The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 01, 1946, Page 3, Image 3

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Betrothal of
At Party
Miss Marjorie Judson daughter
f Mr. and Mrs. Robert Judson, re--'
TeaJed er betrothal to Robert
Lang, at a smartly arranged party
Friday night. at the jiidson home
on Gilchrist street. No date has
been set for the wedding.
The news was revealed when
one of the guests found a card,
bearing the names of the betrothed
couple, hidden ' inside the prue.
- The evening was spent informally
and a late supper was served by
the hostess assisted by her moth
er. Bouquets of spring flower.
I Bidden to hear the news were i
Uciduwf GeOrze . Judson. John I
Osborn, Fred Lang. Wayne Rob
ertson. Leonard Judson, Robert
Judson. J a c k Gorman. Frank
Keednam. Misses Pat 'Peeler. De
' - lores Dougherty. Doris Lovre. Bet
ty. Van -QsdoU Maxine Meyer.
Joan Lang and Cynthia Needbam.
Miss Judson and her fiance are
graduates of Salem high school. j
II attended Oregon Slate college
prior tor entering the army. Mi
Judson is now employed at the
; state highway department.
Au Revoir
- ' Robert Shepard. son of the F.
W. Shepards. will entertain a
group of his friends at a stag
au revoir dinner Monday night
at bis North Summer street home
In honor of John WestphaL who
Is leaving Tuesday for Berkeley.
Calif to join his mother and her
husband. Dr. and Mrs, Henry'
Robert will accompany John
outir by plane and the former
will, return north with.hls lister.
Helen Shepard. or June t. 'Helen
Is completing her freshman year
at Leiand Stanford. Write in the
eouta. Robert will visit at the
Perlmutter home and with -his
sister- on tbeSUnford campus.
Dr. aod Mrs. HerWrt E. fcaJse
are entertaining a group of Wil
lamette university faculty mem
ben .and their wives at a picnic
and bouse party thus weekend at
their summer home, at Jfelscott.
Mr. aatd Mrs. Harry V. Cuw
Jtj. have returned from a several
Uys stay In Portland where they
were registered at the Multno
mah boteL The Carsons attended
the Ice Folhea Wednesday night.
. im&m mm
J 1 1 Oe surdy 0mj gl ae "seay
, j iiry ei wmcl ' TWey are.'
A ly " """"y
ft V"STs3N l r"" nstsar as wefl a see be-
1" J! f '' x . ' Ss In tiri stjlss a
Since in
Liberty-and Court St.
Kf. 2.70 to 6.98 Cut to
2.29 and 5.49
Includes Drey. Tailored. Sheer, Crepe
Sises 32 to 36
.' J ' ; ' Size- 12 to 18 j
Reduced to
2.49 and 3.89
. I -:
- Use awr nmnmry noytaewf
wr stor stocks or throve our caratof
Society .
Music' . . . .
Women' Editor
Concert, to
Be Tonight
A one-day muic festival-is be
ing staged under the direction of
the Salem branch of the Oregon
Music Teachers association at Wil
lamette university today. In the
morning state auditions' will be
given 60 musicians and in".-the af
ternoon the Syllabus examinations
will be held with six participants,
Mrs. Jessie Bush Mickelson and
Miss Margaret Hogg are in charge.
Judges will & Rouen Faith. Port
land. Elte Cissiman j of Pacific
University faculty and Delbert
Moore. OSCT The latter will also
amsf in judging the lva F. Turner
memorial contest.
AtJI "5'clock in tjhe evening, the
lva F. Turner memorial concert
will be held, featuring the contest
ants for piano and vfblirt. aug
mented by vocial numbers from
the studios of Mrs. Clifford Elliott,
Lena Belle Tartar and Dean Mel
vin Geist. Miss Helen Mcllirron
is in charge.
The following program will be
BWuwl Redeemer
Come Sweet Morning Old Trench
Edith Fairham. mezzo
Alice Rose, accompanist
Preludio-Violin Sonata
No. . .
Spanish Nance No. I
' Violin Contestant
A us Meinen Grossed
Thy Sweet Singing
.... Bach
A lms lead
Ui'Dnn Alien
Jewell Gueffroy. accompanist
Prelude In T ,. Bach
Knight Rupert Schumann
Little Shepherd Debussy
Piano Contestant
Audition Representative
Two Part Invention No
Valse in B Minor
Piano Contestant
Dans Negre -
Syllubua Representative
Preambule . -
Fantasle Impromptu
Piaho Contestant
la Ferenata .
' Bach
... . Chopin
CyrU Scott
. Chopin
. Debussy
Clarence Jonnfva. tenor
Gladys Edaar. aceorapanlat
plan so fery any
::i Clubs
The Home
. Society Editor
Chemeketa chapter. DAR. pirfcic
luncheon Champoeg. 1pm.
Salem PCO Council no-hott luncheon
for unaffiliated members. Bluebird. 1
p m.
' United Spanish American Wlsr Vet
erans and ausiltary. VI W hall; S pjn.
American Leciun auxiliary, S-alem
Woman's club, p.m. "
Mmwui club auxiliary, with Mr
Wade Weeklv. 7M South M . 2 p m
Chad wick chapter. OES. Maooaic
Temple, B p m. '
j . y mill w m i v i a. mm . ui ill v
Ual t . 8 p m
! Presbyterian church circle' meetings.
- WomeM's guild. First ( relational
church. Eric Butler home. HaiM-v Rd.
I p nr. overt-d dish picnic lun-h-n
Woman a auxiliary and SI Paul
guild. St Paul's Episcopal parih house.
12:30 luncheon aid, meeting.
i J: '
Woman's council group. First Chris
tian church. . 11 3S ,
Degree of Hono covered dtsh din
ner. Salen Wunwn Club.. S M pin
Hosts to Fete '
Lancef ields ,
Mr. land Mrs. Kenneth G. Man
ning and Mr. j and Mrs. Roy
Hitchcock will -be hosts for a
buffet supper Sunday night t
the former's home on South Lib
erty street for the pleasure of Dr.
and. Mrs. Stuart Lancefield, who
have returned to Salem after
two years absence. He served as
a lieutenant in the navy and was
stationed in San Diego.
Cards will be, in play follow
ing the supper i hour. Bouquet
of spring flowers will provide
the decorative note.
Covers will be placed for Dr.
' and Mrs. Lancefleld. Dr. and Mrs.
A. Terrence King. Mr. and Mr.
JViIliarrt If. Dasliriey of McMinn
ville, Mr. and Mrs, Roy Hitch
cock, and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Manning. I
Chapter Members
At Convention
Tive memliera of. the Salem
chapter- of Beta Sigma Phi en
trained Wednesday for Vancouver.
B.C. to attend the organization's
Northwest convention today and
Going to the convention were
Mrs. J. A. WilUey, advisor. Miss
Hazel Shult. Miss Norma Slelton.
MUs Ann Doerfler and Miss Lok
Gillirujs. The latter two will en
tertain with accordion duets at
a Sunday program. The group will
return Monday night.
Aasan those 1st PrtUa4 Wed
nesday night to attend the Ice
Follies Were the Misses MargarH
Wagner, Susan Breker, Kathryn
Hodges Betty Btrfton and Mrs
James Hayles.
berg will leave early in June for
New York City o study piano,
theory and harmoriy at Juilliard
School 6f Music this summer. Mrs.
Bybefg has been; teaching piano
at Silverton the past few years.
Mr. and Mrs. Hay d W. Shepard
have as their hooe guests for a
few days her parents, Mr. sn
Mrs, Robert H. Miller of Victoria,
B. C. They are en route home af
ter a stay in California.
- 6
SXAYTON Mr. and Mrs.
Hubert Stuckart of Aumsville are
announcing the approiiching mar
riage of their daughter, Marie
Stuckart. "to Clement Krantz of
Jordan. (The rite will take place
Wednesday morning. June 19, at
8:30 ia St. Boniface church.
Sublimity, with Rev. Joseph
Scherbrlng officiating Mis Stuck
art attended St. Iioruface schoql
and has been ahbtant in the
office of Dr. Theodore Stuckart.
Her fiance attends Oregon State
college and is majoring in for
estry. SILVERTON The engagement
of Dr. John Robert Moe, son of
Mrs. J. J. Moe, to Miss Carol
Spliid, daughter of Mrs. Helen
Spliid and Mr, Waldemar Spliid
of Portland, was announced re
cently at Chi Qmega house on thjt
campus f at Oregon State college,
where Miss Spliid, is a senior. -The
wedding will be In early summer.
Dr. Moe received his discharge
from the armed forces on May 2
and is now practicing dentistry
in the Sell wood district, Portland.
Jusft Oeceived
Womesi's Dresses
V Good AHortment of Styles and Sizes
ld .ontgomery Ward
. dr Us 0T ssonfhiy poyiasnt plan to bvy any sserchondis
rem avr ssore stocks or through owr catalog depoi tinewll
Hostesses to
Honor Miss
Bruckman .
Mrs. Douglas Baker and Miss
Leona Tingelstad have invited
guests to a bridal shower Tuesday
night at the country home of Mrs.
Cass A. Nicholls for the pleasure
6f Miss Elizabeth Bruckman, who
will be married on June 14 to
Leighton Fairham, USNR.
A kitchen utensil shower will
fete the bride-to-be after an in
formal evening. A late supper
will be served by the hostesses
with Mrs. Nicholls assisting.
Bidden to honor Miss Bruck
man are Mrs. Merle D. Bruck
man. Mrs. Silas Fairham, Mrs.
Ralph Wade. Mrs. Cass Nicholls.
Misses Clarice Busselle, Lorraine.
Hurdock. Thelma Wilcox. Donna
Shafer. Edith Fairham. Joan Rod
dy, Vicky Jones. Virginia Case,
Melva Williamson. Ruth Nelson,
Delores Schmirer and Luella
Picnic at
The North Capitol street home
of Mr. and Mrs. Kari B. Kugel was
the scene of a gala no-host picnic
on Memorial Day.
Dinner was served at a table
in the garden down by the creek
at 5 o'clock. Several hours of 'cards
followed in the evening.
Covers were placed for Mr. and
Mrs. A. A. Schramm, Judge and
Mrs. George Rossman. Judge and
Mrs. James T. Brand, Mr. and Mrs.
P. H. Schnell. Mr, and Mrs. Da
vid Eason and Mr. and Mrs. Ku
gel. Birthdays Are
Several birthday parties high
lighted the social news this week.
This afternoon Nancy Manning,
daughter of the Kenneth Man
nings, will celebrate her fourth
birthday at a party at the Man.
Oing home ort South Liberty street.
A group of Nancy's neighborhood
friends have been invited. Later
in the afternoon a birthday cake
and refreshments, will be served.
Dayid Perry, son of the Leon
Perrys. will celebrate his fifth
birthday on- Sunday afternoon at
a paity between 3 and 5 O'clock
at the Perry home on Jefferson
street. -1
Steven Benson, son of the V.
Bensons. was honored on his; fif
teenth birthday Wednesday hight
at a dinner party at the Bttnson
home on East Nob Hill.
Mrs. Jhn Schmidt, Jr present
ed her piano pupils in recital
Friday night at her home. She
i was assisted at the refreshment
hour by Mrs. Neil Hanson. Pupils
participating are Harry and Al
bert Hanson. Gloria. Kathleen and
Rodney Schmidt, Herdis Michel
son. Idyl and Edith Bates. Bever
ly Lyman and Gilbert Clausman.
j South Noted
j Of interest to Salem friends of ,
l Mrs. Florence Miller Haines of i
I Portland is the announcement of
her marriage in Hollywood at the
first Methodist church May 27 to
! Ira Francis Richardson of Ingle-
wood. Calif. Her sister, Mrs. Er-
nest Wagner of Los Arfgeles. at
tended her. Dr. Glenn Randall
Phillips officiated.
Mrs. Richardson, formerly fi
nancial secretary of the First
Presbyterian church. Portland, is
a sister of 'Mrs. Clara L. Miller
arid Mrs. Gail H. Jones of Salem.
A tea was given for her in. Salem
prior to her departure for the
The 62nd wedding anniversary of
Mr. and Mrs.- William Kipper was
celebrated May 11 at the home
of Mrs. Kipper's sister, Mrs. Anna
Bayer of Brush College. !
Married in Austria, Hungary, in !
1884, they came to the TJnited 1
States in 1899 and to Salem 26 '
years ago. They have four chil
dren living. One son, William.-jr.,
died in 1935. They have 12 grand
children. 11 great grandchildren
and three great great grandchil-
I dren. Present were the honor
guests. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Cam
eron, William, Donald and Bar
bara. Mr. and Mrs. John Kipper,
' Jxhn. Jr., Ctilleen and Karen. Mr.
and Mrs. Monte Harris and Paul,.
Mrs. Anna Bayer. Mrs. Mike Kip
' per, Fer'd Bayer. Betty and David,
Mrs. Ferdinand Singer, Mrs. Joe
j Jaeger and Opal Greag.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Ore 11 are
receiving congratulations on th
birth of a.daughtec Mary Kay,
on May 29 at the Salem General
' hospital.
,-lb W; V;
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. i
. , Mr. and Mrs. Eou3las F, Gordanler 0o Ann Donaldson
who were married on May 19 at the SL Mark 'Lutheran
Evangelical church. The bride's parents are Mr. and Mrs.
Oscar Donafelson and her husband is the son qI Mrs. Ethel
GordenSer. They will live In Portland. (Jesten-Mlller).
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar I. Paulson.
sr., and Mis Helen Paulson will
motor to Albany tonight to attend
the wedding of ' Beryl Marks,
daughter of Willard Marks, and
William Arthur Dryden. Jr.. which
will take place at the First Pres
byterian church. Mrs. John F.
Hayes (llene Paulson) of Port
land . will be a member of the
bridal party.
Miss Hochfeld
Is Engaged
Salem friends of Mis Bemice
Hochfeld. daughter of Joseph
Hochfeld of Portland, will be in
terested to learn of her engage
ment to Jerome I. Sender, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Semler. No
date has been set for the wedding.
The bride-elect, who has often
visited in Salem at the home of
her brother-in-law and sister.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Weinstein,
attended the University of Wash
ington. She recently was dincharg
ed from the WAVEs. She was
stationed In Arlington. Va.. for
three years. Her fiance was a
captain in the army quartermas
ter corps and recently returned
from overseas duty.
Mr. and Mrs. Rabert II. Hamil
ton and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Har
rold are leaving today to spend
the weekend in Gardiner at the
home of Mr. Hamilton's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hamilton.
While in southern Oregon the visi
tors will enjoy a fishing trip.
Mka Florence 'Daffy was among
thoie entertaining informally Fri
day night before the Spinster
dnce at the armory.
Miss Julia Overgard Is leaving
Salem for Portland to make her
home. Before going to Portland
she will spend the summer months
in Canada visiting with Hon. and
Mrs. Benjamin Metcalfe in Lef
fi idge.
$ilverlon Post Names
Candidates for Office
SILVERTON. May 31-(Special)
Nominees for officers of Delbert
Reeves post. American Legion,
are commander. Dr. H. E Herikel;
vice commaqder, Robert Allen;
second vice commander, Wessley
Grogan; adjutant, Ray Boe; fi
nance officer, John Demas; chap
lain, F. M. Powell; sergeant-at-arms,
Ralph Francis; historian,
George Towe: executive commit
tee. Dr. A. J. KlcCannel, Glad
wyn Hamn and Bill McDonald.
June IS members of Salem Cap
ital post will initiate new mem
bers of trie local post. Program
committee members are C. J.
Towe. Victor David, Robert Allen
and Pat Grogan.
Governor Earl Snell Friuajr des
ignated Sunday, June 2, as "Shut-,
Ins day. The governor asked that
friends and neighbors of shut-ins
remember them with acts of kind
ness to ease the burden of illness;
From the Chinese the world has
obtained silk, paper, printing, the
compas, gunpowder, the peach
tree, orange, lemon, tea, porcelain,
chrysanthemum and soybean.
( On All Hakes J
All Wark Gaarajiteed
42t Oart St. Call 7522
Shower Honors
Miss Cohen
Mrs. Julius Rowe and Mrs. Jack
Melzer were hostesses op Monday
night at a shower for Miss Char
lotte Cohen, who will marry Jerry
Blum of Portland at. the Benson
hotel on June 9.
Cards were in play during the
evening. Bidden to honor Miss
Cohen were Mrs. Harry Cohen,
Mrs. Abe Volchok, Mrs. Robert
Volchok, Miss Rowe and Mrs.
Mitchell Rowe of Portland, Mrs.
Dave Holtzman, Mrs. Harry Marin,
Mrs. Herbert Adler, Mrs. Louis
Epstein, Mrs. Nathan Steinboch,
Mrs. Abe Steinboch, Mrs. Joe Jo
rephson. Mrs. S. Mucnnick, Mrs.
ijarry Schustowitz, Mrs. Ben
Cohen, Mrs. San ford Cohen, Mrs.
Harry Brown, Mrs. Syd Levine,
Mrs. Robert Golden and Mrs.
Robert Golden sr.
Miss Miriam Becke is leaving
today for Seattle to meet her
fiance, Lt. William Shinn, son of
the Robert E. Shinns, who has
just returned from the South Pa
cific. He expects his release from
the navy this weekend. While in
the north Miss Becke will be the
house guest of Mrs. Wallace Fos
ter and her daughter, Patricia
Edgerton, former Salem residents.
Announcement Is
Made at Party
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Turner an
nounced the engagement of their
daughter, Emily, to Myron Harper,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Harper,
at a meeting of the-Baptist Guild
girls. Announcement was made on
cards in T use-decked envelopes
presented guests by little Send r a
Refreshments were served by
Mrs. Herbert Monkmann, Mrs.
Betty Beckwith and Mrs. Henry
Turner. Also present were the
Misses Maud La Jane and .Sylvia
Rienschke. Marciel Stewart, Eu
nice Timm, Mary Skelton, Mary
Huston, Bessie Beam, Ellen Mor
ley, Sylvia Arnold, Caroline Stroh
meier, Phyllis Hood, Mesdames.
Orval Cooley, Daniel Zeh. John
Goffrier; Mrs. L. DeLapp, C. Coe,
and Mrs. Stewart Sharpnack.
Miss Joan Lochead will be In
Corvallis tonight to attend the
Kappa Sigma fraternity dance on
the Oregon State college campus.
in robins-egg blue anfrf J I .'
I . " i ;. ; "Tj Earrings 1.00 "; " v ' J
m y i 1 . - 1 - i j j
I J y,tnpmn'tn-s,w.-rrTit-r .i..',. ji mniuui; wwii!iit'i1KiijK'-wy-MWBWiiiii n fmmi m tm n iwm , "
Tha Oregon aflataamcm. Salem.
Salem Man
VFrom Arlington, Virginia, comes
news of the betrothal of Miss
Catherine Myers Moore, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. John James
Moore of Arlington, to Robert H.
Siefarth, json of Mr, 'and Mrs.
Hausmer A." Siefarth of Salem.
No date has been set for the nup
ial. Miss Moore graduated from
George Washington university,
Washington, D. C. and is a mem
ber of Phi Mu and Phi Delta
Epsilon, honorary journalistic fra
ternities. She is a corporal in the
women's army corps and at pres
ent is stationed at Kelly Field.
Texas, with the AAF as control
tower operator.
Mr. Siefarth was recently
charged from the service. He was
a former radar instructor with
the AAF. He .will resume fits
stqdies here at Willamette uni
versity in the fall. !
Bridal Couple
To Be Feted-
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smitfeer
are entertaining at dinner tonight
.in honor of their son, Ralph, and
Miss Jean Barham, who will be
married on June 6.
The affair will be held at their
country place . on Vitae Springs
road. Covers will be placed for
18 guests at a long table. A pantry
shower will fete the bridal couple.
just Received!
' r .
All Wool, Sc ot h IMaidH
Deeply Fringed ;
j . .
. i
"A" For Picnics
For Auto Robes
For Davenports
"k For Day Beds
For Baseball, Canies
"J . Miller's -
Of.. Saturday, Tune't. 19183
Mrs. Leilas Zander and grand- ,
son, Billy Jack, left today by plane
for San Diegn to reside. The
child's parents. Chief Quartermas
ter arid Mrs. Harold C. Jack, are
already in San Diego. . .
'Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ohmart and'
children, Judy and Bobby, are
leaving today and will spend a
week at Neskowin. . .
Coming from Seattle ta lie the-
house guest of Miss Nancy Wal
lace this weekend is Miss Kit
Feuille. The girls are Pi Beta Phi
sorority sisters. j '
' 'V '
Travelers to
Go Soi
- ' I'M- .
Mrs. Paul A. Hale and Mrs. H.
Lawrence Lister of Portland, for
merly of ' Salem, are entraining
Ltonight for Sacramento, Calif..
where they will attend the su
preme temple. Daughters, .of the
Nile." Mrs. Hale has been a-Uied..
to do some Interpretative dance
numbers during the temple pro
grams. ; ' - ' ;
From Sacramento j Mrs. Hale'
will go south to Riverside for a
viait with friends and then will ,
entrain for Wheeling, West Vir
ginia, to visit with her brother-,
in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Duval. They ! will take a
trip to their old home in Boaton
and also visit in Washington-.! D. .
C. with Mrs. Hale's son. Piul.
Allen. Jr:, who will be studying
at Bullis school for his- apUtikde
test for preparatory school jfor
Annapolis. Mrs. Hale plans to be
away several months".
""i . ' - "
. ... v I
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