The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon. Sunday Morning, May 5. 1946 pjicznvr Dntty Mews UBirneffs Tb Oregon Statesman Telephone 9101 HONOR SPANISH STfDENTS Sigma Delta Pi. national Span ish honorary society, has elected ; Carola Hays and Patricia Carter tt Willamette university to mem bership in the national organiza tion, it was announced this week by Prof. William Moellering of the university'! language depart ment. Since Willamette does not have a chapter the initiation will be held at the University of Ore gon on May 19. 29 Model A pick-up. 2 new tires. 3 good ones. 494 Univerity St. PARKED AUTO DAMAGED The parked car of L. B. Starke t 925 N. 14th st. was si ties wiped Friday afternoon, according to po lice, who stated the driver did not stop. Police said the licence number was obtained and traced to a Portland man. Free mothproofing for your fur coat. Store youf coat and get your coat mothproofed. Price's. 135 N. Liberty St. Phone 9121. TWO II I' ST IN ACCIDENT Clyde Hayden, 2209 N. Front at., and his passenger. Raymond Gascon, route 3 box 796, received chest injuries in an accident in the 1900 block of N. Commercial street. Gascon was the only one hospitalized. Haydcn's tar collid ed with one owned by Dean Trumbo, box 271 Silverlon id . ac cording to police. Both cars were badly damaged. Just arrived, battery farm service radios. Alio record changers. B. F. Goodrich Store. 198 S, Com 1. O hi I nary Mr Malirda Cmpton. t a local aptl 1hura M.y 2 Survived by tntm duntcrs. Mr. fieor. Cunn. j &fcrrn . Mrs l-ur Welch, lxn( Beach, j C.if. and Un. Geneva Tamer. Fall Crr. Ore : two auns, John J. and Lee A. McAllister. r t Salem: three bradieYa. Ben F Townend. Salem; Maurtrt Townsend. Turner, and Harry Tmoietid Independertce. two sisters. Mr. Joaepfune Hoffman. Salem, and Mr. Lena Lunnnbaucn. Portland IS grandrntklren and 10 K' giandchil-l alren. Services be I, eld Monday. I Mv f. at 3 30 p rn in the Cloufh-Rar- i rrk chapel with interment in City I lew cemetery. Sjeaefeev Cnaxles Earnest I-etrher at his rem- 1 eence. IN S. Liberty strret May 2 Survived by a sifter. Mrs Artie M. j Eflvards ol O r.lloa. Mo Anroun-e- wnt t services later b Clough-Bar- ' nek eompanjr. I Marshall JeOn S Marshall, late resident of ', rout . Salem, at a loral hospital May 1 S at the are ol SS -jr Survived bv j him wife. Mrs. Mai caret Marshall of KaJem: four daughters. Mrs. Mildred ! XrCtllura of Lelton. Mont , Mrs i Nina) Smith of Mill Vallev. Ca'if.. and 1 Mrs. Grace Kufiier and Mrs Blanche fcnwtinini of Saiem; four sons. Dana. Frank. John and Ray Marshall, all of Salem: and nme arandi-rtlldren. Serv ices will be held Monday. Mav S. at 2 is. tn tie Ciourh-Bamck rhanel with ftev. W. Harold Lyman off loaltnir. In terment In Belcrcst Memoi lal park. Ilarktnl Sandra Sue Storkard. late resident mt 2313 North River road, at a local has pita I. May 3 Surviving ate her notice r. Mrs R T Scnuh of Sclem: brotner. Owen Stnckaid of Sale-n. grandparents. Mr and Mrs R. H KUackard of Hfrn niun, Oregon, and Hummel of Wndlrton. anil an aunt. Mrs Carol i'appa of Salem Serv ice Skill be held at tle tlouh-Har-nrtt chapel. Tuesday. Mav 7. at 2 p rn ttr Rev. Dvtdlev Strain officiating lnt.rm.nt In Bekrrst Memorial park UNION GROUP ELECTS F. D. Van S weringen, business agent, building and construction trades council, was elected tem porary chairman of the Associa tion of Union Representatives at the group's initial meeting Sat urday at the labor temple. Perm anent election of officers was postponed to the association's next meeting, Friday afternoon, May 10. More than 40 Salem crafts are represented in the new association. Van Sweringer said. We have a nice 7 -room home very close to St. Vincent dePaul Cath olic church. This home has a full basement with automatic heat. Yard in good shape. Extra lot fac ing on Columbia also available. If you would like to see this prop erty call 9680 or 4035 Lee Oh mart and Co., Realtors. Open house at 1149 Rouge street. West Silem, 2 to 5 pjn. today. PGE GETS PERMITS . Portland General Electric Co" was granted permits Saturday by the Mai ion county court to estab lish electric light and power pole lines along county road 661 be ginning at the Scotts Mills city limits for 4250 feet and along 120 feet of county road 660 begin ning at road 661. Announcing the opening of Ma dam's Beauty Shop, Tuesday, May 7, in the Brooknook restaur ant building at Brook?, Oregon. Experienced operators, specializ ing in Helen Curtis Products. We "Can" guarantee a soft, natural curl for difficult hair and for the teen age. We are carrying a com plete line of Monigue Cosmetics. Stop in and have Anna M. Dun lav y give you a free cocktail make up. Phone 21182 for appointments. Betty M. Dunlavy, Manager. SCOITS ON CRUISE About 30 Sea Scouts from Sa lem, Jefferson and Albany are on a cruise today as guests of the U. S. coast guard on a CG vesel at Coos Bay. The group left here Saturday under the lead ership of Ted Roake and Dave Putnam of Salem and Carl Con nett of Albany, Canarie. Floral Section, Fred Meyer Drug. SCOI TERS TO HIKE The final session of the Cascade council senior Boy Scout leaders' training course takes the form of a sealed orders hike today from Pringle park at 2 o'clock, with !n Douris, training chair man, in charge. Flagstone for sale. Phone 21754. DETROIT NAMES FILED Ray D. Johnson and Ella John son filed an as.sumed business name certificate with the Marion county clerk Saturday for De troit Telephone Co. Painting and decorating. Ph. 7552. Reroof with Jnhns-Manville shin gles. M; tins Bros , 164 S. Com'l. Phone 4642. The States man1 Inquiring . . Reporter . . Today's question: Do you favor continuing the OPA as it is, or witB. the amendments proposed in congress, or doing away with it? - H. L. Edling, Argo holel, state representative of the retail clerks anion: 'I think OPA should be extended for at least a year and all rents should be controlled by it, to keep condi- vl lions under con- trol. In the event that O P A is .f Vv-s I i CJ I. A-t n'l 1 tVA t 1 contracts we are 'lif f now negotiating will be open for revision accord ing to clauses in them." Mrs. Elmer Cook, Kingwood drive, West Salem, housewife: "Price ceilings on certain mer cha ndise pre vent it from en tering the mar ket. Supply and demand should solve the prob lem. Sooner ;'or later we will have to revert to it, so we might as well start now and stop OPA completely." Vance McDowell. 920 X. 19th st., secretary Oregon Farmers U n ion: "OPA should be kept intact for at least a year un til we can catch up in production. It ought to be made to work without the loop holes made pos sible by the pro- TO TALK ON BAD CHECKS "The Bad Check Business, in which some 10,000 "artists" cost the nation several millions of dol- j lars each yea'r, will be discussed j before Salem chamber of com merce Monday noon by Ray W. Clark, operator of St. Trancis ho- 1 tel. Portland, and president of the Junior Hotel association' of Ore gon and member of the Northwest Check Investigators association. Wanted, alteration woman. Esther Foster's, 260 N. High. ROAD MAY CHANGE Marion county court Saturday authorized the county engineer to acquire the right-of-way and to establish a county road on what is now known as Cummings road at the intersection of mar ket road 36 and county road 705. "Cyn" Cronise Photographs and Frames, 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg. TWIN GIRLS BORN Twin girls were bom to Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Benson, 1195 N. 15th st., at Salem Deaconess hospital, Saturday. The couple have one son. PROF. CLARK TO SPEAK Observance of Willamette day at Dallas Methodist church today will include two addresses by Prof. W. Herman Clark, head of the physical science department of Willamette university. He will appear before the adult Bible class and the whole congregation. River silt top soil it fill dirt, Com'l. Sand & Gravel. Ph. 21966 DAUGHTER BORN A daughter was born Friday to Mr. and Mrs. Mike Porter, 220 Fairview ave., at Salem Deaconess hospital. Furniture upholstered and re paired by expert workmen. Mc Alvin Top Shop, 545 N. Church St. MRS. BROUN HOME Mrs. Clark Brown, 211 E. Mil ler st., took her infant girl home from Salem General hospital, Saturday. Air-Steamship tickets anywhere. Kugel, 7694. Wedding pictures taken at the church. 520 State. Ph. 5722. FREED OF CHARGES Mrs. Marie Houck, who was charged with assault and battery after an altercation with Mrs. James Stiles on March 30, was free of the charge Friday on an order of dismissal by justice court. The dismissal was at the request of the private prosecutor. Missing: 2 girls, both 14 yrs. of age; one 5 ft. 2", 130 lbs. Dark hair, wearing a yellow flowered dirndl, white blouse & black car digan sweater. The other girl is 5 ft., 115 lbs. Reddish blonde hair, green skirt & yellow Si green top. Both are wearing glasses. Anyone seeing or knowing the where abouts of these girls call 9231. COURT MEMBERS LEAVE Five members of the state su preme court will leave for Pen dleton Sunday where the fall term, of the court for eastern Oregon opens Monday. There are only two cases on the docket. SON TO STAVTON COUPLE Mr. and Mrs. Anton Moravec, Stay ton, are the parents of a son born Friday at Salem Deaconess hospital. "H6llv"Says: The Smart Way to buy a diamond ring is, after all, the most simple war. Come in and select the size stone you wish; we have hundreds from which to choose. Then . select the mounting best suited to your individu ality. We will assemble them toj make just the rin? you want, the perfect ring: made up to your own personal desires and at no extra cost. Just another one of "Hotly Jackson" personalized serv;ces. Jackson Jewelers 225 No. Liberty Opposite Paramount Market 1 If. I -l4r r M Ir 1 "I think OPA 'p ';r if'l ' isi2 . ? 1 .... i ff; i-A their fel.-w-J H ri ' S SERVICE In crder that we rray Qive tne utmost in Service r.-oth in So lorn and away from S'jiern w maintain conne-:'ic r.s .Nation ally wHh ineinbers of We Joilowina arcjanizatior.s: A.ociatel Funeral Directors National Funeral Directors As-sociMir-n National Selected Morticians All State Funeral Directors Asoci.. ti ns. Leston Charles Howell-Edwards Funeral Home (Walker-Howell & Terwilliger- Edwards) S4S N. Capitol - Phone 2C7Z posed amendments before t ress. j Mrs. Paul Poirier. 1445 S. 13th st., housewife: should remain in until things are plentiful again if it takes a year or two. If concerns know that the OPA will stay until that time, 1 1 think they willl be more free bring out merchandise." Guy Mcllone. 1771 N. Cottage st., used., cars: ?'OPA doesn't ope- i rate efficiently in the used car business. Private car sales aren't i 1 1 . j A 1 1 Ci - ' comroiieu bi nil while dealers ti. have to !, make ' 1 worn fet.t- mnts on every f v . ' t r a n saction. If JiUv,,. ,,1 PA wefe lifted immediately, car prices would go down within a month or two." Eala Krurer, croeery cashier, 444 S. High st. "It should be con tinued as it fs. 040 "t4 It couldn't be jf V lmprovro anna s, any changes! ( 4 1 1 would rn! v rnn. I i , fuse people. It H f ' ij helps keep prices IV- fA down herein the! i I DeoDle have lots of money and will buy scarce commodities matter what the price i. ROOF FIRE OUT Damages were slight iri n roof fire at 1280 Nebraska It Satur day, according to Salem firemen who put it out. Lawnmowers - farm tool. Sharp ened at your door-966 Center, Ph 9081. STOLEN CAR RECOVERED Police Saturday recovei-ed an abandoned stolen car in the 700 block of D street. It bore license plate number, 333-794. For home loans see Salem Fed eral, 130 South Liberty. TOWN SEND MEETING Townsend club No. 2 will meet in the courthouse at 8 p.m. Mon day. Free mothproofing for your fur coat. Store your coat and get your coat mothproofed. Price's, 135 N. Liberty St. Phone 9121. ELECTRICAL Installations and Maintenance -Bir Bishop 'Jimmy' Irs (i.I. Hex Kanipv "Km" Meredith. G.T. Oorjre Huhert Chromalox Side Arm Water Heaters Wall-Air Electric Furnaces Thermador Wall & Portable Heaters Loyd McCain, G.I. "George" Ryland VJack" Quinn, G.I. GEORGE ELECTRIC Range W iring - Repairs - House W iring 250 Court SL Nights 2-1004 or 5145 Phone 2-1680 - i t Celebrating t ? mmm mm I V -esSS4 f K-X-X-X-X-XvX-y xxJ :? sM.w.w.v.y-w.w.w.v.v.v.v.V. .'. . . n t LVAftaai Its th ANNIVERSARY Supplying Salem with the Tools off Business Since 1926! Twenty years ago this month the ownership of the Atlas Book Store was assumed by W. I. Needham. As Salem in the past twenty years has progressed from town to city proportion?, so, too, have our facilities and business grown and expanded. We take the occasion of our Twentieth Anniversary to thank individual and bus iness friends in Salem and the mid-Willamette Valley for their continuing patronage and support. For the future, as in the past, Needham's pledges careful attention to and capable service of the stationery and office equipment needs of our customers. IT ft !' pound kcs j-J r i Exclusive Representatives fr: Colunbia Ribbon r Carbon Ilfg. Co. Ribbons. Carbons St Duplicator Supplies Repair Service: Fountain ren Manufacturing: Kubber Stamps. Notary and Corp. Seals Exclusive Representatives for: Allen-Wales Adding Machines Electric St Hand Adding Machines - Exclusive Representatives for: Diciaphone Corp. j Acoustic Si Electronic ; Dictating Machines Cxeleslre Representatives fer: Globe-Wernicko Wood St Steel Filing Cabinet. -Office Furniture Filing Supplies. Cabinets St Furniture Fxclosiv Representatives fer: Rex-o-grapb Inc. Direct Proce?s Spirit Duplicators WITH THIE FIRM SINCE IT S FOUND I'M G 5 . - - '. " . u ' t yLjjL , .r.: '7 . W. I. Needham Senior Partner, General Manager and Buyer R. M. Needham Junior Partner Tn Charge of Office Machinery & Supplies, Commercial Stationery F. Alfred Williams In Charge of Office Machine Service' Dept., Seal Si Stamp Manufacturing NEEDHAM'S BOOK STORE 465 STATE ST. n hi . . SALEM, ORE. TELEPHONE 5802 -.hfli i-r-- ..v..v. av Jessie 91. Davidson : In Charge Greeting Cards & Social Stationery Complete Office Machine Repair Servicer Typewriters, Adding Machines. Dictaphones. Duplicators, Numbering Machines & Check Writer iAnf'-jyllislSs i 1 r KA