I ticz nam Yh QBEGON STATESMAN. Solota, Oregon. Thursday Morning. April 4. 1948 4 4 . O . I-iold-you-so dept.: About a V . 'month ago at the time Dob Fel I . ler and Ted Williams were made i " theig lucredrfpping offers from ; ' one ; Jorge Pasquel of Mexico j Oty we wjote here that base-' 1 ,-" ball,! American species, faced a dU , , . lemma. The deduction waa sim I . pie. i Any time a guy, even one : wearing a i Chihuahan sombrero, ' 'starts offering ballgamers dia i'xnond Jobs reaching into the, five :' figure bracket there's bound to ! b woe. Knowing a little bit ; aboxt the game and some of the ' bat-wielding and curve-bending "gents who make it tick, we wrote at the time that misters such as - Dcaoch Riqkey had something to ' fret ! about In this baseball cousin of theirs below the border. Since then! at least a dozen recognize- - able ballplayers, including Vent "- Stephens of the Browns, Danny V Garde a, George Hausroann, Sal ' Jlaglie and Roy Zimmerman of the Giants and Mickey Owen of the Dodgers, have quit the Amer ican; game for Mexico pay and - play. More; are certain to gp, for r. Pasquel has apparently convinced . alt he means: business,- big busi ness. Few are the ballgamers who put ilove of the game before how much they can rfnake In It once they turn: pro. And fewer are the 'baseball purse-string holders wball loosen up to give the baJl , player, what he thinks he's worth. jThe how . come"; connected .with the story of Pitcher Steve (Thin - Man) . Gerkin, ' no less .than a starting pitcher for Con nie Mack's; Philadelphia Athletics last t season and now one of Fnseo Edwards' prizes in - daily ' rotrpe at the ball yard, is an ' swered easily by the Coatsville, Dads' Basket Feed Tonight I. i '-i'-j .. Gty's Hoopstem To Be Honored Salem's i aspiring Dads' club, . anxious to honor the' city's bas ketball players after, successful ; seasons in "Northwest conference. No Name league. Junior high, AAU and Goldenball play, to , right ptays host to" almost, 100 hoop-suiters at a (JO o'clock ban quet at the chamber of. commerce. 4 All members of the club are I urged to be present to Join , in festivities. ' Dads' clubbers can purchase f tickets at Maple St Keene's ( today. ' Teams and their coaches to be fed an4 feted are Salem high varsity Coach Harold Hauk; Salem high Jayvees Coach Gur- ' nee 1 Flesher; Salem high Sophs- Coach Frank Beer; Parrish Junior- t high varsity - Coaches Bob Metz- ger land Emmett Rkkard: Leslie Junior high varsity Coaches Bob- Keuscher and Harry Mohr; Willamette university varsity Coach Lea Sparks (or a substi- tue aince Sparks is out of town); Par Woolen- AAU third placers and City league champs - Coach Fratkie Page.' and the recent Portland Goldenball tournament teams the Jayvees. Intermed iates and Sophs which brought home practically all the prizes in ' the long Rose City derby. .Entertainment and speakers have been lined up for the occa sion. There is a possibility that OSC Coach Slats Gill will be the main speaker.- h Woodburn Sets Fistic Party WbODBURN, April 1 -(Spe-eUD- Woodburn high's Letter- mest'a dub and the Future Farm era j of America team are to play host to a boxing smoker in the high school gym Thursday night. 7:4j o'clock. Tighten from Che mawa, St. Paul. , Gervais, Mt. Angel, and Woodburn will bop off a doxen three-round scraps, A six-man, battle royal will also be L presented by the Oregon training schoolers. Packy McFar land, Salem, will be the referee, The bouts; BMrk Dvckwr. 14S. Mt. Anfrl va Ivan rtm, I4S. Woadburn. Johnny Kna Imatr. Sa. Mt. Aal s. Stanley Hdt, S. i Waodbura. Bill Anderson. IN, V Mdban vs. George Retr. 143. Mt. AjI. J. Bonaehar, 13B. Woodburn vs. Kiii Tuloy. ue. Mt .Ani.l.HouAld "Sax lon. ' li5. Oregon' f rmjeung school vs. Jarfc MOTiaa. Ii3. St. Paul. Cliff Tuas. 14. Wssdaurn vs. Jack Bonrtcr. 144. Waodbwn. ' Ilruca MOler. 15. OSTS vs. Llndy rnuflpa. 14. u nuL Jim Cay, 1W) WondtMsnt vs. Bill i Tramaina. 198, WossWrs. Charne Enacrt. ISO. Mt An- rrl vs. Wsft WiteM. lMrSt. Paul. Clave rtrim. 14J. Csnriii vs. Dirk Hadcrs. 1S, OiSfTS. 1st Stud. 170. Carvaia vs. XitU CMltar. 170, OBTS. Ralpn Rourn Ma. MU AStl vs. Jam Cboquatta, U4 Catrntas.- Thin 'Mex' Air i By Whitney Martin .VtW TOlK. April J.-Pr-The Waeball players who think they aa fcitUag- the Jack poT la going to Mexico paay not know It, bat they also naay he hitting a baae ball farther than they over taougbt pesadble. l j -In fact, we auay sooo be bear W of athletes who had trouble getting t the baU out of the In I far Id In : this country suddenly I btaoaeailag la lethal wallopers who, will bo asking-, "wbo waa I Ihia guy: Babe Ruth. any way T !j aosponoiblo for this abrupt de I vtlopaaeat from a popgun into ! cannon will be the fact the ! hitters will hove that air about : ,. . Lmm 4 ' . ' : . ' I STEVE GERKIN Pa., native himself.. Rather than accept the .Ignominy ' of being a Portland Beaver reliefer, lucky, to start a game a month, the. con scientious slabs ter would much rather work with , the. Senators where he can take his starting turn' every fourth day. "Fve got to hifcm work, lots of it, to be, effective," Gerkin opines. "1 couldn't see where I was going to get it with Port land, so I asked if they would send me here. I'd rather work in a league where I have a chance Younlter, Vico Arrive; Frisco Steps Up Drills The Salem ' Senator spring I will Include an " tntra-squad cams at Waters park, already ,j teeming with good ballplayers, i added two more for yesterday's f lively drill. All-art) said Man Rey Yoanker and Slagging Flrst-saeker George Vico. Yeim-j ker. who will likely be the clab's j No. 1 backstop, and Vice, a pair j f top attractions la Manager j Frisco Edwards' book, hardly get off the train from California when they Jumped Into Solon togr and went to work. Yesterday's drill waa the best the Xl-maa squad has had. Ed wards kept the aspirants bosy at all times - either pitching, bat ting practice, ehaaing f uagees. fielding, rnnnlag . and prepptag In "pepper games. Vico moved onto the Initial sack with Left hander. Daane Crawford- and Yeanker divvied op catching chores with Virgil Gross. Ner bert Krieger and Bob Schwrtz. Ko Regulars vs. Yannlgans game was held, aa Edwards wanted to use Boost of his mounds men In tfce long batting drill. Today's workout, called fer'lZ:Sf p.a& Valley League Play to Start WOODBURN. April S -(Special)- The Willamette Valley league baseballers, after their dampened attempts to open sea sonal play last week, hope to get in a full round of play Friday on four fronts. Sandy, Mt. Angel, MolalTa and Estarada draw the home diamond assignments. Woodburn goes to Sandy for a 2 p.m. game, Silverton to ML Angel for a 2:30 tfy, Dallas to Molalla for another 2 o'clock and Stayton to Estacada for a 2 p.Jn tussle. Canby'i Cougars draw the round's bye. What, with better weather ex isting around the circuit lately, teams have been getting in some of their best practice licks of the spring. Canucks Lead Hockey Series VANCOUVER, B.C., April I (JP)-Vancouver Canucks took a 2-1 game lead in the best-of-five Pa cific Coast Hockey league finals when1, they edged Hollywood Wolves 3-2 in the third game here tonight Dede Krein and Blink Bellinger for Hollywood Andy Clovechuk, Alex Pringle and Elmer Kreller got the Van4 couver goals. - 1 Aids Sluggers, them. That thin air, thai Is which offers comparatively little re sis tan ee to a baaeball. permitting what would normally be a pop fly to the shortstop to sail out over, the left fielder's head. A fellow who returned recent, ly from Mexico City reports ho saw Laua Olmo, the former Dod ger, hit a home run that mast have carried close to 10ft feet, and Olmo, although he hit a long ball on occasion, certainly waa no Rath or Hank Greenberg or Jimmy Faxx In this country, j The rarefied air also has Its effect on the, pitching, the ob server reports. Fast ball pitchers of winning 20 or 25 ball games than be in one where I do my stuff in the bull pens.";. Surpris ingly enough for a guy Just out of the majors, he's one of the hard est workers in the Wateini camp. Although we haven't seen Ger kin turn loose , h'is stuff ' -under fire and can go only on ; heresay, the guy is sort of an optical il lusion to say the least. From What we've heard of Mm, bell win his 20 or 25. But to look at him, one is at first led NU ' believe he's too thin to go nine heats. Gerkin stands; at least 6-2, but hefts exactly :162 pounds. Hence his already given monicker Thin Man, picked up in the Beaver camp at San Jose. Be keeps his weight at a minimum by playing pro basketball in the winter. Hell fool you in another way, too. Being on the. string-bean side, he shouldn't be expected to much other than melt when toil ing in the heat. Not so, however. He says that's when he's at his best when it's good and hot. Perhaps the Yakima and Wenat chee boys will find out Just what he means. The temperature does n't mind' flirting with the 105 and 110 levels quite often during the Kunmwr in . those villages. Incidentally, you could do the Thin Man' "-whopping favor ; if you .could tip him off as to where he and his wife might find a game, however, the skipper re ported. : . The axe will fall today abo. "Two or three will be let go," said Edwards follewipr yester day's drill. f Grandstanders wbo stt through the daily' workouts ax already convinced they want no part of Frisco's job; , He has 'so many good ballplayers In cimp It will be tough passing out the blue slips, later on. . . . Pitcher Steve Gerkin. with the rhllly A's last season, waa the camp's first cas ualty. Be missed yesterday's session because of a heavy cold. ... A .number of the hustling aspirants have come up with sore arms, bat "Doc Andy Adams, the big pitcher who was a medico In the' army. Is fixing 'em up. . . . Henry Bartolemel. second baser from Saj Francis co. Sam Tosti, shortpatcher from FortlaniL and Claude. Jane way, rookie righhander from Forest Grove, were among those who "look pretty good to me," opined Skip peri Edwards. OUT: Fresh out of; the navy and apparently organised baaeball too. Catcher Mickey Owen of the Brooklyn Dodgers says he will leave far Mexico City soon to complete arrangements for playing with the Mexican . league. (AP wlrephoto) Ex-GI, 40, Trying for Spot on Cinder Outfit SEATTLE, April SWAVLucIus W. (Pop) Waterman, 4ft. Is shoot- In for a berth on the University of Washington track team as sprinter and disc a tosser. "My wind Is okay.? said the ex-GL, "but my legs i tie up on me. Ill get looaened u soon and maybe I can show the kids how . aa old guy can run. g Hurts Curvtrs can breese the ball up to the plate like a rocket, but curve ball pitchers have one heck of a time making toe ball do any- thlax bat bend a little wearily in 1U flight. There Isn't enough atmosphere - resistance to make the half do Ita stuff. Just what they'll do on the ball iield remains to be seen. Likewise what the future holds for those border-jumping ath letes Is a big question. They must be convinced of the durability of the Mexican league or they would not brave the five-year sus pension thai has been Imposed automatically for making the 1 fit, ' . . i.: ?. Jump. stray apartment in our town. ' And while you're at It, Messrs. Roy Younker. Carl Gunnarson, George Vico, and others, are on the prowl for places to roost their respective families also. ciu A4 : . c.i. ' t : - Lie Hiivm. jm.iun i uiiivi Leagues Prexy Oliver Huston has sold his cow and quit his extra Job at the likker store, but he still claims to be at least the equal of the busiest gent in town. A couple of lawyers are gone at the state house and Oliver has in herited most of their work along with his own. The prexy intends calling the annual spring meeting of the Junior moguls soon, so don't stray off . . . Gale Bishop, the basketball big who got $15, 000 for writing Gale Bishop on a Boston Braves contract, has been shunted to Indianapolis of the American Association on option. Which means he apparently was n't such a big wind with the Bos tons . . . Tommy Luke, Beaver Booster boss, writes he and his clan are after a 17,500 opening day attendance figure for Vaughn street. At least 50 of those fans. says Luke, must come from our town. In fact, the Maple &. Keene establishment has 50 du cats for the April 16 Portland home starter . . . We'd like to bet T. Luke Salem attendance that jday will be nearer 250 than 50 . . And speaking of bets, the Beavers have a 'bet with Seattle that Portland outdras the Rai iniers on opening day. The Bea ver bat, that huge thing hanging in the foyer at the park, has been put up against a similar Seattle bat, the winner to take the ene my's bludgeorj for the season . . Conn Planning Bout Strategy Con tent! er to Carry Bout to Louis Again GREENWOOD LAKE, N. J April 3 '-jT- Johnny Ray is the little blond worrier who operates as Bill Conn's board ofsstrategy Johnny doesn't want to tip his hand on what's cooking for Joe Louis in the June 19 title scrap but he lifted the lid today on enough of the "top secret" stuff he and Billy are getting ready to reveal that "Junior is going to carry the fight to Louts all the way just like he did the last time, in 1941, for 12 rounds. before he got his "Irish" up and was knocked out in the 13th. "Only this time Its gonna be tougher for Joe," Johnny de clares, "and he has just as much speed as ever." Billy went through his first full day's work today, boxing three rounds and doing five more of floor, work, and impressed everybody with his swift. More Tourney Carding Today With 57 aspirants already un der the wire and only until Sun day night to go. more qualifiers for the Elks club sponsored City Open golf championship tourna ment at Salem golf course are expected to post tally cards to day. The entry list will likely stretch near the 100 mark or over by Sunday .night. The tourney is open to the pub lic and is not confined to Salem club members. Aspirants must announce themselves and pay $1 entry fee before touring the 18- hole qualifying round. They will be put into flights in accordance with their qualifying tally. A Men's club 9-hole tournament will also be in effect today for regular Thursday afternoon play .On tap is a "Mystery" event players won't know until they leave thefirst tee anything more than whether it's medal or match play. Amity Sets Sketl AMITY The Amity high school 1946 baseball schedule has been announced as follows: April IS Willamina here. April 13 At Yamhill. April 30 Sheridan her. May 7 Darton here. May 10 Yamhill here. May 14 Carlton hera. May 17 At Sheridan. May 21 At Willamina. May 24 At Dayton. May 21 At Sher wood. I . MAJOR LEAGUE V-S. SALEM (1) Hartwall 159 303 15S S2 Barr , 14 1SS 144470 Welch 1SS 12 13 457 Riches 301 1 173540 Paaa 245 17 215647 TOTALS 9M 909 313 3813 LEONARD'S SUPPER CLUB - Ollnger - 203 1S4 17S 545 Adolprt 14S 1S4 1S5 47 Scales 2JO 1 157 S4 Garbarlna - 191 JOI 14575 Young - 177 211 179567 TOTALS 394 1003 S19 291S SALEM HARDWARE CO. 2) Kralci 179 19S 144 212 151 52 131 4f 1434519 14S-4W1 West Theda Rayburn Hainan 201 ISA 11 178 300 111 TOTALS 950 977 7S6 WS93 CAPITAL CITY BEDDING CO. II) ' Poulln IBS 194 17S 53S McCluskcy 179 173 21357 Larson 133 180 195508 Rovce - - 170, 154 187311 Kaxr 192 .187 231810 TOTALS 907 953 106 2929 Hoag Comes TKO in 4th Seattle Boy Fags Out After Buihlin; Lead; James, Abney Win, Moore Takes First Loss Damaging Duane Hoag showed a disappointing $1578 hoe why they call htm The Durable" last The Tex Salkeld battering ram, he has shown in previous outings new silk panties twice to grab a Cook in their fist-filled rematch." It wasn't so much a Case of Hoag outelugging the rangy Seattle boy it was more the fact that Cook outslugged himself. Hoag handler Salkeld insisted Cook "weigh under 135" for the retake of the roaring six-rounder the two slammed off here, two weeks back, and the losing of the weight apparently weakened Cook too much. He simply ran out of gas in a riotous fourth heat after coming within a split hair of salt ing The Durable away in both the first and second stanzas. That fourth round, loaded with every thing from a toe-to-toe start to warnings to Cook' from Referee Packy McFarland to -lay off what looked like rabbit-punching and elbowing, saw the 134 Vi pound Seattle boy fade out after holding the rallying 128 V pound Port- lander even for the period. Cook slumped to the deck when he reached his corner, McFarland took one look, saw he wasn't fit to go on,, and gave the duke to Hoag. .. Hoag, fighting not like the us ual buzz-saw he can be, nearly got himself kayoed in the first round. Cook caught him with a right high on the head to floor him for a One count and then followed up by backing the Dane into his own corner for a vicious two-fisted attack. Again in the second Hoag went down, this time from a slashing left to the face and for eight counts. But he ral lied strongly near the end to avoid signs of an apparent kayo. The Salkeld boy opened up In the third and won the round de spite failing to display much of his dynamiting style. Then in the fourth both came out after a knockout and stood toe to toe try ing to get it for fully 10 seconds. Cook, hot to go, waved Hoag to "come and get it." He got it, all right, but dished some of it out to Cook also "during the roaring round. It was apparent halfway through that Cook had blown out, and near the finish Hoag was try ing to set him up for the payoff blow. The semiwindup saw Manuel James, 157 pound Portland negro whiz, deck Johnny OTJay, 156, Butte, Mont.-, seven times in the first two rounds before slamming a wicked left to the tummy in 50 seconds of the third to gain a kayo over the stockily built Mon- tanan. Many though James con nected low with his walloping lefts but the payoff punch landed above the belt line. O'Day just didn't like those thrusts at his middle. Bud Abney. San Duncan south paw at 146, hardly drew a sweat before he had Swede' Anderson, 148, Portland TKO'd in 2:40 of the first round of their four-master. Abney's hard lefts scored eas ily and Anderson went down twice before Referee McFarland stopped it. Anderson was just as glad as Abney It was over." Leon Moore, 13414, another Dun can bty, got his 5-ffght win streak stopped abruptly in his prelim with Kid Brown, 135 4, Portland, when Brown, scoring right and left all the way through with hard wallops, took an easy decis ion. Moore was down for nine in the fourth. The opener between Bill Towery, 137, Turner, and Frankie Perry, 138, Portland, the latter subbing for Jackie Dillon, went to a draw. Towery was downed in the first round and was bloodied up Considerably, but lasted through to get the split. Perry went down for a no coun ter in the fourth. Vandals-Whits Vie MOSCOW, Idaho, April 3MA1) The University of Idaho baseball team will open an eight-game se ries with Whitman college in Walla Walla Friday. Coach Guy Wicks said today. The Vandals will play four games Friday and Saturday and entertain' the Mis sionaries in Moscow next Wed nesday and Thursday to finish up. VALLEY PACKING f" 12) K-nyon . . T 1B 193 SOS Friesen 1' 173 ICO 495 Zabara IV- 183 159514 Kuilt . 17 . 50 167 484 Wbrte 180 154 190524 TOTALS 940 949 949 2638 LINE'S COFFEE SHOP II) Evans 158 204 204 584 Henderson 195 192 IS 555 Kirchrwr 124 178 145 447 Nubrr 178 213 142533 Murdock 130 201 202533 TOTALS- 850 1053 923 2633 RAMANS ES 7-UP 3) Valors 21 201 J81 5l Mirich 187 197 214 5S D-Gutra 148 145 173 - 4 ; Walters . - . 202 159 178-537 C o - 19 189 183- 831 TOTALS 967 "it 982 2895 FRANK DOOLITTLE 10) Rone . 174 199 179532 Thrush 191 191 204888 Foreman 146 186 211543 Cline. Jr 188 132 170488 Kitchen 183 151 173507 TOTALS 924 903 981 2808 Back, Cops Over Cook night at the ai-rnory. definitely not up to. the snuff here, nonetheless1 got off his fourth round TKO .over Archie ME3CICO BOUND: Ordered ;never Tork GUnts i again. Pitcher Sal George Ilanscmann pack np for baseball. They are two of many border these. days. . Pair of Texans, I'-.'.' -e- 5'". Z ' : .A - . J '. s t. 5 ' " - mi n in mi i i t Favorites! for Masters9 Title AUGUSTA, Ga., April .--Except for Byron Nelson's! ailing right wrist, everything appeared to be in readiness tonight for the opening of the first post-war masters golf tournament. Nelson, javinner of the last masters played in 1942 6nd co-favorite with! Ben iHogan , How They j TUK PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE W L Pet. W L Pet. Los Ann 4 1 JW0 San Dieg 3 3 -00 San Fran 4 1 JBOO Sacto 3 3 .400 Oakland 4 3 487 Portland 1 3 .250 Holly wd 2 3 -00 Seattle S r0O0 Wednesdays results: at Oakland 15. Portland 12: at Los Aniretea 5. Seattle 3: at Sacramento 3. Hollywood 4; at San Dtefo 1. San Francisco 7. Redskin Ball Loop Planned LAPWAI. Idaho, April 30Pr An all-Indian? Pacific northwest baseball league is being organized and is expected to begin a: six team schedule In 1947, Petej Mc Cormack, 'one of the organiizers, said today. Teams are expected, he said, from Yakima, Walla Walla and Nespelum tribes in Washington and the Cbeur d'Alene and Jcz Pei-ce tiile In Idaho. I COOrER DISCHARGED S ST. LOUIS, April SnVWalk er Cooper.' the New York Grants' $175,000 catcher, parted company with the U.S. navy today , and prepared to head east to catch up with his club. . FORT WORTH. Tex.. April AP Lou Ruchser's ninth inning; single with the bases full ave the Fort t Worth Cats of the Texas baseball league S to 4 victory over the New York Yankees today before 4916. I - V. Vnrk lAI 00 0O0 UtOt-4 9 1 Fort Worth TL) .. 200 100 003-- 1 1 Chandler. Roser 1 7) and Dreacner; Zachary, Costello (5) and Long. DEL RIO. Tex.. April 3 IAP)The St. Louis Browns pushed cw a run in the ninth inning today to defeat the Chicago Cubs, t to 0. The victory gave the Brownies a 7 to 5 lead in the ser- Chicago N) ... 000 0SO ooft-fl 4 3 St. Louis A) 000 0110 001 I S Passeau. Erickson 7 and Living ston; Potter, Sanford 17) and Half. ' SAN -ANTONIO. Tex.. AprU 3 AP1 The Chicago White Sox won their fourth , straight game ' from th Pitts burgh Pirates. ' today. 8 to 3. with Pitfhae Johnnf RisTneV going the full nine innings for the Sox. H yielded six hits and missed a shutout oi Ralph Kiner's fluke two run homer, f Chicago IA - 210 010 ll- 10 t Pittsburgh IN) 000 200 0002 Rignev and Tresh: Hsllett. Gere nouser 16). Klinger i9. Lopes 19 and Salkeld. ; DAYTONA BEACH. Fla.. April 3 l API A three-run homer by Red Our rett climaxed a five-run third: inning for the Brooklyn Dodgem today and gave Ue Brook a to 3 victory ever. ttte-New York Giants in an exhibition baseball gam. Nw York INI 100 0O0 0102 9 1 Bronklvn N OOJ 000 0-a 7 1 Volselle. Hxwlnick 7. Adamav8): and ' Iimhsi di; Hatten and Sandlock, Padgett (2). , i Detroit AL) 2O0 00r,hlO--2 18 Boston INI.) 00O 000 OHO 6 Trout and Swift: Wright. Ilutcbings (9 and Hofferth. New York IA B" 311 810 SO0 11 13 9 Brooklyn IN) "B" 000 000 000 8 S 3 Wade and Robinson: Polica Pfund n ' r 8) and Hodges, apper W. Beavers Prop Slugfest To Oakland Oaks, 3.5-3.2 34 Hits Rattle Off Rivals'; Balk in Wild Fracas? Aconw Lead Current Series, 2-0 . OAKLAND. Calif., April 3.JP)-Th Oakland' Acorns overcamo the Portland Beavers. 15-12 in a' wild hitting Pacific coast league game tonight. The clubs knocked out 34 hits in their see-saw battle. The outcome of which gave jOakland a 2-0 series jead. Don Pulford started for Portland and appeared to be breezing t to darken the door efv the New ) Magllo (left) i and Second-aacker their aklptrip to Mexico feagveM making the hop sooth of the ) Ben and By to win the $2500 first; prize! in the current evcht, did not practice 1 today. He spent an hour with; an osteopath g et -ting the .aches rubbed out j of his wrist upon which' be slept inadver te n fly two nights ago. He said he nyran itetsea thought it would be bkayjby the time he tee off in the feature twosomewith Bobbys Jones. The bookmakers. I fankly mak ing no effort to choose , between the two former Texas caddies. Nelson and Hog an, in the 72-hoIe test, bracketed them at 3-1 against Sammy Snead, who ar rived only today in tirne for a prief practice session. . He was held at 4-1. .Jimmy Dernaret, a former winner, was ioffered at 6-1. : . Williams Hurt' 'Cat Hopes, Too . Hopes of at least an even slit when the Willamette university mine makes ; its "46 ; dcbul in- a doubleheader at Ihe University of Oregon Friday were dealt a se Vere blow at the Benrcat lair yesterday afternoon when Ollie Williams, hard hitting et9ran first baseman, ' caught a hard trow from an infieJder flush in the mouth while holding down the ' first sack during a practice session. The jaw' was thought broken, and how long Williams will be sidelined was not known. Replacing Williams .nj.Jt?aSqUel: otiXS se in the starting lineop Friday - ? 1 .i . base in the starting lineop Friday will be Bud Fairham. Others in the infield Will be Earl Hampton, second base, - Bruce Barker third base, and either Bill Winters or Charles Whittimore at shortstop. In the outfield will ; be Joe Dis penziere and Don Acklejl, letter men, and Marvin Goodman. Either Howard Otsen or Clay Patterson will drawi the starting alignment in Friday's! initial clash, with; " the second game pitcher from a group Ihcluding George Willtensen, Bob Charleton, Carl Butte and Dick Jlighberger. Completing the battery j will be Howard Blanding, with Joe Mey er and Hank Ercolini both likely to see action behind the plate during the twin bill, . i . Beantowh Looking Beyond 146 ' ' 'j I 7 S a i - - FORT LAUDERDALE. Fix., April 3-iTr-BiIly Seuthwarth Is laanehlng a shiny new three-, rear plan In Boston with a first rate utfleld hat little else U back If vp. Serieos trenble in the left side ef the Infield, and pitching headaches prebably add up te a second division finish. If money could jdo the trkk,' the Braves would; win the flag la nothliur flat. President Lon Perlnl and his eontraetlng asso ciates tossed a $309.t9 check at owner Sam Breadon last winter In an ansaccessfnl attempt to . bay Shortstop Marty I Marlon along behind a 10 to A lead de spite a 'poor opening frame, when the roof caved in in 4the fifth and the Oaks ! scored five runs. Joe Orrell came In to quell' the rioC but he, Jack ' Tisjng, and Jack Salveson got nothing but buffet ing the rest of the way. Portland outhit the winners IS to 18. OA1CXAND. April "3 MAPI 'Night irame: xne nam: PORTLAND ABt R H Fhone. cf-rf 4 3 Strange, '2b 3: 1 Gullic. rf-Jb . -. 3 3 Reich. If SOS najrar. u Z , , 1 . 0 ; 0 PO la M. Smith, cf - 3 Barton, lb 9 Brown. 3b-sa 3 Holm, e ," , 3 Pulford. p 3 Orrell. p i 0 Ttsin. p -, 3 Adams, a ' 1 -Salveson. p t Sou a. c - Amaral. XX 1 .Escobar, xxx- - . I TOTALS 4 11 IS 34 13 X BaHed for. Ttsiajt tn Th. ; xx Batted for Soura In ftttv. xxx Batted for Salveson to tth. OAKLAND Barrwtt. ss . D. Smith, rf AB , ; : H n PO A 1 -3 1 4 3 3 . 3 1 1 3 4 14 37 13 Martin. If Scarsella. lb Hart. 3b A Holder, cf Stewart. 2b Raimondi, e Gaasawajr. P Stromma, p Hearden, p Buxton, p TOTALS 40 Portland rt.:233 002 ana 13 Oakland a. .- r4UO 0t 4 IS Errors CuUic. - Flager 2. Bumrii. Hart. Runs batted m -Strange, GuUie 4. Reich 4. Brown. Scarella X Holder 2, Stewart 3 .Bearden SmUh. Am aral. Martin. Hart 2. Two bae . hits Gullic. Reich, Pulford Burnett. Hold er, Stewart, llart. Howe run Scar- lia. stolen i bases SXnnr. Sacrtra Raimondi. tiouhJa clars Gullic to Strange to Barton. Lett on baars Portland 15. Oakland 8. Bases on balm off Pulford 3. Ttsing 2. Gasaway 7. nearaen 1. Earned runs -Pulfor S. Orrell 2. Ttsing 4. Gassaway, 7 Bearden 3. Strikeout!" by Pulford 1. Ciwty 3. Bearden 3. Buxton 1. Hits off Pul ford a in 3 Innings; Orrel 4 tu y. Tia Ing 4 in ls: Gassaway 9 In 2'; Strom- me S In 2; Bearden 3,.,Pasel balls- Ratmnndi. Holm-Winning oitch- er Bearden: ' losing pitcher Orrell. ' Uinpifm Summers. Ford - and Sear. Tim2:47. Attendance 3800. Rainicrs Drop Fifth Straiirht LOS ANGixES, April ii.&r Los Angeles made it two straight over Seattle today,' whipping the Maimers by a score of 5 to 2 be- . hind Dich Conger's effectivepitch Ing. Conger gave up, 10 hits but kept them ,fairly well - scattered while the Angels hunched their 12 safeties in the fifth and seventh. ' It was. the Rainiers fifth defeat . ha five starts this- year. Los An geles has been scored on only six times in five games. Seattle ... 104 0O8 8103 18 3 Loa Angeles . 104 OJU 20 9 12 1 Orphal. ,Hut-hlron. 8 and Suan.a; Conger and Williams. : j , 1 ""! Twinks 4, iSacs 3 - SACRAMENTO. April 3 Wp) The Hollywood Starss defeated . Sacramento 4-3 tonight in a Pa cific "Coast league" game before 2000 persons. , Hollvwond . r 01 1 10O 4 11 1 SMTimmto . ona 0o a S 9 Messerly. Erault 181 and lnsar; Fletcher, Pintar iSi and Marcuccu ' i . Seals" T,: Palres 1 . SAN DlEGOCaUf, April 3-OV Poupding three Sari Diecn j pitch ers ifor 11 hits, ithe San Francisco Seal defeated the Padres 7 to I in a Pacific Coast league game tonight. Cliff Melton. Seal south"" paw, -limited the Padres to four hits, i -. ' San Franelaro '..,. 03 802 300 T 11 San Diego -. ooo Out) 00! 1 4 4 Melton and Sprirtr; Eaves, Cha pelt a tllf, Knowles 19) and,. Rice. More Aces Due MEXICO CITY. April J,-P-Jerce PasqneL president f the Mexican baseball leagne. said ta night he expected te sign "abeot ji doxen" more U. S. players with in the next month : and offered U bet $2,000,0(T0 that his circuit wilt net eellapse. , -It is childish te say that the contracting of stars will end when the Pasquel family's meney ends. The contracting-. will end when ear clabs are cample ta with several stars In each. Wa still need abeal .a dozen wb will probably eme within the next fear weeks." -1 from the Cardinals. They waa Id do It' again If they thought It would, do any good. Bosiori still has hopes of land ing an experienced Infielder (Whiter KurowskL Card hold eat is the one they wxnt anat some more pitchlnr, hmt it is not . too well prepared to', go trad ing. Cash is their big asset with a smattering of rvn-of-the-miil surplus talent. The owners are not expecting ' Soathworth to rebuild the world In a single sprin. They signed him to a three-year contract with Instructions to start rebmilding. . 3 , - ' 4" , ' - 3 - .- 4 : 1 . 1 ( i 4 s t I s - t V .!