PACT TEN Th. OREGON STATESMAN. Sal.m. Oregon. Friday Morning. April 26. 1S46 I i It 5- li r Amity Houses Qiange Hands AMITY. April Waiter Cook baa 2J- -(Special) njld hi place north of town on the highway to Bnldy Morrell. Cook, will make To R. L. ELFSTROM CO. Our sincere good wishes :and a cordial welcome to Court Street. COURT STREET RADIO 357 Court Street Lis ttaBay Harry GssUfson CONGRATULATIONS AND BEST WISHES TO ?. L. Elf slroni Co. the completion your gram! on of Hooting W. R. RANSOM Heotina and 1215 Chemtketa t" w Our Best for continued success i in the opening of their New Ultra Store Service ' It was sjenuino pleasuro to work with Messrs. Robort Elistronu Tlnltham Gilbert Ralph Eyre and all department heads in the design and planning of this store. L- P. Bartholomew Archi'ect And We take pleasure in extend ing our best wishes to THE R. L. ELFSTROM CO. on the completion of their new Court Street Store. i ! t: his home with his daughter near Wilscnville. ) Mrs. Nette Tovey has sold her residence on East Nursery street to Mr. and Mist. Lyle Wood and mocd to her property on Get chell street. Mis. Vernier Beard has solil her home to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Garrett v. ho have taken posses sion of the property. The I . 11 Salem. Oregon THK ami opening new More. by Plumbing Phono 4068 V Wishes are extended to the i i - r - Modern and Center 4 I t i i A associates a tmm t "4xt . :c f I Mi. BORING-OPTICAL R.L. Elfsirom New Store On Court Street Will Have Its Formal Ooen T;e R. L. Elistrorn store, regarded as the largest organisation on the cuast devoted strictly to home improvement, will have itt formal opening from 1 to 9 p.m today at ils new quarters at 340 Court St., former location of the' Hamilton Furniture campany. Complete remodeling of the five sales floors has been effected, newf'stock moed in., and" departmental organization readied to take Bean Faiers Ate Plowmir For Planting NORTH SANTJAM, April 25 (Special) Farmers are plowing for beans and getting ready to plant. Those planting carrots' for the tannery plan to plant in a week- Ttif Santiam Telephone Co. will disband the old company and join wvith Marion in a new line and System. Jatpes Bethell cut hi hand whil cutting wood with a drag saw; ; AjHhur Bile has his hand, in a cast because'of a cracked bone Mf. Forest lent hospital Holman is in following an ;a I oper- ation. Mrs. Herman Morgan has been in the hospital for observation. Mrs. Arm Auk of Lo Angeles is v (filing her son. Forest Holman M. and Mrs. Robert Bethell and. daughter, Mr. and Mrs. WaTe Bond, Mr. and Mrs. Ar thujpj Morgan of Slay tori' and n,Mommy, Mr. and Mrs. Her- matt- Morgan James Bethell and family and filrd Sunday at Copse Iake. "tp Elmer GlideweTls and the J. iV, Bethells spent Sunday at Lyons. rl Claik left Sunday for a -visit in 'Tacoma, Wash. Sunday School Convention to m April 28 JfiEFFERSON Sunday. April 28 the date for the Jefferson discjrict Sunlay sr hool convention' wtijch convenes at the Scmi Bap tist church. Si'nday chojls in the district are1' asked to bring tfmner tb be trved at I p. m. The program begim at 2:15 p. m The Rev. and Mrs. Whipple antf two other missionaries o the C htna Inland Mission will have j (hajge of the prcgram. -'Wis.1 Glauys Arnold will lead the ong sffvice; followed by scripture leading and prayer. Spenal trtusic i will add to the program. j $. H. Turnidge, president; will preside. Mrs. C. J. Thurstbn is secretary-treasurer. Mrs. Frank Hawkins i uperihtendent f the Ctnldrens Division. Anjj;l Hasehall ! Plans Announced NT. ANGEL William bVSi. ; srK'n ts h;iiman and Xlesident of I thr Willamette Valley league tyase- ball spoke at the Business Mens j clljib Monday. Opening game for 'the league was srt for next Suti Jay afternoon at Will.imette, "-May 5, Bean stated, wilt mark the opener in Mt. Anj;el 'Suits ami equipment had turnel irb a problem again, since the OPA had raised the prices on all items and, in adition, good Suits virre hard to get. The' local flub , miy be forcel to borrow suit for the opener. Mrs. t'letus Butsch was named to handle the cancer fund drie. Itazel Green Ciniiniiiity 'Meets -The Hazel Gieen C'ommtuilty cltib will meet tonight at 8 o'clock. A program of local and outside talent has been; secured by. the program committee. Miss ILois Wackcn and Mrs. Henry Ras mussen. Election! of officers will also be held. l"he refreshment committee is under the direction of Mrs. Loren Cower and Mrs. JR. H. Wacken. : mmmmmmzmmmmmm If . I; ins Todav care or the expansion necessitat ed when the company outgrew its recent home at 375 Chemeketa. Durable C.oadn Downstair The downstaiis stale, rem hahic ia new stairways near the street entiance, is deoteri to riuiable goods, roofing and insulation, and includes model bathrooms, kit chens and utility nxtms in new enamelled wallboard with inlaid panels and metal trim. One dis play shows various adaptations and uses of modern roofing. Mer- i chandise displays also include re frigerators, ranges, heating units, wavhing machines, vacuum clean ers and smaller home appliances even down to an electric train. The main flixr primarily fea tures paints the di.tplay ai langcment having been effected by representatives from the Sherwin-Williams factory, but also provide cris-.ertiin exhibit of i as : the remainder of the stoie. well as a recoi d shp. Wallpaper Rolls Shown Wall eo eiings of all typ4-. in rlurlirig the Van I.m s eon s ued in sexeial plac-es n the stoie's own walls, predominate on the me7aiiue flKr where general offires al-o are located. A fn-cial display arrangement allows the thooing of wallpaper from aiual ; r'lls instead of sample lKMks. The se mul f limr is given uv r to fui iiitiire. a SD-called slumber! shop, bedding, draperies and a j room-of-the-mnth roe which will feature furnishing for dif- j ferent looms eeiy. 30 day. j Cat petuig. liiKjIelim, asphalt tile, di a inboards. a se ei al-le el display of lighting fixtures and j the new; ait gallciy take up the! thud floor. The ait Kalleiy in-' eludes the original paintings of several widely known contempor- ary artists as we l as other pi-- tuie.s and artists' supplies. j Indirect Fluorescent Lighting Floors of the entire store, with i the exception of carpeting in the! fiiinituie department, utilize the! newest commercial adaptations of j linoleums and asphalt tiles, t'eil- mgs feature special accoustical , materials. Lighting is piovided by ! indirect fluorescent throughout. A complete sign department is set up in a larxe warehouse a half block north of the main store, ail facilities for repairing radios of all types also are available theie. I A particularly new feature of ; the main store is a large lounge and powder room on the first floor, which officials have an- : nounced will be made available j for any women's group commit- i tee meeting or similar affair. j Elevator Failed to Arrive Finishing touches to some por- : turns of the new construction if - . main to be put on, such as the j new elevator which failed to ar-i me in time for the foimal open-j nig and the new exterior now in ' the process of completion. i But in the main the new stoic is considered all set and the man agement said Thursday they ex pected it to show to the full ad vantage of thousands of visitors.! Mr. Elizabeth Jamie ! Honored, OES Chapter SILVERTON, April 25 - (Spe cial ) Mrs. Elizabeth Jamie, w ho j has made her homtt Si! vet ton j for the past eight years, and is j now planning to return to Hilo, j Hawaii, was honored Tuesday! night at the regular meeting of Ramona chapter. No. 58, Order of ' Eastern Star, and presented a g"Ttt ! by Eden Kftss for the assembly. Announcement was made that t Ramona club w ill meet with Em- ma Towe on May 7. ' Gertrude Bachman presided as i worthy matron, and Clark Bach man as worthy patron. Serving refreshments weije Marie Iarsen and Gladys Irish "4tith Cathaleen Riches decorating the hall. Special Service Are Concluded ! AMITY, Apiil 25 -(Special) The Rev. Ralph Kleen of Salem closed tfie special ser ices at the Melhodi-t church Friday. Mr. Kleen asisted vv 1 1 1 the special music. The Thursday evening service w as preceded by a serv- I ice around candle-liijlitafd tables depi1ing the ninr of the L;it Sujper in the Upper Room. NEWCOMERS AT ZEN A ; ZEN A. April 25 - iS-eciaD ; Newcomers here on the Howard Goodf pillow farm are Mr. and Mrs. Victor Lahti and Richard and Le ! j Roy, fcjrmerly of C)atkanie. and fjMr. and Mrs. Lee Brown and Wal ter who moved here from Roberts. Our Own Brand! VENETIAN BUNDS 3 Week Delivery Finish Guaranteed a Full Year Dial 9?21 Lc moil Officer Plans for Day At Mt. Angel ITi ANGEL April 25- (Spe cial) -Ridge Miller, district service officer for Veterans Administra tion will be here each Tuesday at 9 a m. to advise and help vet erans in any- problem they may have. Headquarters will be at the Ford garage. Legionnaires were asked to keep Sunday, May 5, in mind as the opening day of the local base ball sea.von and to be on hand to take part in the opening ceremo nies at the Ebne ball park. Mt. Angel will play t'anby in the opener, and the Mt. Angel post will sponsor the flag raiding ceremony. Mothers day program and meeting for May 14 was the prin cipal topic of discussion at the auxiliary unit meeting. Mrs. Cle tus Butsch was appointed to ar range a program to honor the Gold Star mothers of World war II. Death of -Mrs. Lena Unger last week maiked the last of the local Gold Star motheis of the first war; full hoiiois will tw trans ferred to the newer group. The unit voted to pay one tu itin to Girls state, that is, to fi nance either one full attendance atsthe gills assemblage or to n-nd two girls or pait time. Iliihhurd Fclc Will Be May 3 HUBBARD. April 25 (Special) May fete will be held in the gym May 3, at 1:30 p m. Iiragerie Hose is pieen, and maids of honor are Etta Hall and Lucille Schafer; Caiolyn Cramer, Peggy Wekh, Rita Underwood, Betty Fyark, Doris McAithur and Mary Frances I.ienbach. Leonard Iow rie will be picnic minister. Other members of the court are Dale Miller and Buddie Jones as pages, Floyd Dommitk as ciown beaicY and Mane Mattison and Barbaia Jane Van Lieu as flower girls. After the coronation the grade school will present the pageant "The Sleeping Princess. " Winding of the maypole by members of the high school student body will conclude the program. A ball game will follow. Huhharl Woman Fete Easter Visitors Ht'BBARD, April 25 (Special) Easter guests of Mis. Grace Cram er were Mrs. C. W. G rover and Ruth Grover of Road's End. Ore., and Mrs. G. B. Hovenden of Port land. Mrs. Hal bar Bailey and Abra ham Van Netter of Muncie. Ind., were married Friday April 12, by the Rev. Butler at his home here. Mr. and Mrs, Van Netter plan to tive in Hubbard. Douglas McKay Speak At Silverton (llianiber SILVER TON. April 25 (Spe cial) Douglas' McKay, ihaiiman Ming Airly N.OJ Mr hw uolaiim on lh,' " ulhorllj: WMtltu. ana t. trL0 mmL J LA T wi'hrt h a ih uik Ch. Conn . j rtmtiMrn alch. In itr te, u 8- UMIMl ,' pc&Catl' " 1 . Schawl. mttr ' lb lit t mmt tr k dub4 r th m rmnaJIrl tg cnatroc- I ! IT I r, O m oust ' ra t . aut a. raS mn w for J JJa KZaaaL m W aV "VT -t ' ; ' (at z t4s a ,'at II in p.r IS last b ii I a mrntr. from Scvar hurlftl an th rocks fcall oo Johtmeat t of the Willamette valley project, was guest speaker Tuesday night before the Silverton Chamber of 305 y - I : Welcome to Court Street ' ; - ' j ... It is with a great j deal of pleasure that ! we welcome the! - !" j , . j . ! ' ' 1 i ' ' - I'" R. L. Elf strom Co. to Court Street. Sin- v I cere Good .Wishes i ' and Congratulations ' i Ttm' IT'S NEWS! The R. L. Elfstrom Company A' cordially invites you to attend OPEN HOUSE i their A'eic Home, 340 Court Street, Salem, Oregon Friday afternoon and evening April 26, 1946, 1 to 9 p.m. W. take this opportunity to w.lcom. Street May tucctii ORBCOM Ccurt at Liberty St. ithar m mt th 13 W'"' miaj-r Commerce. He reviewed briefly the flood control program for the valley, giving information on the Sincere Congratulations R. Le ELFSTROM ortheir new Court Street THE MODERNE Court Phone r. t, O. mukHI an aid friend and n.ighJbor to crown r.ry .tfort . nanpwa irajaa JJTt. TyJ 9 ar- 'j r K ir i 1 v - ' - . -.rT AT r 6-evi I T 1. W JVMt 1 H V.2jr'ir' mav .am iW'C rmntl raililn tftfia Wat IB Vaai illaall al l-Z-"! r mw'i ITaVCir 'it'rliPae si2e of the; dam, the road reloca tion, and the benefits .to be de rived from the project. . j to the CO. Store 3808 e ttvla c.tjr tr.u tut l V Hi neaHat mi i ey w4 k Court ACl ff, V 4 . 'sy mm aw mm UP 7 lt hmm ' alaaa. I tj ! . Mara Va v ml mt att aUtai l - a kin ptmm mm Tt iyatar) Ma e ft l.t'a mm mm aa mf M m in (anri priacitw I. a3 Court Phone 6306 Tnur - f aa wTo. a. v abt ! tul cl hen Mriua k as 4' -r ml 1 V"aSfM-