The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 02, 1946, Page 12, Image 12

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? ;
.-.lTha Orixyoo Stakmaa. golem. Ort, Sundcrf Ta
Ipactls aertles: The aaaaal
Xieys All -I tar WitbiQ ku4
Uw hum Nt Utat gype4Ylk
rttt- Jea (Ctwkr) CarreU
fraaa a berth las year gather
.far aaether imln la a few
4Urs la Partial. Aa4 tarae If
we're mm wkm they're aelect
4 SaJesa's Kaver D-eea to play
sfcartstop Ifca ap-state side.
la ctM the bralaa wka raa Um
liM dmmt kaaw. It. Duek east
keep step wUk say high acfc 1
MtwtMttfctr la Um iUU tot
tfefcaai-ely a4 affesi-ely. If
ha eaald thrw a little better.
Catcher Dick Aillsea weald ha-a
m peer aa ) prep catcher la
Umw parts.. aa4 If he eemld get
an that flae, Mutt mt aJe a-er
thm aeare ertea. Tall Ka4
rraelaaa will be area a act
tor attcacr Hum waa Carrall last
7ar - . . aeakiag af Um
JaOecMr.i-.ecs. faUawiax the
j aaaaal galea Jr. kail iMiinw
fas' the ether atgkt Um gaag wu;
ear-aea bath the aallher eat-i
fita. Carty's Dairy aa4 May
- fle-rec, eaaae. a p. wita the bast i
elaae as paper . . . . . He
aiara-h rcreraeratie alaee
the OUXAA big aheta swept Um j
'easts: baep shew fraaa aar toma
to Eaa. aaaVta SUA baralag
; ever 1 Um toas we're 4Uaeerere4
tfcle: Of Um fire OIISAA beer
af aaatral aaea ke rate Um
aert. fear af 'eee rl Beelj
I af Jeffersea. Leeaara1 SiajfWU
)' mi ' Oea r aWy. Caltaa Meet afi
Graat ill Father Lelpslg mt i
I Tariaa are gra4aatee af :Um
U af Oregeau Amd Um IT laal
atottoaa4 ta CarraUie, yea kaew.
OaJy rre4 Patt efLaOra4e
Decision Due on June 10
Simpson Probable Loss
v Ad Viking 6rd Coach
" .The State Board of Education won't decide as much until It
' meets June 10. but Salem high stands a good chance of losing Med
ford's Al Simpeon as football coach before he even starts. Simpson
reported to The Statesman from Medford last night that he has been
offered the football coaerung jod
at Southern Oregon College of
: Education, Ashland, and that he
wUl take It If the board of edu
' cation will okeh the move daring
its meeticf June 10. Although the
' skipper, of the terrific Medford
, Black Tornado .football teams the
' past two year U scheduled to
; come to Salem' next fall, he has
i not aimed contract with the
; fcalem system.
The eapectad move to SONS
" eomes as a surprise, since Sttnp-
son was ttxjught to be set for the
? Salem Job. Since the Ashland )ob
' tnvolYoa coaching for a college
tnatoad Of a high school, the shift
tan't unpardonable, however.
Simpeon said the story of the
move i wasn't suppooed to be made
public until June 10, but- he was
, "croooed up." There is a possibil
ity the education board may nix
, UMahift.
, If the Black Tornado man
AMiat Mn to Kalem. it is ex-
... poctod that Harold Hauk will take
, over as Viking footfall coach next
'fall, the post he held before the-1
war. Tommy Drytun. Vik roach
- the past four seasons, will likely
-esoach. Boo squads at the villa, ac-
rordinci to Curnee Flesher. SHS
athletic j director. ' Frank Warren,
the Ashland man who was sup-
posed to be Simpson's assistant
t . neat fall here, will Join the Far
; riah )uror high faculty.
I ' ' l " , .
Irishman Cops
British Title
. BXltKDALZ, England. June I
; CtV Jimnue Bruen, 26-year-old
'boy wonder of Ireland's prewar
I gxif. became the first player from
s the Zmerald Jsle to wear the
. British amateur golf crown to
V day by defeating California-born
Robert Sweeny, jr, 4 and S, In
, the Sg-holo final match played
, In the rain,
- The black -haired insurance
. agent said that he would like to
go to America this year for a try
at the U. S. amateur title which
will be decided at Springfield.
N. J, starting Sept. t.
f -However.' I don't , knew If I
can afford If he added.
. SweVny, who won the title In
1137. was the last of the three
Americans la the ' meet. Chick
Evans. ry ef Chicago, was elim
inated In the fourth round, and
Frank Sttsnahan of Toledo, Ohio,
in the sixth.
Jiv Basoball:
I ' ' Secretary Ralph Caley of the
Salem Junior Baseball leagues
: ha announced the . following
- practice schedule for teams up
until the openers June 11 and 12:
f MitiT. e a LfcMt teem and
W 4,tMr at Lm)m: XlMnm i and
' Miwt t at Bahee.- Tueedar. Dm.
fvite and Yvater'S at Loslie: Curly
, aad Vatiey 4or at Bakrr. Wadnea
f oar, S praEVaataa aad EJfxtrem'i Sl
I , Vfsyflnwvr aad Band I Grtnl
0 . aafeee: IHurvdav lomt i end
i Yaara at leale: fojiee and Vallev
Hmtmt at Biaar; FrldavwCwrly's and
Snd ft Crarai at Lashe; Caglea at
atemdar. June IS. S a m
and Valley Motar at Capilola:
I JMran'i and Laeion team at Laalie:
taatar a and Saad a Crawl at Ba
k aar; Tuaadav. June II Eartoe and
MayfWwer at CanitobC Follce at Baker
and Curty's at Laelto.
. . ., '"V
. sceiana was nrst setuea some
tisne before BOO AX. by a small
mits from Scotland.
The Ilorrow Company
Phoa 5955 153 S. Liberty Ray E. Morrow
aixr KOBBK
laat aa Orecaa
aaya Um toaraaaaeal ahlft aiae4
aa exarUy aae eet. Hew caa
yea wia acalaet each a4a? Be4
tor yet. aaw eaa yaa wta waea
rmlAlmt aaade airectlaf Um wel
fare af ear elllace ilda't aaake
a ant toward flcaUae to re
toia Um area classic?
wke eretietew a krUkt
kaaeball fa la re far Fletcher
(Cerly) Kekae waea he was a
lt-yeer-eM shartotoaacr far be
towatoa to '42. reeeamaaeaded ky
Las Aaeelea. aaUht Ilka to kaew
Carly hi aaw tela flae la Um
toacae with. Of eeav We
Stetter Holds
swatting Lead
Salmi's Guniiarvon
Ha Hurling Pare
Wetuitrhee Second Sacker Glenn
Stetter lost 64 points during the
week but his .393 batting average
is t til I enough to lead the West
ern International league, accord
ing to figures released by the
Howe News Bureau yesterday for
games through May 26. Danny
Amoral of Bremerton with .426
and Woody Salmon of Salem with
.424 are ahead of Stetter but have
not played in sufficient games to
rate top billing.
Gene Thompson of Yakima has
most runs batted in, 38, and Dick
Adam and Eddie Fitzgerald of
WeruUchee hare firjt in homers
with six apiece. Two pitchers
have 4-0 records Carl Gun
harson of Salem and Milt Cadin
ha of Spokane. Wenatchee stole
10 base in one game againM
Victoria last week for what is
believed to be a new league rec
ord. Salem's leading Senators are
last In team fielding with .932
and next to last in team batting
with .251. Victoria lead the field
ers with .968 and Wenalchee la
top hitting team with .293. Indi
vidual batting:
C AB H Bl Prt
ii m as n .414
. 13 SI 31 1533
..33 7 33 if J79
. tS I0i 3S 11 J7S
3S I3S 47 S .373
. SS 110 44 33 .3T7
.. 11S 40 33 JS4
Amaral, Brrmerlon
Salmon.. Salvtn
Stetter. Wanatchae
Kemper, Tacoma .
Hedmrten. Tacoma
Martinet. Spokane
Rufc. Spokane
Adanta. Wnatchaa .
Vco. Salem .
Thompaon, Yakima
McCot mar k. S pokane
Waaler. Wvnatchee
Gedsins, Bremerton .
Car be, Yakima
GUb i akima ,
30 134 43 30 J43
33 137 44 33 M
33 143 4S 31 .343
It 41 14 17 .341
39 1M 3 33 .344
30 SS 33 IS .330
Kuper. Tacoma
it 30-13 .333
Jaoavn. Victoria 13 31 7 4 .333
Warner. WenaU-hae ... II 13 34 13 -339
Spursaun. Vancouver - 34 SS 30 it .320
ItrchMl. Salem It SO 30 II .333
Murphy. Victoria 30 IIS 37 10 .323
Valtea. Tacoma 30 Sl 3S tl Jl
lanrke. Spokane - 31 130 40 13 .317
Elliott. Yakima 20 S3 30 IJ JI7
CUford. Tacoma 39 113 33 17 JI3
Dawion. Yakima .... '- 30 137 30 It J07
PlcetU. Spokane 33 127 30 It .307
DvViurt, Bremerton 39 131 37 13 J00
Pataraon. Spokane . .. 2S 111 34 SO J00
Crawford. Salam 33 40 14 10 .304
Baruorf. Bremerton 23 SO 34 IS JO0
Daniels. Salem 13 37 10 3 .170
Kubtak. Salem - 17 90 34 30 .27
lumiMrt, Salem 19 S3 13 IS ISO
Wanner. Salem . 37 103 24 17 .333
Bartolornel. Salem 30 S3 17 II .13
f'avtneas. Salem ,30 103 IS 12 .170
Kerr. Salem 13 40 S .174
Pitcher :
Cadinha. Spokane 1
4 0 37 19 IS SO
CuBiunon. Salem 7 4
Byrd. Yakima 4 t
Greene, w eaa tehee 3 1
Orteif. Vancouver 1 3
Soderbera. Salem 4 1
Adama. Falem, S 1
Medefhinl. Brem. 4 1
O Boyle. Yakima , 1
Gibson. Brmerto$ S 1
Babbitt. Wrnatrjie IS 0
rjreenlaw. Tacoma 7 0
Oorfcln. Salem 14 0
Wyalt.. Salem 4 1
Kewahfkt. 6alem 9 I
rail in, Salem 1 1
0 40 31 31 IS
30 33 14 18
9 IS 10 17 3
III I 4 13
0 30 IS 13 13
O 33 17 II 17
0 30 13 10 1
1 13 II IX 4
9 9 S 1 1
1 II 33 19 30
1 37 19 34 II
4 S3 S4 SO 13
1 -30 31 13 II
47 29 34 37
5 34 21 27 24
Trapptpra Fire Today
The . Sales; Trsaahooters
' irlab plays hoot to a merchaa
dtsa shoot today mm the elab
raage. Fifty 16-yard and 66
haadieap targets are ea the
soeaa for gaoners. accord inr to
Clab Secretary" Clarence Towa-ead.
IM he's hJUiaff hard aad fieJd
tng kls ahert aatch like a champ
ton ; Another fanner
Senator aherkttop, Banay Grif
fiths, la this year boas! th
Hacerstown niae la Um later
State lee a, la play la r reralarly
and h) hittlnr ever II U elah
was la aeeead alaee at last read
lac i Dour Ferd. the
alteMac al(kty while at U ef
Washiartea far Um war,
feaad aea aaeawd werk aet to.
his Uklaf. Laser ef fire stralxht
tarts with Vaaeaarer. Ferd
aaeked aa kls satchel aad weat
beato Ne Charley Feter-
ea at Jtoesaertoa after aiL Re
leased hy Um Seals. 'Fete was
eeeed to sixa with the Blae
iackets. Bat Utey eealda't aat
,eaeeh flrares ea Um eea tract,
aa Um ex-Setoa skipper nixed
whele deal . . . ; .
When a ball dab wins eight
aad lose at Um start of a
season It lent a bam races to
fig lire the skipper as being en
the ropes. So Um, decapitating ef
Laeret Harney at Victoria eoaaes
aa no surprise, Ferhapo It was
a rood aaoee In two ways. ; for
Harney who has had practically
a experience la professional
baseball, has reportedly palled
boner after boner la gaidtag the
New Bevto Ball Park Listed
Portland Bearer and Salem 8enator aeneral Idsasger Bill Klep
aor, la town this week for the Salem-VaneotrVrr scries, last night aa
aoaneed completed plana for the new Beaver baseball park la Pert
land. The new stadium will be erected oa aa lt1-acres tract par
chased aa S2ad street between Pawell and Holgate oa the east side
mt town. A aew park has been planned for some time since the present
Vsagha street yard faces a etty edict for catting aff what shea Id be
a threagh street la the Kose City.
Intentions are to start work oa the project next fall. Infield aad
eatfleld construction aad seeding Is planned for then, sad if material
Is available the actaal erection af the concrete stands, etc., will also
be started la the fall. The stands will be ballt ta accommodate from
16.566 to 17.66a. fans and wilt bo censtrncted to meet major league
oalargemeat reojalremeata If necessary. Ample room for parking space
will bo Installed. Plans call far space to park 2366 cars, which is
doable the sise of say parking lot In the Coast league.
Klepper expects to have the new plant ready for opening la 1946
If at all possible.
W L Pet '
SAL I'M 34 14 033 Bremartn
Wenachee 34 10 ouo Yakima
Spokane 33 10 .37 Vancouvr
Taoortal 30 IS 371 Victoria
W V5ct
IB 10 514
IS 3) .355
9 31 223
Saturday resulu: at Salerh 12. Van
couver 7. at Spokane 3. Victoria 4; at
Wenairhee 7. Bremerton 4; at Tacoma
f. Yakima 4.
Oakland 42 31 .007 Sacrmento 33 34 .413
San rian 0 23. II 3 Hollywood 29 34.400
Los Angla 33 29 .947 Seattle 24 39 381
San PMeco 32 13 42 Portland 11 40 344
Saturday ' results: at San Diego S.
Portland 3: at Oakland 0. Loa Aneles
3: at Sacramento 2. Seattle 1; at Holly
wood -2. San Pranctsco 0.
Boston 32 9. 790 St. Louis 1123.433
New Yrk 27 17 114 Chicago 13 21.417
Waxhnstn 21 17 .553 Cleveland 17 24 .415
Detroit 33 XO .534 Philadelp 1 31 .244
Saturday's remits: at New York 3.
St. Lauki 4. at Philadelphia 10. Cleve
land 4: at Wathtrurton S. Detroit
Chwafo at Boston, postponed.
BroolMyni 35 13 OftS Boston 17 30 459
St. IUis 33 14 a22PitUburgh 15 IS 453
Cincinnati IS IS .529 New York 17 31.447
Chtcaln IS IS Son pruladelph II 34 314
Saturdav a scores : at CTilcaao 0. Bos
ton 3; at Cincinnati 5. Brooklyn 4; all
other ganea postponed, ram.
Ore(aaUas ta tae amaer (thai thej
Old SalarSay :
Cordon. Yankees 4 1 3 I 10
Whitman Ddra 9 1 3 0 Oil
Peaky, Red Sox did not pla '
Ooerr. Red Sox. did not play
Season's record:
B H I RBI pet
Gordon. Yankees 140 37 7 23 f.304
Whitman Dodgers .. 54 33 0 1 12
Pesky. Red Sox . 171 S7 7 17 .333
Doerrt Red Sox lit 42 4- 33 JM
Biirra Sahib Wins '
, INGLE WOOD. Calif.. June 1
UP)- The C. V. Whitney entry,
backed down to 4-5. ran one-two
today as Burra Sahib won the
$23,000 seven furlongs Will. Rog
ers handicap by one length nd
a quarter and the; filly Enfilade
was second.
WIL Desnlli:
Bremerton . .010 000 021 4 10 0
Wenatchee 013 102 7 13 0
MedegtiirU and Voipi; Cronln and
Vk-torU , IMOOt 0004 6 1
Spokane .021000 000 3 ? 1
Babich Blankenahip 3 and Mulca
hey. Clifford (7; rarta aad Paulson.
Yakima . 040 000 000 4 7 4
Tacotna ,v 010 013 11 7 9 0
Marshall and McConnell. Colombo
and Kemper.
FCL Scores:
Loa Angeles 000 011000 3 I 3
Oakland , 111000 31 0 11 3
Dobernic. Baker (7) and Williams;
Plppea and Raitnondl.
Seattle ..( ...... OOlOnOOOO 1 3 0
Sacrawento OOO 1 10 oo 2 7 1
rrbrr; Collins ii) and Sueme; Pi ci
tes atld .Marcuccl.
San rtanciaco . . 000 000 0009 1
Hollywood 000ll01-2 I 0
JanSen and Ogrodowskl; Erautt and
Ever lose four hat or overcoat, while out to eat? It
only costs' but $10 per .year to insure such a loss and
you set $1000 Residence Robbery along with it as well
as this "outside" theft or disappearance coverage.
i -
Oregon's Largest
129 N. Cotninarclal
Salam and
Athletics, all ef them hlaaaablc
to hla' lack ef baseball knew
ledre. The best we're 'heard en
these boners is that aa three er
fear occasions with the bases
full he had his hitter, loaded
with a fall 3-and-Z eevni. tak
lar the next pitch! Steal in r bases
whea fear and fire runs behind
Isn't la Um manual either. The
thoroughly likeable ex-pro Ice
hockey player Is perhaps better
off himself new that he's eat.
He's apt to lire loncer ......
The only part ef It we don't
like la that the ap-to-new push
over Victorians are strengthen
ln" right and left and Salem
goes at 'em for two solid weeks
after today
. . .
A eltlsen not long ago waa
willlag to bet aa fit that "Doc"
Kegele and umpiring pal 81a
tch wouldn't be In the WIL by
the first of July. We don't know
why, bat neither Doe er his psl
are en Um league roster at pre
sent No, wo didn't bet the tea
thank gasdneea ..... Last
official re porta from Chicago
listed Wenatchee's Glenn Sut
ler as No. 1 hitter In the WIL.
He's the same Stetter who play
ed Legion ball at Woodbnrn In
'St with Bill Hanauska. el al.
and later at Valseta
A a e I k e r former from these
parts. Pitcher Tony Jell of
Woodbnrn and Melalla. la cur
rently aerrinc' in that notorious
Mexico a league. Aad Neal
Owens. Willamette fallback la
lltt. Is at last look Um leading
hitter In Um Pioneer league for
the Boise club .....
Assault Takes
NEW YORK, June -(A- The
clubfoot comet tcom the wide open
spaces lanky, sizzling Assault
became the seventh triple-crown
king of the turf today by running
sway with the Belmont (takes In
his. greatest job of galloping.
Going his daddy. Bold Venture,
one better the "old man" only
won, the derby and Preakness
Assault was all alone and laughing
at the wiret The Philadelphia
dark-hore Natchez, led the oth
ers home, a length and a half in
front of Cable.
The win was worth $77,000 to
the Texasrbred chocolate champ
with the deformed foot. His stretch
race today made his showing in
the Kentucky derby and Preak
ness look like simple cakewalks.
Upstate Ball !
Team Selected
PORTLAND, ; June l-OT)-The
upstate team which will meet
Portland stars in Oregon's second
annual All-American boys' base
ball game June 8 was announced
today. One player from the game
will represent Oregon in the Es
quire game in Chicago, Aug. 10.
The 15-man squad includes two
players who took part in the 1945
game here Catcher Don Allen,
Albany, and Outfielder Joe Brock,
Catchers Allen and Roland Johnson.
Oregon City. Pitchers Jamea Cck
atroart. Eugene; Berth Bartholemy. Col
umbia Prep, Portland: Ed Struther.
Newberf; Runal Rose. Scappooae. In
fielders James Anicker. Tigard: Jim
Janreau. Ashland; Rodney Giles. Rain
ier; Lance White. Canby: Forrest Hen
ning. Hillaboro. Outfielders Brock.
Earl Bell. Sandy: Don Graham, Pleas,
ant Hills; Paul Allen. Lebanon,.
G AB R H Prt.
' 32 131 3 50 .382
31 121 22 45 J72
39 130 33 43 351
41 145 37 SO -345
31 134 34 40 .343
34 122 23 41 331
National league:
Walker. Dodgers
Vernon. Senators
Walker. Dodgers r
Sctvoendienst. Cards
WlUiaros. Red Sox
Reese, Dodgers
DiMaff io. Red So
Runs batted in
Slaughter. Cards 30;
30; Holves. Braves 3. American league
Williams. Red Sox: 37;' Doerr. Red -Box
35: DiMagglo. Yankees 33. ,
Home runs National league: Mlxe.
Giants 10, Kurooskt. Cards I: Kiner,
Pirates 7. American league: DiMaggto,
Yankees 11; Greenberg. Tigers 11;
Williams, Red Sox ; Keller. Yankees 9.
Upstate Agency"
- Salam - Dial 4400
Coos Bay
Solons Unleash Power.
Rap Vancouver," 12-7
jSeries Copped; Vico, Crawford Hit Stars;
1 :30 Double Bill Today Winds Up Series-
j Salem's league-lead irig Senators turned on the power full throt
tle last night at the ball yard, unleashed a batting barrage the likes
of jwhich hasn't been seen at the park in years and used it to blast
Vancouver's luckless Caps 12 to 7 for the week's series clincher. It
was win No. five in six tries for
the Gullic gang and it kept the
townies a game ahead of Wenat
chee for the loop lead.
The clubs button up their
eight games today in a 1.30 p.m.
doubleheader. Steie Get kin, al
though pitching one ball last
night, and lefty Ken Wyatt are
to try it for the locals in, the aft
ernoon brawls. Hunk Anderson
and Ray Orteig. both fireballers.
go to the post for Manager Syl
vester Johnson's troupe.
For moat of last evening's out
ing the townies didn't show much
to the bumper gathering of 2017
paid. Wee Alex Palica and his
sneaking fastball, although given
spotty support by his pals, had
the locals whipped1 7 to 4 as late
as the . seventh inning. , Salem
pitching was bad Paul Soder
burg went out after giving up five
runs in the first three frames and
Lofty Jim Hess, In trouble every
inning, wasn't doing much better.
Vancouver got two quickies off
Soderburg in the second when Lou
Estes larruped a towering homer
over the left wall with Bill Bren
ner on base, Estes' third homer
of the series. Three-more runs on
four hits In the third ended Sod
erburg's try for his fourth straight
Our side got two tallies in the
third on Pinch-hitter Hal Sum
mers' walk, Duane Crawford's
single and George Vico's bloop
double to left, and two, more
came in via a dropped pop fly
to the infield In the fifth after
Vern Reynolds walked and Vico
pounded a double to right.
But in the seventh the Salems
cut the margin to 7-6 for Van
couver with one swish of big
Vico's hit willow. Crawford had
singled for. his second of three
hits for the night, and after Rey
nolds had lined to left up stepped
Jolting George to power one of
Palica 's curves far over the right
center wall for a home run, his
fifth of the campaign.
Hess settled long enough to re
tire the Caps 1-2-3 in the eighth
and then, came the real Salem
blasting. Six runs came roaring
acrow, all on seven hits, five of
which went for extra bases!
Here's how the riproa,rious irjn
ing went:
Manager Gullic led off with a
double that caromed off Third-sai-ker
Watts Gulan's fchins into
left center. Woody Salmon im
mediately tied the 'score by
smacking another double to right
center. Henry Bartolomei's twist
ing grounder to third went for
a single. .Salmon putting up at
third, where Ed Kowalski took
over for him as pinch runner.
Hcms gave the Caps a ray of hope
by ' grounding weakly , to ghort,
Bartolomei going to second. Lou
Kubiak then ahot a line triple
to left center to scorei Kowal.-ki
and Bartolomei. This was all for
Palica and in came Lefty Jim
Hedgecock. Crawford) greeted
him with a single to center to
score Kubiak. Reynolds dumped
a double into left and Vico pow
ered a long liner to deep center,
Crawford scoring after: the catch.
Dick .Wenner followed .by pasting
a 30-foot douhle to Seft center,
scoring Reynolds. Skipper Gullic,
who had started the tne?s, then
came up and popped oui to end it.
Hess had naught to do but coast
in from there, but he got off to
a bad start in the ninth by walk
ing the bases loaded, surrounding
a foul j popup to Vico. Skipper
Gullic Waved s in Fireman Steve
Get kin and. h made exactly one
pitch to Dangerous Mr. Estes. The
Cap left fielder bounced to Ku-.
biak, who tossed to Reynolds,
who in turn whipped to Vico for
the Solpna' 10th double play of
the season, and the game was
Both 1 clubs collected 13 hit.
Estes with three led the enemy
and Vico and Crawford, with
three apiece also, paced the
Senator Swat:
AB H Pet' ' AB H Pet
Salmon 70 2 .414 Summers ...... .
Reylonds 41 II .375 Gunnarsn 20 4 .3(10
Vico 131 50 .363 Bartolmic 107 II .171
Entwistle 3 1 .333 Cavinesa 113 19 .IN
I.ucchenl 7t M .329 Kowalski 24 I in
Ci as. fold M II .310 Kerr 1110.164
Wyatt 7 1 J8 Tallin 17 2.111
Kubiak 125 34 .272 Gerkln 17 2.111
Daniels 31 I 2.M Soderburg 11 1 .Oil
Wenner 131 33 .252' Adama 11 1.091
Culhc II 4 250 Hess S 0 .000
Pitchers: G W L Pet. SO WA SH
Soderaurj .
Hess i
Kowatikl ..
Wyatt .
111 0U0 19 21 1
. I
. 1
. 3
I l .ooo
I 1.000
I 1 000
4 .136
13 7
19 II
3 9
II 13
4O0 37
..333 II
:.333 3S
mm ireOTis ....
At S cents a pound for anything aver 49 acres, l'i rents a
pound for commercial fertiliser. Experienced crop dusting
pilots. Flying ships capable of carrying lOtO pounds per
load. , T ;
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Lyriam, Kenaston, Dusetle Kiser to Show
Title Mat Match Set Tuesday
Tuesday night's world lightheavy championship grappling scrap
at the Ferry Street Garden between Ernie Piluso and Bruising Bruno
Angello won't be lacking the proper prelims. That was made known
both the prelims
ft -''
jr i.usi vuc, ujaaia
will sarely bo an
VSS n sn Kenaatan
- irlill. Ore.
3 I " " ' . , . , ""
Jwn Tuesday afternoon and will bo on display (at
PopuU? Pirtlander Enslo wo- tho belt from Danny McSh.ln n.t
long aga In a Hollywood Legion Stadium gigantic and then headed
for his old stomping grounds in the northwest. In Bruising Bruno
the new champ meets a barrel -chested nasty who new holds both
the recognised Coast llghtheary and Junior heavy, titles. Which should
make for a lively scuffle La the title scrap Tuesday. There will be no
advance In prices of admission for the biggie although Pilaso has
been guaranteed more than a king's share of the receipt.
Browns Defeat
Yankees, 4-3
Bombers Ioe G round
On Sox ; Dodgers Slip
NEW YORK, June 1 -UP)- The
St. Louis Browns nosed out the
New York Yankees 4-3 today to
drop the Bombers six and a half
games behind the league leading
Boston Red Sox. The Red Sox
were rained out of their game
with Chicago.
Stan jspence snd Mickey Ver
non lashed out . successive eighth
inning home runs to enable the
Washington Senators to turn
back Detroit's Tigers 8 tor S.
The ! Philadelphia Athletics
hAt)ke aj nine-game losing streak,
brhstingj three Cleveland pitchers
to 18 hits and a 10 to 4 victory.
'The Cincinnati Reds defeated
the Brooklyn Dodgers 5-4 In the
10th inning when Pinch Hitter
Lonnie Frey drove in Mike Mc
Cormick from third with a long
fly to right field.
The Boston Braves touched Bob
Chipman for 11 hits but the tall
lefty went al the way to receive
credit for his first win of the
season as the Chicago Cubs gain
ed a 6-3 victory.
Amorican Loaque
St. Louis ,... 010 002 1004 9 0
New York 000 03O OOftJ S 1
Kramer and Mancuao, Hlller. Wad
(7 and Robinson.
Cleveland 200 000 011 4 12 1
Philadelphia 240 210 I0- 10 IS I
Krakaukas. Ferrlck l2l. Johnson (7
and Hayes. Christopher and Rosar.
Detroit . 000 000 201 3 I 1
Warhmitton . . 020 OOO 03 6 9 1
Hutchinson and Tebbetts. Swift 171:
Masterson. PieretU . Hudson 7)
and Evans. Guerra (I).
The Box:
Vaaceuver (7)
B A O A Kubiak .s I
1 1
Slvrthn.m 4 2 4 OCrawfora.r a
Krtehmr 4 11
Mullens.r S 1 0
Brenner. c 3 10
Estes. 1 12 3
Bonnell.2 4 0 3
Estrada. 1 4 2 1
Gulan.3 4 12
Palica.p 4 2 1
Hdgcck.p 9 0 0
Clarkson 0 0 0
2 Reynolds.2, 3
OVico.l S
OiWanner.l 4
0 Gullic. m
2Salmon.c 4
1 Baitolnil.3 4
3 Sodrbrf p 0
1 tSumrtvers 0
OHess.p 3
0 tGunnarsn 0
Kowaliki 0
Kerr.c 9
Gerkin.p 0
1 14
0 0
Totala 37 13 24 9i Totals 31 13 37 13
Ran for Brenner in 9th.
t Battad for Soderburg in 3rd.
j Ran for Summers In 3rd.
Ran for Salmon in Ith.
Vancouver 023 010 100 1
HlU 014 133 20013 ;
Salem 002 020 26 12
Hits 002 110 27 13
Pitching summary:
Ip B H R ErSoBb
Paltca - 7s 33 10 10 S 2 4
Hedft-ecock; , 5 3 3 2 0 I
Soderburg 3 13 B I 2 t
Hess - I's 23 I 2 3 9 3
10 9 9
9 9
Errors: Salmon. Kretchmar. WP
HP: Brenner by Soderburg. Winning
rutcher: Hess. Losing pitcher: Palica.
.eft on bases: Vancouver 7. Salem I.
Home runs: Estes. Vico. Three-base
hits: Kubiak. Two-base hits: Silver
thorn. Vico. Mullens. Gullic. Salmon.
Reynolds. Wenner. Runs batted in: Es
tes3, Kretchmar, Mullet. Vico 9. Bren
ner. Salmon. Kubiak 2. Crawford, Wen
ner. Stolen bases: Kretchmar, Silver
thorn. Double plays: Kubiak to Rey
nolds to Vico. Umpires: Dar and Han
ke. Time 2.12. Attendance: 3017.
1 1
Ashland Miler Betters
National Prep Record
I i
a-is . - A rr T' a-fc
ruuenon nuns :.'.o
i in m r
PORTLAND, Ore., June l-;P)-Geoge Fuilerton, Ashland high
school star, ran an unofficial 4:20.5 mile fastest in American high
school track records today at the Oregon AAU open meet.
He was bested by Dick Petterson, Oregon State college freshman.
yesterday when Matchmaker Elton Owen an
nounced he had signed two goodies for the 30-min-ute
route Joe Lynam against George Dusette aad
Ex-Sgt. Jim Kenaston against Jack Kiser. The ap
pearance af both Lynam and Kiser Is Insurance that
will possess sufficient action. The
!- ! Tt t . U
asae 0wut vimciw mm w u
all-clean swtrty, starts the card at
la the roaehle-touehle from Gold i
nt i eraaa B--w .m Lit
BEN HOGAN appears to be a
cinch for the Goodall tourna-
ment title, after three days of
par-blistering golf. Hogan is al-
ready five points over the pre-
vious tourney record.
Hogan Cineh
Meet Winner
(JP)- Ben Hogan got one bad
round out of his system ti
morniixg. and still picked VP
points. He played a tight matcn
this afternoon, raked in
five points, and will go into to-1
morrow's last two rounds of the
$10,000 Goodall round-robin goll
tournament as much of a cincM
as there can be in this game . to
win the $2000 first prize. Hogan
climbed ,to a first place' plus
score of 36, already five better
than the- previous record.
Softball Title
Tussle Monday
The spring edition of the Salem
Softball association season comes
to a climax Monday when the
Campbell's Rock Woolers and
Knights of Columbus tangle in a
6 o'clock game at Leslie to decile
the championship. Games are
also booked for Wednesday and
Friday to complete the season,
but only the Knights and the
Woolers are left with a chance
at the title. Momiay's crucial will
likely find . Rollins of the KCs
facing Percy Crofoot of the Wool
ers on the mound.
Wiggins Defaults
PORTLAND, June l-(P)-Roy
E. Wiggins, Oswego Lake Coun
try club, amateur and Oregon'
Golf association champ tn 1941.
said today he would not defend
his title when the classic is re-t
vived here the week of Jure '0.
Entry deadline is Friday night.
' ( ' V. . - v, I '
I ,i Jt w -A
f- :.-i..V: f : .. "
Gus Lindstrand
Otto Engdahl
Now Is the Time for Your
aouTTsnufiE wnnn.
Free Estimates Gladly .
So. Job Too Large or Small
Dial 9401 4398
nace in Oregon
io' in7
wiio made it in 4:19.4. overtaking
ruuenon wiin mree strwie? in
the 'last 40 yards. -Fullerton's
mark, nearly a second below Lou
Zamperini's 4:21 record set frr
Torrance, Calif., high 12 years
ago, was net officially timed be
cause he placed second. - Three
Oregcin high school coaches had
clocks on Fullerton.
Preppers made gvi ahowing
in other events too. Merlin W'rtfte,'
Tigard. won the- loO-yard dh
in :10.2 and the 220 in 2.5, de
feating college cojmpeti t ors.
George Rasraussen. Bend, state
record -hokier, pole -vaulted 12
feet 1 0 Ta inches to surpass tt.e
Washington state, - champ. Leic.y
Morning or rtaymorvj.. winners:
. - lZO-varrl burn - hurdl
; Iton. OSC Him Ml
J javei Sentor. William Kidd. Ore-
j osc. d, stance n fet f 7a4 tnch-T;
. tor. Lor n Carter. Mefr.. is feet,
I !gnitiJ -.b nmim.n MC.
diLtSneo Tss loSTt t "!eh7h Ri
Dutf. .Grant i Portland', os et.'i
44 Senior. Or den H'lertM. 0C.
time SO 7; junior. Dick Btc. Med
ford. time .53.7.
Mile Junir.r At Rluii ; Urff- -
time 4:50.4
Discus Senior, Bob Retman. OSC.
distance 3S feet, 9 inches; Junior. D-
via un, sasiae. 1 3- feec. tncr.e
20 Senior. Bud .White, Tigard. ttrr.m
High Jump Senior.- Bob Barber.
OSC. heiirni I feet: Junior. Bruce Hunt
er. Benson Hi. Portland. S feet. S inches.
Low hurdle Senior, 229 Ray Ser
ine. OSC. time- 23 S. - .
; Pole vault Senior. Rasmuasen. Bend,
height 12 feet. 10Ts tncnes; luntor. Ches.t
Medford. and Brlttsen. Medford. 11
feet. ,
880 Senior. John Chemr. OSCj time
I'oqV ,u'1',r MUler. -Albany. time
440 r,lav Junior. Medford (Stephen
son. Shank le. Rigs. Netfs.
Beavers Drop
Opener, 8 to 2
- .
! SA?1 D.,EGp. chfZ June l-ijp)
l,1.on, , soutPa
' 1,fn',.rd: rotttend to five hits t
night . to pitch the Padres to a
8 to" 2 Pacific Coast league victory
over the Beavers in the series
opener. The Padres pounded, two
Portland hurlers for a dor en hit.
Portia . saa Dteca'
B It O A' H H OA
Shone .m 4 O 3 I CrUcola.m- S 2 4 0
Oobbin a 4 19 OGttlmariJ 3 2 14
Escohar r 4 1 3 9 M Imld.t 5 2 12 9
Slorej I 4 14 0Garnu.r S 9-4 9
Re-trh 1 4 9 9 0 KoniaaJ 4 2 O
Bucher.2 3 0 4 BaUtnr.e S 3 3
Owen. 3 3 111 Bear 4 a 3 13 4
Hohn.c 2 12 0 Ancle.; 2 1 2 9
Mootv p 0 0 9 I Sriu't) till
Pulfoid.p 2 0 9 3
Souur 1 0 2 0 a.
Wheeler .3 0 0-0 0 -
Total- 31 3 34 ' TaW 34 12 27 12
Portland M2WW-
San Dtero . 023 2I9 S
Errors Bucher. Pu'tf.trd. Konopka.
Runs hatted m KofMoka 2. Seaty.
Hojm. Dntobins. Angle Carms. B Jim
ger. Ci col. Gyselnvan. Two bae r. its
Criscoia, BaTlincer. Three basr bits
Konopka." Home runs Kmtpka. Sac
rifices Mooty. Seats. B-ra Left un
bases Portland 3. -San Oteeo II. Bases
on halls off Pulford 3 Strikeouts
Bv - Seats 3.. Pulford 4 Earned runs
off Seats 2. Mooly 5. Pulford 3. Hsl-
off Mootv 7 in 2'i inning-. LetnS'
pitcher. Mooty. Umpires Erteln. Fri
kl and Maieo. Time 2 ii. Attendance
r 5837 -(nfflciall. -
1 1 1 i ii i Speedster
Breaks 440 3Iark
CHAMPA IGM, IIU June.l -.yT,
Herb McKenley. lithe LUnoM
speedster from Jarruiica. . .tdriay
won the 440-yard run in the Big
Ten track and field meet In 4f 2
seconds, bettering the world rec
ord by two-tenths of a second.
Illinois won the conference team
title with 66'i points, i
The accepted world record of
4 un set in 1221 bv Ben
Eastman of Stanford and tied in
1941 by Grover Klemmer of Cali
fornia. '
Capilola Siables
62 Williams AVe. Ph. 9397