PACE TWO The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning. Mar 4. 1948 MOTES BEATS WHAKTON PORTLAND. "Mar J --Tommy Meyer, 147. Portland, won a BASEBALL TOIJIGHT 8:15 P.3L Waters Field Salen Senators ' Spolsine Bex seal en ult Every .rnne eserved seats Ssaday 10-round decision over Eddie Wharton, 142, Portland, in a not-too-exciting boxing bout here to night. Grand Opening DAIICE Old Whitney Hall 3 Mil West ol Hubbard Sat. Night, May 4th 7nder New Management mm i It's an AUTOMATIC RECORD PLAYER You have been looking for, we have a limited quantity now in stock. Exchange pf Ideas Sparks Housing Forum A lively exchange ol: informa tion and idea on housing spark ed a housing forum, under spon sorship of the Tocal i American Veterans Committee, in which more than 100 veteratu 'and au thorities on various 'phases of housing for veterans participated last night in the chamber of com merce rooms. t s j Walter E. Hutchinsoa, assistant director of FIIA in Portland, as sured veterans thatthe" current building program is giving them preference, despite the prevalence of non-housing building. The lat ter, he explained, is due to the leak of information which pre ceded the government "stop building" order March 1 26 and prompted the early staHof much Commercial building. . Jack Hubbard, representing QPA, said OPA's contribution to veteran housing has been holding down price of building materials and construction to 30, or 35 per cent over pre-war prices, as com pared with costs 185 per cent higher for the comparable period after World war I. Other speak ers included George Aiken, state budget director and holuslng com mission member. County Service Officer Hub Saalfeld, Mayor I. M. Doughton and CitjP Treasurer Paul Hauser. i ; r $ a New 1946 Model Features 1. High rt quality mad. 2. Plays 12 records automatically. 3. Will not break or chip records. 4. Chang In 3 seconds. 5. light weight tone arm. f. Yeu will be amazed at the fine tone quality. 7. Can be hooked to any radio, amplifier, or In stall It In your present phonograph or combination. Jason Lee Cljifrch Choir to Present Easier Cantata' Jason Lee Methoda'st,' church choir will present the f cantata "The Kingdom of God" by E. K. Heyser, at 11 a.m. Sunday, May 3. Gastav Klempel directf the choir, with Alice Rose orgaout. Mem bers are Elsie Bell, Jewell Brink ley, Betty Brinkley, Shirley Dean, Phyllis Smith, Doroth Klempel, Bernicej Brewster, Bett Klempel, Donna Nystrom and Rary Keef er. sopranos; Mrs. Walter Ny strom, Blanche Baumgilr trier, Mrs. HL A. I'orkner, Frieo Carlson, Roberta Klempel. Mrf. ffred L. Rose, Mrs. H. W. InHn, altos; E. H. Ellis. Kenneth; Hamilton, Robert Klempel, masses; H. J. Rehfuss, E. V. Yung And K. W. Hamilton, tenors. Richard F. Smart will be guest soloist. DeMolay Take Over City Hall Positions Friday was DeMolay day in the city hall, with members of that group occupying city offices for the day. Don Davis acted as mayor: Buster Wilson, treasurer; Dan McCall. water commissioner; Rod Bright, chief of police: Don John son, police officer, and Blair Mc Cabe, jailer. . Ivliisic Features First Christian Church Programs The First Christian church. Center at High street, each year presents a series of musical con certs Sunday nights between and including Easter and Music week. Last Sunday Salem high school choir presented a concert under the direction of Lena Belle Tar tar. Next Sunday Esther Miller, in structor of voire at Willamette university, will sing three special solos, "Oh! Had I Jubal's Lyre, an aria from the oratorio "Joshua by Handel, and "Green Pastures by Sanderson, and "The Lord Has Given Me A Song"' by Wise-Livingston. The choir, directed by John Schmidt, jr., will sing "Saluta tion" by Gaines and "Great and Glorious' by Hayden. Lois Schmidt at the console of the organ will play a duet with Har old Ranton at the piano. The Rev. Dudley Strain preaches on the subject "Lost Weekend." At the 10:50 morning worship he will preach on the topic of "Christian Values," and the choir sings the anthem "Beautiful Sav iour" Riegger. Fred Bates will sing "Out of the Depth- by Rog ers. Sunday is the beginning of National Music week and the opening official musical event of the week is to be the playing of the carillonic bells of the church at 9:30 a.m. by the organist. Salem Youth Hold Retreat At Sea-Coast Annually, the first weekend in May, Englewood United Brethren young people go to one of Ore gon's beauty spots for a time of inspiration, fun and planning. For the fourth time the young people will spend this weekend at Nelscott's Sea Haven ramp grounds. Trjirty-five left Salem Friday night and will return Sun day night. WilJiam Dunigan, chairman of the committee in charge of ar rangements for the retreat, an nounced the theme will be "Jesus Calls U" as interpreted from John 11:28. Various conference and devotional periods will be led by the following: Lola Koerner, president of the Sunday evening youth fellowship; Gertrude West phal, assistant youth director; Mrs. Hugh Lowmiller, and the pastor, the Rev. J. M. Good heart. Sunday morning service will be by C. O. Goodman, who will speak on "Compassion At Work. Night services are dismissed fur this week. Market Suffers Third Sethack 4500 Veterans to 0 Dehark Today By lh Auoclalvd t'ini Some 4500 returning veterans are expected to debark from five vessels at two US ports today. Shins arriving: At New York Rensselaer Victory from Le Havre. At San Francisco San Saba from Okinawa, Renville from To kyo. LST 668 from Pearl Harbor. the Eagles lodge and Ute Chris tian church. Running against him in the prl maries May 17th Is Lyman Rosa, former state senator. Aloha. Riifus Wood on Campaign Tour Rufus Wood of Oregon City. derrfocratir candidate for con gressman from the first Oregon district, was In Salem Friday call ing on voters in the interest of his candidacy. Wood has been making a tour of the district He lived for many years In Lincoln county and on this trip renewed acquaintances in that section of the district. Wood Is county assessor of Clackamas county, having held the office ten years. He has had experience as a postmaster, school teacher, farmer and logger. He holds membership In the grange, : Ends Teday! (Hat.) The Spanish Main" In Glorious Technicolor "Kadi Stars ee Parade" lent, trtn 2 r.M. Starts Tomorrow O rWn A I frfTTT SMCI 1 (BIBLE EAIUEI I m aCfr ssssi Ce-reatere "It's Is the Bag" Fred AlJee Jack Bees ENDS TODAYI mm ( r - : NIMITZ FIGHTS BILL WASHINGTON, May 1 3-P- Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, re portedly with White House au thorization, urged congress today to junk its bill for merging the war and navy departments pend ing a joint study by the services themselves. -r 0I7LY The Lowest Price in History for Such Quality! 375 Fully Guaranteed See It Today at M 0 9 42S Court SL Phone 7522 Admirals Head Waste Inqjuiry ASTORIA, Ore., Ma 3 -IJP) Rear Admirals C. E. jVh Hook, general inspector, and! D. W. Mitchell, supply offiterrfor the western sea frontier, iodiiy open el an official navy investigation into charges of dumping'" of food and other supplies niad earlier this week by Rep. i'a liter Nor blad. ; Adm. Van Hook said te inves tigation would requiref several days. Findings will jbejsent to; Washington and not r4le4ed here i previously, he said. ? j !W,U Presents! Religious Drajna The last years in khe life of Christ were depicted y the Wil lamette university playeiU in the "Family Portrait," lat ftight at the high school auditclriuin. The leading role of; Mary was played by Joyce Feideh ajid Mar garet Allen enacted jthe-Irole of Mary Magdalene. - S k Lucile Paulus directed the. well attended production witfa music arranged by Melvin deis.i ENDS TODAY! (SAT.) Joel McC'rea "BARBARY COAST" e Tim Holt "LAND OF OPEN RANGE" UI;H;li CONT. FROM 1 r.M. TOMORRO W ! n CMf'eMtiaify, it's terrifk I I I (?JUU if it rr I oouer oncnbii THRILL CO-HIT! Wild Bill Elliott "MAN FROM THUNDER RIVER" CONT. FROM 1 P.M. NOW! Regular Prices! mm ROLLICKING CO-HIT! Lee Bowman "SHE WOULDN'T SAY YES' " TOU IlMi if m Sifflf There is no Shortage of merchandise at The Smart Shop! Ue are offering new GOATS, SUITS and HATS AT SALE PRICES You can afford a lovely spring wardrobe by shopping the Smart Shop during the Spring Sale; if '-. Ladiesf Look Smart - Feel Smart and Be Smart. I ' SHOP THE SIJART SHOP fllS N. LIBERTY NEW YORK, May 3 ,IV-The stock market today suffered Its third successive average setback with light selling blamed mainly on the national coal crisis and threats of a railway walkout. While closing losses ran to two or more points for pivotal rails and industrials, extreme reces sions were shaded in mot cases at the last, and there was a smat tering of gainers. Transfers of I,- 001,000 shares compared with 1.- 000,000 Thursday. Wall Street viewed the labor situation as sufficiently bearish to offset another batch of good dividends, earnings and split-up possibilities. The Associated Press 60-stock composite was off .7 of a point at 78.4, widest retreat since April 24. It was about two points under the 15-year peak established April 20. rtnsi-rouNDiNt susfrtfsif iff'1"1 ,, mm Jc' t MAtOAtCT LM40SAT um twos txsen maa PLUS CO-ITATUHXt THE GAY CAVALIER" (1 1fflmt I 111 No. 2t James Dunn tn CariblranMslrryM Extra! Extra! Hugs Duntiy Club will be at t!ir Cap! tol Tliratcr today! Ki'A V The PHONE S47 MATINEE DAILY FROM 1 P.M. Preview Tonile 12 P.II.! . . . Starts Tomorrow! ENDS TODAYI (SATJ Joan Leslie "CINDERELLA JONES" - - - Osa Massen TOKYO ROSE" X HER UPS CAN MEAN DEATH! ... TO A GUY FROM KANSAS WITH A SECRET FOR SALEI Intrigue! Adventure! AT THE DOUBLE CROSS ROADS OF THE WORLDI .1 Si ) N same tUs Show will be at th Capitol Theater for today onljf Stage Show Starts at 1:00 p.m. And WIU Be Broadcasted Orer USUI UN yesr Wes McWaU Master of Ceremonies Don't Miss This Big Eventl ' Full of Surprises ! Contests! 7 Carloons Chapter II "The Ilailer Key" Cense Early I ttr Oeeti 1Z:J P.M. f "i 4 Old Tine Dances U'alUes. Paul laaes. Quadrilles. 2- asd S-ateea ... Ua tsnea ' have fwcgelUn! EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT Over Western Ante 25 Ceert St. He have enlarged ir hall rem and see what s ntcs blare te dance! Good Music br Paul Wlnslow's Gang PUBUC INVITED Mm mam. mm J 'Mf.os 1MGE Tonight . Silverlon Amory 9 la 12 clenn vvoonurs OHCIIKSTHA 13 Fntertalnrrs 13 Ad missies fie Plea red. Tas lis TeUI li CO-HIT! Hrart-Pountling Excitrment and Thrills! HP Ml LATEST NEWS! PRES. TRUMAN SEES FLEET IN ACTIONI . . . PLAN CRASHES HOUSE! . . BALLOO NESTS THRILL PARIS I . . . LEW LEHR TAKES YOU TO MEET THE THREE LITTLE BEARS I V.F.W. Victory Club Old-Tlmt Danclnr . TOIIIGHT Veterans Hall Cemer Heed and Charts atreeta Mnsle hr Harion Post CGI Orrhestra ilanmle Kltrhle, Leadrr Adnslsslen Ine. Us Wrlcei