The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 02, 1946, Page 6, Image 6

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' Vacationers
I Home From
: Wintertime travelers ani v
eationist are an iv in l..m
from sojourns In, the, smith and
Mr. Charles Hugn- and her
elildl"en. Suzanne and Charles,
era being welcomed home from
two months stay in Dinning.
Calif, ,hich is located at the
edfe of the desert near Palm
Settings. Mf. Huumi joined his
family "J.the south two weeks
'ago when he drove down1 with
the P. D. .Quifenberry and Asel
Eaff. Mr. Eoff went south ( ac
eamparty his' wife and ori home
after two months stay at Palm
Mr. and Mrs. Quiaenbeiry and
son, Dw ight, went to An
geles 'fortnight ago to visit with
his mother. Mrs. G race jQu ien -bel
l J irf North Hollyw ood. Eri
route north the traveler stopped
tn San FraTKiaco.
Sin arid Mrs. George Rhoten
are home from a three weeks
trip San Franei-o. Loa Annies
and Mestiv. In Los Angeles they
were joined by Mrs. Rhoten's
brother-in-law and sister, Mr.
-nil Mrs. Lewis Cort (Dorothy
Miller), ho reside in San Cle
ment. - Mr. and Mrs. Thoma W. Ho!
snaa hae returrjrd- from a stay
in Sn Franciico and other
-points in the bayv a tea.
Dr, and Mrs. Burton A. Myer
nd their tin daughters. Jeanne
rid Janice, hsv, returned fnm
VS) fortnight's trrp to southern
California where they iMted
with friends and relatives. They
(eLo" visited in San FrancUco.
,' Dr. and Mrs. G. Herbert SrnJth
and daughters, Sally and Margie,
are home from a trip to Van
couver. B C. On the return trip
holme the Smiths stopped in Ev-
erett. Wash, for- a visit with Dr.
nd Mrs. J. C. HarriM. former
Salem re? sdenta,
Mr. W: W. Gabriel mt Port
land is visking this week at the
tome of her daughter and son-in-law
Mr. and" Mrs. Charles
Heltel. - .l
Visitor Feted
. At Luncheon
Mrs. Rcnald Jonea w hote
"for an informal luneheon Satur-
stay . afternoon at her country
1 place for " the pleasure ot Mrs.
. Marc Latham ( Ina . Proctor ) of :
1 Cafpenteiia, Cahf, a former Sa-
lem resident, who has been visit
ing" here and in Silvertn.
- The .Cable cnteTOe-e was . an
'rrmneenient of deep r camel
Ls. The tflenuisn rvuis were
aer.t vir, formally
Covers, were placed fr i gtwp
f Mrs. Latham's id Vh'il
friend including Mrs Karl
Betke, Mrs. Ralph Binje. "Mrs.
George Cioi.-an. Mi LwW
Grifirth, Vn. Jamrs ung; Mrs.
Xdr.a 0!n and Mrs. Ronald
Horizpn Girls
To Confer
"Wine for Tomorrow" U the
theme chosen for the firat Hori
mm club conference fr the Will
amette Area council of Caimp
Fire Girls t Smirfi Cie,k camp
In the Silver Creefc recreational
i area April 5, 6 arid T.
: High -school Horizon Clubbers
er Camp . Fire girls in Marion.
Benton and Polk counties, and
their leaders are leaving Salem
: en Friday afternoon for a bus
; trip t" the camp. A large num
i ber are eapetted to attend.'
The a-isls planned an interest
ing program including work and
fun., "Wirjrs for Wwrnen." as-talk
' 0oj vocational appertain! tie will
be given by Dr Lawrence Riggs
ml Willamette unieenuty Katur-
.'Lay .aaunun;. yt. K. Betlhie of
the United States employment
eervlce will follow- with a pre
aetitLMn f )obOffMsrtnnlties for
women In the Valley. Later both
wiill fcf available for conference.
Misa Marguerite Hauke of
: Portland- will ionduct the a,ftrr-
ftooo d.cuion "Wings fi Me."
n charm and peftv4iy She
: will use the national iur xei t for
! Jfori Clubn. Trivte Pjers."
written by FJirabeth V-ivrard
mr4 frUO.'Hhed far lfrf.n Club-
be.4l- '
Later. Mrs. Gente -Thotnas
'. frorn tfca Oregnti Council of
ChUrhee mill talk on "Wings
, for ETercre."
Othee Uungs alatuer4 for the
I confertnte, , include fun nijht,
' a banQurt on Saturday follovred
by dancing. with Miaa-Sue Doran
of Pertlar.d hetpmg with calls.
, Sunday sncrnina: trU w-iii non
duct cbafel an4 a hike to Silver
- Creek. Falls before attM hoona.
y Ttallorrow Company
TOm SMw' r.tlil S. Uberlr Ry iJB. 'Morrow ;
Society ,.,Glubs
Music . ... . The Home
Maxtne Bujren
Wemcn's Cdiloe
Nile Benefit
Event of
April 30
Salem Daughters of the Nile
will entertain . with their annual
bridge benefit tea on Tuesday.
April 30 at the Masonic Temple.
Plans for the affair were form
ulated at the regular luncheon
meeting of the group Monday
fte'rnHn. Mrs. Sam Rundlett,
president of the club, appointed
her committee, chairman. Bridge
will be in play starting at 2 o'
clock and thoe wishing reser
vations are asked to call Mrs.
Harris LieU. 4229.
The luncheon committee for
tjhe day was headed by Mrs.
George Dunsford. Assisting were
Mr. Roy Houtk. Mrs. Estill
Brunk. Mrs. Lillian Johnston,
Mis. Lnran Spaulding, Mrs.
Arthur Hunt, Mrs. Claude Post,
Mr. Richard Severin and Mrs.
Stanley Krueger.
Miss Taylor.
To Marry
The engagement of Miss Betty
Taylor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
A A Taylor, to Mr. Thomas B.
Ritchey of Independence, was
reeled to a group of the bride
' elect's i Uwe friends at a dessert
supper a-t the Taylor home Sun
day night. The date of the wed
ding will be April 24.
The lace-covered table was
centered with a crystal bowl
filled with pink camellias and
flanked with pink tapers in crys
tal holders. The news was told
w4en little Robert Taylor, neph
ew of the brideelect. "let the cat
out of the bag." The cat wore a
ribbon to which a card was at
tached, bearing the names and
Miss Taylor a graduate of
Willamette university and a
tea her in the Independence
high school. Her fiance has re
cently returned from Okinawa
and four year's service in th
navy. He will return to his pos
ition in the Independence post
Giiwts attending the an
, nounrement party were the hon
or guet. Mi.s Betty TJylor, Miss
M.njine Tnfer and Miss Mary'
Iui.-e Carey of Independence,
Miss Betty Dotson, Miss Birdie
Hebel, Mrs. Caroline Sullivan
and Mrs. Wallace Wright of Cor
vailis. Mrs. Robert Worrall, Mrs.
George Abbott Mrs. Robert C.
Taylor and Robert. Mrs, Lloyd
" Reily, and Mrs. A. A. Taylor.
Presbyterian .
Circles Meet
The circles of the First Pres
byterian church will meet at 2
o'clock Wednesday afternoon at
the church. The groups .will meet
Circle 1 Primary department.
Circle Z Fireplace room. Circle
3 Boys club room, Circle 4
Junior department. Circle 5
Junior department. Circle 6
Prayer meeting room. Circle 7
Junior department. Circle S Be
ginners department.
At three o'clock the croups
will meet together for tea.
Mr. ami Mrs. Kar A. T
who are leavinsi for Chicago .to
make their home, were honored
at a surptiee turkey dinner Sun
day night when, Mr. and Mrs.'
I. K. Lawrence, "Mr. and Mrs.
. MeKin J Millett and Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Rentfro entre
tained at the Yocwn home. Pin
oclile was In play during the
Mrs. Aabrey T muting enter-
Uined at a beach party in honor
of her daughter, Roberta, on her
17th birthday thte weekend:
They stayed at the Hillcrest
apartment at Oceanside. In the
group were Roberta Tussing,
Jeanne Peterson, Richard Ben
nett, Frank Biwnell, jr., Mrs.
Frank Brownell and Mrs. Au-
brey Tussing.
.Mrs. Jansea Heltsel will en
tertain the Rapnaterians Thurs
day afternoon at her South Lib
erty stieet home. at 2:30 o'clock.
Jeryme English
Society Editor
Royal i Neighbors of America
Will meet Wednesday night at
the VFW hall at S o'clock to
make final plans for the state
convention to be held In Salem,
April 16 and 17.
max li w . .
A rroup tm high 1mh1
semors o pent the spnng va- g
cation at DeLake t the Canyon
" " " , " VT
es Norma Cass, Charlotte Will
iams. Norma Vossler, M e t a
Wooldridge and Ramona Evans.
Mrs. Earl , Wooldridge accom
panied the group.
To Highlight
Luncheons and bridge parties
will highlight the social calen
dar for the ensuing week.
Mrs. Burton A. Myers and
Mrs. Gordon Hadley of Inde
pendence are arranging a one
o clock luncheon ljor rnday ai-
ternoon at the Norjnandy Ma nor.
Contract bridge wall be in play
during the afternoon. j
Covers will be pifaced for over
thirty guests. Arrangement
its af
spring flowers in pastel shades
will provide the decorative note.
Iacheen at Buslck IlefSM
Mrs. William J. Busick and
Mrs. Harry U. Miller will be
hoteses for a one o'clock lunch
eon on Friday afternoon at the
former's home on North Summer
street in compliment to a group
of their friends.
Covers will be placed for
twenty - four guests. Contract
bridge wxll be in play after the
luncheon hour.
Hasiessea ta Fatertaia
Mrs. Walter Snyder and Mrs.
Lester Wilcox are entertaining
at luncheon "W edntrsdmy after
noon at the former's home on
Center street. Covers will be ,
placed for twelve.
Spring nosegays and other
bouquets of flowers will provide
the decorative note. Contract
will be in play during the af
ternoon. Women's Council
Groups to Meet v
Womens Council grout f
First Christian church will hold
their meetings Thursday. ApiiJ
4. Groups will meet at following
homes. ?
Mondombe group will ! meet
with Mrs. E. B. Daggett. 2424 S.
Cottage, at 10:30 a. m., sack
lunch at noon.
Gertrude Shoemaker and Hat
tie Mitchell groups at the home
of Mrs. Leslie Carson. 555 N.
20th at 10:30 a. m. with covered
dish luncheon at noon.
Pendra Road group with Mrs.
E. C. Case, 287 S. Winter St.,
co ered dish luncheon. v
Missionary Friends group at
church fireplace room, covered
dish dinner at noon.
Mr. sad Mrs. Donald McCar-
gar are" leaving Friday -foil a, ten
day rfiay . in San Francisco. Ein
route home the travelers will
come by way of Lake Tahoe and
Nydia Temple r bonis af
Daughters of the Nile in Port
, land entertained at a luncheon
St the Mai lory hotel on March
27. The new queen. Mrs.Thoma
as Luke, was an honor guet.
Mrs. Paul Hale of Salem was one
of the hostesses and Mrs; David
H. Cameron of Salem and Mrs.
Lawrence Lister ' of Portland,
formerly of , Salem, are both
members of the chorus.
ood Eyes F or
Gotnl Business
Don't los9 out on lucra
tivo deals just because a
headacha or fatigue for
ces you' to cancel ap
pointments. These mala
dies in many casas Rtara
from eye strain. Let pur
recjis t e r d optometrists
give you a thorough
chect up prescribe the .
glassesxyou need. Come
in today.
11 Cert SL
Phane 5t
Many Attend
f Pro-America
I Luncheon
v Returninc veterans iwould be
able to find housing and clothing
were it not for New Deal regu
lations which have stymied in
dustry, George Neuner, Oregon's
u; attorney general, charged as he
H addressed republican women of
I Pro-America at their regional
luncheon meeting Monday after
I rioon at Normandy Manor. Mr.
I Neuner urged his listeners to
study science and to apply their
knowledge to active politics.
Over 135 women from the
Willamette valley representing
Portland. Oregon City, Corvallis,
Albany. Eugene and Salem were
in attendance. The tables were
festive with arrangements of
v caJnellias, daffodU. and
Mrs. Ralph Moody, president
f of the Salem unit of Pro-
,i America, presided at the lunch-
eon. which was followed by a
I state board meeting and tour of
f the state office buildings. Dur
ing the luncheon Joan Wayne
sang a group of numbers with
Mrs. Max Roger the accomp
anist. Mrs. Robert Ridehalge, Port
land, state president of Pro
America, was introduced and
spoke briefly. State officials in
troduced were Eric Alien,, jr.,
private secretary to Governor
Earl Snell, who was unable to
be present, Secretary of State
i Robert S. Farrell, Jr., State
-Treasurer Leslie Scott and Will-
-JJam Kimsey, state labor ctm-
v-rV T i ' 1 7
tNj UPtialS Are
Cjr-v -N-f-yn -J r-7r-.
I The marriage of Miss Ruth
fAodrews. daughter of Mrs. Net
hie T. Andrews, to Mr. Riley R.
Smith, son of Mr. and M"s. R.
H. Smith, was solemnized on
March 2S at the country home of
i-the bride's brother and sister-3n-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Ray. An
drews. , The Rev. Seth Huntington
.performed the nuptial at
o'clock before the fireplace
(which was banked wjth bou
jquets of snapdragons.
. Mr. Andrews gave his sister in
marriage . She wore an after
;ioon "frock of white brocaded
;heer. the jacket fashioned with
a peplum. Her accsorieM were
navy and she wore a white hat.
IHer corsage was of white car
nations and red rosebuds.
Miss Joy Smith, ws-ter of the
groom, was the maid of hoir.
fihe 'wore a roue wool suit and
"rorsaxe f pink carnations. Mr.
James Bulen was best man.
A wedding reception was held
after the ceremony. Mrs. Ray
Andrews and Mrs. Phillip Bcilke
isj,i.ted in the dining room.
4 The couple will make their,
home in Salem, The bride is
employed at the Marion county
agent's office. Mr. Smith, who
jlerved in the army, is now em
ployed at the Oregon Pulp and
I'aper Co.
Delta Gamma alumnae will
tneet at the chapter house on the
Willamette campus on Wednes
day night. Following the busi
ness meeting the active girls will
join them for refreshments.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Newman
celebrated their 25th wedding an
niversary on Sunday, March 24
With a family dinner. Present
f&r. the day were Mr. and Mrs.
Marvin Neuman and two chil
dren from Corvallis; Mr. and
Mrs. Russell Neuman and fam
ily from MrMinnville; Mr. and
Mrs. Kenneth. Loretz and two
children from Tillamook; Mr. and
Mrs. D. E. Wiebel from McMinn
vllle; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Tuttle
from Aloha; Mr. and f Mrs. A.
R. Hartzell from McMinnville;
from Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Arisman: Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kort
reborn; Mina Ritacca; Mr. Neu
man's neiee. Mary I-ouie Ilock
lef from Springfield, III,
flying up from San Diego, their
kon. Ensign Louis Neuman and
their daughter, Joan. They came
to": Salem from Illinois.
Oregon. Tuesday Morning. April
I .
r '- ' - . -:
Miss Marilyn Wyaft, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
W. Wyatt, whose betrothal to Mr. Gene M. Irons, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Earl S. Irons of -Denver, Colorado, has been
revealed. No date has been set for the wedding. Miss Wyatt
Is a sophomore at the University of Orgon and har fiance
recently returned from service overseas.
Salem Council of Church Worn
n. meet at YWCA. 2 p m.
Miuoun Udie auxiliarv with
Mrm. P. C. Harld. 37S S. llt t..
2 p.m.
Credit Wbmen'g Breakfast e4ub.
Quelle. 7 S m
7-eta TaU Alpha alumnaa with
Mn Walter Biadley. J0 Stala
at . 7 SO p m.
Chdwiok chapter. Oruer of
Eastern Star. Maoiuc Tenple.
30 dinner.
PEP Tracheri club dinner at
Normtndv Manor. 7 p m.
Women's fuild. First Coneresa
ttonal church, meet - tn church
parlors, 2 p m.
Silver Tea KrlM Memorial
church. 2 30. church parlors.
first Presbyterian church cir
Ctes meet at churcli. 2 p m.
WSCS of Leslie Methodist
church ith Mrs Luella Stow.
2121 S Hih st . 2 p m
Royal Neighonrs of America,
VFW hall. S p m.
First r"hrwttan church Wom
en's council group regular meet
ings slated.
A A U W Evening literature
group with Mis Ralph Dobbs. S5S
N. Winter si . S p .
Disabled Anterican Vetera iva
uiciliarv sewing with Mrs.
Ralph &ecor. route 2. box 29.
nn-hiwl lunrtieon at noon.
Pioneer post No ,14. Ameri
can legion, no-bwt dinner. Le
gion hail. p m
Raphaterians with Mrs James
Heltzel. 710 S. Liberty St .- 2.30
p m
t entiat WCTIT with Mrs W A.
Baiku. Vivta ave , 2 31 pm
Disabled American Veterans
auviliar). Sjlem Wumjn'i club.
7 45 pm social hour with chap
ter to follow.
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-XI :
2. 1948
Party Given .
For Coeds
Mis Roberta Meyer, an Ore
. gon State college cted. aurt M i v
Carroll C.ritgz, a UnivetsitJ- of;
Oregon freshman, entertained a
group of their friends who were
home for the spring vacation at
ai informal party at the Rich-
ai d A. Meyer homa Saturday
niht. '
Games and dancing were en
Joyed in the recreation room and
k later in the evening: refresh- '.
ments were served.
Guests were Ma Virginia
Avery of Pasadetia, Calif., a
hotie guest of Miss Gragg. Mi
Margie Coojey and her hou, ;
gtiestt, Marilyn Logan of Oak-'
land, -Miss Georgia Roberts, Miss
Jean and Miss Joan Post, Miss
Catherine Secord. Miss Dailen
Gardner, Mis lcena McCune,
Mi. Janet Kirk. Mitts Elizabeth
Nelson,, Mis Mary Iu Mckny,
and Mis Betty Matvoles.
Mia Susanna Schramm still
entrain Wednesday for Denver,
Colorado, to assume the position
as occupational therapist at
FitzsimmiKis General . hospital.
She has spent the past month
In the capital at the home. of her'
parents, Mr. and Sirs. A. A.
' . i . i ... r
I I 1 '
..-" .:!-! 'i " it --. KM--T !;'. " t --.V-n ;V :
Dinner For
Wives 1
Sunday night Mr. and Ms.
Jea Hunley were hosts at a din
ner party for former members
of the llith Cavalry and thfir
wives, j " ' J . . . . j -'
The group plans to meet once
a month-for a dinner and alTfor
mer nembers of the 115th Cav
alry from Wyoming are cordially
Invited to join the group. Ofir
eera elected were Roy Ohlurid,
president: Jess Hunley. treastfr
er, and Mrs. ledru King, sjc
retary. ? . j
Present Sunday were: Mr. aisd
Mrs. T, P. Hill. Mr. and Mm.
Gerald Foter, Mr. and Mrs, Jotui
LiwKMi, Mr. and Mrs; Glehn
Wisser. Mr. and Mrs. Klmer
Meade. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Whitney Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
. Farrens." Mr. and Mrs. ledru
King, Mr, and Mrs. Theodore
Starck. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mini-
' hun, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Hark
sn, Mr. rfnd Mrs. Roy Ohlurtd,
Mr. anr Mrs. Jess Hunley. Mr.
Randall Miller. Mr, Frank Meir
wn, and 1st Sgt. and Mrs. Horfe
H. Jefferson.
Date Set For
April Rites
Saturday, April has beeYi set
as the date for the marriage of
Miss Isabel , Childs, daughter of
th lata Mr. and Mrs. C. D.
Childs. to Mrs. Harold A. Hasi
braugh, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.
W. Rose bra ugh. - - . . j
The ceremony will be quietly
performed at the home of the
groom-elect'. parents on East
Miller street. Mr. "Rosebraugh, a
retired minister, will officiate at
his son's marriage at 12:30
o'clock. Only members, of the
two families will witness ' the
. exchange of vows. The couple
will be unattended. j
A jwedding ,luncheon In honor
of the hridal couple will be held
immediately after the ceremony
at the Quelle. Later, in the day
Mr. Rosebraugh and his bride
will leave for a honeymoon trip
: to Washington, and British Coif
umbia. - !
; " ' j
Garden Club at
Heise Home
The Kingwood Garden club
was entertained at the home of
Mrs. W. C. Heise on Thursdayi
A dessert luncheon was served
with bouquets, of trilliufrjusedj
as decoratitms. Mrs. Stuart !Mc-j
Gilchrist assisted her mother. I
Mrs. -Don Kuhn, president
presided at the busineaa session.)
Discussion Included the cara of
house plants ' and early spring;
gardening. Plana were made forj
a day spent wqrking In the cltyj
park, the clubs project. Mrsj
Maud Miller was welcomed as a
new member.
Irena McLead aa CrysUl
Huntington apent the weekend. ,
at the country home of the for
mer's brother and sister-in-law,
hjr and Mrr. Carlton McLeod.
v Mrs. pannell Sanders has left
for her htwn ini Coos. Bay after
a three weeks siay tn the capital,
1 at the home of her p'a rents. Mr..
ard Mrs. F. G. Delimo.,
i . ; 1 ' -
A visiter In the capital Sunday
was Mrs. W. J. Bingham oiiPale
Alto, national thesidenf ef Delrar
Gamma, national fraternity for
women. She was eritettaiBed at
dinner at the local chapter .house
on the yv luamette .university
Mrs. Gouleti
Will Honor
i' ;
. i
Mrs, Homer Goulet. sr. will be :
a luncheon hostess today at her -country
home in compliment to
members of th Junior- Guild
bridge' benefit committee. Mrs.
Goulet Is heading .the- director- ;
ate for the annual bridge bene
fit tea to . jbe sponsored by the
guild of JSt.-j Paul's Episcopal
church on Wetfnesday, April 24 '
at the parish' house.
Bidden by Mrs. Gouletare the -committee
membera arranging-;
for the tables. Cq:ers will be
placed' for Mrs. J. 'ft. Chambers,
Mrs. Mirier Hayderwl Mrs. E. -Bragg.
Mrs. Frank BrowneH,
lrs. Homer II. Smithy-Mrs.. A,r
thur . Rahn, Mrs. Donald Rob-;
erts. Mrs. Cal Pat ton, Mrs.' V. E
Kuhn and "Mrsii Goulet. !. :
mitt if j
THIS country is short of in
dustrial fats, mi&hty short.
The sup-ply is so low that th
gpvernment irnust 1 decide how
much fat can be i released to
maVe soap; how muchiforother
peacetime gjoods. The shortasa
would be even worse without !
the wonderful helpy American
-housewives are civics by turn-.
tat in used fats. Y
Keep saving to tide us over
'his emergency. 1 will help
You get more soaps and other1
products you want -so much.
... J
MC W5T A3 0OOH A5 ,
Larrs Huts, tax sc&r
V4 J i
!' 1
, cm