Solom, pokixaxd nor sought , PORTLAND. May 23 -A gBnsr4 wound received while on rsbbrt hunting trip wii fatal today to Jiormam D. Ayers. IS. Starts TODAY! Em'i FUN . . . For EtotyoiaoH i s-wCEECaLET 3 Tho Or. ' I m "rid troa? STMTS TODAY 2 HITS! - FORCFT... WITH FOUR GREAT I DRAMATIC ROUS TO Rf rlErlBER - 1 IpIU PLUS COMPANION toe cnono goes ;uild nnEa he GOES IQTO ACTflON! - $mmu aLnnnnocEno t v V j " CONTINUOUS DECORATION Orfc. Wodnosdoy. May 23. 198 g m i A If rC 1 Oil lTlCtllU Opposes Plan WASHINGTON, May 28-P- 1 Official of the Oregon and j MonUm State Medical societies j today opposed the Wagner-Mur- ray-Dingell bill for compulsory health insurance as a trend to- jward totalitarian control of I Americans. J Dr. Robert L, Benson of the i Oregon State Medical society told , the senate education and labor j committee that the bill "would 1 impose a one-man dictatorship over the medical, dental, nursing and hospital care of something like 120.000,000 pie.- American peo- now! Ak:- Night Club sAu, FLOOR SHOW SELECT VAUDEVILLE Chief Swiftioot Arlela -r Daine Dennis STEAK Chicken dhiiiebs 8';,;d rm LEONARD'S SUPPER CLUB I DAY FROM 1:00 P.M. Wheat Flood Feared ? SPOKAffE May 28 -(JPA con voy of heavy earth-moving equip ment left Ciioger field in Spokarie today for Dormers Ferry, Id Mho, in iin attempt to save 45.0O0 acres of wheat from a possible flood th the diked lowlands of" Kootenay river valley. ! " Col. Eric Dougan, commanding officer at CJieger,4 home of an aviation engineer unit, said the convoy was ent in answer to call for help from James Keyes, coiinty agentjof Boundry county. Idaho. Keyes i told Dougan that a "state of emergency exists." j Keyes said i the recent rains had melted the tnpw on the mountains ! faster than ws normal and Koottf- nay river had risen from Toar feet in a few days and was still rising. j f McCarthy Off j For L0112 Rest? BUFFALO, N. Y,, May 28.-0P- Joe McCarthy, who resigned as manager of the New York Yan kees last Frjday because of ill health, said today ; "I feel like im new man." j McCarthy and his wife left their farm in Buffalo today for a leis urely trip to New York City where Marse Joe will wind up his af fairs with thq club: and say good byes to Yankee executives and players. ; Jewell Principal's I Resignation May i Draw Investigation i 1 PORTLAND, Ore., May 28-0) Rex Putnam, state superinten dent of public instruction, said today he thought there "were other things Involved" in the res ignation of a high school princi pal at Jewell over a board's ban on books. Colin McEJwen resigned from Nehalem Valley union high n protest to the school board's ban on; "The Grapes of Wrath" and "Strange Fruit" from the school library. Frank W. Parr of the Oregon Education association said today he planned to present the case at a meeting of the group's ethics committee June 8. The action may result in an investigation, tie added. Newspapers Buy Idle Paper Plant ; TACOMA. Wash,, . May 28-VP)-A new concern formedby a group of west coast newspapers has ac quired an Idle paper company plant here and plans immediate remodemiztng to start producing newsprint before the year's end. The concern has bought the for mer Cascade Paper company mills on .Chambers! creek here from the Everett Pulp'and Paper company. The price was reported to be in excess of $1,000,000. f Two New Boxing j Weights Planned j WASHINGTON,; May 28.-P-Two new boxing divisions one between lightheavy and heavy and the; other between welter and mid dleweightmay be established 6y the! national boxing association.! President Abe J. Greene dis closed today that the NBA will take up adoption of these new classifications at the annual meet ing in Cleveland, Sept. 9. 21 NAVY SHirS DUE ASTORIA. May 28-(-Arrival of 21 naval vessels from Pearl Harbor for decommissioning- largest single movement of ships here was expected today. The group includes 11 LCS, three LSM. one LCI and three patrol vessels. Too Late to Classify i t ; &LCEPWCI Rooms, j 1320 North lsth. "FOR SALE: House trailer: IS ft. Roy al Coach. A No. 1 condition. Sleeps 4. 211 State St. J - SPRAYING Rjlem Spraying Service. Ph. 229X2 or MZT. Good work. Torviio BEAUTIFUL Idaho LIVE! IVE LOVELY GIRLS STALKED feY A I : If I I . .." - 1 LOVE-C RAZED KILLER! X S ISSj I" EXTRA! ill . i rhzi-zzAzt : Shutdown, Picketing Ends in Rochester ROCHESTER. N. Y cavy-w2?d; (Wednesday) -(A)- A city-wide shutdown by union workers end ed early today by agreement of Rochester city officials and a joint AFL-CIO strategy committee. In ending a mass picketing dem onstration which began yesterday and took approximately 30.000 workers off their jobs, the union accepted a three-point statement by city manager Louis B. Cart wright pledging to meet with city employes either "organized or un organized." State Raises Rent for Two WU Sororities Four hundred dollars annual in crease in rent for each of the two ; Willamette university sororities j living in state-owned residences j was voted Tuesday by the state I board of control. Raising the rent charged Alpha Chi Omega for the old Charles j K. Spaulding residence and Chi Omega for the old B. C. Miles house from $80 to $100 a month, the board also added the two sum mer months to the rent schedule. Cost of putting the houses in shape, heavy rentals paid by the state for downtown office head quarters to leave the houses to the co-eds were quoted as reasons for the rise. Services Order Northwest Wood PORTLAND,' Ore., May 28 (JP) The army-navy lumber purchas ing agency today ordered about 90,000,000 board feet from north west fir and western pine mills on military priority. R. L. Hennessy, purchasing of ficer here, said the total included 60.000,000 feet which the agency could not obtain either directly or by auction and 30,000,000 feet to cover June, July and August needs. Orders are being distrib uted equally among about 700 mills producing more than 20,000 feet daily, he reported. Lloyil Girod Enter Business at Idanha Lloyd Girod, who recently re signed as principal of Richmond school, will move within a few weeks to Idanha where he is co owner of a general merchandise store with E. V. (Bud) Collins. Girod, who became Richmond principal in 1939 after coaching the Leslie high grid team to its first victory over Parrish In 11 years, was in the navy three years, most of the time in the Aleutians where he won several trout and halibut derbies. He was discharged last November as a lieutenant. Three Woodbiirn Boys Escape Attempt Foiled OREGON CITY, May 28.-JP)- An escape attempt of three boys being returned to the Woodburn state training school failed yester day when two of them met the sheriff in their flight. The youths, taken into custody at The Dalles after becoming in volved in a automobile accident, had been on parole at their Port land homes. OPENS S:45 TM. mm Now! Berttr GrobU Rob'L Youn? In Technicolor "Sweet Roeie O'Grady" Bob Steele Thunder Town" Centinaoas Shews Decors Uoa Day! HELEN WALKER ANN RUTHERFORD NANCY KELLY JULIE BISHOP TO i 'Jrrrrr. Yamhill Counlv Doctor to Head Health Workers PORTLAND. Ore . May 28-&-A report th;t gonorrhea has in creased more than 400 per cent in the United Stales the past two years and will continue to climb wax made here today. ''Gonorrhea is in thousands of the kind of homes where it rarely got 30 years ago," Dr. P. S. Pe- louze. University of Pennsylvania, told the State Association of Pub- lie Health Workers at its annual meeting. Dr. lioi lister Stolte, Yamhill county. w;is named association president; Dr. Hairy R. Mackel - ler. Polk county, vice president: Dr. Richard Wilcos, county unit director for the state health board, secretary -treasurer. Free Information Need Emphasized NEW YORK. May 28 .-(.-Freedom of information is an absolute necessity to enforce human rights. Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt told the United Nations economic and social council today. "It is only the free information of what happens to people throughout the world which can form a basis for public opinion" she said in presenting the report of her commission on human rights recommending a 12 -man group to study the information j question. BOXER STILL CRITICAL KLAMATH FALIJS, May 28 (JF) I,ee Hixson, Medford middle weight in a hospital with a brain hemorrhage resulting from a knockout last Tuesday, still was in critical condition today. MOVED OVER... For An Exteruled Engagement! now! (Utopia at 7:lf and It r.M.) JjwO, SiM PLtrei THRILLING CXJTEATUTC mm SAITON MoclANI v .l MIMA vau r MIIIM MOWfIT V t - jrj MIKI MAZWSKI V" rf mmwmmmtmmaKmmmmmmmmmmammmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmjmittmtt , DOUBLE THDILLS! DOUBLE ARMY PLANE CRASHES INTO SKYSCRAP ERI SECRETARY BYRNES RE PORTS ON PARIS PAR LEYI . . . ALLIES MARK V-E DAY IN BERLINI tOO SURVIVORS OF NAZI TORTURE CAMPS AR RIVE UNDER QUOTAI, . - GOLD MINER SELLS CLAIM FOR $100,000 IN CASHI ... OTHER NEWS1 Common Approve Steel Nationalization LONDON. May 28 The house of commons voted 338 to 184 tonight in favor of a govern ment motion asking approval of plans to nationalize the British iron and strel industry. No legislation was involved, the ballot being in effect a vote of confidence fW the government to go ahead with drafting a program 'to put the industry under state j j i j I ! I I i control. Dorena Brings 81,214,742 Bid PORTLAND. Ore.. May 2&-iP A joint bid of S 1.244.742.50, sub mitted by tciard Sc Slate and E. C. Hall,; Portland firms, was the only bid received on a major contract in preparations for building the Dorena dam in Lane county, thei army engineers said today. The bid was 36 5 per rent alxive the engineers' estimate of $910,324 97. The project includes relocation of Oregon. (Pacific and Eastern railway tracks and of a market road: moving the Cottage Grove water supply pipe line; construc tion of a county road on the left bank of the Row river, a highway span and two railway onages, and borrow! area drainage facili ties. CIO UNIONS PREPARE PORTLAND. Ore. May 28-VP A joint maritime committee has been organised in this area to co ordinate CIO unions If a strike is called in this harbor, officials said toitay. Ernest Baker of the long shoremen was named temporary chairman. 1 Prices This BUT Only! Adults 65c Service 30c Children 20c (AH Inc. Tax) fit . ( r-Ty m wmm I y COKYAIXJS GROWTH tilfcX PORTLAND, Ore, May XiHf) -A Bonneville power administra tion (survey predicted today Ben ton bounty and Corvallis would have 25,000 population by 1953 if i T4ay A Ta ttow Ot000''' t 0 O ' 0 32 ST4ES u o iL to GAUDS MIS o o o o o OOOOOOOG ObOOO O I ! Ct-FEATURE Basil RsthbMf The Wemaa la Greea' i Do our PART-PAID GUEST at tho TJ CD TJ QAHCCa UJ0G.D Throw, K err. m.4. fcy r.ef l.col M.WlI.e, Deoler with the tseNagemewt of the 101 Reach Show, yow are going to be able to see the metfnee performance of tho greatest of all wild west shows o a HO SAVING I Go to your noarost AAobilgas Do a lor for FREE COUPON T mrnmrnt - mm t Hurrrl Janet FUII! FOB tU) . AND HENRY ORTIZ all potentialities weie developed. State college iipinilta was treated, along with higher farm protiuction 1 rooulting pertly front irrigation Snd drainage furthered by the WiUameAe valley project. BASED ALL TOIHGIIT 8:15 P M. Wsters Vltld Salen Senalors Vancouver H seals mm sale Every gaaae EeeervM Seats Seawlsf I Vh. 47 MBBsslllHI 'll WU llr I'll ' JLULLUl o o o I TODAY ONLY CaaaUla IUJI Tar aiM Ave. I:1S r.M. Dm Omi t:U r.M. a4 T r.M. Seoev4 atoats Cavitai ttrmt lrm IHm U AllerstUM Ne I rheew Calls Went Ends ToeWyl (WodJ Blair Tars 6. EpanT RUkamond 'Yohinet tho Moek" ALL! OUT OF THE COMICS ...IIITO YOUR IIEWIT! tvtrMr' farsrfttl sVfKf U lift If A fteVSNrf iUteoMICJKll tasc ea las cease stae et eVhw fZH LEON ERROL m utstn WAim JOE UIIMWOOD IOC PAL00XA ELY5E KNOX a i (Tho World's Choras Itlanoell JOE LOUIS ARMSTRONG MANUEL JIMMY McLARfTTJf gB2aagSBBRBBSBSlBSaBB3B