The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 26, 1946, Page 8, Image 8

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Ths OHEGON STATESMAN. Satan. Oregon, Friday Morning. April 28. 1948
Feted at
Miaa Jttnni BurreM, May
bride-elect of Richard Graben
fcorst. wu the honor guest at
surprise dinner Thursday night
when her two sisters-in-law,
Mrs. James bzjS Mrs. William
BurreO. enter:faei at Chuck'a
- After the- dinner hour the
bride-to-be was honored at a
miscellaneous shower.
Covers were placed for Mum
Joanne Burrell, Mrs. Robert Bur-,
reU, Mrs. John Hughes, Mrs.'
John Kelt, Mrs. Frederick
Reidy, Miss Dorothy Vanden
ejmde, Mrs. James Burrell and.
Mrs. William Burrell.
Mrs. Jean HarMsoa will pre
side at a bridge luncheon this
afternoon at her home on South
High street for the pleasure of
members of her club. Mrs L. C.
; Dean and Mrs. Charles Fowler
will be additional guests.
A aseetlag ef the Sea the rn
Pacific Employes dub will be '
held Saturday at 24 N. Com
mercial st. with a business meet
ing at JO o'clock. Entertain
ment will include a ventrilo
quist and magic at o'clock to
be followed by games and prizes.
DIAMONDS are are. aaodera, da.
fteg! irj xr JmMt around cbe
fcaasoeds "eqwator" add sax woedcr.'
M tperUe aad beaocy as yew aercr m w
tfctsbre ... aad help prstcas chipping.
Priced a ssors cttaa ordinary dim
'U 175 $7500. Wedding
Wads to aaaadk SryU ahowa. Ftelwdc.
100.00. (federal Tas MckjJcd)
.MttlnJ Tmnjym C trias
SWAN ''Bo&igfct' CROWN
Vm a bleached white flour and I'll
fit right into your favorite recipes.
Don't worry about having td ex
periment with new "emergency
flcun I'm available and eager to
help1 you win baking approvaL
m W-'
Society . J. Clubs
Music The Home
UtxbM Bursa)
Wiwint maxtm
Ann Judson circle pt tha flnt
Baptist church will tnnt at th.
church at T:0 p.m.
Saiem Woman's club, aneet at
ctubhous. 2:30 pjh.. board
meeting preceding.
Salem chapter. Order of Kat
m Star. Maaonie Temple. S p.m.
S. P. Employe club. 1 N.
Commercial t B.3S p.m.
Pait Regents. DAR. with Mrs.
C. A. 429 N. 14th St.. 1
Theater Arts froup with Mrs.
Bruce Spauldmg. 21 West Lin
Woman's guild. First Congrega
tional churrti. 1 p n. U church
PEP Teachers club. 'Cheerio
Inn. p lit.
Stones Are 1
Being welcomed back to Sa
lem are Mrs. James Stone and
daughters. Donna and Catherine,
and her mother, Mrs. Emily
Sedgewick, who have been mak
ing their home in California dur
ing the war years.
The Stones have purchased a
home on North Capitol street and
arrived in SalemTuesday. While
Lt. Stone was overseas with the
navy his family resided in Wil
mfngton, and Long Beach. Lt.
Stone, who has been released
from the uivy, will come north
in June to join his family here.
: Mrs. Mapes A
; Party Hostess
Ms. Ralph Mapes was hostess
for an informal party Wednes
day night at her home for a
group of wives of 20-30 club
members. 'Court whist was in
play during the evening and later
refreshments were served.
Guests were Mrs. George Flet
cher, Mrs William DePew, Mrs.
James Stevenson, Mrs. Emmet t
Kleinke, Mrs. George Knopp,
Mrs. Norval Edwards, Mrs. Frank
Earnest, Mrs. Wesley Goodrich,
Mrs. James Lepley. Mrs. Mau
rice Walker and Mrs. Reuben
Tbsursday and Satarday
7:lt - 7:1$ r.M.
Jeryme Kngliah
Mtjr Edits
Parties for
iThe Mulkeys
Mr. and Mrs. Jerold Mulkey
are the incentive for much in
formal entertaining: since her
arrival from Australia several
weeks ago.
' Saturday night Mr. and Mrs.
Marion Mulkey are entertaining
with a dessert supper and eve
ning of bridge for their son and
his wife.
' Covers will be placed for Mr.
and Mrs. Jerold Mulkeyr Mr.
and Mrs. Warren Doollttle Mr.
and Mrs. William McEihinny,
and Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Fitz
simons. Earlier In the week the Mul
keys were . hosts for a dessert
sapper and ' line party for their
soh and daughter-in-law. Hon
oring the Jerold Mulkeys were
Mr. and Mrs. William Curry,
Mr y and Mrs. Joseph Law and
Mjr.lnd Mrs. Robert Man.
y'ast Kegeats ef Daaghters of
the American Revolution - will
meet for a no-host luncheon on
Monday afternoon at 1 o'clock
at' the home of Mrs. C A.
SpVague, 425 N. 14th st.
parties at ;
The home of Secretary of
, Stte and Mrs. Robert S. Far
rel, jr., was the scene of two
lniorrnal gatherings on Tuesday.
En the afternoon Sally Frrell
wa'$ a tea hostess at 4 o'clock in
honor of the teachers at Gar
field school. Mrs. -Fan-ell assist
ed: her daughter Informally.
The Farrells entertained at
dinner Tuesday night in honor
of he Rev. and Mrs. R. A'Court
Sirftmonds of Portland. Father
Siramonds is rector of St Mark's
Episcopal church .i: Other guests
we-re the Rev. and Mrs. George
H.Swift i :-:
Marilyn Golgan
Hqs Birthday
Marilyn Colganl. was honor
guest at a party on her fourth
birthday on Wednesday night.
Garhes were in play, and mov
ies ..of her last birthday party
wefe shown. The centerpiece
war, a merry-go-rounds
Attending the party were Pa
tricia Perrin. Joyce Walt, Doug
las jRussell, Denny, Douglas and
Ruisell Colgan. Sue Caroline
Shaw, Sharon Miller, Portland,
Cathy Fallen, Eloine Herbst,
Frederick and Robert Rosseh,
Mafis Clark, Susan Roberts,
Dick and Roger Colgan.
Short Nursing
Course Offered
The short course in home nur
"ng; "Six lessons ifi Care of the
Sick," will begin next Tuesday,
April 30, it is announced by Mrs.
Louise Arneson, director of nursing-"
er vices for Marion county
chapter, American j Red Cross.
The '.class will consist of six les
sons, two hours each, and will
last for three weeks. The group
willmeet at 1:30 p. rrc Tuesday
at the Red Cross class room in
the Salem Deaconess hospital.
A' feature of this course will
be a special lecture and lesson
on infantile paralysis. Mrs; Ar
neson will be instructor. Five
mort registrations i are needed,
thosfc women interested are) ask
ed to register at once by tele
phoning 8277. ! ,
Vtel tjM ah(l 4at- taWaWI
June Rites
At Tea
Sunday, June 2 has been set as
the date for the coming marriage
of Miss Bernice Weiner, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Wei
ner of Portland and Ralph D.
Schlesinger, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Max D. Schlesinger of Salem.
Tbe news was revealed at a
beautifully arranged tea on
Thursday afternoon for which
Mrs. Weiner was hostess in the
crystal room of the Benson hotel
in Portland. During the calling
hours between Z and 5 o'clock,
Theodora Schlesinger, daughter
of the Sol Schlesingers, passed
the announcement scrolls to over
400 guests.
A large group of Salem women
attended the tea and members of
the family attending were Mrs.
Max Schlesinger, Mrs. Sol Schle
singer, Mrs. Saul Bloomberg and
Mrs. Sidney Schlesinger.
The wedding of the couple will
take place in the evening at the
Multnomah hotel. Their engage
ment was revealed in February.
Mr. Schlesinger will bring his
bride to Salem to reside.
A Founders
Day Event
Twelve founders of Pi Beta
Phi fraternity will be monored
Sunday night when alumnae,
actives and pledges gather at the
Willamette university chapter
house -on the 79th anniversary
of the fraternity's founding. Fol
lowing the traditional Founder's
day ceremony, guests will be
honored with a dessert supper.
Committees for the annual af
fair which is scheduled for 3
o'clock Sunday are: Serving,
Thelma Wilcox, Patsy Schneid
er. Adele Egan and Clarice Bus
Belle; kitchen, Paula Smith and
Georgia Hull; cean-up, Kathy
Secord, Marilee Olson, Barbara
MacDuf fee and Margaret Wood.
Participating in the program
will be Florence Lewis, Bettie
Olson, Marilee Olson, Evelyn
Johnson, Mary Eat, Frances
Sopp, Barbara Cutler, Mary Ann
Brady A d d y s e Lane, Dona
Adams, Charlotte Turville,
Maryann Witliff, Barbara Mac
Duf fee, Kathy Secord and Kay
PEP Teachers elab will sneet
at the Cheerio Inn, Wednesday,
May 1 at six o'clock. The faculty
of West Salem are in charge of
arrangements with Mrs. Ida Mc
Lendon as chairman. For reser
vations phone 6783.
Mrs. Jaases , Lee Peters ef
Lane End. Harvard, Mass.. is a
guest at the home of Dr. Helen
and Miss Dorothy Pearce on
North Winter street. Mrs. Peters
wtho has .been visiting her sis
ter near Los Angeles, will re
main here until Monday when
she will return home, stopping
en route for a visit in St. Paul.
Mr. and Mrs. Paal Heath have
returned from a several days
stay in Portland.
Senior Play
Is Tonight
The Great Big Doorstep," a
three-act comedy, will be given
tonight at 8:15 in the Salem
high school auditorium. The
play, a presentation of the sen
ior Hass, is under the direction
of Miss Margaret Burroughs.
Action of the play revolves
around" members of the Crochet
family who live in a cabin in
Grass Margin, La. The house
hold's favorite spot is on the
great big doorstep, rescued from
the waters of the Mississippi.
The "Cajun" dialect affords
much humor in the play.
Mrs. Crochet, strength of the
family, and her indigent hus
band, the Commodore, are lead
ing characters. Jean Mitchei)
and Jim Baer are starred in
these part. Others in the cast
are Barbara Sundet, Evelyn
Esau. Doris Walser, Velma
Davis, Joe Brazie, Stanley Hawk,
Betty Lou Bice. Jim Miller, Bob
Pendergraft and Barbara Bald
win. Manager of the play is Dick
Cole and, assisting him with
publicity are Dale Cleaver, Jim
Ragland and Nancy Buren.
Tickets will be on sale at the
door or may be reserved today.
Proceeds from the production
will be used to pay for the gift
left to the school by each sen
ior class.
Brunks Will Be
Supper Hosts
Dr. and Mrs. Estill Brunk will
be hosts for a supper party Sun
day night at their home on North
2 1st street for members of their
club. Contract bridge will be in
play after the supper hour. The
hostess will lis spring flowers
and blossoms for decorations.
Covers Will be placed for Mr.
and Mrs. Donald C. Harger, ad
ditional guests, Mr. and Mrs.
Bryan Goodenough, Mr. and
Mrs. Floyd Seamster, Mr. and
Mrs. Calvin Kent, Mr. arfd Mrs.
James Turnbull, Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd Bowers and Dr. and Mrs.
H WdDJF COT 2 s,aiuSday'
Bocauso of Our Excellent Eastern Connections, Wo Aro In a Posi
tion to Offer Our Lovoly Linos oi Spring SUITS, COATS and HATS at
Sale Prices. Tho Surprising Part Is That They Are New. Many Received
Within the Week. In Theso Days of Shortage of Merchandise Wo Are
Happy to Offer You
At Tho
t Shop
N. Libert v
Mrs. Geist
Is Elected
Event of Thursday afternoon
was the tea meeting of Town
and Gown with a large group of
Salem matrons attending. A mu
sical program was held at Music
hall on the Willamette university
campus preceding the tea. Pro
fessor Ralph Dobbs played and
Dean Melvin Geist sang accom
panied by Mrs. Geist.
At the business meeting new
officers for the Jensuing year
were erected. Mrs. Melvin Geist
was elected president; Mrs. Rob
ert Moulton Gatke, vice-president;
Miss Olive M. Dahl, secretary-treasurer;
Mrs. Ralph
Dobbs, music chairman; Mrs.
James T. Brand, "program chair
man; Mrs. George Allen, mem
bership chairman: and Mrs.
Charles McEihinny, social chair
man. In the receiving line at the tea
held at Lausanne hall were the
retiring officers, Mrs. Custer
Ross, president, Mrs. Melvin
Geist, Mrs. Steams Cushing. Mrs.
Maurice Brennen. Mrs. :David
Eason, Mrs. Harry V. Collins and
Miss Olive Dahl.
The tea table was centered
with a large spring bouquet of
lilacs and tulips in a silver bowl
flanked by pastel tapers to match
and two small bouquets of the
same flowers. Lovely bouquets of
tulips, lilacs and yellow daisies
were arranged in the reception
Presiding at the tea and coffee
urns were Miss Lor en a Jack and
Mrs. Ellen Foster. Mrs. Lestle
J. Sparks headed the directorate
for the affair.
Many Attend
Bridge Tea
Over 130 matrons and maids,
including many from out-of-town,
attended the Junior Guild
benefit of SL Paul's Episcopal
church Wednesday afternoon at
the parish house.
The rooms were festive with
large bouquets of lilacs, blos
soms and spring flowers. Tbe
tea table was centered with a
bouquet of pastel sweet peas
flanked by white tapers in
crystal holders. Presiding at the
tea and coffee urns were .Mrs.
Custer Ross and Mrs. George II.
Winning prizes in bridge were
Mrs. Coburn Grabenhorst, Mrs.
Ralph Campbell, Mrs. Roy H.
Mills, Mrs. Tom H. Galloway,
Mrs. U. Scott Page, Mrs.; Wal
ter Socolofsky, Mrs. Paul Hale
and Mrs. Thomas P. Hill, III.
(D (ID & ITS-
Such famous names as Rothmoor, Edwards and Pacific and many
other nationally advertised coats - - reduced for your buying
pleasure. -
Beautiful pastel shades. Lovely suits, superbly tailored to La tha
basic garment In your spring and summer wardrobo. 'AW reduced
to make wonderful bargains.
in aits
Wye aro well known In Salem and vicinity for our grind Had. Oaf
spring bats this year are trua to our reputation. AH hats reduced
,so that you can afford one for each cost u mo. You will love them t
Mrs. Clarence Keen of Silverton ed the; directorate for. the sue
won a special prize. eessful affair ,and Mrs. V.' E.
Mrs. Homer Goulet, sr. head- Kuhn the tea committee. !
hT harden
y ime JJ
Doo-Klip Grass Shears . 50
Rasimite' Super Garden Host ! 4 SCi
5Q-ft : JLiaiid
25-laat JM.7S
Metal Medicine Cabinets with chroma Mm fl 4 T7CsZ
fc type 18x22 .1 iLaaaf 2
Six lec metal framed JJ" I J
Kitchen Step Stool - t-0
Metal Bread Boxes . . . . . . IJC
s '
Coat Bronx & Brae "11 27
Front Door handle sets 2L mLm
Large assortment of Inside latch sets
See our assortment of chrome cabinet hardware
15'xl5"x2" Boat Cushions . i .
Guaranteed guide free CThTj
casting rods l W
Landing Nets 1.33 to . . . . . . a23
Fly Books 2.03 to . .... S.35
12-ft. Cedar Boats f. . JJ5a00
14-ft; Cedar Boats . . . . i i05C0
? f 1 r , . . . .
rront and Court Sts.
! . -
Phone 9163
o o
tion Display at
(Paul F. Parker
111 Sixth St. West Salem
-I rh. 5MI