PAGE TEN The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon. Wednesday Morning. April 24. 1946 Slatetman Classified Ad? ertUlnf Classified Ads Call 9101 '; Um ! Tkrve Inaertlan per line 2S Six taterUaas per line Oa aaaath per line S1.59 atlmiaaaaa chart 25c: t U. mln. 4c: C tL min. 50c No refunds. Cattat $ wards to line. Copy for this page accepted un- I ta In evening before public- I Uoa for classification, copy r wm after this time will be run under the heading "Too Late to Class Tr Statesman inuimi no finan cial responsibility for errors wbirh nay appear ta advertisement pub banest in its columns and In cases wiser this paper la at fault will rrprret that part of an advertise sneat la which the typographical aartak occurs. Tb Statesman reserves the right to select questionable advertising It further reserves the fight to BvUce aU advertising under the proper classification. A -Blind" Ad an ad containing a Statesman box number for an adtrsa ta for the protection 'of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The States anaa ta not at liberty to divulge Information as to the identity of aa advertiser using a "Blind" ad. Livestock and Poultry SADDLE Horse 3 year old bay geld Hg. L9 hands. Weight, one thousand. Broke by lady owner. Reasonable. Ph. s-rwi . . Z1 NEW Hampshire Red lay inn hens and 2 roosters. II months old. Call after 30 p. m. only. William Schafer, rt. 4. bo 310. Pnngle road. CVLri VATI?G Horse and harness ear will trade for livestock. R. L. Beck nrr Rt 3. bo 343. St. Paul road. FOsTSAXaTTaOO Bronze turkey ouTts April 20. Also 3300 Bronze turkey poults stay 3. These poults arc pulor aa clean. Nellie Compton. Rt. 1. Jefferson. Phone 003 Jefferson. BABYHICKS. CoTtterels. Pullets Nine leading varieties Weekly hatches Order chicks early 33th year Phone 'sHatcherj WANT tO. Fal and canner ci to Dairy cows, heifers bulls, veal rat noes, tows, stags, boars Market arte C C McCandlish. rt 3 bos 373 n I47 serosa rrombsll Dark S23h CtTSTOM dressing of cnlckens. any number Prompt service Dressed poul try wholesale our specialty Phone 2-31 Lee's Hatchery "RABBIT WANTED, all snesT y to Oka Whito. 34c lb colored 32c It, live weisnt Rabbit skin, best prices Wire stretrher and other supplies Salem add fas. OO Ratclif f Drive, phone 3-IS30 portlsKs addresa Rabbit Meat Co 1 1 K .frk SUN 1733 - iv AJsTEDl Beef and canner cows Us and veaia Will call at farm C I S net hen. 133 Lancaster Drive rl Jl 544 Mm-ns ofv rs WANTED All ainds of livestock VaUey Packing Co Phone 3033 Help Wanted BOYS. GIRLS: to set pins. Easy lrsuMjork, good pay. 333 N. High St. DISHWASHER wanted. Black & White Coffe fhop.l?64N.Capjtol. W ANTED : Strong healthy person with sound nerves to put his br her head rst ruillotin at the HOUSE OF MAGIC SHOW, featuring Warren gram. Be at LeolM Jr. High auditorium. Friday nifit, April 3. at3. WANTED" Someone to assist trie lovely Lucille, whe she is sawed In half bv Warren Oram. Friday night. April 2S. a, HULSI ur MAUlt a i un Jr. High auditorium. Leal Notice NOTICE Or FINAL ACCOCNT No. 11323 ta the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion Department of Probate la the Matter ef the Estate of Ceorre C. Will, deceased NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Carted States National Bank of Port load I Or-ron . as evecutor of the es tate? or George C. Will, deceased, has tiled Its final account in the Circuit Court of the Stat at Oregon for the (aunty at sUnon, and that Friday, th 3rd day at May. 1944. at the hour mt 93m clock. In the forenoon of said day aad th Court room of said Court fcaa aoets appointed by said court as th time acid place for the hearing of oanetson tneret and tn settlement of th said final account. - THE INITIO STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OREGON rssratsr at th estate of George C. tfl ofvost Data of first publication. April 3. 330. Oat al Last publication. May 1. IU L. E. CROUCH TlpafcllPg Bulldirg. Portland. Oregon. R. A BENNETT Aeaactcaa Bank Building. Portland. Oregass. Attorneys for Eseeutoy. Ap. 3-10-17-24-My 1 Na. 2S-11 Syaopsia of Annual Statement of the Rntasls aaaL Foreign Marine Insurance f'aenpaay. -td, of Liverpool. England, a th thirty-flrft day of December, 1941. anad ta th Insurance Commis sioner of the Stat of Oregon, pursuant la Jw: ' INCOME Net premiums received. S3. 130,223 M. . Total Interest, dividends and real es tate Income. S144.4M 40. lacome tram other sources, 3236.466- M Totaj Income. 33 J3 1.171 M - DISBURSEMENTS Met amount paid policyholder for limn, taaa.030 U. r I us adjustment expenses. 347 304 24 Ageats commissions or brokerage. 4aO30 4X aaiarie and fees officers, directors, asm office employes. 3121 14 IS TsSfs. licenses and fees. 3213.MW SO. Dtvadenda paid t stockholders, none. Drvtdeads paid or credited upolicy- b4csaft7aVa AOCM AU other eapenditures. 3401 4M.42. Total disbursements. yS.223 82 Q ADMITTED ASSETS alt of real estate owned (market Value I. bom.' an mortgages and collateral. Vahse of bonds owned (amortized) 04 0B3J4. Value of stocks value). Sfls 213 00. owned (market Cash m banks and on hand. 3693. 33 ao. Premiums In course wrMtea stac September of 30. collection 1343. 3X3.- . its aa. tnterest and rents due and accrued. CM.43aL33. , Other assets fnetl. -33 J 72 Total admitted assets. 4U.JM .78 IXABIUTIES. SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS Total unpaid claims. 31.334.336 89 Kstianated loaa adiuwtment expense tar an paid claims. 303.301 10. Total unearned premiuma on all un evpt rod risks. 11.237.777 34 Saksnes. rents, expenses, bills, ac ewaata, fees, etc due or accrued. 111, 17 4X Estimated amount due or accrued for taores, 3137.031.73. CammtssMMia. brokerage, or other caaraea u and accrued. 39 300 S3. All other liabilities. S1J7.731.2S. Total l&abtliu. except capital. 93. las mi jo. fttatuto7 deposit. SVW 000 00. -' Swrpius ' aver an liabilities. 32,687. T3220 Suratua as regard policyholder. 13, irt 723 20. TataL 343SJM 7. BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Jtet premiums received. 313.73109. Net loasea paid. 170723. Pistdeaiis paid or credited to policy - kiiw of Company .Th British and Facwtora Marina Insurance Company, Nam at Uniied Stale Manager. F. B. 2ilr. Statutory resident attorney for lerv rw. D. W. L. McGregor. Portland. Or- Auctions FOR SALE at Auction. 10 A.M Wed. Apr. 34: Beds, coil springs, mattresses, dressers, sideboards, dav enos. davenports, cooking utensils, dishes, chairs, 1 good office desk, child's desk, stoves. girl's bicycle, electric food mixer and radios. Ma chinery. 1333 Fordson tractor and 14 inch 2 bottom Case plow, 3 foot disc, mower, plows, cultivators, spring tooth harrows, walking plows and trailers. A good lot of rows, heifers and veal calves. Several lots of feeder and weaner pigs, boars and sows, chickens and rabbits. 3 good work horses. SUDT ELL'S COMMUNITY AUCTION Silverton Road Salem, Ore. Help Wanted Male EXPERIENCED second man fry cook. Sober and intelligent, opportunity of life time to grow with Salem's out standing restaurant. Apply at once. Normandy Manor, 263Q S. Com'l. , "EXPERIENCED Man for retail lum ber yard to wait on trade and load orders. Box 331 Statesman ATTENTION Men who need extra money for win ter needs, you can earn this much needed cash selling refreshments dur ing summer season at Geo. E. Watei Field. Applv Sakto J. Sturckler St Geo. E. Waters Field. 25th and Mis sion FI NISH3NG Carpenters. Years steady work. Ph. 7487. WANTED By the Long-Bell Lum ber Comoiny, Ryderwood Looging Op eration. Ryder wood. Washington, chok er setters and rigging men. Good wages. Good living conditions. Cheap house rent. Can be home every night. Recreational, church and school fa cilities. Apply Clair Vaughan. Em ployment Mgr. at Ryderwood, Wash. Phone Ryderwood 1. AUTO Btfdy and fender man. Mut he capable and ambitious. Permanent. Excellent working conditions, good pa v Ford Agency ,Tillamook,Oregon. ONE Dealer only, choice Salem ter ritory. No experience necessary: we train. J. R. Watkins Co. products. 173 So. High St.. 10 to 12 noon WANTED: Carpenter t build small house . Phone 2-3190. SALES CLERK, experienced with plumb In i and heating stock. Steady work. JUDSON'S. 273 N. Com"l. St. Salem. Help Wanted Female HOUSEKEEPER for couple. Small house. Phone 8480. POSITIONS Opened at Hillcrest school for girls for housemother and relief cook. Reliable woman of good character, ace 30 to 33. wanted. Please do not apply unless vou are vitallv interested in adolesent girls. Ph. 23022 for appointment. WANTED Reliable worrfan for house workfor one lady. Ph. 4381. WANTED Exoc-ierved" waitress. Keno Lunch. 112 N. Com'l. WOMAN Fry cook. Day work. 697 N Capital "WANTED Young sales lady for housewares and gifts. 33 hrs. week. Good nay Some exp preferable. States man. Bo 310 WANTED Experienced stenograph er for tate work. Aoply Corporation Dept State OfficeBldt WFr"NDA, young woman for en eral office work. Must be able ta type. Applv Masonic Blrtg. between 9 and 4 Metropolitan Life Ins. Co. HOUSE Cleaning 3 mornings a week 73c hour. Phone 21884. EXPERIENCED Fountain girl want ed The Spa FOUNTAIN Girl wanted. Salem Drug Co.. 333 State St. Legal Notice NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE Tbat Portloa f Market Street From the East I Joe of 3Ul Street to the West I.lnc ef Churrh Street la the City of Salem. Oregoa NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that thafaUring daytime. 5 1002 Highland Ave Common Council of the city of Salem Oregon, deems it necessary and expedi ent, and hereby declares its purpose and intention to improve that portion of Market Street from the East line of 3th Street to the West line of Church Street in the City of Salem. Marion county. Oregon, at the expense of the abutting and adjacent property owners, except any street and alley intersec tion, the expense of which will be as sumed by the city of Salem. Oregon, by bringing said portion of said street to the established grade, constructing Portland cement concrete curbs, and paving said portion of said street with asphalt concrete, thirty feet in width, in accordance with the plans and speci fications therefor, which were adopted by the Common Council on the lrt day of Aoril. IMS now on file in the office of the city Recorder and which are hereby referred to and made a par hereof. The Common Council hereby declares Its purpose and intention to make the above dexentx-d Improvement by and through the Street Improvement De partment of the citv of. Salem. Oregon. By order of the Corfimon Council of the City of Salem. Oregon, this 1st day of April. 14 ALFRED MUNDT City Recorder Salem. Oregon A -20-23-24-25-26-27-30 M. -1-2-3-4 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE That Portion f Broadway From the North Line of Highland Aveanc ta the North Llae of Hickory street ta the City of Salens. Oregon. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Common C'ounetl of the city of Salem. Oregon, deems it necessary and expedi ent, and hereby declares its purpose and intention to improve that portion of Broadway from the North line of Highland Avenue to the North line of Hickory Street in the city of Salem. Marion County. Oregon, at the expense of the abutting and adjacent property owners, except any street and alley In tersection, the expense of which will be assumed by the city of Salem. Ore gon, by bringing said portion of said street to the established grade, con structing Portland cement concrete curbs, and paving" said portion of said street with asphalt concrete, thirty feet In width, in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor, which were adopted by the Common Council on the 1st day of April. 1940. now on ffle in the office of the city Recorder, and which are hereby referred to and made jf oart hereof. i ne v isnmon t ouncii nereoy aeciares Its purpnne and intention to make the above described improvement by and through the Street Improvement De partment of the city of Salem. Oregon. By order of the Common Council of the city of Salem. Oregon, this 1st day of April. 194S ALFRED MUNDT City Recorder Salem. Oregon A. -20-23-24-25-26-27-30 M. -1-2-3-4 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE That PorU f Olive Street From the West Mae of 17th Street ta th East Line f Raeske Addition la the City f Salem. Oregoa. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Common Council of the city of Salem, Oregon, deems it necessary and expedi ent, and hereby declares Its purpose and intention to improve that portion of Olive Street from the West line of 17th Street to the East line of Roeske Addition In the City of Salem. Marion County. Oregon, at the expense of the abutting and. adjacent property own ers, except any street and alley inter section, th experts of which will be assumed by the city of Salem.' Oregon, by bringing said portion of said street to the established grade, constructing Portland cement curbs, and paving said portion of said street with asphalt con crete, thirty feet In width, in accord ance with the plana and specifications therefor, which were adopted by the Common Council on the 1st day of April. 1940. now on file in th office of th city Recorder, and vrtiich arc hereby referred to and mad a part hereof. The Common Council hereby declares Its purpose and Intention to make the above described improvement by and through the Street Improvement De partment of the city of Salem. Oregon. By order of the Common Council of th city of Salem. Oregon this 1st day of April. 1940. ALFRED MUNDT City Recorder Salem. Oregon A. -20-23-24-23-26-27-30 M.-1-2-3-4 Help Wgnted Female SPLENDID Opportunity for an at tractive young lady for check; room and as receptionist. Pleasant surround ings, interesting work. Apply at once Normandy Manor. 2fi.S0 S. Coml. PALTRY And salad woman wanted. Normandy Minor, 2650 S. Com 1. RELIABLE Woman to do nous clean ing one day a week. Ph. 7447. STENOGRAPHER Shorthand re quired. Steady work, good pay. Pri vate office. 303 Oregon Bldg. EXPERIENCED ; Waitresa wanted, day shift. Court Street Dairy Lunch. 347 Court. PRESS worker at flat worker want ed. Salem Laundry Co.. 263 S: High. WAITRESS wanted: 8 a.nT to 4 30 p.m. All holidays,' Sat. afternoons and Sundays off. Apply Mrs. Frank Krau- gr at State Office Bldg GOOD home for young woman with small child, liberal pay. full charge, light housekeeping. Phone 3330. States rnan Box 341. - WOMAN or girl for housework. Stay nights. 605 N. Liberty. . YOUNG WOMAN for general house work: stay nights Phone 7849. " EXPERIENCED housekeeper. 39 for 8 hrs. work 3 or 4 days a week. Ph. 4887 i-- . . WANTED: Experienced saleslady in Sportwear DenartmentatvSallyJs. WANTED : Housekeeper. No'washing. Plain cooking. Can be past middle-age. 375 1 Ph . 902 Jefferson. ROOM, board and some wages for elderly lady whovwill take care of 3-year-old child and 3 school children after school. No tiouseworfc or laun dry. Phone4201. MIDDLE AGED: woman for general housework. No rooking. 873 per month, board and room permanent. Phone 7892. Girl for office and sten ographic work. THE OREGON STATESMAN WOMEN fq general house work. Phone 7498. - - f WANTED: Saleslady for Jewelry store. Must b able to typ. Age 20 to 35. Permanent position. Reference required. Air aontiitioned store. Write Box 536 co Statesman. ROOM, board and sorrie salary for school girl or;working girl who will help with housework and tay kith children in evenings. 320' W. Superior Phone 3345 ; j ; TURKEY pickers wanted. Northwest Poultry & Dairy Co. 1305 N. Front St. Phon 7007. i J Salesmen Wanted 830 to 830 per tloy pay day every day. Must be over 25 yr. and should have a car. See Mr. While, a.m. Only. 403 Oregon Bldg.. Salem. Call jn person SALESWOMAN "wanted : Age 20 to 35. In Jewelry store. Must b able to do some typing. Permanent posi'bon. Top salary. References required. Box 457 Statesman. Situations Wanted 1ST Class carpenter work, finish or plain. Call befor 7 a. m. or -after sPLmPn 8281 GARDEN Plowing and discing. Ford tractor. Ph. 9H09 or 188Q Center. YOUNG "Lady xperinceds In gen- eral office work .wishes position. Box 550 Statesman. SEWING, altering. 1334 Marion. WILL Care for ichildren ages 3 to 6 PAIN TING Ai decorating by hour or contract. 171 N. 13th St. SiDEW"ALK patch in g and. small ce ment jobs. 571 S. 17th. IRONING in my home Ph. 8645. lake ior a cyitiaren. tin -iyuj. FLOOR waxing -by profession afs6752 PreSchool PlaySchiol. 1381 Stale Ages 2-8 Part or! all day . Ph 8430 CUSTOM tractor work, also trucli hauling with new' flat bed truck Write Robert H Reed. Rt 7. Box 411. For Sale 'Miscellaneous TYPATUNES: Learn typewriter key board while you play your favorite tunes YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 ti: Liberty Silt for gardens and lawns. Ph: 21496. JUST RECEIVK): The new Bruns wick Blue-Flash Commercial refrig erator. 13 cu'i ft- wet or dry storage See at GOOD HOUSEKEEPING CO 467 Court St ' RITU0 AND MISSION AUTOMATIC GAS WATER HEATERS Immediate Delivery,; Ralph Johnson Appliances Valley Motor Bldg. 37S Center St ruSTXBTTiTElectricbtterrTuTns with glass jars $19 95 YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 233 N. Liberty Ready Mix' MASON SANO CONCRETE MIX RIVER SILT AND' FILL: DIRT ALL KINDS OF GRAfTEL Cornnierciat, Sand and Gravel Co. PH t-taes - 2-310Q C1IAR1S th .'foundation -garment. Home appointsnents. Phon 3485. Es ther Turner. 2603 N. 4th. . PCiNTfAc deluxe radio. t37 model Phone 8649. j - .' FERTILIZER; Chicken, batnyard. $4 per ton. delivefedR.L. Phillips. 2-3172 AIRPLANES f Learn to fly and buv your used plan with confidence at Perks Flying -Service. Wei Hangar. Salem Airport. AUTOMATIC! record player. Elmo Radio Phone 3-1957231 Stte. EXH AUST "FANS, all sia. YEATER ' APPLIANCE; CO. 255 N. Liberty r CARLOAD of eastern oiO para fln base, 5 gallons for 32 Merritt Oil Co. N. Front and Columbia Sts. ELECTRIC WIRING" Materials Bra available how for RANGE WIRING HOUSE WIRING and ELECTRIC HEAT GEORGE ELECTRIC Phone 2-1680 V -230 Court "St., Salem. 3 SUMMER coats, l" new. New one is brown, size 18. 315. Used coat. teel. size 16. $8. Phone 5596. PIN-IT-UP and-bed lanlp. YEATER ; APPLIANCE. CO. 255 N. Liberty 2 WIRE-haired terriers, t reg. 3605 22-FT. ""GLIDER HOUSE-TRAILER : Plenty of built-in, sleeps 4. good tires. Clean Inside and out. Sec at 3580 S. Commercial. , ';.-' 2 APARTMENT size gas ranges, san itary cot St day bed. buffet At floor lamp. State St Furniture. 1900 State St. Phone 739. FLASH LIGHTS: Us no batteries guaranteed forever. YEATER ' APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. Liberty FOR SALE: One slightly tattered silk parasol. We understand Warren Gram, magician appearing with the HOUSE OF MAGIC. Friday night. April 26. 8. at the Leslie Jr. High audi torium, can restore this beautiful pink parasol to Its original condition 1 UPSTAIRS Antique Shop. 439 Court TO GET your clocks properly re paired try th Clock Doctor. Good pocket watches and alarm . clocks for sale 190 S. 14th WE buy and sell furniture, too la stoves, dishes, motors, radios. Electric appliances, household goods KLJG MAN'S. 283 N. Commercial. Ph. 9883. WANTED For Sale Miscellaneous WOOD RANGE, gas range, library table, dresser, almost new linoleum. 3 bedsteads', mattresses and springs (one coiled . Out 99 South of Salem to Oak Hill Road. 1st rd. north of jet. Turn east or nwy. first hse. on south. USED DROP-HEAD" "sewing machine with attachments, used bunk bed Ml, complete with coil springs apd mat tress. New swing rockers, with match ing ottomans. New 3-way floor lamps, used maple spool bed with matching chest. New full coil spring construc tion daveno. New 4 and 3 drawer un. finished chests. New book shelves, mir ors. In fact most of your house fur nishing needs can be found at Wood ry's Auction and furnitute Market, 1603 N. Summer, where you save money. SMALL plywood scraps (10 ton. Do not callSat.2220Mission St. 8120 MAN'S gold wrist watch 380. or trade for 6-in. Delta Jointer and mol or. Do not call Sat. 2220 Mission St. CULTIVATOR. WaTHs Handiman with all attachments. 3200. Rt. 2, Box 32. Turner. 1 mile south of Pringle school. "EXTENSION breakfast table, four chairs. Waterfall walnut bedroom set with box springs and mattress, new condition 15JH Market St. NEW Lieht blue coat, size 44. 315. Phone 7828. GARLAND Ice box. Dresser. 1845 Grant. Phone 23361. USED Auto radio. 1780N Summer 1942 SPORTSMAN 22 ft. tiailer home. MillCreek Trailer Camp. TOOLS For sale. Mrs. Glen Dean. 244 Marion. PIANO. Radio, oak dresser, bed. springs, chair, beddine. Al condition. CalJL mornings 461 S. High. "NECTAR Berrv plants at 10c. Alvin 3. Van Cleave Rt. 7. box 255. Salem. I'i E. Totum Pole and 'a N. on Van Cleave rd. SEVERAL Hundred hornless ever green plants. Lewis Matye. Jr. Silvcr ton Rr 2near North Howell Store. MAPLE' Extent ion table. 2 chairs. Feather mattress. Ph. 4395. WHITE Enamel wood ranee. Copper coils. Good cond. 1 326 6th. West Salem. STOVE repairing & parts Wood r v i Mkt- 1605 Kl Summer St MEATCAlE": Triple glass, complete with compressor Call 4887 after 6 p.m. Unfinished Furniture Salem's exclusive unfinished furni ture large assortment or made to or der Picetts Furniture. 13th and Stat FLOWER & vegT plants? Rice's Greenhouse, 450 Hollywood Dr. Ph 2-2758 CANVAS -sPAINT: Dress up your awnings and outdoor furniture with Set-Fast. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty " WHEEL CHAIR for " sale. 1015 N" Cottage. EXPERT washing machine service and wringer rolls, all makes. See Ed Ellis at Nelson Bros Furniture Store. 313 N Liberty PIANO Benches Tallinan's 393 S 12Th REBUTUfHPtanos. like new. Shop Tallman's and save 395 S 12th. near S P Depot FUpTR Brushes 1745 Gi ant P 83a7 HOT PLATEST Ik 2 burner 3 speeds Yeater Appliance. Co. 255 N. liberty SHINCXES delivered" from Rosen - berg Shingle Co.. Tillamook. Lumber trucking. Ted Muller. Ph. Salem 2-1196. LAYING Battery. 12 hen size, good condition. 812. M. C. Blackman. 33 Lansing Ave. "PRACTICALLY New Scaly mattress and box springs. Pl 3531. "SINGLE Bed. spring" and mattress; double bed. spring and mattress, dresser, cook stove, writing desk and chair, tables, chairs $1.00 and up. Misc. items. MAC'S PLACE 145 5 Church 2 RABBIT "Hutches. Phone 21954. DAVENPORTS S167T40 and $69. Davenos 349.75. Walnut dinette tables $39 30 or $45.75 STATE STREET FURNITURE CO. 1900 State St. Phone 7596 COOK Stove. 3 burner gas "stove. 30 gal. new water tank, very cheap. 460'2 S. 2lst LOC KWOOD twin outboard motor", perfect condition; 2 large trunks; full size prewar daveno. Call Gatchell Stqr e. So. 99 t Ratcliff Drive. SO LB. ice bot in excellent condi tion $23 50. Mattress like new $33. Springs $35. Mattress $6. Bed $3. Kit chen cabinet, clock, cot. jars and dishes W. Rural. 6022. . BLACK "Cas 4 burner range $20. in gjood cond. 253 Center. BIRKENWALD walk-in cooler. 10 ft. square box. Ph. 7103. 853 S. Com'l.. houseBhind Clipper Service Station. DAVENPORT. 9x12 wool rug and pad. 425 S. 15th St. UNFINISHED 20 ft. trailer hour finished outside with Masomfe, 8350 2860 S.jCom l. TRAILER "Houe 944 NComTSt The li. J. Store 330 Chemeketa Electric range, electric Irons and toaster. Good stoves and beds. Chest of dra wers. coffee ta ble. miner lla neous MOVIE CAMERA. 16 mm, F 3 3 near ly new. Also Kodak 127 vestpocket. and Zeiss Ikon F 4 5 camera. $7.30 each Phone 4193. TWO BURNER. 3 speeTelectrTc plate Inquire at J035 S. Coiii lL St. N ICE cabinet-radio. Airline . Ph -975" FURNITURE for sale at 325 S7"W infer WHilTE enamel wood rang.ln good condition. 863 00. 130 Evergreen. RIVER SILT phone2-J'49 -ALWAYS a big stocs.." Woodrv's Furniture Mkt Ph 8110 ALMOST NEW 9x12 Axminster rug. $60. 8x10 fiber rug. Turn right at 1st road north Sunn j side school. 2nd house on left. Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED: Electric refrigerator. John Finlay Phone 654 Jefferson, collect. WANTED: Standard typewriter in good condition Phone 3176 WANTED" to buy la"rge sound oak logs. 845 per M on car. Westward Hard .wood Co. PP. Box 124, Tacoma. Wash. IF YOU nave furniture to "sell see Ru5s JJriht Ph 7311 453 Court WANTED: Clean lags. HoVg Bros. 260 State. USED FURNITURE Ph 8183 DISHES over 23 yrs. old. Upstairs Antique Shop 439Court Ph 2-1443 STEVENS FIXIT SHOP Lawn mowers machine ground, saw filing and gumming. Furniture repair All work guaranteed Pick-up St deliv eries Phone 7603; WANT T6 Buy. Used cameras St lenses JMcEwan Photo Shop 433 State CASH for your used furnltuie. Ph 7596 State St Furniture. 1900 State WANTED; PIANOS WlTTpav cash" Wills Music Store. 432 State St CASH for used piano & other mu sical instruments Call 4641 days or 9537 evenings or send description to Jaquith Music Co.. 191 S High AUTO painting, lust a shad better, by Ray ETTER. Call Shrock Motor Co 8503. Miscellaneous SECURITY IMPOFTED YSTEMS Approved business and tax records. Income tax service. Svstems -for all types of business. C. H. JACKMAN. Phone 2-4105. Salem, Ore. WHY Not sole your shoes with pre war leather. I to 3 day service. Short fobs while, you wait. All kinds of good rebuilt shoes for sale at Gipson's 328 N Com! st. Phon 3908 MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked T3c LES SPRINGER 464 Court St Dental Plate Repair TWO -HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mall Your Plates for Repair DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bid Stat Si Com Ph 3311 ENROLL. NOW at the Singer Sewing Center. New classes starting in dress making. A complete course only $10 Gall at 143 S. High. Phon 33 IX For Sale Real Estate E X U S I V E 2 HOUSES ON 50x150 FOOT LOT. LOCATED 627 NORTH WINTER STREET 3 BtOPOOMS ON ONE FLOOR. 14x29- LIVING ROOM. 14x13 DINING ROOM. LARGE KITCHEN. NOOK AND BATH. HARDWOOD FLOORS THROUGH OUT FULL BASFMENT WITH EXTRA ROOM. AUTOMATIC OIL FURNACE HE A f 8 YR. OLD 2-BEDROOM HOME IN REAR ON PAVED ALLEY. LIV ING ROOM. KITCHEN AND DINETTE COMBINED. BATH. FULL BASE MENT. FURNACE. MAR GARAGE. CHOICE TREES AND SHRUBS - -YOU WILL LIKE THIS HOME $17,500. 2 BEDROOM BARGAIN f CLOSE TO ENG1.EWOOD SCHOOL LIVING-ROOM. KITCHEN. BATH AND UTILITY ROOM - ELECTRIC HOT WATER HEATER HURRY ON THIS ONE! 33350. PRICE REDUCED FOR A OU1CK SALE S-YR -OLD 2-BEDROOM MODERN. LOCATED NORTH. LIVING ROOM WITH FIREPLACE. DINETTE. KITCHEN AND BATH. HARD WOOD FLOORS. THIS HOUSE FURNISHED WITH REFR. ELEC. RANGE. EL EC WATER HEATER. DAVENPORT AND CHAIR. DINETTE SET. 4 TWIN BEDS. DUOTHERM OIL CIRCULATOR. RADIO. ETC. HURRY.! FULL PRICE $8500. Severin Realtv Co. 212 N. High St. Ph. 9629 Miscellaneous HEAVY Hauling. Excavation and Road Building. Land Clearing. Dozer Work. Ditching Basement Excavation Sand. Gravel. Crushed Rock. Mason Sand. Concrete Mix. Cement Salem Sand & Gravel Co. 1405 N Front St Salem. Oregon Phone 9408 or 21924 Money to Loan Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. STH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE JLM'?? Not too late "Personal, the company that savs "Yes." makes loans $10 to S500 quicklv. Ph. 3191. Rm. 125. 818 State. Lie. S-122. M-165. General Finance Corp. offers money at once on cars, trucks, furniture, trailer houses. livestock, farm marchinery; contracts refinanced and additional ' money advanced. No co-signers. General Finance is locally owned and officered:, was organized in 1927 and therefore knows and can help throughout the repaying of a loan. Ap plications for loans made by phone. 136 South Commercial Sts . Salem Phone: 9168 Licenses S-138 6c M-338 $ $ MONEY $ $ We make all types of personal loans Including furniture, note and car loans, for any worth while cause. We also make real estate loans and buy real 3kestat contracts For quick and effi cient service see ur piiuusr STATE FINANCE CO. Phon 4121. 153 S. High. Salem L.IC S 21S-M 3Z3 FARM and CITY LOANS 4'a and ( Your own terms of repayment with in reason. Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO 207 Pioneer Trust Bldg Phon 7162 Financial MONEY TO LOAN WANTED. REAL ESTATE mortgage loans, city or farm properties: loans made as small as $300 See us about refinancing your present contract or mortgage Approved city loans' 4'i'V Ieo N. Childs, Inc. 344 Stat St Ph 9261 For Rent Rooms ROOM: 1002 Highland Ave SLEEP, rm. for lady Ph. 8845. Room and Board WANTED: Board and -room In priv ate home for ldrly lady Salem or Woodbum. Mrs. Carrie Peterson. Mont gomery Wards. For Rent Apartments $23 PER MO. Furnished apt . lights and fuel furnished 460 Main. Mon mouth. Oregon. 3-ROOM furnished apt Also a light housekeeping room. 189 N. Knox St . Monmouth. ' For Rent Houses WANTED- Housekeeoer. Will pro vide a home for older Christian lady ; in exenange iur cauins " "'J Write Box 546 co Statesman. , For Rent Resort Property Th Canyon Drive Apts at DeLak. rUtht n the beach. Fireplace, electric ranges, refrigerators, all modern. Make reservations now. Ph 201 DeLake. For Rent FOft RENT: Splendid location for big drive-in market in large bldg. Mint for a good live-wire concern Write Box 552 co Statesman " FOR RENT : Typewriter. Call 4i2 "GARAGE by Swegle Sch. 944 N. Com'l. St. FLOOR Sander for rent Marshall- Wells Store Phone 6877. G65b Used Piano H L Stiff FLOOR SANDER tor rent Mont gomery Ward ' TRAILER house spac available Ph 3459 . TRAILERS lot rent Mc pr ar Wnodrv's Mt t 1603 N Summar TRUCKS for rent You driva Mc Cun St Lovell Phon 9600 Wanted to Rent VETERAN and wife urgently need furnished or unfurnlhed apt. or house. Call 3337 bet ween9 a m and 7 p m 3 OR 4 BDRM hse. PhJttxtjT. " 2 BDRM. furniihed apartment or housekeeping room desired limn. Par ish dlt Plmnr 3712. ext 2. BOAftD and" room for schTgTrTrTsar rish dist. Ph 3712. ext 2 VETERAN, wife and 16 mos old daughter wish furnished or unfurnisjied house or apartment. Phone 4463. NICE lg. sleeping rm. or small apt. within walking dist. of 14th St State, bv middle aged quiet lady. Ph. 8760. ask for Mrs. Adamson or Writ 152 N 13th WANTElD: 2 orT bed room unfurn. home. Permanent business man, 3 adults. Best of references. Box 334 co Statesman. VETERAN and wife, both employed, want cleanmodrnapt. Ph. 244&5. " OFFICE space needed preferably West Salem . Phone 3846. 3 or 4 bd. hse. Ph. 9246, Ext. 5. VETERAN'S widow and 2 children want house to rent. Our home burned down Friday. Won't you rent us yours? Phone 21024. VETERAN. 25. single, college grad . wants room and board in good private home starting May 12. Call Corvallis 339 W collect or write Robert Gray. 905S. 1 1th St.. Corvallis. HOME Decorator wants 2 bed room unfurnished house Immediately. Will lease a nd redo interior. Call 2-1951. ELDERLY LADY wanU 1 or 2 room apt. Phone 9159. UNDER ANY CONDITIONS veteran and family need house or apartment. Call Mr. Kcarte at 4171. ext. 363; WANTED: Large hall for dancing, regular, once a week Statesman, Box 547. . BEST CARE. No children or pets. Overseas vet and wife attending univ. urgently need furn. apt. Phone 9759. WANTED TO RENT Couple with baby want 2 bedroom, unfurnished home in Salem. Perman ent. Best of care promised. Ph. Dallas eF-32. WILL GIVE 2 pr. nylons in exchange for information leading to furnished apt. or house Vet. and wife. No chil dren or pets. Box 340 Statesman. For Sale Real Estate For Sale Real Estate $10000 LATE Built home In Nob Hill Dist 2 bed rms., unfinished up stairs. Hwd. floors, fireplace. Nice bsmt. Air conditioned, sawdust fur nace. Call Mr. Walters. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS Phone 3793 970 S. COM'L. Eve. Ph. 9441 4 ROOM Home southeast Salem. Nice yard, citv water and sewer. $3500.00. Call Harold McMullin at State Finance Co.. Realtors Phone sttlNit 8172 VIEW Lots for quick sale $200 to $225 cash. 160 Hansen Ave. BUILDING LOTS 2 large lots 50x140 each. One could be used for business. Price $1250 for the two. Call G. H. Grabenhorst. Jr.. with Grahenhorst Brot. REALTORS 134 S Liberty St. Ph. 4131 Eves. 3-2948 INSPIRING VIEW Strictly modern 5 room home. Oak floors, fireplace, oil furnace, : break fast nook. Space to finish another room. Extra large -lot. Price $11,000. See K. N. VOORHEES with Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 9261 Completely furnished or unfurnished Mv lovely home well situated In a desirable location both to stores and schools, bus service almost at door, just five minutes from center of Sa lem. House consists of large living room, fireplace, dining room two bed rooms. 2 baths, all tile kitchen, break fast nook, ejectric refrigeration, elec tric stove, automatic gas furnace Ac water heater, living room consists of overstuffed suites, occasional chairs & table. Spinet desk Sc chair, bookcase. Spinet piano. Biglow rug Ac pad. Din ing room consists of Philippine ma hogany, refractory table St Windsor chairs, open kltch. dishes. Two com plete bedrooms Included mattress A springs, etc., pictures A lamps, yard furniture A garden tools. The furni ture in this home cannot be duplicated. Property is 130x210. beautifully land scaped, all types of shade trees At fruite St berries. Electric water sys tem. This Is a beautiful home you mav have possession Mav 1. Price com pletely furnished $18,000. Drive out Portland highway 1 mile north of the underpass to 150 Park lane. Owner on t2iepropertyaUdayandeVeninj: 7 RM. "well Wept house. 1 acre good soil. Owner leaving city. Price $9500. ASO00 cash, balance $50 per mo. M. O. Humphreys and Co. 2288 Fairgrounds Road Phone 2-4596 ask for A I Isaak S6850 Br owner. 7 -room house, w-ired for 2 elect- ranges; also gas in. Electric hot water heaters, laundry trays. Large porch o 2 sides. 1 small porch lots of shade, fruit, apple, cherry, nut. rasp berries strawberries. 3 bedrooms, front room, living' room, dining room, kitch en, bath. nook, fruit cupboard, base ment, good lawn. Bus stop at door. Garage. Corner Int. also grape arbor. Phone in. No. 2-4030. Mr. Bowder, 506 S. 19th St. $12:0O0 C&MBTNATI0"N" IiJWarin rm. Hwd. firs., bkft. room, nice kit . bath. 2 bdrins. down. 2 up Bsmt.. auto, sawdust burner furnace. Fireplace, Ige. lot. Dble. garage. Immed. poss. $9000- Nicely furnished 5-rm. home close in. Bsment. furnace, fireplace. Poss May K Melvin Johnson 549 f Cottage Phun 3723 Highway Frontage 3O0 feet of frontage on 99 E for only $2000 00. See L. C. COONEY Bliven-Alderin Coonev REALTORS 430 Oregon Bldg Phon 7906 Res. 391$ ENGLEWOOD Dist. Close to bus and store. 4 bed rms . din. rm . liv. rm.. kitchen, fireplace. bmt. Dble. garage. $13,600. Call GARDNER. Burt Picha. Realtors Ph. 3210 JOT NortHigh St. LARGE 7 room home close in. Ideal investment. Walk to citv center in 5 minutes. Double plumbing. Double garage. Priced to sell. Chas. Hudkins & Son 273 State Ph. 24129 SMALL 5hr-p Tanch. 33 acres fenced woven wire. IJve vear round stream. All modern 2 bed room home, full burnt , wired for elec. range, garage. Landscaped vard. S8500 00. $5000 00 and its yours 3 bed room home. West Salem. Full bsmt. Near school and market center. Ijel us show vou this nice Small, all modern home. Hardwood floors thru out. Garage, elec. stove, hot water heater, oil circulator All this, and one acre rich soil on Cherry avenue for $60110. Lawrence Real Estate linens A Insurance 520 North HihPh 7506 Eves 8904 $75oLOTS Near underpass." 50x100 ft. Good buys. Hurt Picha 2343 Portland Road Phone 6472 UNFINISHED HOUSE Completely wired for electric heat ing, water connection In: toilet, lava tory, laundry travs included: paved street NE. Price $4000. SALEM REALTY CO. : REALTORS 149 N.High St. Phone 766Q $7000 6 SM. Home on corner lot. Bsmt. Bus bv door. Call Omer Huff. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO.. REALTORS 1717 Center St. Phone 2-1549 Eve. Ph. 2-1731 CLEAN 2 bed rm. home north Sa lem. Small lot 40x60. Very attractive in appearance. Price $4000. SALEM REALTY CO. 149 N. High St. Phone 780 REALTORS BY OWNER : 3 bedroom house in Dallas. Newly remodeled and decorat ed. Immediate possession. Phon 42-R. 70S Washington. Dallas. VERY ATTRACTIVE home for sake by owner. 2 lg. bd rms . full basement, hardwood floors, fireplace. Immediate possession. $8500. Terms. Call 7903 after 12 noon. Property at 1275 N. Capitol. ""VERY NEAT 4 room house, located on paved st. north, small lot. Price $3750. Alfred Dumbeck or W. A. Saueresslg. Room 3. Ladd Sc Bush Bank Bldg. ' BY OWNER: 5 rm. house, t'bedrms. kitchen, dining, liv. rm., bath. Full bsm't. Corner lot. On bus line, across from store. 410 Ford St. For Sale Real Estate Stake Your Claim in Good Earth , .Property js Going Higher OVER 200 LISTINGS TO CHOOSE FROM Homes u Farms Lots I Acreage Business Opportunities G. I. Loans Arranged ' Com in we can help you. Terms arranged on all our sale to suit you. M. 0. HUMPHREYS & GO. 2286 FAIRGROUNDS ROAD 3035 PORTLAND ROAD CREEK PROPERTY FURNISHED 310.300 2 bed rms. Unfinished attic, liv. rm.. dm. rm.. kitchen. Hwd. floors. fireplace, furnace, bsmt. Call Omer Huff. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO.. REALTORS 1717 Center St. Phone 2-1549 Eve. Ph. t-1731 DONT Forget those choice Hager's Addition lots. Nice and large. Excel lent soil, dandv view of Mt. Hood and Cascades. $37$ to $300. See Harold McMullin at . State Finance Co., Realtors Phone 4121 Nites 31F21 $4800 Full Price 3 bed rm. home. 6 blocks from Capitol Bldg. M. O. Humphreys &. Co. 3033 Portland Rd. Englewood POSSESSION TWO WEEKS Two bed rm. house only C years old. Hdw. firs., ven. blinds. Fireplace, sawdust furn. Gar. FHA loan. Norge elec. stove. Make appointment to see Thursday. $8750. Joe L. Bourne with R. A. Forkner, Realtor 1353 N. Capitol Phon 3031 . SUMMER ST. SPECIAL Modern 7 rm. brick home. auto, of! heat.; hwd. floor, recreation room with fireplace, dble. plumbing, beautiful grounds, sprinkling system. Pole, ga rage. FOR APPOINTMENT SEE Richard E. Grabenhorst with Grahenhorst Bros. REALTORS 134 S Liberty St. Pb. 4131 " EXCEU.ENTr"4 Bd""rm7ho,TU. So ISO lot. Lars basement, dble. gar. Splendid location. A fin home for children. Good school facilities. 913.100. Joe L. Bourn with R. A. Forkner, Realtor 1833 N. Capitol Phone 3031 2 Blocks from State Bldg. Old 3 bedrm. home. One bedrm. down Sc 2 up. Oil circulator St elect, range goes with place. $6300. 17 Acres 7 Miles South A1V In j All In prunes St walnuts, on corner 3c on pavement. No buildings. $2750. Art Madsen 1326 State St. Ph. 3580 Lots Keizer or Englewood $800.00 and up R. A. Forkner, Realtor 1853 N. Capitol Phone 303 1 SS4O0 GOOD 3 bed rm. home in West Salem. Sawdust furnace. Paved st. Call Mr. Walters. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 970 S. COM'L. Phone 3793 Eve.Ph. 9441 HOME Seekers! Home buyers if you need cash for horn buying expenses for anv home listed in this paper phone 3191 and ask for Mrs. Gallin grr. Loans up to $3oo on furniture, up to $500 on auto. PERSONAL FINANCE CO. Lie. S-122 M-163 BY OWN"ER":.4 bed rm. home NT. location, beautifully landscaped. Ph 9392. : J BED ROOM plastered house. West Salem, nearly acre, 213 ft. on paved drive, good view. $4600 00 cash Inquire 2180 North Front. 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. only. t ' 4 BED-Room house wired for elec. range. Hwd. firs, in liv. rm. and dm. rm. Full basement, gar. Near school 1 $9000.00. R. A. Forkner, Realtor 1853 N. CapHol .Phone303 NEW Modern 2 bed room home, insulated, wired for range, electric heat and water heater. $OU0. Veteran only. Ph. 3192. 1 EXECUTRIX'S NOfiC!bF SaTJE The undersigned hereby Invites seal ed bids at or before April- 30th. 1946. at 10 o'clock AM. at the offic of Pag and Page. Attorneys. 310-213 Pio neer Trust Building. Salem. Oregon, for the purchase for cash of th real property of the estate of Ellen Edes Meyers, deceased, consisting of a RES IDENCE property. No. AM N. Summer Street, and BUSINESS property con sisting of two abutting buildings, either separately or together, numbered 359 and 347 Court Street, in Salem. Ore gon. Bids will b opened at said time and place. No bid will be . considered for less than probate appraised value. The right to reject any and all bids and the right to sell one or more par cels without regard to any other par cel is hereby reserved. Abstracts to be furnished. No. 339 Court St. subject to lease. Highest bidders whoa offers are accepted will be required to deposit earnest money and sign contract of sale. Executrix's deed in usual form. For further Information and Inspec tion apply to said attorneys. In case of dispute or delay In completing transfer, the right la reserved of re turning earnest money paid and can celling contract of sale without pred judice to the undersigned. . HENRIETTA KAHLF.R CASEBEER Executrix of estate of Ell Edes Meyers, deceased HOME BARGAINS $3500 buys this 4 rm. home, base ment. On paved st-. No. 3 business zone. $4000 buy this 4 rm. home. 3 bed rms . furnished. On paved at. North. $5300 buys this 3 rm. horn in good condition. Located east. $5800 buys this 2 bed rm. home, basement, furnace, garage. In a good location. Richard E. Grabenhorst with , Grahenhorst Bros. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 36000 COMPLETELY Furnished. 2 bed rms.. liv. rm.. kitchen. Utility rm. on large lot N. Elec. range, refrigera tor and water heater Included. Call Ray Davis. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 970 S- COM L Phon 3793 Eve. Ph. 9441 35500.001-4 ACRE And very clean 3 B. R. ' home, close in North. 2 car garage. One block to bus. Late built. Call STANLEY BROWN with State Finance Co., Realtors 133 S. High St. Ph. 4121 , VIEW LOT Large, scenic corner view lot. LET ME SHOW YOU THIS LOT. YOU WILL LIKE IT. Call g! H. Grabenhorst. Jr, with Grabenhorst Bros. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 Eves. 1-2943 BY OWNER: 3 rm. modern house, garage, gas rang and water hater moulded. Fenced yard, corner lot. Ph. 3266. For Sale Real Estate PHONE 2-45S PHONE 7820 $8000 ' Living room, dining room, k :-t-en, butlt-ins. two bed rooms down, twa bed rooms up. bath. aU plastered, cement foundation, garage, nice lawn and shrubbery, suburban. Sullivan Realty Co. Call Clair and Claude K:lara 3363 Portland Roi Ph. 3253. Eves. 7926 or 21 !3 $5000; Bungalow. living room." kitchen with butlt-jns. two bed rooms, bath cement foundation, garage.' lawn and shrubbery. Don't miss one. Sullivan Realty Co. Call Clair and Claude Kilgar 3363 Portland Raa4 Ph. 3235. Eves. 7923 or 21 173. $9,300 FOR NEW MODERN housa just being completed. 5 rooms, batn, bUilt-tns. full basement, hardwood floors, plastered, gas furaace. very good hous for th money, Sullivan Realtv Co. Call Clair and Claud eKUg are 3363 Portland Road r Ph. 3253. Eves. 793 or 21173. - $9,500. 7 ROOMS. 3 bed rtms 73 sun porch, basement. lot I12x!i2. well landscaped. Ideal to make apart ments. Double plumbing. . - Sullivan Realty Co. Call Clair and Claude Kilgore 33C3 Portland Road - Ph. 3253 Eyes. 723 or lllTl 2 BED ROOMS DOWN. 1 unrmd up. Hardwood floors. heauUsui l,virg room w 11 n ftreplac. KltcTle. room. batn. Utility room and csrar. Yard is 67aluO. Completely Un4 i with shrubbery and is ail fenced. Outside fireplace. A very nice Ux a -" tion. This la th best buv in town for v $9000 ! Sullivan Realty Co. Call Clair and Claude Kilora 333 Portland Rial Ph 3253. Eve. 7928 or 2UT3 $f2,500UN"GALOW. living room, dining room, kitchen, two bed room, bath, oil furnace, hardwood floor, throughout, fireplace, full basement wit t: pa rty room, beautifully land scaped. In Rosedale Addition. Sullivan Realty Co. Call Clair and Claude KiItt ' 3363 Portland Road Ph. 3253. Eves. 7928 or 21173. Duplex : 1 3-hedrrom apt. and I 2-bedroons aot. Plastered Corner lot. A g9o4 investment. 38.230. Sullivan Realty Co. Call Clair and Claud Ktlgore -3.169 Portland Roa i Ph. 3253. Eves 792 or 2! 173. $7,350 WFXXT BUILT. 2 Iwd room home, close tn. full basemen wood furnace, laundry trays. A nice - buy. Sullivan Realty Co. Call' Clair and Claude Kilgor Xmi Portland Rad Ph. 3233. Eves.792 or 111"! NICE DUPLEX "oil 23rdSt. room each side, auto gas heat, basement for each. See MR. GOODWIN, with Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. REALTORS Phone 4103-4109 Afar 3T13 34230 NORTH. Part Acre. I Bedrm. LR. DR. Kit. Built-in, floored up stairs. Garage. Chicken House. Fruit trees. Boysenberries. CaU CRAIG. Burt Picha Realtors PH 3219 337 Norta H!gi Street 3 BDRM. ham. KtngwooJ St . hdnTi floors, fireplace. $7300. Possession Juxm 10th. For Sal. room hous with battu Has m nice spring, fxicst at Salem Heights on Liberty Road. ; City Water. Lot is 48x361. Soma fruit. all for $4200. See UR. LA35EN. w:tl Hawkins & Roberts. Inc. Phon 4 10 -4 109 . ; REALTORS KINGWOOD HEIGHTS Colonial 4 bed rms. Db. plumbing 2 fireplace. Oil furnac. Dbic. ga rae Call Jen TtwimpMfx. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO REALTORS 1717 Center St. Phone 3-1349 Ere Ph 2 -S Lots On 40x100 West Salem . Good loca tion. Nine excellent building lots tn Kia er District. 1-3-to acraa. Four lota on D street Jut by Park ave. 63x96. Call - Husa" at Reimann Real Estate 201 S High PT.orte 33 CHOICE of 3 Urge lots. N. 15ta. Kay's 2nd addition. Excellent location, priority granted to build on on lot with some lumber eei ground. M. B Stegner, 1883 N. Cottage ADVHTOINa Western Advertising ' Representatives 1 Ward -Griffith Company, fa. Eastern Advertising - . Representatives Ward-GrtffMh Company. Inc. Chicago, Ness Y ark. Detroit. Boston. Atlanta llember Pacific Coast Division Bureau oi Advertising rnfered mt fa PaatafTW mt ate?. Oreaoa aa 5csmd Class aOttce. Pub lished or ssarala Except Massd. Bastn otflc 3J3 Sofdl Commmr rial Street. - SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mall Subaertptioa) Rate ta Ad vane I Within Oregon- DaHy aad Sunday. Ma. so cents: rms $3 4-. 1 year. $: Eteea-her M cesK per ma or $73 (or 1 year ta advance Par coey casta. Bv City Carrier. 13 cants a eaoeta. 3 00 a year tn advance In Marlon aai adjacent couaf tea.