PAGE TEN .'Th OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon. Sunday Morning. May 5. 1946 I r ' V K- - iWbmen to Hear About MacDowell of the - 'Woman's club is to be ded- ; to National music week and 'I David Camtron, music chair- 1 m ill be in charge of the pro- 14 'i - rv:,-.,; I t '-'-4 L I I W I I tv"-? V ; ;4e" . aj . .-ytT" ! ! Vac : : w - I The Saturday meeting Salem lea ted JMrs. jun , jram. ;. Vernon Wiscarson. instrumental Instructor in the Salem schools, 'rill talk on the life and music of Xdward MacDowell and Mrs. Cameron will sing several of his compositions. Members of the organization, new within the past two months, ,wi!l be especially honored during ,-the meeting. They are Mrs. Harry iL Lucas. Mrs. R. B. Lecher, Mrs. ;Mr. . f. whittig. Mrs. Curtis a. rhis Attemoon by Oratorio Oroup ' o , , w t,i,i ...:n : r.; T,.,..- nr.. no recital Monday night at Wal- ' ic week is the concert to be giv- , i.. ler hall. Uobbs, memoer ot me 1 en by tne Mlem Oratorio society v. 1- Oils by two Salem OTtists are among those hung at the art galleries at Elfstrom's store, l eft is Arthur Selander's "Rainbow Habitat" and right is Loren Bouller's "Siltcoos Lake." Music Week Opener Scheduled For e hostess commutee tncludes : Mrs. H. P. Pickett, Mrs. Frank ; Brownell, Mrs. Clifton Mudd. Mrs. W T U 1 1 1 1 f 1 : x . u;uuru, itiis. r-. vi . iiiiut-ii, Mrs- Russell Catlin. Mrs. H. G Carl. Mrs. Frank Doerfler. Mrs ! school of music will play: Pietude and Fugue G Minor sr - . . . 1,1, D u V 1 ID. B. Kleihege. Mrs. Donald Bal- n!i""' l" MJr Hid2 1.- ic .1 j i Partitj C Minor Bach lentme. Mrs. Cathn and Mrs. Lu- car. lion i.iapounow CM Will pour. A boad met-tirig IS Preludr G imior Op 23 Rachn.anmolf , T . . - i . , l.tptrcliaun 1 Dance Stanford-GraintT : ta be held at 1.45 o clock. tr,.mezio E ia.inT oP. lis. No. 4 ' V' ' ' Bra(m Mrs. James W. Molt and her mo- 1 B:cus0 w chopm - , ... ... , , Scht-rzo B Minor Chopin t-UiW. Mrs. J. D. Walling, are leav- : -ej Vito" Variations Infante lk( Monday for a several days stay j fin Roseburg with Mrs. Marie Flint ' rMeCall, a former Salem resident. ! Jr rCXQtt H ill faculty of Willamette university under Dean Melvin Geist, with a V tht nrufst EATOX Personality paper EscKanuag group of flower-,a4d-color ileyer papera . . . fretted to fcrictt )u in lour fcuer.: !. j Speak Tuesday A luncheon is being planned by i members of the Salem Branch, Oregon Music Teachers associa ' tion on Tuesday at noon at the I Marion htel in the Marine room. Dr. Theodore Kratt of the Uni versity of Oregon will speak on "Music and the GI." Anyone in terested may make reservations with Miss Frances Virginie Melton. Josef Schnelker organ soloist. ine roiiowing program win oe $ eiven: I Three Choral Prrludci . . Bach Canon in B Minor Schumann Choral in A Minor . . Franrk Allegro M oder a to ;V'irt Toccata v,Wuor Josef Schnelker, oraaniat Landsigtitinif Grieg Joe DavU. baritone soloist Awake, Awake (From Die Meister- slfner) Wigner Let's Cheer the Weary Traveler . Dett Halleluiah Chorua (From the Mount of Olives) Beethoven Chorus, Salem Oratorio Society Art Exhibit Remains at. New Gallery l.incberry, Kenneth Adolph Hombft k. Gollict iid i JOSEF SCHNELKER Organist The First Baptist church will ' Q l t ve a reception for the Rev. and :oCH6In JVlUSlCianS ha Mrs. Lloyd j T. Anderson, new minister and his wife, tonight aft er the church service. Mrs. Mark Skiff a member of the church since 1880 will present the pastor and his wife. The chairman f the deacon board, Richard Dierks will give a brief address. Mrs. Othello Purvine, on behalf of the women of the church will welcome Mrs. Anderson. The Rev. M. A. Getz- In Silverton S1LVERTON National Mualc week will be observed in Silverton this afternoon when two Salem musicians, Josephine Albert Spaulding and Jessica Kinsey, ap pear in recital at the Trinity church at 4 p. m. Mrs. Spaulding. mezzo-soprano and Miss Kinsey, organist, will give a full-length riTft I Chad wick chapter. Order ef j Eastern Star will honor mothers I of members and music week at j the regular meeting Tuesday night ! at the Masonic temple. Mr. and j Mrs. L. J. Stewart are in charge of , refreshments. 1 j Sooth Salem Friends Missionary society will meet with Mrs. J. Ray I Pemberton at 1455 S. Commercial j St., Wednesday morning for a May I breakfast at 9 o'clock. Installation of officers will be held at the meeting to follow. endaner, president of the Salem j recital. Ministerial association will wel- j On Tnesday at 8 p. m. the high come Rev. Anderson on behalf of school and the grade school chor- the-Ministerial association. Other local ministers will participate. All friends of the church are invited. The Commercial Book Store 141 N. Commercial M. Sale an, Oregon Phone 4534 411 Stat Street j uses will be presented in a pro ' gram at the Eugene Field auditor ium. W. R. Tominson, in Scottish I costume, will play bagpipe selec tions. 1 A grade school assembly and j Mothers day program is schrd I uled for Sunday, May 12. Elbert Lachelle. son of Mrs. Mary Lachelle of Salem, has sent word to friends that he will ded icate his Monday night organ re- ! Alumnae of Zeta Tau Alpha will cital, broadcast over KSLM at 11 ' meet Monday night at home of Pv m. to Salem's music week at Mrg Arthur Cole, 630 Breys ave- -h request of Mrs. Walter Den ton, chairman. Mr. and Mrs. (Theater Frits and young son have returned to Salem to live and are temporarily loca ted! with her parents, the George Amorts. Lt. Col. Fritz, who was released from the army in April was with the Fourth AAF head quarters in San Francisco. ' - nue, for a dessert supper at 7:30 o'clock. Corvallis alumnae will be special guests. Mr. and Mrs. Donald II. Nagel and son, Larry David, moved Sat urday to Corvallis. Mr. Nagel is attending Oregon State college. They have been in Salem at the home of her parents, the David H. Camerons. the past few months. By Maxine Ruren Jfow that all the tramping's over and the public has settled down to routine window shop ping, those persons who have wanted to relax and look at the display of paintings at Elfstrom's art gallery may do so in compara tive seclusion. While the art gal leries, first to be set up in a Salem strue, entertain a giod many lookeis during an eight-j hour day. the galleries are un- j crwdl ' at any one time. ' Most of the gallery's first ex- hibit is from the works of north- j west professionals, w ith two or : thrt-e guest exhibitors. ; Peter Sheffers of Portland dis- ! plays two Q.ils. "Mt. Jefferson at f Dawn" and' "Where Ihe Cliffs; Meet the Sea at DePoe Bay." Ar thur Selander's are "Rainbow's Habitat" and "Granite of the High Sierras." E. B. Quigley of Portland dis plays three popular western-, i -Making Up the Herd," "Aleit j and "Du-ty Trail." Ray Strong j of Berkeley has "California Hills," i "Cool Cascades" and "Upland Pasture." ' "Summer Landscape" is by Da- j vid Mi-Cosh and there's a still ; life by Andrew Vincent, both i from U of O. The portrait, "Green "i and Yellow," is by Ann Kulka of ' Eugene. ; Menalkus Se'ander, formerly of j Salem but now of Oswego, sends ( "Drifting Fog near Bandon" and i "Winding Water." "Early Snow," j "Surf at Yachats" and "Sunlit Breaker" are painted by Albei t ! Petecky of Portland, and "An Oregon Symphony" by Clyde ' Leon Keller. A painting," "Sierra Poppies," ( is by Maude W. Wanker of We coma, and "Near Westfir" South Willamette street "Eugene." by.. Curus Fulton of Eugene. Loren Boulier. director of the galleries. is exhibiting "Siltcoos iike" and j "Waters of Lagunitus." j The nude, "The Letter." by j Emil Koya of Iajs Angeles is i causing a good deal of interest at , the gallery. Percy Manser of Hood River has" two oils, "The Wagon Train" ' and "Ranch in the Klickitas." The exhibit will remain through May 18. . "i Salem Daughters of the Nile will meet fifrk sewing Monday morning at fen o'clock at the Ma sonic temple with a luncheon fol lowing at noon. Hostesses are Mes tfames Lee Unruh, chairman, Da vid Wright. Carl Staats, ' Percy Kelly, Leon Nelson. J. Parker The Yomarco class of Ihe First Methodist church will be enter tained at the home of Mrs. A. A. Keene, 426 N. Winter St.. Tuesday afternoon for a 1:30 o'ctiK-k des sert luncheon. Assisting hostesses will be Mesdames Ronald Glover, Fred Zimmerman and Caile Ab rams. Mr. and Mr. Rex Adolph, Dr. and Mrs. Harold Olinger, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Foreman and Walter Cline, jr. and Donald A. Young will leave Tuesday for Spokane to attend and participate in the northwest bowling tournament. While In Spokane they will be reg istered at the Davenport hotel. Visitors Are Honored Visitors in the capital this weekend aie Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Murdock and daughters, Su zanne and' Judith, of Seattle, for mer Salem residents, who e house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Eggstaff and Mrs. Waller L. Spaulding. 1 Mrs. Spaulding is entertaining at breakfast at her home on Court street this morning in honor of the Murdxks. j j Covers will be placed for Messrs. and Mesdames Kenneth Murdock, Claude Murphy. Gene Vandeneynde, Howard Pickett, Donald Madison. Francis Wade. Hex Kimmell, Arthur Selandifr, Clifton Mudd. David H. Cameron, C. W. Parker, L. O. Arena, Hab,l Fggstaff and Mrs. Spaulding. Mr. and Mrs. Fggstaff wet hosts for a dinner party Saturday night at their home for the pleas-' ure of the Murdocks. ' Contract bridge was in play after the din ner hour, ; Places were laid for Messrs. and, Mesdames Kenneth Murdock, El mer O. Berg. Robert Stanley, Claire Brown, Irogh Morrow, James Hardie. Estill Brunk. Ralph Eggstaff and Mrs. Walter Spauld-ing. Central WCTIT will meet Taes- . day afternoon at 2 o'clock with Mrs. I. Dorcas. 1?30 N, 19th street, i A missionary program will be giv ' en and ail interested are invited 1 to attend. vh EC 1 1 .C &sS Nationally famous OPXJf waiches rmg I -- I J" Arrived 4- la Timo t -. r FJberal Allowance' on Your Old VV(eh. JIWELIRSOFTOMfTRISTS Payment 1.25 Weekly. Salem's Leading Credit Jeweler & Optician V VIRGINIA CHARMODE I iff Look Your Best ill: f . - j .V 1 Feel Yoitr Best im I- ; jVi J . 3 -f FAMOUS NAME IN FINE CORSETRY ill A ; V Tf ' V J If Say xt when Yu Want Quality .... ; ( ! ; ,fl jilAJ : . J. , f S Ml Reineml When You Want Savings ! J.UMed-a ' A Jj S, ! w ! -h ( U ill XCI 4) (fet Long.r Nu Back .11 In- W jA Charmode corset with Vll JzsCZLLL II V II , U OcfTf -2" one. 1 Ineh.a. waiat fJ adjustable front lace 1 U H 25 fTrtjP Ft U u I f kJ&t 14 TW v( I M down. Comfortable eonl- TS-i 4.98 JVm. 1 jt4 4.98 ! A , h'w . 7Pnfef7 " f a ax w,th Ta,on P- Two sash, easily adjustable to support your abdo- If 1 11 Jill , '"1-' " jf Yiy -4 waist bonas prevent figure change. Flexible. men, back, waistline; 1 I l I J J 11 CS-': 'iJmm' r,."-...5.98 4.49 ZT?. 3.98 p l (( 484 Stale Si. Salem