The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 25, 1946, Page 12, Image 12

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    The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon. Thursday Morning. April 25. 1948
Plan Tea for Mothers f
' Atj)ervars High School
For Friday, April 26 !
GERVAIS A tea will be given
- si the high school Friday, April
28, by the Homemaking classes.
. All women and especially moth-
ss in the community are invited.
; The theme will be Spring and the
' style show will feature teen fash
; ians for around the clock wear.
The modeling will be done by the
eiething class and the tea table
; and food by the food class.
Martha DuRette will be com-
- asentator for the style show and
music will be played by Luzerne
Hanes. Three songs will be sting
by Shirley Rondeau, Wanda Fer
- ren, Viola Bierly, LUa Dugger,
i ( ' fPy i - r"
Shirley Klenski, accompanied by
- Luzerne Hanes.
w .yry ,y m. m mm e oni .,. aw hw. .w ml. m m m m m m m mm. m w o- ow- m v. si m m i r m . "
irw -mrt'jr - . . . i i i 1 . am . tmii i w , .... l.
vi?W xj&i yt , vr-7 lianas k- iCTr- ".;:-iV"
Qoverdale School
Has Easter Program
CLOVZRHALE, April 24-(Spe-
eiai;- jaster was observed i at
the school Friday and each room
had a program. The upper rom
had a picnic luncheon followed
vj a oau game and a wiener
roast on the play grounds. I
The lower grade room pupils
spent the morning coloring Eas
ter eggs and later an egg hunt
was held.
; Qoverdale Girl Third
In County Competition
CLOVERDALE. April 24-(Spe--
rial)- The healthiest boy and girl
were Jerry Wipper, Karleen Dra
- gr and Mary Lou Hatch tied.
and a decision was bv a norm.
larity vote and Mary Lou was
Mary Lou placed third while
, Jerry aid not place at the county
- contest.
Valley Briefs
Union Hill Juvenile grange
? members and the matron, Mrs.
Henry Hansen, will visit the too
Ja Portland Sunday.
Oaverdale The Farmers
TTnim will rnot tvu.
Max Gahler will show motion
pictures after the business meet
ing. talea Uai The Woman's
elub meets with Mrs. Dolph
Heater Thursday when a treasure
nunt will be held.
Middle Grove Patrons of the
Middle Grove school have been
called to meet Friday at 8 p.m.
in the schoolhouse to discuss the
question of Bible education for
the coming school year.
- Lebanon Santiam post of the
American Legion is asking the
wnon city council to name
new streets in honor of the young
.men Irom here who were cas
ualties of World war II. The sug
gestion, made by Warren Gill, a
veteran of this war, was adopted
, unanimously by the post.
Swede - The Garden Road
.Neighborhood club will meet
Friday at 1:30 p.m. at the home
of Mrs. R. T. Wicklander on Gar
; den road. . i
Valley Obituaries
Levis Xerre
" SILVERTON. April 24 -(Special)-
Funeral services for Louis
Lovre. who died Tuesday, f will
be held from the Memorial
chapel of the Ekman funeral
heme Friday at 2 p.m. Rev. G. T.
Dickinson will officiate.
Mary McCormfck
LEBANON, April 24-(Special)
Funeral services were held Mon
day. April 22, for Mary McCor
, snick who- was a teacher irj the
Portland school system for 30
.years, i
Born in Lebanon. Miss McCor-
BQick, who died in Santa fcruz,
Calif, April 18, kept her Inter
est in the family home here,1 Sur
vivors are four brothers and two
sisters, Cyrus and Daniel) Mc
Cormick of Lebanon, John and
Andrew McCormick of Portland,
Mrs. Margaret Todt of Pasadena
nd Mrs. Anna Buchanan of
.Santa Cruz.
W pay highest allow
able, cash prices for
dressed voaL See your
Dearest Scrfeway Store
manager for complete de
tails. SilFEWAY
1MB) Too Watber's
i Too "rnntrt"
ye Yoor Toaster's (
j St -rek- m
Too Washer's oot workUif
- Muraiac
(oa. kao
poor Dae.
Prompt efficient repair service
1TJI N. Front St. Salem, Ore.
We Can Do Tear Job New -Lawn
Sprinkling Systems
tS Years Experience !
Free Estimates
Call 1-lflS After 4 P.M.
r r-v uBiier . . ana wiin areaier Daraams man ever oeiore . . . jusi a iremenaous -x -r'
The slickest bargains ever . . . .
Yes, those "hard to get" elastic
top Briefs . . . cotton or rayon
elastic styles ...
Regular to 1.19
Anklets of every
color ... in fine
or heavy rib styles
... Regular
Whites . . . black ...
pastels . . . in 30 - inch
headquares. Regular 1.45
l Y
5 St-llinj: .
)a s On!
" Til'
Slave Sandals
Saddle leather side gg
buckle strap sandals l a77
... Flat heels, bare Jf f
foot deluxe.
Hr e il is again . . . yes. : . Ihe "Honlh End Sale" al Leon's. : : bigger,
teller . . . and with greater bargains than ever before . . . Jusi 5 tremendous
selling days . . . and "right smack" in Ihe heart of the season . . . No refunds
. . . Ho approvals . . . IIo exchanges! Every sale final!
mmm.m . a m m - a mm a a v a w m a -v . . ' -i
Here are bargains . . . lhal yon
won't soon forget . Over 200
dresses . . . At exactly one-half
price . . . Included are Sport Clas
sics of "hard to find" Gaherdines
.j . '.. Jumpers for "all around
Ine-Hali Price!
And lingerie . . . is tough to find ... In spite
of that . . . Leons Month Ender brings to
yon 400 slips . . . of White and Tearose . . .
Lace or Tailored . . . At this astoundingly
low price. Values are to 5.00 . . . While they
last ...
Only 47 pair left . . .s..
genuine hanl laced,
-Mexican" Huraches . .
Hurry while still your
size. Regular 3.45.
White crepe half slips . . .
Lice trim . . . elastic
top. Regular 3.95
Bnms 3H
Values galore . . . not all
sizes in each style but most
sizes in group ... all select
ed from our better shoes . . .
high heels ... medium heeLs
. . . low heels . . . Regular
to 8.95.
Tastels and assorted dark
er colored skirts ... all
known brands, many 100
wool ... all wanted styles,
regular 5.95.
at SO A. El
0 S !
o o
Only 6 dozen of them . . .
Genuine Cdrde trim ... In
black or brown . . . And a
few navy . . . Zipper tops
. . . Underarm or top-handle
styles. Regular 6.95
values . . . While they lasT.
EI fv
Black, brown, red gabar
dine, many whites . . .
The most comfortable
play shoe ever . . . ideal
house or street styles.
Regular 5.95.
Sharkskin and Broadcloth Dickies la white
and colors . . . Shirt style or Peter pm $f
Pan collars ... Regular 1.29 sell- y)iy)C
ers . . . Month End Sale . . . 2 tl
A treat selection from refular
stock Many Joea Kenleys
eluded ... plenty ef whiles .
alues are to
wear" . and dressy types ;
With plenty of blacks and gay
pastels . . . Everyone is a current
style ... and every one is a bar
gain deluxe." Vi prices are 3.97
to 12.47.
ine-Mf Price!
A bargain In pre-war times ... And a
"teaT at ttanes like these . . . Long or short
sleeves . . Colors are white . . . pastels or
patterns . . . And styles are shirt type or
dressy . . . Cotton or crepe materials. Values
are to 4.00 . . . While they last ... i.
v l il Mill l
V I uJJ l nT
a. Tuesday
J. :' . J . " ' i'wt. enei
1 (-
I i
4.95 ... very special
A ttrrffio toraia U.
male of extra loa
staple ftUu ... red.
blue, yellow. ssaan4
white otrloes, sllht
factor defects ret-
lar 1.29. i
I !!
i ' i ; .
t . i