I . f OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon, Tuesday Morning, April 2. 1946 PAGE NINE , r L . , 7: Winnipeg Mart Rise Echoed by Chicago Gram CHICAGO, April' l-P-Some gnin futures trades who had said they were faing to sit this one out finished the day waltzing around the . pita with other interests in . eeCf defense, and helping bid the prices wp. Tbe day's business opened at its recently customary slow pace, be cause . seTeral commission houses i had said they did not want either ( to buy or sell very much until i; they knew more about what might b shaping up in Washing- too. (''But word came that May rye was as snuch as the 5 -cent daily limit higher at Winnipeg and that mh dnund was strong here even at - prrmram prices. A few inter ests then swung over to the buy ing skie -cf futures and prlce moved upward. Some sorts be came nervous and bought amount necessary to cover, adding strength to the rally. Although the demand was light. oXIerings were scarce at the higher levels. Wheat and corn continued at ceilings of 1.3 and $1.21',. Oats closed unchanged to cent higher than Saturday's finish, Slay 83-cent ceilings;- rye un changed to 2H cents up. May ni-5 barley unchanged to H ahead. May 1.28H ceiling. JU'i ALEXANDERS ENTERTAiNIING WS CLUB TONIGHT, CtAK COM THEY HAVE THE UV1NS ROOM? THIVCXE THEATBZ V.HSJMTrOJD rtX47KNOW. CROCKET JUST PUT-A LEAD ATK3N HAPPtKEO. CDRPAL rvROUNO MICK LVfJCH Si AND HS : I I H6 SAVS,VOUR X-WiF6 X IB-EOT.SUTJ! X (U! WAALl! m - KICKED HIM IN THE SHINS AND . I WAS0NLV J4 JES BE v tancp 1 WTVl THAT V00 ARE MOST FORTUNATE QWI THjgl KEERFUL ISSJteU TmSfWM fN T0 RID V0URSELF Of SUCH AN - krhB'W7 V T-e VOUTtwrrW H-L-TEMPERED WILDCAT M sez NO LONGER A S - - sr i j l 7" , BJLEttEY GOOGLE .' u..,n.. rl ? I - -r IK GOSH... OUT OF M ,HAFTXUSg rAY SKY ) ; itfm u), (IQ ' r i j- SOWE CULPXrr) I I J THERE 1 I I XXJ MUST TRY ) I f j Jv 2bwoved the r ANYTHING ? keep the 5ri- : T f DEAR, SENS' BLF JULIA -1 'j ' " . . Kr40W VOU ARE RIGHT - I KNOW YOU LOVE WER -SO OO WAnT WER TO WAVE I - BUT VOU CAXT KAkfE UVEj EVERYTMIMG MONEY CAN LY.fCAATWCHJrUPPVmMg BUY-IMPORTED DOLLS-' TREATW6 HEtftJIfE A ( . EXPENSIVE A" a - -ii TTJT LONE RANG-! Salom Market Quotations The price below supplied by a to ol grocer are indicative ef the daily market prices paid to growers by Sa lem buyers but ara sot guaranteed by The States aa: BUTTE. COGS AND eOULTBlT S shier to chase with est aetfc) l'TTUrT Premium ' X No 1 , -M No. a -SO BUTTUI PRINTS A B .44 .4S M . .27 . Jl . JI i t JJ Ji Dt Jl Quarter . EGOS Lars Mediums Standards Pullets Cracks LIVRHTOCB (By YsUrv Pack) CATTLI Beef steers JO to Beef cows . M to Dairy cows .09 to Bulh) W5 to Vel I DO to 1330 Lambs, top , Yearling Cwea , Burks . Hoc, top. 140-270 Iba. 1,0-300 lbs . Sows 13 50 s oo to 7ao 2 00 to 4 00 S00 to 3 00 19 43 14 S3 13 00 to 13-60 POtXTBT No 1 colored bona No 2 colored hens Colored frys and bakes Yearling lambs . J4 si S4c26c .T to S'.i HIT U.S.. BRITISH CONTROL, LONDON, April 1-(P)-A Mos cow radio commentator said to night that a "lacjc of firmness" by British and American occupation forces in Germany was responsi ble for the resurgence of the Hit ler youth movement, that brought about Sunday's mass raids against a nazi underground movement. AND THEM CROCKET FAINTED, i guess.j- ; )lJ- I FORGOT COOKC HAS It I ALWAVS SEE ID IT 7 . J rmuPANi lljfFa cTAr 1 f cs Ajc i r jr t t m 11 iit v iv n ljlj i i r 1 j n 1 ty r.j-s 1 r 11 1 I I V ---- ' "-- II III V 7. - . . I I I V V- 1 1 II i 111 I V I I ' 1 -- ' ' . it v- -I sFT it Mine Walliofit Sejids Mart dit Downgrade I NEW . YORK, April 1-P)-The walkout of 400,000 soft; coal mill ers, while fully expected, seemed to chill bullish enthusiasm in to day's stock market and,; while as sorted favorites manager) to over come the handicap, leaders gen erally took the downward trail. Earnings, dividends and: the urge to invest idle cash? still pro vided buying incentives.! Bids for utilities developed when the supreme court handed down the long-awaited; decision upholding the "death pentnt' clause of the holding company afct. Although the majority bailed to follow through, most retained ad vances of fractions to a; point pr so. Announcement of, he OPA that the recent crude ceiling lift would take effect irn tried lately buoyed some of the oils. Losses running to better htan: S points predominated at the close although many extreme! declines were reduced. Transfers of l,3Qf 000 shares compared with 1,220, 000 Friday. ) The Associated Press -60 -stock composite was off .2 of; a point at 77,6 of 916 issues appearing, 452 fell and 307 rose. j ELLEN DREW RECONCLLEq HOLLYWOOD, April 1 - MP) - The reconciliation of film contract player Ellen Drew, and producer Sy Bartlett was announced by a ft AMD BELIEVE ME, MA'AM -HEAVEN MADE GARDENS FOR CHILDREN TO PLAY I N AN Op WHAT- RIGHT HERE IN ELMTJWi WHERE WHERE VUH JUST OOWNEd AAA I?) A GANG OF 0UTUWS eSTSrO0TlN, IVE EVER SEEN r t X ef. jDLl-i 'THE YOUNG IDEA" By Mossier C rM s-U-e ..... , I 'Sometimes I'm Inclined te think I should trade B -focal la for a new model" representative of the actress' studio today. She and Bartlett, who were married at Lake Tahoe in August,- 1941, had been sep arated for six weeks. A MILLION DOLLARS' WORTH OP TOY5 COULU NOT MAKE A CHILO AS WAPPr AS AWKWACO PUPPV A PLAYFUL KITTSM-V BRYBODY THAT'S GO00 wink crock BOB'S GOT A ETTX) JOB FOR UFEJ SHOOTING IF HE WANT5 HQ WESLEY HALE IS MAK ING OUT AT SPELL BEE. 71 ) I vT- I THE - a Quotations at Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore.. ABrtl I. (API Butterfat first quality, maximum of l m i per cent acidity oeliverea in fori land. i2-52 t . pretnium quainy maximum of JJ of I p r cent acidity. 32-33' sc: . valley routes and country points. 2c less Irian fintft or SO-SO 1 , Butter AA prints. Sl-aic: cartons. M-aa'.c: A trade print Ot".; car tons. M'.-52r. B grade prints. 50-Slc. Cheeae Jiellln prkre to Portland re tailers? Ore eon triolet. 33.13r: loaf. 34 21c lb: basis price triplets to whole sale.. 28 3c; loaf 28. 5c Errs To retailers:! A A arade. larie. 44c: A larce. 42c: irMraium. 39c. small (pullet). 34c Ears Purchases from farmers: cur rent receipts. 35-38; buyers pay 5-10c doz below ceilina price on others. Live Poultry Chicken buying price or wholesalers broilers, l'.i to Z lbs. 25c: 3 to 3', lbs. 2Sc: roasters over 3'i lba. Z7-29c: colored hens 24-M: Les- . horn hens 20c: roosters and stacs 10c lb. Rabbits Government ceiling: aver age country killed to retailers. 44c lb: live price to producers. 23-24c lb. Turkeys Basis buying orlce. dre-sed barts: hens. 33.2-38J lb: tomt. 30-31ic . lb net at farms. Dreaaed turkeys I Packers' selling price to retailers: hens. 41 -43c lb: toms. J8-41c lb. Onions Oregon dry; No. 1. 85-90C doz bunches: S3 01 So-lb sack. Potatoes New riorvda. (4-4 23 ao- lb bag. Potatoes Local Burbonk. 13-3 50 cen tal; Idaho 13 M-4 cental: Oeachutea. inis. No. 1. M cental; 25s. $1 08. ISs. 9c Veal AA. 22'.c: A 21: B lt-lc: C. 17-174: culU. 14-lc lb. Hogs Fancy block 2oc lb. Lambs AA. 2Sc: A. I4',c: B. 23". C: C. 20r. Mutton Fancy a: 13 I -4c: M. 13c: R grade. B-lOc Beef AA. 21i: A. 30: B. ! 3-4c: C. 1J; canner and cutter. 13-14c; canner and cutter bulls 14c. t ascara bark Dry stork. . 2uc lb. Wool Govrrnmrnt control Mohair 144. 11-monlH. 4S lb flay Wholesale shipments: alfalfa. kslm (UN ka) KOIN (7t ke This. i 1 1 : New i New 4:1 Uui. Times pr. Star :3a NW rrm N'w I'KOIN Klock 4:43 New I r- 74 New KOIN Klock Rise ei Shine News 7:1 7:3 75 New I Dick Cutting Voice et Hope I Nelson Pnngle Sam Hayes Ssse Haven ef Rest iConsmr t:lt Haven of Rest Valia it JO Sing Away ILight World. (Ore: Caravan :45 V. Undlahr I Aunt Jenny T iKoaUlanetz : t:15 l.yle Van M Downey Pastor Call Orchestra I Kate Smitfc i Big Sister' I Helen Trent Gal Sunday t:sa t:45 le l:t l:3 News Bine Sings Mountatneers J J Anthony iL.it Beautiful iTreas. Salute IMa Perkins iNews. Kneaas Dr Malone I C Gilbert Rd of L4fc I Art Baker l:4i MM Cedrtc Foster Orgsnalitie Queen litis 11:34 11:4 Rosemary Tens ac Tim Hymns News - Hillbilly Street News TBA-CBS 13:30 Bert Wheeler I Young family 12:45 I Bach. Chlldn. I llappii lit 1:15 1:3 1:45 New I-um is Abner Melody Melody House Party (Newspaper :4 2:1 S Zeke Manner IScnooJ Smile Time ' I Dallas Prog sn (Meet Missus 2:30 :4S 14 J:l 3.-3 3:45 Interlude McSlmvUle News Elsa Mazwill (New IState Traffic l7U I World Today (41 rulton Lewis j Stars Todai Rex Miller 1 Fve. Winters E Johnson (Melody Hour Wes McWain ' f 4:15 4J4 4:43 New Knox Manning 420 Matinee I Pirates Superman ' I Tiddlers 4 I I Dick Tracy Capt Midnlte !H - Planner 1 With Judy I Armstrong Tom Mix 'Bob Garred c- IBay Swing 5:13 5:3 5:45 Gab. Heatter I Inner Sanct. Amos & Andy Guy Lomfcardo Song Fashions ' A mos Ac Andy t Am. Forum (Readers Digest f ribber McGee 5 Mm. Mystery J Evelyn Paseu ! Flying Public 4:15 4:3 4:45 1M 7:14 j Crime Photogr. ' Bob Hope Upton Close By Morse By Morse 7:3 7:45 Open Hearing i- S:' Gardening HUnny Ross S it Show Stoppers; Smith Show 0:30 Vagabond I Romance S:4S Eyes Future 5 :a News iiBlg Town iNews Wills. Tex. Boy 0:15 Jas Crowley I ' t:30 t:43 Sports News 1 B. Carter I- 14 :M Fulton" Lewis IS Star final iNews Orchestra I With Flower iTh Barber News I B. Rich Or. ' Orchestra Raneer I Band Wagon I0:IS 14:34 14:43 II: II :l 11:34 11:45 1I.5J 12:4 Orchestra I Serenade I Henri Busse Air-rto I Orchestra (New I Silent Orch. New New Open Hon KOAC TUESDAY S3 K.c I0-O0 News. 10:15 For Woimcn; II W con cert Hall: 12 00 News; ,12:13 farm Hour: 1:00 Rid'em Cowboy: I IJ School of Air. I 45 A Uk at Aus tralia: 2 00 Women in News. 1 fli Memory Book n( Mukic: 3 00 News. 3:15 Capitol Dome; 4:13 Musical Stocks and Bonds Complied by The Associated Press April J STOCK AVERAGES 30 11 M M Indus Kails Util Stks 103 S 47 0 53.3' 77 6 104 1 47 1 53.4 77 8 104 0 47 4 53 1 77 S 97 0 . 44 SI J 73.2 SI 4 34 6 40 S SO S Monday Previous day Week ao Month ago . Year ago BOND AVERAGES 20 10 IS It Bail Indus Util rogn Monday . Previous day Week ago Month ago . Year ago 1063 104 M 10S0 77.3 io s 104 s tea ies s toss loo s 103S 104 S tost ,S4 493 0 107.2 T7 4 74 S 74 4 70 9 Legal Notice NOTICS Or APT01NTHWT r KXltt l'TOIt. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed bv the Circuit Coert of the Stats of Oregon, for Marlon County, sitting In probate, as eaecujbr Of tka last XIII and .testament and : estate of I.lt A Robertson, deceased, and. has quail fled as aurh esecator; alt. persona having- rlaima against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, as required by law. to me- at the office of my attorney. 203 Oregon Building. In the City of Salem, tn Marion County. Oregon, within six months from the dateof this notice. Dated at Sak-m. Oregon, this ISfch day of March. 144 Oren Stratton. 1 Executor of the last Will and testament of Lizzie A. , Rob ertson. Deceased. Ronald C. Glover. . Attorney for Executor. 205 Oregon Building. Salem. Oregon. M. IS-IS A. 2 --!. Portland No or tetter. 34-3S: oaU and vetch, mixed hay. valley growers price. S24; clover hay. $21. baled on farms. Portland Grain PORTt-AND. Ore.. April -fAP) Cash wheat (bid I: Soft while IM,: soft white I excluding Re !.. whit club 1M,; western red 1 MV Hard -rd winter- ordinary I ,; 10 per cent 1 aa.: 11 per cent I 70. 12, per cent l.72a. Hard -White Baart: ordinary 1 6,: 10 per or rU 1 ,;. U per rent 1.70s: 12 ber cent 1.72. ' Today car receipts: Wheat lit: bar ley S: flour oats 4: mllLleed 15. corn 1; hay X j Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore . April (AP (USDAI SaUblec allle 1100. total 1800; salable and total carve 125. mar ket fairly ; active, generally steady: steers predominated: several loads good grades ie&O-17.U0; around four loads at 17 25 tricludsng 14-M lb average: sizeable lot 1134 ib good-choice truck ms 17 85: com mo a medium grades most ly ; 12 50-U 00; good heifers 14 25-50; common- medium grades lt.S4MS.00: medium -rood cows 12.OOV14.0Q: canner cutter 7.50-9.50: fat dairy type cows 10 no-11 SO. ; good beef bulls mostly 10 50-12 00; - good-rhoice vealers steady at 14OO-17.O0. culla down lo 7.00 and below: , - . a Salable hogs 2S0; toUl 180O; butch ers active, ptrady: feeder pig lop 25 cents lower:", barrow and guts mostly nan, few above 3V) Ib 13 25: 13S lb. 13 M: aond sows 13.05: good-choice feeder pigs 3 00-50. Salable sheep SOO. total 1000: hold over SoO. market moatly steady: few common-choice spring lambs unsold. Two doubles good -choice 105 Ib. fed shorn lambs 15 OV; medium-cond wool ed lambs U.So-14 50. one lot strictly srood-choice: i 120 s lb. 1550: common down -to IO D, gnnd ewea scarce: rm- abte s SO-1 uo; cul-meJiim ewea I oo- 00. i KGW (tZI ke) KEX Ut k) I Dave West News. Rneasa (Old Songs Bugler "X" irietcher I Farm Tune IRidin' Rang Roundup Boy I Agronsky IJacnea Abba (Bugler X New I Fred Waring B fast Club Lad) I lame Abb -Glamour Iivenny DJrr t 1 Honym a, NY I Breakfast Kenny Baker 1 t- I News led Malone I True Story 1 2d Mrs. Burton I Guiding tight ,Baukhage fPerry Mason (Children (Ethel. Albert I In White 'Listening Post I Masquerade I Melody - Go - R I Women of Am .Kennedy I Ma Perkins 'Stars Today jLedies IBackst. Wife Berrh ! Stella Dallas. I Find Me Loren Jones News twtdder Brown I Hymns ,Glrl Marrie traces Life I Plain Bill rront Par Roau of Life David Harum Aunt Mary !Dr Paul Bride. Groom AJ Peaice Woman's Scrt Footlirhts News i North west iStar Today 'Hey Motorist IN Cloutier IHoo Harrlgan I Green Hornet I lllicks News lllooaier Hop "Red Skelton ' Supier Clue Fleet Law too jFollies 144 I jim n Abner I Dai k Venture I Dark Venture I Or. IHollywood rrtme Is Now .Music at 10 I Concert Hour Orchestra I Orchestra jOrchetra . (New (Swing Shift Club Orch. i X"tra Hour Comedv: 4 45 UniVer. Journal: 4:45 Orxan Melodies 5 -Ort On Upbeal: 5 55 Spotting Sports; o News: 4:15 Mv Country Sings; S:30 Western Sonf. 7 15 Kvening Farm Hmir; S 00 OSC Forum; S 30 Music That En dures. 0 30 News; 9 43 Eve. Medita tions; 10:00 Sign Off. I w nail uoini i Ky West New York Stock Quotations . By tha A elated Preti j NEWV YORK. April I AP)-. Today s closing quotations: Al Ch,em St Dye Gen roods ; ; 54 V Radio Corp L American Can 3i Gen Motors . 72 Rayonier , . .... 1 Am Pow & L.t 16V Goodyear Ti 73s Rayonier pfd Am Tel Ac Tel 190 iGl North p(d 00 I Reynolds Met Anaconda T W Int Harvest 02's'Safewav Atchison . . 103 Int Paper pfd 115 ! Sears Roeb Bendix Avia 52r,!J. Manyille 54' Sinclair Oil : Beth Steel 103 i Kennecott Boeing Air . .. Canadian Pac Calif Pack Case J I .. Chrysler Comwlth Sou . Conn Edison Cons Vultea t Cont Ins Crown Zel Curtisa Wr . . i'long BeU 43',IMayUg 43 i Mont Ward - 129 I Nash Kelvin 44 i Nat Dairy 34?s'NY Central 28 'i North iAm Co 60 'V Northern Pac 16 ' Pac Am. run Pac Gas Elec Douglas Air IP T ai i T Dupont Du Na 33'Pan Afrtertcan Gen Electric . . : Penney, J C Claaslfledi Advertising : r Statesman Claaiifiti Ad Call 9101 Per Uae ,.-( ...le Three Inaertrans per! line , 25e Six tnsertlona per line 4 Or One aoanth per line ; S1.5 Minimum charge 25c; 1 tl. mln. 49: tL mln.3e. No refanda. Caant S wards U ; line. i Copy for this page accepted un til 4.30 the evening before publica tion for classification Copy re ceived after this time twlir be rust under the heading "Too Lata to Classify " i t : The Statesman assume no finan cial reaponstbltlty for errors which may appear in advertisement pub lished in lis column and in case where this paper lis at fault will reprint that part of an advertise ment in which the typographical mistake occurs. I A, "Blind" Ad an ad containing a Statesman box number lor an address, is for the protection of the advertiser- and must therefore be answered by letter. The States man is not at liberty . ,to divulge information as to the -Identity of an advertiser using a Blind" ad. The Statesman reserve the right lo reject questionable advertising. It further re-erve tha right to place all advertising under the; proper rtasstfioationi Legal Notice NOTICE TO TBEDITOsia Not 12440 In tbe Circuit ! Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Mult noBuh. Probate Department . Notice la hereby given that the un dersigned J. L.. Asner has been ap pointed Administrator of the estate of .rredertck Wiblishauser. deceased. by the Circuit. Court of tha State of Oregon for Marten County, and -naa qualified. ' All persons 'havHng claims against said estate arc hereby noti fied to. present the same, duly verified by law required, to the underj signed at Co County Clerk. Depart ment of Probate. Marion County Courthouse. Salem, Oregon. Portland. Oregon, within six months from the date hereof j Dated and first published MarCli It. l4. at publication April 14. 148 J. L.. Asher, Administrator of the Eatate of rrederirk Wiblis hauser. Deceased. Abraham Asher. Attorney. Mar. l-24 Ap. 2-0-14 - NOTICK Or EXAMINATION' NOTICE U HEREBY GIVEN that a Civil Service Examination for police men subject to the rules, regulations and provisions of the Civil Service Commission of Salem. Oregon, will be held in the Council Chamber of the City Hall. Wednesday. April 17. 144. at on o'clock am GF-ieCRAL. SCOPE OF EXAMINA TION, in addition to physical examina tion 'by the ctty physician: Keenness of observation, reading comprehension, ability to fellow directions, relations with others aptitude for police work, simple j)potlcme in arithmetic, ge ography of the city, state and city or dinances Ten per cent credit allowed on war time service record. PAY: $173 00 a month for beginners REQUIREMENTS : Applicants must have been bona fide- residents of the City of Salem for at least one vear Immediately previous! to the date of; the examination and must be registered Voter. 1 Age limits arc from XI to 35 years. with msniarftjs service concessions. I In accordajnee with rales and regulations aoopiea January 4. lajs I , . Applicant who are placed on u eligible list will be required to take a pnystcai - examination rrorn tne city on ysirian oetore aDDoantment. rn health er. disabling defect reported by the city physician will be cause for removal from i the eligible list APPLICATION BLANKS may be oh tained at the Office of the City Re corder, must be filed in person, and win not be accepted for nlirvg after me loiiowiruc oaie: . Wednesday. April 10. IMC, at S.-OO o clock p. m. DATED at Salem. Oregon. March 21 194. civii. s tvice COMMISSION By: ALFRED MUNDT. Secretary and Chief Examiner. M 28-2S-30 A l l NOTICE or AIJLEY VACATION NOTICE is hereby given that tha Common Council of the city , of Sa lem. Oregon, by Resolution duly and regit "ly adopted and filed on tne lath day of March. 144. has declared it intention te vacate, and haa Ini tiated vacation proceedings to vacate that certain alley located ' In the Block immediately North of D Street, between North Commercial and .North Eront Streets. la the ctty of Salem. Marlon County. Oregon, run ning Northerly from the Northerly edee of D Street a distance of about 250 feet, more particularly described as being Btartt 1 i the westerly one half and Block B on tha Easterly one-half of Mill Addition to said city of Salem. The ath day of May. 194a. at the hour of 7 M o'clock P.m in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and tn said city of Salem. .Oregon. have been fixed as the time and place for consideration of such vaca- timi and for heart ne any nmiertions or remonstrances thereto. Objections. If any. to such vacation. muit be filed in writing with the 'undersigned prior to the time herein fixed for hearing the same. . ALT At CD MurilTf City Recorder City Of Salem. Oregon. A.-S-t-J-; -23-30. The low - cut, short - vanmped purnpa, fashionable today iiuf call ed -D'Orsay pumps, were designed more than 100 years ago by Alfred Guillaume Gabriel. Count D'Or say, m French painter and sculptor. PILES (Hemorrhoids) Fistula - FUaure f . Prelsnse a d other tyea af Rectal 4t Calon condiUans treat ed : withoat les. of time. . QUICK fa RELIEF f NO HOSPITALIZATION Call far examlnaUaa mr write for FREE descrlpUve twaklet. Dr. R. Rrnol Clinic ' Natnro-rractalotlat tlS N. Uberty 8L, Salem. Ore. I7i 24. 3', 35 ' 43, 1. I'a SO . Sla 21', 31- 55 So Pacific A 32 l Stan Brands 13' Stan' Oil Cat !' Miami Copper 5". stew Warner 91 iStudebaker 21 Sun Mining . "4la. Union Oil 27 lUn Pacific 33 UnAlrunes . 31), Un -Aircraft . 14 U S Sfeel' 42,' Warner Bros West El Mg 22 Woolworth M ' I y. B3i ST. Additional Classified Ads Livestock ami Poultry BABY CtllCKS. cWherels. Pulleta. , Nine leading variellas) Weekly. hatches. Order chick early. j5th year Phone ie s naicnara WANTED Bf ahd c canner cows. bulls and veal. W E I Snethen, ISM Pb SI34S Mom, er call at farm. ncastar Drivsw THOROUGHBR White Giant 2141 ti.' rronU roosters. Ehone 341 "ahbitj wANTxa an atze. 4 lbs Wblta. 24e lb, colored 22e Ib . live weight Rabbit shlaa. best pricea Wire stretcher and- other iuptmaa , Salens address. fO Ratcllff Drive,, phone 2-1530. Portland addreaa. Rabbit Meat Co MIT a t Stark SUit 17M . i WANTED: All kinds of livestock. Valley Packing Ca. Phoii sa35. - f CUSTOM -dressing ef chickens, any number Prompt service. Dressed ooul- try wholesale our pecUJty. Phone 2.-2ML U' Hatchary WANTED: Eat and canner cows for : f Dairy .cows, heifers, bulls. veaL rat bogs. sows, stacs. boars Market price C C McCandlish.rt , boa 373. Ph I47 across from ball park. S 15 ta FD 4. yVaV Old N Hm" la r lna7 hen x tl 0 each. .Rl. 2. Boa 134. Auctions SUDTEtX'S COMMUNITY AUCTION Across from stats fairground on SU verton Road. ) EVERY WED, 10 A.M. See us about your farm auction. Manager. Lane Sudtell. - 20 SUverton Road. Phone auat. Salem. ' Auctioneer, Oren Sudtell. t!3i S. W. Palatine Hill. ATwater S3B0. PortUnd. FOR SALE t Auction. Wed., April 3. at 10 am.: Beds, mattresses, chairs, tables, tools, stoves Js many useful ar ticles. All kind of farm roach, as farrr I tools. Chicken as' rabbiu. Will have 12 heifers, ranging frost mo. eld to II mo. old. Four bred to good dairy bull. These heifer are front 1 man' herd 4k from high producing registered cow: Also several good cow as many day old vealer calves SUDTFXLS COMM. AUCTION Stlverten Road, Salem Help Wanted WANTED to work an farm single, man or man with wife. Uvmg quarters ran be arranged. For further informa Hon write PO Boa tea, Salem. WANTED: Either a couple or aa el derly lady to" rare for an elderly worn on nights. Call after 10 a m. 745 Trade at JANrTOTUI Man and wife, apart ment with heat, water .and lights fur nished. Call between 1 and 4 .34 p m. Phona 1002. WANTPD' Dtshwaaher and k Itches, helper. Pads'a Coffee Shop. ROUGH Carpenter work wanted. Close in. Living quarter furnished. Ph. 22432 A.M. .or evsv -real property I some . thing you caa'c keep la a , safe, but you can keep a Commonwealth. Insured Titl ia your , safe then you isaasr you own your -real property. UNION ABSTIACT COMPANY. S a lew , Visspla a iln aaoterais isixrt yosil I , wb moo s kdL bsra mmi smtaooau j " DBS. CHAN . . LAM Ur.V.TusiJ.0. Or O CaaaJXJK CHINESE HERBALISTS 241 Nartb Liberty IT r stairs Portland General Electric to Office open Saturday only ia mjn to i p.m.: to 7 p.m. con ultation. Blood Pressure and urlm testa are tres of rhargs Practiced since 117 t. ci ra rj ; You Own ' HI I I ssBsBr l lnstri Pnsssll Caviaisw ins krag;a J wsltasas raCef. 1 bear araad sssdi M , ratisa sseoaa seal sosufori. radaeas rsle. ;1 k Wbrirstes aad aohsaa, Ilsiacos ad ji 5 aaamkaftng. e easy ta ssa. Oct g iaa Seaarf Pi maid Baiipaslmlss at sr TJ r drag stars sridMt 4elay-60a aad $1 J- i' j)imWimi ' l t. 4t