Thm OREGON STATESMAN, Salam, Oregon. Sunday Moraine May S 1948 face nrrmr Now York Stock Quotations NEW YORX, Al Cbem A- Dye Americai Can Am Pow 4 Lt . An Tel At Tel .... Aaaconoa Atrlinn Beta Steel Boeusf Air Cuim Pae ... CaW Pee. Cam J J Chrysler Ctovltk Sou v cms. .snssm Con VMt ... Coot lea Crew a Zl CurtiM Wr. Douclae Air ... May (API Today -MM Gen. Food M I Gen. Motor m, ) Goodyear Ti .193,iGt North pfd M(.int Harvest )M lnt Paper pfd iOJ jj. Manvtlle 17"'Kenneco1t 44', Lon BeU A . U'i'Maytac . 44 '! Miami Copper .. . lHUIMonl Ward . 4,.'Nah Kelvin JS'.Nst Dairy r.NY Central M iNortrt Am Co . Northern Pac Pac Gas Elec ; Pan American .. . '' Penny J C closing quotations: . 53 Radio Corp 15 . 72i Rayon ier J7, 73', Reynolds Met 37',, . M !Safewav 30T 91!Sears Roebuck 47", 1 23 ' Sinclair Oil 19. 155 So. Pacific M'i MVStan Brands 52 30' ' Stan Oil Cal 54 13'. Stew-Warner 'j 16 IStudebaker 29. M'i'Sun. Mining 20. 21 ! Union Oil 27 43 !Un. Pacific 155 . 23 Un. Airlines 3 35;Un. Aircraft 29 29 U. S. Steel B2 44. Warner Bros 50 20 West EI Mfg 33 55 I Wool worth . 99 Salem Markot Quotations ' The pries below supplied by a lo cal grocer are Indicative of toe daily market prices paid to growers by Sa lem buyers but are not guaranteed by The Statesman: PortUad Produce PORTLAND. Ore.. May 4 (API Buttert a I irst quality, maximum of J of 1 per cent acidity, delivered in Partlaad, 32-52: premium quality anarosmae JS of I per cent acidity. U-U'bC: vaiiey routes and country ajotma. 3e ana than first or SO-SO1. Butte AA prints, l-31c: cartons. U-U: A grade prints. 5U-51c: car tees. 51-aac. B grade print. 50-5 1 c. Cbeeae Seilteg price to Portland re tailer: Ores-on triplets. 33 13c: loaf. Xlle lb: taut price triplets to whole aaJera, Jc: loaf JS.5C. rsvrs Te retailers: AA grade, large, 4c. a eree. 42c: medium. 39c: small (puUet). S4c. (Hareriaves from fanners: cur rest reeeapta. 35-3: buyers pay 5- 10c aWe ble celling price on others. Cairaess Buying price of wholesal ers 4 No 1 grade broilers 1 to 2 lbs. n-Jer; 1 to 3 In. 30-32c: roast er over T It.. 31 -32c: colored hens. M-X7c; Lea-hern bens. M-21c: roosters, tags. 14-tor Rabbrta Coetrmtieiit celling: aver age twin klfied to retailers. 44c so: live prtre to producers. 23-24c lb. Turbeyo Basts buying price, dressed basis: hfM, 36c lb.; toma. 30c lb. net t faraoa. Drissis) turkeys Packer' selling price ( retauiers: Breeder hens. 39 40c: m Miter pack young Men. 4pc lb. Ook Oregon green. No. 1. 80-85c bwnhfi, Oregon dry. No 1 S3 01 eo-lb. ear. Texas yellow 3.00. white was J8 Potaaoee Local Burbank. S3 00-3 73 eantal: Matto. 3 99 cental: Dechiitrs. Ma. No. 1. 4 00-435. cental: 25a. SI 05: XJ. Oar; Mew Florida 3-15-3 75 bag Potaa California Iun( White No X. 4 0O-4 10 bur.dredwe4tt. Veal AA. 23c. A 21: B 19-11', c: C. t?-!7; cuJ. H-ISc lb. Ks?m raac-y block toe lb. Lnbe AA. See; A. 24c; B. 21 c; C SVC. Haitaa-Fancy A 13 l-4c: M. 12c: X (ratt. 0-jar. Beef--AA. 21: A. BO: B. It 3-4c. p 1 eanner and cutter. 13-I4c: canner and cutter bulls 14c. Caarara bark Dry stock. 20c lb. Wool Government control. Mohair 1944 12-month. 45c lb. Hay Whoesale shipments: alfalfa. No. 2 or bettv 131-34. oats and vetch, mixed hay. va'ley growers' price. $24: clover hay. (21. baled on farms. Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore.. May 4 (API t'SDAI Salable cattle for week 1. 017; total 2106: aalable calves 170: total 287. Compared week ago. market steady to 25 lower: part of early loss on dairy type cows recovered but market again under pressure late: bulk good, fed steers 18.25-17.25; top 17.60: on good rholce grades: common-medium 12.00 18 00. Good heifers 18 00-18 85: com mon down to 11.50. canner-cutter cows 7.50-10 00: mostly 8.0O-9.5O: fat dairy type cow to 11.50: medium-good beef cow 12 00-14 00: good beef bulla 13.25 14 00: sausage bulls 10 00-13.00: good choice vealers 18.50-18.00; one head 18 50: culls down to 8.00. Salable hogs for week 453 total 395: market unchanged except feeder pigs 25 higher. All barrows and gilts 1.80: sows 13 03: stags 14.50-15.05: with 70 lb. dork, good-choice feeder pigs 15.00 to 16 25 Salable sheep for week 93; total 13. 0. fat lambs all classes 25-50 cents lower; common medium grades older iheep setady. most good-choice lambs No 2 pelts 14.00: best wooled lambs 14 75. good-choice spring lambs 14.75- 15 00: Rood shorn ewe 5 00-50: wno'-d fi up to 650; few good 67-74 lb. spring lambs as feeders 18 00-17 00 BUTTER, EGOS AND POfrLTKT Sabjert to caaege without aotte BUTTERS' AT Premium . .54 No. 1 33 No. 2 ,. JO BUTTER PRINTS A B Quarters EGGS Large Mediums Standards Pullets Cracks AS .46 J7 JU .24 a v- asv ivj ... - - , .,, . - -w LIVESTOCK By Valley .'ac' l Beef steers h JO to J3 Beef cows , .06 to Dairy cows .06 Ua ; M Vea Lambs, top Yearling Ewes Bucks Hogs. top. 160-270 lbs. 270-300 lbs. - Sows Jl to JO M to 12 00 to 14.50 13.00 to 14.00 7.00 to 11.00 2.00 to 6.00 2.00 to 4.00 15.43 14.95 POULTRY No. 1 colored hens No 1 colored hens 14.00 to 1430 J4 Jl Hard red winter: Ordinary 186; 10 per cent 188; 11 per cent 1 70. 12 per cent 1.72. Cah grain: No. 1 flax 3 10. Hard white baart: Ordinary 1.66; 10 per cent 1 68: 11 per cent 1 70: It per cent 1.72. Today's car receipts: Wheat 6, flour 17. corn 1. oats 1. millfeed 9. Stocks End Losing Week NEW YORK. May 4-tVFHStocks. with scattered exceptions, today concluded a generally losing week by displaying further downward tendencies. As throughout the C-day stretch. light selling was blamed mainly on the country's coal crisis, affect ing widespread industries, and threats of a railway walkout. Good earnings, dividends and splitup prospects failed to inspire much bidding in the short session. The turnover of 460.000 shares compared with 590,000 last Satur day. Closing declines ranged "from fractions to 2 or more points al though extreme recessions were reduced here and there or re placed with minor gains. The Associated Press 60-stock composite was off .3 of a point at 78.1, its fourth successive dip, and for the week showed a net decline of 1.2 points. Wallace Sprague On 'Parade' Staff Wallace A. Sprague, who be fore entering- the navy in 1941 Portland Grain PORTLAND, Ore.. May 4 (AP) Cih wheat bid: Soft white 1.66. soft white (excluding Rex) . 66; whute club 1.08; western red 1.66: hard red winter: ordinary 1.66; 10 per cent 168: 11 per cent 1.70: It per cent 1 72 RADIO PROGRAMS Sen. KSLM (tit ) KOIN : ke) KGW k) KEX (11M ke) isi is 4J4 66 Church of Air Radio Pulpit I Sunrise Saloo I IString Trio I I Song Time i - 1M fas 16 Aiblo Claea Teung People (Sweeney I .Tabernacle I I Eternal Light I 'News Name Speaks I Mi i of Israel Soathernalree mm Miie DRIVE IN GARAGE The Llorrov Company Phone 5955 153 S. Liberty Ray E. Morrow :! ra Pilgrim Hour 1 Learning Church Builder's Faith Dr. R Walker I Nat l Vespers : Prophecy I People's P'form Layman News Strictly Music t:IS I Garden Talks I Je eveeth'rt Ttme Reason Time 'Round Table I Stradivari I News : I 16 M I6:1S ! 3S 1:S Com Scott V. UoHy Snags Star Time IReader s Digest Harvest Star Cliff Edwarda 1 l Orson Well I- ilohn Thomas I Sammy Kayo I I II ' Neva II Keepeaka 1 1 J Cunntagn 11 -m worM . Symphony I Cavallaro Man's Family I Music Prerred I Dairy I South Border B'dway Rhythm tZ:f It Je Us) Newt) Ilka Cnaae - Lac Tag P4a.!Nelson Eddy iCol Workshop ! National Hour ! Cueat Orrti. Business Living Sports E DatMs Galen Drake Sam Baiter 1 - 1:IS 13 1 Mr nobby WUKi as s lasn iFamily Hour Symph. Orch. I Darts Gene Autrv IWm Shirer I Your Alley tm Tneae Webetere Otzle fk Harr'tt Catholic Hour I Missing Heirs t:l 1 I I I Cedric Foater I Hope Chest Oregon Album Counterspy : Q Reynolda I I 3:18 Srea The Opera Orchestra fchadow fnadow Honey Line !Jck Benny I- Stars of Today Band Wagon 1 News I I Hall Fame I Sun Party 4 Book Quia Mrs. Danbury Chas. M'Carthy! Drew Pear sea '-la I I D Gardiner 6:3s) Ambassadors Orchestra IFred Allen ! Music HaU 4:e 'Ned Calmer I s-ee l S:M S:4s) I . Orchestra Meet Archer Merry -Go-Rnd I Evening Hour Hrmoa In Song t New .Star Theatre Album Music Gabriel Heater 4 ' I- s-ea 6:1 J 6:S The uakaowa Take. Leave It 'Hour Charm jFanni ie Brice 'At Parky's I I Winchell iL Parsons I LaGuardia I Jim Ptdler Op porta arty Crime Doctor Gildersleeve (Theatre Guild .That Sossgf Blond ie .Symph. Hour 88 It J :ea New Thln'Mar W WUx-neli 'I Would Sav Sheila Graham ITreas. Salute Jack Benny I Enchantment I Enchantment f Quiz Kids a :! t:4S iD for Dsnfcr NBC Program Ra Matter i l- Ed TtMreraesi fPlayhse. Favor ; NBC Program KSLM Sporta I I I Sam Hsycs i Rep't to People (News Our Duty 16 le-JS m avm vaJ IFIve Star Final New I Veteran Mercer (Orchestia I RCA Show (Orchestra ' I Dance Orch Ambassador 1 1 38 11-16 11: 116 II - XUga Off fOrchestra fierenade Orchestra I New Silent i New Music 'Orch. NBC I News Bridge News. NBC 'Sign Off Rhythm 1 -X"tra He Table of Coastal Tides Ttsaaa asaapatad 8ur fait. Ore, ay tarn D rart aa Oeedstf Survey Sue Tbe -Ores; on Stat earn aa May High Low Tbm Water Time Water 131 a .an. fa 8 am. -13 4pm. III sm. 2 SM am. 6a -M e am -6 1 S 3Sp jn. 16 44 p m 3 1 We Can Da Year Job New Lawn Sprinkling Systems 25 Tears Experience Free Estimates Call 2.1(19 After 4 1 M. C. S. WHITCOMB CO. This is the IP " his is a microphone I rf manl. iwho talks into the mike... This KJ is what happens when you put (DdDME BRJ and hear for yourself what a hits difference this new "tittle ear" will make In your hearing. If yaw oa' mm fa, wri er peeae far BiMONITtATIOM ia yeor ewa be mTHI UTTLM fAr? Batteries for all Makes Hearing- Aids OTAMOIf OF SALEM . HUGH O. WARD, MGR. 4C Court St. Salem Phene ke0t Trt1 nrvn Ug5 ; Vlat- ,J Aa .00 o-- aot Dec. the two together! . . .Don't miss quizmaster TODD RUSSELL on.. IISLII Ml.uluiiiiji; (in) thiujilhiiiini full of fun,, action., prtzet Ssrfay . . . 6:33 p.n. . . . Ilninal Helwork ixniwiw-eeair: electric heotiao coats for otfcer keate ia this vidaMy. YEATEB APPUAIIGE CO. 255 N, Libert Phone 4311 was on The Statesman staff as editorial writer and assistant publisher, is now assistant man aging editor of "Parade," a week ly newspaper supplement, one of the Marshall Field publications He and Mrs. Sprague are living across the Hudson in East Orange, N. J. Dr. Gutmaii in Health Bureau Dr. Eleanor B. Gutman, recent ly discharged as a major in the army medical corps, has joined the county health department tof study public health work for sev eral 'weeks. She expects to work in the state health department. Dr. Gutman was the second woman commissioned in the army medical corps, and served for 42 months, much of it overseas in the Mediterranean area. She was in Berlin for several months be fore returning to this country. County Health Schedule Planned The Marion county health de partment Saturday announced the following schedule of clinics for this week: Infant and 1 pre-school Tuesday morning- at North Santiam. Tuesday afternoon at Field school. Silverton; Wednesday mornlne; at Turner: Thurs day morning at health office. ' Tuberculin testing Tuesday morn ing at Washington school; Wednesday morning at St. Vincent's school. Immunization Wednesday after noon at Brooks. Thurwrav afternoon at s .-m ' m an "I Prtn1' -hoo! Poly clinic All day Friday at J Rye Advance To Limit High CHICAGO, May 4--For the third consecutive session May rye advanced the full five cent limh today, closing at a new record high for any rye delivery on the board of trade. Fractional ad vances in active oats contracts brought them wihin lt rent of ceilings. Buying of rye represented cov ering operations by previous short sellers. Offerings were limited as there were no indications of tend ers of cash rye on the May con tracts. At the close traders re ported there were numerous un satisfied buying orders in the rye pit. Only 15 days remain for trad ing In May rye. May rye finished at $2.77 H. Oats closed unchanged to V high er, September 82i-4- Wheat, corn, barley and deferred rye con tracts were unchanged at ceilings. DAILY CROSSWORD 14 15 Stocks and Bonds Compiled by The Aaaoctated Pi aea May 4 STOCK ATUAGtl Indus Saturday . 109J Previous day 109.9 Week ago .107 6 Month ago . 107 6 Year ago . 87 3 It IS Ralls UU1 43 8 Ml 46 0 $4 1 44 1 54 8 466 54 I 406 436 BOND AVERAGES 30 Rail 103 J 103 3 104 I KM B Saturday Previous day Week ago Month ago Year ago 100 1 IS Indus 103 6 IU3 7 103 t 104 7 104 7 IS Utll 107 4 107 4 107 7 lua I 107 7 Stks 76 1 78 7t 3 7 4 63 3 Fogn 78 7 0 76 7 78 0 73.7 ACROSS 1 Wound edg 4 Often (poet.) 7 The beat Marsupial ( Auatr I 12 Speaks Imperfectly 13 Ruins of rlvtlltaOoa Performs A hlaeing sound ! Born 17. Dia trees signal 20 Cravat 21 Cheat 24 Penruryi vanla (abbr) 26 Lutecium isym.l 27 A cry 25 New Testa ment labor I tt Devoted 3S Resort 34 Golden variety of the Id 35 Leap over 3 Exclamation 40 Cavern 41 Biting 43 Flit 44 Man's nickname 45 Occurrence 40 24 hours 47 Marry DOWN 17. Silver cola 1 Careened I ID lnaut.1 U. Old Cngtlak 2 Mlachlev. (abbr.) oua persons It Fool 2 Foot -Ilk 22. High priest part 23. Sky-god 4 Weight fTeuL) (Turk 24. Honorary 5 A moat titles (recti (Turk.) a. One of the 25. Appearance Borlety 10 Holy Islands 31. Abraham' 7. Schema birthplace t Cereal 22. Cut closely grain 34. Baking: V0 An injury chamber II Agree 37. Saucy mm lee's Aaaaee St. Csrremonial cham bee (Pueblo) 40. Shore reeeea 42. TUle (Tunis! 43. Chop, aa wood ill3 ww z rr -sr- it r;r tj 7Z, TOyitiir zzztwmtzzz "i0"' 1 1 Mx YM A TOMATO) ( WILL GO V WELL N ) 7 TUlf? X I salad; DAQWOOO- " MR.MCLAR3 IS COMPLAINING A0OLTT COCOS WAUONG ON MIS LAWN r-1 J BLONDS TVte next time vour -SJ KIO TRESBftCCES ON MY I PPOPERTV lU-NOTIPVa TME POLICE' I M A TAX PAVER AND I J WkL ( MV! MS CEWTAINCV ) WAS AMOFTV' W-TT ( WW DID Mfi STOP ) gZfa TAUON6 CO X&1 T sT i - ( oo vdu Over ) TWV TO TALK ( WITH A TOMATO S. JXJGHAl0--VOR 0NK SN0FFV Tv frAN IS BRrKCR'N A TRCEO WILDCAT- J H6 AIN'T H6 AIN'T SKEEReO OF NOTHIN' WN ON THIS GREEN ZZSKUttO OF AIRTH AN' fX&TT HS BROTHER t. Vf' V RAZ08fKK"? BASNET GOOGLE I40W dast V MENTION VE-KNOW-WltO ONCXR THIS WX)F TOP!!! it rr? I tygr.Tr - w j i- . L.s.'i "r"-. . " """ J HAAArrA... MICKEY MOUSE HAnMVVONOCC WHATl ITD PCEL UKC TO BE A, REAL, GkHGSTVZ..? W, 7 'fUiS i At TI 1' V STlCk-UP, ! II OCCT BWW.. rsoesv, Bur...iur r hapd HAVE K WAJJPTOe CWikNOe ... ANL PAST ( OSCAR SAID l-C'sAS, BUT YA COKT I COULD ELOPE ) KOW 5USE LIKE TwrTsusiE-y KNOWS SUSS LLU THIMBLE THEATRE AMD OSCAR SAID I COUL& ELOP6 WITH ? (he djdT EM 7' I -A EljOPlN'il WIT; SLI C il V 4T : a.iuesr04Si J gw 13 v-r i n WE WILL SUE LXXJCLXi FOR BREACH OP PRQMISC 9 sr a. sr m 1 i a- , p V I V tail JUST, LIKE I TOLD YOU. KID AINT AT MRS. VAM LEIGM3 HOUSE ARE YOU Si iOF SURE I M SURE -THE STATION AGENT AT NOR SURG SAW HER STANDING ON TUe PLATFORM. WAITING FDR YESTER0AY5 BOUNO LIMITED- rJ 00 SHE LITTLE ANNIE ROONET ZZZ )TTTi r 5ME v , y Lj TAKE THE TUCN FIND our-CHECK WITH THE COH0UCTOQ ON THE LIMITEO-HES SOQ& TD REMEMBER A LITTLE 6lRL ICAVELIMG ALONE -FlMO OUT WHEAI SHJT OFP Pleua aaeii ase yoar 20-Baf illastrasca color booklet which sfaows assay modra bosoes whoa oaracts eaioy the luxun eas coosforc oi W ESIX electric bear sc rWO OIL EATII COST sbaa fur ordussry hid. I ceciose IO casus ta srsnnn to cover yam cost of nsnnina sad astsiiae. f My Nasse . Street No. or Surml a.oai 0ONV I 1 COT NOW, DON'T WORRY? OA0UN6 -YOU ARC SAFE NOW FROM THAT WICKED WOMAN WHO CALLS HERSELF YOUR, MOTHER iti fWrO IS T ?JT I DUNNO, sjiH ' 1 i -fj fi MTlr' i j-iMnna Lirtrur a m i i OrC OF THESE MEN 15 THE OUT- LAWRAnCE' kllllr. but thai GUN FIGHT LOOKS LIKE A FENCE .TTaV!!J . I ; L J n lk . I l ' I 61 I I 4 t. THE Cky LONE RANGER T -f 3