The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 02, 1946, Page 6, Image 6

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C Tha) Orsxyon
t.S Fishing Vessels to Join, -Help
Train Chinese Fleets
SEATTLE, June t-,TV-Equipped with the most modern fishing
gsar. seven sturdy Puget Sound fishing vessel were ready today to
sail on a voyage of more than 5000 miles to Shanghai where they will
v Join thefishing fleets of China and
Tha Fleet, organized and outfitted by UNRRA. is due to leave port
tomorrow. Aboard the ships will be
jw - ca Jy ii aac sjws tiic an.
coast banks, who' will spend five
months on the China cos7U train
ing .Chines fishermen to operate
the vessels and equipment.
UNRRA plans to end two ad
ditional fleets from San. Francisco
shortly. It ' is seeking 73 volun
teer fishermen to sail with the
latter convoys and is offering pay
ringing from S900 a month for
kippers to -$600 for fishermen.
Each of the seven ship in the
Ceet has fresh provisions for
three weeks and dry provisions
for three months.. Each is equip
ped with radio telephones, direc
tion finders and 'fathometer.
Commanding the fleet will be
tin raw af fanernU Is freqwe.ww'y sssssmsliMsss1. Ta fWt
fm m ln a lsws a tKa tea, we ssass Bawres frees
ala astaaaasW sana 4 1 ' f t-. A LudUua aBnaWaBarbaaa
PaajBBj ajBaaaaajs' garw gPganaasBBBni 4a""annsaB aereansj assaBaaia) wPw "J
iHiTt feascsU ssagwthjd by an whin a e Ussad
Wa are peeva1 ta U
Ursl servke SMO.UM
services UJ1 -aC0.
service $401.41000
service ever $1000.
Clczgh-Darrick Co.
ftm ti S. Church
Saleaa, Ore.
Jf'u&hable cottons, bright, young
atul gay that- come through the
laundry flouer fresh with nary a
whimper ' joy for mother a
joy for the youngsters. See them
tomorrow at The Sletroxxolitan.
Sire 10 to 16
Children's Overalls
Pawtel colore.
Sizes 2 to 4...
Solom. Ort. 'Sunday, Juno 2. 194S
operate off the stormy coat of Asia
4 9 men, including fishermen with
Capt. John P. Anderson, who
kail the frail Chinese junk Tai '
Ping across the Pacific in 1939
in 105 days. He formerly -was an
officer aboard the Amertcan mail
liner President Grant. His flag
ship will" be the Ocean Spray.
Carl I. Wick, author of var
ious fishing manuals, is shipping
as a mate on another . of the
craft, the Hustler.
NEW YORK, June 1 - (A, -
Screen Actress Greta Garbo will
return to her native Sweden July
6 for a vacation, officials of the
Swedish-American line said today
a msihsr of aW
Boy Pajamas
300, 14.2 H
A ..U.1H
Awards Made;
Saturday at
Fat Lamb Show
StorV on Page 1
Awards made at the annual
Marion County Fat Lamb and
Wol Show Saturday were: f
sJj2rrtEJjf iwct Lit'!
i nSfer: f SZTiW.
Tout-H cias: single ewe 1. Bobby
nannies: x. beorfe rtanon; J. ner
aita Jeskay; 4. Sftirlejr Hrnnm: 4. Mar-
Sy.n Pearson: S. Jerry Wippery Smcle
svether 1. Marilyn Pearson; I. Pa
tricia iHcnnin: J. Wanda Banhlckfj 4.
Jerry tWipper; 3. Eidon JacquKti. Pen
of three: ton 1. Bobby Bannkrk.; 1.
Marilyn Pearson; 3. Wanda Bannick;
. George Pearson; 5. Wallace Rirhe.
Open class, medium wool: Stngta w
1. Herbert Booth: 1. J. J. Thompson:
3. Louis lirnnin: 4. Tom Jejnes; S. Mat
Beyer: . Karl Wlpper. Wether 1 .Pa
tricia jShrens: X. Herbert Booth: 3. I. J.
Tttornaaon: 4. Mat Beyers; S. 14U
Hrnnre: S. Henry Feller. Pen of 1lree.
ewes -jor;-: wethers I. Herbert Booth;
2. J. it. Thompson : 3. Louis Henaies;
4. Ton Jones: S. Mat Beyers; S. Si. H.
Davenport Bottle . class 1. Mar
Eraer-. J. Wavne reller; 3. Jan relter;
4. Jbcc Feller: 5. Freddie Feller; .
Dorothy Ann Davenport.
- Open cla. long wool, sinfle ewf or
svetiiet t. Louts itenmes; J. William
Meter; 3, Herbert Booth. Pi of 3
.- or wether I. Wuliam Meier; 1.
Buck t otlina. s
Iteststered sinfle ram 1. 'Marvin
Pearsiin: 3. Oath Bros.; 3. Claud
Steualsff; 4. M. O. Pearson: S. William
Pearson; S. D. P. McCarthy t
Sincle 'ewe I. Mervm WarsonJ I.
Ahrrni 4Bros. : 3, Claude Sleusloft; 4.
J. P. McCarthy: S. J. J. Thompson:
John Bannick. Pen of three ewes I.
Claude; I. D P. McCarthy.
3. Joln Banntck: 4. Cath Bros . S. Hen
r Oartnpwl: . Kacl B. Wipiser i
Wocrt fleeces, brasi 1. Cstti Bros :
X Rue Lhatrrr; 3. William Meier. Me
dium isool fleeces 1. William Oraben
horl;f 1. Henry Daeenport : ' 3. Jj; H.
Davenport. Wool fleeces, iow quarter
I. Kverett Whealdon; 2. Ahrena Bros :
X E. C. Clark.
BotSe feedmc elaaa I. Freddie Fell
er: X." Wayno Feller; 3. Dorothv Ann
Davenport. 4-H wool class 1. Wallace
Riches: t. Dennis Richea: 3. Wanda
Bannick. Lamb weight gueasm eon-4!
test: factwal wHiht. 11S pounds I i
L. Ludile Colvln, one-tenth of pound !
too licht; . Mrs A. J. Kaeppett. IIS1.
pounds. 3. C. O McCurdy; 4. Irem
Thomas; : S. O. R. Burns; S. Janice
Secretary Says
Borinan Dead
HAMBURG, Germany. June 1
(JP)' Martin Bormatin s blond
private secretary said today ish
was convinced of his death be
cause the deputy fuehrer was.
"too stupid to have remained in
hiding successfully for so , long."
Bormann. missing .since the
fall of Berlin, "was a brutal man
of violent temper and rude man
ners. Miss Else Knieger declar
ed in an interview. "He was help
less when left on his own,"
s- -; t : sc
The navy today announced 4hal
the 10th fleet operating in tne
South Atlantic has been dissolved.
Its job will be done by a task force
of the Atlantic fleet J
. j .
Cross-Bar Dinily Blouse
Ruffle Kront.
Sizes 7 to 14
Little Girls' Dimity Dresses
Plain colon and prints, TFC
Sizes 1 to 6 3 far
' A
r -
Jaaa Paweu. Oragaai's aaeeadiag afar la tfca tlallywaasl sky, k tka
first eastoaser far a 194 PartlasMl Rosa Festival battaa wfcick aalsstts
wearer ta all areaU at first postwar Festival. Jaaa Z-9. Piaalag aattaa
a taa cbtaratiag yaaar Metra-Goldwys-Mayer aetreas M Baa Uasea.
caairssaa af Raaa Festival fiasnca caaaatittea. Misa PewaM. featare4
aiager aa past Rasa Festival pragraars befars kraakiag lata tka Bsevtaa,
waa back in Partlaa4 as bat taa sale apaaasL
Vet, English
Bride Married
Via Telephone
IX)NDON, June l-UiTDark-haired
Doreen Davies stood; in the
crowded kitchen of a friend's
house in North London tonight
and was married by trans-Atlan
tic telephone to former G Jack
Murrell of Foit Worth. Texas.
The 15-minute ceremon.if at
one pound ($4) per minute was
performed by a minuter at the
Texas end of tha line with Do-
reen's father serving as prtjxy for
the bridegroom here in Lrtndon.
The wedding, half-hour ate in
starting because of connection
difficulties, waa completed! with
out hitch.
When it was over, thai bride
cried Into the phone: "Jack, dar
lings I'm so excited. I ll be seeing
you very soon.
A machinist in a London f ar-
tnrv the 20-vear-old bride was
at woS when the trans-Atlantic
operator notified her of the com
ing call. Too excited to work or
eat. she iust went out. she said.
and bought herself a wedding
i an in i i, mm ittwwi
' .-' . !" --w i If .
In 1858, tha rabl rate between
Great Britain and North Amer
ica was 15 a word.
lit Eevuriz
wmtmf -
SI M.I M Br ST W LT ' '
i ' m ti . i f. it iff it 1 1 '--.fc
J2 9 If : 1 1711 If Ml ' I '
1 a a V :
r' " r yt r i - .
t - i . . -
. ....
6 Ships Scheduled
To Dock Today
By the Associated Press
Two transports with 2194 re
turning veterans are scheduled to
arrive today at New; York, and
four ships with 3484 men are due
at San Francisco.
Ships arriving:
At New Yerk .
General Muir from Leghorn.
Italy, La Crosse Victory from
At 8aa Francisco
General Breckenridge from
Shanghai. Marine Panther. LST
No. 949 from Pearl Harbor, LST
No. 124 from Pearl Harbor.
Trucks, Autos
To Get 'Phones
PORTLAND, June 1 V- Radio-telephone
service for trucks,
buses and private automobiles
will be tried experimentally this
year in the Portland area, I. D.
Wihslow. district manager for Pa
cific Telephone and Telegraph
company, said today.
He said the federal . communi
cations commissi!! had granted
permission for a radio-telephone
station here.
Telephones will be placed con
veniently in the vehicles, with
switches for transmitter and re
reiver power located on the in
strument panel. Bell and light
signals will announce calls. Win
slow explained. Vehicles thus
equipped can receive calls from
regular telephones, he said.
-Ifllf fi I . -7v
Rich matched walnut veneer; umartly at y led
drawer puIU; large landscape mirrors of fine
plate Klaus; matutive prpportions . . . all contrl
but' to make this wuite m beauty! lied, chett and
yanity, bench and matching; night tstand.
velosur eaeer.
WalafWt flalsh
rValafWt flalsh fraaaa.
Opponents of
Loan Heard
The opposition, speai headed by
Jesse Jones, former commetce
secretary, will begin Monday the
presentation of its rase against
the proposed $3, 7 50, 000, 000 Brit
ish loan. .
Jones, president of the Hotm
ton (Tex) Chronicle, originally
was scheduled to appear Tues
day befoie the houve banking
committee but said in Houston
he will be unable to attend that
day. The group will hear Hamil
ton Fish, former member of con
gress from New York, on Monday
The committee probably will
vote late next week on the legis
lation ratifying the transaction
The bill then will move to the
house floor where administration
leaflets claim enough votes to
pass it. The senate alteady has
approved the legislation.
Nase-Userapy far treatoseat af
Basal catarrh, staaa affeetleas,
bay fever, catarrhal deafness.
swe4tea tarblnates sd4 ether
ebeUaaU readtUens af tha
neee. threat at4 ear. AUa
treataaeata far rheanaatlsam.
skia glaeaaes, eaasUpatian aa4
general raa-dewa readltleas.
Dr. V7. C. Jackxca
Naturopath Physlrlaa
171 Brers A vs.
- "
I ial
, 1
5-Pc. Walnut Ilodern
Swing Back Chair
Spring cashian. batlan-bark. Tilts ta several .
restful pasltlans. Oatraating pattern
I Beller
Ami Office Supply
Irm$ Now Availalile
Check Your Need
v' Aeea File Faatesi- t ar
erm, AH, Mrtal X l.UJ
Centers. Itaa
v. eawln Iesther 1 p)
LaWssleaf Nate lasiJ
ruaks With sad aV ip
MTMkosit TJnoers. I
v' Metal Waste Bas
he ts, Cireea.
v' Milk Marathaa
Rib- 2.25
Tyeew r I 4 e r
bam. II Yards. Fx- ,
tra Iaag.
v' kterhraak Faaa. I M
lata Peas, ffteaef. I.3VI
rapher. Baakkeep.- f
ers' ; Fa var Ite.
V ftheaffer tlac IJae I M
Pencils, 'drss r4 l.UJ
f;rlp and Large
Rabber fiUsnps' Made ta
-rer. Cansplete RriOr
Kervtee aa All Office Ms
rhlaes at enntaln Fras.
Dook Store
fCJ State St. Ph. 5S02
r v m ar
sssaa-. ' 4
V "
- C
Beg. $219.00
Velonr Suite
2 Pieces
If you aprectate unuaual
comfort an well as style
in- your living room fur
nituref here's a suite
that more than meets
your requirements. Itig
roomy davenport, with
wide restful arms, lial
loon jcti-shlons. Matching
c I u b chair. Quality in
nerspring construction
lieneath Its attractive
velour cover. n oat'
standing value Miu'll ad.
PuITets begfn layfng eggs wto
about sic months old.
'aas.-s- T
133 Uorili Commercial
- if
Salem, Oregon