The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 02, 1946, Page 5, Image 5

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    . The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon. Tuesday Morning. April 1. 194S
Tbo Ontgon Statesman Telephone 9101
. ; rive building permits Issued by
thj city engiheer Monday au
thorised: "minor moving and al
teration Jobs. They went to Earl
Seamster for relocating a house
at 970 Jefferson at., to Adda Yan
; Vauikenburg for moving a ga
j rage at 140 S. High it., to Bert
t Skejkovsk, for altering t house
at 335 Nt-23 th st., to IT. A' Wheat
ley for proofing a house at 725
Court st, to,- Pearl DeVoe for
shingling, at 265 H. 17th st.
Cold Arrow restaurant open fur
business! April 2 at 130 Fair
ground RoaL - , ' ' " "
Jlirtld: W. Perton, Woodburn,,
remained! In critical conditioi in
Salem General hospital Monday
tight, suffering head injuries in
curred in an auto collision on'
highway' 99 near Cervais Satur
day night-' Freeman Waterman,
driver of; the car, was reported
in Improved condition Monday.
Only . occjupant of the other t ar
still, hospitalized is Mrs. George
rvrin r- Mnnmnulh. still re-
ported "fair."
For horn loans see Salem Fd
t eraJ 130 South Liberty,
Police Monday checked on re
ports" of two instances of shop
lifting in the M-iller department
store. Store officials said a wom
an's dress and 'coat were miss
ing, the -latter apparently taken
in exchange forTan old coat which
left in the atore Saturday.
Capitol Post 9 Past-Commanders'
ttight "Bring a new member Re-
jresnmenu. uiierummrni.
day t P.M.
City firemen, Monday night ex
tinguished, small, chimney fire
at, 130 K. 17th st.
Charles U. FMrvine. late resident of
rout 1. Salem; at a kcal hospital. Sat
urday. Marta 30. at the. as ot-S3
years. Survtved by daughter. Mi
Margaret Purvme. Port Una. t Knsi.
Walter mi Glerwisle and Byron of
KM-ra. Service. wiU be held f ueiniay.
aprU p.m. to the Clouh-Bar-
rri rnapel; Rev. Chtf Hamblm
nritin(. with interment at A-era
In. this city April 1. EH a George,
let resident I Hubhsrd. Ore, at
. tn of ? years. Wiie of Jesse
' Ceof-ae t Hubbard. mother 'of Mi.
, -Towner riemuia ex San rrincm-o,
' Mrs W. E- Vincent t Salem. Mrs.
t SUlpb W. Lindsay t Olympia. Wn..
mS D. M. George. t un i aa
mrivMl hv six vrandchudren
Service Ul. be held Thursday, April
A. at 120 Dm. -at the W. T. KilOon
rnaoel. Concluding MrvKM t the
Clry View eemetery.
la uua eity April 1. W. P. Johnson.
atm iMirtmil of Dallas route Z. -at
i ml nirt. ratber of Mrs
M O. Aaderaon of Dallas and Vcrn
Jotinaoa BuiO. Idano; aod brother
mf Warren Jofeiwoo. Henry B. John
oo. Myrtle .Dtela. Elsie Gray. Ella
H-rtM. Leon Fierce and Beat Hyde,
ai -of JdaAo. and Delia Wfutmier of
CaMomta, Also survived by two
TandchiJdren, Shipment I will be. nnade
to Bu&l. IdarfO. by tn W. T. Rigden
ier aervice ana uixermcnt.
1 Uiifl eirr. SundaV. March . Jl
CharW M. . Suateen. Ute resident of.
iurtun. at trie ar of 90 years. Hus
and of Wtlana Rnteen of Stay ton;
lamer of Ket Riateen of Grand Bond
and Gary Ktateea of Stayton: . step
fa mer -of Marten and Dotvald Burton.
tmtrt Salem; eon .of Robert Nisteen
f Salem;, step-eon of Marion Kuicr
ot fcaiere, and brother of George Hs
eest of th V. S. navy and Marion
K.seen ' of Salm." Services 'will be
held Wednesday, April J. at 1.30 pm.
tram to W. T. Ridon chaprl. Con
clwdutc err vices at tAe City View
adtkl -
NeM H. Laudahl-. at his residence.
4 Aeadenhy t . Monday. April I.
at tb ae f 78 years. lather of Mrs
l-e Mattson ,. Salem. Miss C'oia
XaiDdant ( . JCan, J., tl. Ludanl
C Dallas and M. IU Laudahl of Clear
I.ajh. Wts. SurWtved also by Mrs.
Fatcn Bay of Rentori, Wh .. and
Marvin t- Mattson of Salem. Srv-.
jee win b beM Wednesday. April
S. at X p m. frora tt tlouh-Brrun
cttaeel. Rev. Le Witni officiating.
laurrtncDt in City View cemetery.
Cteasw '
Moss lUien G Ivans, late resident of
K4amatb falls. at a local, hospital
SusKtav Maren 31. Dauxnief of Mrs.
Jjkesv tirrrfin f Klamath Tails. nip
snetit has been mad to KUnfatn Falls
by Ouh-BanKk Con fori services
otf IDUrmtst. ;
Mrs. E7ixabth L. Stone, at her
yosn. Ti ferry st Saturday. March
JSV, A iiswinmt ot services later
. sty Crouch-Barries. (Co.
: J "
w .
; Mrt Peart M. How. late resident
' atf Mill Cy. at a local hospital Sat
urday, Marct 3Q. - Survived by hus
band. Walter J.1 How of Mill City ;
arter, Mrs- Gladys Caasidy of Pert
land: tw brothers. Huf h- Swisert, of
tMaeassn. Wisn, and Cecil Swlgert
e4T Mosary Rock. ' Wash. Services will
b beld TueexUr. AprU 2, at 11 am.
riwah CTonth-rricli chape L Rev. M.
A. Gtxendner officiating. .Interment,
In . lie ier eat Memorial park. Member
nf Aneracaai Lutheran church.
. atacsar -
Oeorv-J. Hafrsrd. at a local hos
xtal Saturday. March 30. at the age
( 4 J ears. Survived by. rftother, Mrs.
Aneia Hacrard of Med ford; brother.
Clawd C. Haccard of Medfbrd. Srtlp
swsl haafbeen mad by dough-Bar-rk
Co. t Lebanon.' Ore, tot ser
vtccs and Mteranent.
4. W ! -
Mrs. Jennie f. B. Jones, at her
Kosie. (M N. 17th t . Saturday. March
. 3X Services will be held Thursday,.
April . at S p.m. from Clough-Bar-rc
enapeC Rev. Dudley Strain offi
srsatanf. Ritualistic servsce by Wom
w B ReUet Corpa. of which she was
mssinnr. Also a member of First
CThrsstiaes ehurch. Interment in Crty
, y mim:. sntesjr. (
; PaereO . ; ' .
Mrs, Sadl FarreH. employe of Fair
view noane. dwd Monday. April 1. in
t"u euy. Survived by her husband.
P, Far rfl. ; Salem, and a daufrhtcr.
Mrs. Edith Soaen. ! Portland. An-
of services later by the
company. .
lioW-ToJeSa)v.-tea Drops
v XUas aoftabad' sswUiona .sse
; . 1. m 0m i m siuS
Mews HBo2ffs
" Supplementary articles of In
corporation of the Oregon War
Chest filed with the Marion county
clerk Monday changed the name
to Oregorl Chest and set the an
nual meeting date oh the firt
Tuesday following the first Mori
day in April beginning April
1947. The articles were- filed by
President George W. Peavy, Sec
retary Charles A. Sprague and
Director J. J. Gard.
Discharge service lapel buttons
now available at Brown's Jewel
ers and opticians. Bring discharge
Two Sjlem drivers who police
said raced' their cars down 17th
street from D "to Roosevelt
streets, ignoring stop signs, were
charged with reckless driving and
posted $25 bail each. They are
Hubert L. Boock, 3395 Niver
rd , and Glenn O. Rickard, route
, Walnut and fruit trees at Doer-
i fter's N'urrv Phnn 91 ITS
A car reported stolen at 6:30
p. m. Monday was recovered by
city police eight minutes after
the report was put on police
radio, by 7 p. m. the owner, E. N.
Moore. Vancouver, Wash., had his
sedan back. It was found in a
downtown parking place a few
blocks from where Moore had
parked It earlier in the day. '
River silt top soli & fill dirt.
Com'l. Sand it Gravel. Ph. 21966
No one was Injured 'when a car
diiven by Dory A. Ward, 2005 N
4th st.. overturned at the Colum-bia-Hazel
avenue Intersection af
ter a collision with a car oper
ated by Carroll L. McDonald,
2490 Hazel ave., Saturday after
noon, police reported.
Wanted, alteration woman. Esther
Foster's, 260 N. High.
Mrs. Werner Brown, 473 Leslie
st., took her infant son home from
Salem General hospital Monday,
and Mrs. Wayne Smith, "route 1,
box 267,Salem, took her baby
daughter home.
Taxi? Capital Cab, phone 6646.
Alec C. Steihka, route 7, Sa
lem, reported to police Monday
night that his wife, Cora, had been
missing .since' she left for down
town Salem Monday morning. No
trace of her could be found, he
"Cyn" Cronise Photographs and
Frames. 1st Nafl Bank BUdg.
Niles Wicker, 1243 Marion at.,
reported to police that a head
light had been taken from his bi
cycle and the bicycle itself re
moved from th 500 block of
State street to the Elsinore. The
ater bike parking place, Sunday
Lut Flower Shoppe. 1276 N. Lib
erty, phone 8392.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Kells re
turned home Monday morning
after an absence of almost a
month, during which time Kells,
Salem YMCA general secretary
attended the international "Y"
conference in Atlantic City.
J-ry Florist, 373 State St.
Alderman A. H. Gill will dis
cuss the city manager plan of gov
ernment for Salem at Wednesday
noon's meeting of the Hollywood
Lions club to be held in the Lions
Wanted: Will pay $6000 cash for
a 2 -bed room home. C. H. San
ders. 231 N. Hiffh. Ph. 5838
An m alleged fictitious check
passer identified by police as Roy
Hamerly of Portland was turned
over hy local police to Portland
authorities after police investi
gated bad check report at the
Metropolitan store Monday.
Taxir Valley Cab. Prompt service.
Phone 8624.
Charles W. La key and Richard
D. Lakey, rt. 1. Goble. were
booked at the Marion county jail
Sunday on a charge of creating a
disturbance. State police made .the
arrest at West Woodburn.
Air tickets. See Kugel. 7694.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs;
Sherman Simon, Independence,
Monday at Salem General hos
pital. .
Desk, like new, dishes, garden
tools, bedroom suite, dresser
lights, piano and doll furniture.
150 N. 13th.
Escape of Christie Bryant, 12,
and David Ben way, 15, from the
Fairview5 home wa reported to
local authorities Saturday.
or from HENRY BLACK aV CO.
29 S. W. lot AVX, PORTLANO, ORE.
Vinee A. Rodakowski, owner &f
Vince'a Electric Co., 157 S. Lib
erty st., leaves today by fir f0r
an extended buying tour through
eastern electric appliance JnanU-
fatturfng industries, i He wU b
gin at Chicago and visit allmajr
electric plants on the east! coast,
and return by way ' of Ksjnosha,
Wis., where he expects to pick lip
a new car. He plans to bej goile
about two weeks. j
Flagstone for sale. Ph. 21754. '"
. i E
Lots of Snow with a heavy w-
A : . - a . a. i . ? a- f '"j:
ier conieni rn-axes irrigation pros
pects favorable for Central Ore
gon farmers this year. This wat
the statement of George Kanoff,
long associated 'with various irri
gation districts of the midstate
who was in Salem Monday. While
here he visited with W. M. (Jack)
Bartlett, now engineer' for lhe
state planning commission1 and
formerly associated with .Kanoff
in midstate Irrigation work.- I
Wedding pictures taken at th
chufch. 820 State. Ph. 6722. I 9
Woodson Slater, announcer for
radio station KSLM, is leaving at
the end of this week for a position
with station KVTN, Coeur d'Alene,
Idaho. He has been with the Sa
lem station since September' 1945
and worked with a -Washington
station before coming here.
Dr. O. L. Scott .chiropractor's of
fice closed until further notice.
The American Veterans Com
mittee Salem chapter received Its
charter from AVC national head
quarters In New York Janice:
Jones, secretary announced Mon
day. The charter is personally
autographed by members of: the
national planning committee in
eluding Oren' Root, jr., Franklii
D. Roosevelt, Jr.. author Michael
Straight and Chairfaan Charles d
For sale: Corner duplex. Entrance
to each apt. on separate sts. 2 blks.
from State-St. Auto heat Hdwd.
floqrs, double garage. Inq. 2096
State St. E. M. Colvin.
George E. Williams, who en
tered a plea of guilty to the charge
of obtaining money by false pre
tenses, was sentenced Monday to
two years in prison by Circuit
Judge m. Page. Williams was
charged with writing a false check
for $13 on the Gervais bank
March 16.
Cecil L. Dill fifed an assumed
business name certificate Monday
with the Marion county clerk for
the Venetian Blind cleaners, 1J55
N. 17th st. A notice of retirement
from the same establishment arid
from the Venetian Blind Laund
ry was filed by Anne C- Amlck.
Lawrence E. ' Spraeker, Mae
Spraeker, Marcel Van Dnesche
and Ruth Van Driesche, all Stan
ton, filed an assumed business
name Monday with the Marian
county clerk for the Stayton Star
theatre. -A notice of retirement
from the theatre was filed by
Lawrence E. Spraeker. I
An assumed business name ftr
the Kozy Auto Court .was filed
Monday with the Marion county
clerk hy E. M. Hunter and Mildred
I. Hunter, 3590 S. Commercial t
Oral Steppe filed a notice of re
tirement from the Beauty Boc
with, the Marion county cleit
Monday. i
Marion county court Monday
granted the Portland Generajl
Electric Co. a permit to install
an electric light and power pole
along the east side of county roar
857 beginning at Market road 2$
north to the junction of, county,
roads 858 and 857.
Alvin Hollin, route 1, reported!
to police that someone had pulled
out the ignition wiring and dis-
tributor cap of his automobile
while it was parked In downtown;
Salem Saturday night. Repairs;
were necessary,- he said.
Discharged from Salem Dea
coness hospital were Mrs. Carl
Skog and baby son, 1267 N. Com
mercial st, Monday, and Mrs.
Walter Musgrave and Infant son,
1233 Edgewater St., West Salem,
Sunday. j V
Deputy Sheriff . James Garvin,
absent from his post because, of
illness, returned to his dernitv
duties Monday. I ,
Mr. and' Mrs. Donald L. Blais-
dell, 1195 Saginaw st., are the
parents of a ton born Monday at
Salem General hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Elliott,
Dallas, are parents of a daughter
bom Monday at Salem General
Mcmulacturo d For Us
Backed by Our Own Nam
Fro Eatimcrte Dial 9221
Idaho Man Marries Girl in England Via 'Phone
" ""'V!'." 'i-jii ii "9,VFM ""
; " i- ' , " : i ... " . ..
X ' ' --
a t t
a, Sail i l.-a- r.m-Jm. ' ' - " I tJCi'
Ex-CpL George ResaJter of Poeatello, Idaho, (left holding telephone)
Steeple, EngUnd, la a 00-inne transatlantic telephone hookup. Listening to the ceremony with Ros
slter arc his brother, James and wife and daughter. Picture of th bride Is by radio from London.
AP Wlrephoto)
IPonlbllfie EHleeniriIl
Dale E. Johnson vs Margaret John
son: Decree of divorce awards custody
or one minor cnna to piaintirr.
Fannie Aldrich vs Herbert W. Alex
ander: Defendant flies answer admit
ting and denying. .
Artie Jean May vs Chester M. May
Decree of divorce restores maiden
name of Paiks to plaintiff.
O. E. Roberts and Frances Roberts
vs Malcenia Smith and others: Decree
quiets plaintiff's tlUe to real property.
William A. Reeves, administrator of
estate of Mary Louise Reeves vs Deena
Hart: Complaint asks for judgment of
S10.476 for the benefit of decedent
whose death Ja allegedly a result of
an auto accident in which defendant
Is alleged to be guilty of careless and
negligent driving. ,
Brenda Wilson vs Benjamin F. Ger
kin and others: Decree quiets plain
tiff's title to reaS property.
Sheldon F. SaCltett vs Karl H. HU1
Retraining Official
fTo Survey Salem
Situation Today
Maj. William H. Burnham.
Washington, D.C., director of the
advisory centers division, .retrain
ing and re-employment adminis
tration, will be in Salem today to
Confer with federal, state and lo
cal officials to find out how the
Retraining and re - employment
administration can be of greater
Assistance to Oregon war veter
ans' of this area during the de
mobilization period.
I Major Burnham comes to Sa
frrn from San Francisco where
imffer conferences will be held
with officials there. He is accom
panied by Maj William P. McCa
hill, RRA field representative.
Special emphasis will be given in
the discussions to ways and
means of developing and ' main
taining a maximum, number of
community advisory centers, or
"one-stop service" centers, where
veterans may go -to obtain infor
mation as to their rights and how
they may obtain them
Myron Maa$, was arrested on
Monday by Deputy Sheriff James
Garvin on a warrant out of Salem
justice court charging leaving, the
scene of an accident. His bail, has
been set at $15(T. He Is allegedly
Involved in an auto accident Sat
urday nighj near Liberty and D
George Edward Davis, who Is
wanted here on a warrant charg
ing obtaining money by false pre
tenses, is being held in Yakima,
Wash., Sheriff Denver Young was
informed Monday.
7:30 P.M.
Tuesday Evening
Rev. and Mrs. George
ojthWeil. Regional. Sec
retaries to the American
Mission jo Leper's.
H Colored Picture
The Healing of M'Vondo'
W& " Kt 1
m . . T ' . . . . . ss -w mm m m
. .
a. .
and others: Affidavit In suppoit of
extension of ttrne to plea filad by
William L. Joaf lin. plaintiff's attorney.
'States that he has received no instruc
tions from his client.
Gordon I.. Sines vs Eileen Zenda
Sines: Suit for divorce charging cruel
and inhuman treatment asks for no
todv of two minor children. Married"
Feb a. 1H2, at Vancouver. Wash.
Otto Me'ers and' Txm Meyers vs
Antoine DeJardin and others: Decree
corrects description to real property.
Grace Stull vs X. A. Stull: Siit for
divorce dtarginf cruelty, asks for cus
tody of two minor children, S23 per
month support money and $50 per
month alimony.
W'illard Roacoe vs C. T. rrrmen:
Defendant files answer admitting and
E. L. Getz vs Harrv Nelson and oth
ers: Plaintiff's serwid motion to strike
allowed and piaimiff given to April
11 to plead 10 answer.
Goldie Bivans vs Robert D. Blvan
Case dismissed' upon motion of plain
tiff. '
Wanda Mae LaBerse vs Raymond O
IBerge: Suit for' divorce charging
cruel and inhuman treatment asks
that plaintiff's maiden name of Wanda
Mae Woolridge be restored Married
Ort. 71. 1844. at I .one view. Wash.
Ellen King vs Velmer King:; Decree
of divorce restores maiden name of
Ellen DaufTherty to plaintiff.
Lawrence V. Lemne vs Norma
Lemite: Decree of divorce approves
property settlement.
Norman S. Powers vs Mina Powers
Decree of divorce awards custody, of
one minor cm id to defendant.
Herman Tasto. estate: final account
of Anna H. Tasto approved.
Ole Ixihnbakken. estate: Oliver Lohn
ba authorized to sell real prop
John Christian Vridricks ISchadewald
estate: Estate apprised af S7450.
Jamesport. Miss., and Helen Douglas
l av lor. 27, home demonstrator. Salem
George W. Johnson. 33.: draftfman
Salem, and Josephine V rend, 33, ste
nographer. Madison. Wis.
R. V. Hasklns. 21. electrician, and'
Barbara Weddle, 19. stenographer, both
Herman Hari. Salem, runninsr red
iigni. fined 12 so.
Robert W. Bourson. route 6. Salem
violation of basic rule, fined S7 50.
Robert R. Funk. 661 Piedmont St.
failure to stop. S3 50 bail.
Raleigh G. Reel. 100 Waldo ave
failure to stop. S2.S0 ball.
Dale Grover, JScio, no driver's .li
cense. SS bail.
Harold V. I .arson. Eugene, violation
of basic lule. $7 50 ball.
John Elmo Walling, route 1, box
252. Salem, driving while Intoxicated
S100 fine. 30 days suspended license
William L. Lind. - Silverton road
speeding through Intersection. S10 bait
Robert I.. Boock. 335 N. River rd.,
rrrklra drivine. S2S bail.
Glenn O. Rickard. route S. box 13SB.
Salem, reckless driving. 25 pail.
.Marie Houck. West Salem, charged
with assault and battery, continued for
plea until April z.
Ted Houck. West Salem, charged
with assault and batterv, continued
for plea until April 2.
Verion George. 260 While si., charged
with rape, waived preliminary examin
ation ana Held to answer to grand
See V asls tsal
tie ffitirs Kin lEiiTirit
I MstSSff;
H. F. MacDonald Dealer
905 First National Bank Bid.
Phone 6350
' t ' i "
lasatr- - sm
marries StelU Fleming (right) of
Kiwanis Clubs
To Convene in
Salem Today
All Kiwanis elub fn divifion
10 are to be represented at the
spring conference of the division
this afternoon and tonight at the
Marion hotel. There will be no
noon luncheon of the organiza
tion, but the 7 p.m. dinner meet
ing will be open not only to mem
bers but to their ladies.
Lt. Gov. Fra'nk B. Bennett of
Salem presides at the conference
which opens at 2 p.m. Arlie YVatkk
er, governor; Steve Johns, district
interclub chairman, and Earl Nott,
past lieutenant governor, and
Clyde Williamson are to lead the
panel clinic discussion from 2 to
2:45 p.m. Art Kirk ham of KOIN
and John Galbralth of the Prtjr
land club arei in charge of the
2:45-3:30 music clinic. Gov. Arlie
G. Walker of McMinnville speaks
of "Kiwanis is 1946'' at 3:30. j
Dean J. .R. Jewell of the schocJ
of education, University of Oregoi
will be speaker at the t dinner
meeting fur which special musi
and other feature numbers have
been arranged.
Now you xan go Greyhound for o
j Cosi of living going Up?, Not Gre hound (arcs . . . they're Jou h! Mow, more
i than ever, a Greyhound trip is a real travel bargain. Convenient local tray el
service at such low, dollar-saving fares can help you keep that famiFy
budget irt line. You'll
fby going Greyhound
Sxxlem to Portland
Salem to Eugeno
'Save on round trip
C. T. Reauey
WUd Life Aid
Cpnset-yation of the wild life
pays dividends. Merle Brown,
president of the Portland chapter
of the Izaac Walton league, tolu
members of the Salem Chamber
of Commerce Monday.
The dividends ate rounts! In
the health of the state's cillieos.
end! to the recreation facilities
which ; tit wjrmds and' wtt lif
provide e.speclally for its young
people. Drown stressed.
The story of the, number of
pheasants taken by home and ut
of state hunters in South Dakota
last year wus told by Brown, a
former member of the tioux
Falls,; South Dakota chapter. iRes
t or at ion and increase -of the game
was the result of activity of; the
Izaae Walton league when birds
were at a low ebb. Brown sajd.
ControJ of water polutiori In'
Oregon streams is one of the itae
club's projects. Others listed by
Bro4n .are opposition to dam
construction on the Rogue land j
Umpquu"-rivers, $ponsorsh of a I'
law to make spotlighting of deer
a felony, and opposition to any !
dam construction across a stream'1
before a full investigation,
i ;
Pi Phis wilt wu
Sell o larsl i i p Cn t i
Pi Beta Phi sororitv on the
Willamette university r a m uus '
Monday, won the st hcflarship tup j
for having a 2.9 grade-point avW- j
age last semester. Presented I by
Panhellemc semi-annually to the
highest ranking living organua- ;
tion on the campus, a temporary
plaque is taking the place of he t
cup until materials are available i
for a new one to be made. I
Also presented yesterday was :
the silver scholarship cup award-
ed by the Interfraternity courtcil-1
to Alpha PU Delta fraternity for )
the highest, grade point average, ;
2.9, among the fraternities on the !
campus. I '
LPL1C2 CilDDsd
save time, save your car, save
on every out-of-town trip.
:: , . ' . - ; - i . . ' .. . .
.15 Salem to Klamath Tails
1.10 Salem to Coos Bay .
Plus 13 federal Ux !
t - " ' - ! i
ttcksts . 10 Rido Book oHars
228 N. High
You lli Congress
Draws Willainelte j
Represenlalies .
Dr. R. Ivan Loiell. head of . the
history department of Willa melle
university, Jan PUtterson Salem,
and Harold Maldf, Portland, wi
represent Willamette at; tire
Northwest Youth iCorigress; which
meets on the Reed college campus
in Portland next Weekend. " '
t The congress,; which - was c-r I
ganurd by tli fkiitUnd- League .
of Women V'Mer aitfReei college,
will. afford oil opKituiiity for tu t
dents and . leaders;, in th."roth ir
west to detnonstrsU their k-tfder-ship
with regaid.: to " jlvoild af- 1
fair. - ; ; : '
Miss Pi4lers.ori is fetiior, and
is nukjonng in xotUrr it IK
university. Maidens a-senior with -a
major in mathematics.'- ' '
(zmm (mm
5uwe sa tMg 55 I . tie full .
draper Vpare. " S.w them fore
Complete. Stock Office
Supplies - . .:
File Felders A G aides -
Staplers Sta pie i V".
Carban Paper . j Typewriter
j. ; Ribbons : .
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