The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 03, 1946, Page 8, Image 8

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Tlx OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon. Sunday Morning. March 3. : 1946
Miss Brown
iWeds Today
At Church
The wedding of Miss Helen
Brown, daughter of Capt. and
Mrs. T. J. Bland, and PFC Carl
Jensen. mui of Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Crowly. will be sol
emnized at the .First Christian
church this afternoon at, 1:30.
cIock. The Rcy. Dudley Strain
will officiate. '
Cat:dleligh!f rs are to be Miss
Virgin i,a GuiterrUii of Albany,
'fmi'Mis. Dick Bahnsen, of Sa
lt m. ,
The biide will be given in
marriage by Captain Bland." She
will ivear a white wedding gown
if handmade embroidered lace
ted net. The fitted bodice is of.
lace and the full skirt of net. A
ruffle of lace is arranged oyer
the hips. The net veil is finger
tip length and held by a ruf fie rf .
ret s'nd orange blossoms. The
bridal bouquet is to be of pink
trd K.hite carnations ancl frees-
I The maid of honor. Miss Na
omi Blown will wear pale blue
taffeta and carry mixed flow
er?; The bridesmaids will Jae
Miss Norma Conklin, in pink
nd Miss Norma Porter in blue.
Esch will carry mixed flowers.
Bet man is to be PFC Otto
Erov.n. Ushers will be Wallace
Taylor and Hugh Gookin.
" Both Mrs. Bland and Mi?.
Crowly. will wear black gowns
wiih mixed flower corsages.
Candlelightcrs and brides
rra.ds will sexve at the eceu
tijn whki will follow the ceic
mony. Mrs. Dayid Blami will
c-ut the take.
For going ;.w?y the bride will
wear a gray gabaicTMie suit and
black accesj-ories.
PFC Jensen has been in the
Ui fk l
A; -.. -".Ayv -
ft fS4jh&hi'L ,
J -vf:
t-v -- : r v t f 1
' , - 11
' ' - - i. 1
Mr. and Mrs. Robert .C. Glass (Doise Ransom) who
were married at the First Presbyterian church on'February
22, The bride, who has been maldng her hprr.e here, is the
daughter cf Mr. and Mrs. James E. Ransom ! of Pay eti,
Idaho, who came for the ceremony. The groom is the son
cf Mr, and Mrs. Carlton Glacs of Portland. For the las!
three years the bride -has-been employed at the Marlon
county .agent's office. Before entering the service the
groom was an announcer, at KSLM. (Jesten-Millfr).
I is T
Oct trained
f.ncr is here
Ccme m md I
army for 15 months, sering in
Europe. He has reenlisted and
will rergain in "the service for
another 15 months. He expects
to be sent, overseas again :on,
and at that time his bride will
return to live with her parents
in Salem.
Mrs. Clara Cooley will open
her home at 598 Gaines st. to
members of the North Salem
WCTU on Thursday afternoon
at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Cooiey is in
charge of the devotions. Mrs.
T. M. Lob del I will talk on
"Things Both Local and Na
tional." . , -
. Mrs. Ernest C. Richards will
open her home at 1240 N. 21st
street" Thursday night to the
Nancy Black Wallace alumnae
club of Pi Beta Phi. Plans will
be made for the rummage sale
to be held this coming weekend.1
Assisting hostesses will be Mrs,
Paul Morse, Mrs. Edward Roth
and Mrs. Donald Dawson.
Shower Given for;
Mrs. Neill "M i
Mrs. Glenn Baillie was a host- ;
ess at the home;f her parents
Friday night honoring Mrs.
Ralph Neill. '
Spring flowers" were -used io K
decorate the rooms. Later In the
evening Mrs. Neill was given a ,
shower. Mrs. Bailjie was assisted
by her sister and mother, Mrs. i
Adam Deibert and Mrs. ' E. M. "
Rulifson. j , i
Present were Miss Lois Rulif- "
ton. Miss Estella Smith, Mrs. '
Clifton Cass, JMrs. Bill Geibel, -Mrs.
John Schmidt Mrs. Nona !
White, Mrs. Orval Cooiey, Mrs. ;
E. W. Cooiey, Mrs Byfon Cooiey,
Mrs. Emmett' Rickard, Mrs.1 El-!
don Kin ton, Mrs. Bob. Prime.i
Mrs. Chester Lee", Mrs, Adam i
Deibert, Mrs. E. M. Rulifson,
Mrs. Glenn Baillie and Mrs. i
Neill. I
Is Today
This i afternoon at 1 o'clock
the Catholic Daughters of Amer
ica, court Capital City, will
gather at the Woman's club to
Initiate 50 young women into
the national organization of
Junior Catholic Daughters.
This group has been organiz
ed through the efforts of Mrs.
J. D. White, local chairman.
Mrs. Walter Brown, state chair- -man
of Junior work, is bringing
the Portland junior court mem
bers to Salem to have charge of
Initiation. A banquet will follow, f
Circle Meetings (
On Wednesday J :
First Presbyterian church cir
cle meetings are slated for Wed
nesday,: March 6. They are as
No. 1, Mrs. T. E. Hill, leader
With Mrs. Paul Hanson. 1645 S.
Commercial st., for 1:15 dessert
No. 2, Mrs. A. A. Rogers, lead
er, with Mrs. Harry Johnson,
529 N. 23rd st., for 1 o'clock cov
ered dish luncheon.
No. 3, M. Claude H. Murphy,
leader, i with Mrs. C. E. Illidge
and Mrs. W. D. Robinson for
1:15 dessert luncheon. Meet at
the church at 1 o'clock for transportation-
No. 4, Mr?. Leo C. Dean, lead
er, with Mrs. E. A. Kenney, 1580
Center st., for 1 o'clock covered
dish luncheon.
No. 5, Mrs. J. M. Glass, leader,
with Mrs. 'Lee Canfield, 1105 S.
High st., at 2 p. m.
No. 8, Mrs. A. F. Marcus, lead
er, with Mrs. O. H. Kent, 555 S.
Liberty st., for 1:15. dessert lun
cheon. No. 7, Mrs. Oscar I. Paulson,
leader, with Mrs. John Harper.
1365 Court ft., for 1:30 dessert
No. 8, Mrs. Mary Mulkcy,
leader, with Mrs. Ralph Shep-
ard, route 1, for 1 o'clock cov
eted luncheon. Cars will meet
at 12:30 at the church.
Starker to Talk
On Heather
Carl Starker cf Portland, well
known authority on gardening,
will be the speaker at the meet
ing on Monday afternoon of the
Salem Garden club. The session
is sef for 2 o'clock in the VMCA
The Salem club has Invited
members "of" other clubs and any
Interested persons to hear the
lecture on hctthers and rock
As seen in Harper's Bazaar
' -
it',., .: t.
'' f ' 1 '
jimmilt mmiJ
' i .in. U '
So woman Jtas -rver expected to le t
hetter a r esse A than . she can he in
a coat or suit hy
Smart Sh6p
115 North Liberty
Invite You Lb Ope n an
A c co u n t
- , L
Chi Omega alumnae, with Mrs.
Frances- Wade. 864 D sheet, 7:30
dessert supper.
SaJrm Daughters of the Ni.Ir,
Manontc Icrinplr. luticticon. 12
p m.
Jon Lee WwOryan Service
guild with Mrs. Herman RrhfuM,
43.S1 t.lHiiy ave., 8 p.m.
Amei ican Legion auxiliary, Sa
lem Woman's club. 8 p m.
United Spanish War V-terari
and auxillarj, VFW hall 8 p.m.
Yomarcn cla, FiMt Method it
Church, wltt Mri, Frank Jame
16U5 State st.,' 1:JS dessert lunch
eon Theatre ArnY group with Mrs.
Maurice Brcnnair, 2533 E. Nob
IMi.. 1 p m.
Central WCTU with Mr Helen
Piescott, 241 S. 15th at., 2 p in.
Ladles of Grand Rrmy of Re
public. VWCA. 2 p.m.
Sunolnne Sewinn club of Hazel
Orren, Mayflower Milk Co., 1:30
p.m. , 1
PEP teachers club, at Uie Blue
birdj, 6 p.m. - -
. First Prehbyterisn church cir
cle meetings,
" Women's, guild ot Flrt Conf re -gational
ciuirch, t p m. covered
dish luncheon, church parlors.
North Salem WCTU with Mri.
Clara Cooli-y. 598 Gaines st. 2 p in.
Nebraska Women
At. Knight's
The Nebraska club met at the
home of Mrs.- Henry Knifcht on
Wednesday, for a no-host lunch
eon. A rummage sale to be held
March 8 was discussed.
Present were Me .damet Io
Dtetihardt, E. N. Dellut, Al
bert Hocvet, O. G. Howard, Hen
ry, Helmhout, Lucille Gardner,
Henry Knight, Leona Johannjott,
('Una McDerby, W. II. Nelson,
Den Randall, D. L. Rankle, Clara
Stirniman, Glen Thompson, I. ura
Tandy, Margaret Willis, KUa
Wurrn, Sam YutejJer, Anna
Trowbridge and Paul "Schwy
noch. Mrs. Dellut will be hostess on
March 27 at her home, 1606
South High st. Mrs. Glen Thomp
son w ill assUt.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur ITiint are
being welcomed home from a
pleasure and business trip to Ls
Angeles, Palm Springs and Karj
Francisco. They were away a
Additional Society Newt
On Page 10
Band Concert Is
Friday, March 8
When the Salem high school
band Iwesentsit annual winter
concert Marches they will play
selections to be prayed In the
state contest In April. The first
section of tt concert will be
given by the contest band and
features the first movement of
the "Unfinished Symphony"' by
Schubert, and thelarch from
the Queen of Sheba by Gounod.
The? e selections are taken
from the national contest list
and are required for class A
The second portion of the pro
gram will feature the lln-piere
band, largest high school band
in the state and one of the lar
gest in the country. The band
was chosen aS the only one to
appear betore the Oregon State
Teachers convention In Portland
and to be used as a demonstra
tion and clinic band.
The program is scheduled for
Friday, March 8, at 8 p. ro. in
the high school music auditor
ium and will be of varied nature.
Lighting effects for "Swannee
Satire" by Bennett are being
worked out by the Stagecraft
guild ofthe school. This number
is a comic travelog showing iheJ
ways "Swannee River'' would
be played In different parts of
the country Luella Olsen Is nar
rator for the novelty number.
v Student directors, selected by
tryout and vote of the band are
Richard Barber, holdover from
last year and Roger Middleton,
Glen Garrett and Ray Walden
ehoj-en in tryouts this week.
Miss Bauman
Bride, Mr. Barnes
U'OODBIRN Margaret1 Kaii-
man, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Leo Bauman, and Eugene
Barne. son of Frank Barnes of
Hubbard were married at Sa
cred Heart church In Gervais
February 20. The Rev. Martin
Doherty officiated.
The bride, who was given in
marriage by her father, wore
dress of white satin faiiorud
with train arid fitted bodice with
long sleeves. Her full length net
veil was edged with lace. She
carrier! sweetpeas and garden
las. Her bridesmaid, Lucille Nib
ler, wore. lace over yellow chill
fon, a juliet cap of yellow ribbon
and tarried a nosegay. Robert
Evans was best man.
A dinner was served at the
parish hall at noon. Mr. and Mrs.
Barnes left that afternoon for a
. wedding trip at the Oregon
beaches. On their return they
will live at Hubbard. For going
away the bride wore a brown
suit, fur coat and brown anes-
; sories. Her corsage was gar-
Mr. and Mrs. Richard OUon
(Flaia Downs) of Chicago art-
receiving congratulations on the
birth of a son on February 25.
Dr. C. A. Downs was in Chicago
with his daughter. The n i.
the Olsons' first child and I)r
Downs' first grandson.
Reflections - of You;
Your greeting cardf re-;
flee! your tcato mirror ;
Tyour Individuality.
Sekciiny a 'HALLMARK i
card horn our card de- tells your friends
you cared enough to send .
Tim t rrrf cri?T
1 rlL. V L-Ji I DLOI,
Now h the time to
. select your Easter
The Commercial
Book Store i
141 X. Cm1. -St. Ph. 4534 ;
Salem, Oregon
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