The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 05, 1946, Page 7, Image 7

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    Music in the Air ...
Marking the officio! opening of Salem's observance of Na
tional Music week will be tne concert th:s afternoon by the Sa
lem Oratorio society under the direction or Dean Melvin Geist.
The program to be given :n the First Methodist church at 3
o'clock is free, and open to the public.
Josef Schnelker, new member of 'he Willamette school
cf music faculty wiil be organ soloist, Ralph Dobbs will be at
the piano.
Various churches are joining in the observance, with spe-
- cal music programs aurm j tne day.
The music department of Parnsn junior high school will
present 15' minute program on KSLM at 4:45 Monday. Miss
Gretchen Kreamer will direct them, Jim E'lictt will announce
the program, the chorus will sing several numbers, Charles
Da hi en. accompanied by Shirley Dean will play the hern, Vir
ginia Benner will play a piano solo.
Ralph Dcbbs wil! appear m piano recital at Waiier hail at
8:15 on Monday night.
The Business and Professional Women's' club chorus un
der the direction of Jessie Bush Mickelson will be heard Tues
day night at Waller hail. Parnsh music festival and Leshe's
cpere:ta are on Thursday.
A daily Music week calendar, listing events of each day
will appear in The Statesman. Program for the oratorio con
cert and Ralph Dobbs' program aie to te tound elsewhere on
these pages.
Major and Mrs. Farley E. Mogan pictured on their skis
at St. Mcritz, Switzerland, iwheje they spent their
honeymoon, following their marriages cm March 15 at
Frankfurt, Germany. Th bride, the former Nell Young
cf Portland, daughter cf Mrs. N. L. Young, went to Ger
many by plane In December. The groom is the sen of
Mrs. Frank Megan cf Saiern. The ;cup!e wiil return to
the states this summer and will live in Salem. He is a
member cf the general staff council of military govern
ment in Germany.
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Mr. and Mrs. Gene Irons GMarilyn Vyatt), narried cn
April 28 in the fireplace room of the First Presbyter
Ian church. The bride is the daughter cf Mr. and Mrs.
Robert W. Wyatt and her husband is the sen of Mr. and
.Mrs. Earl S. Irons cf Denver. The couple will l5ave socn
for Denver to make their home. 'McEyam pho'o).
Society Clubs Music
Carolyn Brown a Bride Today
By Jeryme English
Statesman Society Editor
Misrj 'oroly'n Brown, daughter cf Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ivan Brown,
will change her name to Mrs. Charles L. Offen this afternoon at 4 o'clock
at , the First Congregational church. The groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
R. :W. Offen of Topeka, Kansas, arrived Thursday for their son's marriage.
Dean Daniel Schulze will officiate before a spring setting of lilies and
snapdragons. . Lighting the tapers will be the bride's cousins, Miss Betty
Lou Brown and Mrs. Gene Irons (Marilyn Wyatt). Wendell Johnson will
play violin selections and Mrs. W. H. East wiil be the organist.
. Mr. Brown will give his daughter in marriage. She will wear an ex
quisite Victorian -model cf white marquisette, fashioned with full skirt and
fitted bodice. The high round neckline is edged with a row of orange
blossoms and a vide ruifled bertha enhances the bodice. The skirt is de
signed with ruffling which begins in the front and forms a cascade of ruf
fles in the back. The long, full sleeves end in cuffs edged with orange
blossoms, "
For "something old'' the bride is wearing her mother's fingertip length
silk net veil held in place with a single band of orange blossoms and
caught with a cluster cf blossoms. She will wear marquisette mitts with a
ruffled cuif outlined in orange blossoms and her small Victoria nosegay
will be of gardenias, lilhes of the valley and pink rapture roses edged "With
a net ruffle.
The Honor Attendant
. Miss Jere Simmons will be mend. Her gown is of mist pink Ia--
fashioned with a full rk.rt long sleeves and a low rounded neckline. She
will wear a blue flowered hat with blue grosgrain ribbon streamers and her
blue bouquet will be cf bachelor buttons, ins and sweetpeas.
Robert D. Brown, r.. cousin of the bride, will be best man and seating
the guests will be Thomas Hill, jr., Ollie Williams and Reid Shelton.
, For her daughter's wedding Mrs. Brown has chosen a navy blue sheer
wool costume dress with which she will wear a white feathered hat and
white accessories. Pinned to her shoulder will be a white orchid. Mrs. Of
fen will attend her son's marriage in a navy blue two-piece suit with pink
accessories ar.d pink orchids.
The newly weds will receive al a reception in the fireplace room. The
bride's rable vill be centered with a tiered cake encircled with lill es cf the
valley. M:?R Lena Belle Tartar and Mrs. LuVerne Hardwicke of CorvalSis,
our.t cf the bride, will pcur and Mrs. Robert W. Wyatt will f-ut hor ms
cake. Mrs. Ralph H. Campbell Is i:i charge cf the dining rcom and Mrs.
Ollie Williams will pass the guest book. Serving will 'be Mesdames Dean
Trumbo, Arthur Thorn of Portland. Har'and Sheldon, Merle Hayes, Ewald
Franz, the Misses Barbara Bentley,' Marguerite Iverscn, San Francisco,
Dorothy Brown, Portland and Gladys Edgar.
After a trip to the coast the couple wil! drive east to Topeka to live. Fcr
traveling 'the bride will wear a chic brown wool tailfeur with brown lizard
ehoes and bag, and a white straw hat ti.mmed with brown lilacs.
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Lt. Gg) and Mrs. Walter L. Berg Ocsemary Bell) whose
marriage took place on April 27 at the First Congre
gational' church. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs, Lloyd V. Bell and her husband's parents are Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Berg, Tacoma. The couple will live in Taco
ma this summer while he completes his studies at Collage
cf Puget Sound. He arrived several weeks ago from the
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'"Yueen Paula I, left pictured with her prince;
terson, who ruled over the 40th annual
lamette university campus. Queen Paula, I
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Smith of Sfaytcn.
Hanauska. last year's queen, at colorful cere
pus Saturday afternoon. Miss Case s the
and Miss Patterson is the daughter of (papt. ai
lem. Highlighting the traditional May coicnc.
chain by 4CT sophomore women and the win A May weekend ball in honor of Quee
day night in the campus gymnasium, bringing
lis photo).
Wisteria Dance Parties Slated
sses. Virginia Oase ar.d Janice Pat-
May weekend festivities on the Wil-
private life Paula Smith, daughter of
received he? floral crown from Betty
monies in the May court on the cam-
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Case
d Mrs. Frank B. Patterscn. all cf Sa-
t:on were the formation cf a daisy
ping cf the Maypole by the junior
Paula and per court was he'd Sa ur
the festivities to a clcse. ;Kennell-El-
- j
r '
Wisteria Dancing club members will gather for the
at Veteran's hall with Claude Bird's orchestra playing,
committee includes Messrs. and Mesdames A. H. Fish,
Gibson. New officers will be elected during the evenin ;
Numerous parties are being arranged to precede
will be hosts for an informal party before the dance ct
include Messrs. and Mesdames H. M. Lucas. Floyd Boy
J. Deane Patterson. Frederick Klaus. Deral Jones, Ru-rse'.
Fred Lewis, Louis Lorenz, Carl Soas, Stanley Krueger
A. J. Becker.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Edgar Reay and Mr. and Mrs. L. J.
the dance at the former's home on Stewart street. A fe
Bidden by the hosts are Messrs. and Mesdames C
Fish. Paul Hale, Evert G.vens, John Ramaae, Harold C
Young, E. Burr Miller, Jacob Fuhrer. LaVerne Young. Ru
Onistad, Stanlev Kruegr, Stanlev Smith. Floyd Seams
cugh. J. Deane Patterson, Robert McEwan, Jack Fish c!
Mr. and Mrs. J. Parker Lmeberry will entertain with
cn North 14th street. Covers will he placed for Mes-rs
Estill Brunk. Bjarne Ericksen, Lloyd Sanders, David H.
Klaus, Roy Hitchock, Miss Muriel Lindstrcm and Day ion
ana loncw tne annce. r..r. ana Mrs. iaua rest
their home on Bluff avenue. Their cru-35t3 will
vers, Estill Brunk, Mark Vilbur. C. V. McCabe.
Eeutler, Wal'er Bell cf Stay ten. B?rt Walker.
ariley Smith, Max Aifcid. Loran Spaulriing and
ast semi-fonnal party c tV,p eason Fr:i7y r.i-3ht
A sports dance is schrdu'ed fcr June. The
i ; t r vy fi?. i n
niairnifn, n. r. dux.t, i . iic:er ana nex
Sewart are arranging a large party to precede
ature of the party win re a fmorgasoorl buffet
jrroll Tord. Robert Drisccll. E. J. Zwasrhka. A. H.
:!gon. Charles Kidweil. Dcuaias Yeater. Denver
sell Beutler, C. F. Putnam, Edward Mak. Carl
ier. Estill Brunk, Floyd Bcwes. Bryan Gooden
Silverton, Dent Reed, E. E. Ecring and Cla:d
a midnight Supper after the dance at thlr herr.
and Mesdam-53 Rursil Peut'er. Fleyd Bowers.
Cameron, Lawrence Lister of Portland, Frederick
Robertson. r .
Miss Yocom Sets June Date
Saturday. June 8 has been set as the date for the
cf Mr. and Mrs. Ray A. Yocom, and Don Fox, sort of Dri
couple's engagement was revealed in December.
The evening ceremony will take place at the First (
reception following at the Elmer Daue home.
Mr. and Mrs. Yocom, who left last month to piake t
est daughter's wedding. Mrs. Yocom expects to: arrive
plane later in the week.
The popular bride-e'ect will receive her degree frc
ber of Alpha Chi Omega and the Spinsters. Her fiano
cal School. ;
Wedding Plans Are Revealed
wedding of MT33 Roberta lean Y oeerr. dragher
. and Mrs. Ifvi.n H. Fcx cf Eugene. Th ycur.g;
rongregaticnal church at 8 o'clock with a large
ielr home in; Chicago, rthnn fcr thatr youni
the first of June and Mr. Yoccm will come by
:i 'Willamette university in June and Is a mem
? is a student at th Un.veisiiy of Oregon Medi-
v. eccngs a
rid ara the incentive for rrrjtch er.lei-
rhau will be married cn Friday af tern oon at her
L. C. Warnplers and her fiance is the son of Mr.
with the Rev. John L. Kn'cht officiating. Lighting
ne ?-!urdock. Mi3s Ea::h Fairham wili sing end
fatlier, has asked Miss 'Clarice Bus3?lte to b
n. The reception wiil! be held in th? fireplac
em 1o live. .
May brides-elect are busy making plans for; their
Miss Marion Lou Wampler and Lawrence M. Fe'.df
ecroritv house. Pi Beta Phi. She is the daughter cf the
and Mrs. John Feldschau.
The afternoon ceremony will take place at 4 o'clock!
the facers will be Miss Thelma Wilcox and Miss Lorra;
Miss Evelyn Johnson will be the pianist.
The bride, who will be given in marriage ;by hert
her honor attendant and Howard Mader will be best ml
room. After a wedding trip the couple will return to Sa
Welch-Miller Voivs
The First Presbyterian church will be the setfina far the marriage cf Miss G'enna Faya Milter,
daughter cf Mr. and Mrs. Homer R. Miller, and Thomas J. Welch, ensign. United States maritime
eervice. sen of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar H. Welch of John Day. on Saturday, May 11.
The Rev. Chester V. Hamblin will perform the nuplials at 4 o'clock. Miss Edith Fairham will sing
and Mrs. Ralph Dcbbs will be the organist. Lighting jthe tapers will be Miss Joyce Reeves and Mis
Betty Welch. ' '
The bride, who will be given in marriage by her father, has asked her sister. Miss Lorraln Miller,
to be her honor maid. Bridesmaids will be Mrs.i Kenneth DeHut and Miss Betty Haynes. Harry Velci
will stand up with the aroom a best man. ! .
The wedding reception vill be held in the church parlors.