The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 25, 1946, Page 6, Image 6

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tli OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon. Thursday Morning. April 25. 1941
v Celebrations
This Week I
, Two - sprint birthday parties
re on the social calendar this
old Becky Ann Benni
son. daughter ot Lt. and Mrs.
James Bennison, celebrated her
first birthday on Tuesday at the
borne of her paternal grand--parents,
Mr. and Mrs. O. E.
. Bennison in Portland.
Becky, who often visits in
Portlnd. was honored by twelve
of her Portland friends at a de
li jhtful party at the Bennison'
Thome. The afternoon was spenti
In the garden and later a birth-:
day cake and refreshments were
served. The table decorations
were all in pink: Mrs. Walter
I. Spaulding of Salem, the little
girl's maternal grandmother
was present for the occasion
lira. Bennison and her daughter
re remaining in Portland for
the week. Lt. Benrfiaon, vwho has
" never seen his daughter, is still
la Europe.
larty n Friday -
Tommy Crawford, son of the
Lee Crawford, will celebrate
tils fourth birthday on Friday
at the Park avenue home of hi
parents. Games will be in play
la the garden and at the re-
Badio Depairs
By Expert Radio Engineers
Dial 9221
CSS D0Ll?!l?RQ3E8
We know yovH be deCghted
with this fomoui conweh' deodorant. We know;
you'll wont to continue using it.
Thot's why we're offering it to you
for o SsMted tune at half price!
Lovely women have learned to, depend on
Tvssy Cream Deodoronr to guard their charm,
their clothes. It's gentle to th
kki ond to the finest fabrics.
leaves o haunting frog ranee.
Stays Huffy ond creamy
longer. Hurry to get your
or. This sole happens
cnl, once o yeort
Capital Drug
Cot. State 4 Liberty - Ph. 3118
County WCTU Institute, Fres
Methodist church. Market ' and
Winter streets, 18 a.m. opening
Town and Cown, Music Hall.
Willamette campus. 1 M p.m. tea
at Lausanne hall following.
Sojourners. 1 o'clock dessert
luncheon and bridge.
Little Garden Clab of Salem
Heights, with Mrs. Louis Andef
aon. 1 p in. dessert.
Laming Neighbors Garden club
with Mrs. Ethel Marsh, 74 Lan
sing ave., dessert luncheon, 1
Salem Woman's club, meet at
clubhouse. 2:30 p m , board
meeting preceding.
Salem chapter. Order of East
ern Star. Masonic Temple. 8 p.m.
freshment hour each guest will
be given an individual cake
with candles.
Bidden to honor Tommy are
Elaine Standish, Billy Felton,
Roger Mink. Nancy Smith, Shar
on Truax, Judy Hartwell, Caro
lyn Siewert, Suzette Taylor,
Toni and Gail DeSart, Stevie and
Stanley Crawford.
' Additional guests will be Mrs.
H. R. Crawford, Mrs. Mattie
Taylor, Mrs. Clinton Standish,
Mrs. Joseph Felton, Mrs. Roy
Mink, Mrs. Homer F. Smith,
Mrs. Merritt Truax, Mrs. Milton
Hartwell. Mrs. Alan Siewert,
Mrs. Willard Taylor and Mis.
Hal DeSait.
Salem chapter. Order of
Eastern Star will meet Saturday
night at the Masonic Temple at
8 o'clock with Mrs. William
Merriott and "Walter Lansing
presiding. IJpllowing the meet
ing a social evening and danc
ing will be enjoyed. John Gray
bill is in charge of arrange
ments. Eastern Star visitors are
welcome to attend the meeting.
0 f
nut ias'
Miss Taylor
Now Mrs.
The First Congregational
church was the setting for a
beautiful spring wedding Wed
nesday night when Miss Betty
Taylor, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. A. A. Taylor, became the
bride of Thomas B. Ritchey of
Independence. Dr. Daniel H.
Schulze performed the double
ring ceremony before a large
gathering of fciencLs and rela
tives at 8 o'clock. :
The altar and chancel r rail
were banked wjth arrangements
of white lilacs; and white and
pink flowering , shrubs. White
tapers in candejabras were at
the altar and in each window
were single white tapers with
a spray of white flowers at. the
base. Mrs. Robert C. Taylor,
wearing a white starched chiffon
gown printed in deep pink
flowers, and James G. 'Taylor,
brother of the bride, lighted the
candles preceding the .nuptial.
Mrs. Carolyn Gaskins fiblli
van of C'orvalli sang "Ich Liebe
Dich" and "The lord's Prayer"
at the close of the ceremony.
J. P. Smait sang. ""; and
Mrs. James S.; Smart was the
The blonde bride, who was
given in marriage by her fath
er, wore a handsome gown of
white nylfcn fahicned with a
fitted bodice 8fd ' flared skirt,
which terminated in a train.
The long, full sleeves were gath
ered into a b&hd at the wrist
and seed pearl embroidery; en
hanced the neckline. Self-fcover-ed
buttons extended from neck
line to waist in back. Her tram
length tulle veil cascaded from
a pearl bandeau. She "carried a
cascade of ltUes-of-the-vallcy,
rapture roses iand white lilacs.
Sister Is Honor Attendant
Mrs. Lloyd P. Reilly was her
sister's matron of honor. H-r
gown was of fnist pink start lied
chiffon trimmecf with blue vel
vet ribbon around the square
neckline, at the waist and dic
ing the- deep flounce on ths
skirt. She wore a crownless hat
of pink pleated tulle and forget-me-nots.
Her flowers were pink
tulips, and white lilacs tied with
a blue lace ribbon.
Bridesmaids . were Mis.4 Betly
Dotson and Mrs. Robert E . Wot -ral,
whose identical frocks were
Picture yourself revclirtf in the luxury of a
big Juicy broiled steak smothered with mushrooms . . .
Of a tweet, toothsome slice of ham with broiled
tomcrtocf onf oil the fixin's.
A dream pernops today. But dreams of today become
threalitJT of tomorrow, particularly tf you own a new
ROPER Gat Ran sc. you'll be delighted to team
bow RopS amaifrig new MGlo broiler turns out
broiled foods par excellence . . . foods with appeal.
of blue and pink nylon. The
dresses were designed with bod
ices of lace, full sleeves with
lace cuffs and full ski its. They
wore matching juliet caps of
ribbon and tulle and carried
bouquets of pink tulips and
white lilies tied with white lace.
Paul Carey of Independence
stood with . the groom as best
man and seating the guests were
John Holechek and Guy Travis
of Independence. Lloyd D.
Reilly and James G. Taylor.
For her daughter's nuptials
Mrs. Taylor selected a rose jer
sey floor length dress with cor
sage of gardenias.
The wedding reception was
held in the fireplace room im
mediately after the ceremony.
Mrs. H. E. McWain and Mrs.
H. 'R. WoWlburn arranged the
bride's table, which was set in
silver and white appointments
and white tapers'.
Assist At Reception
Mrs. Paul E. Robinxm of In
dependence was in charge of
the dining room. Pouring were
Mrs. Georgia E. Taylor, the
bride's grandmother, and Mrs.
Wesley Wire, the groom's aunt.
Mrs. Rhea Miner, aunt of the
bride, and Mrs. F. E. Mercer
cut the bride's cake Mis. Rob
ert C". Taylor passed the guest
book and in charge of the gifts
were Mrs. Keith Reich and Miss
Maty Louise Carey of Independ
ence. Serving were Miss Birdie
Hebel. Mis Margie Miner, Miss
Cornelia Hulst. Mrs. Carl Trick
and Mrs. Wallace Wright of
When the newlyweds left on
their wedding trip to the south
ern Oregon beaches the bride
donned a green and honey beige
Jersey dress fashioned with
peplum arid honey IxMge wool
top coat. Her gr-n hat was
trimmed with white flowers and
her accessories were brown. Her
corsage was of orchid..
The couple will make their
home in Independence where he
Li employed at the postoffice.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ramaejrer
had as Easter dinner guests
their children. Mr. and Mrs.
Ben Ramsey er of Salem. Mr.
and Mrs. Albeit Hamseyer, Pat
sy and Kenneth of Del.ake, Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Rameyer. Joe
and Bill and Mrs Ramseyer's
mother, Mrs. S. Bailey all cf
Seattle, Mr. and Mrs Dave
Ramseyer and Jack, Mr. and
Mrs. Dave Ramseyer, jr. and
Kathleen of Pratum. The Seattle
guests remained until Tuesday.
Better than that
New Officers
Are Elected
Motion pictures shown by C.
C. Edwards was the main fea
ture of the program for the
Business and Professional Wom
en's regular dinner meeting at
Nohlgren's on Tuesday night.
Especially interesting was the
colored film showing Oregon's
natural beauty spots for vaca
tionists. The program was ar
ranged by the health and re
creation committee whose chair
man is Miss Ruth McAdams. Mr.
Edwards was introduced by Mrs.
Mayme Yates.
Special music consisted of
three numbers by the BPW
chorus directed by Mrs. Jessie
Bush Mickelson and accompa
nied by Mrs. John Schmidt, jr.
Special guests introduced
were Miss Susan Faherty, Red
Cross. Miss Bernice Yeary. Mar
ion county health, and Miss M.
Inez Reno, office manager for
YWCA building fund campaign.
Other guests were Miss Alice
Mathey. Mr. Ethel Morrison,
r 1
a Glorious Sprinql
rci?ern9nt about these newest Sprinjr
Suits at Sally'sl . . . with that "drassed
up" look in their roundr. afir
Bhouldar lines that taper down to a
whisper of a waist, clever yok and
bodio treatment all'Uesirwd to flat
ter Lli feminine figure.
ST f
L J "
Mrs. Dorothy Walker. Mrs. Al
berta Khnrmakr, Mrs Roberta
Heiseman, Mrs. Ruby Ringland.
Mrs. Carlton G i eider. Mis. C. C.
Edwards, Mrs. Iis P. Schmidt
and Mrs. Vivienne Meola.
Following the dinner a short
business meeting was held. An
nual election of officers took
place which resulted in the
election of Mrs. Carmalite Wed
dle for president; Mrs. Marion
Wooden, first vice-president;
Mrs. Anna Morgan. se-ond vice
president: Miss Betty Elof.-on.
recording-secretary: Mrs. Ruth
Versteeg. corresponding - secre
tary; Miss Cecelia Woodruff,
treasurer; M iss Mathilda Gilles,
Miss Helen Hiller and Miss
Mary Sheldon, directors.
Mrs. Jessie Bu&h MitkeUon
outlined the plans for the cho
rus's spring concert neries in
cluding the Music Week concert
on May 7 at Waller hall; spe-ci.-tl
music for the BPW state
convention in Portland on May
18 and the "Gay Nineties Re
vue" scheduled for June 4 at
Leslie junior high school, and
appearances at several state in
stitutions dining Music Week.
Thero'4 an
or t : 1
f ' . 1
for spRir;3 an-d
I.OII . . .
Miss Peavy
Announcement of the engage
ment of Miss Marie Peavy to
Sgt. Roger Baker. L'i. marines,
was told at an informal dinner
party Friday night at the home
of the bride-elect's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. I). Peavy.
Sergeant Baker is the son of
Mr. and Mis. Morton linker of
Portland. He has served in the
marines for five and a half
years, three and a half of which
weie spent in a Japanese prison
camp,. He is now awaiting Ii
chaiyc at San Diego.
A piftute of the couple pasted
on eggs, concealed in the center
piece, revealed the betrothal.
Plans are being made for the
wedding in mid-sumrmr.
Dinner guests were: Miss Mil
dred Rothweiler. Miss Dorothy
Kmgwell, Miss Patricia Peeler,
Miss Dorothy Hellecks, Mini I-e-ona
Kerner, Miss Marie Peavy,
Mrs. Van Sweringen, Mrs Glenn
Pearon. Mrs. Glenn Buske. Mrs.
Jack Peavy. Mrs. Enoch Maerr
and Mrs. W. D Peavy.
. . i" . f f. ft t ft.
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. '' yil
I illnl
V.'hntever your desire In Coa'e . . . you shall hae ttl
L jnj, short, fitted or lisy - but e-ach one In ls own
rljht styled and tailofed In the new moo-i 'S'jft to in-Ui
more flattering than ever I
Pelicans tuck their heads
against their bodies when Uwy
fir. .
tort xht ctiUk ex
Br t4r fYOTVth, rw flMchs mm4' ,
Mm rlfM fcaUasa ( tf"ia.
ias ) aU TrtMml C(
tttntt it .aciaaoScaliij Im4
ran fctl All Hm tifmmf
ml r tkuki Swiss ofM
S growth. S Wm 41.
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