14 Thm Orxjon Staimoau Solem. Ott. Sunday. May 26. 1946 For Sale Micellancous Miseellaneout Wanted to Rent For Sale Real Estate For Sale Real Estate For Sate Real Estate! Additional Classified Ada on Page 13 Help Wanted M BERRY PICKERS wanted 9 ml wt toward Lake Lahish W H Wil liamson. Ph. 2-2971. Rt 7. Box 25 WANTED: 73 "strawberry pickers Coed picking .Louis Ziel-inski. Rt 7 , Boi Me. Bet. Hazel Grtfii school and chureh. EXPralXNUinS Strawberry pickers register now Good young patch Mrs C A. Zielinski. Rt. 7. Box 241. Ph. i 221aV 1 WANTD: Hop trainers Truck leave I Farm Labor Office. 361 Chemeketa St : ; Ladd 4k Bush corner. State and Com- ' rwemaJ Streets and Commercial and j Miller streets at 7,30 each moroinK John 3. Robert Ac Co. Phone 2-3052 or 9623. Help Wauled Male , WANTED Experienced Mechanic ONE WHO KNOWS CHRYSLER JRODUCTS MUST BE E A MILIAR WITH AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION STATE AGE. EXPERIENCE AND WAGES EXPECTED Write Box 620 co Stale Milan FAC'IORT? Representative for M a r -Ion. Ytmhi'.l and Polk rounties. to sell Weather Strip. Rock Wool Insulation and Screens. We make out own in sjtallaUona of all products. Permanent. CM Investment. State fully past ex per krncv. age and pnone. You will be grated interview. Write Box No. 631. Ore Statesman. SUMMER grounds nun. See Mr. Fecux. Eaton Hall. Willamette univer sity. WANTED- Man to prune large Jree Ption JT49. VETERAN for sales position under CI bill, regular Increase in salary, per -issint promotion possibilities, build ing specialties line, exclusive territory, sa Investment, give full details of past o-parlance, age. pnone. ear assential Mr. Sasmn, care of Oregon Statesman VOUNCTMan Interested In learning furniture business, single, age IS to i i B . Bl'S Boy wanted. The "ja. B """WANTED: Men to work: in ceme tery. Call at KM) West Hoyt or phone Salesmen Wanted SALEM full time elec. A household pptianr. gifts, toys, etc. Must own car. Exclusive territory. Elec. Corp. of Asnorlca. 231S Montrose. Chicago It. ru. m FCNlfL'RE salesman wanted! will eassader snan who has had same selling experience and as wiii.ng to learn. Hogg SALESWOMAN wanted: Age 30 to S3, tar Jewelry store. Must be able to Vo me typing. Permanent position Too) salary. References required. Box 431 Statesman. Help Wanted Female . Experience! alteration lady. Salary no object. Must have local referen ces. Bernardy, Tailor-Furrier, First National Bank Bldg., Room do w n- tair. WANTED: WomalflorhouaVworfcT 2 sirs. Mom. 4k Wed.. 3 hrs Frl. Ph. 73S. 1311 N. Winter. ""WANTED. Experienced-fiW clerk, tvpart. State: Dept. of Education. Rm. o6.Sate Library Bide WAITRESS, morning shift. Seaator Food Shop. HOTSEKIEPER with refeTenceTTor 3 tot th country for 3 months: No washing. Good wages. Mrs. Alvin J Van Cleave. Rt. 7. Box 231 wante57" Com pan ion for elderly lady. Good homo Ac salary. Box 630 co Statesman t TRK for general sales work. Ex Isiiisii not necessary, but beneficial, rvrmaaent position . Cooke's Station 4jr Ce376 State st rulX-TLM t and part-time wait pseaoa wanted at Normandy Manor. Ap ply at once. Excellent working con . f itiorts. A REAL OPPORTUNITY Qualifications Stenographic Salary Increases 3 In first year and Frequent Thereafter VACATIONS WITH PAY See Mr. Collins-District Manager, The Pacific Tel- eph lone and Telegraph Co. EJCPEJt DTN CTD beauty operator. fuller part time 343 N. High. WANTED. Experienced lingerie and sjpoi iswear sa lesw oma n. S a lly's HOTEL Maid. Cood wages. Steady woaitvcm. Marion Hotel WAITRESS wanted. I a m. to 4 Jtt an. Sot. afternoon. Sundays and all sdavs off. Apply Mrs. Frank Krau . State Office Bldg. Coffee Shop. IT court. WANTED: Reliable housekeeper. ssimss) like rhildren. Room, board and egreetiewt salary. Phone a3sV EXPERIENCED Waitress The Spa. CXJU.VTER CZXniC: City Cleaning grks. 1243 tate Stppljrln Jerson. WOMEN R EED ED at Salem Laun dry to 3 5 High. ' f 6CTG"W 6yANto"rienr.rboulse work; stay night Phone 7H9 Situations Wanted CTTY EDITOR on small mid western daily ks considering moving to Oregon WU1 arrive May 31st tor week's vaca tsaas. and ill be available for inter -wtsrs wrus employers seeking someone gssr psiblse relations work, or other po asuon foe which man with years of ssipswr work as a background is naiifid. EamUy man: recently dia-e-svared ftom navy: non-drinker: high ssst rofereneeo from newspapers and imi saociationa. Write Box 633. taW sioan ' FlxOOR wsxing by pro less ion alsg 51 FtRST class carpenter worli Call Li'ht Hauling My Specialty Eroe Estimates. Also rleonup attic, baa menu, yards and s tepexng Laro Cleanup Service. J-ssso. CSS. CHAN . . . LAM sH.T.TXssvXJD. Dr.C.CiaJ4J. CXnXESE nXtBALISTS 141 NorUi Ubcrty rtatalrs Portland General Doctiic Co. Otftco open Saturday only Mi am to 1 p m.; to 1 p.m. Con soltatisn. Blood oeoaauro and urtn s to are croo of ctvarge. Practiced aaneo 111. Situations Wanted PAINTING bv the hour or by con tract 171 N l.'tth MrJ)1d "CHILDREN caird for during da. rry home 114.1 Marion PAINTING" inMfie and outside Free estimatrs Veteran v itin call PAINTING, decorating. Phone 232j bctoie 8 30 A . M ROOE SPRAYING, satisfaction guar anteed Phone 3751 CARE for "" children Phone 2-1903 "OUTSIDE PAINTING Reliable partv Elin ale given. Box 612 Stalesmarv " DRAFTING and designing houf plans Phone 2-1530 " SPRAY A brush painting, free esti mate Phone 2-2145 WINDOW Cleaning, walls, woodwork cleared Rugs, carpets cleaned on jour floor. S a lcmW inflow S Lpn-zl M PreSchooi Playschool. 1381" State Ages 2-8 Parl or all day Ph 8430 CUSTOM plouing. cover discing, cul tivating, etc Ford Ferguson. Rt. 4. Bo.xJsS Phone JS859 ALL WORK guaranteed Window. wall. woodwork cleaned. Floor wax ed Inured workmen Professional Cleaning Service Ptione 4457 Spray Painting Our specialty Free estimates. E. G V..n Bui en Ph 2-1524. Salern "OIL "CIRCULATOR", furnace', chim neys cleaned Ensley. 771 S 21st. P 7176 "PAINT 7 paper . kalsornin Ph 5522 "WHITEWASHING barns and "out buildings. Also custom spraying. Free estimate Phone 22303. For Sal: Miscellaneous FOR SALE or trade: Fordson trac tor. gixd condition Also tractor parts. phiw. disc, mowris. rakes, also gar den ti actor. 2 miles wet Liberty store to my sign V. E Woodward. Rt. 3. Box 79 " NEW 22 H P. Firestone outboard motor 30 J. 21M. after 5pm 1 BOAT with trailer complete Ivan LaBnskv. Woodburn. Rt. 1, 4 mi. W. of Gervais NEW PRESSURE Cooker, ntver used 7-mjart size 303 S. 14th . AUTOMATIC gas. e!ec. and side-arm water heaters for Imm delivery. NELSON BROTHERS FURNITURE 313 N LIBERTY BUNK BEDS, box springs and mat tresses. 373 Chest of drswers. $20 Sneid oak dinette set. $40. Eilers bun galow piano. S2tX) Garden cultivator. 35. Davenport aV chair, 330. Fruit Jars and Misc. household articles. Phone SAM lOBO Garnet St. -PIECE dining room set. new swing rocker. 77 Cupid Court. Woodburn, Ore " KfTTEN'S toTe given away. 42""Hoyt "ORANGE CANARY singer and new case with stand. 3 nurse s uniforms, white, size 14. slightly used. Rocking chair 3O20 Hazel VICTORY davenport and chair, gas range with trash burner. Phone 21F21. Woodburn. TXfXEDO" Suit; size 42. like new7$23 Semi automatic gas side arm water heater, new coils. $10. One hot water tank. 30 gals., extra heavy, like new, 320 1830 Fir. Ph. 4t. " CABINET RADIO. American Bosch. Phone 3-1829 BEAUTIFUL line of table and pinup bed la m p . NELSON BORTHERS FURNITURE 313 N. LIBERTY "WESTERN "Swelfork saddle. rJTn": tree, double rigging, steel fork. This saddle from Kentucky and only slight ly used No bargain seekers. This is a good saddle 3163. 1403 N. Commer cial st. " 7-PC OAK dining rm set. $20 Small size apt gas stove. 316 50. Prewar dav enport. 327 30. Chairs as low as 31 30 Ib ice box. 73-lb. ice box. Mac's Place, 143 S.Churcv FULL SIZt maple bed. 1455 N 16th Phone 6205. TRICYCLES and skate scooters for the children. NELSON BORTHERS FURNITURE 315 N. LIBERTY BULOVA Wrist watch with expan sion bracelet. $30. 1537 N Winter 120-GALLON automatic electric wat er heaters. Ideal for large rooming house or small apartment house. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. j 233 N Liberty GARDEN AND LAWN TOOLS Yeater Appliance Co. 355 N. Liberty POWERFUL 3-tube Tropic MasTer table model elec. radio built for over seas service, ideal for outdoors or coastal localities. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty UPSTAIRS Antique Shop. 439 Court PIANO Benches Tallman s 383 S j2th XL UNMAKES clocks repaired. Clocks, watches and alarm clocks for sale. Clock Doctor. 190 S. 14th. " GERANIUMS." petunias, dwarf" dahl ias, and many others. Also vegetable plants. Rice Greenhouse, 430 Holly wood Dr. out Silverton Rd. to 1st Shell station, turn right. " ELECTRIC FENCE CONTROLLERS: 110 volt $17 93 Yeater Appliance Co. 233 N Li be rty St Unfinished Furniture Salem's exclusive unfinished furni ture large assortment or made to or der PicketU i rurnitura. 13th and Stato STOVE repairing At parts Woodry's Mkt.. 1609 N Summer St MEATCASE: Triple glass, complete with compressor Call 4887 after 6pm WHEEL CHAIR for sale. 101 ON" Cottage J JOHNSON "Outboard sales and serv ice All makes repaired. Boats made to order. Salem Boat House. COMMERCfAL. automatic electric griddle. 18x34 Inches. Ideal for small restaurant YEATER APPLIANCE CO 233 N Liberty River Silt MAON SAND CONCRETE MIX. AND FILL DIRT ALL KINDS Or GRAVEL Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. ph a-isee - J-3100 WE buy and sell furniture, tools, stoves, dishes, motors, radios. Electric I appliances, household goods KI,K ' MAN'S 235 N Commercial Ph M5 HEAT yourHhome electrically. It's convenient, clean, economical. See us for free estimates YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 235 N. Liberty "WILL BUY for rash, sell or trade, guns, pistols, ammunition, boats or trailers. Don Madison 590 No. High. CllARlS the foundation garment. Home appointments. Phone 9493. Es ther Turner, 2603 N 4th. FISHING TACKLE "boxes, all mortal: flashlights requiring no batteries; flashlights with battefies: Intercom munication systems: silent butlers; wall type can openers;, typatunes, music while you learn to type. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. Liberty lr6RTXBLE Table radios. 2600 "S Com'L Best Auto Camp. The II. J. Store 330 Chemeketa Good wood ranges, apt. alse gas range: also 3 i 3 hole plates. Furni ture, beds, tools, mower, ice box. an tiques. HEMORRHOIDS (Piles) i fistula, riiirn piourn AND OTHtB TYPES OF RECTAL DISORDERS TREATED WITHOCf HOSPITALIZATION. QCICK. RELIEF. LJ fx F Fw jaa9nsprva B$mAss Dr. R. Reynolds Clinic MATt'RO-PROCTOLOGIST ti North Liberty Street Ore. Good Fertilizer Top soil and river silt. , Phone 2 J4S6 Ask foT Ralph RADIO signal generator, also multi meter Mitchell Radio and Appliance 1KH0 State Phone7577 Ft5LDLVf; bahy Uufui $10. Narrow liv iH-ri . $." 1232 N. fom'l DRKSS UP your awnings andlaivn furniture with Set Kavt 'Canvas Paint YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 55 N Litwrty NO. 45 WOOD or oil air coiid. fur nace !080 N. Jju miner st TWIN BEDS, with coil springs, hair mattress, complete, $20 each . bed. coil springs, cotton felted mattie. 2 chests, all fur 350 Drop leaf, extension table. 4 chairs. $30. Call afternoons. 263 N 13th. DAVENPORT, good condition, .mul berry color Walnut dinette fable. La r g e oakr tx.-ker 146 M ano n. LARGE steamer trunk. 3545 I'ort land Road VEGETABLE & bedding plant.sI.ge" geraniums. 25c Ea. Merrills Green tioue. Brooks 1 LARGE 1 1-TUBE RCA Victor radio 1 laie wood circuiting heater Chesp , See at 1369 S. 13thPhpne 8-V i BEAUTIFUL Air Line Electric clocks", j NELSON BORTHERS FURNITURE I . 315 N LIBERTY FLOOR" LAMP, heavy trailer hitch blk Martin muff tc scarf set. 1516 Elm i ft Phone 4286 . i" 7 II P. "OUTBOARD motor. NiaTly ' new Pnone 21627. 1 FRYERS. New H. Reds. 3020"tate j "" OAK DINING set, 2 nearly new "wood ; circulator. buffet: Phone 7821. . j GAS RANGE, trash burner anofcotls. i extra larte trunk. 10O-lh ice box. men's ' Ihrx- skatesL sie 7 1K90 Mill ! 3 SPEED elec pit , toaster .""gr'ilCbrkT sets. ciiets. dressers, beds, end tbls . ' rnisc. 2442 Lee. INHALATION therapy for hay fever $10 Phorie j3F-3. ALUMINUM finish drum t pe trash burner. Coiled 30 ft. copper coil., Ex cellent cqnd. Phone 4422 . 50-GAlT coil trash burner. 36-gal Insulated hot water tank. Pipe fittings. Pipe All in good condition. Make me an offer. Phone 9859. 500-CHlCK electric brooder, used twice, good as new. Original cost $40. Will sell lor 322. Pnone 9859 ""RED COCKER" puppies". Registered feest of breeding 3Q33 Portland Rd MEN S "GOLF clubs and new """golf bag. $341 Call 2-1200. " St R A W BERRIES : Ch r litof f e i son's. 45 degree stand open from 1-6 pm. wk. days 3 mi. N. of underpass on 99E. Rt. 7. Box Ph. 3-34S1 or 2-258 DRUM SETYncludes bass, snare. 2 torns.higri hat. Phone 3336. ICE BOX. table model radio, doll buggy, chest of drawers, bed K springs, linoleum, tables St chairs. Floor lamps 3c dishes. Mac's Place. 143 S. Church ' GAS RANGE and gas automatic 7m at r heater. Just like new. Call after 3 (m 2815 Brookf St CHOICE Ruffled petunias." fuscRias tuberous begonias and all kinds of bedding plants. Pemberton's 194HI S 12th. . r RICHMOND Piano. Good condition $J50 Tallman r 395 SI2th v IVERS and Pond piano. Bungalow style, like new.Tallmans. 39S. 12th HOTPLATES. single and double burners, one and three speed. Yeater Appliance Co. . 153 N. Liberty St 30 GALLON Range boiler, insulated Cooper colls and furnace coils. Phone 31894 CIRCULATING room heater coal or briquet - YEATER APPLIANCE CO t 253 N. Liberty "MISCELLANEOUS Articles" of anti ques glassware and furniture Hand braided and hooked rugs. Book col lections and etc. Call 21812. 7 CHOICE tomatoes, asters, petunias, Xinnias. salvias, snapdragons, etc D Vista Gardens. 3223 D Street. . ADRIANCE trail mower, good run- hirrg oxder. 4 cycles. Ph 109F13. . " FOR SALE: River loam, barnyard fertilizer. Phone 5360. "ALWAYS a big stoc. Woodrv's Furniture Mkt Ph 811$ T FARMERS ATTENTION! Wesftng house automatic electric milk cooler capacitv six 10-gallon cans YEATER APPLIANCE CO. i 233 N. Liberty 5 . ELECTRIC heating pads, room heat rs. many types: table fans: door chimes, long and short tubes: outdoor porch fixtures: desk and able lamps; fluorescent kitchen fixtures and bath room brackets. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. Liberty TRAILFR house. 944 N . Commercial. FARMERS ATTENTION " : Portable, electric milking machines. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. : 353 N. Liberty i EXPERT "washing machine service and wringer rolls, all makes See Ed Ellis at Nelson Bros Furniture Store 313 N Libertv REBUILT Pianos, like new . Shop Tallman s and save. 393 S 12th, near S PDeDOt "TOST" RECEIVED : The new Brtlns wick Blue-Flash Commercial refrig erator. 15 cu ft. wet or dry storage See at GOOD HOUSEKEEPING CO 467 Court St. 'ALUMINUM frying pans, sauce pans, cookie sheets, well and tree platters, small pressure cookers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty PLASTI kOTE paints, the cellophane like finish, durable, glossy. Easy, to apply. Avaiable in pints, quarts and gallons in a vriety of colors. Yeater Appliance Co. 255 N Liberty RIVER SILT , ; h-0I7 ' 'FULLER Brushes 1745 Grant P 6357 SHlNGLSdelivered from Rosen berg Shingle Co . Tillamook. Lumber trucking. Ted Muller. Ph. Salem 2-1196 BEDDING plants floral section. Fred Meyer Drug. Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED: Lawn mower. 390 McCil christ. Ph. 4171. ext. 393. VANTEt): jBoys"JrTl3icycle. Ph. 8328. WANTED: 6'., or 7 cu. ft. refriger ator. 1516 Elm. st. Phone 486. :- "WANT ROOM and board For motEer arid 9-yr -old daughter, prefer private home Phone 349 WANTED: House trailer, reasonably priced 225 Vista to S Cu. ft. Refrigerator, less motor compressor. Box 614 co Statesman. VT YOU nave furniture to sell fee Rpsa Bright Ph 7311 453 Court USfD fn3TTNltTjRrri8a DISHES over 23 yrs. old. Upstairs Ac tique Shop 439 Court Ph 2-1443 WANT TO Buy. Used cameras At ifnses McEwan Photo Shop. 433 State CASH for your used furnltuie Ph 751 State St rurniturc. J900 State CASH for used piano tt other mu sleal instruments Call 4641 days or 9537 evenings or send description to Jaqujth IuslcCo.. 131 S Higb, Lawn Mowers Sharpened Scot tie Smith Fixlt Shop. Oxyacset ylene and electric welding. Tricycles and Kiddie Cars repaired. Pick up and deliver. Rt. 7. Box 379. Hayesville dlst. Retmanjs Gardens. Phone 3283. Wanted: pXanOs win pay cash Wills Music Store. 433 State St "AUTO painting." lust a shade better, by Ray ETTER, Call Shxock Motor Co $502. Wanted Furniture WANT good used furniture for five or six rooms at once. Cash. Phone 7214. Miscellaneous AVON PRODUCTS. Phone 6210 j Septic Tank Service : Jack Boening 1067 Elm St. Phone 9633 ClTlMNEY-"SWEEP ft E Northnesa Phone 445fl "Watch and "clock repairing". John Dolinsky. licensed watchmaker, 320 Evergreen ave.. east of Fairgrounds. Phone 8529. Closed Saturdays. Watches for sal or trade. Wool Growers. Attention Some one has spread false informa tion tiiat we air not buying wool this year This is not tiue. Bring jour wool to us and receive top prices, 46' c loi valley medium. Thos. Kay Woolen Mill" Co. HEAVY HaulUiK. f kisvVttun anu Road Building. Land Clearing. Dozer Work Ditching Basement Excavation Sand. Gravel. Crushed Rock. Mason Sand. Concrete Mix. Cement Salem Sand & Gravel Co. 1403 N Front St Salem. Oreson Phone 9408 or 21924 MUSIC LESSONS: Spanish. Hawaiian guitar, banjo. tc.1533 Court. Ph 7569 CONTRACT HAULING: R. L. Phil- ' hps. Rt. 3. Box 58&K. Phone 2-3172 Dental Plate Repair TWO HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mall Your Pistes for Repali DR HARRY SEMLEK DENTIST Adolon Bids: State A Corn - Ph 3311 SECURITY IMPLIFIED YSTEAIS Part time accounting service. Guar anteed work. Reasonable rates. C A JACK MA N Phone 2-4105. Salem. Oie WHY Not sole your shoes with pre war leather. 1 to 3 day service Short lobs while you wait All kinds of good rebuilt shoes for sale at Gipson's 328 N Com 1 st Phone 39t8 MEN'S HATS denied and blocked TSc LES SPRINGFR 44 Cour1 St WEATHER strips Pullman Ph SWiS "WELL drilling Pat L man Ph 9t)8 DRAWING house plans Phone 9S21 CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO . Lo cal and Long Distance Hauling. Stor age. Crating and Packing. Fuel Oil and Briquets. Phone 7773. BEKINS Nationwide mov. serv. 7T73 SALEM WATClf STTOP.T'h. i-1957 New address. 2381 State St D E. Dec ker . Licensed W a tch ma ker RAWLINS MUSIC STUDIO" Piano and violin. 1973 N. Capitol. Phone 7903 on Tues . Thurs , Sat Septic Tanks Cleaned K. r Hamel. 1143 Bth. West Salem Ptione 74W4 QUANTITY SURVEYOR Estimates and guantity surveys of building construction. Appraisal and fire losses estimated. Room 313 Ore gon Bldg. Phone 83sl. Money to Loan Phone YES MAN Want a loan quickly? Telephone, it takes only a minute or two to apply, then make just one visit to the office to sign and pick up cash. Personal's "Yes Man" says "Yes" to 4 out of 5 loan requests Loans of $10 to $300 or more made on signature alone, furniture or auto. Come in or phone today. ersonal Finance Co. a License S-12X M-163 I 3J8 tate. Room ja Phone 3191 $ $ MONEY $ $ We make all types of personal loans ; ; including furniture, note and car loans. 1 ror any worm wnne cause, we aiso make real estate loans and buy real j estate contracts For quick and effi cient service see or phone STATE FINANCE CO. Phona 4121. 153 S High. Salem M? S JICM IM General Finance Corp. offers money at once on cars, trucks furniture, trailer houses, livestock, farm marchinery: contracts refinanced and additional money advanced No co-signers. General Finance is locally owned and officered: was organized in 1927 and therefore knows and can help throughout the repaying of a loan Ap plications for loans made by phone. 136 South Commercial Sts , Salem Phone: 8168 Licenses S-138 tt M-338 Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. 3TH FLOOR GUARDLAN BUILDING I.1C E.N S N M isb FARM and CITY LOAN'S 4a and 3 Your own terms or repayment wl th is reason. Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 307 Pioneer Trust Bldg Phone 7163 For Rent Rooms newly lly. 72; on bus line, men only. 722 Highland ave. SLEEPING room close In Ph. 6490 SLEEPING rooms for men. 1133 Hines St SLEINGRdOMi50 Smith. For Rent Apartments UNFURNISHED apartment. 4 rooms and bath second floor, for 3 adults. Write Box 627 Statesman. For Rent Houses TRAILER space, conveniences and shade. N. Portland Road at Stortx Ave neu Shady crest Parktown. Phone 9321 For Rent CABINS. Neskowln Beach. Ph 4422 U-DRfVE- TRUCKS" FOR RENT Blankets furn. 197 S. Liberty Ph. 9062 FLOOR Sander for rent- Marsha 11 Wells Store Phone 6877 GOOD Used Piano H L Stiff FLOOR SANDER for rent, Mont gomery Ward , TRAILERS" tor rent " aoc " per " isr Woodrv's Mkt. 1603 N Summer ' TRUCKS for rent!" You drive- Me Cunt At Lovell Phone 9600. Wanted to Rent VETERAN At wife ui jrgevttly need Jwli I. Call furn. apt or house by Spencer. Bishop's Studio. 8 to 3. Sun day S7H9 FACULTlf famUVdesltes 3 bdrm. he on or before June 1. Write Box 561. co Statesman. 3OR 6 RM. HSE". July 1. Perm , adult. 4 yri. in last home, co Box 633 Statesman. VETERAN Ai wife A daughter des perately need furn. or unfurn. apt. or hse Call 3472 EXCHANGE: Rental of nice J-bedrm. CorvaDis apt. for desirable Salem apt. or hse. Young vet . college ' grad Ai wife Refer, excel. PIk Coryallis J140W. "Y0LTMCTVeT. college gi ad. "has per manent Salem position. Ui gently needs desirable apt. or hse. Please help us. Refer, gladly. Oregon Statesman, Box. 633. RETURNED veteran Ac wife urgently need furn. or unfurn. apt. or hse. in or near Salem. Perm. .employed. Minor re- Kairs guaranteed. P.O. Box 391. Sa jm, Ore - VETERAN At"wiielaaiy in need of furn. or unfurn. apt. or house. No chil dren, good references. 113 S. 13th Phone i-1919. SLttPING room wanted near Holly wood district for business man. Tele phone Personnel Dept . 9249. week days. STATE employee, wife Ai daughter, age 10. want apt. or house, in or near town. Phone7032. "SMALL HOUSE or a p7 needed by veteran, wife Ac 6 mo. baby for sum mer months. Phone 3029. : 2 OR 3 Bed room hse. by responsible part- Pb--6 . VETERAN Ac wife desire furnished or unfurnished apt. No children. Phone 4320. . LOCAL BUSINESS MAN and family desire 3 bedroom house for 3 months or longer. Can give best of references. Phone 2-1654 WANT TO LEASE 2 of 3 bdim" un furn. house. 6 rr,o- rent in advance Permanent state employee. Overseas three years At would like a home now. Box 23 Statesman. EX Service mn and wife need apt. by June 15ih. Phone 4303. HOUSE : City or country, furn. or rjrifuin . by reponsible veteran Will furnish references. Box 628. co States ntari VETERAN "and w lie "need "fur n "apt Permanent, qutct couple. No childien or pets Ref 251 Court st WANTED 2 or 3 bed iimjiii unluiii home. I'l-rmanent tuisiness man. 3 adults. Best of references- Box 575 co Statesman 3 ADULTS urgently need a furn oi unfurn. liou-r or apt Will give refer ences. Can you help us? Phone 8010 For Sale Real Fstate Homes $2750 3 BDR.M HOUSE, unfinished, m good location North. Finish this yourself and save on con struction corts. $3150 2 r m. and bath, new grge hse . auto w tr . her. large lot. South. 35775 3 apts . 2 turmshed and 1 un IiiiniMicd. In good location. W. Salt in. $6500 2 Bdrin home. 1 blk from bus. utility i ni . Idry. trays, plenty of closet space, large grpe.. 8 fruit tree. 4 nut trees. acre N E $63O0 3 Bdrm home, excellent cond , porch, utility un . Idry tiays. p'enty ot gidn. space, '2 blk to hu?. Soutn $6950 2 Hoi m home, furnished, in very good location, fenced yd . utility im , Idry. tiays. new KHif. giee. ftuit and walnut tues. clitse to school and bus $6150 2 Bdrm home, corner Ut. roll- intent to store and bus, full bsmi . ldiy. Iiai. grge. $7350 2 Bdrm home and 2 Rm. apt witn outide entrance, very good condition, mcl. extra lot. $8$O0 2 Ked-rm. home. auto, heat . full bsml , dinette, hdwd firs . fireplace, shade trees, shrub bery. 3 bLks to school, bus to dour. $10,500 3 Bdrm. home, fenced yd., full bsmt , Idry. trays, fireplace, fiuif closet, stiiubbery. 1 blk. to bus and 5 blks. to school. Ahrams and Ellis. Inc. 411 Masonic Bldg. Phone 6153 ' Insurance i Mortgage Loans 8-RM. HOtTSE: 5 down. 3 up. Dou ble plumbing and bath, double wuuig for elec. range. Elec. hot w'ater heat er, bsmt . furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors Price $12,500. Rawlins Realtv & Insurance FERD RAWLINS OTIS RAWLINS REALTORS 20X8 N. Capitol Phone 7819 ' Eyes. Ph 7903 BEST BUY IN TOWN 3 bd R. home south, choice location, large lot. furnished $8400 New 3 Bd R. home N E Elect, heat Lots of builtins,- large lot. A buy $77011 3 Bd R. home East, large lot needs some work, paved street. Well located. $3300. 3 Bd. R home in Hollywood. Hd w. floors, fireplace, full basement, auto oil heat. $10,500 3 Bd R. home, fireplace, full base ment, good location. $H.VIO. See Frank Strausbaugh J. F. Ulrich Co. 202 Pea fee Bldg Phone 8672 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION $4500 N. 2 bed rm. home. Call Omer Huff HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. REALTORS 1717 ('enter St. Phone t -1 549 Eve 2-1731 WEST SALEM "Little Giar.t of Industry" $1500 Down Buys a 2 BR. home in a nice loca tion. Has a full basement and furnace. Nice living room, fireplace. Balance of $5000 payable at $60 per mo. 1mm Possession. Cloe-in Acreage 8 Acres Good house on Wallace Road In peaches A cherries. Cloe to ever thing. This may also be bought with 1. 3 or 3 acres Make an offer Modern, Completely Furnished Swell home in West Salem. Has all the latest in home furnishings. Floor furnace, newly decoratedEJect. range. Everything goes for comfortable liv ing. $7000. Better hurry. Wet Salem Realty Co. 1233 EDGEWATER STREET PHONE 5109 4 BE'DRM. HOUSE at 239 S. 22nd st Look tins over and see Fred Rawlins with Rawlins Realtv & II nsura nee FRED RAWLINS OTIS RAWLINS REALTORS 2038 N. Capitol Phone 7819 .Ey" ! 7o3 $4500 Full Price 1 bdrm. modern home Completely furn . including elec. range. Inside city limits north M. O. Humphreys & Co. Realtors 2286 Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 2-4596 3045 Portland Rd Phone 7820 BY OWNER: New ccTmpefeTy7in ished 2 bdrm. hse. large lot. fruit trees. Open a to . 3 East side Hulsey Ave off Radcliffe Drive. BEST BUY S70O0 S rm mod home. Hwd. fits, fireplace, oil furnace. 1 block to bus. Call Omer Huff HUFF REAL ESTATE CO , REALTORS 1717 Center St. Phpne2;IM9 Eve. 2-1731 3 R Ac'ATTIC. near KeiV.er. acre, fruit Ai nuts, shower bath, good well, verv good home. 652SO. C J. JACKSON. 341 State St . Salem A" LOVELY Brand " new home well located NE. Auto. heat. 3 large bed roams, big living room, very nice kitchen, floors all covered Utility room Just off kitchen. Conventiently arranged. 312 Ooo SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N Hrjsh St. Phone 7660 3 ROOMS, utility, neatrhice location north, near school, oil heater, wired, for range, laundry trays, double ga rage, bus. $5000. Terms. Nice coiner lot Trade Ac 22nd. $1050 C J JACKSON. 341 State t Salem FUR VR HOUSE N Salem with 2 large lots, all kinds of fruit for quick sale $5250 Possession soon. Also good 5-R. fur. house A 4 large lots fruit garage N Salem $u500. 8-R fur House E. Salem 2 large lots garage $4800 poss. soon. E. B. Perrine Vallejr I-and :o. " OLDETt TYPF. 4-bed room home, can be utilitjved for apt or room rentals, near State office bldg north of State st . lovtlv corner onlv $7500. Luse Real ty OrejonBldt 7952 A LOT in I-eslie school district on pavement. $350. 5 rm. dwelling N E suburban $4750 37 A for subdivision $3150. 42 A. N. dauy $95(10. H. P. (;rant. Realtor 457 Court St Ph. 6744 - 8166 BY Owner Modern & rm. house, east Salem. Hrice$10.ono. Ph. 2-4180. " WkE TTAVE some beautiful I building lots in Englewood dit. just outside city limits. Have contractor and Loan Co waiting to see vou' OREGON REALESTATE EXCHANGE EXCLUSIVE 131 Pacific Bldg, 518 State St Phone59HO He. 6375 T lOTS. $750 each Cheaper "if taken in 3 days. Phone 7821 CHOICE U.ts East. Block to bus. City gas Close to good matket In quire 4070 Earl Ave. or Apt. No. 4. 266 So Collage after & p. m. BY OWNER. Englewood distuct. Mod 5-im house, auto heal, finished lootn in tstot for extra bedim or play i in (In bus line 1H' HI Market 2 HOMES in Silveiton Gl location. cUse iri. immeiiate os.sess.ion . some terms. Sec owner. 241 Mill St-, Silveiton BEAUTY PARLOR EXCELLENT DOWNTOWN LOCA TION 3 OPERATORS. INCLUDES ALL EQUIPMENT. WHICH IS FIRST CLASS! 34INK) SUHl'RBAN EAST ! ACRE ! Hi'IlllOOM HOME Oil FLOOR FURNACE. HOUSE 6 YRS OLD BERRIES AND FRUIT -- $75oO 5 BEDROOMS 1 DOWN AND 4 UP. WITH PLUMB ING ON PO'IH FLOORS LIVING A DINING ROOM. KITCHEN A NOOK COMPLETELY REPAINTED INSIDE AND OUT FIT L BASE MENT WITH OIL FURNACE PRIC ED RIGHT ! YOU WILL AGREE AT $y8."o HERE IS A LOVELY RANCH STYLE HOME LOCATED EN GLEWOOD ONLY 1 YEAR OLD 2 LARGE BEDROOMS. 14x20 LIVING RM WITH MODERN FIREPLACE. Il'2xl2 DINING ROOM. BOTH ROOMS HAVE BIRDS-EYE MAPLE DOORS AND WOOD WORK. A DREAM KITCHEN AND BATH HARDWOOD FLOORS. VENETIAN BLINDS. FULL BASEMENT. AUTO AIR CONDITION GAS FURNACE. 2-CAR GARAGE. LARGE LOT. A DANDY -- - $16,800 -SEVERIN REALTY CO. 212 N HIGH PHONE 9629 EVES PHONE - 7677 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 6-rm home. East. Hud floor, large liv. rm . oil heat. Cape Cod type i $10,050 Call GARDNER j Ihirt Picha. Realtors ! Ph. VJ0 337 North High S. j 36iii) FURNISHED, north city lim its. - bed looms, nice shape, includes electiic taiiK- and refrigerator, two bed loom sets and living room set. Sullivan Realtv Co. 3365 Portland Road Ph 335 Eyes 7829 $jO0 VERY Cletn two bed room home on paved street. Living room, bath, kitchen, nook, large garage, nice ly landscaped Includes new gas range and water beater. Su'llivan Realtv Co. ??6?!!?r!I.e,?d Ph 3255 Eves 7829 LOTS OF LOTS $600 50x125 in Yew Park Annex. ' $600 6Ox2n0' near Alum, plant. $63o 100X2O0 W. Salem. Hillside. $TH)0 70xlnS 2 blks N. of Market. Call "Elmer" AMUNDSON. Hurt Picha. Realtors Ph. 3210 337 North Hjh St. $6000 COMFORTABLE 5 "rm. home. Completely furnished including elec. tange. ref rig . and oil circulator. Call Mr. Walters. Huff Real Estate Co. Ph. 3793 Ph. 9441 eves. REALTORS 970 S. COM'L. WE HAVE Several good building lots 7ltx223 (near I v acre). City water available, surrounded by good homes. $800 and $50. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N High St Phone7660 HOME ; Seekers! "Home buyers if you need cash for home buying expenses for any home listed in this paper phone 3191 and ask for Mrs. Gallinger. Loans up to $3no on furniture, up to $500 on auto. PERSONAL FINANCE CO. Lie. S-I22 M06S $13. "50 "Uutra modern 2-bedroom home. Fine place, carpeted floors throughout. Electric heat. Choice loca tion. P. II. Bell. Realtor PHIL BELL i Phone 486 5 1 0 C uord lan Bid g $6100 Full Price 6-rm plaster home. basement. On large coiner lot. Close to school Ac bus. M. O. Humphreys & Co. Realtors 2286 Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 3-4596 3033 Portland Rd. Pn" 7820 $9300--GOOD-3 bedrm. home, close to schools Ac bus. Wired for range, bsmt . auto sawdust heat. Elec. water heater. fireplace. 930 Madison st SOME GOOD BUYS 13 choice city lots to choose from. Let us show you. NEAR WALNUT PARK 3 LOTS 13xl38 Price $2100 RIVER ROAD NORTH 3 LOTS 150x133. Business site-$3000. NORTHEAST 2 LOTS 100xi:0 Price $1500. SOUTH LARGE LOT 60x180 St. paved, close to all school. Only $1000. C H. SANDERS 231 N. High 538 $7500 NICE 3 bed rm English type home N. E. 3 rs. oid. Call Mr. Walters. Huff Real Estate Co. Ph. 37S3 Ph. 9441 eves. R E A LTORS 970 S COWL M250-- IXS ELY Mod. home. Capitofa Dist 2 bed rmi . bath, liv rm , kitch en, dinette. Ige flrd attic. Attached gaiage. Idrv, rm , auto, oil furn. Lot 60x140'. Call "ElmeY" Amundson. Burt Picha. Realtors Ph 3210 337 North High St $60l0-- IMM PoVs. good J rm home' N. Pavement bus. Call Mr. Walters. Huff Real Estate Co. Ph .7793 Ph 9441 eves REALTORS 970 S. COM L. $6750 LARGE plastered house close in North. 2 BR. DR. Kitchen and Bath don Apartment upstairs rents for $32 50 per mo. Large lot. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., Realtors 153 S High Ph. 412I l2.mo-NORTH Stucco. 4 B. R s Hwd. firs. Div rm. with fireplace. Nice dm. rm. Oil pipe furnace. DMe. gar. This won't last. Call Jess Thompson HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. REALTORS 1717 Center St. Phone 2.-1549 Eve .Ph. -3501 NEW large garage house on large view- lot with linoleum, gas range, automatic gas water heater, plumb ing, electric tights A cabinets. Imme diate possession $3150 180 Hansen Ave HOME A.VD INCOME: 3 rms. with fueplace. aut. oil furn . 2 nice aotn . Including elect, ranges and refr. Dou ble garage. Deep lot. North, good lo- cation 315 OOP Phone 59PO NICE SlZi LOTS in new addition. $500 to $900. C. L. McCaleb. I960', M ission. Overlooking New City Park NEW MODERN HOME - 740 S WIN TER ST. LARGE LIVING A DINING ROOMS TWO BED ROOMS. WALL TO WALL CARPET. FIREPLACE. MOD EL KITCHEN. I.OTS OP BUILT-INS. FULL BATH WITH SHOWER. UTII ITY ROOM WITH LAUNDRY TRAVS. ELEC. HOT ; WATER HEATER FUR NACE, AIR COND. LARGE GARAGE. CONCRETE SIDE WALKS DRIVE IX) T Sox I So LMMED. POSS TOTAL PRICE $11. 3(10. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings - Personal Service J64 So. Com'l. St Ph. 839 Eve. 7440 MODERN 3 bed room home located on excellent acre near Pen 4 Corners. Full basement with furnace, wired for range, hardwood, floors. Chicken house with brooder. Fruit trees, nice lawn with shiubbeiv Price $95on Immediate possession -- Exceptional ly clean 6 room house with atwiut 4 acres located 31 miles south of city limits. Barn, new machine shed, good chicken house. About 2 acres in variety of full bearing fruit and nuts. Good spring. A good buy for $65(10. 3', acres with 6 room house, about 3 blocks from Liberty cannery. Near bus line. About 1 acre in variety of fruit and nuts. Electric water system, wiied for range. Small barn and chick en house. Price $75M. Rostein & Adolph. Inc. 110'a N Com'l St. Phone 3Q30 $7000 Full Price A nice 6-rm. home about 3 yrs. old. Just north Of city limits In a very good district, M. O. Humphreys & Co. Realtor 2286 Fairgrounds Rd. 3033 I'oitland Hd. Phone 2-4596 Phone 1820 Buy Now Builcl Later Wc still have available a number of choice build rg lots in the Ben iJomond Adjacent. These i lots are all L cated in a restricted residential district., just Southof town, and sell fSr $400 and up. All are 5JOx00 or larger. City water available. i I i j; LEE OILMART CO., REALTORS 477 Court St.. i Office Phones 9630 or 4035 REAL Rooming house, completely furni.shed. 10 sleep ing rooms, tlininj: room and kitchen.; Located in good, coat town. $6500.00. Worth morel rnVny. Leon Lambert-Real Estate At Pen 4 Corners, 145 So. Lancaster Drive APPROXIMATELY 40 Acres of good black soil. All stock and equipment. Nice 6 room house. 3 wells. 3 Guernsey and Jersey cows. 3 months fresh. Good large black team. New milking ma chine. All for $10,000 unequipped. $9O00. 20 acres, all In fruit. House livable. 2 springs. Very good buy. $4000. $i350 New modern 3 bedroom home northeast. See it today. Very good 2 bedroom house on love ly landscaped lot. Close in North. In sulated, wired for range, fireplace, full basement with Idy. trays. Garage. $8400. Call Rsv Strong. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, 1 bed room house close to Grant school, very attractive buy for $7350 terms. 3 good building sites. 5(1x114 feet. $650 ea. Owner desires to sell all -three for $1800. Sidewalks Ac pavement ill in. citv sewer. SUBURBAN LOTS northeast. a and acre for onlv $450 Ac $350 respective ly. Call about these. 310OO w ill handle good business build ing and lot in valley town. $2500 full price easy terms. $63006 room house north. 3 room apt. at back of house. Large lot lOOx 200 ft. Could be good business lot. Call Ray Strong for particulars. R. L. "Bob" Prime Ray J. Strong Phone 7770 Room 10 General Real Estate Co. Ladd Bush Bank Bldg. Phone Eve 3-4547 $3500 FULL PRICE Small new house. Completely fin ished. Clove In. Near bus line. M. O. Humphreys & Co. Realtors 2286 Fairgrounds Rd. 30.15 Portland Rd. Phone 3-4596 Phone , 7820 Lots & Building Sites In restricted district. East. Price $450 to $650. Easy terms. Rawlins Realty & Insurance FRED RAWLINS OTIS RAWLINS REALTORS 2056 N. Capitol Phone 7819 Eves. Ph. 7903 INCOME PROPERTY Large house, choice location, ideal for hospital, or convalescent home, an opportunity for a doctor. See Frank Strausbaugh J. F. Ulrich Co. 202 Pearce Bldg. Phone 8672 MUST SELL! Well built home. 3 BR. down. 1 up. Large living, kitchen and dining room. i base, some furniture, good corner lot. shade, fruit, berries. Only $32-o C H. SANDERS 231 N. High 3638 Furnished 6-Room Home $13,000 WELL furnished 3 bedrm. home, all on one floor. Relri . elect, washing intcri aut. gas range A water heater, etc. 100x100 foot cor. lot with shade trees A outside fireplace. Fairmount Hill di-t. AI so 4 Bedrm. home. 3 down At up Basement Ac furnace, cor. lot w Ith many shade trees. In Englewood dist. A good buy at $7900. 30 Acres 7 Miles Out SKYLINE Orchard dist. 20 acres in walnuts Ac prunes Ac a very good crop of both. 6-rm. old house with elect water system. Some strawberries Ac other fruit. A good view. $8500. 17 Acres 7 Miles South No buildings, but on pavement A on cor. All in walnuts Ac prunes and fair crop. $2750. Art Madsen 1326 State St. Phone 5580 WELL ; XOCATED mod." 3 B R. home, master B R. up. liv. -4x23. dining 10x12. both rooms nicely carpeted. Base, with sawdust furnace. Price $11,600. BR. home. 1 B R. down, 't base., floor furnace. This home in good condition and welt located. Price $8450. NEW HOME IN CITY S sace rooms. Hdw. floor, basement, wood furnace. Idy. trays, unfin. attic East. Price $6250. OUTSIDE CITY On bus 4-room. nook, oil furnace House new and nice. $8250. $3754K TERMS For this cute little 1. bedroom plas tered home, living, kitchen, bedrm. hath A large utility room. Gaiage. North. 1-et us show vou' tl. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 583 FOR SALEi BeauiTiui " 4-bed room hse. Close in on N. Summer St Oil furnace, sprinkling system, modem in -very way Call Mrs Ellis, ph. 2-1231. Siihurhan Ranch Type Home ONLY 4 yrs old. All hardwood floors. I-arge living room, kitchen and bath. 2 good sized bedrooms. Full basement Venetian blinds Ac drapes. Large lot with walnut trees nicely shading the house. This Is a beauty. You ought to see it. Chas. Iludkins & Son Phone 2-4129 273 State St $5500. 'ACRE close In North with clean 3 BR plastered tiouae. Chicken house. 2-car garage. Walnut trees Close to school 4 bus. Immediate pos sesion. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., Realtors 153 S. High 5"h.4121 RlCE Two unit apartment house close to state bldg Hardwood floors. Auto oil heat. Newly redecorated. Call R"yiLiff Real Estate Co. Ph. 3793 Ph. 9441 even. REALTORS 974) S. COM'L. $3250 NORTH 3 bed rm home. Liv. rm., din. rm . kitchen, bath. Built ins. Wired for Htange. Garage. Lot 48',xlf.7', ft 3 walnut trees. 1 cherry tree. Possession in ten days. See Mrs. I'atier. Burt Picha, Realtors 2343 Portland Rd Ph. 6473 Res. Pb. 34504 r OPPORTUNITY BEAUTIFULLY PLANTrt SUBURBAM 4 bedroom home; 4j acre. I acre) filberts: out tide fireplace: greenhouse; utility building; for-cow, chickens, dou ble garage, workshop wood-thed. Well lighted.i All I for $10,500. See JOE HUTCHISON "With Leo N. Cliihh, Inc. 1 REALTORS 344 State St. ; : Ph. 9261 REAL HOME APPEAL 3 bedrooms and bath. Large living" room. Exceptionally welt planted yard. This Is new enough to be in the best of condition and priced to sell. $43u0. Fee A. E. DAN IELSON - with. Leo N. Childs, Inci i REALTORS 344 State St. : Pti Vtr COMPLETELY FVRN MHEJ3 Well located) on corner of two paved! streets. Bus by door, 3 nice largo bedrooms: full basement; firep'ace furnace heat;' double garage. An ail around good buy for $li. SEC Leo N. Childaiilnc. i REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 921 GOOD BUYS IN ACREAGES acre, 1 bedrooms In Keizer for $4950. r . S acres. 1 bedroom for $4730. , 3 acres. 1 bedroom N. EL for $5nrui. -6' , acres, 3 bedrooms, new. for f 73oO. 1 1 acres. 2 bedrooms, very good for M250 We have many other to ehooao from. We like to show therr See Leo : Ni- Childs, Inc. REAifrORS 344 Sta ' st;.' Ph. 9261 N EA tfHJNDERP ASS 's acre. 4-reom plastered houe with, nook, wired for range. Other bldg. $5000. Terms. 1 . SOUTH 4- room modern home, base., wood furnace, fireplace. 3 bedrooms $6750. c H. SANDERS 331 N. High 5A3 NEW HOME: S bedrooms, living; rm. dining risv. bath." kitchen, fire place, automatic furnace, lull base ment, insulated). Eaat -front, large tot. Double attached g arage. 1953 N. I9tn. 5- RM. HOUSE, X lots. Call after p m. 293 Pine St. NOwVAcA.vf : S rms. Ac bath. (Partly furnUhed. in cluding new wood range. Ac cir. heat en. 5' ac. Some walnuts Ac fruit. $4200. Without; furniture. $4000. Willamette Real Estate 172 S. Liberty St. Phone 7113 $10,950 i FULL PRICE New 7-rm. plastered. Insulated housr. Map'e floors. Eiec. heat hot water heater. Call or ask for AI Isaak. Ree Ph. 3558. with. M. O.' Humphreys. -REALTORS Phone 2-456 i 22i6 Fairground or Phone 7820 ! 3j.OPot tland Rd. FOR SALE (by ownet: Attractive S bdrm. home m North Summer- St. Show n by appointment Phono 455 FOR SALE by owner? 3 bdrm. hons completely furnished. 39VM. Immediat possession. Filberts, grapes, boysen berries, strawberries and walnuts. Ph. 250. I , FOR SALE by owner: Immediate poe. session of lovely modern 5-rm. home. Auto, oil heat, full' basement. Good location north. Price gawp, pn. 4429. FOR SALE: Nice 3 -bdrm hohe on 19th st . )ust off Center. $8006. Inquire at 507 19th st. SPECIAL $6500 3 BDRM HOME, in good res. ect Ea&L LR, D R, Kit. Bath -Screened porch. Btmt.; Saw Furr. Garage. CnM' "Elmer" Afniroulwn. BURT PICHA-r-rTTOR- PH. 3210 - 337 North High Street. 36 ACRES near Aumsvllle. rair bldgs. Stocked A. equipped, graving crop. Price $10 WO 120 acres near amatl town Farm bldgs.. 6 actes frttit. Prico $9259. to tr.- ciuae a cows, i uu sneep, norse. r.cgf etc. Only 9B2&0. Alfred Dumbeck or W. A. Room 3. Ladd. At Bush Bank Bid HFREIS H DANDY T-ate built astd reswl v for immediate occupancy. a good- size bed rooms.! large living: room, nice built in kicren and dining room. Hardwood floors)! throusHiout. At edge of citg. $I6.0u0. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N H.gh; St. Ptioeie TfjBOffe" i NORTHEAST ft 3 bed rm. liv. rm . kitchen, nook.-3 baTh. hwd. floors Wired fr range. V Paved st. Only $7900. Ca. I Ray. Da via.". Huff Real Estate Co; Ph. 3793 REALTORS Ph ' 9441 evea.1 970 S. COM L. r ADVSRTlSrNG Westerrt . Advertising RepresenUtives- 1 wsrd-Grtffith Company. San Francisco Eastern Advertising Representatives Ward-Grlffttb Comye n r lro. Chicago New York. DetTott, Boston. Atlanta SBSSSBBSWaS Member Pacific Coast Division Bureau of AdvertUina; Enttrtd mt th Pmttoffir at 5nf-i Orcws as .Vecoi ! Class Mailer Pm t I lisited ftrrv wui i b rrrmt Mndiy. wBitsiness oftce 319 SoulH ComsmcrcssU. PsV'-. SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 Mall Subscription Rate In Adeaneot Within Oregon s Daily and Sunday Mo. 60 cenu . 6 mo $3 0O; 1 year. 9 : Elsewhere 60 resK per sno or $7 34) tor I year tn sdvsnc Pee copy cwntow By City Carrier. 13 eostta a snosiUt. $9 00 a rear tn advance It Mar too asi adjacent nsvinlsM. ""ST i i