PACT TWO The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon. Tuesday Morning, April 30. 1946 41 Finish Course At Willamette for YM Secretaries Forty -one persons, including 21 World war II veterans, attended a r fresher course for YMCA sec retaries last week on the Willam ette university campus. John Ledlie, associate boys' work secretary of the national TMCA council. New York, was the Win intn-tr. Assistants were John Pujh, secretary of the SouU. Bend. ind. YMCA, James Ma swell. Seattle, and D wight Welch, Portland. Local men participating were Drs. John Knight and Lawrence Riggs. Willamette faculty, the Rev. Dudley Strain. Drs. Robert Catke. Joseph Adams. Daniel SchuLze -and Seth Huntington. SIGN WITH UNION Westside Cafe. 976 Edgewater sL. West Salem, and the 12th Street dinette signed contracts with the Salem Cuitinary Alliance and are new operating as union shops, A. B. Pederson. secretary and business agent for the union, reported Monday. The Wests ide Cafe hm owned by Mr. and Mrs. Glen Bartlett and the 12th Street Dinette by Mildred Chastine and John Chastine. Last Time Today Co-Feature Wadassday 2i wltk. JOHN HODtAK f w innmpi oonn In 11 Starts I IS ""GoTeature I ft w 7 I m a V 7 ADinssion on coveb charge (Except SatartUr Nlbt I7cv? Floor Show VICKI IIALLORY ELLIOTT AIRIIE elmie DEinns iT SoXem'e rororlta DINNERS Dancing Music served from t r.M. by : Ana Nash's Bond FLOOR SHOWS from P.M. ert 1&-12 P.M. 30IS POIUAND ROAD BASEBALL 0:15 Watrrt Field Salen Senators vs. Spokane : Tnesday, April 3D Seff Geaeral Admisaieii Seats' Gates Open F.M. Mrs. Lipps, Resident Here 19 Years, Dies Mrs. O. H. Lipps, resident of the Salem area the past 19 years, died Monday at the family resi dence. 385 S. 13th st. She was born May 9, 1880, at Bay City, Mich. With her husband, now retired after 40 years in the federal In dian service, she came in 1927 to Chemawa, where Mr. Lipps had been appointed superintendent of the Indian jschool. He had pre viously served in a number of localities, ifeluding Carlisle, Pa., where he had been superintendent of the nation's oldest Indian school, and as superintendent of the Lapwai,; idaho, agency. Mrs. Lipps was a member of Salem's First Methodist church, and active In one of its women's circles. Survivors include the widower, Oscar H. Lipps, Salem: six daugh ters, Mrs. George Seymour, Salem; Mrs. Claibom Crabtree, Fresno, Calif.; Mrs. Kenneth Leitch, Sac ramento. Calif.; Mrs. A. O. Rook, Los Angeles, and Mrs. Morris Catty of Sa Diego; sons. Homer H. Lipps arid Mack Lipps, both of Lewis ton, Idaho, and five grandchildren- Funeral arrangements, in the care of the Clough-Barrick com pany, had not been completed this morning. Union Promised 10,000 Backing Salem Retail Clerks' union has a promise oj backing from Port land locals to the extent of $10,000, H. L. Ed ling,; secretary of the Sa lem local, reported Monday after spending a .weekend in confer ences with Portland local officials. Raymond t. Rolow, formerly in the shoe business in Salem, will take over ISdung's work here when Edlintf leaves for Astoria soon to launcp an organizing cam paign for retail clerks similar to the one he carried out in Salem. NOW3 SHOWING doors Open :3 r.M. FEATUKf! 7:13 AND 9:55 75 GncLE-cnRson a rov JOYING PL. "Musical Comedy Favorite" r .."Stringing Along 'Songs and M. C." HQHl 4QO e f ML 25th & Mission Public Records CIRCUIT COURT Eleanor Steifer vs. Everett Steiger: Property attlemnt filed. Cecfle B. Hutd v Orlan- V. Hu tted. Application t tor place on trial docket for May 6, Jacobins Beck v T. A. Livesley and C. W. Paulus: Complaint for $25j000 general damages and $740 special dam ages for alleged injuries incurred at the Lake Brook Hop Farm when plaintiff allegedly tripped and. fell over a protruding nail in a bofd : walk Aug. 26. 1945. :V; Gayle A. Kincaid ys Leslie.;W. Kin cald: Defendant files answer admitting and denying and in cross divorce com plaint charges cruel and inhuman treatment and asks that defendant be awarded certain real and personal property. J. r. Ulrich vs state industrial acci dent commission: Defendant files an swer admitting and endying. Edna Heseman vs George H. Hese man : Decree ol divorce awards plaint iff custody of one minor child, $50 per month support money. $35 per month alimony and household furniture. PROBATE COURT ' , Julia Steinkamp. estate: Henry Steln kamp appointed executor and, Charles B. Bushy. Joseph Sherman and Louis Ditter appointed appraisers. Abraham Peterson, estate: Lyman Seely appointed acting administrator and H. William Thielsen. Denver Young and Anna H. Astill appointed apprais ers. Andrew J. King, estate: Order au thorizes J. A. Burns and FraOk Caa pell. administrators, to sell real prop erty. i F. C. Zimmerman, estate!: J. "G. Zim merman appointed administrator and G. A. Rob iso rv Max Schulz and W. E. Skelton appointed appraisers. Frank E Moore, guardianship es tate: Guardian's annual account ap proved. Jeanne L. Demytt. guardianship es tate: Leo Demytt appointed guardian. Frank T. Nolan, estate: - Order ap proves final account of administratrix. Carl S. McCuire. guardianship es tate: Mary McCuire appointed guard ian. ' ; Howard Kiday. eatate: Report of sale of personal property by Marion J. Mathers, administrator, filed. 'June 1. 1944. date set for hearing on final ac count. . f JUSTICE COURT Oren Edwin Sudtell: no trailer li cense, fined SX50 and costs. Robert John .Dawson; drunk on a public highway, fined $10 and costs. Herman EI vm Stewart; no operator's license, fined l and costs. Jack Goldy Brosig. blocking a drive way, fined $2.50 and costs. Ellin James Grinde: no chauffeur's license, fined $1 and costs: no opera tor's license, fined $1 and costs. - MUNICIPAL COURT R. J. Blythe. XX. S. Army, absentwith out leave, released to military police. Dorothy Reeder. Eugene, violation of the basic rule. $7:50 bail. Lester L. Olson. Harrisburg. violation of the bafic rule. $7 50 bail. John A. Strobel. Silverton, violation of the basic rule. $10 bail. Willis D. Sims. 190 Evergreen ave.. violation of the basic rule. $7.50 bail. Mervin E. Anderson. 754, Ferry t., failure to stop. $1.50 bail. Carl W. Wtnthers. 754 Ferry st. fail ure to stop. $2.50 bail. Robert H. Stamper. Brooks, violation of the basic rule. $7.50 bail. John J. Pennoyer. Corvallis, four In the driver's seat, $2.50 bail. Donald C. Johnston, Oregon City, vi olation of the basic rule. $5 bail. MARRIAGE LICENSE APPLICATIONS Galin E. Blackmore, 90. teacher. EI Dorado. Kans . and Dorothy L. Rueck er, 30. clerk. Salem. Albert L. King. IS, IT S. navy, and Bette E. Gettman. 16. student, both Salem. , ,J Ends! Today! Opens: 6:45 P.M. SarnuejGottyn Kjaye ; r7f-V WONDER lyj MAN' tn ecnicOiCX VIRGINIA MAYO VCDsCIICM STW. ILIWTLtU.ll T D0HAJ.0 WOODS S. L SAMU I W MUX HUMBf RSTONt Co-Feature WANDERERS OF THE. WASTELAND" ; 8 Ft 4 tn. Long r Wi1 mil Y5 w Wot r i --z 9 "try-sat SHOW OPEN CONTINUOUSLY FROM 10 A. M. TO 10 P.M. ALSO MONKEY MASCOTS Cute Little Imps From the Jungles of Africa and Java Dopey the Dip 0&G Timber Program Told To City Group Sawmills equipped to cut up to four times the amount of timber permissible under the sustained yield program of the O&C land grants and Coos Bay wagon road program exist (most of them operating) in western Oregon, Harry I. Nettleton, in charge of research and education with the OScC revested lands administra tion of the federal department of the interior, told Salem Chamber of Commerce members and guests at their Monday luncheon meet ing. Nettleton told how through the 18 western counties of the state stretches a strip 60 miles wide and 300 miles long checkered with 7000 squares ranging in size from approximately 40 to more than 640 acres, owned by the federal government, OStC and Coos Bay wagon road. As now administered. Umber from these lands may be cut on a sustained yield basis (that is, only the amount which Is repro duced in a year may be cut in any 12-months period) by private operators under federal lease. The private operators must agree, in order to obtain! cutting rights, to1 shear their own timberxon the same basis. Fifty per cent of the takes goes to the 18 counties; 25 per cent more went to them until a $2,000, 000 tax deficit on the properties was paid in 1943; other money now goes to the federal treasury to pay an $8,500,000 mortgage, which has now been cut to less than $7,000,000 and to pay the 18 per cent administrative costs. WU Law School Will Inaugurate Summer Session Dean Ray Smith announced Monday that the Willamette uni versity law school will offer an eight week summer session start ing July 8 on the local carnpus. Present plans .calf for full courses in both equity and evi dence, five days a week. The summer session, first of its kind at the law school, is offered as an accommodation to the Increas ed number of returning veterans now studying legal eourses. 'First Cjjizen' in New UAL Post W. R. Thigpen, former district traffic manager of United Air Lines at Portland and also as a one-time "first citizen" of that city, has been named a special assistant to the president of United with headquarters in Seat tle, it was announced Monday. Thigpen, with United for near ly 13 years, has been district traf fic and sales manager at New York since 1944. In his new ca pacity, he will represent United in public relations contacts throughout the Pacific Northwest. Too Late lo Classify VANTED Middle age housekeeper tor young couple No children, small home and no washing and go home nights if desirable Ph. 5004 COMPETENT Stenographer, age 22. some knowledge :- of bookkeeping, would like permanent employment in Hollywood district but would consid er others, co Box 376 Statesman AT COIUIEB OF HIGH MID FEBBY STS. TnAIISCOimilEIfTAL TOUH Id's LaD-sesIt Wbm It Weigh Nearly of a Ton Featuring Tiny Tickletoe Late Members of Bar Here Praised Bv Circuit Court Memorial resolutions by the Marion county bar association for the late Otto Marion Bowman and James Mott were entered in to the permanent records of the Marion county circuit court Mon day by Circuit Judges E. M. Paige and George R. Duncan. Mott died Nov. 12, 1945 and Bowman was killed in June, 1944,' in Burma. At a memorial ses sion Monday morning Judge Page offered encomiums for both the dead statesman and the dead sol dier who were members of the local bar. Eagles Plan Drum Corps, Drill Contests More than 800 members of the Fraternal Order of Eagles, meet ing in Salem on Sunday to make plans for their state convention June 27-29 in Astoria, scheduled a drum corps contest and drill team competition, annual high lights of the big get-together. Legislation dealing with juve nile delinquency, aimed at making parents bear a larger share of the responsibility, at providing a home for children and at securing ap pointment of special judges to try cases involving juveniles will be presented at the conference, mem bers of the legislative committee declared. In that group, which also met here over the weekend, are- Dr. Floyd Utter, Salem, cjhairman; Gerald W. Mason. Barnett Gold stein and Coe McKenna, all of Portland; John Steelhammer,- Sa lem; John Bennett, McMinnville, and Elvin A 1 born, Coquille. Western States Mining Convention to Be Held In Southern Oregon The Jackson County Mining association and the Siskiyou Min eral association will have a west ern states mining convention on June 13. 14 and 15, at Medford and Jacksonville, "Oregon's most historic spot," where gold was first discovered in Oregon. F. J. Hall, Jacksonville, is chairman. Salem Market Quotations The prices below supplied by a lo cal grocer are Indicative ot the daily market prices paid to growers by Sa lem buyers but are not guaranteed by The Statesman: BUTTER, EGGS AND POULTRY Subject to change without aotire) BCTTERFAT Premium . 34 No. 1 - .53 No 2 JO BUTTER PRINTS A B Quarters EGGS 46 .4.1 .46i Tt Si 3 24 .24 Large Mediums , Standards . Pullets .. - Cracks 1.IVKSTOCK By Valley Park) j iU-ef steers 10 to JS j Beef cow (Ml to .1 1 j Dairy cows OS to 10 -H M 0 to 12 Vea'i 00 to 14 50 tambs. top , 13 00 to 14.00 Yearling 7 00 to 11.00 Kweo 2 00 to 00 Bucks 2 00 to 4 hl Hogs. top. 160-270 lbs. 15.45 270-300 lbs. . - K 95 Sows 14 00 to 14.50 POULTRY No. 1 colored hens No 2 colored hens X 21 Starling Wed. Hay 1st 4 Ft. 2 In. Tmll t J V Grandma Wrinklenose 0 ' ' K w Flax Textiles Firm Officials Arrive Here Palm beach suits, straw hats and an April breeze of more than usual intensity featured the de layed arrival at McNary field Monday of officials of Oregon Flax Textiles. Inc., and party. Members of the group indicat ed they would wear heavier clothing "when they take off today for Medford with 15 Salem resi dents en route to Millar's lodge, "Genelec" at Eagle Point, on the Rogue river. Clad for the sunny climate they had left in Oakland and antici pated in Salem, J. R. Millar, chairman of the textile firm's di rectors and president of the Na tional Air Transport company, and B. A. Olsen, Oregon Flax Textiles president, and friends were subjected to unusually cold traveling conditions, they de clared. A steam pipe broke Sun day night in the NAT executive's plane, so it was without heat when forced to 13,000 feet in or der to get above clouds between Medford and Salem. Bucking a heavy wind their plane, once scheduled for arrival at 2:15, put down here at 3:45 p.m. E. H. Welker. director of Na tional Automotive Fibres, which is one 6f the parent firms of the textiles concern, and also presi dent of the Walker Machine com pany, Detroit; f. A. Nealon, merchandise manager of Electro ' Auto-Lite company, Toledo, Ohio, and T. H. Brehme of the Walton N. Moore organization which handles the rugs to be produced in Oregon Flax Textiles' new West Salem plant, with Millar and Olsen comprise the inspec tion party. CINNAMON CONTROL OFF WASHINGTON, April 29-(JP)-The government today removed all restrictions on the distribu tion of cinnamon in civilian stores in this country, effective Wednes day. Pepper and nutmeg are the only spires still subject to dis tribution controls. Phone 3467 Mat, STARTS TOMORROW! TKose rapturous two from x ,4r4ttr 1P JOAN i ROBERT S7 0 A 1 A I I .Z..oAIALL, Co-Hit! The Amazing Story of Radio Tokyo! r . t v ' - I" loaa.,0 iM 1 High Court to Open in East Only two cases are slated for hearing whea the state supreme court opens its spring term for eastern. Oregon at Pendleton next Monday. Most important case involves Kenneth W. Bailey, convicted of first degree murder in Malheur county in connection with the slaying of Theodore W. Chambers, state police officer. The murder occurred when Chambers and other state police officers at tempted to arrest Bailey in the basement of a schoolhouse in On tario on April 29. 1945. The other case is that of Grace Lowe vs. L. P. Harman, involv ing ownership of mining proper ty. The lower court for Baker county held for the defendant. WEEKEND SNOW NOTED More snow in the higher ele vations of central and eastern Oregon over the weekend was re ported, here Monday by R- H. Bal- dock, state highway engineer. Approximately one inch of snow fell in the Santiam Junction area and nearly two Inches at Odell lake. rfi;n n Opens 6:45 P3L Now Showing! Feature st 70. F3L TWO CKAT STUS ATTKOt&tUnSTI Daily From 1 P.M. COOPER IM EDWARD EVERETT HORTON jilllE BISHOP WIIUAU PRINCE DIRECTED BY BUSBY BERKELEY S&H&'ttZ.tfZSl iff ifiuif srotr ' ot oti wit II . Arnold Davis on Job as New Chief Of Western Union i Arnold Davis, formerly manag er of the Western Union at Butte, Mont. ha succeeded Eric Butler, who retired after more than four decades with the telephone com pany, 'as head of the Salem branch. Mr. and Mrs. Davis will reside on Evergreen road as soon as their household furnishings arrive. Davis has been ' with Western Union for 20 years, startirur at Conrad, MonL, and, has been lo cated at Beilingham. Roseburg and several Montana points as manager prior to going to Butte. TO DOUBLE NATIONAL GUARD WASHINGTON. April 2-(.PH Plans for a national guard to be more than double Its. pre-war strength will be outlined by Sec retary of War Patterson at the first post-war meeting of the adjutants-general of the United States in Washington, D.C. May 2-4. Ends Today! (Toes.) Judy Garland "THE CLOCK Charles Starrett "SAGEBRUSH HEEOES OPENS :45 F3L Tomorrow! if Rearlar Thrills Joel McCrea Edward G. Robinson twg Brian Donlery Miriam Hopkins "Barbary Coasl" CO-FEATURE .Till HOLT 44 Land of Open Range Ends Today! (TueJ Marie McDonald "Getting : Gertie'a Garter" Constance Bennett "Pari Underaround" WARNER PICTURE PLUS! Latest News! Japan's Electionl U. S. Warship Missouri in Greece! Caster Parades!