE TENDER GRAFTS" THKJIX CO-HIT! ZANE GEETTS "Windaur of Waflaad" Smith Describes 'Ideal9 Candidate CHICAGO. June 3-;p-Gerald L K. Smith today said his Ameri ca First party had endorsed 10 senators and 112 members of the house for re-election to congress this tall. Our idea of the Ideal congress man. said Smith, is one that is as anti-communist as Rankin of Mississippi, as nationalistic as Hoffman of Michigan, and as un derstanding of his people's needs as Dewey Short of Missouri.. 5 Vessels to Unload Vets -Br the Associated Press Five vessels carrying 740i re turning veterans are scheduled to arrive at three U. S. ports to day. Ships arriving: At New York , Mahonoy C ii y Victory kfrpm Bremen.. " At San Diego Two patrol craft and repair ship USS Indra. At Seattle S. S. Lawrence 'Jpianella from San Fernando. Ships which arrived yesterday: At New York Bard st own Victory from Bra man. - At San Francisco- Gen. Mitchell from Guam, Pre sident Hayes, Sea Bass from Okinawa, Winged Arrow from Samar. At Seattle USS tl Paso from Pearl Harbor, Sebastian Viscainou from Maen nah Pass, Sea Barb from Yoko hama.' Nutrition Expert Arrives in Salem Ednt Burtchin, nutrition expert and itinerant Instructor, area of fice, American Red Cross, San Francisco, arrived In Salem Mon day night, preparatory to launch ing an active nutrition program for Marion county chapter of Red Cross., i White her. Miss Burtchin will conduct three classes in nutri tion at state institutions, two for state penitentiary workers, one for the girls at j Hillcrest home. Also. Miss Burtchin will work with Mrs. David F-ason, chairman of the Marion county ' Red Cross nutrition committee, in plans for the famine emergency program. Miss Burtchin will be in Salem until June 21. I 0: lOrtHY McCUIRE CEORCE BRENT ETHEL! RARXYMORE COMING FUIDAY . . . GHA17D TLLEATIIE! jMim Brighten your home with crisp new curtains and gay drapes from our complete selection! Harqnlsetle Panels Sheer, ahlrarBerinf paneU of cotton f j fuirqtiisctUa that harts o racefnUy, I taMKler w beantllulir. Hemmed, head- f 1153 4$2.09 each """" - ' VN' ! ''y-v mmmjajmak IIHMFl U : mm 1! , 'II I '1 ill I I I I mm Florid Drapery Yardage L25 ,. -3.75 yd. Rich drapery yardage in ariorful. multi-colored flor i patterns that will add color and charm to any room. In your choice of colors. Sateen Lining c te 84c Utile aosn on a big bill County Jersey Cattle Show A wards Given Awards in Marion County Jersey Cattle show In Salem Monday: Four-H club classes: Junior calf-1. I Betty Jean Vort: t. Ronald C. Bar- 1 nu-k' 3 Willuv RirhM Sjininr alf.t Betty Jean Vogt: 2. Dennis Riches: 3. Donna Le Klein. Junior yesrling-1. Robert Barnes; X. Victor L. Barnick; 3. John E. Mulvilhill. Senior yearltng I. Robert Mart: S. Mildred Bai ley: .3. Donna )Le Klein. Producing row-1. Ronald E. Barnick: 3. Geargc E Settlemeir: 3. Betty Jean Vogt. Open classes: Bulls, junior ctf-l. TlUman C- l-inn: t4D C. Brock. Sen ior calf-l. Bates and Riches: : 3. Elwin E. Pierce: , 3. William Vogt. Junior yearlinaj-1. Rex Ross: 2. Rich Lea Farm: 3. William W. Poole. Jr Senior yearllnc-1. Norman Nash; 1. Dan Pot ter. Two year olds-1. Welsh and B a 1 1 y Three-yesr-olds-1. O. C. Welsh and H. r. Nelson: 2. Edgar E. Nicholson. Ased-1. Ren Ross. Heifers: Junior ealves-l. Betty Jean Vort: 2. Tillman I. inn; 3 and 4. Floyd E. Bates; 3. Floyd Railev. Senior calves-1 and 2. D. C. Brock; 3. Rich Lea Farm: 4. Dennis Riches: S. O. C. Welsh and H. F Nelson. Junta year-hngs-1. Elwin E Pierce: 2. Rich Ia Farm; 3. Bob Barnes: 4. Victor Bar nick: 3. Edgar E. Nicholson. Senior yearlings-l. Rex Boss: 2. Robert Marg gi; 3. Donna Lee Klein: 4. Mildred B. Bailey: S. Floyd Bailey. Cstws: Two-year olds-l. Rrx Ross; 2. Ronald Barnick: 3. Betty Jean Vogt: 4. Rich Lea Farm; S. George Settlemeir. Three year olds-l. Rich Lea Farm; X. O. C. Brock: 3. Floyd E. Bates: 4. Bill Son wan. Four-yaar-olds-l. Rex Ross: 3. D. C. Brock: 3. Norman Ross: 4. Mildred Bailey. Aged cows-1. Rex Roaa: 2. Rex Rosa: S. Flovd Bailey: 4. D. C. Brock; S. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Roberts. Jr. Produce of dam 1. Rich Lea Farm; 1 and 3. Floyd Bailey. Junior get of Ire. 1. Brock and Beatty: I. Welsh and Beatty; 3. Norman Nash. Senior get of aire-l. Welsh A Nelson; S. Rich Lea Farm. Floyd, Bates, president of the Marion County Jersey cattle club, was master of ceremonies. Assisting at the clerk's table were O. C. Welsh, club (secre tary, and Mrs. Otto Beatty.: former secretary. Ben Newell, assistant coun ty agent, was ringmaster. Leonard Hudson. Silverton. and Jim Bishop. Salem, assisted with the young group of exhibitors. Special V tetters Special visitors were Harold Ewalt. OSC: I. Slaw-r western fteldmaa for the American Jersey Cattle club: Leo Spltzbart, state fair manager; Eddie Ahrens. state fair board: A. A. Ceer. Marion county fair board: E. McEI vennL Vancouver. Ernest Courier. Al bany. Ralph Wolfe. Monitor. L. S Lorenxen. Dayton. R. E. Cilmeur and John Galea. Canby. Jersey breeders: L. A. Hwtbert, Jersey sales manager. Independence: M. C. Cunderaon. sales manager and a director of the state club; O. R. Stanfield. cattle buyer from MarysvUle. Wash. Exhibitors were Jack Ramseyer. Ronald E. Barnick. Robert Maraai. L. A. Roberts. Jr . Jean Vogt. Roy E. Glrod. John E Mulvilhill. Victor L. Barnick. D. C. Brock. Elwin E. Pierce. Nash aV Sweet. O. C. Welsh. H. F Nelson. Harlan A. Wilson. Otto Beat ty. Floyd Bates, Norman Nash. A. Barnick. William Vdgt of Salem: Wal lace Riches. Dennis Riches. Stanley RichM of Turner: Mildmt Bai-v. Floyd Bailey. Jefferson: Donna Lea Klein of AumsvlUe. William W. Pops. Sr.. and sen of Star ton: Tillman C Linn. Dan Potter. W. M Schwars of Silverton: Ceoree E. -"ftettiemetr of Woodburn: R. G. Campbell, r Otrwk; Rex and Norman Ross of lit AneL Gov.- Snell to Return Today or Tomorrow Cov. Earl Snell who attended th recent governor's annual con ference at Oklahoma City, Okla.. will return to Salem late today or Wednesday, he telegraphed his of fice here Monday. The governor is returning here by automobile in company with Raymond Olson, acting adjutant general. Pirates Attack U.S.S. Chief. Joseph WASHINGTON'. June 3 - UP) -The stranded American Liberty ship Chief Joseph was attacked recently by 60 Chinese pirates on the north China coast, the navy said tonight. An American destroyer from Tsingtao went to the rescue after the pirates had been beaten off j in a first attack, the navy added. The ship had gone aground at Shitau bay when the attack oc curred. The Liberty ship was -a Port land .built ship launched in 1942 by four Indian girls of the Che ma wa Indian school, Salem. Argentina Protects New British Stamp BUENOS AIRES. June SP Foreign office circles said today Argentina ha made a formal pro test to Britain over a British stamp, issued recently, which they said tended to show as British ter ritory not only the Falkland is lands which Argentina always has insisted should bje restored to her by Britain but the south Orkneys and New Georgia as well. Both of the latter island groups form part of Argentina territory. NEGRO REPRIEVED BATON ROUGE, La., June 3-(i-Gov. Jimmie Davis today is sued a "reprieve until further or der" for Willie Francis, negro youth who escaped death rn an electrocution attempt, to enable Francis to seefc remedy before the VS. supreme court. Clinic For The Hard ol Hearing Thursday and Friday June 8 and 7 - UfXT'' -I' -'IT II CI; See, Ms TEE TttirS K.ST IE11TIFU BISTFBTCim ill L15ITEJT lUIIXfi UJTIIBEITI ' t tss I steeaarrstMU 1 1 "' J a Sstsasas pal mtTrylNO OMUCATiOH I ACOUSTICON H. F. MacDnald Dealer First National Bank Bldg. Phone C33 Nominations Open for New Legion Officers First nominations for 1946-47 officers of American Legion Post No. f were made at a meeting Monday night in the Legion hall. Further nominations will be made at the rex,i meeting and el ections will take place at the first meeting in July. Rex Kimmell was the lone nom inee for commander of the post. Other positions and nominees werei First vice commander, 'James Turnbull and "Lawrence Oster man. Second vice commander, Charles Huggins and James Gar vin Adjutant, Art Johnson. Fi nance offirer, James Lewis, His torian, Irl1 McSherry, Chaplain, T. V. Richardson. Quartermaster, Jack Edwards. Sgt.-at-arms, Don ald Apperson. Building commit teeman, Mose Palmateer. Execu tive committeeman, I. N. Bacon, Walter Kirk, Buckler Lewellen, Dick Meyers and Austin Wilson. Nominations were also opened for delegates to the state conven tion in Portland in July. Uranium Production Said Told to Russians MONTREAL. 'June 3-P)-Doc-.uments purporting to show .that a soviet official in Ottawa was informed last year as to the quan tity of uranium produced in fac tories on the North American con tinent was introduced by the prosecution today at the conspir acy trial of Fred Rose, communist member of the Canadian parliament. Prosecution Opens Fire In Jap War Trials TOKYO, Tuesday, June 4.-yP) -Prosecution of Japan's top mili tarists as war criminals "will be no ordinary trial," but part of a battle "to preserve the entire world from destruction," Allied Chief Prosecutor Joseph B. Keen an told the international tribun al today, in his 55-page opening statement as the prosecution opened its cases against the 26 Japanese defendants. CHIANG. MARSHALL TO MEET NANKING, Tuesday, June 4 -(iPi-Generalissimo Chiang Kai shek, who must choose between peace and civil war for his strife torn nation, scheduled an impor tant conference today with Gen eral Marshall, special U. S. envoy to China. Chiang and Marshall were expected to spend- most of the day going over the Manchur ian situation. NOW SHOWING Doors Open Tonight at 6:15 "... NOW I DO WHAT I PLEASE. WHEN I PLEASE I " lilfiiiTl"" 7i W A m.lt. Glenn FORD CO-FEATURE Vote Split in French Ballot PARIS, June 3.-;P-The so cialist party, despite its losses in yesterday's election, appeared to day to have retained its strong position in the direction of France's provisional government. While the moderate popular re publican movement (MRP) oust ed the communists as France's largest single party, the basic fac tor dominating French postwar politics remained: That no single party is large enough in itself to command a majority in the as sembly, and thus a coalition gov ernment is the only formula. Too Late to (3a.itj LOST: Dark wool auto robe. Leslie Ball Park.1 Phone ITJ7. Ends Today! Opens 6:45 T. M. , Eddie Bracken - Veranica Lake ! Co-Hit Joel McCrea Gail RuaeO The Unseen FUR STORAGE AT PRICE'S d Call 9121 and arrange to have your furs stored here for the summer, and at your request, they will he cleaned, glazed, re modeled or repaired. - J FREE MOTH PROOFING Complete protection for your furs is assured when you store them with us. Our vaults are kept at just the right temperature and offer safety from moths, fire and theft, and any repair work or remodelina can conveniently be arranged. PRICE'S 135 North Liberty Phone 9121 TOST M5IEOT1 SOLID CARLOAD 30-GALLOII ELECTRIC for Last Times TODAY ABBOTT A COSTELLO In "LITTLE GIANT ALSO "THIS LOVE OF OURS" leaassririi STARTS Tomorrow! A! SS F -T-rT "i 11 k Smitlsmn WIIAC9 PAJtO AJOTA LOCSf AU6S CAITSt jomm toea dai taauNJUi ? CO-FEATURC ANOTHER BIO ACTION HITt mm SUNftT CAUON Hmmediale lelivery Also 10-GalIon 115-V Water Heaters ' 15-Galun 115-V Water Heaters 40-Gallon 220-V Water Heaters BWlMM til." Ho Admission &f "r ovcr Charge AY pM (Except Saturday) r" r Drop In any time -Xu h youTl enjoy our y. llilVI "A New -VK I. UUtff Food Treat JS Prepared by our ;trmvV Chinese Chefs Vr vmAVvV7 Chinese Food m WendeTfol Chop Sney if U l No41es Er Foe Yen I . VA d Barbeeaed Pork and Other I V' Specialties! Ijj KmmsJ I - AIO 7-COURSE ffVirv STEAK and CHICKEN fill H I YDi DimiEns ALnJlhi) s ' ..t . Y . W J : ifr. I'M.. I t V.l II XVI . i FLOOD SHOW All New Acts This Week Danny Daniels "Here and There" ; it Sheila Kid And Friend "Spike tSt Beverly Goodwin - Floor Shows at 10-12 p m. cUsr TiN Dancing from 8 p.m. 419 Ferry Phone 2-1565