Th OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon. Sunday Morning, may . rAGC nine i :l V . ' ... I y It's you, lovety My, ' extjuisitt hit (retted foe tmfettmmt summer moments, t Yours to choose from m exeitmg tolUttion'of new y I tweettna krnmi MttA rns hrmli a . I r - oce ftmmmf bomnett. 5.95 stlO-00 Miller's Federation Convention Scheduled flub women from over the ttate will attend the .'tfith biWitnul coii veutton of the Oregon r'eileration of Women's clubs convention. Monday, Tuesday and Wednes day. Sessions are mostly sched uled for the First Christian church. W. E, Kimsey, labor commisf sioner for Oregon will be speak er at the Monday morning session. Elmer F, Nelson of the Sari Fran cisco office of the OPA will be the afternoon speaker. The junior clubs will be in charge of the evening session. Other speakers are to be Mayor Earl Riley and Dean Buena Mans Tuesday's schedule includes the president's breakfast at 8 a. m at the Heathman hotel: business meeting; talk by Miss Dorotha Moore of the state department of education and Junior luncheon. A tea honoring past president of the federation at the art museum is also scheduled for Tuesday. Chan cellor Frederick M. Hunter will speak briefly at the evening ses sion and the address will be given by Dr. Harry Newbum,," president of the University of Oregon. Mrs. Walter Argo, secretary of the Prison association will be the afternoon speaker. Officers will be elected during the day's bus iness session. Mrs. George Moor head, Salem, state president, will be- in the chair. Concluding affair is the ban quet to be heldat the Multnomah hotel Wednesday night. Speaker will be Dr. Katherine Bain, direc tor division of research in child development, Children'1 bureau, Washington. D C. Governor Earl Snell and Mayor Riley will be guests. Mrs. Roblin to Head Daughters Mrs. C. E. Roblin wis elected regent of Chemeketj chapter, Daughter of the American Revo lution, at a meeting held on Sat urday afternoon at the YWCA. Miss Ruth Rulifson will be vice regent: Mrs. J. W. Shipley chrto lain; Mrs. Cf. C. Geer, recording secretary; M'rs. H. G. Henderson, corresponding secretary; Mrs. H. J. Ostlind, treasurer; Mrs. H. Clark Roberts, registrar; Mrs. J. G. Heltzel, historian; Mrs. M. A. Pekar, librarian; Mra. Edward West, musician, and Mrs. J. W. Harbison, director. CLUB CALENDAR Oiatotio H-ir!v concert. First Methodi! church. 3 p m. MONDAY Aiiimian legion autiliaiv. Woman's clubhouse. 7 30 informal Initiation. Kpamsh Anxrnrtn War Veler- n and auxlitai). VrW hall. 8 m Dtiilit-i of Nile, trviini 10 S id . lunihron, I p lit , Mnonit Temple Wnlyan Service guild. Fir! Methodit church. Mm Ruth and Mis Phehe Mt Adams, S. irtii SI p III. Parnsti iiiniui lush radio pio iam. 4 45 KNl.M Ralph Dohlw piano runrrit, Wallri hall. Slip m. TirDT Chadwirk chapter. Order of rastcrn Star. Muonic Temple, p.m. Misaouri anxUiarv with Mil. E W. Harland. 1SS State at. I to 4 p in. Yomarco clasa. First Mrthodnt chtiVrh, with Mrs. A. A. Keene. 42 N. Winter St. 130 dessert luncheon. Annual mother-daughter ban quet. First Christian church, S:30 p.m. Central WCTtT wtth Mrs I. Dorcas. 1930 N 19th t . 2 p.m Business and Professional Women ensemble. Waller hall, IS pin WEDNESDAY WSCS Jason Lee church, board meeting noon. I pjii. dessert luncheon. Women's guild First Congrega tional church. birthday tea, church parlors. 2 30 p VL Circles of WSCS. First Method ist church, meet at 1 :IS p.m.. e-et-utive boaid of WSCS meet In Carrier Room, 43 in. South Salem Friends Mission ary society with Mrs. J. Rar Pernberton. 1455 S. Commercial st . Mav breakfast. 9 am. Parrish junior high music fes tival, high school auditorium, p m "The Forest Prince" operetta. Ieslie junior hign school, S p m. THlRSD.tV Pnngle Pleasant Point Social club wiUi Mrs E. S. Coates, 1541 State st . all day. Thursday club with Mrs. Karl Kugel. 735 N. Capitol st . 1.30 dessert luncheon. Leslie junior high radio pro gram. 4:45 p.m.. KS1.M. University string orchestra con cert. Waller hall. 8:15 p.m. Salem high school chorus and orchestra concert, 813 high school auditorium. FRIDAY North SValem WCT17. Mrs. J. L. Batdorf. lOS Division street, S p.m. UNliAV Junior students recital of Sac red Heart academy, at St. Jos eph's hall. 3 p m Federated Music Clubs pro gram. YMCA, 3 pm. The Spanish American War Vet erans and auxiliary will meet at the VTW hall on Monday night at 8 o'clock for a regular business meeting. Additional Socielv JSQ8aS3B3Bi,t,4W i : ' 1 I I I :t St ! Is ;s il !i !l f ;I J i V I On Page 10 i I sSSSSBSSSSSaBBBBBBBBMBBSSBSSSSSSSSaiaBMSSSSSSSSSa 1 I lr x 9121 anil arrange to liave ymr -4 I fur .xtorrW Iirre for thr Muinnirr. And fv&L' j I at your request they will lie cleaned, )t& yUrr I I &i f;lazeI, remolele! or repaired. Our ex- rI l" ' I t ert l,rr'ers advise you carefully U I f Z- V)CJ . . . give you individual attention and - 4fj pr J I 1 r U make vour old furs ltok like new. P ' 1 FUR STORyjQ. FACTS 1 By storing your furs with us you are assured of vaults kept at just the right temperature . . protection c against moths . . . fire and theft . . and you can conveniently arrange to have any repair work or remodeling done. f 4 if, H h I f i i 3! y. -','' ' V. ' V " " .' L ' . ' T . ' - r .. - " ' ' 5 .5 'UiVf - ";. " ' -"H. , I . V. UH ,. 4 if- . i i'i .'it- 1 ; . f ,1- ; i .T l..6' ' V " ' ' Ixok for the famouaj ' i 5 Vs : rushiou inset at tK j Si"j ! of each Pernssv -' I ; r? ' """" lift Bra Cup. . j Another "Ificlory Success NX i I ' - 7 $ yeitv last-fine 1 j r So much deenU on your hra that4 kIiv it's -H4 important to rhoe care fully. Vour "Perma-Iift hra will give you that young, firm, smooth hust line iiiifiortant for totlay'.s fashion. The famous cushion in. set 4 at the ha.? of each hra cup gently support your host from hclow give you undreamed of comfort. For a Htylish, youthful hutlinc, ak for a "IVnuadiff Hra America's Favorite. There's a stylo just for you. r Us, i I' ttf. : Si 1 I i if- 1 -Kf. I t I Price's Mill .- ?4 J 135 N. Liberty ' I .7.v.ywt-ws-..K.yl-y i nss.w.- f-y?-