The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 09, 1946, Page 8, Image 8

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Thm OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon. Thursday Morning. May 9 1948
ftaaeeless ssnrta: Lesk alike
Iik VTtuwr ef the Itlfnu
rmmd Newte Harv ft tare y ef the
, Ilea vers. Oaly the Beavers ran
aee Hrether Atarey we'll stick
' with Dick II mast b
r a teniae la British Celambla.
far atw It's a wealthy hat I and
reetaarsat saaa aamed Mar gait
la aspbrlac New Westminister
(It miles thla aide ef Vancou
ver) wb "definitely wants a
Western International Iraiue
fraachtse la lt47. The reasan?
Na, Ml ta make mare meney
est fceeaase (aad get thla): "I
aaw Maatreal Ray a Is and Syra
eaac ga threeta a doable header
Laai sasnaser la the Eaat and It
was smr something-. There's ne
thlng Ilka alttlag with a bag of
neaaats between yaar knees
watching a first class ball
game." A gay with that
slaat an baseball rlab-ewnlnr
wsalda't aalaa being a dandy
..... These nine hamers biffed
la the Vaaeeever-Yakima game
the at her sight constitute a new
record far Bab Brawn's historic
CaeUaae ball yard, all right, bat
they do net make far a new
mark la all arganlied ball. At
least aa twa serasiens major
1 leagaa tesass hare whacked It
hamers la aae game aad an a
saber sf ather occasions mi
ner leasee teams have exceeded
nine la a single game I'a-
larky Joe Kralevlch! In Ms first
aaaad s a near a nee at Vancon
er. his aid alma mater, they
last finished giving him a a.a.
aalldap whea Vancoaver Oet
flelder Earl ftilverthern a pa
aad knocks Joe's first pitch oat
of the park for a homer!
Hoag Wins Wild Brawl
From Paul in Eighth
Bedlam Rreaks Up Armory Scuffle an Duane
- Notches 23rI; Brown KO Winner in Semi Go
The rass)er have nothing on the box-fighters when it comes to
wild and unpredictable ending That was proved to a $1073 house at
the Ferry Street Garden Last night.
In one of the roomiest of his manv bar-roomers. Duane (The
Durable) Hoag got up off his sagging silk parties to clout out what
rill technically b called an eighth round TKO over Los Angelino
Jackie Paul in their mainer scrap, f "
And what an eight round'
at an eight round' i
Mr Paul. tay!n
Hosc'i slurring nd with
clear of Ho
pi nw-n tiou rinx corner all
right, had h fieht tin until the
seventh. Tn fart. In th- fifth he
hmd ovrlv talkative Hoar both
xt,e f"r a thre roup and right
Ttad tt round ended when It
f& The Durable Portlander
1 w,,n J"'m' OI
fie wildest swinsinr and Jobber- I
frr rr mtn nd hm1 ,n the ;
wat '!. looked a if he had run !
'ott r- In the sWth And ap-
TrtnHt-v er..ieh. Paul ram-out
to- Vo. 7 sVir- art ea--lv kaW i
Tt:if th
tvn showed -vt he's dnhh-d Ken Manning and Phil Salstrom
Th T.rable 'V With h two-fM- ; helped the Rock Woolers along
ed rT1 waded Into the shuken ' with homers. Highlight of the
Tau all trovieh th heat and hd , Papermill-VFW game was a cir
te Iyw AnrlM 1?-nundr on I rus catch in left field by Ivan
fie tv t the end N'o was j Lowe of the winners. Singer al-
fnr of he same nd when tfoar I
finally floored the visitor for a
court after swattfnr Mm
w!th a corkin rit. following It
' with nothe- r-'-'-v tt saw
Pawl ro down for "three." some
, bodv from Tur roTifr hopped
Into . te rir. .Paul's manarer
vowed he had rothir to do wit
It. but t-t technicabtv lot Paul
ti lM-t And while Referee
Packv MrFria nd was arrui" it
rw n aul's correr. both Hoar
and Pul went at It arnln and
how! Thev both slugged toe to
toe until the bell finsllv ended
the round that Is surelv one of
the imnt riD-snorting ever seen
In the armory arena.
- McFarlnd wouldn't let the
Ceht continue In the ninth, which
made Mr. Paul nd the customers
verv unhannv B"t rules are rules
Chuk (Kid) Wrown 137. Port
land caught hold of Johnny Ar
chuleta. 133. Denver, when the
latter was visibly out of shape
and worked him over for a knock
out In 2 ?0 of the fourth round of
Their semi -wind up Archuleta w as : open then Inclado the lakes In the
belolesss in ring center when Mr- national forest la IJaui aad Mar
Farland stopped It. F..ldie Whar- n counties: Keaare. Long. Koaavd.
ton. a main eventer in Portland, i Booth. Wasco aad Cabot lakes la
but last night a sub for KelJ v Jefferson county; Klamath aad
Jackson, took an easy derision Desehnle eoanty lakes with the
cvrr Dave Amdt. Portland. In ' esception of Davis. Toed. North
their middleweight four - master I snd South Twin; and a number
Dick Abney. 148. Jefferson,
knocked out Okey Wilson. 155.
Salem. In the second. Wilson be
ing; a sub for absent Morrie Pe
terson. Matthew Mack. 152. Tur
ner, won a four round decision
ever Wild Bill Daniels. 159, Portland.-
In the good opener.
And If they're worrying altout
.who to match who with for their
next show here they wouldn't
have to look farther than Hoag
and Paul for a super-natural.
JUearcats rlav
Badgers Nine
Paciffc and Willamette will
meet here Friday at Waters park
In a game that will decide the
western division! championship of
the northwest conference bust-ball
race. The Badgers now hold down
to S Zin o'ver wTllameVu la.t
week In Foret Grove. Whitman
leads th. eastern half of the cr-
mi with four straight wins over
the haple College of Idaho nine
ruts ocures:
Holt V wood 100 OOO 4.IA8 11 1
Ban Die co . 000 OHO 0O0 0 S 3
Resctgno and Unaer: Kennedy. Pof
fenbereer (t) , Chapetta (9) and Mc
UonneU. Kan rrancisco 000 000 OOO 0
Sacramento M 000 0001 4
- Lien and Ivy; rVeitaa and Conroy.
. 322 042 00013 14 2
02O 040 030 0 17 2
Hutchinson ". Fischer i8
temsrtn 0t and Fmley: Beardan,
Caecr (3). Rafev it) and Kar
mm a i win - i
Meet the Senators: WIIXIAM
(BILL) CARNEY, satfleldcr.
Tweaty-flve-year-aid Bill join
ed the nine jaat before H com
menced firing la VTIL play and
cams aa eptlon from rertlaad.
Ha'a -l. weighs lt and Uvea
la Portland. Freeh eat of the
navy. In which he served aa a
lleateaaat (jg), Carney ta the
former V of Oregon alagger of
l3-4-l-4Z. Following gradu-
Th 1 MaT11
rCg-iptfC MlllArC!
R.vlLli3e lTllllCl O
In Softy Wins
Campbell's Rock Woolers. paced
by Percy Crofool's 2-hit pitching
and the Papermillers, led by Hen-
. , ' . .
ry Singer s fhutout nervrng. last
night grabbed wins In the City
.Softball league, the Woolrra over
Baib s Sportsters. 4-0. and the
Paper men ov er VrW. 10-0. Both
. i. ij
lowed three hits.
Barb's a 2 t
Woolers tet til 4 1
Keor and EreoHal; Crefeot
and McCaffery.
VFW ass ee est
Paaermillers HI 11 is 1
C. Applegate aad B. Aaate
gate: H. 5inger, Vanoerwort
and L. Singer.
Mar II U the opening date for
angling la many of the lakes aad j
streams excepted from the gen
eral opening In April, according
to the game coaamissJon office.
Thla applies partfcnlarly to the
Cascade area, and some of the
major fishing waters that will
ef lakes In Lane county.
Other openings this aaoath In
clude May 4 for Harney eoanty;
May 29 for nsest of Lake eesvnty
waters: May 1 for that part of
I the Deschates river between
' Mick lap dam to Sheep bridge.
( The official s n g 1 1 n g synopsis
should be coasalted for waters
; closed to sll angling or having
still later openings.
Count Is sUll being kept by bl
elogksts of Use fioh and gaaae com
missions of the salmon catches la
the Wlilaanette river. A total naan
ber of salmon reported caaght to
date by anglers Is 10.00. Catches,
however, are beginning to taper
The first trip af the season af
the gaaae commission's spswalag
crew into Diamond laae was naade
Utroagh the deep snow witaeat
mishap, according to the report
received from Milt O Brlen
"'" T? ""
from VUnA V'ak
destination within a few hoars.
Formerly the Joaraey has taken
) days when travelling waa by
skis and anowhaes. The savew
still was eight ar nine feet deep
In places, while the total snowfall
this winter at the lake Is reported
ta have been 2U feet. The erew
went la early ta make prepara
tions for the Using of rainbow
treat eggs this spring. It Is hoped
that about S.000.000 eggs will he
obtained, psrt of waken will ha
hatched at the Diamond Lake
hatchery aad the rest distrlbated
ta ather stations In the state.
: ( V::tt
;;. ' -
'- - ..-
'i '. . I
atloa ha joined iba Portlands
aad la 4 games wafted aa ae-
' eeptahle .tit. Then cams the
navy aad not mack base balling
antil aptiag training agala with
the Bevoa this year. Bill Is mar
ried bat has na children. Ta
date ha has been having a toagh
time getting started with the
Saiema and baa played anly
against right handed pitching.
Bat the Beavers think a lot af
the long lean gardener and in
sist hall regain his prewar
stride soon. A slight leg mascle
train has also been hampering
Carney la his first appearance
. with the Senator crew
Speaklng of the Beavers (and
they've been spoken abeat late
ly), despite the holes la their
bats they aren't the loaslest
hitting elab la the PCL. Both
Oakland and Sacramento are
below the Portlands In latest
averages. Bat Oakland Is in sec
ond place. So the Beaver pitch
ing has aomethiag to do with
the clab'a lethargy toe. Bat then
'we'd best net be pepping off re
the Portland pitching else one
Lair Gregory decides the Marv
Owen crew should have one or
two ef ear Senator allngers. He's
already try lag ta write the Be
voa late placking off George
Vice, the so-and-so Gregory,
SAN DIEGO. Calif, May g
(JP)- The outright release ef four
San Diega Padre players aad
the option of another was an
nounced today by President Bill
Starr. Released were Johnny
Hill. Joe Gedsios. Giles Knowles
and Klrby. Jordan. Pitcher Joe
Farla waa seat to Spokane ef
the Western International league
an option.
BOSTON, May 8 -OP)- The
Braves tonight released Lefty
Larry Powell, a pitcher, who
waa signed last week one day
after he had been released by
the Red Sex. The Braves also
announced option of left handed
Senator Swal:
Salmon 38 11
Gunnarsn 7 3
H Pet.
2 .187
1 .187
1 .143
3 .125
0 .ft!)
0 .000
0 .000
e .000
Kowalski 12
Adam 8
51 30
98 33
13 8
Bartlmei 43 13
Wenner 43 13
Malgradl t
Summeis 4
Tallin 3
Sodn brg 3
Cerkin . 8 8 1 000 3 7 8
KowaUkl .. . 4 4 8 1 0OO 31 12 1
Gunnarson - 3 3 0 1 000 11 1
Fslhn 3 1 0 1 OOO 10 18 0
Adams 4 0 0 .000 0 0 0
Janeway 1 0 0 .000 0 0 0
Sfrderburg .1 0 0 .000 4 1 0
Oregon Nears
Division Title
SEATTLE, May 8 -(JP- The
University of Oregon took a run
away lead In the northern divi
sion baseball pennant race today
by crushing second place Wash
ington 8 to 3. Lehl of Oregon was
touched for 11 hits by the losers
but kept them scattered except
for the fifth inning.
Oregon see 332 g hi
Washington . 000 030 000 3 11 3
...Lehl aad Rodiger; Jorgensen.
Cole (3) and Constantino.
Leslies Defeat
Pa rrish Again
Leslie's Minlonir ies. with
eighth graders predominant In
the lineup, scored their second
straight victory over Parru-h on
the Leslie field latt night, rolling
to a lopsided 12-4 win behind
the 5-hit, 12-strikeout hurling of
Jim Moore. The southenders
blasted Parrish ace Frank Ohborn
for six runs in the first frame and
were never in danger. The two
teams wind up their series Fri
day at Leslie.
Leslie 12 10 2
Parrish 1 5 4
Moore and Cnsnmlngs: Osborn.
Stevens (t) snd Howard.
Amorican Loacjuo
W'ednesday Results :
Chicago 000 310 3A3 10 17 1
Boston Xa 030 12 14 17 4
Haynes. Grove 3l, Papiah (41. Cad
well (7 1 and Tresh. Fernandas (Si.
Harris, Ferris (8) and Wagner.
St. Louis . 000 000 001 1 1 0
New York 300 OOO 90 8 7 3
Zoldak and Mancuso; 'Chandler and
Detroit "mo 010 0001 4 1
Washington 000 000 0000 j 1
Newhousor and Richards; Wolff and
Cleveland .. 008 000 0000 T 0
Philadelphia 000 001 001 3 0 4
feller and Lollar: Knerr. Savage (3),
rown (I) Androeor, fr Saute is (Si.
THe Ilorrov; Company
Pkona 59S5 153 S. Liberty Ray E. Morrow
that Is The AF bays la
Seattle are already convinced an
Frisco Edwards, witness their
Tuesday morn release: The way
ex-Umpire Frisco Edwsrds elab
Is going, the other club owners
are beginning ta rase tha am
plra field to see If they find
aomebsdv else among tha band
its In bine who can manage a
team Into eleven straight vic
tories." ..... Wander If they
were looking Bill Skiffs way
when they wrote that? j
Metric Peterson, brother af for
jner state champ Buddie, weald
be a natural far the local fistic
co reenters, bat they'll have to
wait awhile. Morrle Ym la the
merchant marine and ; la avail
able only now and then
This may be so much space
waated time Wednesday's scores
are In. bat have yea noticed
hew both the Boston Red Sox
and ear Senators have parallel
ed one another with respective
win binges? Right Hand Man
Bob Keuscher has been Insist
ing fsr a week that the Red
Soxers are setting the pace and
the Saiema are following it
nightly. The streaka started
abeat the same time, went
through a pair ef Sanday doa
bleheaders aad. up to Wednes
day's games, were neck snd
neck st 12 Keuscher main
tains the Frisco Edwards flock
will last Just as long- as the Red
Boxers, so come en yea Besn-
towners! Incidentally, the
Saiema are making like the Boa
tons In another route also. Both
elabs have been asing the all
eonquering home run as a cen
vineer Sports Briefs
pitcher ace Williams to Seattle
of the Pacific Coast league.
SEATTLE. May t -(VP)- The
rniverslty of Washington golf
team edged out the University of
British Columbia divot brigade
today 14 to IS ta gala revenge
for a trimming Buffered earlier
In the season at Vancouver.
Staff, young left hand bitting
catcher, has been optioned by
Seattle of the Pacific Coast
league to the Memphis Chicks
of the Southern association,
fttagg previously had been op
tioned to the Yakima Stars of
the clasa B Western Internation
al league.
Angels Thump .
Beavers Twice
The high-flying Los Angeles An
gels, getting steady twirling from
Yank Terry and Cliff Chambers,
thumped the lowly Portland Beav
ers twice today, 4-2 and 3-1. Ter
ry spaced nine Beaver blows in
the opener while southpaw Cham
bers allowed only five hits in the
seven Inning afterpiece.
Both Angel chuckers just miss
ed shutouts in chalking up their
fourth victories. The lone score
off Chambers was unearned,
Portland Manager Marv Owen
getting aboard on Wimpy Quinn's
two bae muff and scoring on
Frank Shone's single in the fifth.
The Angels meanwhile clubbed
Dick Barrett for two earned tal
lies in the third and added a gift
run on two hits and Shone's error
in the sixth.
In the opener Terry kept the
Beavers scoreless until the ninth
when two runs came home on
Harvey Storey's double, singles
by Tom Turner snd Jim Bather
and a wild throw by Dewey Wil
liams. Los Angeles catcher.
Porttaad Lot Aateles
4 3 10 Mallorv 3 4 12 3
3 17 0 Schuster .a 4 3 4 4
4 0 0 0 Sawt r 3 S 1 0
Smith. m
Manu r
Storey . I
I S Chrsph.m 3 3 3 0
Dobbm 2 4 1
1 Qulnn 1 3 3 11 0
1 Archie 3 3 113
2 Olsen I 4 110
3 Williams.c 3 18 0
0 Tetr.p 8 0 0 3
Turner. c
l.lska p
I Holm
118 0
1 1
8 0
8 0
8 0 0 0
18 8 8
0 0 0 0
Totals 33 8 34 13
Batted for Liska In 8th.
t Batted for Brown In 8th.
t Batted for Che-tkovich in tth.
I Ran for Turner In Stfi.
Portland . OHO OOO 002-3
Los Angeles . 003 003 00 -4
Errors . Smith. Brown, William
Runs batted in- Schuster. Quinn 2.
Turner. Two base hits- Christopher.
Storey. Home run Schuster. Stolen
bases Quinn Sacrifices Christopher
Double plays Brown to Dobbins to
Barton: Owen to Dobbins to Barton.
Llska to Baitnn; Mallory to SchuMer
to Quinn: I.iaka to Brown to Barton.
I-efl on bases- Portland 7. I -O Angeles
8 Baaes on balls - l.Uka 3, Terty I.
Strikeout - Lisas 1. Terry i Bits -off
I.tika 10 In 7 Innings; Terry 0 In
8: Chelkovicli 1 In 1. Kerned runs -I.iaka
4. Terry I. 1-oainf Pitcher - I-la-ka.
Umpire Heard. Loran and Ko
be r Time - 1 42 Attendance 4731.
Second same:
Portland 000 010 01
Los Angelas ... 003 001 3
Barrett and HoJm. Chambers
W O O D B U R N-Mrs. Pat Mc
Laughlin and Lee Withers turned
out the best approach shots at the
Sunday golf session at Woodburn
golf club. Thirty players were on
hand to make the rounds and par
take of the no-host supper. Trie
fourth Tuesday of each month was
designated tha monthly play day.
New (Record!1 Win-WacEty SoDoms NoticEi
13th Straight With 8-5 Nodi Over Foe
ROCKT KOAD: The World Champion Detroit Tigers were depending aa these fear hurlers for a repeat
this year, bat ta date the oartet la having- trouble all along the line. Paul (Dlxay) Treat. Virgil (Fire)
Tracks aad Al Benton (left to right) have been In and out with performances, and Hal Newhenser
has been shelved by a bad elbow.
W L Pet. W I. Pet
Salem 13 0 1000 Victoria 1 .417
Tacoma 7 S 22 Spokan 4 .333
Wanachse 7 .533 Bremrton 4 .333
Yakima 7 .417 Vancouvr 4 .333
Wednesday's results: at Wenatrrtee
S. Salem (10 Innings); at Tacoma 4.
Bremerton 1: at Spokane ll. Vancou
ver 0; at Yakima 7. Victoria 0.
San Fran, M 14 .050 Hollywod 18 20 .474
Los Anals 34 IS SIS Sacramto 10 3S .410
Oakland 33 17.575 Seattle 10 33 .410
San Dieaot It 31 .475 Portland 14 34 36
Wednesday's result : at Ijou Angeles
4-3. Portland J-l: at San Diego 0. Hol
lywood 8; at Sacramento 1. San Fran
cisco 0; at Oakland 9. Seattle 13.
St. Louis 13 087 Pittsburgh 10 474
Brooklyn 11 047 New York 10 .474
Chicago 10 S2 Cincinnati 10 444
Boston I 500 Ptuladelph 13 .379
Boston 19 3 SS4 Chicago 7 10 412
New Yrk IS 8 714 St. Louis It 400
Detroit 11 10 324 Cleveland 8 13 333
Washingtn 10 .444 Philadelprt 18 .2M
Oreroniaas In the majors
- what
r- RBI
i :
Uiey Sid Wednetdav:
Peskv. Red Sox 5 4 8
Doerr. Red Sox 4 18 1
Gordon. Yankees, unplayed
Whitman. Dodgers, unplayed.
Vikings Play
Albany Today
Boasting a 2-2 record In Big -8
league play. Salem high's Vik
ings wUI try to make It three
wins today tn a three o'clock
baseball game with Albany's
Bulldogs at Waters psrk. Coach
Harold Hauk will shoot either
Bud Craig or Rod Province at
the visitors, the latter having
rejoined the team thla week.
The balance of the team will
find Dick Allison behind the
piste. Dei Kleen. Dick Hendrle.
Roger Dasch and- either Craig
or Carlos Houck in the Infield,
and Warren Valdes. Bad Mc
Kinney and Bob Funk In the
oatfleld. The Vikings dropped
s clooo 4-3 decision to the an
beaten Balldogs at Albany
earlier this spring.
Action Slated
For Linksmen
Starting- with today's 18-hole
Roodles outing;, both man and
women at Salem golf court e face
a full weekend of play. Today's
18-holer will be the first of the
season for the Men's club Thurs
day outings. A 2-ball mixed four
some tournament is set for Sun
day afternoon, partners to !.
drawn by lot. Kenervations for
both the tournament and the din- j
ner which IS to follow in the ,
clubhKi.e afterward should be
made not later than Friday vnth !
if... r i .. i . i sntxv
"- " i( iJiuumi tJ" Weber i7l. lmhardl and Anrier
morning). It Will be the flrt son; Sru.un. I.amb-rt il. Hetkl (10)
tcil outing of the summer sea- i nd l-nnnno.
on for the mixed mashie wavers.
AMITY Pitrher Nauman of
Amity Wednedny twirled a 1-0
win over Dayton and pushed his
learn to the leadership of the
Yamhill county league. Ho whiff
ed 18 batters and allowed four
Look Different
Feel Different
Wear the FINEST in custom
tailoring and get tlpe BEST of woolens
from the LARGEST Mock in the Male.
"Tailoring from a ftatch to a netv garment.'
10 discount to ex-servicemen.
Room S Dowxiaaairs. 1st Nad. Bonk Bide.
Pnona 21995
Red Sox Rack No. 13
As Pesky Sets Record
t -'V '
,';" "';V. r 1 ...
t ,.
f t " - f
fr,' - -. J I'- f
JO 1 ' V f
' t a
4 !
LEADING WAY: One good rea
son why the Boston Red Sox
are the big- guna In the Amer
ican league Is Johnny Pesky
(above), former Silver ton Red
Soxer. Peky is hitting far over
.400 and yesterday scored six
runs sgainst the White Sox to
break a record while his mates
were racking up their 13th
straight victory.
Staters Beat
Vandals, 7-0
MOSCOW. Tdaho, May 8-;PV-F.xplodmg
in the first inning with
five hits, including two doubles,
the Oregon State Beavers today
shut out the University of Idaho
7 to 0 in a northern division base
ball game. Chuck Sauvain, OSC
hurler. gave Idaho only four scat
tered hits.
OSC 500 002 0097 Id 1
Idaho . 000 000 0000 4 4
Sauvain and Wegner; Aner
and Viro.
PORTLAND. May 88 -P)- Ore
gonians were asked today by the
state game commission not to
carry off fawns they think have
been deserted by the mother doe.
Usually the fawn is not deserted, j
the commission said, and if it
should be. s gme officer must
be notified.
National Loaguo
Brook!) n
oofl OdO 104 8 18 2
013 010 WKI- 5 10 0
mane. nrumi u'. i'm .
Bnston OOO OOI I. 10 - S 3
Cb !.. 010 30 10 14 I
Javery. Sinslrtori 3l. Reid Ci.
Wtilihl 8i and Mi. Poland i7i. W)sf
and Livingston.
New Yor k
Koslo and
imo OOO 010-1 0 0
oimi ooo ouo- o a o
Lombaidi. Ostermueller
a nd Ba k rr .
Philadelphia .
St. Louis
. Judd. Srhiri
Beaziev. Dickon
001 02 OOO 3 7 2 j
OOO 140 00 5 8 1 i
iSl and Seminick. .
ii and Kluttz.
S " 'i t
Johliny Scores
Six Sox Runs
BOSTON. May 8-m-The
American league leading Red Sox
set) a new club record of 13 con
secutive victories today by out-scoring-
the Chicago White Sox,
14-10, in a game which also saw
Johnny Peky, star shortstop,; set
a new league record of six runs
scored in a single contest. Pesky
erased a mark Lou Gehrig set in
1936 and equalled the National
league mark set by Mel Ott in
1934. Pet-Ky hit four bingles in
five official times up.
At Philadelphia Bobby Feller
coasted behind a five-run Cleve
land third dnning to beat the Ath
letics with: six hits, 5-2. At Wash
ington Lefty Hal Newhouser
pitched anything but like a man
with a chipped elbow in beating
the Senators for Detroit, 1-0, on
twa hits. I Roger Wolff allowed
four for Washington. The Tigers
turned in the league's first triple
play of the season for Newhouser.
And at New York Spud Chandler
pitched himself a fine game be
fore 14,095 by setting the Browns
down with three hits for a 5-1
ictory. It was Chandler's fifth
straight win.
In the National league Brook
lyn bounced Cincinnati, 8-5, ; on
Don Padgett's pinch homer in the
tenth; Hank Wyse twirled Chica
go to a jO-5 nod over Boston;
Steve Kolp of the Giants hand
cuffed the Pirates for a 1-0 iic
tory, and; the St. Louis Cards
kayoed the Phillies, 5-3, at St.
Louts in a night game.
WIL nesnlis:
Wednesday :
Bremerton t 001 200 000 03 t 1
Tacoma .. ' 100 010 100 14 1
Barisoff. Curran (8) and Volpi; Mar
tin and Kemper.
Vancouver L 000 OOO 000 0 1 11
Spokane . .'. 023 03O 04 II 14 0
Snyder. Chnover tr), and Spurfeon,
Cadanha and Paulson. , 4
Victoria . I 000 OOO 000 0 T
Yakima : 0O4 O30 00 7 8 1
Jensen. Btankenahip 141 and Myers.
Muarahy !; Strait and Gibb.
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Tenth Inning
Rally Does It
Cerkin Wins Sixth!
Vico Clouts Homer
WENATCHEE. May 8-(Special)
It was tha same story for tha
Salem Senators tonight -only Jt
took longer.
A three-run rally In tha ninth
inning to tie tha score and anoth
er three-run blast In the tenth
won the ball game for Manager
Frisco Edwards' flock. 8 .to 5, over
the Wena tehee Chiefs. And with
it went Saiema 13th consecutive
Western International league vic
tory without a single defeat for
a new league record. Yakima won
12 at the outset of tha 1938 season.
The Chiefs had a 5-2 lead go
ing into the ninth and had scored
all their runs off Rookie Claude
Janeway; But George Vico then
slammed one of Gene Babbitt's
serves for a home run, with one
man aboard. Bob Caviness walked
and Al Kubia Redoubled him home
to tie the score!
In the tenth, with two out, two
singles and' four Wena tehee walks
gave the Senators their winning
The Chiefs were able to get but
one man ott base In the last two
innings after Thin Man Steve
Gerkin had replaced Janeway for
Salem. Gerkin got credit for tha
win, his sixth straight..
Salem has already clinched the
thre e -game series here, which
winds up tomorrow night. Vico's
homer was his third of the season.
Salens WtaaUhee (3) -
l.urhesi.m 8 14 8 Harrgtn.s 8 118
Baitlmi.3 9 1 3 3 SteUerJ 8 3 3 1
Summrs.l 4 0 3 0 Wasley.r 3 8
Viro.l S 3 13 8 Adams.l 1 1 11 1
Wenner .3 8 113 Barr.l 1 .
C aviness r 4 8 3 0 A Schmt.l 3 8 3 1
Kublak.s 5 13 8 rSfhml.3 3 18 3
Salmon c 4 3 8 1 Bertlttl.m 3 1 3 S
m 3 1 3
l.e 3 8 0 1
: p 1 8 1 3
i i 4 0 i I
I.P 0 0 i I
Janewy p 3 18 3 rtugrld.i
Crawfrd 118 8 Babbitt
Gerkin p 0 0 8 0 Haskell.;
Kerr.c 10 10 J.ritgld.p
tArnott 0 8 8 8
Totals 44 13 30 10 Totals 37 38 1$
Batted for Janeway In SthT
t Ran for Salmon In 8th.
Salrm 100 100 003 3 8
Wenatchee . 100 003 000 05
Winning pitcher. Cerkin: losing
pitcher. Babbitt. Innings pitched by
Janewav 7. Gerkin 3. Babbitt ti. fltt-
ferald . Hits off Janeway 8. Cerkin
. Babbitt 13. Struck out by Jane-
wav 3. Gerkin 3. Babbitt 8. Bases on
! bails off Janewav 3. Cerkin 1. Babbitt
8. Fitzgerald J. Left on bases Salem
14. Wenatchee 8. Home runs Stetter.
f Bertoletti. Vico. Two-base hits Sal
j mini. Waslev. Kublak. Runs batted in
, Vico 3. Stetter, C. Schmidt. Berto-
letti. Kublak. Wenner 3. Brrors Ad
ams. Barr, Janeway, Stetter. HasteveU.
ritzrerald. Wenner. Sasrtfices Bab
bitt 3. Time 3:43. res Rtce aad
SILVERTON. May 8-Special)
Silverton's Silver Foxes scored a
run In the ninth here today to
nip the Woodburn Bulldogs, -3,
in a Willamette Valley league
game. Carl Wickam of the win-
! nera allowed six hits and was
aided by a four-run blast by his
mates in the first Inning off
Woodburn 'a Andrew.
Wood turn 101 2 5 C t
Silver ion ..... 400 000 1014 10 S
Andrew aad Gay; VTtckaaa
Phone 6508