V. 1 4 fo Qrmqtm Stat man. fScrJam. Otw Sunday. fun 1. 1S48 Legal Notice Help Wanted Situations Wanted For Sale Miscellaneous Money to Loan For Sale Real EaUte i 1 1 liT.I VV IlltJ llifJlrl'il txf 11 it k!H I !iiiinit.M iriiiii i:iuiHiiiii:iin i i I --.-rir I i I I V T -4. I I i v j i I I j -.... mil l n ii m. iil) ' - 1 t- - iVi u ii b-4 . 1 : ; . - ft.?-M f.?r. " ! Dining Room . lgn. J ; ? I (I Living Room 5 tsWCl- e c u o , ' 1 i BedRoom ikw K . 1 ' H 1 ' I . i P f '1 . I II II Flowers' bMm TNT) estiaaate this ! Uldl W btsUt tmr abo.t J5S0S exclusive 1 lkai. Orcrsll .iBrukw ssSmSl vermlt use f a small UL Interior ; M um. vrnsu siaKM w i. i .i.nkaird Is MWaJeat XMndmHL room. Exterior is in wide cUpioards broken hr Utf Portland Produce I ill OKTUND. Oo, Juno' I AP Butter tav 4 ut owemv. maxiiwu of of 1 pojr eent acidity, oeltvered In raeUood. U-tl'k: premium ialtty M.wun of M of 1 per cent acld.ty. aa-M'se; eaUey route and mm. So mm- than first or. So-ftO's. kurAa orisHa. -t'c: eartona. 2-M t': A grade ormuv l-U:i ear- 11.-&3. B graoo prints, iOso Selling price to Portland ra- t,sers: Oregoo Uiplets. UMC: ' w". R: boua prlee tripleU so..wpoo aaMww.! 3e:. loaf JSJe. Ur7s retailors! AA grade, large. r. A km. 43e; modjum. 39c; small t pallet). Mt . Igs--Purcheo from fannor! eur , reeotpta. 24-JS:. buyer pa -te mm below eeaiog prtco on others. Lree erilckeno No I broilers. tt t IM. XSc: broiierg 2-2', R. Sic. oos ere ever S's It. He. Colored heos all weigtitai r. Leghorn hem aUt weighu. Jr. Roosters ami stags lie. No. 2 f-ade: springs. ! under No. 1. fowl ae winder No. t price. . MaXoias Oooaronssot eeltlnT: oeer- a eountry h"ed XJ,TT ito. Irvo price to producers. 22-24 lb TWkeyo Boaa buying prico, dressed bats: beaa. s Bi4 omm. 90c lb- not -iJvesMd - turkey Packer setting prtem to retailers: Breeder bens.. 3 4mt: winter pork young fen. f " Oniuno-Orhgoa green. No. I. ie-75c fe-o.fil dry. No. 1 3 01 iO-s. ear k.; Teaa. yellow. 13 5 red 93m. ehit MM Ki-ttf. sack. . ftaeew Local Bur bank, tJ T9 ewtal, Idaho, J aS rental: DechuriG liav No. t. -4,J. cental; 23a l taa. -; Bttaasatfci. ' Falls No. I: 4 OB . l-tUKn. Caiiwrs' Lone WnMo Mo. i. hundredwetsht. . Veal AA, 23'r: A 2I1: I'e; C. H-I7: euil. 14-ISe lb. HsIance .block' 2t lb. Lambs AAt A tsc; B 22',e; Mr Faneir A. '12 t-4ej M. I2e: iwef A A, Met A. tie; B. Ite; C : eanoer and etter. IS, can nee and cutter bulla IS. - (tetn barn tire stock. 20c lb. kl-.wnuiwnl eontrot. : Motoair 14 12-montn. 45 lb twr Alfalfa, five tran in the oaU pit today. iimt betteT $JI-xVoata and vetch). ! Trading in other grains was neg mm a. vaile- grower prtre. $i- j ligtble wijth only March barley ex- Ha rus 2 cbws'ee bay Sii oatea ee r tr . i, Portland Grain PORTLAND. Or . Juno t ! - Wheat ruturoa cicjuoed Cash wheat: IB4I Sort, white lexetodsng Real 1 US; wtuto elob I JI;. weatem red 1 d red wtntee: Ordinary j 1 81H: per eeoA 1 3; 11 P eeti I U. pe'cent I . ' I .A.. Hard whit baart: OrdwuWy lWa; ! pee eeot IS3H; 11 $ cent I AS; U per eoot 1 $;- w Today ear receipt: Wheat 21. bar ley L. fiow S. sntUfeod 1. Portland LiTCTtock ; POftTLANO. Ore. Juno I AP 4 USD Catti. for five day, salable Total 234B: calve 1. total- Itm. pa .pared week ago, market generally kmi; on tt supply; osmo dairy tvoe eow ieweerd a uh a 24 eemta: week -Sop. ' 'on fed steer 18 00 fn two loads experimentally feds, bulk eoc M SO-II OO. few " : graaeer mostly light bind at 14 00 11 to teede and stoefcer buyers; tv-e-t" teee down to 13 08; good feiera IS $, ewm,moiiidiiun 1150 M40; mdium-eod beef eow. mostly Ta-er. 13 00-13 Ti. few head dry lots In ) so: mad turn-good auaag bulls tl OO-llO-. good boef bull to 14 00; awnd-ctMMce vair 17 OO-M. few 16 00, exM bead 18 SO; ewtsorff down to 12 00; ' ewta sews -to l. i M. fa Co da, salabl 4M. to tal -Jw: snarkct unchanged and mostly at eoiling. barrow and gilt IS. 80, ' ww 155; mar loa-noa. good- "iwws. tor' day, salable 2790, tmtel i'-4r2; nvatiket retained Wednee- fy 2S-M eenr decUno on iamb, old too kind 1 off - most, -older ' cUeaes wdv-tror.; igood-hoico . springers isao-afi, several eut standing lota, early it: swaiun-iMMl aforn No. t and pelf old crop lamb 12 00-1300. oath? mUM witA good-chole at 14.00: gond wnmttm BMorw slaugliter ewe $,-A 00. fw No. I peW to 4 M and wooled owes wtte, eulia down to 2M: feeder lambs Spray Suggested For Cherry Trees ' A mixturs of on quart of stock ear baking molaases and quarter pound of arsonaU of ld mixed wit! fiv gallona of water per tree la recxanrnended bf C. Jone. Oregon SUte college aaso- eiate ectomolotkt, as a gpray to exienbat the cherry fruit fly now beginning to appear la the val ley." Spraying, which ahould be Soo immediately, Lf compulsory 1 - - I A small bouse withoat t shorn Ing how utility room provides spare for beating unit and laun dry. The American Builder maga- ; sistc (IS Church St, New York., eeneBt window. Salom Market Quotations The price below supplied by a lo cal grocer are Indicative of tb daily market prices paid to growers by Sa lem buyers but are not guaranteed by The Statesman: UTTER, ECCS AND POl'l.TRT Ssbjert to cbaag wttboat notice) BUTT ERF AT Premium . 4 No 1 i i -S3" No 2 M BtTTCR PRINTS A B .43 . j4 n . 3 Ji ; 24 Quarters . EGGS Large Mediums . Standard Pullets Cracks IJVKSTOCgv By VaUey Faekl Beet steers .10 to JS Beef cow 0 to ji Dairy cows j . -06 to JO to .12 to 14 SO to 14 00 to 11 00 to 600 to 4 00 15 43 149 Veai Umb. top 4 i t oo .13 00 - 7 00 . 200 . 2 00 Yearling 1 Fwes i Bucks .. Hoes. top. 160-t'O lb: 270-300 lbs. Sows ' . .: J POILTIV No. I colored hens No 2 colored hen 14 00 to 14 50 24 21 Out Cpntraets Hit Ceilings k CHICACO, June 1-C4VA11 old oats ctwuraru roovea to meir ten jn( and ciod sains were scored by the new contracts in (airly act- chaneirx hands At thereto new oats were I higher. August 86". and old con tractsi mere unchanged to 2 higher, September 83. March bar ley sold, iinrhanged at $1.33'v All other gnains were bid at un changed Jprices. A good deal of confusion exist ed in the oat pit at the opening as a result of action taken by the board's directors late last night. Director decided to1 permit trad ing in oid contracts for purposes other than liquidation, to which trading ias been restricted since the new Contracts were established. Army Eiilislment Dropping Rapidly CHICAGO. June 1 -iff)- Secre tary of War Patterson reported, last night that the rate of volun teer enlistments in the army is dropping rapidly. Appealing anew for exteruifen of th draft without exemption-. for treen-affers. he said in a speech for the reaerve officers associa tion that "We will be lucky if we get 40,000 volunteers" this month compared with 60,000 in April and 185,000 last November. Rose Society to Sponsor Awards The American Rose society -will award two medals and three cer-j tificates of merit to five winning: exhibitors in the Salem rose show at the VMCA June 13 and 16. ac cording to Chairman Ray War ren. Warren listed the five awards as: Silver medal for best bloom inj horticultural division, bronze med al for winner in junior division (open to high school age youths) j certificates for best each m Chris-j topher Stone roses, polyanthas! and climbing roses. under state law. Jones also sug gested that surrounding trcs and shrubs be sprayed. NOTICE OF SCHOOL SUCTION , NaUccJwrebir is llvm to th legal : voter of School District No. 34. Mar ton Countv. Ore eon. that trie annual i rivet ion for said district wiU be held In said dUtrlct from the Hour of two o'clock P. M. to the hour of seven ole Clock P. M. on Monday. June IT, 198. for the BurooM of electing one airec- tor to- serve for a term of five tri. The polling place will be the Board Conference Room of the Public School Office Builduig at 460 North High Street, la Salem. Ore con. Dated': at Salem. Oregon, this 31 t i day of Stay, isms FA YE WKICiHT Chairman of Board of Director,: C. WARD. District Clerk. J 2-8-15 Z ; NOTICE OF 'ANNUAL. SCHOOL I MEETING ; The annual school meeting of School District No. 2-. Marion County. Ore gon, wilt be held in the Board Confer ence Room of the Public School Office Building,; 4M0 North High Street, Saletn. Oregon.' on the evening of Monday. June 17. 1946. at eight o'clock P. M. for the i purpose of acting upon such business; as may lawfully come before this meeting i Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 31t day of May. 1M4 , i r A YE WRIGHT 8 Chairman of Board of Director! C. C WARD. District Clerk. J 2-8-S Livestock anil Poultry f FOR SALE New" Hampshire red laying hens, 1 73 each Phone 933$. 1 BAf excellent wrk horse, cfleap. Phone W-T-31. Rt 4. Box 396. i w6RK"HORSIStSAffDLt HO"RE Bar K Stock Ranch Urge-? assortment on hand - at all times sal very attractive prices,' Credit given Sny one. Discount for cash Guarantees as represented Free de livery. Jiarry Kuehne. Carlton. Orf. Located- miles west of Newberg. V 3 MONTHS OLD fat calf Ph. 23041. BABYCHICKS : weekly hatches new Homp-rar At other varieties. Pf. 22861. Lee's Hatchery. - j rbRT SALE: Beautifully marked spotted Rrldinc saddle horse. Six yrs old. W.HE. Blum, R. 1. Box 20. Slay ton. Ore FOR" SALE: Rabbits. 4 does, 1 buck. 30 young Rt 4. Box 14, ) your TQW SALt sorret saaaie pony. blazed lace, white stocking feet. 1 PhOne 2-4M. FOR SALE. 140-lb. horse, f old. Cheap Phone 2-1383. FOUR SADDLE Horses: Two 3 jrr. old & one 4 yrs. old. A one V yp. Rt. S, Box 103. R. L. Holden. g STARTEfiJ'URKEY pouluripoToruiri rlean. for SJillr cheap. Nellie M. Comb ton. Rfc, I. Jlefferson. Phone 03. j WANTED: All. kinds of livestock Valley Packing Co Phone 5931 " i STALLION SERVICE W" Naoa Flash. Registered American Saddlebred Stallion. Fee WJ or ISO for tect,riKi mares at time with return privileges with Napa Flash is one of the tXJium COat-ther of service thin the year, better bred there is no sub stitute for good breeding. Owners: Mr and Mrs. Roy H. Simmons, Route ; 4. Box 23B. Salem. Ore. Phone 18 for 2-1143. FOR Christie WW. baby BALL . chicks Vevery Wed Boy inr tons.- 3110 State St Phone 40 or 68F4 WANTED: Beet and canner cows bull and veal Will call at fafm E I Snethen. 1350 Lancaster prtve Ph 2tt5 Morns or, eve - ' " FpR i-ALE One registered Cueinsey bull. II months Old A. L. Chandler. iR. 4. Box 230. 7 miles souttt of Salem. ! milA west of Sunny side schoolg i CUSIUM dressing oi cnicaen. any ! number Prompt service Dressed poul ! try wholesale our specialty. Pftooe i 2-2861 Ijee Hatchery P. WANTED: Fat and canner cows tot :?beef Dairy cows, heifer, bulls, eeal iFat hogs, sows, atags. boar Market price. E C McCandlish. rt . box 373 "Ph Slfl feTossJrom ball park. S 25 th I RABBITS WANTED." ail " Sites, 4 to lib Wbite. 24c lb, colored 22c lb., live weight .Rabbit sklna. best price Wir stretcher and other aupduo. Salem s1d rets. 64 Ratcliif Drive, phono 2-1530. : PorUaed address. Rabbit Meat Co. 917 Si I Stark SUN 1722 j OU-ALlTYewTIamirTnicks. college tube tested no reactors. $123 per SHOO Gehrmx Hatchery. SUverton. Oregon. Auetions v SUDTELL'S JCOMMVNITY AUCTION Across from state fairgrounds on JSil vertorii Road. I: EVERY WED. 10 AM See 'us about your farm auction Manager. I-ane Sudtetl. 20 aitverton Road Phone OtfOS, Salem. Auctioneer. Oren Sudtell. 0138 S, W Palatine Hill. ATwater 5JU0. Portland rVRNITVRE" AUCTION" FRIDAY. JUNE 7th at 8 30 P M sharp at the J., A. Morre home 4 mile north of overhead en Portland Road. :8 ft. elee, refrigator. Console model . 4 burner electric stove.' Nrge mangle, elec. waahirvg machine I white) 35 cu ft. Kelvirtator refrigator, 8 pc. Hreaktast set-dishes and pans. 3 pc. Davenport and chair set, way lamp curtains, drapes. 2 corner what-nots. 2 Alexander Smith Rugs 19 by 14 and 8 by 10. 3 Alexander Smttn scatter Rugs. 2-9 by 12 wool Rug and pads. 8 pc ak dinning rm set, 8 pc. wal nut Bedroom set. 5 pc. Birds Heye maple bedroom set. 3 beds with Inner spring mattress and coal springs. Sev eral cfiest of drawers. I Coleman: oil circulator, 1000 gal. gatoline storage tank. 250 gal. oil tank. Floor sabder 4'.rv 1', horse elect motor. Shop tools bf all kind electric grinder drill. Several boxes of pipe' stock. Restraitrant counter with S stools C.ffe Urn. Restaurant pots and pn. 8 Fluorescent lighting fixture. Lots of Mi article too numerous to men tion. The above furniture and equip ment ,1s in first class cond. Oren E SudteU. Auctioneer; Lane Sudtell. Manager. - Selliiiir Send s C7 Market Down NEW YORK, June l-aVThc stock market, aftr a string of 15-yeur average peaks and eight successive sessions without an overall loss, stumbled over profit taking at the conclusion of s the short; week but", owing to late se lective rallies, finished with Only moderate irregularities. Business;, labor hopes and split ups spurred the list on Its climb from Monday through Wednesday on expanding dealings. Volume topped 2,000,000 shares Tuesday, largest aggregate since February 26 and on Wednesday the total was 1,990,000. Monday the turn over amounted to 1,720,000 land, ater the Memorial day recess, 'Fri day's? transfers fell to 1,310,000. Truman Approves f Owhee Project ! WASHINGTON. June 1 "rUP P r efc ideht Truman sent f the senate recommendation fori in creases In the interior depart ment budget for 194? totaling $3, 143,000. Recommend ttipni in cluded:! Reclamation service for completion of the Fletcher Gulch waterway on the Owyhee recla mation project, Oregon, $125,000. LET , I Walson & Green TAKE CARE OF YOURf LAWN & GARDEN ! This summer. Work guaranteed I CALL 2-1619 TRAINED BOOKKEEPER. Stenogra pher for general office work in grain warehouse. Experience preferred! Per manent position for right party. Refer ences required. Write or apply ! Mon mouth Cooperative Warehouse. Mon mouth. Oregon. k WANTED: Young man and woman, full time. JMadsen's Ice Cream store. WANTED: Expert penman to copy poems in Ions hand; will furnish paper and ink. Answer in own sample of hand writing. P.O. Box 224. ValseU. Oregon STRAWBERRY picker wanted. Good, clean patch. Route 7. Box 420, Salem. 4 miles out Siiverton ' Road. 1st gravel road left past Mlddlegrove school. Ph. 2-2304. DIET KITCHEN a duh washing help urgently needed. Phone 4349. Help Wanted Male WOOD CCTTERS wanted for oak and balm. A. W. Crocker. Rt. SjBox SB. ATTENTlOrJ M'ECjH A N ICS ! Skilled journeymen needed at Valley Motor Company, corner Center oi Uberty. LSee details in our : advertisement on Pafe 13! : TwYEr?rctirf-ln. oMFltood will furnish saw and tools. Cabin and good timber. 13 per ord. Arnold Phil- lips. Bob 261, Turner. Ore. MAN 0"WORK part time in woods and part time on truck. Hard work but good wages. Good Job for the right man. Long hours and summer will be teadv. Younger man preferred. R. L. Phillips. Rt 3, Box 588R. Salem, Ore after f p m. 2nd he. past Liberty school. i HANDY MAN for dormitory. See Mr. Fenix, JWllUmeMeJUniyersity MAN for vegetable preparation A" stock room work. Day shift. Good wages Permanent position for respon sible, dependable party. Nohlgren's Restaurant. 440 Stat. "ATTENTION MECMa-NIcST Skilled journeymen needed at Valley Motor Company, corner' Center At Liberty. See details in our advertisement on Page 13! , JANITORS wanterTIc hr. Pioneer Trust Bldg. See Steve Laam. Ph. 7807. FACTORY "Representative for Mar ion, Yamhill and Polk counties, to sell Weather Strips.' Rock Wool Insulation and Screens. We rhake out own in stallations "of all products. Permanent, no investment. Stat fully past exper ience, age and prtone. You will te granted interview. Write Box No. 3L Ore. Statesman. ; VtTf KaN for sales position under GI bill, regular increase in salary? per manent promotion possibilities, build ing specialties line, exclusive territory, no investment, give full details of past experience, age. phone, car assential. Mir. Sansom, care of Oregon Statesman. YotJNG Man interested In learning furniture business, single, age 11 to 21 apply Hogg Bros. iuSBojr wanted The Spa. " Help Wanted Female GIRL FOR stenographic work with some knowledge or bookkeeping. 1406 N. Front, Salem Sand Ac Gravel Co. aTTRESS WA NTED : Good" hours. Apply. The Coffee Stoop. 429 N Church PERMANENT POSITION for glr with stenographic exp and some1 knowledge of bookkeeping, good sal ary. cil at 312 Guardian Bld( " WOMEN wanted Tliir cannery woit Applv Starr Fruit; Products. Church and sVttll SU . Salem, h 073 YOUN"GW6mAn or" "girl, general houieworx. 3 aduiU. 2 children. 80 mo., room and board. Phone 9432. "WOMAN for general housework Ac nurse's helper for ; 4 hr. a day. Ph. 7498. WANTING WAITRESS.' morning shift. Senator Food Shop. WAITRESS wanted : Black Ac White Coffee Shop. 19M N. Capitol. EXPERIENCED waitress. We close at 8 .30 p m At on Sundays. The Mead ows. . ' WATTRESS "wanted. 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Sat. afternoon. Sundays and all holidays off Apply Mrs, Frank Krau ger. State Office Bldg. Coffee Shop. 12 and Court. ' ; " W A NTED: Reliable housekeeper, must like children, Room, board ; and excellent salary. Phone 9339. EXPliENCEDyValtres8. The Spa WOMEN NEEbEjr if" Salem Loun- dry Co. 263 S. Hih. VOTJNG'WOMaN for general bouse work stay nights Phone 7S49. A Salesmen Wanted WANTED: Clothing salesman to selt direct to hnrnes Phone 435.1. SALESMAN: PERMANENT position selling high-grade building and ma chinery maintenance products this vicinity. National firm, complete linei high commissions. Write Box 2383.. Dallas. Tex. : . h SALESMAN: FULL time. Sell elec. At household appliances, gift, toy, etc. Must own car. Exclusive territory. Elec. Corp. of America, 2518 Montrose, Chicago 18 III. i. FURNfTuSi salesman wanted, will consider man who has had some selling experience and is willing to learn. Hogg Bros SALESWOMAN wanted: Age 20 to 33, In Jewelry store. Must be able to do some typing, permanent position. Top. salary. References required. Box 457 Statesman IXCLUSTVE' franchise for high qual- itv cleaning product, and wax polish products for households and automo biles. In th Salem -area. P. O. Box 23. Portland 14. , Or. Situations Wanted TUTORING. GRADES 1 through 8 Ph 3860. WORRBY hour calTlind see Clara C. Mart. 2063 McCoy St. AP"AfeLERn?trt wants summer job. Pru mm. as for Ray. PAINTING by the hour or by con trart. Tree estimates. 171 N. 13th. Mr. Dodd t Advertitiiingi, Sales Promo tion, Public Relations SituaUon wanted by young veteran. College educated. ; army and civilian experience. Recently advertising man ager for publication. Can construct general advertising, write copy, se cure cuts, some art work. Business and character references. Call 8400 or write Apt 2. U5 Center St.. Salem. Ore. WANTtb: Work en farm for boy IS. Can handle tractor. Call eve. 11378. 1417 N. Liberty. WILL GIVE good care to children In my home. Reasonable. Ph, 488. SPRAYING. Salerri Spraying Service. TPh. 22922 or B427.I Good work. yLCXR wxtng bv professionals fjfi "FIRST class carpenter work. Call 8281.1 K I .i flit HaulinfTv My Specialty Free Estimates. Also cleanup attic, basements, yards and tree topping. Leo's Cleanup Service. Phone 3-4443. "HftOrifiS Repairs" Shingles color coated r preserved. Home Service Co.. 1895 S. 12th St. Ph. 5991. PAINTING, decorating. Phone 23265 before 8.30 A M.' ROOr sraAYfN'fS. .satisfaction guar anteed Phone 3751. " CARE"for chiWrWidnel0i. "OUfSIDE PAINflNG Reliable party. Estimate given. Box 612 Statesman. T5RAFTN6 and "d'eslgnutg house pUns. Phone 3-1530. SPRTi? & brulh pairTTTng, free esti rnate. Ph-one 2-2146. ; WINDOW Cleaning.-' walls, woodwork cleaned. Rugs, carpet cleaned on your floor, Salem Window Serv. Ph. 2-1342. PreSchool Playschool. 1381 Stat Ages 2-8 Part or all day Ph 8480 CUSTOM plowing, cover discing. cuT- tlvating. etc. Ford Ferguson. Rt 4. Box 158. Phone 6f?5. ALL WORM guaranteed. Windows; walls, woodwork eleatw-d. Floors wax ed. Insured wot k men. Professional Cleaning. Service. , Phone 4457. : Spray Painting Our specialty. Free estimate. E G Van Buren. Ph 2-1524. Salem. 6IL CI RCULATOR. furnaces, chim neys cleaned. Enslev 771 S. 21st. P 7176 PAINT. papS.. kalsoniln. Ph. 5522. HOUSEKEEPING for man alone in country home, by reliable exp. lady. 640 Marion. Trailer house No. 2. For Sale Miscellaneous HOUSEHOLD Furnishings 4-pc. bdrm. suite with springs and mattress. Davenport and chair. Breakfast set. Two 9x12 cone oleum rugs. Bed, spring and mattress. Bed davtno, etc. Call at 2060 N. 18th AFTER 10 a.m. MONDAY. ALUMINUM frying pans, sauce pans, cookie sheets, well and tree platters, small pressure cookers. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty N 1G HT Cra wlers. 1 IAS N . 1 8th . ELECTRIC "heating pads. roomheat ers. many types; table fans; door chimes, long and short tubes; outdoor porch fixtures: desk and table lamps; fluorescent kitchen fixtures and bath room brackets. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. . 2S3 N. Liberty 120-GAIXON automatic electric wat er heaters. Ideal for large rooming house or small apartment house. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty GARDEN' AN 5' X W N-T60LS Yeater Appliance Co. 235 NV Liberty UPSTAIRS jAnti)ue Shop. 439 Court J p AN. 'Benches Tollman's 393 S 12th STOVE repairing At parts Woodry's Mkt. 1605 N Summer St "MEATcASE: Trtpieglass7VompTete with compressor. Call 4887 after 6 p m WHEEL CHAlft r for saTeTT01O W Cottage. PIANO: Small fnodern walnut. GT- celtent condition. 1 1690 S. Cottage. 4-H P. FAlftBANKS-Morse wood saw. Good condition Cpld Springs Cottages. 3 mi. S. on 99E. t 9 WEEKS old black Labrador pup pies. G. M. Stent. Feed Ac Seed. 2 TOO Portland d Phone 8303. BOY'S TRICYCI-E. small. Call 2-2681. Call after Monday. "USED BED. complete. $14.75. Crib. complete. $11.75. - Sewing machine. $14.75. Permanent wave machine. $55. State St. Furniture Phone 7596 1900 State GOOD RANGE, wood-gas comb.. copper coils, $25. 545 S. Commercial. ROUND oak dining table. 6 chrs. $25. Kitchen table $1. 545 S. Com'l. SIMMONS turn bed. Spring Ac mat tress. $25. Couch, $5. 545 S. Com 1 . 15 GAL. ACID resistant enamel $3.00 gal. Sell $4 50. I new Simplex 25-ton lifting jack. Cost $58.30, Sell for $40.00. 2470 Walker J5t. "STURDILY BUILT" trailer 4x7 Yt. 600-16 tires. Reasonable. Ph. 2-4280. 2 ALL WOOL rugs with pads, oak blonde finish dinnette set, red leather' seat chairs, all like new, fruit jars. Ph. 9355. OTOROLAUTWATIC FecoTa player 83S Also red female Cocker pup. $10. R H Dalbey. Rt. 4 Box 343 D.. 12th St cut-off. WRECKING Fb"URTioues at isTT. Church. Salesman will be on Job Monday . DINETTE SET. wood circulator, good cond., 200 misc. records, most in al bums. Alt reasonable, Must sell. 1026 8th St.. W. Salem. 1 BLUE SUIT. 1 rain coat size 42. tl 2 pr. slacks. 2 wool sweater seo.OO. 4-1110 Cross St. WESTERN EXPOSURE meter $15. 1110 Cross St. j 3 "ACRES STINTED alf-lfaTreatTy to cut. Rt. 2. Box 2 B. 1st gravel road right, north of school. 1st house on right. G. Davey. OIL HEATER used 1 winter, call eve. Rt. 6 Box 441. Salem. " AUTOMATIC GAS, elec. and side arm water heaters for Imm. delivery. NELSON BROTHERS FURNITURE 315 N. LIBERTY "WOflD FURNACE A-l cond., with fittings. Ph. 8333. 156 SMALL SIZE piano. 150. 1159 Cen ter St. Ph. 8400. ALL Kinds of furniture. Mason's Furniture. 2448 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 2-4595. ALt Steel truck box. 7x'4,xi2. Wth or without 8 Inch hoist. Walter Fean. 203 Salem Road. North Dallas. Phone 204-R , River Silt MASON SAND CONCRETE MIX. AND FILL DIRT ALL KINDS OF. GRAVEL Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. PH 2-19C8 2-3100 WE buy and sell furniture, tools, stoves, dishes, motor, radios. Electric appliances, household goods. KLIG MAN'S. 285 N Commerolal Ph 8883 HEAF your home electrically. It's convenient, clean, economical See us for free estimates. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty FULLER Brushes" 1745 Gnnl P S357 SH1PLAP, 2x4s and other lumber. Delivered on H.H. priority orders. Ted Muller Trucks. Ph. Salem 2-1196. ANTIQUE walnut bed ic dresser Lge. leather chair. Misc. articles. Ph. 2-2531 M6STAeR A NG . cheap. Mrs John Baker. Rt. 3. Box 946. out S. River Rd. ENGAGEMENT and wedding rings for sale cheap. Write Box 642 co Statesman. COMMERCIATZ automatic electric griddle. 18x34 inches. Ideal for small restaurant. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty 1942 SCH WINN balloon tired bicy cle. Ph. 2-1096 after S p.m. or Sunday. 150 Trade St. BOYS'BICCLETgood condition. $18. Tubular shoe Ice skates, six 10. 1945 S. Church BOY'S Hawthorne bike. 1731 Br'dway. SY.-OLl5 crib, spring AT mattress High chair. Ph. 8551. BLONDS" Cockier pup, $35. 42 Hoyt St FARMERS ATTENTION Portable, electric milking machines. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty S-LEC RANGE, full enamel, first class chape, with coil. New range boiler if wanted. 130 Senate St.. West 110 volt. $17.95. Yeater Appliance Co. 255 N. Lit ibel-ty St, Unfinished Furniture Salem's exclusive unfinished furnt tur large assortment or made to or der. Pickett Furniture. 13th and Stat. JOHNSON Outboard sales and serv ice All makes repaired. Boats mad to order. Salem Boat House. POW"ERflTTJl-tube Tropic "Master table model elec. radio built for over seas service; ideal for outdoor or coastal localities. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N. Libertx RED COCKER puppies. Registered. Best of breeding. 3035 Portland Rd HOTPLAfES. single an"3 double burners, 'one and three speed. Yeater Appliance Co. 255 N. Liberty St. "iSCiaXANoTfS Articles , of anti ques glassware and furniture. Hand braided and hooked rugs. Book col lections and etc. C1I 2I812. -ALWAYS a big atocc. Woodry's Furniture Mkt Ph $110 FARMERS ATTENTION : "WeSting house automatic electric milk cooler capacitv six 10-gal Ion cans. - YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty EXPERT washing machine serine and wringer rolls, all makes. See Ed Ellis at Nelson Bros. Furniture Store. 315 N Liberty JUST RECEIVED: The new Bruns wick Blue-Flash Commercial refrig erator. i3 cu. ft. wet or dry storage See at GOOD HOUSEKEEPING CO 467 Court St. rTsHlTACTCLE5oxe9. all metaT; riasmiKnis rcquirmi jiw wnrB flaxhliEhts with batteries: Intercom munication systems; silent butlers: wall type can openers; typatunes music while you learn to type. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 235 N. I.iberty 1940 ALUlS'-Chalntic-rs combine. A-l shape, $435. 1003 Stump St , Dallas. Ore. ALMOSJT NEW all-enamel Lang stove, large even. 2455 Trade SL Registered Cocker PUPPY. EXTRA NICE. BLACK. 100 HANSEN AVE. ALL MAKES clocks" repaired. Clocks watches and alarm clocks for sale. Clock Doctor. 180 S. 14Ui. 40 GAL. HOT "water tank arid burn er with all connections and pipes. Rt. 2 Box 59 F, Ph. 24256. SINGER Sewing Machine; also man's bicycle. JW55jrradeSt. TJROP HEAD sewing machine. Port able phonograph. Table model radios. Beds Ac Spring. Tables Ac chairs. Dress ers. Floor lamps, table lamps-Ac dishes. Macs Place. 145 S. Church St. CABBAGE plants, 15c doz. Rt. 3.. Box 960. Phone 2-2559. LIPMAN ice machine with 10x12 bdx. $250. Machinery trailer, 8x12. 2173. Truck house. 8x16. all steel, elc. lights, bed Ac table. 100. 2000 potato bags. In quire 1790 N. Front. DRESS UP your'awningi and lawn furniture with Set Fast Canvas Paint. YEATER 'APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty RIVER SILT Gvet. Phone 5204 GOOD Woodfurnace with all piping, new gas water heater and tank, boy s scooter, erector set, boy's winter coat size 14 very reasonable. Call from 11-5. 1810 N. 17thSt. "BURPEES tetra" snaps 40c doz. "PrTt rhard red Ac yellow pear torn. Celery 2Sc doz. Collard greens, led cabbage 15c doz. Stlke's Greenhouse, Rt. 6. Box 249. CIftcWlATlN8T roorneatercoal "or briquet. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 5SIi.. LiherSy CHARIS the foundation garment Home appointments. Phone 9495. Es ther Turner 2605N .. 4th. MARSH ALL "Strawberries You pick. 25c lb. Bring containers. Ripe now. No small children in patch. Ralph Bad- ger. Ph. 22278. PLASTTkOTE paints', the cellophane like finish, durable, glossy. Easy to apply. Avaiable in pints, quarts and gallon In a vriety of colors. Yeater Appliance Co. 255 N. Liberty RIVER SILT Phone 2-1749 SHINGLES delivered from Rosen berg Shingle Co., Tillamook. Lumber trucking . Ted Muller Phalem 1-1198. " REBUILT" Pianos. Ilk new 'Shop Tallman's and save 395 S 12th,' near S P Depot ; BEDDING plants floral section. Fred Meyer Drug. Trad-e Miscellaneous BEAUTIFUL scenic lot on King wood Heights, will trade or late model car and cash. 1116 3rd St.. West Salem. Wanted- Furniture WANTED: Used furniture. Mason's Furniture. 2446 Fairgrounds Rd. ; Ph. 24595. Wanted -Miscellaneous WANT used high chair, youth chair, garden hone Phone 705fl. "" josed FtfRNTfimr. pToTie5iie CLOCKS 7iouTdbecTeied" and Tied once each year. Watch and clock, re pairing promptly done. All work guar anteed. D. E. Decker, licensed watch maker 15 years in Salemt Salem Watch Shop. New address, 2381) State St. Ph. 2-1957. ; WANTED: Best woman's bicycle or $25. Phone879fu 1 j DISHES over 23 yrs.; old Upstairs Antique Sjiop 439 court. Pri jZ-1443 WANT TO Buy. Used cameras St tense McEwan Jhoto Shop. 435; State CASH for your used furniture. Ph 7596 Stat St Furniture. 1900 Stat CASH for used piano & other mu sical instruments Call 4641 days or 9537 evening or send description to Jaquitn Music Co.. 191 S High Lawn Mowers Sharpened Scottie Smith Flxit Shop. Oxyacset- ylefie and electric welding. Tricycles and Kiddie Cars repaired. Pick up and deliver. Rt. 7. Box 379. Hayesville dist. Reiman's Gardens Phone 3283. WANTED: PIANOS Will pay cash Wills Music Store. 432 State St AUTO painting, just a shade better. by Ray ETTER. Call Shrock Motor Co 8502 IF YOU nave furniture to sell see Russ Bright Ph 7511 453 Court USED rURNlfURt Fh. fil84. Miscellaneous INSTRUCTION. Male. AUTO body and fender work. welding. : spray .painting, metal work among giant Auto Industry best profit producers. Practical spare time home study and resident cogirse gives mechanically- minded men valuable help toward good pay and a shop of their own. For free details! write Auto-Crafts Training. Bjox64JJ SUtesman. PAirlTER AND decorator, equipped for any Job. Dick jOrev. Ph. 6263. WATCH AND Clock Repairing. John Dolinsky. Licensed Watchmaker. 320 Evergreen Ave., east of Fairgrounds. Phone -8529. Closed Saturdays. Watches tor sale or trade. ALSi CLEARING AND GRADING. PHONE 6305 AVON PRODUCTS. Phone 6210. R. EtNorthnes. Phone 4450 ROOFING ' Repairs. "Shingles color- coated & preserved. Home Service Co. 1695 S. 12th St. Ph. 6991. - , Septic Tank Service Jack Boening 1067 Elm St. j Phone 9633 ' WEATHER strip. Pullman. Ph. 5965. HEAVY Hauling. Excavation , and Road Building. Land Clearing. Dozer Work. Ditching. Basement Excavation. Sand. Gravel, Crushed Rock, . Mason Sand, Concrete Mix. Cement. Salem Sand & Gravel Co. 1409 N. Front St. Salem, Oregon Phone 9408 or 21824 MUSIC LESS6NS: SpanUh, llawaiian guitar, banjo, etc. 1533 Court. Ph. 7569. ONTlUiCTiAmilrTl Up. Rt. 3. Box 588K. Phone ; 2-3172. Dental Plate Repair TWO BOUn SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mall Your Plates for : Repair. DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg SUte' St Com. Ph 3311 WHY Not sole your shoes with pre war leather. 1 to 3 day service. Short lobs while you' wait. All kinds pf good rebuilt shoes for sale at Gipson's 328 rjL Com! St. Phone 3908 : MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked. T5c LES SPRINGER- 464 Court St WELL drilling. Pat LylnanHPh. 9608. DRXwm5house plans. Phone 9621. CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO Lo cal and 'Long Distance Hauling, Stor age. Crating and Packing, Fuel Oil and Briquets. , Phone 7773. 1 BEKINS Nationwide mov. serv. 7773. salem, . WAtCM s6p. PhTTTWT. New address. 2381 State St. D. K: Decker. Licensed Watchmaker. RwXiNjrsfcTurild Piano and violin. 1973 N. Capitol. Phone 7903 on Tucs.. Thurs., 'Sat. Septic Tanks Cleaned K. P. Hamel. 1143 Bth. West Salem. Phone 7404 QUANTITY SURVEYOR Estimates and guantity surveys 'of building construction. Appraisal ana fire losses estimated. Room 318 Ore gon Bldg. Phone 8381. Money to Loan $ $ MONEY $ $ We make all types of personal loans Including furniture, note and car loans. for" any worth while cause. We also make real estate loans and duv real estate contracts, ror quick ana eiu- cient service see or phone STATE "FINANCE CO. Phone 4121. 153 S.. High, ; Salem Lie S 21S-M223 You CASH PLUS with a loan from us loan will solve a problem, consider these 4 extra advantages of borrowing from 'Personal':' 1. " Loans made on livestock, farm ma chinery, auto or furniture. 2. Loans made in just one visit. 3 .AH 'Personal' employees trained In courtesy and efficiency to give prompt. friendly service. 4. Complete privacy always. Loans are made to farmers, factory workers, office employees, etc. Come in, phone or write today ' Loans $25 to $500 Personal Finance Co. License S-122 M-165 518 SjUteRoom 125 Phone 3191 Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. STH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE N M 15S General Finance Corp. offer money at once on cars, trucks furniture, trailer houses, livestock, farm marchinery; contracts rettnanced and additional money advanced No co-signers. General Finance t locally owned and officered: was organized In 1927 and therefore knows and can help throughout the repaying of a loan Ap plications for loans made by phone. 136 South Commercial St.. Salem Phone: 9168 Licenses S-138 A M-338 FARM and CITY ' LOAN'S 4s and S Your own terms or repayment with in reason. Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortgage CAPITOL -SECURITIES CO 207 Pioneer Trust Bldg Phone 7182 For Rent Rooms 2 ROOMS. 1 nicely furnished and one unfurnished. Ph. M24. Call after S. 324 N. Capitol. ROOM for rent. 844 N. 20th FOR RENT: Sleeping rm. Ph. eve. 21576. 1417 N. Liberty. 2 SLEEPING rooms, kitchen privK, lege. 575 N. 20th. For Rent Apartments APT. FOR RENT: 1165 Court St. For Rent Farms 170 AC: on paved highway, ten miles from Salem, frontage on Willamette river. 30 ac. now in cultivation. 20 ac. ready for cultivation. 30 ac. cleared but some trees and brush to bum. 20 ac. still to be cleared. 70 ac. in pas ture. Property includes 23 ac. beaver dam soil, also 25-ac river bottom land. Owner wishes to contact an exper ienced farmer with suitable equip ment to propertly develop this proper ty. Will consider a cash rental or share of crop. Phone 6566 Salem. For Rent FOR RENT: ' Nice corner grocery store room 8c 3 housekeeping rooms, for 2 people, no children. $100 per mo C. J. JACKSON, 341 Stale St , Salem "'WAREHOtysflor rent, downtown, clean, dry. Ph. 4404. 1 Jo 5 30 CABlNSrTlesTiowln .teach.. Ph. 4422 U-DRIVE TRUCKS . FOMTtENT Blankets f urn. 197 S. Liberty. Ph. 9062 FLOOR Sander for "rent. Marsha fi Wells Store Phone 6877." GOGU Used Piano H FLOOR SANDER tor Stiff rent Mont- gomery Ward i "TRAILERS for rent: SO per ar Woodry's Mkt.. 1605 tt Summjr TRUCKS for rent. You drive Mc Cune & LoveU Phone 9600. Wanted to Rent FACULTY family desires 2 bdrm hse., on or before June 1st. Write Box 561. co Statesman. . - EX-SALEMVET.. wife, infant need home near Salem. Ph. 4724 days. ASSISTANT-lUDt. at National Bat- teiy needs 2 bedroom house by July 1. Have 2 boys, ages 5 and 7. Phone 9246 between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.. any workday. Ask for Howard. ETEJdAN needs 3 or more room apt ori house, furnished. Call Robert E. Waldorf. 5133. VETERAN and wife need turn, or unrfurn. apt. or furn. house, no chil dren, no oets. no drinking. Will lease for make -substantial advance payment Phone 8419. VETERAN, wife and 2 children re quire unfurn. house or apt. We have been looking since Jan. Please call Mockford, at 6734. . WANTED TO RENT: Small house or apartment for a family of three. I ana ex-GI now employed by reputable Salem Co., with one- wife and one 4 year old boy. Can bind child's. feet, hands and adhesive mouth to stop un necessary childish noise and disturb ance. W'e have only one vice, the de sire to be able to enjoy living to gether after being separated : for the past 2 years. Ph. 8500. . HOUSE "or apt. wanted in city or country by reliable adults. No parties. pets or children. Tel. 21757. BALL1 PLAYER, wife and 2,4 yr. child need apt. or room until Sept. Lou Kubiak, co Marlon Hotel. BY JUNE 14: Four or five room un furnished house, duplex or flat by couple with school-age child. 420 Mc Gilchrist. J j WANTED: Furn. 1 bed room house by office manager for Construction company. Up to $75 a month. Excel lent care of property. Phone 8605'. 8 to 4:30. VETERAN and wife need small furn. apt. by June 15th. Quiet, no children no drinkers, net, rn. 4ttj eves. NEED Unfurnished house or apart ment in or near Salem. Permanently employed railroad man. No children or pets. Best reference. Forced to move account place sold. Ph. 2-I55t. EXCHANGE: Rental "of nice 2-bedrm. Corvallis apt. for desirable Salem apt. or hse. i Young vet., college grad. 8c wl,e- Refer, excel. Ph. Corvallis 440W. YOUNG VET. college grad. has per manent Salem position. Urgently needs desirable apt. or hse. Please help us. Refer, gladly. Oregon Statesman, Box. 635. ' . . " RETURN F.O veteran At wife "urgent fy need furn. or unfurn. apt. or hse. in or near Salem. Perm, employed. Minor re pairs guaranteed. P.O. Box S91, Sa 1cm, Ore. AN APT. by 2 working girls, refer ences. co Box 639 Statesman. - EX-SERVICE man now in. business here wants 2 or 3 bed room modern hse. in good neighborhood.' Will re decorate ii , necessary and care for yard. Former Salem tenter, can give refer. Ph. 8297 WANT"iE6T I or 3 bed room unfurn. home. Permanent -business man, 3 adults. Best of references. Box 875 co Statesman. For Sale Real Estate MUST BE SOLD! Attractive 3 B.R. Home, So. Com'l St. Completely furnished.' This loca tion will increase in value. Act now, if you want a good buy. SfifSOO. -BRAND NEW 1 B. R, bungalow. Large lot with fine walnut trees. Auto, gas floor furn. New gas range and hot water heater. Immed. poss. Easy terms. $5900. Larsen Hoine & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings - Personal Service 164 South Commercial Street Phone 8389 Evening 7440 HOME Seekers t Home buyers if you need cash for home buying expenses for any home listed In this paper phone 3191 and ask for Mrs. GaUinger. Loans, up to $300 on furniture, up to $500 on auto. PERSONAL. FINANCE CO, Lie. S-122 M-165. LOT near Hollywood. Close to schools. 'Nice hse. plan Included, $1250.j Phone 7443 eve. 7-RM; DUPLEX, 2 sets of plumbing GoTi Investment. $6500. F. H. Weir r REALTOR 1247 C. fom r Phone 9411 BY OWNER: New "5-room modern house. Hardwood floors, oil furnace. 1435 South 13th St. THREE BED ROOM HOME: Appro acres fine soil with attractive modern home built 1S3S on pavect street Monmouth. House landscaped, plastered,, has vwdst pipe fur. auto wrt htr, hdw fir down, fireplace. ,wr--for range, gar. Tool, macn bidg for acreage. Exceptional value at SA3C0. Termsv John Black Real Estate 2235 N. Liberty Phore Salem 458 ENGLEWOOD - -$8900. Liv. rm., kit., nook. 2 bdrrr.s . bath.' fireplace. Finished brr.t. wiUi extra bdrm. Auto-gas beat. Call Ray Davis. Huff Real Estate Go. REALTORS Ph. 37S3 t s cosrLi Ph 44t eve Priced For Quick Sale 3 rm. plastered home. $5800 full price. Includes gas rang and gas hot water heater. $3600 down will buy that clean little home. j M, O. Humphreys & Co. Realtors i ! 2386 Fairground Rd. ' Ph. X454 30J3 For jUtfTT Road Pti. 7t2l $12,000. BEAlrTIFVL 4 bdrm. bono with liv. rm, din. rm.. kit. and library. Hdwd. firs. Fireplace, auto-otl turn. Finished bftnt, Dble. garage. 3 A. close in. Call Ray Davis Huff Real Estate Co.' REALTORS 970 S COMT. Ph. 3793 - P.n 9441 eves 8950 BEAUTIFUL new nmdern S . B. R. home clone in south. Elec, water heater, furnace, large lot with wamut .trees. Other fruit. Immediate pian s- lon. j Call Stanley Brown with . State Finance Co., REALTORS 153 S. High Ph. 4121 5 A. FRUIT and nuts, good wmtaerlv slope. 1 A. cleared for building sit or berries. This Is good soU and ciotm to school. Turn right 1ft road N. Sun nyside school. 2nd hse. on left. . 3 ROOMS, utility room, neat, nice location. North. Near cn , ml jbeater. W'ired for range. Laundry trays. DoL' garage. Bus. $5000. Terms. C. J. JACKSON. 341 State St j Salem SElfERAL older type homes Ui .lovely dist can be made convertible for apts. etc. Luse Jiealtjr,OregonBldg .J79: EMPTY 3 bdrm. modern ttou-e, new ly painted, gas range, for sale.' $44iKL Call Sun. at 1145 S. 16th. - ROSEDALEADbm6N': Modern 5 room House all on one floor. Full base-' ment. furnace. House only S years old. Garage. Price $12,800. P. H. Bell, Realtor 510 Guardian Bldg. Saiem, Oregon Phone 486 . "nCEwTWODERN"roME-74a S. wSr- TER ST. LARGE LtVIN'C DINING ROOMS. TWO BED ROOMS. WALL TO WALL CARPET, FIREPLACE. MOD EL KITCHEN. LOTS OF BUILT-IN S. -FULL BATH WITH SHOWER UTIL ITY ROOM WITH LAUNDRY TRAYS. ELEC. HOT WATER HEATER. FUR NACE. AIR COND. LARGE GARAGE. CONCRETE SIDE WALKS, DRIVE. LOT 50x150. 1MMED. POSS. TOTAL PRICE $11,300. j Larsen Home; & Loan Co. Exclusive Listing Personal. Service . 164 So Com'l. St.- Ph. 8J8Cv 1440 - Leaving Saleni Must sell choice one acre, T-rooin mod., older home, nne condition . 1 . B R. down. 3 up, living, duung, nitnty . built-ms, base , wood furnace. Plenty; t fruit, shade, city water. A good buy $7500. C. H. SANDERS 231 N High SS CREEK PROPERTY j $8800-4-5 rm. home. Pipe i furnace.' hrdwd. i floors, fireplace. Imm. : posa. Call Omer Huff. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO.. REALTORS , 1717 Center St. . Phone 2-1549 Eve 2-ln BY OWNER: 3-bdrm house, wired for range, full basemenL Will' sell furn. or - unfurjn. Seeat 850 S. 18th St BY Owner. Modern 5 rm. bouse, east Salem. Price $10,000. Ph. 2-41 8. $10.750 Liv. rm., din. im . kit.. I bdrm. down. 3 up. Small hAie on back of lot. Call Omer Huff. " HUFF REAL ESTATE CO.. REALTORS 1717 Center St. t Phone 2-1549 " Eve 2-1T31 . FOR SALE by owner: 3 bdrm. home completely furnished. $9500. Immedxa- possession. Filbert, grape,; bovsen-bernes,- ttrawberries and walnuts. Piv, 4250 ; " 'WE HAVE Several good builduig lcti 87'tx225 (nearly 'i acre!. City water available, surrounded by Kood horn. $800 and $850. . - SALEM REALTY! CO. REALTORS 149 N: Hugh St. Phope ?& $ if . 000 NORTH Stucco 4 bed rm., hwd. floor, V. liv. rm. with fireplace.' Lge. -din. rm, oil pipe furnace. Dble. garage. A nure place. Excellent value. Call Jean Thompson. t . - HUFF -REAL ESTATE CO . REALTORS 1717 Center St. Phone 2-1549 Eve Ph -35dl $5500 VERY Clean 3 B R. pUstereat hou-e. close in North. 2 car garage. Lot of flower and shrubs. Walnut trees. Immediate possession. ; Call Stanley Brown with. State Finance Co., REALTORS 153 S. High Ph. $7850. GOOD 8 r. home In Nob b H-l Dist. 2 nice lota. nr. school a bus. Call Mr. Walters . Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 979 S COM L. Pt 9441 eves Ph. 3793 ENGLEWOOD . By Owner: $13,500. A lovely corner lot; large living rm., fireplace, dinuruj rm:, tile kitchen. 2 bed rm dtMrn. room up for 2 more, bath, extra ftn air cond. oil furnace, complete Iv la sulated 8c weather -tripped.: venetiaoi blinds, hardwood firs, close to schcol 4c bus: jCall from 11-8, 1819 N.17th St. NEW 5 "rin. he. on Vista. Ave. acre, fireplace, Venetian blind, auto, electric heat, hwd. floor electric wat er heater. Only $8150 . See yiK, GOODWIN with Hawkins & Roherts, Inc. REALTORS Phone 4108 After; 8 - 8r8 NEW HOMi t - $6950 Suburban 3 bdrm. home. lge. lot Call Homer Huff. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO., REALTORS 1717 Center St. I Phone 2-1549 Eve. I-I731 ADVERTISING f Western Advertising Representatives Ward-Griffith Company. Jne. San Francisco Eastern Advertising Representatives Wsrd-Grtfflth Company, Ino. Chicago. New York. Detroit, Boston, Atlanta a ji Member Pacific Coast Division Bureau of Advertising - 1 Entered at the Poafoffice of SaTer. Oregon as second Clast Matt. Pe ti'sheel et'ery montina except Monties, Business ic 215 souzh Comiie-ou Street. - SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1. Mall Subscription Rata tn Advance! Within Oregon s Dally and Sunday. Ma. 80 cents: S mo. $3 00; 1 year. SS 00 Elsewhere SO cenO per mo or 87 -24 for 1 year In advance Per copy S cents. By City Carrier, 73 cent a month. $9 00 a year tn advance in Marlon and adjacent count lea. .