PAGE SIX The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon, Thursday Morning, May 9. 1946 Miss Yocom Is Honor Guest Miss Roberta J ran Yocom. pop ular June bride-elect of Don Kox of Eugene, was the honor guest t a smartly a tranced party Wed nesday night when Miss Mary Elizabeth Sisson entertained at the home of her parents, Mr and Mr. B. E. Sisson, on Center street A crystal shower feted the bride-to-be during the evening. Contract bridge was in play with late supper following Bouquets J of pastel spring flowers provided the decorative note. Honoring Miss Yocom were the Thyra Jean Curiey, Jan ice Nelson, : Marianne Imjw. Doro thy Kenney, Maxine Wagner. Judith Moxley, Margaret Bellm fer, Evelyn Jory, Helen, faicv Wallace, Jane Kmd'.fy. Florence Duffy. LaVerne Htui--berger, Mesdames T. W. C'n'ci h, Brown E. Sisson, Kt!rh Ym. Brute W. Carkin. William McEl hinny, Stuart McElhtnny. Hfiija anin Whisenand, Warren ).. iatlc nd Miss Sisson. Dinner Fetes Miss Small Suzanne Small, daughter of Mr. nd Mrs. Brazier Small, was )von ced on her loth birthday Tues day night when her mother enter tained at a buffet dinner at the Small home on South Church Ueet. The table centerpiece was of green and white with arrange ments of dogwood and lilies-of-the-valler. A decorated cake was t one end of the table. Honoring Suzanne were the Misses Jane Carson. Barbara and Gloria McClintock. Deiores Ham ilton, Dorothy Bergsvik, Mmam Sheilenberger, Cathy Moran. Bar bara Sundet, Avis Stetmer. Pat Agee. Gloria Myers, Peggy Pax aorv. Harriet Huston. Dnrn Dixon. Joan Randall. Peggy Seers. Patsy K tokens. Midge Newton. Dolores Clement, Manann Crotsan. Joan Iched and Madeleine Keene. Mrs. Xathaa Stelaboek. Mrs. Abe I. Stem bock and Mm. Louis C. Epstein were in Portland Tues day to be guests at a luncheon for which Mrs. Leonard Subotmrk was hostess in honor of her sif ter. Mrs. Robert Siegel of Seattle. Mrs. Siegel plans to crwne to Sa lem later for a visit at the Stein bock home. Korea t gveata of Mr. a4 Mrs. Daniel B. Jannan were Mr -sind Mrs Robert Jackson of Santa Monica. Miaa reggy MauMl Ft. Dedge. Is. recently discharged from the i my nurses corps following serv ice in Belgium and France, is a Eijt In the home of her brother. . J. Boland, and family. h f -:. xr '4 1 Society Clubs Music The Horn Taylors Are Honored The many Salem friends of Mr. and Mrs. J. Dale Taylor regret to learn that they are leaving for LaGrande to make their home. Mr. Taylor has already left for the eastern Oregon city where he will be with the Snodgrass funer al home. Mr. Taylor has been In the, mortuary business in Salem for 2(5 years. Mrs Taylor and daughter, Bar bara Jean, will leave the first of June to Join Mr. Taylor. Miss Taylor is graduating from Leslie junior high school this year. The Taylors" son. James, will be mar tied on May 26 to Miss Betty Jeanne Smith. The GKP club, of which the Taylors are members, entertained with a farewell dinner at the Friendly Farm with cards follow ing at the Harvey Loveall home on Mission street. Honoring Mr. and Mrs. Taylor were Messrs. and Mesdames Wal ter Nelson. K. II. Pickens, Earl Barham. W. F. Foster. J. E. Van Wyngarden. Guy Irwin, J. F. Bil leter. W. C. Pickens. Thomas Roen. Harvey Loveall and Mrs. May Gile. CLUB CALENDAR THl'RSDAI Pring Pleasant Point Social club with Mrs E. S. Coates. 1541 Stat St.. all day. Thursday club with Mn. Karl Kugel. 735 N. Capitol at. 1:3 drrt luncheon. St. Joseph's Mather, at St. Joseph's achool. 2:30 p m. Sojourners. deaaert bridge, Salem Woman's club. 1 pin Salem General hospital aux iliary. YWCA. 10 a.m. Pi Beta Phi alumnae. Mrs. James Humphrey. 1730 Tair mount. 7:30 p.m. Marine Corps League and aux iliary. Normany Manor. 8 pm. Woman's Benefit auociation. Old l-alw Temple. p m DeMolay Mothers noon lunch eon. Masonic Temple. Brusn Collet Helpers with Sirs. Charles Glare, t p ni. FRIDAY Notth Salem WCTl'. Mrs J. L. Batdorf. 14 Division street, I p m Nebraska and Dakota clubs hard Ume party. KP hall. 7 30 p n Music group. AAl'W. with Mrs. George E Allen. 1010 North 21st street. 2 30 p m Englevtood Woman's rlub with Mrs. S. L. Auman, B?3 Breyi. SATt RDAY Wesleyan Service guild. Jason lee Methodist church. Mothers tea. Mrs. Louts Lor en t, 343 N. 17th . 2 to 4 pra. Jason Lee Service Guild silver lea for mothers. 34 N. 17th street, 1 to 4 p. m Salens chapter. OCS. Masonis Temple, p.m. MONDAY Gamnte Phi Beta alumnae with Mrs. Bert Ford. JO dinner VTW auxiliary. No. 661. VrW hall. 9 m. 1 rour gift selection for ers Day made easy. . . ! A Vuillerhuts to grace Her lapel 2.95 the set B- V outing pigeon... one of many v&JZLZllC O Sparkling ttrcons . . .to MissBaillie A Bride Today A wedding of Interest to Salem friends will take place In The Dalles this afternoon when MUs Bonnie Beatrice Baillie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Bail lie of Salem, becomes the bride of Joseph Francis Glennie. son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Glennie of the Dalles. The 3 o'clock rites will be performed at St Peter's church. Mr. Baillie will give his daugh ter in marriage. She will wear a grey dressmaker suit fashioned with dolman sleeves and a black horsehair braid hat with pink shadow trim and pink accessories. Her flowers will be gardenias. Iillies-of-the-valley and rosebuds. Miss Donna Wengemoth of Sa lem will be the maid of honor and Mis. William Glennie of The Dalles will be bridesmaid. They will wear spring suits and carry pastel nosegays. William Glennie will be his brother's best man. For her daughter's wedding4 Mrs. Baillie will wear a brown suit with aqua accessories and a corsage of roses. A wedding dinner In honor of the couple will be held at The Dalles country club. After a honeymoon the couple will return to the University of Oregon to continue with their studies. The bride is a member of Alpha Omicron Pi. The groom was released from the service this winter after five years of service. Shower For Matron Mrs. Harold Colgan and Mrs. Hal DeSart were hostesses for an informal party Wednesday night at the latter's home in compliment to Mrs. Harold Dunsmoor. During the evening a shower was given Mrs. Dunsmoor for her new son. Roger. Late refresh ments were served by the host eases. Honoring Mrs. Dunsmoor were Mesdames Harold Bacon, Moody Benner, D. A. Huston, Robert Worral. Grant Fallin. Ralph Egg staff, Lawrence Fitzgerald, John Jelderks, Frederick Klaus, L. P. Morgan, E. Newland, Carl Pr Robert Stutzman. R. A. Wilkin son, J. E. Morgan, Gerald Brown bill and the hostesses. Mr. and Mrs. T. D. FltsJoha (Ernestine Loveland) of Chicago are parents of a daughter born Wednesday, .May 8, in a Chicago hospital. The little girl Is the first grandchild of Mrs. A. L. Harader of Salem and the first great grand child of Mrs. Julia Strand- and C. F. Loveland of this city. George McLeod of Berkeley. Calif., arrived in the capital by plane Wednesday :- to spend a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. McLeod. edge Her pansy 3.40 MUSIC WEEK CALENDAR THURSDAY Leslie junior high radio pro gram. 4:42 p.m., KSLM. University string Orchestra con cert. Waller hall. S 13 p.m. Salem high school chorus and orchestra concert, 8 13 high school auditorium. SUNDAY Junior students recital of Sae-. red Heart academy, at St. Jos eph 'j hall. 3 pm. Federated Music clubs pro gram, YMCA, 3 p.m. Music For Today Listed Two events of Music Week are scheduled for today, the first is a radio program to be presented over KSLM at 4:45 by pupils of Leslie Junior high school under the direction of Miss Alfrida Wahl. Participating are members of the girls chorus, a girls sextette and the string ensemble. Music by Humperdinck, Mozart. M o n a Zucca and Bach are included. At Willamette's Waller hall to night at 8:15 the university or chestra, under Bernard Barron will be presented in concert. As- - istin8 wil1 'be Dorothy Dietrick, soprano and Kathrine Schissler, pianist. PROGRAM Symphony In C Dittersdorf Allegro Assal Andante Allegio Vivo Symphonetta V'edral Carino (From Don Giovanni I Batti Batti (From Don Giovanni) Mozart Mozart Dorothy De trick Concerto in D Minor for piano and orchestra . Mozart Roman? Rondo Katherin Schissler, Piano Water Parted from the Sea .. Am Minuet from Eine Klein Nachtmusik . Mozart Allegro and Minuet from th Fir Music ... .... Handel Symphonetta Larry McCargar, son of the Donald McCargars. will celebrate his fifth birthday Saturday after noon when he entertains a group of his friends at the Fair mount Hill home of his parents. Games will be in play in the garden and later a birthday cake and re freshments will be served. Larry's grandmother. Mrs. George Lawr ence of Portland, will be here for the occasion. Mrs. Frank V. Prime, sr.. will preside at a one o'clock bridge luncheon Friday afternoon at her country home, "Lakelure," for the pleasure of her club. Mrs. Normajt Nelson (Jean McElhinny) of Lexington is spending several weeks at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles, S. McElhinny. IX and Alex DeSrhwienlta have returned from a sojourn at Pacific City. Ann Carson and Patricia Sev er in spent the weekend In Sil verton. Ann was the guest of her uncle and aunt, the Rex All brights, and Pat visited with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr1, and Mrs. George Manotis (Shir ley Severin). 1 '-"" T -ir- 'V 12.95 Betrothal of Couple Told At Dinner Miss Dorothy Boucher, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bouch er, revealed her engagement and coming marriage to David Ny berg, on of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Nyberg, at a smartly arranged dinner party Wednesday night at the Boucher home. The wed ding day will be June 23. A "cat out of the bag" reveal ed the betrothal news to the guests. A large white cat center ed the table with streamers ex tending to each place where min iature white bags with cats bear ing the couple's name and date marked places for the guests. Covers were placed for the Mise.s Norma Jean Newgent, Dorothy Boyce, Jean Gooden, Delphine Riney, Joan Remington. Ruby Buiriham, Betty For$ythe. Marilyn Ifjort. Corinne Knghal, Peggy Moritz. Trudie Meier, Evangeline McKinlay, Eleanor Crawford, Helen Furness, Mrs. Edward Boatwiight arid Miss Boucher. Miss Boucher and her fiance are graduates of Salem high school and he is now attending Willamette university. The bride elect is also a former Willamette student. Mr. Nyberg is now in business with his father as a tax accountisL He was released from the navy this winter after six years of service. Dinner Dance Held Monday Marion county chapter Ameri can Institute of Banking enter tained with the annual semi-formal dinner and dance Monday night at the Marion hotel. Covers were placed for 137 guests. L. P. Morgan, president, was chairman for the affair, and as sisting were Miss Lorraine Tay lor, secretary, and Pauline Turin, treasurer. The affair was also a welcome home party for the re turned veterans who were prev iously employed at the Marion Polk county banks. Special guests were Mr. and Mrs. E. S. McClain and George J. Greenwood of Pottland. Mr. McClain, vice president of the United States National bank, Portland, is assistant councilman of the American Institute of Banking of this district, and Mr. Greenwood, assistant manager of the Bank of California, is national vice president of the American Institute of Banking. , Friends of Dr. and Mrs. Eugene ! B. Sive (Anita Jarman) will be j interested to learn that they are now at home at the Miramar ho tel in Santa Monica. Calif. Mrs. Sive flew south ten days ago after spending some time here with Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Jarman. Dr. Sive is a surgeon In the southern city. a. j. j . t . 1 I , --JS ft i Mrs. Ralph Ilornaday. noble grand, presided over a- short busi ness session of Salem Rebekah lodge Monday night. The Three Links club will meet at one o'clock on Friday for a no-host luncheon. The ladies' auxiliary of the Patri archs Militant will hold a regular meeting tonight at 8 o'clock. Af ter lodge the drill team practiced for initiation which will take place next Monday. High School Concert Salem high school will observe National Music week with a con cert tonight in .the school audi torium at 8 o'clock with the inter ested public invited to attend free of charge. The concert will feature Salem high school girls' glee club, mixed choir and orchestra. Winners in violin. French horn quartet and orchestra division of the national music cont"st held in Eugene last weekend will be featured. Con ductors include Miss Lena Belle Tartar, glee clubs and choir and Vernon L. Wiscarson, orchestra. The program is as follows: INDIAN SCENE Girls Glee Club Love Song (Red Willow Pueblo Tribe) - Lieuranc Merle Rhoten -Flutist By th Waters of Minne- tonka . Lieuranc Girls Triple tflo Bevertv Gustavson at the piano Wi-um Pueblo Lullaby ) Lieuranc Alaine Winkle, vocalist II Five Choral Number Girls Glee Club Com Down Laughing Stream let . Spross The Chestnut Tree . . ., Schumann-Aschenbtenner Old King Cole - rr. Forsyth So s I Can Writ My Nam . Spiritual I Love Llf . . Mana-Zucca-Spross Beverly Gustavson accompanist III Five Choral Numbers Salem High School Choir A Wood Song Lester Dedication Franz-Cain Hold Out Yo' Light Spiritual Send Out Thy Spirit .. . i Schuetky Gloria from 'Twelfth Mass" . Mozart Shirley Dean accompanist IV Salem High School Orchestra Intermezzo from L'Arlesienn Suite Bizet Cavott . Cluck Pilgrims Chorus from "Tannhauser" Wagner French Horn Quartet Dick WhiUey. Shirley Sogge. Glen Garrett. Norman Lindburg Pizeicato Polka Strauss Spanish Dane No. I . Reh field Violin Solo, Donna Jane Mackhn Accompanist. Jewell Guef'roy Phaon (Ton Poem! . Johnson (Additional society cm page t) a quilted casual lor a dozen duties made a hit when you give her a wardrobe They're the Indoor Casuals she's always wanted I prettier, smarter, cushioned in comfort. pgTTi-roi Satta puma dclicaie embroi derf to make it cocapany-facd. BAGS... i of Winning Beauty IN the iVeir and and I Your handbag means so much i SO Select Quality and Stylish Bags Here Select a useful Gift for Mother's day Arbuckle's Inc. 431 STATE STREET SHOES For Omph5es drobe i A tailored Oomphie to work house-a petit point pump for an informal f i I r i ! 1 m 2 - S97 - voeea cotton g ALL Beautiful Styles Materials HANDBAGS Mother's Day about the hostess Mister, you've of OOMPH1ES1 rrrtrr aiong ' Muiti-impcJ QUUTINO PAtTT Haeoa taillc txit aatlr eoabroi dcrrj for elect ax.. '4 n "3 1 H i u 1 3 3 8 'J ! 1 Miller's