18 The n Stateeman. Salem. Ort, Tueadar. June 4L-1845 SHrcrUs - August Herr Is t- tending Modern Woodmen of America convention in Chicago, lie will visit in Minnesota and North Dakota before his return. Feer Careers Mrs. Lioyd Lee and daughter Claralyn are on a 'La weeks trip to visit relatives. aUeerta School closed May 27 with a no-host dinner -t noon. Parents and friends were invited. Graduated were: Jean : Asher, Deriene Carter. Gerrold Graves. Kenneth Osbourn. and Raymond Orsborn. The teachers for next year are Mrs. Bina Staggs, prin cipal, and Mrs. Margaret Zum stein, primary. OrcbareT Helgate Ellen ( Grand - t) Southwick is ill at her home. Taken to the hospital last week, sb was brought home Saturday. SrJvrrten Friends have re reived announcements of the birth of a daughter. Sandra Dale, to Dr. and, Mrs. Paul Guthrje (June Baker) at Santa Barbara, Calif. Mrs. Guthrie formerly lived here. Few Caraers ' Mrs. Arlo Mc Clean gave a birthday party for her sons, Arlo Junior.-10 May 28. J and Donny; May 29. -Birtnday cake and ice cream were served after an afternoon of games. Guests were GersJdine Krasch, Janice Shrake. Janet Fowler. Marilyn- Snook, Roy Fovrler, George Krasch. vTeedbern The Andres-MilleY-Wiihelm reunion will meet June at the Woodburn Grange hall in West Woodburn. A no-host dinner will be served at noon. ' Orchard Helghte Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gannon and daughter vis ited at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Withers, last week. I Fear Carners, June 3 Many Rickey and Auburn school pupils are picking strawberries in a pla toon group, . Orchard Belghta Mr. and Mrs. Kaxfeld Vogt pf Oakland. Calif., are spending their vacation with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy McDowell. Fear Caraers. June 3 Verlaine Walker started to work at the etatehouse Monday. SBvcrtaa Silverton Hills Com munity club elected officers Sat urday night. They are president. El don H. Mulkey; vice-president, Joe f Winter; secretary - treasurer, Florence Bailer; directors, Martha Benson. Harold Bodeen, Virgil Tschantz. Lou Bailer and J. H. Maulding. Mrs. A. H. Sacher has been president.; rear Careers Salem Civic Players will present "Welcome Danger" at the Community hall Thursday, June 6, at 8 p m.'Beu ba Graham ii play director arid the local Business Men's associa- DIO nanus CAST "1 -1 Open crowned-, o let your y " . j y. Brims ore even prettier when screened through a flattering vtJ I - fk brown, navy, toast, white; shine fhrowgM In black, brown, " vavy, toast yes, even i wfwtai mmk ittoafgeaieiti Weir tion is sponsor. Proceeds will go into the building fund. Tickets may be obtained at the Four Cor ners variety store. Players are Af1. h.i,t3r, ,,v,iaCoupf Donald Watson, iu Bergma; Bertha Thomas, Jin Sehon Maty Thomas, Evelyn Esau, Ruth Ver steeg, Agnes Drummond and Ted Miller. SUverten Mrs. Pearl Porter is in Greenwood, Wis., for an indefi nite visit and will attend the 1901 high school class reunion. She left rthere in 1902 and has not returned since. Mrs. Webb Haskins of Sa lem will stay with Mm. Jane Pratt while her daughter is away. SUverten Ralph Moseng was fined $30 and costs in police court on a charge of reckless driving. Independence The new lunch room owned and operated by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilson opened for business Sunday. It is one of the most modfn and attractive places in Independence. Liaeoln Spring Valley Mis sionary society will be entertained at 2 p.m. Thursday at the home of Mrs. Roy W. Hammer. SUverten A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Alan Wy land at Silver ton hospital Sunday. . LJberty The annual picnic of the Liberty "W oman s club will be held at 12 30 Thursday, June fl. at Mrs. Wilbert Kurth's. Mem bers and friends are Invited to attend. Falls City Commencement , for the high school will be held Wed nesday, June 5. SUverlan The Floyd Kasers have sold their Star route ranch to Joe Tulare and are renting the former Sebo place on Stayton road. The W. J. Perkins family, on the Harold Roop farm in Ever green, has rented the land. Falls City Mrs. Kenneth Cum mins of Otvan Lake spent Mem orial day wrlh her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Letterman. SUverten Nine were initiated at Silverton grange Friday night. Father's day mill be observed by the grange June 8, and the Home Ec. club meets with Maude Mey ers, June 13. Independence Thirty seniors of the Independence high school were graduated Monday in the high school auditorium. Thomas Gentle of Monmouth spoke and baccalaureate was held Sunday night in the Prebyterian church. The Rev. John W. Hood spoke. Independence iewly elected American Legion officers are: William Weaver, commander; George Zartman. first vice presi dent; Paul Dodele, second vice president; Roland Turpin, adju tant; Paul Carey, treasurer; Cliff I hoir f f Bowles, sergeant at arms; Mel vin Purvis, chaplain; Gene Wed die, historian; Or lie Brown, Glen Smith, Orval Wells, C. . Long and Harold Withrow, executive committee. Convention delegates are Roy Morris. Gus Fisher and William Weaver. Silverton Nominees for Amarnn T at m aiiviliurv unit officers are president. Mrs. Ros- coe -Reeves; first vice president. Mrg A j McCunnel; second vice president, Mrs. Gladwyn Hamre; secretary, Mrs. Esley Grogan; treasurer, Mrs. C. J. Towe; his torian. Mrs. L. A. Hall; sergeant-at- arms, Mrs. Roy Boe; excutive board. Mrs. Harry Kuch. Mrs. Ernest L. Starr and Mrs. Pat Gro gan. Independence -The Joe Cooks have purchased the Dale Pomeroy home on C street and will move soon. Fear Caraers ! Little-Dickey Shrake is home from Doernbecker hospital in Portland where he-has been undergoing treatment Independence Commencement for the eighth grade- were held Tuesday in the, training school. Miss Henrietta Wolfer. eighth grade supervisor, spoke. Wednes day the class held "flunk day" at Jantzen Beach , in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Gareaa Black are being Welcomed home from a two months motor trip which took them to California. Mexico and up to Kansas and Nebraska. They visited with nine of Mrs. Black's brothers and sisters and with sev eral of his relatives" on the trip. They came west by way of Mon tana and in Spokane visited their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. ' Dwight Aden, for a week. They also stopped In Portland for a visit, with Mr. and Mrsl Gordon Black, Jr. 1; Enlist Now at Your Nearest U. S. Army Recruiting Station, or Any Army Post or Camp jMiss Finlay Now iMrs. Lovre SILVERTON Miss Norma Ruth Finlay, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Finlay, and Wayne Norman Lovre, son of Mrs. Louis Lovre and the late Mr. Lovre, were uni ted in marriage Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the Methodist church. The Rev. O. Leonard Jones read the double ring cere mony. Preceding the ceremony Mrs. W. P. Scarth sang "Because" and Thine Alone". Mrs. A. J. Mc Cannel played the wedding march es and accompanied Mrs. Scarth. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore ivory satin fash ioned with a court train. Her long veil fell from a tiara - of . white flowers and she carried a white prayer book topped with an or chid. Miss Louise McDonald and Miss Norma M orison as bridemaids, Mrss Mary Margaret Sailing, cous in of the bride, as junior maid, and Miss Nancy Newton, another cousin of the btjde, were all gowned in whjte net and carried nosegays of pastel flowers, as did Miss Colleen Egan and Miss Lu cille TschanU, who lighted the tapers. Marshall Satern was best man and ushers were E. A. Finlay, Jr., Roy Scheufele and Edwin Sailing of Portland. At the reception which followed Mrs. Roy Scheufele and Mrs. Ed win Sailing, both of Portland poured, Mrs. Harold E. Roop cut the cake and Mrs. Merrill Donne 11 of The Dalles presided at the pynch bowl. Assisting in serving were Mrs. Ben Sjprick. Mrs. Oral Egan, Mrs. Harvey Kaser, and Mrs. Casper Overos. Miss Pauline j Russ was in charge of the gift table and Mrs. Olive Roop of the gucM book. For her daughter's wedding Mrs. Finlay wore a gown of rose and 1 V ".eve W" vocation "d.(laI Mtnv end PM( 8dvaota6 l J of a n 1 ...sjTAK ...ttoenI-w rents' "on-r -to. aatr: J.hare- T -v ag. . I. - WTarg a white Corsage and Mrs. Lovre wore a gold suit and white cor sage. The bride, after graduating from the Silverton schools, was a stu dent nurse at Emanuel hospital. Mr. Lovre has just recently been discharged from the navy. Fol lowing a wedding trip to Banff in Canada the couple will make their home in Marion county. Mothers F eted at McWain Home Sigma Tau Mothers was enter tained at the home of Mrs. Homer, McWain on Friday at ' a dessert luncheon. Mrs. Edward Stortz was the assisting hostess. New officers who presided were Mrs. StorU, president,' and Mrst Roy S. Melson, secretary - treas urer. Mrs. Paul Gnebenow was a special guest Mothers attending were Mesdames Harold Holmes of Portland, William Halseth. Lorene Griffiths, A. E. Utley, Lloyd Hill, Charles Evans, Norton Frickey, C. L. Blodgett, A. N. Copenhaver, E. C. Charlton, Mel v in Gilson, Daniel Schulze, Otto Wilson, sr., Roy Barker. Edward Stortz, Roy Nelson and Homer McWain. This will be the last meeting of the group until September. Mrs. Vernon Drye and her daughters, Kristine and Kathleen, arrived in Salem last week by plane from Seattle for a visit at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Wagner. Mr. Drye will Join his family here Thurs day and they will return north this weekend. Mr. and Mrs. 8ewell Barker of Trinidad Colorado are arriving In the capital Thuiday morning for a month's visit at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. William L. Phillips, Jr. te A-" f At. O.tS H THE CT ,Af-Tr -tbs ift . ,...wa O ' .t Pd. . .tn. Aepnofor en u .v- reent"" 8t 0 dys p.n o5 y"7. nU8; for 4. u-iged to m for u" " - vy October . l' paid, l w . enlt'" walult before J1' MaSsSaaaaaaBai Program Planned For Leslie WSCS Mrs. J. S. Murray, 390 East Washington, will be hostess Wed nesday afternoon at 2 o'clock to the Woman's Society of Christian Service of the Leslie Methodist church. The Bible study, "The Fatherhood of God," will be read by Mrs. S. M. Laws. The program on . (lie status of women will have the theme, "Women, Trustees of the Future." and will be presented by Mrs. W. S. Ankney. Mrs. Jack Lachelle, recently arrived from Brazil, will be a special , guest and will talk informally on the Methodist work in her country. Mrs. S. M. Laws will assist Mrs. Murray for the tea hour. ' Mrs. John Copenhaver (Lerah Kate Griffith) left Monday for Seattle to meet her navy ensign husband. Who is arriving by plane today from Jacksonville, Florida. After his release from tWe navy they will return to Salem and have taken a house on South Win ter street for the summer. The Klagwood Heights Exten sion unit will meet with a group of Salem women at the YMCA on Friday at 1:30 o'clock. There will be a demonstration on pre paring fruits, vegetables and meats for the frozen food locker. The home demonstration's office will be in charge of the meeting. Those wishing transportation are asked to call Mrs. L. E. Hoxie. Lawn Sprinkling Systems 23 Years Experience Free Estimates New Is the time ta have year system checked. Call 2-M19 C. S. WHITCOMB CO. K- I - enC - w Vr 11 . .nd 0vei f servif nu . frot ' auW i com"11 . .f branch c tain Ua time- l ri ,nL o.rgt1' toe , Mrs. O. L. Beat! win apea bar South Liberty street home ' on Thursday to members of the Neighbors of Woodcraft Thimble club. A no-host luncheon will be served at noon. Mrs.- Lucy St. Clair will be co-hostess. Mr. and Mrs. George L. Ar- buckle have returned home from a week's sojourn to Victoria and Vancouver, B. C. Izzo-Patterson Rites Read . Announcement is being made of the marriage of Miss Lorraine E. Patterson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burnett of Turner, to Patrick A. Izzo, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Izzo of New York on May 29 at the First Christian church with the Rev. Dudley Strain officiating at 0 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Reuter at tended the couple. A Wedding dinner was held at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. Frank Caspell. Mr. and Mrs. Linn C. Smith returned this weekend from their wedding trip which took them to Britiih Columbia and other Cana- Typewriter Rep air Service Your typewriter will re ceive the best attention in Needham's shop. Over 20 years- experience repairing all types of office machines , assures you of a satisfactory ' Job. Call S802. Heedham's Book Slore 465 8tate Street j Salem. Oregon ! A- 1 uch J- .eniftES u. . .-r "T. . ' M Ha'ao V' fr,5"a ' 50-7 : ' m-S lncr-T- Cr- " - fTmU r-aw POST OFFICE BLDG. SALEMJ OREGON dian points. The couple's marriage took place In Spokane on May 23. wonderful new DIAMOND Such beauty, such brilliance! Such intensity of color! You've never seen a lovelier diamond . .. for there never was anything like ' it before. Multi-Facet Duuatoads actually have irty cxtrs fcit , around the "equator" of the dia ' . mond an exclusive, patented fea- ture, which also, helps prevent chipping. You'll Um to -show your gorgeous Muld-FacctHingX $100 to $7500 Fed. Tax lacladed w it-"". i- Sryle shown Is Crest. S2QQXX) Tedding band to match, l2.50 . sad ftcg. la US. and rftotwaw4 SUre Hoars: t J te I"., .5- Cxr1 ,rr 1 i i6J fi .- i V: